Electricity 02 00008
Electricity 02 00008
Electricity 02 00008
1 LAPLACE, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INPT, UPS, 31000 Toulouse, France; ladoux@laplace.univ-tlse.fr
2 Electricité de France, Recherche et Développement, EDF R&D, 77250 Moret-sur-Loing, France;
3 ICAM, Site de Toulouse, 31000 Toulouse, France; sanchez@laplace.univ-tlse.fr
* Correspondence: davin.guedon@edf.fr
Abstract: The global development of high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) systems in fields such as
renewable energy sources, interconnection of asynchronous grids or power transmission over great
distances, is unquestionably important. Though widely used, the modular multilevel converter with
half-bridge cells is sensitive to DC pole-to-pole faults and the time-response of the protections is
critical. Reliability and availability are paramount: circuit-breakers must minimize the effects of any
fault on the converter, while ensuring rapid restart. This paper focuses on the modelling aspects
to analyse the behaviour of HVDC stations during DC pole-to-pole faults, using either AC or DC
circuit-breakers, with different parameters. The proposed model can represent the main issues met by
the converter cells during DC faults, such as semiconductor overcurrents and overvoltages, allowing
a proper design of the cells.
Keywords: modular multilevel converter (MMC); simulation; high-voltage direct-current (HVDC);
Citation: Guedon, D.; Ladoux, P.; DC fault
Sanchez, S.; Cornet, S. Simulation
Model to Analyze the Consequences
of DC Faults in MMC-Based HVDC
Stations. Electricity 2021, 2, 124–142. 1. Introduction
https://doi.org/10.3390/electricity High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) has had significant development over the last
2020008 fifty years. After mercury-arc valves, the introduction of the thyristor in 1972 for the Eel
River project confirmed the potential of solid-state valves [1]. Today, powers exceeding
Academic Editor: Sérgio Cruz 5 GW are transmitted through line-commutated converters (LCCs), over distances greater
than 2000 km [2]. Over the last ten years, the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC), based
Received: 20 January 2021 on Voltage-Source Converter (VSC) technology, has become popular for such applications
Accepted: 24 March 2021
leading to lower costs, lower footprint and “black-start” capability. These features are
Published: 12 April 2021
particularly relevant for renewable energy applications: in Germany for instance, grid-
connection of remote offshore windfarms is based on this topology.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
LCCs have relatively high line-impedance as they belong to the family of Current-
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
Source Converters (CSCs), so in the event of a DC fault, the rise of the current is slow
published maps and institutional affil-
enough to allow protection with AC circuit-breakers [3], which typically operate within
70 ms [4,5]. This current limitation is missing with the MMC using half-bridge cells [6], so
DC fault becomes a critical issue. The modular multilevel converter does not have a central
DC bus capacitor but the arm inductors do contribute to fault current limitation [7]. When
a DC fault occurs, the converter turns into an uncontrolled diode-rectifier, requiring the
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
components to withstand high voltage and current stresses, and the purpose of this paper
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
is to investigate modeling methods to properly size the converter and to select the most
This article is an open access article
suitable protection. Based on PLECS, the model aims to predict the potential issues during
distributed under the terms and
DC pole-to-pole faults, by considering the dynamics of the different subsystems.
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
2. Case of Study
2.1. Presentation of the System
A symmetric monopole HVDC link has been selected, shown in Figure 1, a configura-
tion typically used for offshore wind-parks. The total DC link voltage is twice that of the
pole-to-ground voltage, which allows a reduction of the DC link current for a lower voltage
rating of the cables. CIGRE, the Council on Large Electric Systems, works on high-voltage
equipment and offshore systems. Through working groups, generally composed of people
from various transmission system operators (TSOs), it develops recommendations for
the testing and design of such systems and has also developed a generic DC grid-test
system [8]. Each grid is connected to a converter through a delta-wye transformer or wye-
delta transformer, the DC transmission distance is equal to 200 km. Since a symmetric
monopole configuration has no natural connection to the ground, a star-point reactor must
be used [9,10].
~ =
3 3
= ~
AC grid 2
Figure 1. Overview of the symmetric monopole high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) link; Converter
1 operates as a rectifier and Converter 2 operates as an inverter.
T2 D2
v- T1 D1
cluster vla(t) cluster vlb(t) cluster vlc(t)
T2 D2
ila(t) ilc(t)
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Overview of the modular multilevel converter. (a) Modular multilevel converter.
(b) Cluster with half-bridge cells.
Electricity 2021, 2 126
voltage normalized by V DC
0.6 0.5
0.4 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
angle (deg) angle (deg)
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Arm-voltages and arm-currents of MMC with half-bridge cells. (a) Voltages. (b) Currents.
The modular multilevel converter benefits from low di/dt since arm-currents are sinu-
soidal, low dv/dt because of the large number of levels, and a high degree of modularity.
This feature is becoming more and more appreciated in power electronics as it reduces
costs and ensures easier maintenances. The MMC structure is also suitable for a large range
of powers. In the field of HVDC, the number of cells N is typically a few hundred: total
harmonic distortion is so low that filters are no longer required [12]. The main character-
istics of the converter are summarized in Table 1. An active power of 800 MW is typical,
according to recent HVDC-MMC projects [2]. The equivalent cell resistance Rcell represents
the power losses of one cell, mainly due to the conduction losses of the semiconductors.
Total resistance per arm is NRcell .
switching is not visible in the waveforms; the applicable hypotheses are summarized in
Table 2.
Power switches are considered “ideal” in that their change of state is instantaneous,
with no losses. The cell capacitor is assumed perfect, its model could be more complex
for specific needs (self-discharge or aging for instance). The transition from this model
to the averaged model requires low harmonic distortion due to the modulation method:
this condition is utterly fulfilled since beyond a certain number of cells per cluster, filter
requirements are eliminated [29]. Therefore, the series association of cells can be replaced
by a single cell to obtain an averaged model of the cluster, containing:
• An equivalent capacitor;
• A voltage source, controlled by the instantaneous duty-cycle;
• A current source, controlled by the instantaneous duty-cycle.
This simplification is illustrated in Figure 4b. α is the instantaneous duty-cycle,
provided by the inner control loops. It must be noted that output waveforms no longer
depend on the modulation strategy nor the cell balancing method; their influence is
neglected, as detailed in Table 3. On the other hand, converter dynamics remain accurately
modeled, as inner control loops and voltage and power controls are still implemented.
Figure 4c is exactly the same model as presented in Figure 4b but the voltage source and
the current source have been separated and this representation is kept.
T1 D1
T2 D2
ia +
T1 D1
T2 D2
Vc ia +
Vc ia Vc va
T1 D1
Vc va
T2 D2
- -
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4. Models for simulation of MMC in normal operation. (a) Real cluster. (b) Averaged model
of the cluster. (c) Averaged model of the cluster divided into two parts.
Table 3. Comparison between the model with discrete devices and the averaged model.
3.2. Control
To facilitate the implementation of the control strategy, the following transformation
is applied to arm-voltages and arm-currents:
Equation (1) allows a simplification of the MMC equations, leading to the equivalent
circuit of Figure 5 for “diff” components, where i ∈ { a; b; c} designates the phase. It is
worth mentioning that voltage drop due to arm-inductors and semiconductors is negligible
compared to arm inductor voltages and grid voltages.
vdiff,i vsi
A dq0 transformation is relevant for the control of a three-phase MMC, since arm-
voltages and arm-currents contain both zero-sequence and positive-sequence components.
For Figure 5, the following equations are obtained:
didi f f ,d
L dt ( t ) = Lω0 idi f f ,q (t) + vdi f f ,d (t) − vsd (t)
didi f f ,q (2)
L dt (t) = − Lω0 idi f f ,d (t) + vdi f f ,q (t) − vsq (t)
vsd (t) and vsq (t) are the (d, q) components of the grid voltages (vsa (t), vsb (t), vsc (t)) as
defined in Figure 2a. The equivalent circuits of Equation (2) are shown in Figure 6. In can
be observed that the transformation lead to coupled relations between the d and q axes.
L 0idiff,q L 0idiff,d
idiff,d idiff,q
vdiff,d vdiff,q
vsd vsq
Figure 6. Equivalent circuits of the converter in the dq plane, for output-current control.
+ vns,d(t) v*diff,d(t)
i*diff,d(t) + + Kid +
- + -
+ -
+ 1/Tid 1/s
idiff,d(t) L 0
idiff,q(t) L 0
- + vns,q(t) v*diff,q(t)
i*diff,q(t) + + Kid +
+ +
vsq(t) + -
+ 1/Tid 1/s
“Direct voltage control” (DVC), this strategy provides asymptotic stability of the arm-
energies [30,31] while however introducing circulating currents in the converter, because
the total capacitor voltage has a ripple at both grid-frequency f 0 and twice grid-frequency.
Thus, a circulating current suppression controller (CCSC) is implemented [32], as shown
in Figure 8. As the second-order harmonic is the most significant, only this harmonic is
suppressed. The first unwanted harmonic appears at four times the grid frequency, but
its influence is barely visible from a distortion point of view. The approach proposed
by Figure 8 points out that output-current controller and CCSC are decoupled, since the
output-current controller operates along the “diff” components, in the dq0 plane, whereas
CCSC delivers “sum” components in the dq0 plane. Afterwards, reverse transformations
are performed to recover “diff” and “sum” components in the abc plane and finally the six
arm-voltages vu,abc (t) and vl,abc (t).
Circulating v*sum,2d
current dq0
suppression abc
i*sum,2q=0 v*sum,2q v*sum,abc
sum/diff v*u, abc
u/l v*l, abc
* Eq. 1
VDC2 +
- PI -
K v diff,d
i*diff,d Output-current dq0 v*diff, abc
<vDC2> P* i*diff,q controller abc
Q* K
Figure 8. Simplified block diagram of the overall control system.
As illustrated in Figure 1, the two converters are connected through a DC link. In such
a connection, the overall control strategy is for one converter to control the transfer of power
while the other manages the DC bus voltage [9], using the “DC voltage mode control”.
Electricity 2021, 2 131
4. Models for the HVDC Link with MMCs during Faulty Operation
4.1. HVDC Cables
4.1.1. Modelling with pi-Sections
Pi-sections [33] are a basic way to model DC cables. The relation between the number
of pi-sections and the modeling error of the line has been shown to depend on the line’s
resonant frequency [34]. It presents the limits bound to pi-sections which are dedicated
to modeling low-frequency phenomena. These limitations have been confirmed and a
more accurate model, the FD-π model, has been proposed [33]. A comparison with the
real impedance of an HVDC cross-linked polyethylene extruded (XLPE) cable shows
that resonances are damped, while the representation with pi-sections results in sharp
variations at the resonant frequencies. Simulations using pi sections are characterized by
high-frequency ripples which are not realistic, because of the discrete resonant frequencies
of the model.
4.2. Converter
After the blocking of the controlled devices, the MMC has the configuration shown in
Figure 9. It shows that the capacitors cannot be discharged, which is an appreciable feature
of the MMC: there is no discharge of energy in the DC link due to the passive components
of the converter. On the other hand, capacitors can be charged during short durations and
this may lead to significant overvoltages because of the large currents during faults.
The previous averaged model, suitable for normal operation, is no longer valid after
the blocking of the controlled devices. Based on Figure 9, the model after fault detection is
represented in Figure 10a. If the arm-current is positive, only the upper diodes of the cells
conduct and all the cell capacitors are charged whereas if the arm-current is negative, only
the lower diodes conduct and the upper diodes are blocked. Some similarities are observed
between this model and the averaged model of the cluster during normal operation and it
is then possible to combine them to obtain a single model, suitable whatever the mode of
operation is. The final model is presented in Figure 10b. CE is equal to 1 during normal
operation, i.e., the switch is closed to obtain the circuit of Figure 4c. When the controlled
devices are opened CE is equal to 0, i.e., the switch is opened. Furthermore, the expressions
of the capacitor current ic and voltage v0 depend on the mode of operation:
Figure 9. MMC with half-bridge cells after blocking of the controlled devices.
D1 + CE +
va D1 va
Vc iD1 Vc D2
Vc ic v'
- -
(a) (b)
Figure 10. Averaged models for MMC simulation under faulty operation. (a) Averaged model
of the cluster during faulty operation; all controlled devices are blocked. (b) Averaged model for
normal and faulty operation; the switch is closed during normal operation and opened during
faulty operation.
Such a value appears reasonable according to the literature, which provides a wide
choice of fault-current limiters with various criteria [26,38,39].
During normal operation, the current flows through the main current path. This
main current path is generally composed of a low-loss mechanical switch and a power
electronic switch. When a fault is detected, the power-electronic switch opens, which
diverts the current to the commutation path; then the mechanical switch opens to protect
the power-electronic switch against the subsequent transient interruption voltage. The
opening of the commutation path generates the transient interruption voltage, which
triggers the conduction of the metal-oxide varistors. The diversion of the current from the
main path to the commutation path and the opening of the commutation path are modeled
by a pure delay, since it is the internal operation of the circuit-breaker. A delay of 3 ms
[19] is deemed reasonable to represent the breaking-time of the DC circuit-breaker. The
metal-oxide varistors (MOV) can be modeled by a series association of constant voltage
sources and a non-linear resistor thus obtaining a logarithmic approximation of the MOV’s
v-i characteristics. In this study, they are defined by a nominal discharge current of 12 kA
at a lightning impulse protection level of 600 kV.
Table 5 summarizes the numeric values retained for the passive elements. According
to Figure 12, four DC circuit-breakers are used but to avoid interferences in the waveforms,
the tripping of the DC circuit-breakers in the positive poles of the two converters is delayed
by 7 ms for the simulation.
Figure 12. Detailed model of the HVDC link with DC circuit-breakers and notations.
Table 5. Numeric data for the passive elements of the HVDC link.
4.3.2. AC Circuit-Breakers
The AC circuit-breaker is modeled in a simpler way: its response time is very long
compared to its turn-off dynamics. Furthermore, it opens when the current crosses zero.
Thus, a TRIAC controlled by a delayed signal is an accurate representation. A delay of
three grid periods, i.e., 60 ms at f 0 = 50 Hz, is assumed.
5. Results
The system starts at the nominal DC link voltage VDC,nom of 400 kV. Active power is
set to 800 MW, no reactive power is injected. At t0 = 4 s, when a steady-state operation is
reached, the positive and negative poles of Converter 1 operating as a rectifier are short-
circuited, as shown in Figure 12. It should be noted that this is a critical case of study
for Converter 1: DC link current already flows in the direction of the short-circuit, which
increases the maximum fault current.
Table 6. Protection method that triggers for each converter with AC circuit-breakers
Total Duration
Converter Nature of the Protection Duration
with Internal Delays
1 (rectifier) undervoltage 0s 100 µs
2 (inverter) undervoltage 3.38 ms 3.48 ms
Table 7 provides the same information for the DC circuit-breakers. Converter 1 detects
an overcurrent in the DC link before an undervoltage. However, Converter 2 detects an
undervoltage at the same time as in the case of AC circuit-breakers.
Table 7. Protection method that triggers for each converter with DC circuit-breakers
Total Duration
Converter Nature of the Protection Duration
with Internal Delays
1 (rectifier) overcurrent (DC link) 172 µs 272 µs
2 (inverter) undervoltage 3.38 ms 3.48 ms
currents. It explains why a non-zero DC link current remains even after the opening of the
AC circuit-breakers in Figure 13a. The time-constant of this phenomenon is:
L N = 200
τ= = 106 ms, with R = 1.36 mΩ (6)
NRcell cell
L = 29 mH
5 15
0 10
-10 i DCCB i ACCB
sa,1 sa,1
-25 -20
4 4.05 4.1 4 4.05 4.1
time (s) time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 13. DC link current and AC grid currents during DC pole-to-pole fault with AC circuit-
breakers (dotted lines) and DC circuit-breakers (solid lines). (a) DC link current - zoom - green for
Converter 1, red for Converter 2, solid line for DC CBs and dotted line for AC CBs. (b) AC grid
currents is,i (t), i ∈ { a; b; c}, green for phase a, red for phase b and blue for phase c, solid line for DC
CBs and dotted line for AC CBs.
This phase is critical because of its duration, which is another drawback of AC circuit-
breakers: contrary to a converter fitted with DC circuit-breakers, fault-clearance takes
several hundred milliseconds. The arm-currents slowly decrease as seen in Figure 14 and
the energy is dissipated through the inductors’ resistances and the diodes. Figure 13a
also shows that the position of the short-circuit greatly affects fault currents: the DC link
current of the rectifier (Converter 1) quickly rises, while the DC link current of the inverter
(Converter 2) has a smaller rate-of-rise. This is due to the impedance of the DC cable, which
attenuates and delays the effects of the short-circuit since Converter 2 is at D = 200 km of
the short-circuit.
5 5
upper arm current (kA)
0 0
-5 -5
-10 ub,1 -10 lb,1
-15 i ACCB -15 i ACCB
ub,1 lb,1
-20 -20
4 4.05 4.1 4 4.05 4.1
time (s) time (s)
Figure 14. Upper and lower arm-currents during DC pole-to-pole fault with AC circuit-breakers
(dotted lines) and DC circuit-breakers (solid lines); green for phase a, red for phase b and blue for
phase c.
Z +∞
I2t = (i Diode (t))2 dt (7)
t =4 s
As explained in Section 2.3.1, the converter tends to behave like a diode-rectifier after
a DC pole-to-pole fault. As shown in Figure 9, while diodes D1 are blocked, diodes D2
are involved in the fault, thus making surge-current capability an important issue for
these diodes.
Table 8 shows the surge current integrals for diodes D2 in the different arms of
Converter 1 with AC circuit-breakers; the maximum is 8.60 MA2 ·s. This value can be
compared to some high-power diodes proposed by different manufacturers, presented in
Table 9. It appears that individual press-pack diodes have higher surge current integrals;
hybrid IGBT or IEGT packages do not withstand the required surge current integrals. It
explains some technological choices made by manufacturers:
• Siemens uses a press-pack thyristor to bypass the diodes D2 during faulty operation [40];
• RXPE considers the use of press-pack diodes to withstand the surge current integral [41];
• ABB has similar considerations, cells based on IGCT have a full short-circuit failure
mode (SCFM) which allows the removal of the bypass switch to use a single bypass
thyristor to discharge the cell capacitor [42,43].
Table 8. Surge current integral (MA2 ·s) for D2 in Converter 1 with AC circuit-breakers.
Phase a b c
upper arms 8.60 4.36 4.15
lower arms 4.88 6.47 5.42
Table 9. Surge current integral (MA2 ·s) for typical 4.5 kV devices.
Table 10. Surge current integral (MA2 ·s) for D2 in rectifier with DC circuit-breakers.
Phase a b c
upper arms 0.026 <0.001 0.075
lower arms <0.001 0.18 <0.001
600 10
v b-,1 i b-,1
500 v b-,2 8 i b-,2
DCCB voltage (kV)
300 4
200 2
100 0
0 -2
4 4.002 4.004 4.006 4.008 4 4.002 4.004 4.006 4.008
time (s) time (s)
Figure 15. Voltage and current of the lower DC circuit-breakers during DC pole-to-pole fault.
460 480
upper capacitor voltage (kV)
v cua,1 v cla,1
380 v cub,1 v clb,1
v cuc,1 v clc,1
360 360
3.98 3.99 4 4.01 4.02 3.98 3.99 4 4.01 4.02
time (s) time (s)
This phenomenon stops at the end of the fault current suppression time, since the
circulation of arm-currents is no longer possible. For this case study, the maximum capacitor
voltage reaches 116% of its nominal value. The over-charging of the arm capacitors is
dangerous as it can damage the capacitors as well as the semiconductors. On the other hand,
the maximum capacitor voltages depend on the MOVs characteristics and other parameters:
AC line impedance and characteristics fault-current limiters, for instance. Grounding of
the system, realized with a star-point reactor for symmetric monopole configurations, also
affects the charging of the capacitors.
600 v b-,1 i b-,1 i 5b ms
i 2b-,1
v b-,2 i b-,2 i 5b ms
i 2b-,2
500 v 5b-,1
DCCB voltage (kV)
v 5b-,2
ms 10
400 v 2b-,1
v 2b-,2
3.998 4 4.002 4.004 4.006 4.008 3.998 4 4.002 4.004 4.006 4.008
time (s) time (s)
Figure 17. Current and voltage for the DC circuit-breakers of the negative poles of Converter 1
(green) and Converter 2 (red) with different internal current commutation times ∆t ICCT , dashed line
for ∆t ICCT = 2 ms, solid line for ∆t ICCT = 3 ms and dotted line for ∆t ICCT = 5 ms.
Table 11. Electrical characteristics of the circuit-breakers’ operation for different internal current
commutation times (ICCTs).
Converter ∆t ICCT 2 ms 3 ms 5 ms
1 Maximum fault current 6.60 kA 8.34 kA 10.8 kA
1 Fault current suppression time 4.70 ms 6.45 ms 8.99 ms
1 Transient interruption voltage 587 kV 592 kV 598 kV
2 Maximum fault current 2.01 kA 2.21 kA 2.39 kA
2 Fault current suppression time 6.86 ms 8.08 ms 9.89 ms
2 Transient interruption voltage 561 kV 563 kV 565 kV
Converter 1 and by 2.1 for Converter 2, for an ICCT increasing from 3 ms to 5 ms. On the
other hand, the maximum surge-current integral has been divided by 1.9 for Converter
1 and by 2.1 for Converter 2, for an ICCT dropping from 3 ms to 2 ms. As expected, the
reduction of the internal current commutation-time of the DC circuit-breaker has a double
positive impact on the surge-current integral. Therefore, this parameter is sensitive and
should be properly estimated and managed.
Table 12. Surge current integral (MA2 ·s) for D2 with DC circuit-breakers for different internal current
commutation times (ICCTs).
∆t ICCT 2 ms 3 ms 5 ms
Converter 1 0.093 0.18 0.43
Converter 2 0.0046 0.0095 0.02
450 450
400 400
v cua,1 v 5cua,1
v 2cua,1
ms v cla,1 v 5cla,1
v 2cla,1
v cuc,1 v 5cuc,1
v 2cuc,1
ms v clc,1 v 5clc,1
v 2clc,1
Figure 18. Capacitor voltages with different internal current-commutation times ∆t ICCT , dashed line
for ∆t ICCT = 2 ms, solid line for ∆t ICCT = 3 ms and dotted line for ∆t ICCT = 5 ms.
6. Conclusions
The proposed simulation model offers many analyses of the behavior of an HVDC
link under DC pole-to-pole fault conditions. Running under PLECS simulation software,
it offers a reasonable computation time of about 10 min per simulation with a desktop
computer. Meanwhile, it includes high-frequency response of the converters and the DC
cables with a simple implementation, thus allowing a fault study of the whole system. A
detection strategy has been implemented to properly compare different study cases.
The first comparison between AC circuit-breakers and DC circuit-breakers has re-
vealed that the use DC circuit-breakers implies smaller design constraints for MMC’s diodes.
Surge current integrals, which are an important design factor, have been accurately calcu-
lated. The use of press-pack diodes in converter cells appears to be mandatory when using
AC circuit-breakers in such HVDC links. On the other hand, fast fault-current suppression,
brought by DC circuit-breakers, allows the use of devices with lower surge-current inte-
grals. Having higher power densities, modules with IGBTs/IEGTs and integrated diodes,
reverse-conducting devices, Bi-Mode Insulated Gate Transistors (BIGTs) or Bi-mode Gate
Commutated Thyristor (BGCTs) may offer many features, such as higher cost-effectiveness
or even higher reliability. Nevertheless, fault-limitation with DC circuit-breakers still leads
to a charging of the cell capacitors above 1 p.u, which must also be considered in the design
of the converter.
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