reflective questions for school leaders (1)
reflective questions for school leaders (1)
reflective questions for school leaders (1)
Group Assignment
Dear Trainees, Greetings! Please join group five and complete the following questions
(#1-83) based on your own understanding of the training module. These questions are
intended to:
1. Enhance your comprehension of the training you are undertaking.
2. Prepare you for the upcoming exit examination.
Note: Your answers should be concise and succinct, not exceeding 20 words.
(Prepared by Mr. Birhanu Sintayehu (Assistant Professor, PhD Candidate @AAU)
1. Do you believe the Ethiopian education system is facing significant challenges? What
are the main issues or problems that the Ethiopian education system is currently
grappling with? Yes. Lack of the implementation of Effective Instruction in the
School, Less Community Participation, Lack of Effective and Professional School
Leadership, Absence of Effective School Improvement Planning and the increased un
employment power in the country.
2. Who do you think is responsible for the failing education system in our country?
Education Policy /Government/ , Education Leaders, Teachers, Students, and
the Community.
3. For the currently failing education system, what do you believe are the root causes? Is
it policy, curriculum, leadership, teachers, or something else? Feel free to share your
Policy , misunderstanding ( miss mindset) of all stake holders about Educational Free
Promotion Policy, Illegality of Non Governmental Educational Colleges , ( Manufacturing
Forged Documents including Government Officials), Teacher Centered Instruction,
Politicized Educational Leaders and Dissatisfied Teachers .
4. How would you evaluate the appointment and selection process for school principals
and supervisors? Is something wrong? Yes. The School Leaders and School
Supervisors have been selected based on their Political commitment rather than their
Professional Skills.
5. What are the key challenges faced by your respective school?
Lack of Community Participation.
Lack of Effective and Professional School Leaders.
Instability of the School b/se of Political Crisis.
Stake holders’ resistance of Changes.
Poor Teaching Learning Methodology and Assessment and Evaluation.
Absence of Resource Mobilization.
6. Why has school leadership become a priority in the continuous school improvement
B/se, the School Leaderships are the key Role players (Roadmap) in:-
66. What is the difference between monitoring and evaluation in the teaching and learning
Monitoring;- Regular on going ,act on keeping oversight ,focused on input
process outcomes, source of data field visit, routine system. Undertake by SLs
teachers, supervisor WEO community.
Evaluation;- Periodic, Used Assessment, focus on effectiveness, relevance, Pre
post planning, undertake by external evaluators by WEO, MOE..
67. What is the importance of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in improving
instructional leadership?
Used to have tested and real data.
Identifies strength and weakness.
Initiate and support for change.
Used to make self -evaluation.
Used to revise School Improvement Plan.
68. School needs are often unlimited while resources are limited. How can a school leader
successfully mobilize these limited school resources?
Creating active community participation.
Introducing Entrepreneurships.
Implementing wise and save use of resources by prioritizing duties to be
Preparing project proposal for National and International NGOs.
69. Why is staff professional development important? What are the potential
consequences if it is not provided?
B’s, Offers practical insight, methodologies and best practices to identify
knowledge and skill gaps.
Identifies how to product training needs of the staff.
L/ships establish objectives, collect and analyse data.
Develop targeted training solutions.
If it is not provided School Improvement Plan fail.
70. Explain the different stages involved in staff professional development.
Identify needs.
Prepare CPD Plan.
Facilitate staff development actors.
Sustain Staff Development.
71. Why do Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs often fail to have the
desired impact in our schools today? Who is responsible for implementing and
strengthening the school's CPD plan?
Old mind set of the teacher.
Lack of research based on reliable data.
Lack of commitment.
School Leaders and Teachers.
72. Are school leaders playing the role of clinical supervisors? How can they effectively
carry out this role?
Yes. By;-
Preparing action plan.
Setting pre and post conferences.
Observing the Class.
Giving support by identifying teacher’s skill gaps.
Proposing the future directions.
73. Who are the main actors at the school level who can identify the professional
development needs of the teaching workforce?
School Leaders and Expertise Teachers, Students and Local community.
74. What can a reflective school leader do to support the professional development of
teachers in their school?
Create high level of self-awareness about the staff professional development.
Analyze every teacher’s school contribution.
Analyze school culture and effectiveness.
Find ways to support peoples’ operation in the school.
Cope up a solution for problems.
Transform the school in to contented and productive environment.
75. Explain why staff development should be viewed as a continuous process rather than
a one-time event.
B/s, the teaching learning activities is natural and ongoing process in this
dynamic world. So, it is only a professional teacher who can implement or
deliver this.
76. What are the major strategies used to identify the professional development needs of
Monitoring and evaluation of need assessment.
Planning and facilitating.
`Sustain Professional development.
77. How would you conduct a training needs assessment of teachers at a school?
Collecting reliable data.
Making action research.
Implementing performance self -evaluation.
78. Whose responsibility is it to organize and facilitate a professional development plan
for teachers? School Leaders.
79. Who are the members of a Professional Learning Community (PLC)? What is their
role in improving student learning outcomes?
Teachers, School Leaders, Students and community.
Understand, facilitate and lead students performances to enhance school
Promote communication, confidence and commitment.
80. What would be the implications if schools do not make use of ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) in their operations today?
Reduce the dynamism of education.
Isolate the school from the positive influence of Globalization.
The School Lacks flexibility in the Education system.
There is no reliable and data based innovation and research in the School
81. What are the key aspects of promoting digital leadership in a school?
Improve students critical thinking, enhance student outcome, facilitate team
works in the school, Increase the accessibility of new knowledge, Innovation
and discovery developed in the school.
82. What is the primary aim of integrating ICT into formal education?
To bring about and supply an innovative generation with emerging
To strengthen performances.
83. What are the major benefits and challenges of integrating digital technologies into
learning and teaching?
Communicate the newly emerging science and technologies.
Make education rational and reasonable
Initiate Video conference and training.
Ensure quality of education.
Lack of resources to implement.
Combating Plagiarism.
Miss-use mind set of the students.
Increase unemployment b/s of AI(Artificial Inelegancy).