International Journal of Research and Review
International Journal of Research and Review
International Journal of Research and Review
The objective of the research is to study the correlation between mother’s perception about influence
of cartoons on child’s behavior and Parenting Style. Cartoons are a good source of education and
knowledge which help children learn the values. But these days, cartoons tend to show a lot of
violence and obscenity. Children are highly influenced by the cartoons series, because they pay more
attention and give more time to cartoons instead of other activities. While this is also crucial factor
that family member gives less time to children therefore they (children) mostly pass time watching
cartoons. For the research, survey questionnaire was used for data collection. This questionnaire
consists of two parts: first part measures Perception of mother about influence of cartoons on child’s
behavior and second part assess mother’s parenting style. Total 140 mothers were taken as sample.
Pearson product moment correlation and t-test were used for data analysis. Result indicates that
mother’s who use responsiveness and control in their parenting style perceives positive effect of
cartoon on child’s behavior while mother’s using neglect in their parenting style perceives negative
effect of cartoon on child’s behavior. There is no significant difference between male child and
female child in terms of perceived influence of cartoon on child’s behavior and mother’s parenting
style. Parent Mediation plays a crucial role in enhancing perceived positive influence of cartoon on
child’s behavior.
commercials or movie previews that are those effects, children may grow up
inappropriate for children to view. But it’s aggressive and eager to engage in violence -
not that cartoons have only negative impacts - unaware that the real world contains far
on children. more consequences than what a TV show
Cartoon depicts.
Irvine (1972) [2] defines cartoon as Role Models Because children identify
“A design drawn on strong paper or large readily with cartoon characters, such
illustration usually related to current affairs characters can be positive role models that
in an amusing fashion or political encourage good moral behavior. Superman,
caricature”. Fetzer (1994) [3] also defines for example, is honest and brave, constantly
cartoon as “An outline drawing or series of standing up for the rights of others. The
drawing that tells a story or expresses characters in the "Toy Story" movies move
message and are sometime classified as heaven and earth for their friends, while
humorous drawings”. Marckwardt (1968) [4] Jimmy Neutron demonstrates the value of
defines cartoon as“A drawing or caricature studying and intelligence.
as in a newspaper or periodical, especially
one intended to affect public opinion as to Health Problems
some matter or person or a comic strip”. Children who spend inordinate
From the definitions, it has been made clear amounts of time in front of the television
that cartoons are outline drawings which are don't always get as much exercise as they
made to inform, educate or entertain the should and thus are more likely to be
public. The expression of cartoons overweight. Furthermore, reports from
embarrasses messages which are related to Bowling Green State University cite a
amusing fashion, political and current detrimental effect on the brains of children
affairs as found in the definition of Fetzer.. who watch too many cartoons, including
Influence of Cartoons on Child’s children developing attention deficit
behavior disorder and, in one infamous case of the
These are the following influence of cartoon "Pokemon" show in Japan, seizures.
on child: Child Literacy
Education Child literacy is one of the main
According to a report titled "The priorities of both federal and private
Effects of Cartoon Characters as Motivators organizations around the world. Literacy
of Preschool Disadvantaged Children," among children holistically involves the
cartoon characters stimulate interpersonal ability to use language for communication
behavior, learning and social growth. and interaction with other people.
Children associate with cartoon characters Communication may be in the form of
more readily than adults in many cases and reading and /or writing. Such capability in
tend to retain the lessons imparted more every individual is important for daily social
readily. If a cartoon character conveys an living, since language is the prime tool for
educational or moral lesson, then it can help an understanding between two minds.
speed up the learning process in children. Studies have shown that literacy influence
an individual's future, because it plays a
Violence major role in an individual's employment
Many cartoons depict scenes of and opportunity for personal and
violence or danger, yet whitewash the professional development through basic and
effects of that violence. For instance, a higher education.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle may beat up a Hapkiewicz & Roden (1971) [5]
bad guy in one scene, only to see that bad found that when 60 second-grade children
guy appear unharmed in the next scene. were randomly assigned to same sex pairs,
Without proper lessons to counterbalance and each pair was randomly assigned to 1 to
of the rules all the time. Authoritarian cartoons on child’s behavior and
parents may use punishments instead of parenting style of the mother.
consequences. Although children who grow To study the effect on child’s gender
up with authoritarian parents tend to follow on Mother’s Perception on the
rules much of the time, they may develop Influence (both Positive and
self-esteem problems. Sometimes children Negative) of Cartoons on child’s
become hostile or aggressive as they may behavior.
focus more on being angry at their parents To study the effect of child’s gender
for the punishment rather than learning how on parenting style of the mother.
to make decisions and solve problems. To study the effect of parents
Authoritative Parenting: Authoritative mediation on perceived influence
parents also have rules that children are (positive and negative) of cartoons
expected to follow, however, they allow on child’s behavior.
some exceptions to the rule. Authoritative
parents tend to use consequences instead of Hypotheses:
punishments. They also use more positive 1. There will be no significant
consequences to reinforce good behaviors correlation between mother’s
and may be more willing than authoritarian perceived influence of the cartoons
parents to use reward systems and praise. on child’s behavior and parenting
Children raised with authoritative discipline style of the mother.
tend to be happy and successful. 2. There will be no significant
Permissive Parenting: Permissive parents difference between male and female
don't offer much discipline. They tend to be child in terms of Mother’s
lenient and may only step in when there is a Perception on the Influence (both
serious problem. There may be few Positive and Negative) of Cartoons
consequences for misbehavior because on child’s behavior.
parents have an attitude of "kids will be 3. There will be no significant
kids." Permissive parents may take on more difference between male and female
of a friend role than a parent role. They may child in terms of parenting style of
encourage their children to talk with them the mother.
about their problems but may not discourage 4. There will be significant difference
a lot of bad behaviors. Kids who grow up between parent’s active mediation
with permissive parents tend to struggle and inactive mediation in terms of
academically. Uninvolved Parenting: perceived influence (positive and
Uninvolved parents tend to be neglectful. negative) of cartoons on child’s
They often do not meet their children’s behavior.
basic needs and may expect children to raise
themselves. Sometimes this is due to a METHOD
parent’s mental health issues or substance Sample
abuse problems. Uninvolved parents tend to Total 140 mothers of school children whose
have little knowledge of what their children age were 6-11 years were taken as sample.
are doing. There tends to be few, if any, Inclusion criteria
rules or expectations. They also exhibit Mothers of Children whose Age
frequent behavior problems and rank low in Group is 6-11 years were included
happiness. Both housewife and working
Objectives mothers were included
The objectives of this research are as Exclusion Criteria
follows: Mothers of children who studied in
To study the correlation between Schools other than English medium
mothers’s perceived influence of were not included in the research.
Table 1 indicates the Correlation between mothers’s perceived influence of the cartoons and parenting style of the mother
Dimensions Perceived Perceived Mother’s control Mother’s responsiveness Mother’s neglect
Positive Negative regarding watching while/ about watching regarding watching
effect effect Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon
Perceived Positive effect 1
Perceived Negative effect 0.100 1
Mother’s control regarding 0.305** 0.038 1
watching Cartoon
Mother’s responsiveness 0.295** -0.084 0.389** 1
while/ about watching
Mother’s neglect regarding 0.084 0.274** -0.173* -0.251** 1
watching Cartoon
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table 1 indicates that there is no =0.305, p>0.01) that means mothers who
significant correlation between positive puts control, or set rules about watching
effect and negative effect of cartoon on cartoons, perceives positive effect of
child’s behavior (r (138) =0.100, p<0.05). cartoon on child’s behavior. There is a
There is a positive significant correlation positive significant correlation between
between perceived Positive effects of perceived Positive effects of cartoon and
cartoon and control of the mother(r (138) responsiveness of the mother(r (138)
=0.295, p>0.01) that means mothers who cartoon and responsiveness of the mother(r
are responsive to their child’s behavior, (138) =0.389, p>0.01) that means mothers
perceives positive effect of cartoon on who are responsive in their parenting style,
child’s behavior. There is no significant also puts control on the child, like setting
correlation between positive effect of rules for watching cartoons. There is a
cartoon on child’s behavior and neglect in negative correlation between control of the
mother’s parenting style(r (138) =0.084 mother regarding watching cartoon and
p<0.05). There is no significant correlation neglect by the mother(r (138) =-0.173,
between negative effect of cartoon on p>0.05) that means that mothers who use
child’s behavior and control in mother’s control in their parenting style do not
parenting style(r (138) =0.038, p<0.05). neglect their child’s behavior. There is a
There is no significant correlation between negative correlation between responsiveness
negative effect of cartoon on child’s of the mother regarding watching cartoon
behavior and responsiveness of the mother(r and neglect by the mother(r (138) =-0.251,
(138) =-0.084, p<0.05). There is a positive p>0.05) that means that mothers who have
significant correlation between perceived responsiveness in their parenting style do
negative effects of cartoon and neglect of not neglect their child’s behavior.
the mother(r (138) =0.274, p>0.01) that
means mothers who use neglect in their To study the effect of child’s gender on
parenting style, perceives negative effect of perceived influence (positive and negative)
cartoon on child’s behavior. There is a of cartoons on child’s behavior, Independent
positive significant correlation between t-test was used and results are shown below:
control of the mother regarding watching
Table 2 indicates effect on child’s gender on Mother’s Perception on the Influence (both Positive and Negative) of Cartoons on Child’s
behavior's behaviors
Dimensions Gender N Mean (SD) t DF Significance
Perceived Positive effect Female 56 32.79 (9.757) 0.673 138 0.502
Male 84 31.70 (9.027)
Perceived Negative effect Female 56 15.43 (6.859) 1.733 138 0.085
Male 84 17.42 (6.509)
Table 3 indicates the effect of child’s gender on parenting style of the mother.
Dimensions Gender N Mean (SD) t DF Significance
Mother’s control regarding watching Cartoon Female 56 35.14 (8.049) 0.284 138 0.777
Male 84 34.74 (8.416)
Mother’s responsiveness while/ about watching Cartoon Female 56 26.16 (5.410) 1.579 138 0.117
Male 84 24.49 (6.579)
Mother’s neglect regarding watching Cartoon Female 56 8.38 (2.982) 1.903 138 0.059
Male 84 9.61 (4.186)
Table 4 indicates effect of parent’s mediation on Mother’s Perception on the Influence (both Positive and Negative) of Cartoons on Child’s
behavior's behaviors
Dimension Parents mediation N Mean (SD) t DF Significance
Perceived Positive effect Active 73 33.15 (8.924) 1.351 138 0.179
Inactive 67 31.03 (9.651)
Perceived Negative effect Active 73 17.82 (7.871) 2.245 138 0.026
Inactive 67 15.31 (4.856)
perceived Positive effects of cartoon and child’s learning and they also use media as
responsiveness of the mother that means aid to learn. All these studies indicate that
mothers who are responsive to their Parents control and responsiveness plays an
children, perceives positive effect of cartoon important role in Perceived positive
on children. There is a positive significant Influence of cartoon on child’s behavior.
correlation between perceived negative The second hypothesis assumes
effects of cartoon and neglect of the mother There will be no significant difference
that means mothers who neglect their between male and female child in terms of
children, perceives negative effect of Mother’s Perception on the Influence (both
cartoon on children. There is a positive Positive and Negative) of Cartoons on
significant correlation between control of child’s behaviors. The Result (Table 2)
the mother regarding watching cartoon and indicates that there is no significant
responsiveness of the mother that means difference between male and female child in
mothers who are responsive to their terms of perceived positive effect of cartoon
children, also puts control on the child, like on children that means there is no difference
setting rules for watching cartoons. There is between male and female child in terms of
a negative correlation between control of the perceived positive effect of cartoon on
mother regarding watching cartoon and children. There is no significant difference
neglect by the mother that means that between male and female child in terms of
mothers who use control in their parenting perceived negative effect of cartoon on
style do not neglect their children. There is a children that means there is no difference
negative correlation between responsiveness between male and female child in terms of
of the mother regarding watching cartoon perceived negative effect of cartoon on
and neglect by the mother that means that children. Thus the null hypothesis is
mothers who have responsiveness in their accepted and thus a male or a female child
parenting style do not neglect their children. is equally influenced from cartoon, although
Hence the null hypothesis is rejected. many TV programs reflecting the daily
Ivrendi and Ozdemir (2009) [12] found their experiences of people includes gender
study that Mothers’ with college degree discrimination which is a social problem.
were more likely to consider that cartoons Gender discrimination is not a problem
support learning compared to mothers’ with which is solely seen in children’s programs.
elementary and high school degrees. It is seen that females are being represented
Mothers with college degree have use weaker compared to males in terms of many
responsiveness and control in their aspects in TV programs viewed by adults. In
parenting style and so they are more able to this study, cartoons among the TV programs
help their child in learning positive behavior for children had been handled. Under their
from cartoons. Similarly, mothers’ with innocent appearance, cartoons, including
above college degree did not think that many wrong messages, had been observed
cartoons divert children from real life while as transferring gender stereotypes, thus the
mothers with elementary and high school content of the cartoon can influence a male
thought so. Taken together, mothers with or a female child in different ways. There is
higher education level had more positive no significant difference between male and
thoughts about cartoons than mothers with female child in terms of Mother’s
lower education level. Onder and Dagal Perception on the Influence (both Positive
(2007) [13] found that parents with higher and Negative) of Cartoons on child’s
education level believed that television is behaviors but Review of literature shows
thought provoking for children. Hence that content of the cartoon can have
education of parents plays an important role different influence male and female child.
in their parenting style. Educated parents The third hypothesis assumes that
perceive cartoons plays an important role in there will be no significant difference
between male and female child in terms of on child’s behavior that means there is no
parenting style of the mother. The result difference between parent’s mediation in
(Table 3) indicates that there is no terms of perceived positive effect of cartoon
significant difference between male and on child’s behavior. There is a significant
female child in terms of mother’s control difference between parent’s mediation in
about watching cartoons that means there is terms of perceived negative effect of
no difference between male and female cartoon on child’s behavior that means there
child in terms of mother’s control about is difference between parent’s mediation in
watching cartoons. There is no significant terms of perceived negative effect of
difference between male and female child in cartoon on child’s behavior. There is a
terms of mother’s responsiveness about significant difference between Child
watching cartoons that means there is no initiated parent’s mediation in terms of
difference between male and female child in perceived positive effect of cartoon on
terms of mother’s responsiveness about child’s behavior that means there is
watching cartoons. There is no significant difference between Child initiated parent’s
difference between male and female child in mediation terms of perceived positive effect
terms of mother’s neglect about watching of cartoon on child’s behavior. There is no
cartoons that means there is no difference significant difference between Child
between male and female child in terms of initiated parent’s mediation in terms of
mother’s neglect about watching cartoons. perceived negative effect of cartoon on
The third hypothesis is accepted. Supporting child’s behavior that means there is no
to which a research suggests that there is no difference between Child’s mediation in
significant difference between male child terms of perceived negative effect of
and female child in term of perceived cartoon on child’s behavior. Nair and
parental style (Roman, Makwakwa & Thomas (2013) [21] found that High parental
Lacante, 2016). [14] However other research mediation exists in the midst of the parents
suggests contradictory to the finding that, which help in protecting the children from
within the family, different relationships imitating any negative behavior from
exist and different interactions occur based television. Thus, it is seen that there is a
on the gender of the child and the gender of high degree of parent-child interaction
the parent (Bohanek et al., 2009; [15] existing when it comes to viewing of
Hastings, Rubin, & DeRose, 2005; [16] Television programs. Rajput (2014) [22]
Lambert & Cashwell, 2004). [17] Boys concluded, the need for parents and children
scored significantly higher than girls for to share viewing experiences assumes
mothers’ authoritarian style. However, girls greater importance than in the past. Nor is
scored significantly higher than boys for simple co-viewing the answer; effective
mothers’ authoritative parenting style. mediation requires parents to discuss the
Distinct gendered parenting occurring program content with the child, perhaps
between a mother and her son and a mother explain ambiguous or disturbing material, or
and her daughter (Bomester, 2012; [18] follow up on concepts from the viewing
Georgiou, 2008; [19] Lipps et al., 2012). [20] session.
The fourth hypothesis assumes that
there will be significant difference between Limitations of Research:
parent’s active mediation and inactive Limitations of the research are as follows:
mediation in terms of perceived influence 1. For this research the number of male
(positive and negative) of cartoons on and female children was not equal.
child’s behavior. The Result (Table 4) 2. The sample collected was restricted
indicates that there is no significant to Baroda and English Medium
difference between parent’s mediation in schools.
terms of perceived positive effect of cartoon 3. The sample size was small (N=140).
How to cite this article: Rajput K, Jain R. Mother’s perception about influence of cartoons on
child’s behaviour and parenting style. International Journal of Research and Review. 2017;