UHE BS Prospectus 18072024
UHE BS Prospectus 18072024
UHE BS Prospectus 18072024
Regular & Self-Support
Est. 1955
No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your
women are side by side with you
Welcome to the
University of Home
Economics Lahore
A university is a place where dreams meet Grounded in decades of service to provide The University campus resonates vibrant
inspirations, ideas meet renditions, and quality education and deeply rooted in energy with its colourful educational and
endeavors meet goals. Universities are glorious traditions, this institution has artistic activities and extravagant campus
not only centres of academic excellence, educated generations of women in a distinct life. Linked with multiple other institutions,
research traditions and critical inquiries but manner. We ensure enriched learning and organizations, and industries; the University
also a springboard for successful careers and appreciate creative thinking and problem- operates as a platform to connect students
promising futures. solving approach. with facilitators and architects of fortune.
I am elated to know that the University of Home Economics
Welcome Lahore is publishing its prospectus for the Academic year
Message from the 2024, with its remarkable number of programs. As one of
the oldest institutions dedicated to women's education,
Table of Contents
8 10 12 15 20 32
Vision and Mission Our Legacy and Why Choose Us Life at Campus Facilities Programs
Future Prospects
34 36 48 64 72 74
BS Programs Faculty of Art and Faculty of Social and Faculty of Science Faculty of Faculty of History
Design Behavioral Sciences and Technology Management and and Languages
76 88 90 93 94 95
MS Programs UHE Alumni Instructions for BS Admission Fee Reserved Seats Important Note for
Association Applicants Criteria Applicants
96 97
Instructions for Instructions for
MS / MPhil Post Graduate
Applicants Diploma in Dietetics
To foster versatile growth of students through diversified
learning based on teaching and research excellence with
a view to grooming them as empowered independent
thinkers, professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers and
compassionate individuals with a high sense of social
responsibility, values, harmony and culture.
To create an environment that keeps the faculty,
researchers and students motivated to give their best in
the transference, generation, and acquisition of knowledge
and stay committed to serve the community without any
kind of biases.
Our Values
Our Legacy
Future Prospects
The journey spans more than half a century journey, but her progressive vision, proactive
since 1955, when the untiring efforts of Begum leadership, diverse experience, focused attitude,
Rana Liaqat Ali and the Education Department passion and unremitting efforts have made
excelled, and the College of Home and Social this enormous task smooth. Consequently, the
Sciences was established. University has grown in a swift manner.
Ford Foundation, USA helped in its development Within a short span of time, the infrastructure
by providing advisors and scholarships for including labs, library, various academic and
teachers’ training in the USA. The College also administrative blocks have been upgraded and
had a partnership with Oklahoma University, renovated whereas the construction of a new
USA to assist in the development of curriculum Academic Block is in speedy progress.
and teachers’ training. The name was changed
to the College of Home Economics in 1968. All The faculties and departments along with five
Pakistan Home Economics Association was centres have been established, along with
registered in 1961. an array of new BS Programs. The University
offers various BS programs, Associate Degree
The Act of the University of Home Economics was programs, Diplomas and Certificate courses in
passed by the Punjab Assembly on 8th February several disciplines with the latest curriculum and
2017, thus upgrading this prestigious institution training. In addition to our existing MS programs,
with even higher aims. Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen we are actively developing PhD programs in
took charge as the founding Vice- Chancellor of accordance with HEC requirements and will be
the University on 31st May 2019. This transition launched soon.
from a College to a University was not an easy
The metropolis of Lahore is the key centre
of national and regional socio-economic
activities, and an important hub for regional
and international connection, commerce, and
communication with the diversity of cultures,
religions, ethnicities, and languages.
The University of Home Economics Lahore is
in the heart of Lahore at Dr. Mateen Fatima
Road, Block H, Gulberg 2, Lahore. Its 135
Kanal campus is an oasis, which houses many
species of indigenous trees and plants. The
campus comprises many blocks for academic
and extracurricular activities, a well-equipped
library, up-to-date laboratories, career and
placement centre, financial aid office, a
wellness centre, independent living centre,
a music room, facilitation centre, a large
auditorium, hostels, café, sports ground and
much more.
Choose Us
Our institute is one of a kind Indulge in our student-
and a hallmark of excellence centered learning approach
with the latest degree combined with applied
programs. We prepare knowledge and hands-
students for a dynamic on experience through
personal and professional internships and volunteering
life and have hired highly opportunities.
qualified, motivated, and
experienced faculty on
merit to give their best. Get real-life experience,
practical skills and required
Become a part of a vibrant knowledge before entering
student community by the field.
involving yourself in
diversified co-curricular and
extra- curricular activities. Avail the opportunity of
both merit and need-
based scholarships by the
Get exposure to equal and University and HEC.
promising opportunities to
grow as a professional and
as an individual.
The university thrives to excel by bringing students Periodic assessments/ evaluations are conducted
Academic to the top by embedding curriculums based
on Bloom’s taxonomy. Our teaching methods
to keep the students focused, evaluate their
progress and make efforts to achieve their goals.
Life at
Our purpose-built, exciting and safe
campus is home to a community of
creative and accomplished people
from all across the country. Outdoor
activities are offered to the students
to make them learn and have fun
outside their classrooms. The
campus has parameter wall with
scrolls of razor wire. Moreover,
surveillance towers and CCTV
cameras are installed for better
security and safety. We believe in
promoting a culture of tolerance,
interfaith harmony, equity, and
mutual respect for all.
We believe in promoting a culture of
Extra Alumni Association
Annual Dinner
Fashion Shows &
Variety Programs
Student societies and clubs have been established to promote extracurricular
and co-curricular activities. The aim is to develop leadership skills, holistic
growth, and personality grooming. It channelizes their peculiar potential
constructively and productively. It is mandatory for every student to be a
member of minimum of two societies of her choice out of the following:
1 Event Management Team 8 Human Well-being and Anti-Narcotics Society
2 Drama Music and Festival Society 9 Literary and Debating Society
3 Harmony Building Society 10 Art and Culture Heritage Society
4 Green and Clean Society 11 Sociological Society for Inclusivity and Sustainability
5 Character Building Society 12 Student Society of Psychology
6 Painting Society 13 Media Club
7 Music Society 14 Sports Society
Begum Rana Liaqat Ali Khan Training Centre Kanwal Wellness Centre
Living Centre
The Independent Living Centre aimed at
supporting disabled students and faculty,
is focused on improving accessibility and
providing necessary resources within the
educational context. This initiative likely
emphasizes the importance of equal
access for individuals with disabilities by
implementing physical accommodations
such as ramps, accessible restrooms, and
assistive technologies.
Moreover, empowerment programs like
leadership development and self-advocacy
training are offered to enhance the academic
and professional growth of disabled students
and faculty. These programs equip individuals
with skills and confidence needed to succeed
in their educational and career endeavors.
Women Development
The Women Development Centre (WDC) is an initiative
of the Women Development Department (WDD)
under the Government of Punjab’s ADP Scheme. The
Centre was established at the University of Home
Economics in November 2021, following the signing
of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between
the University of Home Economics and the Women
Development Department, Punjab. The primary aim of
the WDC is to empower young women in various areas,
including job hunting strategies, web development
skills, awareness of legal rights, career planning &
professional development, engaging in research
activities and more.
The Women Development Centre at the University
of Home Economics operates with a visionary goal:
to empower women through skill enhancement and
research initiatives. Our aspirations extend beyond the
scope of the memorandum of understanding signed
with the Women Development Department Punjab. We
are committed to fostering a robust research culture
that reaches new horizons.
Library Digital Resource
The three-floor University Library aims to connect students,
faculty, and researchers with information resources in both
The Digital Resource Centre on the 1st newly furnished
printed and digital forms. The ground floor houses more floor provides access to thousands of E-books, research
than 11,000 printed books and journals/magazines related to journals and theses through HEC digital library access.
the various disciplines offered at the university. In addition The IT comprises basic databases including OVID, ASTM,
to textbooks, the library has a good collection of fiction/ INFORMS, ProQuest thesis, SpringerLink, Wiley, and Taylor
non-fiction, biographies, travelogues, and other reading and Francis Journals. Along with these, the library facilitates
materials to encourage the readership. Moreover, the library the researchers by connecting them to a range of open
provides the access to digital material including teacher’s access resources including the Directory of Open Access
resources, interactive videos, and various presentations to Journals and the Directory of Open Access Books.
enhance the teaching and learning experiences. Recently
a mobile app is developed to facilitate users.
Discussion Hall
The Reading and Discussion
Hall on the 2nd floor of
the library facilitates the
discussion and other
activities such as group
study, reading, and tutorials
to promote collaborative
learning. The library halls
are fully airconditioned and
are equipped with internet
facilities. The floor is well-
furnished, with comfortable
seating arrangements.
An array of hygienic, delicious, and mouth-watering snacks
at a pocket-friendly rate. It is worth mentioning that the
food is prepared in the most hygienic conditions and meets
all the standards of cleanliness.
The University takes pride in its facilitation schemes for
needy students by offering scholarships and various fee
Our hostel is a second home for our
students with a commitment to provide
the best possible facilities at two furnished
and clean hostel buildings on the campus.
New renovated and state-of-the-art
kitchen facilitates the provision of healthy
and hygienic food to the students. Keeping
in view the comfort of the students the
common room is equipped with cabinet
air-conditioners. Other facilities include
Wi-Fi service, newspaper, cable/TV,
dining area, laundry service, visitor’s room
and CCTV cameras for security.
BS MS MPhil Postgraduate
Programs Programs Diploma
BS Programs
Faculty of Art Faculty of Social & Behavioral
and Design Sciences
Art & Design Applied Psychology Information Management
Fashion Design Media and Communication Political Science
Fine Arts Sociology
Gender Studies
Interior Design
Home Economics
Sculpture & Ceramic Design
Textile Design Human Development and
Family Studies
Visual Communication Design
Faculty of Science Faculty of Management Faculty of History
and Technology Sciences and Languages
Computer Science Hospitality & Tourism English Language &
Management Literature
Food Science and Technology
Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Public Health Nutrition
BS Art & Design
Art and Design course is an amalgamation of array of sub disciplines in art that can teach
the students transferable skills, good communication skills, research skills, digital literacy in
their own discipline, craft art, dexterity in treating art mediums and team work skills to say
the least, all those capabilities that help the students to turn into proficient professionals
and researchers and enhance their prospects of employability.
Employability Eligibility
Students can find their ways in the practical field As per UHE and HEC policy. University aptitude
as designers, art historians, art critics, teachers, and Drawing Tests are compulsory.
research advisors, entrepreneurs. They can find job
placements with educational institutes, art galleries,
museums, governmental and semi government
36 organizations to name a few.
BS Fashion Design
Degree in Fashion Design nurtures the focus on
the skills and knowledge to excel in the fashion
industry and prepare our students to become the
future faces of design. Our modern lab structures are
equipped with the latest machinery that provides a
facilitative environment for growth. Traditional and
innovative techniques are taught alongside digital
design software to help students gain information
equivalent to international standards.
The students can opt following career paths:
Fashion Consultant, Fashion Stylist, Costume
designer, Fashion Illustrator, Fashion designer, Visual
merchandiser, and other subject related fields.
As per UHE and HEC policy. University aptitude
and Drawing Tests are compulsory.
BS Sculpture
Ceramic Design
The aim of this programme is to train
forthcoming Ceramists / Sculptors
with active tactics required to decipher
design problems within the discipline
of BS Sculpture and Ceramic Design,
with compassionate consideration to
economic, social and aesthetic needs
of the end users.
A versatile experience during this program provides entrepreneurship and employment at the industry
level. Sculptors and ceramicists may work in art galleries, as curators for art exhibitions. Some sculptors
start their own businesses or form cooperatives with other sculptors. Others may work at government
departments and museums as ceramics restorers, advisers in respect of museum displays, or regarding
the cleaning and caring of antique collections. They may work at home furnishing stores interior
decorating, and manufacturing companies. Moreover, they can work as mentors and researchers.
As per UHE and HEC policy. University
aptitude and Drawing Tests are
BS Fine Arts
Our program offers a rich tapestry
of artistic endeavors while fostering
a dynamic environment for
experimentation and growth. Whether
painting, sculpture, printmaking,
or multimedia installations, our
students and faculty alike engage in a
profound exploration of creativity that
transcends boundaries and inspires
transformative experiences.
The students can opt following career
paths: Artists, Art Consultants, Art
archivists, Art Editors, Critics, Curators
and other subject related fields.
As per UHE and HEC policy. University
aptitude and Drawing Tests are
BS Interior
The Interior Design Program
has a long tradition of educating
professionals in the discipline of
interior design. Interior design is a
multi-faceted profession in which
creative and technical solutions are
applied within a structure to achieve
a built interior environment. Interior
designers combine knowledge,
creativity, problem-solving skills,
and aesthetic vision to develop
safe, functional, aesthetically
pleasing environments that meet
the needs of the client.
The students can opt following
career paths: Interior Design
Consultant, Set Designer, Furniture
Designer, Exhibition Designer, Retail
Designer, Sustainable Designer, and
other subject related fields.
As per UHE and HEC policy. University
aptitude and Drawing Tests are
BS Textile Design
In the textile design program, students learn how to turn innovative ideas into actual
printed, woven and knitted products. Students here are offered technical courses in
weaving, knitting and printing, dyeing and finishing, and materials technology along with
a strong technical and conceptual foundation in colour theory, drawing, painting, screen
printing, weaving, and computer-aided design as well as textile history.
The students can opt following career paths: Textile Designer, Print designing,
Clothing/textile technologist, Colour Technologist, Digital Designer, Rotary Designer,
and other subject related fields.
As per UHE and HEC policy. University aptitude and Drawing Tests are compulsory.
BS Visual
The Visual Communication and The eight semester programme,
Design degree at University of Home aligned with emerging pedagogical
Economics is a multifaceted four year practices, provides a diverse
degree programme that develops understanding of design-thinking while
students into professionals who can utilizing a trans-disciplinary approach
generate creative and innovative to cope up the challenges offered by an
solutions for local and international ever-evolving marketplace, locally and
advertising needs. Range of VC globally. This programme integrates
& D courses are designed whilst subject specific courses along with
keeping the aesthetic and market wide spectrum of generalized courses
requirements in consideration. to expose students with constructive
From theory to practical our approach of information building with
courses lead towards creative and an array of socio-economic constructs
innovative yet functional pursuits. so that they can contextualize their
practice based on originality.
As per UHE and HEC policy.
University aptitude and Drawing
Tests are compulsory.
The students can opt following career paths:
Ad agencies, Design Houses, Gaming Industry,
Media Houses, gaming, animation, visual
storytelling and other subject related fields.
BS Applied
BS Applied Psychology program is
designed to provide academically
rigorous yet supportive culture
on campus to enhance student’s
learning experience. Our
programs provide students
with strong grounding in the
theory, research and practice of
Psychology. Our aim is to develop
compassionate, ethical and
knowledgeable psychologists
who can provide evidence-based
services for children, adults, and
families in a variety of healthcare
and educational settings.
48 As per HEC and UHE policy.
The students can opt following career paths: Clinical Psychologist in
Hospitals/Clinics and Rehabilitation centres; Teachers and Counsellors in
Universities/ Colleges, Psychologists in Armed forces, Police and Rescue
Services; Government jobs (BS 17 and above) as Teachers and Psychologists;
Organizational Psychologists in Organisations and Marketing Research Agencies,
and other subject related fields.
Media and Communication
This program is designed to provide students
with a comprehensive understanding of the
dynamic field of media and communication. This
program qualifies to foster a diverse, independent,
innovative, ethical and economically thriving media
and communications sector that contributes to the
creation of successful and sustainable societies in
an era of technological and social change.
The students can opt following career paths:
News Anchor, Content Writer, Reporter, Broadcast
Journalist, Director/Producer, Radio, Television,
Public Relation, and other subject related fields.
As per HEC and UHE policy.
BS Gender
This program enables its students to
learn about the interdisciplinary field
of Gender Studies and is focused on
the ways in which sex and gender
manifest themselves in social, cultural,
economic, and political contexts. Since
Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary
and multidisciplinary academic field, it
is fundamentally devoted to studying
and analyzing various aspects of
gender and identity as well as its
representation across societies and
As per HEC and UHE policy.
The students can opt following career paths: Directorate of Women Development
Department (BPS-18/17), University and College Lectureship (BPS-18/17), Heads of
Women Shelter Homes (BPS-18/17), Non-Profit Organizations (National & International),
Research Offices, and other subject related fields.
BS Home Economics
BS in Home Economics program aims to equip students with
comprehensive knowledge and skills in family and consumer sciences,
food sciences and nutrition, textiles, human development, applied
arts and Interior design. The program prepares students for careers
in education, research, industry, and related fields, empowering them
to manage resources, finances, and relationships effectively.
After 2 years of their degree completion students will opt their field
of specialization from the following.They can choose only one group.
The students can opt following
career paths: human resource
management, quality control,
hospitality management, interior
design, fashion design, calligraphy,
and other subject related fields.
As per UHE and HEC policy.
BS Human
Family Studies
The BS program in Human
Development and Family Studies is
a versatile undergraduate degree
that focuses on the mastery of the
principles of human development,
and an understanding of the key
developmental task of each stage of
life. It provides in-depth understanding
of the developmental stages, with
particular emphasis on the family as
a context for human development.
As per HEC and UHE policy.
The students can opt following career paths: Early Childhood Education Institutions, Public
and Private sectors working for Early Childhood Care & Development, Organizations
working for old-age people and Rehabilitation centres, School counselling, Community
Services Organizations, and other subject related fields.
BS Information
BS Information Management is a broad-based, interdisciplinary
degree, which gives students an insight into a wide range of basic
and social science and management science subjects. The BS in
Information Management is versatile and launches students into
many wide-ranging career options in diverse fields. Following
an all-round training in Information Management through this
program, students can choose to specialize in a sub-field of their
interest at a university in Pakistan or abroad.
The students can opt following career paths: non-government
organizations, libraries, museums, archives and records centres,
media houses, knowledge and information centres, and other
subject related fields.
As per HEC and UHE policy.
BS Political Science
This degree will focus on learning the fundamentals of
political science and allied fields such as diplomacy, public
policy, international affairs and communication skills. For
this purpose, different streams of specialization in this
discipline have been provided to be opted by the students
in the last two semesters. The objective of the course is
to educate and make students conscious of their rights
and obligations towards the state and society.
Political science degree holders can find positions as
lobbyists, campaign managers, press secretaries, activists,
speech writers, orators, civil rights advocates, mediators,
corporate legal counsel, public policy specialists, foreign
service officers, and analysts to name a few.
As per HEC and UHE policy.
BS Sociology
BS Sociology is a broad interdisciplinary degree, which
gives students an insight into a wide range of basic
and social sciences subjects. This program will enable
students to deal with the issues of the contemporary
world. They will learn about diversity of culture and
different social systems. The BS in Sociology is versatile
and launches students into many wide-ranging career
options in diverse fields.
The students can opt following career paths:
Government’s Social Welfare Department (BPS-17),
International Community Development and Mobilization
Programs, Police and Prison Departments, Human
Service Programs, University and College Lectureship
(BPS-17/18), and other subject related fields.
As per HEC and UHE policy.
BS Public Health
This program focuses on the role
of nutrition in promoting population
health and preventing chronic
diseases. Students learn about public
health principles, epidemiology, health
promotion strategies, and community
nutrition interventions. This course
provides in-depth learning related to
the concepts of nutrition epidemiology.
The degree will explore important
nutritional issues on a public and
global health scale.
The students can opt
following career paths:
Public Health Nutritionists
for hospitals, Schools,
N G O ’s , G ove r n m e n t
Organizations, Health
M i n i s t r y, R e s e a r c h
Assistants, Associates/
Data Analysts and other
subject related fields.
FSc Pre-medical/ Pre-Engineering/ FA Home Economics*/ ICS or
Equivalent with minimum 50% mark.
BS Food Science
and Technology
BS Food Science and Technology pertains to the application of a
diversity of scientific and practical disciplines to the production,
processing, preservation, and packaging of food and to their worldwide
distribution. Students learn about food chemistry, microbiology,
processing technologies, and food product innovation.
The students can opt following career paths: Government Food/
Agriculture Departments, Food Industry, International Food
Certification Organizations, Research Organizations, Official Food
Control Laboratories, and other subject related field.
FSc Pre-medical/ Pre-Engineering/ FA
Home Economics* or Equivalent with
minimum 60% marks.
BS Human
Nutrition and
BS Human Nutrition and Dietetics program creates
understanding on basic scientific principles of
human nutrition and metabolism, underlying
disease conditions and subsequent dietary
modifications. They develop practical skills in
nutrition assessment, counseling, and intervention.
The students can opt following career paths:
Registered Dietitians, Nutritionists, Food Service
Administrators (Clinical settings), Nutrition and
Health Experts, Nutrition Researchers, Nutrition
Educators, and other subject related fields.
FSc Pre-medical/ FA Home Economics* or
Equivalent with minimum 60% marks.
BS Computer
The BS Computer Science program is designed to provide
a comprehensive education in computer systems theory,
experimentation, and engineering. It equips students with a systematic
and disciplined approach to software design, development, operation,
and maintenance. Combining theoretical knowledge with practical
computing experience, this program prepares students to tackle real-
world challenges in the field. Additionally, students can specialize
in cutting-edge areas like Artificial Intelligence and Data Science,
enhancing their expertise and career prospects in these rapidly
evolving fields.
Graduates can pursue careers in roles such as Software Developer,
Systems Analyst, Data Scientist, AI Engineer, Database Administrator,
Web Developer, Research Scientist, and more, including opportunities
in academia and entrepreneurship.
As per NCEAC-HEC and UHE policy.
Admission test as per policy.
BS Hospitality
Pakistan is at 47th position out of 200
countries as a top tourist destination
around the world and has been
continuously increasing the number
of tourists for the past few years. This
latest program aims to prepare students
for the fast-growing Hospitality and
Tourism industry by providing intense
coursework that combines theory with
practical learning experiences. Hence,
increasing students’ opportunities to find
employment in management, sales and
marketing etc.
Employability Eligibility
The graduates will be able to get jobs in hotels, As per UHE and HEC policy.
the aviation industry, restaurants, hostels
and so forth. Also, they can be inducted as
Tour operators, Travel managers, Holiday
Consultants or Event Managers.
BS English Language
Literature This fundamental program aims to make students learn
about the English language and literature in an interactive
manner to enable them to communicate effectively in written
and spoken English language while developing an interest
in English literature. One of the aims of this program is to
help the student understand the diverse spectrum of majors
that would help them to pursue postgraduate studies in
the ever-expanding field of language and literature and an
experience of world.
As per UHE and HEC policy. University
aptitude test and Interview are
The students can opt following career paths: media and
advertising, writing, publishing, journalism, public relations,
content writing and blogging, creative writing, and other
subject related fields.
MS MPhil
MS Art & Design
MS Food & Nutrition
MPhil Sociology
MS Art & Design
MS Art and Design will introduce the students to the
rich artistic and cultural heritage of the world. They
would learn to research the connections between art
and cultures, art and religions, art and societies. It
would enable them to understand the true nature of
the art produced throughout the history of all mankind.
With an enriching experience of the depths of multiple
facets that any art activity produces, the students will
decipher them through critical theory and research
Employability for fine art students would be able to work
as Artists, Art Consultants, Art archivists, Art Editors,
Critics, Illustrators, Museum Directors, Performance
Artists, Educationists etc.
16 years of education in the discipline of Art and Design.
MS Food & Nutrition
This postgraduate program provides
advanced training in nutrition science, food
policy, and public health nutrition. Students
get the opportunity to conduct research and
gain specialized knowledge in areas such as
nutritional epidemiology, food systems, global
nutrition, and nutrition education.
This program will prepare students to be the
competent leaders in future generation of young
scientists in clinical nutrition, public health, and
academia. The program promotes lifelong
learning abilities, research-based academic
growth and expertise in core knowledge of food
and nutrition. This program prepares students
for careers as Nutrition Research Scientist,
Nutrition and Health Experts, Community
Nutritionists, nutrition Educators.
MS Food & Nutrition is a Two-Year MS Program (4 Semesters).
The applicant must have sixteen-years of education in the disciplines of Human Nutrition
& Dietetics, Food Science, and Home Economics (Food & Nutrition) with a minimum CGPA
of 2.50 OR 60% marks in BS (hons)/M.Sc. from a recognized University in related field
of study. The candidates need to fulfill the departmental eligibility criteria. Furthermore,
university reserves the right to excuse any candidate for admission without giving any
All candidates must appear for UHE Subject Test/GAT General.
Only short-listed candidates will be called for the Interview.
Note: Qualifying score for UHE Subject Test or GAT General is 50%.
MPhil Sociology
The MPhil Sociology program offers a diverse range of approaches in the fields of Social
Research, Policy Development, and Social Change. The MPhil scholars at UHE will be
introduced to the practical approaches of Sociology, i.e. to identify the social problems
as well as to present their workable solutions. To equip our MPhil Scholars with modern
and applied knowledge, the program will produce dynamic professionals who will be
well-versed in their field.
At least 16 years of education (Masters or 4 years of BS Degree) or equivalent
qualifications in Sociology, Anthropology, Gender Studies, Population Studies,
Political Science, International Relations, Education and Media Studies, Criminology
or any other relevant discipline.
Final admission will be granted based on scoring 50% marks in GAT-General (Sociology)
or a Departmental Test UGAT and an interview conducted by the program admission
committee as per HEC policy (50% UGAT marks and 20% interview marks).
Students will be able to find employment
in academic and Educational Institutions,
Government Organizations, Public Health
and Social Welfare Organizations, Non-
Governmental organizations, International
Multi-sectoral Organizations, Civil Services,
Social and Corporate organizations and
Private Firms, etc.
Diplomas PGD
PGD Dietetics
The discipline of Healthcare Nutrition has grown
remarkably over the last few decades. Keeping
in view the increasing importance of nutrition in
patient care, the Department of Nutrition and
Health Promotion, initiated a post-graduate
Diploma in Dietetics in 1998 in collaboration
with Iowa State University, USA. The success
of this diploma has also been contingent on
regular revisions to the program over the years.
The comprehensive and intensive curriculum will
enable students to become competent dietetic
professionals and take leading roles in the field
of implementing effective nutritional assessment
and planning for patients and effectively
collaborating with peers, health professionals,
and community organizations.
Credit Hour
Two Semesters | Credit Hours 22
Students will be able to pursue
their careers as consultant
dieticians, nutrition researchers,
community dieticians, nutrition
and health expert, sports
nutritionists, weight management
experts, and in academia as
1st Division in MSc/BS Home
Economics with Majors in Food &
Nutrition/Dietetics, BS HND or any
relevant or equivalent degree in
Nutrition/Dietetics, MBBS or Pharmacy.
Eligible candidates will be
selected after interview
UHE Alumni
The Alumni Association of an institution plays a vibrant role in the academic, professional, and social development of its members. The
University of Home Economics Alumni Association (UHEAA) has been established as per UHE Act to provide career counselling and
job search services to the students and alumni and to specifically create a vibrant and active association of institution’s graduates.
Application Submission
The Envelope MUST mention in Block Letters the Program(s) applied for. Also, Each
Admission form must have the Name of the Degree applied for and the TYPE of seat
(MERIT or RESERVED with its category). Otherwise, the University will not be responsible
for any consequences.
Postal Address
Directorate of Academics, University of Home Economics Lahore
Administrative Block,
Mateen Fatima Road, Gulberg, Lahore.
Instructions for BS Applicants
1 All entries in the form must be written/ typed clearly by the candidate.
2 For each program, there is a total of Rs. 1000 in processing fees for Open Merit. Whereas a
total of Rs. 3000 for a single Self-Support program will be submitted, and the name of the
program applied for should be written on the processing fee challan.
3 Application processing fee is Rs. 3000 for MS Programs
Application processing fee is Rs. 800 for PGD Dietetics
4 Three sets of attested copies of all relevant documents along with 3 passport-size photographs
5 must be attached to the hard copy of admission application form.
6 Incomplete applications will not be processed for admission.
7 Giving false or incorrect information in the form is liable to expulsion.
No benefit will be given for the claim if any document is found missing.
8 Application form must be submitted to the University by the last date given in the admission
9 notice advertised in the newspaper or posted on the university website.
10 Applicants shall submit all original documents to the University at the time of admission.
11 Entry Test & interviews will be held for following BS/MS/MPhil programs:
*The evaluation criteria for MS/MPhil Programs will be as per HEC Policy
*FA (Home Economics) from College of Home Economics & Social Sciences, UHE Lahore.
Attested photocopies of the following documents
must be attached with the application:
Matriculation certificate/equivalent
Intermediate certificate /equivalent
Computerized National Identity Card / Form B
Father’s/Guardian’s Computerized National Identity Card
Character Certificate from the last institute attended
Migration Certificate (in case of other Boards’ Testimonials)
Hope Certificate
Recent passport-size photographs
The supporting documents, applying against the Reserved Seats must be attached as
proof of eligibility.
All the above original documents of the admitted students shall be examined at the time of depositing
the dues. Admission shall be cancelled if any discrepancy is found in any of the documents submitted.
Admission Fee Criteria
The fee will be deposited in any branch of the Bank of Punjab. To secure admission all
dues must be deposited by the prescribed dates.
The admission will be cancelled if dues are not deposited by the due date and vacant
seats will be filled by the candidates on the waiting list. However, special permission by
the relevant office may be granted in case of the availability of vacant seats.
All information regarding merit lists, fee deposit dates,
date of commencement of classes and other related
information will be announced and regularly updated by
the University Authorities on the website
Reserved Seats How to Apply
Categories Step1 : Download challan form from the website against each program
Step 2: Payment of processing fee challan
Extra-Curricular Step 3: Download and fill admission forms given on the website.
Foreign Students Step 4: Upload paid challan form and other documents through online
form given on website
Daughter of Overseas Pakistanis
Step 5: Submission of hardcopy of admission form alongside all
Daughter of Martyrs required documents by courier or by hand to the Directorate of
Religious Minorities Academics UHEL.
Disabled Persons
Sindh, KPK, Baluchistan, GB & AJK
Apply Now
Admission Form Prospectus, Admission Form and Processing Fee Challan
are available at www.uhe.edu.pk/admissions
BS Admission Form
https://forms.gle/7CwoGu1BpgsVFdNq5 Intermediate result awaited students can also apply alongwith
Hope Certificate
MS / MPhill Admission Form
https://forms.gle/m3ADHWsQJSdYKkK27 Details of Quota, Kinship & Reserved Seats are available
at University website
PGD Admission Form
https://forms.gle/F662UGJ8n1hQrfsS9 Fee details also available on the website
2 Foreign applicants will come through the Federal Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan or Higher
Education Commission Islamabad.
3 Overseas Pakistani applicants will submit their foreign qualification certificate as evidence along with
their NICOP or any of the parents.
4 For the daughter of the martyr, death certificate attested by the concerned department must be attached.
6 Disabled applicants must submit their disability certificates from Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal Department,
medical reports and any other relevant documents.
7 Applicants from Baluchistan, Sindh, KPK, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir must submit their
nominations through the concerned Provincial Government along with the domicile certificate.
8 The students applying on the bases of O/A Level/equivalent qualification are eligible for provisional
admission. The admission will be confirmed upon submission of their complete result along with equivalence
9 If the candidate has not submitted their original migration certificate before the due date of admission,
the candidate will be responsible for her admission.
Instructions for
MS / MPhil Applicants
1 Admission form is available on the university website: http://www.uhe.edu.pk/
2 All entries in the online form must be typed clearly by the candidate.
3 The application processing fee against each MS regular program is Rs. 3000.
4 Write the name of the MS program (applied for) on the application processing fee challan.
5 The candidate is required to fill online admission form and submit a hard copy of the online
filled admission and all attested documents mentioned in the checklist below.
6 Hard copy should reach the Director Academics Office, not later than the prescribed date, via
in-person/courier, registered post at the following address
Director Academics, College of Home Economics & Social Sciences, University of Home
Economics Lahore, Gulberg II, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
7 Incomplete applications will not be processed for admission.
8 Giving false or incorrect information in the form is liable to expulsion.
9 No benefit will be given for the claim if any document is missing.
10 Applicants shall submit all original documents to the University at the time of admission.
Instructions for
Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics
1 All entries in the form must be written/ typed clearly by the candidate.
2 A total of Rs. 800 in processing fees for PGDD program will be submitted, and the name of the
program applied for should be written on the processing fee challan.
3 A Student waiting for result may also apply with hope certificate.
4 Giving false or incorrect information in the form is liable to expulsion.
5 No benefit will be given for the claim if any document is found missing.
6 Three sets of attested copies of all relevant documents, along with 3 passport-size photographs
and Original Fee Deposit Challan must be attached to the hard copy of admission application
• Bachelors certificate /equivalent.
• Computerized National Identity Card / Form B.
• Father’s/Guardian’s Computerized National Identity Card.
• Domicile.
• Character Certificate from the last institute attended. • Recent passport-size photographs.
7 Hard copy of Application form along attested copies of all required documents and a copy of
original challan form should reach Director Academics Office not later than the prescribed
date (mentioned in admission notice advertised) via inperson/ courier, registered post at the
following address:
Director Academics, University of Home Economics, Gulberg II, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
8 All the above original documents of the admitted students shall be examined at the time of
depositing the dues.
9 Admission shall be cancelled if any discrepancy is found in any of the documents submitted.
University of Home E conomics Lahore
Gulberg II, Main Boulevard Lahore , Punjab, Pakistan
Home Economics
Lahore HomeEconomicslhrofficial UHE_Lahore @LahoreUhe
Y I S T R U T H , T R U T H B E AU T Y