I. Introduction
I.1. Southern blotting
Southern blotting is a molecular biology technique used to detect and analyze DNA.
Developed by scientist Edward Southern in 1975, this method allows for the
identification of specific DNA fragments within a sample.
Detection of a specific DNA fragment:
Southern blotting allows researchers to determine whether a particular DNA fragment is
present in a sample, such as when testing for mutations or disease-associated genes.
Determination of DNA fragment size:
This technique can provide information about the size of the DNA fragment of interest,
which is useful when identifying the size of a gene, intron, or exon in a complex DNA
Studying gene structure:
Southern blotting helps in analyzing changes in DNA structure, such as mutations,
insertions, or deletions. It can also be used to study gene recombination or changes in
genome organization.
Genetic analysis:
In genetic research, Southern blotting is used to study DNA segments related to
hereditary diseases, identify genes in different species, and examine genetic variations in
I.2. Western bloting
Western blotting is a molecular biology technique used to detect and analyze specific
proteins within a complex sample. This technique is primarily employed in protein
Detection of a specific protein:
Western blotting allows for the identification of whether a target protein is present in the
sample, aiding in the detection of disease-related proteins, such as cancer biomarkers or
other disease markers.
Determination of protein size:
By analyzing the size of the protein, researchers can assess its integrity or detect
variations in the protein, such as mutant forms or isoforms.
Protein quantification:
Western blotting can be used for relative quantification of protein expression levels under
different conditions, such as pre- and post-treatment with a drug, or between different
Studying protein interactions:
When combined with other techniques, Western blotting can help investigate protein-
protein interactions, providing insights into cellular regulatory mechanisms and various
biological processes
II. Principle of operation
2.2. Southern blotting
The principle of southern blotting is similar to the blotting technique involving the
transfer of biomolecules from a membrane to another for detection and identification.
The DNA to be analyzed is digested with restriction enzymes and fractionated by size
by the process of agarose gel electrophoresis.
The DNA strands are denatured by alkaline treatment and are transferred to a nylon
or nitrocellulose membrane by the blotting process.
Hybridization reactions are specific as the probes used bind to target fragments
consisting of complementary sequences.
The probes used are labeled with different components that can be visualized by
different methods depending on the type of probes used.
DNA Extraction: DNA is extracted from cells or tissues (e.g., blood, biopsy tissues).
Various methods can be used to break down the cell and nuclear membranes,
followed by DNA extraction (for example, using chemicals like phenol/chloroform or
commercial DNA extraction kits).
DNA Quality Check: Measure the concentration and purity of DNA using a
spectrophotometer to ensure the sample is sufficiently clean and contains an adequate
amount of DNA.
DNA Digestion with Restriction Enzymes: The extracted DNA is then treated with
restriction enzymes. These enzymes cut the DNA at specific sites, generating DNA
fragments of different lengths depending on the genetic sequence of the sample.
Enzyme Digestion Conditions: The digestion reaction must be carried out under
optimal conditions of temperature and pH to ensure the enzyme functions efficiently.
Agarose Gel Preparation: Dissolve agarose in a buffer solution, then heat it until the
agarose is fully melted. Pour the hot solution into a mold to form the gel. Ethidium
bromide or equivalent stains may be added if the DNA needs to be visualized under
UV light.
Loading DNA Samples into the Gel: The digested DNA is mixed with loading dye
(a dye for easy visualization) and loaded into the wells of the agarose gel.
Electrophoresis Run: The gel is placed in an electrophoresis chamber containing
buffer solution. When voltage is applied, the negatively charged DNA fragments will
migrate towards the positive electrode (anode). Smaller DNA fragments move faster
and thus will be found farther along the gel compared to larger fragments.
Gel Inspection: After the run, the gel can be examined under UV light to observe the
DNA bands if a stain like ethidium bromide is used. This ensures that the DNA has
been properly separated before being transferred onto a membrane.
5) Signal Detection
Radioactive Signal: If the probe is labeled with a radioactive isotope (usually P-32),
the membrane is exposed to X-ray film to detect the signal through autoradiography.
DNA bands bound to the probe will appear as dark bands on the film.
Fluorescent Signal: If the probe is labeled with a fluorescent tag (e.g., biotin,
fluorescein), the signal is detected using a scanner or a fluorescent detection device.
6) Result Analysis
Comparison of DNA Bands: The DNA bands on the membrane are compared to
control samples or a DNA ladder. If there are mutations or changes in the target gene,
the size or position of the bands will differ from those of the non-mutated sample.
Mutation Detection: By comparing the DNA bands, the researcher can determine
whether there are mutations, gene amplifications, or gene rearrangements. This helps
in diagnosing genetic disorders or gene-related diseases.
- Protein Extraction:
The cell lysate should be centrifuged at high speed (typically 10,000-15,000 g for 10-20
minutes at 4°C) to remove cell debris.
The supernatant containing proteins is collected and stored at -80°C if not used
- Protein Quantification:
- Protein Denaturation:
Mix the protein sample with sample loading buffer (Laemmli buffer) containing:
SDS (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate): Denatures proteins by coating them with negative
β-mercaptoethanol or DTT (Dithiothreitol): Breaks disulfide bonds in proteins.
Bromophenol Blue: A tracking dye to monitor the electrophoresis process.
The sample is then heated at 95-100°C for 5 minutes to fully denature the proteins.
- Electrophoresis:
After loading the samples into the wells of the gel, electrophoresis is initiated at 80-
100V in the stacking gel and increased to 120-150V once the samples enter the
resolving gel.
A protein ladder (molecular weight marker) is also loaded into one well to serve as
a reference for determining the size of the proteins after separation.
- Transfer Methods:
- Membrane Blocking
Blocking Solution:
A blocking solution is used to prevent non-specific antibody binding to the
membrane. Common blocking solutions include:
5% skim milk in TBS-T (Tris-buffered saline with 0.1% Tween-20).
1-5% BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) for cases where antibodies are sensitive to
components in milk.
The membrane is incubated in the blocking solution at room temperature for 1 hour
or overnight at 4°C.
4) Antibody Incubation
- Primary Antibody:
The membrane is incubated with a primary antibody specific to the target protein.
The primary antibody can be polyclonal or monoclonal and is typically diluted in the
blocking solution (usually 1:1000 to 1:5000).
Incubation can last 1-2 hours at room temperature or overnight at 4°C.
- Membrane Washing:
After incubating with the primary antibody, the membrane is washed multiple times
with TBS-T to remove any non-specifically bound antibodies.
- Secondary Antibody:
The secondary antibody recognizes and binds to the primary antibody. It is usually
conjugated to enzymes such as HRP (Horseradish Peroxidase) or alkaline
The secondary antibody is typically diluted in the blocking solution (1:2000 to
1:10000) and incubated at room temperature for 1 hour.
- Final Washing:
After incubation with the secondary antibody, the membrane is washed again
thoroughly to remove any unbound secondary antibodies.
5) Signal Detection
- Substrate Preparation:
- Signal Detection:
The emitted light is captured on X-ray film or through a CCD camera system.
For alkaline phosphatase detection methods, substrates like BCIP/NBT produce a
color, and the membrane will display a visible color corresponding to the target
Result Analysis:
Protein bands will appear on the membrane. The sizes of the bands are compared to a
protein ladder to determine the molecular weight of the target protein.
Specialized software can be used to quantify the intensity of the protein bands,
allowing comparison of protein expression levels between different samples.
Important Notes:
IV. Comparison
Sample separation method: separating the molecules through gel electrophoresis.
Southern blotting Western blotting
V. Practice applications
V.1. Southern blotting in genetic research
V.2. Western blotting in medicine and protein research
VI. Conclusion
VI.1. Southern blotting
Multiple similar sequences in the genome can be analyzed with a single
Ideal for detecting gene rearrangements if breakpoints are highly variable
Targets can be scattered over a large genomic region
Still provides results if a novel partner is involved
Very useful for highly complex samples
It is labor-intensive
It is not scalable (only a limited number of samples can be processed
Rarely, variants in restriction enzyme cutting sites can lead to atypical
Requires large amounts of extracted DNA
Process is time-consuming and cannot be accelerated
VI.2. Western blotting
• Sensitive test
• Nice, clean easily interpretable output
• Thousands of commercially available antibodies
• Tests denatured proteins, so changes in functional states can be detected
• Not quick, slightly labor-intensive
• Tissue must be homogenized
VII. References
8. Molecular Biomethods Handbook - 2nd Edition ( Edited by
John M. Walker Professor Emeritus School of Life Sciences
University of Hertfordshire Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK
Ralph Rapley School of Life Sciences University of
Hertfordshire Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK )