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Journal of Media Studies

Vol. 30(1): February2015 14-33

© 2010 ICS Publications

A Study on impact of ‘ChotaBheem’ on children’s social behavior

C. Jansher
Today children view hundreds of animation characters with different
assigned behaviors in cartoon programs. Children’s television
programs today are not only source of entertainment but also source
of learning for our children. This study analyzes the content of
popular Indian cartoon – ChotaBheem. The main focus is to examine
the impact of ChotaBheem on children’s social behavior through
content analysis and participatory observation method. It also
analyzes the impact of animated characters on the product liking &
preferences of children and on perceptions of parents. Study
concludes that cartoon series ChotaBheem influences the children’s
social behavior and product preferences.
Keywords: Academic research, Content Analysis, Social behavior,


Cartoons are considered one of the best ways of entertainment and

amusement for children. Children spend most of their leisure time
watching cartoons. The virtual cartoon characters try to make the
children happy in multiple ways such as telling different stories,
attractive wardrobe, action, language etc. Television brings their
dream world to the magic screen.

Establishing a bond with children by telling stories is a

practice that spans over centuries. Even today, when we hear the
words "Once up on a time", we can recall the same words said by our
grandparents or parents to us. Through narration moral stories, we
could cultivate positive values in children. Today, television also has

C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem

taken an active role in teaching many things to children such as how

to or how not to deal with others, solve personal problems, make
friends and make simple decisions skills etc., In the present scenario,
watching television is not only an entertainment; rather it reflects the
socio-cultural phenomenon of the society.

‘ChotaBheem’ is a cartoon aired on POGO channel.

ChotaBheem is a popular cartoon character nowadays among the
Indian kids. ChotaBheem is a phenomenon for the children of today.
Some look at him as a role model. 'Bheem, Bheem, Bheem...
ChotaBheem' is a song that is famous among Indian children’s.
Bheem is an Indian mythological character. He is one of the 5
Pandavas of the epic Mahabharata. However, the cartoon character
ChotaBheem has no resemblance with the old mythological character
Bheem except his strength. ChotaBheem knows how to respect elders,
he always encourages his friends and he is a brave boy, who is never
afraid of any bad situation. This study will try to explore impact of
ChotaBheem on children’s behavior.

Review of Literature
Gokcearslan (2010) studied the Effect of Cartoon Movies on
Children's Gender Development. He argued that Funny cartoon films
have the necessary resources to tap into the educational aspect.
(Stutts&Hunnicutt, 1987) suggests focusing on children of two to
seven years of age. The reason is that during this period they become
increasingly susceptible to influence by images and symbolic
processes, including those from advertising, and begin to make
judgments about the various products they might use in the future.

Journal of Media Studies30(1)

Recognition of select cartoon trade characters tends to

increase with the age of the child. The level of recognition and
favorable attitude towards the product were positively associated
with age (Richard Mizersk 1995). Parents often find it difficult to deny
their children food that is endorsed by their favorite cartoon
characters or celebrities on television (Solomon 1996).
Television has the control on children’s metacognitive,
shared, expressive and other behaviors (Mares & Woodard, 2001).
Children show more interest in watching television programs which
consist of several child characters (Schmitt, Anderson & Collins,
1999). Kannan (2014) studies about the depiction of Indian cultural
values in the popular cartoon program ‘ChotaBheem’.
According to Bennett (1995) children must hear moral stories
in order to develop good values and moral literacy. Believers of
conventional character education state that listening to moral stories
in one of the important aspect of moral education. A child acquires
the idea about how vital it is to “live” with a good quality and getting
a better comprehension of the moral life by reading or listening to a
moral story (Narvaez, 2002). Advertising can influence how children
view and obtain appropriate models for the adult world, including
concepts of appropriate products to use now and in the future (Belk,
Mayer, and Driscoll 1984).
From the review of literature it is obvious that cartoon
characters have a considerable effect on children. However studies
related to impact of cartoons on social behavior of children are
minimal. The purpose of this study is to provide much more specific
way of looking at the content of children’s most favorite cartoon

C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem

television program - ChotaBheem. The researcher has focused this

study on the impact of ‘ChotaBheem’ on kid’s social behavior.

Research Questions
 Does the ChotaBheem program teach moral values to
 What kind of stories does ChotaBheem program tell?
 How ChotaBheem influences the product liking and
preferences of children?
 Are heavy viewers of this cartoon more aggressive than low
 Do children prefer ChotaBheem than physical activities?

Aims and Objectives

 To investigate whether pictures of ‘ChotaBheem’ characters
on products influences young children’s product preferences.
 To provide much more specific way of looking at the content
of children’s most favorite cartoon television program -
ChotaBheem, to determine the degree and specification of
moral values in a story to children.
 To explore the impact of ‘ChotaBheem’ on the daily basis
activities of children.
 To check the level of aggression in the children after
watching this cartoon.

Methodology and Sample

A content analysis of some episodes of ChotaBheem, Participatory

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observation of kids and interview with parents and teachers are the
methodologies used in this research project. Content Analysis is
described as the scientific study of content of communication. It is the
study of the content with reference to the meanings, contexts and
intentions contained in messages.
This study will analyze the content of ChotaBheem cartoon
program which is aired on the POGO channel. A content analysis of
selected 25 episodes of the programme from May to August 2015 will
be done. The content analysis methodology will analyse the first two
research questions. The second part of the research uses Participatory
Observation for conducting the study. Participatory observation are
non experimental studies or inquires that are conducted as the
subjects are engaged in the natural course of their lives. Here
researchers study groups by becoming a part of the group. The
participatory observation includes recording behaviors of six children
(three girls and three boys) from age group 8 to 12. The second part
also includes personal interviewing of the parents of children and
school teachers.

Theoretical Perspective

Social learning theory

According to Albert Bandura (1977), social learning theory establishes
the relationship between observation and observers action. Also
observers learn many things by observing what the fiction character
does in the program. Cartoon television programs are designed for
children and are repeatedly implementing social learning theory.

C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem

Through this theory, we acquire, maintain and modify behaviors that

we see others perform. For example, ‘ChotaBheem’, the protagonist is
an honest boy and he is saving friendships forever. So it can influence
children’s learning of problem solving skills and quality of being
honest. This way the concept of social learning is applied.

Labeling theory
It is an extension of social learning theory and also known as social
reaction theory. According to Howard Becker, Labeling theory
involves how learning can occur by attaching or imposing labels,
titles and attributes (real or unreal) to others. Labeling theory is used
in this study to learn how popular cartoon programmeChotaBheem
affects children’s social behavior.

Cultivation theory

According to George Gerbner "the primary proposition of cultivation

theory states that the more time people spend living in the television
world, the more likely they are to believe social reality portrayed on
television". Television cultivates from childhood the very
predispositions and preferences that used and acquired from primary
sources. The repetitive pattern of television's mass-produced
messages and images forms the mainstream of a common symbolic
environment. Cultivation (ChotaBheem) leaves children a
misperception of what is true in our world.
By using the above mentioned three theories, research
explores the question of observational learning of children through
watching cartoons.

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Findings and Analysis

Part 1 – Content Analysis

The overall ChotaBheem programs are based on short stories or on

short incidents which are held in and around Dholakpur. The
program, which describes the feats of ChotaBheem and his team of
friends, is an original co-production between Turner International
India and Hyderabad-based Green Gold studios. Fresh episodes are
telecast in the prime time zone that is every day evening 6 p.m. The
first part of research is carried out by analyzing 25 different episodes
of ChotaBheem. The first part uses Content analysis methodology.
We have listened to stories from our parents and
grandparents. Those stories had a moral message at the end. At the
same time, the concept and the characters in those stories were real
and it could be adapted from the real life situations. Today, the
content in the children's television's program are turned into a
commercial. But ChotaBheem runs successfully because of the name
of the character and portrayal of his behavior, proving team spirit
throughout the program. On the other hand, fewer children in
ChotaBheem program are portrayed as negative characters and
having negative values such as telling lies, possessiveness, bullying
others, and gender bias. But at the end of the story, characters who
have moral values win over the negative characters. The ways
followed by the protagonist to defeat evil characters and to prove
justice is a highly notable factor. The stories of ChotaBheem series
replicate the old system of governance and also the artifacts used by

C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem

the characters in the programs are not applicable to the contemporary

period. But the values shown in those programs could be applied to
the present situation.
The title song of ChotaBheem consists of more than 50
consecutive shots and among those 15 shots deal with good behavior
such as helping others, taking responsibilities, protecting people,
friends and animals etc. Visuals of title song contain 70% of positive
values such as kindness to people and animals, showing
responsibility, being generous, tolerance and unity; remaining part
consists of negative values such as fighting with people or animals,
showing eating too many laddoos, bullying others and gender
discrimination. The lyrics of the title song also give importance to
positive values and it doesn’t include any harsh or rude words.
The main character “Bheem” and his friends are portrayed as
good children and they follow moral values in their day to day life. In
all the episodes of ChotaBheem program, the values such as kindness
to others, responsibility, caring, veneration to elders, generosity,
helping tendency, giving equal importance to other gender,
protecting people and hospitality are emphasized. These values have
been considered as positive values.
Bheem’s portrayal as an obedient child gives a positive
message to young minds of our country. Bheem is portrayed as very
kind hearted that he even forgives his enemies. He never wishes for
revenge and he is not a hyper violent super hero. These values give a
very good positive message to the kids. He solves every mystery and
problem in a calm and composed manner. He is very kind to
everyone and is liked by everyone in Dholakpur village.

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Though Bheem has always been portrayed as a good person

generally, in one episode Bheem is shown as stealing laddoos. Later
on, his action is justified by stating that he was hungry. At the end of
the story, he threw a huge rock to stop a flowing volcano. The
impractical situations and behaviors signify only fantasizing the
spectators. In such a way, one day Bheem safeguard his people and
friends from raging bull in Dholakpur. A nine year old boy who is
assumed to be brave and mightiest in character is always portrayed to
fight with animals and people who are bad in character in order to
prove his power and strength. Out of the 25 selected episodes, there
are three episodes which contain no significant moral values at the
The overall analysis of ChotaBheem program shows that 90
percent of episodes teach moral values to children. Relatively positive
values dominated the negative values. This signifies that the
portrayal of the characters in the ChotaBheem and the way they
taught stories help the viewers to develop moral values. There is a
significant diff erence in showing positive values and negative values
in the program. Positive values are emphasized in this cartoon.
The result of content analysis shows that ChotaBheem
programme gives more importance to moral values than negative
values. The presence of negative values is very less in ChotaBheem.
The kinds of stories discussed in ChotaBheem are related to kindness,
love, caring, friendship and unity. Although some episodes have
negative characters, the positive characters will win over the negative
characters by the end by putting forward some moral values like
integrity, respect, honesty and compassion.

C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem

Part 2 – Participatory observation and Interview

Second part of the research is done on the basis of a participatory

observation and interview. Behaviors of six children (three girls and
three boys) are recorded for the participatory approach. A personal
interview of kid’s parents and teachers has been conducted to know
more about kid’s behaviors. Television is the major source of
advertisement and information for kids. Cartoon channels like Kochu
TV, Pogo and Cartoon Network are the favourite choice for kids.

Favourite character
The major characters in ‘ChotaBheem’ are Bheem, Kaalia, Raju,
Chutki, Indumathi, Dholu, Bholu and Maharaj. The most liked
character by kids is Bheem followed by Chutki and Raju. The least
liked character for them is Kaalia. Kalia, owing to his characteristics
of being fatty and lazy, scored the least, while Bheem was liked the
most due to his kindness, naughtiness and strong characteristic traits.
All the six kids have liked the character design of Bheem,
while five kids have not liked the design of Kaalia. The top common
reasons for liking a character were, having a ‘funny look’, ‘strength’,
‘mischievous’ and ‘naughty look’, ‘cute eyes’ followed by ‘looks
smart’ while the reasons for not liking were ‘fatty look’ and
‘aggressive nature’. In the case of Kaalia, the top common reason for
not liking him was because of ‘fat’, having bald hair followed by his
dressing style. These reflect the character associations and the
preference for certain traits over others which could help to
determine the popularity of a character. All the kids were also found

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to be more fascinated by the mystical nature and appearance of the

old witch in an episode.

Influence of ChotaBheem on the product liking and preferences of

Cartoon characters associated with brands have a great influence in
making the brand attractive to kids. Brand promotion strategies
involving prominent cartoon characters can create wonders for
brands. Cartoon character association with brands leads to strong
preference for the brand.
Next thing that was analyzed was the influence of pictures of
ChotaBheem characters, which appear on the products like toys, food
items, school stationary items etc. on children’s product preferences.
For fulfilling this purpose, fruit drinks with mix fruit flavor were
selected. Now out of 6 children, 3 children were exposed to fruit
drink containing the picture of ChotaBheem. It was asked to each
child asked “How much did you like this fruit drink?” The responses
were noted down on the basis of a 5 star scale. The other 3 children
were exposed to similar type of fruit drink whose package had no
picture of ChotaBheem on it. Again the responses were noted down
using a 5 star scale. In each case the children rated the products just
on the basis of visual imaginary of fruit drink packages and they did
not taste the fruit drinks at all. The analysis showed that young
children preferred those fruit drinks whose packages contained the
pictures of ChotaBheem. Thus, this showed that cartoon characters
had significant influence on children’s product preferences especially
for beverages like fruit drinks.

C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem

Next thing that was asked to children was that whether they
would think of buying this product next time when they visit to the
market. In case of fruit drinks with pictures of ChotaBheem on the
package, all three children replied that they would definitely buy
these fruit drink when they will go to the market next time. In case of
fruit drinks without pictures of ChotaBheem on the package, only one
child replied that he would like to buy this fruit drink when he would
go to the market next time. Finally among the children who agreed to
buy these specific fruit drinks, it was asked to them that how they
would buy this product. To this 4 children replied that they would go
to the store with their parents and would buy this product. One child
replied that he alone would go to store for buying these biscuit and
another child replied that she would request to her parents to bring
the desired product.
Then it was asked to parents of the sample children to
describe the behavior that child exhibits for buying his / her desired
food item with picture of ChotaBheem characters. Two parents
replied that the child starts pleading over and over for buying the
desired product. Another two parents replied that their child starts to
count and pronounciate the names of his/ her friends/ siblings who
had bought the same product and there by starts making the requests
for the same. The other two parents said that their child starts listing
the benefits of the product and thereby makes requests for the same.
All the parents opined that their child starts crying for buying the
desired food item.
After determining the child’s behavior parents were asked
that how do they respond to their child’s purchase request for food

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item. To this three of the parents replied that they usually allow their
child to buy the desired food item. Two parents said that they stop
the child from buying the food item by saying that it would be
unhealthy or costly. One parent said that they would say straight
forward no to their child’s purchase request and they would promise
the child to buy the food item another day. All parents had opined
that they usually suggest alternative item in response to their child’s
request. Next question that was asked parents was that why do they
allow their child to buy the desired food item. To this four of the
parents said they satisfy their child’s request so as to make him /her
happy and the other two parents said that they satisfy their child’s
request for food item so as to stop him/ her from becoming angry.
The kid’s also says that they prefer ChotaBheem school bags
and other stationary items. All the six children are very font of
ChotaBheem toys. All these kids are having a good collection of
ChotaBheem toys. The findings suggest that both boys and girls are
very font of Bheem and his friends.
The findings suggest that children get significantly
influenced by pictures of ChotaBheem on package of fruit drinks and
other products. This suggests that ChotaBheem is an influential
character for children. So one can make use of this cartoon character
for selling products other than fruit drinks. The influence could be
very high in case of food items, toys, dresses and school stationary
Behavioral change in children
The children are the most important faction of the society which is
being affected by the television contents and cartoons. Children like

C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem

dresses and accessories/ belongings of their favorite cartoon

characters. Due to their tender minds, most of the children try to
imitate the actions performed by different characters. Violence is also
an integral part of even those cartoons which are comedic in their
genre. Even in comedic cartoons, characters fight with each other
which are liked by the kids.
Four children (sample) watch TV more than 2 hours on daily
basis while others watch less. This figure prominently indicates that
children watch cartoons at least one hour daily. They consider
cartoon as the major source of entertainment followed by music and
Due to repeat telecast on POGO channel, the kids are getting
addicted to ChotaBheem. During breakfast, after coming back from
school, during lunch, in the evening, during dinner – all the time on
the television, POGO channel comes only with ChotaBheem stories.
Such continuous television exposure also affects the play time of the
kids. They find ChotaBheem more interesting than playing and
physical activities. As a result, the kids are lacking adequate body
movements, which they require to build up their body and mind.
One parent opined that they can’t even watch the latest news and
other programmes on television due to ChotaBheem, as it is
telecasted all the time throughout the day. Children prefer cartoons
over picnic and outdoor games. They are happier with
ChotaBheemand other cartoons. These kids are not even ready to go
for an outing during the evening on a holiday because they don’t
want to miss an episode of ChotaBheem.
The result of the participant observation shows that children

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behavior gets changed after watching ChotaBheem. All participant

parents agreed that their children’s behavior changed after watching
this cartoon. They show aggressive behavior during conflict and use
the same techniques which they observed in the cartoon. Most of the
animation characters show a great skill of fighting, in which most of
the students would learn and imitate from their observation through
those programme. The most likely aggressive reaction the kids would
do was hitting, attacking, kicking, or hurting other people. From the
words of kid’s parents, it is clear that these kids have learnt different
forms of violence from this cartoon show. Too much fight with the
evil powers and wild animals brings the kids to the world of violence
and they start applying these on their friends and other family
members. A primary school teacher when asked about children’s
behaviors regarding violence and physical actions, she commented
that some students are always picking up fights in the class, one of
the reasons behind this aggressive behaviour could be that they are
way too much influenced by cartoons like ChotaBheem or other
programmes which parents without any concern let them watch in
excess. Another teacher commented that kids are learning many good
things from this cartoon.
All the kids of target sample were willing to share the unique
experience and information about watching ChotaBheem. This
demonstrates the high level of enthusiasm with regard to the content
experience. This insight also depicts the high possibility of ‘word of
mouth’ publicity generation regarding the cartoon and its characters,
which can attract additional audiences to watch the movie.
The ChotaBheem had also affected the eating habit of

C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem

children. Kids love eating laddoo, which has no good nutritional

count. Laddoo is the favourite food of ChotaBheem and he gains
energy from this sweet. Kids said that they prefer to have laddoo
everyday to be as powerful as Bheem. So, in a way the eating habits
of many kids are also affected by this cartoon series. Bheem’s eating
habits are definitely not a path for kids to imbibe. There were cartoon
characters like Popeye – the Sailor man, who encouraged kids to eat
spinach. Eating spinach is completely legit on the health index. A
school teacher commented that it’s better if ChotaBheem encourages
children to eat something like banana, carrot, apple etc.
The evil powers and few kids in this cartoon use rude words
or phrases which the kids find very different from their day to day
conversation and memorize them very fast. Parents said that their
kids started using phrases like ‘I will kill you’, ‘I will not spare you’,
and ‘You fool’ after continuous watching of ChotaBheem. But the
children did not know the actual meaning of those phrases and they
are unknowingly using such phrases in their conversation. The
parents believe that this may affect the good manner that the kids
learn in the school. One kid argued that he doesn’t want to go to
school and learn, because ChotaBheem is not going to school and he
is brilliant enough. It is important to note that the boys perceived
more change in their behavior on viewing ChotaBheem.
It is observed that children’s behavior is changed after
watching ChotaBheem. These children pay more attention to
ChotaBheem cartoon’s whole story or specific character and this craze
affect their behavior.

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Limitations and Scope of future research

In every research there are some limitations for the researcher
because it is very difficult for researcher to conduct an ideal research.
The study was primarily limited by its small sample size. The sample
size could have been expanded by including more number of
children. Limitation in terms of participatory observation is restricted
to six children from 8 – 12 age groups. The participants represented a
narrow range of age group. A larger sample with more diversity will
give better results. In this study researcher only take one cartoon for
the study. Future research can include more cartoons for better
understanding of children’s behaviors.
The kids are inclined to cartoon programmes, as they find the
characters like them in front of their eyes, doing funny activities. So
they get very easily fascinated by these characters and start imitating
them. The result of this study indicates that children are highly
influenced by the cartoons series – ChotaBheem. Because they more
pay attention and time to watch this cartoons instead of other
activities. When children focus more on the cartoon series it means
that they are learning a lot of things from cartoons. In fact, the
analysis shows that majority of children have some behavioral change
affected through cartoons.
The Kids (sample) have a considerably high brand recall and
were found to be brand specific. The kid’s preferences for brands
were in sync with, ‘which’ of their favourite cartoon characters was
associated with the brand. It is however found that the believability
of facts stated by the cartoon character in the advertisement is not

C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem

found true by kids. The kids neither believed that strengths and
powers of the cartoon characters were due to the endorsed brand
Most of the students (sample) spend daily 1 to 3 hours
watching cartoons on television in their leisure time. So it can be said
in view of above mentioned facts that cartoon watching is among the
most favorite hobbies of the children. Cartoons are not only changing
their behavior but it is also changing their language and language is
most important part of any culture. Children use cartoon as source of
entertainment than the other physical activities. As a result they
are becoming fat and unhealthy. This thing is more harmful for
children’s physical health. It is obvious through the study that the
cartoon ‘ChotaBheem’ affects mentally as well as physically on the
grooming children.
The study confirmed that ChotaBheem cartoon program
teaches many things to children. Cartoon tells several positive values.
At the same time there are some contradictions in the way of
portraying Bheem and other characters in the program. Children
ought to be children at the age of nine, though he has more strength
than others; he has been shown as fighting with animals and villains
in order to protect his friends or other people. Children will get the
notion that fighting is the only way of solving the problems. This may
lead children to act aggressively even when they face simple
problems. On the other hand, teaching moral values through telling
stories such as what our parents told us about Thenaliraman stories,
Aesop stories and Panchatantra tales.
India is the first country to teach ahimsa to the entire world.

Journal of Media Studies30(1)

Mahatma Gandhi proved to the world we can reach our goals

through non-violence. Unfortunately ChotaBheem believes only
muscle power. Though ChotaBheem is an indigenous product which
depicts many moral values, it does take children to a fantasy world
where they get strength through eating laddoos; children take up the
role of adults, even over take elders in many ways. Results of content
analysis show that this cartoon gives more importance to values, but
results from the participatory observation shows that children are
highly influenced by this cartoon programme.
To conclude the study, it is analysed that there is a strong
impact of ChotaBheem on kids which can be seen on their life style,
dressing, aggressive and violent behavior and their language.
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