Unit 13
Unit 13
Unit 13
13.1 Introduction 13.6 Hybridoma and Monoclonal
13.7 ELISA and Immunodetection
13.2 Northern, Southern, and
Western Blotting 13.8 Summary
Earlier units have introduced you to the basics of biotechnology, emphasizing
various plant tissue culture methods. You have also read about applications of
plant tissue culture, such as micropropagation, androgenesis, gynogenesis,
embryo culture and germplasm conservation. The present unit provides
information about molecular biology and plant biotechnology techniques such
as Southern, Northern, and Western blotting used to identify DNA, RNA and
proteins. In addition, DNA amplification techniques, DNA markers, and
hybridoma technology have been dealt with in detail.
After studying this unit, you would be able to:
Southern Blotting
The gel is laid on a buffer-saturated filter paper placed on a solid support. The
two edges of the gel are immersed in the buffer. A nitrocellulose membrane is
placed on top of the gel, which is then topped with a stack of papers. A weight
of about 1 kg is placed on the top of the stack. The buffer solution is drawn by
the filter paper wick, then through the gel to the nitrocellulose membrane, and
finally through the layer of paper. As the buffer passes through the gel, it
carries single-stranded DNA, which binds to the nitrocellulose membrane. The
sheet is exposed to the probe under conditions favoring hybridization. The set
is left up for several hours or overnight (Fig. 13.1). The paper towels are
discarded, and the nitrocellulose membrane has single-stranded DNA bands
that get blotted onto it. The membrane is baked at 80oC for 2 to 3 h to fix the
DNA permanently on the membrane. The membrane with DNA bands can
hybridize with labelled DNA or RNA probe (32P) (Fig. 13.1). A probe is a
labelled DNA sequence that hybridizes with one or more fragments of the
digested DNA sample after they were separated by gel electrophoresis, thus
revealing a unique blotting pattern characteristic of a specific genotype at a
specific locus. The nitrocellulose sheet containing the bound single-stranded
DNA fragments is placed in a sealed box along with the buffer containing
labelled DNA probe specific for the target DNA sequence. After the
hybridization, the sheet is washed thoroughly to remove unhybridized probes
(unbound DNA). The sheet is viewed using autoradiography or ultraviolet light
depending on the labels used (radioactive or fluorescent). Autoradiographs are
88 obtained by exposing the X-ray film to the hybridized membrane.
Unit 13 MolecularTechniques
Northern blotting
After separation, the RNA is transferred from the gel onto a blotting
membrane. Each RNA molecule retains its position relative to all the other
molecules, a probe, which is a small piece of DNA or RNA with a
complementary sequence to a specific RNA sequence in the sample, is used
to treat the nitrocellulose membrane. It allows the probe to hybridize, or bind,
to a specific RNA fragment on the membrane (Fig.13.2). Next, the probe is
radioactively labelled or using a fluorescent dye (Fig. 13.2). The filter is then 89
Block 4 Biotechnology - Techniques and Applications
placed on a film for autoradiography, and finally, the film will be developed.
The probes can be seen on the autoradiograph if paired with a specific region
of RNA on the filter. The gene gets expressed shows a band that will be visible
in the column containing the tissue or cells only.
The technique of Northern blotting is helpful for the study of gene expression.
The position of bands on the blot provides size RNA. The Northern blot
analysis of RNA samples from different cells or tissues enables researchers to
determine the expression of the gene along with the relative levels of
expression in cells. Hence the technique helps to identify where and when a
specific section of DNA of a known sequence gets transcribed. This technique
also detects gene variants and identifies closely related species.
Western blotting
Towbin and Julian Gordon (Friedrich Miescher Institute) and Theophil
Staehelin (at Hoffmann-La Roche) introduced western blotting in 1979. It is a
rapid and sensitive assay for detecting and characterizing proteins. It is based
on the ability of a specific antibody to bind a given protein or peptide in a
mixture of is used to detect its antigen-specific. It is based on the
immunochromatography principle, in which proteins are separated into
polyacrylamide gel based on their molecular weight. The proteins are
separated using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and then transferred to the
nitrocellulose membrane to which they bind. The proteins are detected using a
specific primary antibody, and secondary enzyme labelled antibody and
substrate. The membrane is used for probing with a specific labelled antibody.
The nitrocellulose membrane is first incubated with a primary antibody to the
protein of interest. The antibody binds to the protein, and an antibody-protein
complex is formed. Next, the nitrocellulose paper is incubated with a
secondary antibody, and it specifically binds to the primary antibody, finally, a
secondary antibody tagged with an enzyme helps detect and visualize the
bound antibody. For enzymatic reaction, the substrate is added, and the
reaction mixture is allowed to incubate. The colored bands can be noted at
sites where the primary antibody-secondary antibody-enzyme complex is
90 formed (Fig.13.3).
Unit 13 MolecularTechniques
If the radiolabelled antibody is used, the signal is detected with the help of
autoradiography. The target protein is marked using a primary and secondary
antibody for visualization. The unbound antibody is washed off, leaving only
the bound antibody to the protein of interest. The bound antibodies are then
detected by developing the film. As the antibodies only bind to the protein of
interest, only one band should be visible. The thickness of the band
corresponds to the amount of protein present. The technique detects proteins
of a particular specificity and determines the size and amount of protein in a
given sample. For example, the western blotting technique is the confirmatory
test for HIV that detects anti-HIV antibodies in the patient's serum and detects
defective proteins.
Match the items in column A with those in Column B.
Column A Column B
The location of the DNA fragments containing specific DNA sequences in the
gel is determined using a labelled probe having complementary sequences.
The DNA fragments that bind these probes show variable lengths from one
person to the other because of a variable number of short tandem repeats
(STR) in the genome. Generally, 13 STR, which is supposed to be
polymorphic, are analyzed. The amount of polymorphism generated is used to
identify the individual or specimens.
DNA is isolated separately from the parent strains, the progeny, i.e. F1 and F2
plants, are used to determine RFLPs with various probes showing
hybridization. DNA is digested with a restriction enzyme, and the product
obtained is subjected to electrophoresis and Southern hybridization using
different probes. Short, single- or low-copy genomic DNA or cDNA clones are
typically used as RFLP probes.
The probes are used to screen different or related species, few species show
polymorphism for several probes. Instead, probes reveal a single band that
shows the difference in mobility in the two parental strains. One probe can
detect a slow-moving band, while the other probe can detect a fast-moving
band. The distance between the two markers can be measured to prepare a
map. This map depicts the relative positions of the chromosome.
We can detect the loci affecting the trait by mapping using RFLP markers.
These markers are specific to a single clone/restriction enzyme combination.
Most RFLP markers are co-dominant (both alleles in the heterozygous sample
will be detected) and highly locus-specific. The RFLP probes are frequently
used in genome mapping and in variation analysis (genotyping, forensics,
paternity tests, genetic disease diagnostics, and many more).
A single primer binds to the genomic DNA at two different sites on opposite
strands of the DNA template (Fig.13.6). If these priming sites are within an
amplifiable distance of each other, a discrete DNA product is produced
through amplification. The polymorphisms between individuals result from
sequence differences in one or both of the primer binding sites. The technique
detects nucleotide sequence polymorphisms in a DNA amplification-based
assay using only a single primer of the nucleotide sequence. Amplification
products are separated by gel electrophoresis and visualized by ethidium
bromide staining under gel documentation system.
SNPs are the genetic markers that represent sites where DNA sequences
differ by a single base. They represent a DNA sequence (a single nucleotide),
abundant in populations, but having a low mutation rate. SNPs give a measure
of the frequency of occurrence of polymorphism at a particular locus, i.e.,
provide an idea about true polymorphism. RFLP or AFLP can detect the
presence of SNPs conducted on PCR products. Methods for SNP detection
require gel-based assays. If SNPs is present at the 3' end of the PCR primer
binding site, it can be detected by the failure of amplification due to a
mismatch between the primer sequence and binding site on the template. The
detection of SNP at the internal position of an amplicon need PCR
amplification followed by a non-gel-based assay (Fig. 13.7). The non-gel-
based SNPs detection assays are based on detecting a mismatch between
the PCR product and oligonucleotides at the internal site as a probe. It helps in
distinguishing the wild and mutant alleles.
a) State whether these statements are ‘True ‘or ‘False’.
The Taq polymerase enzyme, four building blocks of DNA- the nucleotides
(ATP, CTP, GTP, TTP), forward and reverse primer sequence, and DNA
template are required for carrying out the PCR (Fig. 13.9). A heat-stable Taq
polymerase isolated from bacterium Thermus aquaticus that lives in hot
springs at a temperature above 90oC. The PCR technique involves repeated
cycles of DNA synthesis or replication. Each cycle comprises three basic
steps- separating the strands, annealing the primer to the template, and
synthesizing new strands. The product of the first cycle becomes the template
for the next cycle.
The oligonucleotides act as primers to which the nucleotides are added during
the replication steps. The mixture is heated to 90oC, which causes the DNA
strands to separate into two strands. The mixture is then cooled to about 60oC.
It allows the primers to hybridize to the strands of the target DNA. The
temperature is then increased to 72oC to allow the polymerase to add
nucleotides at the 3’ end of the primers. The polymerase extends the primer.
The DNA gets copied, forming new complementary strands. The temperature
is raised once more to separate the newly formed complementary strands
from the original DNA strands; the sample is then cooled to allow the synthetic
primers in the mixture to bind to the target DNA once more. The cycle is
repeated repeatedly, each time doubling the specific region of DNA flanked by
the bound primers. Hundreds of copies of a specific region of DNA can be
generated in a few hours using a thermal cycler that automatically changes the
temperature of the reaction mixture to allow each step in the cycle to take
PCR technique can generate many copies of the specific DNA fragment
before cloning the fragment. Therefore, DNA can be amplified without cloning;
hence the procedure is less time-consuming. In about 25 rounds of PCR, more
than one million copies of DNA are produced. If the target sequence is known,
then the nucleotide sequence of the complementary primers can be specified.
PCR technique has been used in criminal investigations to generate the
quantities of DNA from the dried blood sample from the cloth of the suspect or
even a hair follicle. A highly polymorphic genomic region is selected for
amplification because every individual possesses no similar-sized DNA
fragments. PCR can also be used to study the DNA fragments from preserved
fossil remains. The PCR technique finds its application in forensic science,
medical diagnostics, food analysis, and research studies. 99
Block 4 Biotechnology - Techniques and Applications
a) Answer in one word.
iv) The technique used for the detection and comparing mRNA levels
For the production of monoclonal antibodies, the antigen is injected into the
mouse to cause the proliferation of specific antibody-forming cells. After
several weeks, the spleen is removed and dissociated into single cells. The
antibody-forming lymphocytes are fused with a population of malignant
myeloma cells. It makes the hybrid cells immortal, which show capacity for
limited division. Hybrid cells, i.e. hybridomas, are selected from the non-fused
cells by placing the cells in the medium in which only hybrid cells can survive.
Hybridomas are grown clonally in separate wells. They are individually
screened for the production of antibodies against the antigen studied. Hybrid
cells containing the antibody are then cloned in vitro or in vivo to get
monoclonal antibodies.
Malignant myeloma cells are cancer cells that proliferate in culture and
produce large quantities of antibodies. The antibodies are not formed in
response to an antigen in these cells. Instead, Myeloma cells are formed by
102 the random conversion of normal lymphocytes to a malignant state. They form
Unit 13 MolecularTechniques
antibodies that were produced from the lymphocyte before turning into the
myeloma cells. Milstein and Kohler combined the properties of two types of
cells, i.e. normal antibody-producing lymphocyte cells and the immortal
myeloma cell, to produce hybrid calls called a hybridoma. They grow and
proliferate indefinitely and produce large monoclonal (single-cell) antibodies.
In DAC ELISA, the antigen coating is applied directly to the wells. Diluted
unfractionated antiserum is added. Antibodies or immunoglobulins (Ig) get
attached to the virus antigen can be detected with the help of an enzyme –Ig-
conjugates. In another type of ELISA called PAC-ELISA, the wells are coated
with protein A to which highly diluted unprocessed specific antisera is added.
Test samples and antiserum are added. Finally, the substrate is added to get
the colored reaction. The procedure has been used to detect mycoplasma like
organisms (MLOs) in crude leaf extracts. DAS-LISA has been used for the
quantitative estimation of bacterial populations. ELISA has been used for the
detection of aflatoxins in the seed samples. 103
Block 4 Biotechnology - Techniques and Applications
The ELISA technique is used widely to detect the antigens, antibodies in the
blood, pregnancy, hormone levels, and adulterants in food. In addition, ELISA
diagnostic kits have been created to detect various diseases. It has also been
used to detect mycorrhizal fungi and gibberellins through the use of
monoclonal antibodies.
i) Hybridoma
iii) Primer
iv) Probe
• DNA, RNA and protein fragments can be separated by gel
electrophoresis. The bands obtained after separation can be hybridized
using a labelled probe. The bands are transferred on the nitrocellulose
membrane. "Blotting" describes the process of transferring bands to a
membrane and then detecting their presence using a probe. The
technique in which DNA bands are blotted is called Southern blotting.
The transfer of RNA bands is called Northern blotting. The transfer of
protein bands is done by the technique called Western blotting. Southern
blot hybridization helps in the detection of specific DNA fragments. In
contrast, Northern blotting helps characterize one or more specific
mRNA transcripts in a sample of total RNA. Western blotting is used for
the detection of proteins of particular specificity.
v) Reverse transcriptase
c) Primer- Primers are single strands of DNA used for initiating the
synthesis of DNA. These sequences are about 20 to 30 bases in
Terminal Questions
1. Refer to Section 13.2.
Fig. 13.8 : Source: