The Sqn Commander (Engg), National Security Guard, Palam, New Delhi -1 10037 on behalf of
t)resrdent of lndta invites online percentage rate bids on two bids system from CPWD enlisted contractors of
appropriate class and those of appropriate list of M.E.S/ BSNL/ Railways /State PWD [Delhi (B&R)] in
conrposite / Buildings and Roads/Building category for the work of .
st. N tT Nanrc ol' Work and Estinrated Cost I Earnest Moner, Tirne/ Last date & Date and
" PeriodI
N of 03
nos BCSP bar-
(\ racks at NSG Hq
Palam, New Delhi
U) t 24,09,385.00 t 48,1 88.00 04 Upto'1500 After 1530
z Hrs on Hrs on
gl months 16t12t2024 17112t2024
o I
l. Contractors who fulfill the following work experience requirements along with above enlistment shall be eligible
to lpplr. Joint ventures are not accepted.
Should havc satisfactorily corrpleted the works as mentioned below during the last seven years ending
last da1'ot the month previous to lhe one in which tenders are invited.
IrJrcriente of onlv Govt. sector shall be considered with valid experience certificates ofworks having
hecn completcd satisfactorill', and the $ork completion certificate shall be issued by an authority ofthe rank
not beloN the rank of Executive Engineer.
Sinrilar work shall means work of "Construction/Repair and maintenance of Buildings works" OR
"Construction/Repair and maintenance of Building related services rvorks" and satisfactory completion shall
rncan "Iyorks completed within stipulated time or extended time without levy of compensation for delay".
Note: The value ofexecuted rvorks shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual value ofwork at
sinrple rate of77o per annum. calculated from the date of completion up to the previous day of last day of submis-
sion of bids.
2. The bid can onll'be submitted online to the Sqn Commander (Engg), National Security Guard, Palanl.
New Delhi-110037 by uploading the mandatory scanned documents. fhe intending bidcler nrusr rcad rhe tcr.nr: 1,rl
conditions of CPWD-6 & 7 carefully as amended/modilied and uploadetl in the Bid Documents of this Tendcr. I t(.
should only submit his bid ifhe considers himself eligible and he is in possession ofall the documents requiretl.
3. This information and instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid document.
4. The contractor submitting the bid should read the schedule ofquantities special conditions. pafticulars spccilirrr
tions and other terms and conditions given in the NIT and drawing. The bidder should also read the T'erms and Corrdirion,
of the CPWD General condition of contracl 2023 for Maintenance works with all correction slips issued upro last tlarc r,t
submission of bid, which is applicable as Govemment of India publication. However, provision inclrrded in the lritl rl,,uLr
ments shall prevail over the provision contained in the standard form. I'he set of drawings and NIT rvill be available rrith
the ofl]ce of SC(Engg) NSG, HQ NSG Palam, New Delhi. The contractor nray also visit the site of work anrl rrlLe
himself acquainted with the site conditions before tendering. The conditions which already form pan of the tender arc spc
cially brought to his notice for compliance while filling the tender.
5. The successful tenderer shall be required to deposit a performance guarantee of5% (Fire l)ercent) olacc.l.\lcrl
tendered value within seven days of issue of letter of Intent. This Period can be lirther extended b1 t:ngg- lrr-charuc. r pr , r
maximum period of 7 days on the written request of the contractor- subject lo paltnent oilate lces a 0.lou6 pe| r;r. ,,1
Performance guarantee amount. In case the contractor thils to deposit the said pcrformancc guarantcc rrithin the per , ir ir\
indicated in Schedule'F', including the extended period ifany. tlre Earnest Money depositecl bv lhc contractor shrrl l,r
forfeited automatically without any notice to the contractor. The eamest ntoner. depositcd alons \.r ith bid shall trc r e
turned after receiving the aforesaid performance guarantee.
6. On opening date. the contractor can login and see the bid opening process. Afteropeningof bids. heuill reccire
the competitor bid sheets.
7. Contractor can upload documents in the fonn ofJPG format and PDF forrnat.
8. Contractor must ensure to quote percentage above or below the estimated cost.
9. The Technical Bid shall be opened first on due date and time as mentioned above. The time and date of opcninu
of financial bid of contractors qualirying the technical bid shall be communicated to them at a later date.
10. The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be required to furnish original documents along uith ccrti
fied/altested copies of each of the applicable Licenses/registrations or proof of applying for obtaining labol li
censes/registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board and Program Chart (Time and Progress) withir the pc
riod specified in schedule "F".
I l. The reimbursement ofEPF & ESI contributions paid by the contractor on the part ofentplolcr shall bc nrrr,le ,rr
submission ofdocumentary proofofpayment provided the same is in order.
12. GST which shall mean Goods and services tax- central, state and inler-state GST or an1 othcr Ta\ applicirhl,. il
respect of inputs procured by the contractor for this conlract shall be paid by lhe contractor and Governntent $ill not erl
tertain any claim whatsoever in respect ofthe same. However, component of CST at the time ofsupply olsen,icc (as pr.o
vided in CGST Act 2017\ provided by the contract shall be varied only if by any notification of thc Govt. it is chlrrr:ctl
from that applicable on the last dale ofreceipt oftender including extension, ifany.
13. Earnest Money in the form of Demand Drafl/ Banker Cheque/ FDR/ Pay order/ Deposit al call reccipt'
Bank Guarantee ( drawn in favor of PAO NSG MHA payable at Neu Delhi-l i0037 shall be scanrrcd and Lrp-
loaded to the e-Tendering website within the period of bid submission. The physical EMD shall be dropped in tlre
box placed at Reception Room at Gate No.l of NSG HQ, palam, New Delhi-110037 by 1s00 hours on
1611212024. In case EMD is not found in the box at time of opening of tender. online bid of such bidder shall be
treated as cancelled \ ithoul an\ nolice.
Il. 'l he deparlment reserves the right to reject any prospective application without assigning any reason and to
r(rrrict the list of qualified contractors to any number deemed suitable by it, if too many bids are received satisrying the
luirl dorrn criterion.
l). List of documents other than tlnancial instruments to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid
(i) EMD in fbrrn of Demand DralVFDPJPay Order/Bankers Cheque/ Deposit at call receipt/ Bank Guarantee
ol'any scheduled Bank against EMD.
(ii) Certificate of "Registration/ Enlistment order ofthe Contractor ofappropriate category".
( iii) Experience certificate of successful completion of required works as per eligibility conditions.
(ir ) CS I Rcgistration Certitlcate (of the State in which the work is to be taken up i,e. Delhi), if already
obta ined br the bitldcr.
11'the bidder has not obtained GST registration as applicable (of the State in which the work is to be
taken up, or as required by GST authorities) then he shall scan and upload following under taking along with
other bid documents.
"lf work is awarded to me, I/we shall obtain GST registration Certificate as applicable, within one month
tiom the date of receipt of award letter or before release of any payment by NSC, whichever is earlier. failing
u'hich t/We shall be responsible for any delay in payments which will be due towards me/us on a/c of the work
cxecuted and/or fbr any action taken by NSG or GST department in this regard.
N()te : - Any shortfall of documents as mentioned above shall not be sought from contractor after period of bid submis-
sion or extension. if any. The above mentioned documents need to be scanned and uploaded carefully on e-tender portal.