What are Technology and Innovation in 3D models for internet shopping and
Garment measurement? clothing design. Additionally, smart fashion
equipment such as smart mirrors combines
Technology and Innovation have greatly voice and facial recognition. It enhances
advanced the field of garment measurements. fashion and retail sales, providing
One significant development is the use of 3D customers with shopping tips and outfit
body scanning technology, which allows accurate suggestions as well as enabling virtual try-
and precise measurements of the human body. on experiences.
This technology eliminates the need for
traditional measuring tapes and improves 2. Block-chain
the efficiency of the garment fitting process. With increasing digitization, data security
and transparency is a top priority. Block chain-
Another innovation in garment measurements based solutions ensure authenticity for both
is the use of artificial intelligence algorithms. digital goods and real fashion goods.
These algorithms can analyze large sets Traceability systems and product digital
of data to identify patterns and create passports improve supply chain traceability by
more accurate sizing systems. This helps to checking transactions and preventing imitation.
reduce the number of returns and exchanges Another block chain-based technology is non-
due to ill-fitting garments, resulting in more fungible tokens (NFTs) which provide proof of
satisfied customers. ownership over an asset. Fashion brands and
designers are also releasing NFTs for the
Furthermore, there have been advancements fashion meta verse.
in smart textiles, which are fabrics embedded
with sensors and electronics. These textiles can 3. Artificial Intelligence
measure various body parameters such as heart Fashion brands are reinventing their
rate, body temperature, and movement. approach to product design and development
This information can be used to customize by integrating AI. It forecasts fashion trends to
garments for individual needs, such as athletic help fashion companies stay flexible in
performance or medical purposes. response to changing customer demands.
Making AI a part of the shopping experience
Overall, technology and innovation in garment allows brands to ensure that customers get a
measurements have revolutionized the fashion personalized experience. Moreover, AI
industry by making the process more efficient, automates wardrobe planning by offering
accurate, and personalized. It will be interesting personalized shopping recommendations
to see how these advancements continue to shape based on past purchases. The use of AI-
the future of fashion. generated media, also known as synthetic
media, is accelerating creative solutions for
The Top 8 Fashion Trends 2023_- fashion brands that better address market
demand and improve their relationships with
1. Virtual Fashion customers.
Technology is bringing the fashion
industry from physical to digital space. 4. Sustainable Fashion
Virtual fashion solutions overcome physical Aiming to achieve a carbon-neutral fashion
constraints through AR or VR and provide industry, startups are developing circular
unlimited creative space. These technologies fashion solutions. Such solutions produce
allow customers to try clothing or make-up clothes from recycled materials and Eco-
virtually before buying them. 3D technologies fabrics, offering brands and customers an
alternative to harmful fast-production products.
Another way is to repurpose post-consumer
waste or worn-out pieces of textiles into new
Other materials such as vegan leather and other Technologies such as 5G are improving
engineered materials also offer sustainable the quality of live streaming and
alternatives to conventional fabrics. promoting more interactive content and
convenient eCommerce features.
5. Smart Clothing
To meet the need for adaptable clothes,
startups are launching smart clothes. They
collect, store, and exchange wearer’s biometric
and physical data. This enables applications for
health and fitness as well as improves
performance. IoT is also advancing the
development of smart clothing. Additionally,
smart clothing improves worker safety, such as
by regulating the temperature to the user’s
needs in an unstable environment.
6. Hyper-Personalization
Fashion brands are increasingly turning to
personalization to create novel designs and
offer custom options. Additive manufacturing
allows companies to adapt to consumer needs
and develop sustainable and eco-friendly
solutions for the fashion industry. Moreover, it
enables demand-driven production to prevent
overproduction. Startups are also developing
fashion gaming solutions to enhance
personalization, increase younger consumers’
engagement, and provide shoppable virtual
fashion assets and physical clothes.