Jagadesh’s resumeggdesertgh
Jagadesh’s resumeggdesertgh
Jagadesh’s resumeggdesertgh
Phone: 9441305899
Career Objective:
Confident and energetic customer service representative passionate about serving customers. Thrives in a
challenging and fast paced environment. Able to interact freely with customers and resolve issues quickly.
Now looking for a rewarding position where I can serve customers and increase customer retention.
Academic project:
Academic Qualification:
Year of
Course Institution Board/University Passing % of
Miracle Education
B.Tech 2021 60
Society Group of JNTUK
C, Python, MS Office.
Technical Activities:
Trained in MS Office.
Actively participated in the technical events conducted in National level fest.
Working Experience:
1. Working as Associate Operator at WNS.
Estes US billing process.
Maintaining accuracy and timing.
Personal Details:
I hereby declare that all the information provided above is accurate and is best to my knowledge.
Place: Visakhapatnam.
Date: 12/07/2024.