Boat and stream
Boat and stream
Boat and stream
1. Addition of Upstream and Downstream Speed is 11. A boat goes 24 km upstream and 28 km
40kmph. Speed of boat is 700% more than water, find downstream in 6 hrs. It goes 30 km upstream and 21
the spped of water. (IBPS clerk Pre15-Dec-2018) km downstream in 6 hrs and 30 minutes. The speed of
a) 1.3 km/hrb) 2.2 km/hrc) 1.6 km/hrd) 1.5 km/he) None the boat in still water is:
(a) 10 km/h(b) 4 km/h(c) 14 km/h(d) 6 km/h
2. A boatman goes from point A to B against the stream (e) None of these
and comes back to the point A in STILL WATER, While
returning from B he follows semi-circular path from B 12.A man who can swim 48 m/minute in still water.
to A, and takes same time as he takes while going from He swims 200 m against the current and 200 m with
A to B, Find the speed of boat in still water if speed of the current. If the difference between those two times
stream is 2 kmph. is 10 minutes, what is the speed of the current?
a) 3.5 km/hrb) 5.5 km/hrc) 4.4 km/hrd) 2.5 km/he) None (a) 30 m/min(b) 31 m/min(c) 29 m/min(d) 32 m/min
(e) None of these
3. A boat can run 13 km/hr in still water and the speed
of current 4 km/hr. in how many hours the boat will 13.A boat travels upstream from B to A and
covered 68 km down streams? downstream from A to B in 3 h. If the speed of the boat
(1) 2 hours (2) 3 hours (3) 4 hours (4) 5 hours in still water is 9 km/h and the speed of the current is
3 km/h, what distance between A and B?
4.A boat moves with a speed of 11 km per hour ad (a) 6 km(b) 4 km(c) 8 km(d) 12 km(e) None of these
along the stream and 7 km per hour against the
stream. The rate of the stream is ______km/hr. 14.In a stream that is running at 2 km/h, a man goes
a) 1 km/hrb) 1.5 km/hrc) 2 km/hrd) 2.5 km/hre) None 10 km upstream and comes back to the starting point
in 55 minutes. Find the speed of the man in still water.
5. A man rows upstream 11 km ad downstream 26 km (a) 20 km/h(b) 22 km/h(c) 24 km/h(d) 28 km/h(e) None
tak-ing 5 hours each time. The velocity of the current
is _______ km/hr. 15.A boat sails 15 km of a river towards upstream in 5
a) 1 km/hrb) 1.3 km/hrc) 1.5 km/hrd) 2.5 km/hre) None hrs. How long will it take to cover the same distance
downstream, if the speed of current is one-fourth the
6. A boat moves downstream at the rate of 1 km in 6 speed of the boat in still water:
minutes and upstream at the rate of 1 km in 10 (a) 1.8 hrs(b) 3 hrs(c) 4 hrs(d) 5 hrs(e) None of these
minutes. The speed of the current is
a) 2 km/hrb) 1 km/hrc) 1.5 km/hrd) 2.5 km/hre) None 16.A motorboat went the river for 14 km and then up
the river for 9 km. If took a total of 5 hrs the entire
7. The speed of a boat downstream is 15 km/hr and journey. Find the speed of the river flow if the speed of
the speed of the stream is 1.5 km/hr. The speed of the the boat in still water is 5 km/h.
boat upstream is (a) 1 km/h(b) 1.5 km/h(c) 2 km/h(d) 3 km/h(e) None
a) 13.5 km/hrb) 16.5 km/hrc) 12 km/hrd) 8.25 km/hr
e) None of these 17.In a river flowing at 2 km/h, a boat travels 32 km
upstream and then returns downstream to the
8. If a man's rate with the current is 12 km/hr and the starting point. If its speed in still water be 6 km/h, find
rate of current is 1.5 km/hr, then the man's rate the total journey time.
against the current is (a) 16 hrs(b) 12 hrs(c) 14 hrs(d) 15 hrs(e) None of these
a) 9 km/hrb) 6.75 km/hrc) 5.25 km/hrd) 7.5 km/hr
e) None 18. In a stream running at 2 km/h, a motorboat goes 6
km upstream and back again to the starting point in
9. A man rows downstream 32 km and 14 km 33 minutes. Find the speed of the motorboat in still
upstream. If he takes 6 hours to cover each distance, water.
then the Velocity (in km/h) of current is: (1) 22 km/hr(2) 20 km/hr(3) 25 km/hr 4) 18 km/hr
(1) 1/2 (2) 3/2 (3) 2 (4) 5/2
19.A man takes 3 hours 45 minutes to row a boat I5
10. A man can row 40 km upstream and 55 km km downstream of a river and 2 hours 30 minutes to
downstream in 13 hours. Also, he can row 30 km cover a distance of 5 km upstream. Find the speed of
upstream and 44 km downstream in 10 hours. Find the the river current in km/hr.
speed of the man in still water and the speed of the (1) 1 km/hr (2) 2 km/hr (3) 3 km/hr (4) 4 km/hr
(1) 5 (2) 3 (3) 6 (4) 4
20. A man swimming in a stream which flows 1.5 30. A man can row 6 kmph in still water. If the speed of
km/h, finds that in a given time he can swim twice as the current is 2 kmph, it takes 3 hours more in
fast with the stream as he can against it. At what rate upstream than in the downstream for the same
does he swim? distance. The distance is:
(1) 4 km/hr (2) 4.5 km/hr (3) 6 km/hr (4) 7 km/hr (a) 30 km (b) 24 km (c) 20 km (d) 32 km (e) 28 km
21. A motorboat in still water travels at a sped of 36 31. A boat takes 9 hr to travel a distance upstream and
km/h. It goes 56 km upstream in 1 hour 45 minutes. takes 3 hr to travel the same distance downstream. If
The time taken by it to cover the same distance down the speed of the boat in still water is 4 kmph, then
the stream will be: what is the velocity of the stream?
(1) 2 hours 25 minutes (2) 3 hours (a) 4 kmph (b) 3 kmph (c) 6 kmph(d) 2 kmph (e) 8 kmph
(3) 1 hour 24 minutes (4) 2 hours 21 minutes
32. A boat has to travel upstream 20 km distance from
22. A man can row 6 km/h in still water. If the speed point X of a river to point Y. The total time taken by
of the current is 2 km/h, it takes 3 hours more in boat in travelling from point X to Y and Y to X is 41
upstream than in the downstream for the same min 40 s. What is the speed of the boat?
distance. (a) 66 kmph (b) 72 kmph (c) 48 kmph
(1) 30 km (2) 24 km (3) 20 km (4) 32 km (d) Cannot be determined (e) None of these
23.A boat moves downstream at the rate of one km in 33. A steamer goes downstream from one port to
7(1/2) minutes and upstream at the rate of 5 km an another in 4 hr. It covers the same distance upstream
hour. What is the velocity of current? in 5 hr. If the speed of the stream is 2 kmph, then find
a) 1.3 km/hrb) 1.2 km/hrc) 1.6 km/hrd) 1.5 km/he) None the distance between the two ports.
(a) 80 km (b) 60 km (c) 70 km (d) 50 km (e) 75 km
10. A person rows a kilometre down the stream 10
minutes and upstream in 30 minutes. Find velocity of 34. A boat running upstream takes 528 min to cover a
the stream. certain distance, while it takes 240 min to cover the
a) 1 km/hrb) 2 km/hc) 3 km/hrd) 4 km/hre) None same distance running downstream. What is the ratio
between the speed of the boat and speed of the water
24. A man can row three quarters of a km against the current respectively?
stream in 11 minutes 15 seconds ad return in 7 (a) 2 : 1 (b) 3 : 2 (c) 8 : 3 (d) 3 : 8(e) 5 : 9
minutes 30 seconds. Find the speed of the man in still
water and also the speed of the stream 35. A person can row a boat d km upstream and the
a) 5 km/hr, 2 km/hrb) 5 km/hr, 1 km/hr same distance downstream in 5 hours 15 minutes.
c) 6 km/hr, 2 km/hrd) 4 km/hr, 1 km/hr e) None Also, he can row the boat 2d km upstream in 7 hours.
How long will it take to row the same distance 2d km
25. A boat running downstream covers a distance of downstream?
16 km in 2 hours while for covering the same distance (1) 3/2 hours (2) 7 hours (3) 7 (¼) (4) 7/2 hours
upstream, it takes 4 hours. What is the speed of the
boat in still water? 36. A man rows upstream 16 km and downstream 27
(a)4 kmph (b)6 kmph (c)8 kmph(d) 12 kmph(e)10 kmph km talking 5 hours each time . What is the velocity of
a) 2 km/hrb) 2.1 km/hrc) 1.1 km/hrd) 1.4 km/he) None
26. A man’s speed with the current is 15 kmph and the
speed of the current is 2.5 kmph. The man’s speed 37. A boat's man goes 48 km downstream in 8 hours
against the current is:
(a) 8.5 kmph (b) 9 kmph (c) 10 kmph (d) 12.5 kmph ad return back in 12 hours. Find the speed of the boat
(e) 14 kmph in still water and the rate of the stream.
a) 5 km/hr, 1 km/hrb) 10 km/hr, 2 km/hr
27. A man can row at 5 kmph in still water. If the c) 6 km/hr, 1.5 km/hrd) can't be determine e) None
velocity of current is 1 kmph and it takes him 1 hour
to row to a place and come back, how far is the place?
(a) 2.4 km (b) 2.5 km (c) 3 km (d) 3.6 km (e) 4.6 km 38. The total time taken by a boatman to row his boat
upstream and downstream distance of 56 km together
28. A man can row against the current three fourth of is 12 hours. The difference between times taken by
a kilometer in 15 min and returns same distance in 10
min, then ratio of his speed to that of current is: him to row his boat another upstream and
(a) 3 : 5 (b) 5 : 3 (c) 1 : 5 (d) 5 : 1 (e) 4 : 1 downstream distance of 42 km is 3 hours. Find the
speed of boat and stream.
29. If the speed of a swimmer in still water is 9 kmph. (a) 12.5 kmph, 1.5 kmph(b) 11.5 kmph, 2.5 kmph
Find the downstream speed of the swimmer, when the (c) 9.5 kmph, 4.5 kmph(d) 10.5 kmph, 3.5 kmph
river is flowing with the speed of 6 kmph.
(a) 15 kmph (b) 18 kmph (c) 3 kmph (d) 12 kmph (e) None of these
(e) 10 kmph