C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem
Review of Literature
Gokcearslan (2010) studied the Effect of Cartoon Movies on
Children's Gender Development. He argued that Funny cartoon films
have the necessary resources to tap into the educational aspect.
(Stutts&Hunnicutt, 1987) suggests focusing on children of two to
seven years of age. The reason is that during this period they become
increasingly susceptible to influence by images and symbolic
processes, including those from advertising, and begin to make
judgments about the various products they might use in the future.
Journal of Media Studies30(1)
C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem
Research Questions
Does the ChotaBheem program teach moral values to
What kind of stories does ChotaBheem program tell?
How ChotaBheem influences the product liking and
preferences of children?
Are heavy viewers of this cartoon more aggressive than low
Do children prefer ChotaBheem than physical activities?
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observation of kids and interview with parents and teachers are the
methodologies used in this research project. Content Analysis is
described as the scientific study of content of communication. It is the
study of the content with reference to the meanings, contexts and
intentions contained in messages.
This study will analyze the content of ChotaBheem cartoon
program which is aired on the POGO channel. A content analysis of
selected 25 episodes of the programme from May to August 2015 will
be done. The content analysis methodology will analyse the first two
research questions. The second part of the research uses Participatory
Observation for conducting the study. Participatory observation are
non experimental studies or inquires that are conducted as the
subjects are engaged in the natural course of their lives. Here
researchers study groups by becoming a part of the group. The
participatory observation includes recording behaviors of six children
(three girls and three boys) from age group 8 to 12. The second part
also includes personal interviewing of the parents of children and
school teachers.
Theoretical Perspective
C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem
Labeling theory
It is an extension of social learning theory and also known as social
reaction theory. According to Howard Becker, Labeling theory
involves how learning can occur by attaching or imposing labels,
titles and attributes (real or unreal) to others. Labeling theory is used
in this study to learn how popular cartoon programmeChotaBheem
affects children’s social behavior.
Cultivation theory
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C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem
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C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem
Favourite character
The major characters in ‘ChotaBheem’ are Bheem, Kaalia, Raju,
Chutki, Indumathi, Dholu, Bholu and Maharaj. The most liked
character by kids is Bheem followed by Chutki and Raju. The least
liked character for them is Kaalia. Kalia, owing to his characteristics
of being fatty and lazy, scored the least, while Bheem was liked the
most due to his kindness, naughtiness and strong characteristic traits.
All the six kids have liked the character design of Bheem,
while five kids have not liked the design of Kaalia. The top common
reasons for liking a character were, having a ‘funny look’, ‘strength’,
‘mischievous’ and ‘naughty look’, ‘cute eyes’ followed by ‘looks
smart’ while the reasons for not liking were ‘fatty look’ and
‘aggressive nature’. In the case of Kaalia, the top common reason for
not liking him was because of ‘fat’, having bald hair followed by his
dressing style. These reflect the character associations and the
preference for certain traits over others which could help to
determine the popularity of a character. All the kids were also found
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C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem
Next thing that was asked to children was that whether they
would think of buying this product next time when they visit to the
market. In case of fruit drinks with pictures of ChotaBheem on the
package, all three children replied that they would definitely buy
these fruit drink when they will go to the market next time. In case of
fruit drinks without pictures of ChotaBheem on the package, only one
child replied that he would like to buy this fruit drink when he would
go to the market next time. Finally among the children who agreed to
buy these specific fruit drinks, it was asked to them that how they
would buy this product. To this 4 children replied that they would go
to the store with their parents and would buy this product. One child
replied that he alone would go to store for buying these biscuit and
another child replied that she would request to her parents to bring
the desired product.
Then it was asked to parents of the sample children to
describe the behavior that child exhibits for buying his / her desired
food item with picture of ChotaBheem characters. Two parents
replied that the child starts pleading over and over for buying the
desired product. Another two parents replied that their child starts to
count and pronounciate the names of his/ her friends/ siblings who
had bought the same product and there by starts making the requests
for the same. The other two parents said that their child starts listing
the benefits of the product and thereby makes requests for the same.
All the parents opined that their child starts crying for buying the
desired food item.
After determining the child’s behavior parents were asked
that how do they respond to their child’s purchase request for food
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item. To this three of the parents replied that they usually allow their
child to buy the desired food item. Two parents said that they stop
the child from buying the food item by saying that it would be
unhealthy or costly. One parent said that they would say straight
forward no to their child’s purchase request and they would promise
the child to buy the food item another day. All parents had opined
that they usually suggest alternative item in response to their child’s
request. Next question that was asked parents was that why do they
allow their child to buy the desired food item. To this four of the
parents said they satisfy their child’s request so as to make him /her
happy and the other two parents said that they satisfy their child’s
request for food item so as to stop him/ her from becoming angry.
The kid’s also says that they prefer ChotaBheem school bags
and other stationary items. All the six children are very font of
ChotaBheem toys. All these kids are having a good collection of
ChotaBheem toys. The findings suggest that both boys and girls are
very font of Bheem and his friends.
The findings suggest that children get significantly
influenced by pictures of ChotaBheem on package of fruit drinks and
other products. This suggests that ChotaBheem is an influential
character for children. So one can make use of this cartoon character
for selling products other than fruit drinks. The influence could be
very high in case of food items, toys, dresses and school stationary
Behavioral change in children
The children are the most important faction of the society which is
being affected by the television contents and cartoons. Children like
C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem
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C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem
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C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem
found true by kids. The kids neither believed that strengths and
powers of the cartoon characters were due to the endorsed brand
Most of the students (sample) spend daily 1 to 3 hours
watching cartoons on television in their leisure time. So it can be said
in view of above mentioned facts that cartoon watching is among the
most favorite hobbies of the children. Cartoons are not only changing
their behavior but it is also changing their language and language is
most important part of any culture. Children use cartoon as source of
entertainment than the other physical activities. As a result they
are becoming fat and unhealthy. This thing is more harmful for
children’s physical health. It is obvious through the study that the
cartoon ‘ChotaBheem’ affects mentally as well as physically on the
grooming children.
The study confirmed that ChotaBheem cartoon program
teaches many things to children. Cartoon tells several positive values.
At the same time there are some contradictions in the way of
portraying Bheem and other characters in the program. Children
ought to be children at the age of nine, though he has more strength
than others; he has been shown as fighting with animals and villains
in order to protect his friends or other people. Children will get the
notion that fighting is the only way of solving the problems. This may
lead children to act aggressively even when they face simple
problems. On the other hand, teaching moral values through telling
stories such as what our parents told us about Thenaliraman stories,
Aesop stories and Panchatantra tales.
India is the first country to teach ahimsa to the entire world.
Journal of Media Studies30(1)
C. Jansher Impact of ChotaBheem