Magnetism 2019
Magnetism 2019
Magnetism 2019
1. Magnetic poles
Magnetic poles are points at which the magnetic force in the
magnet is concentrated. There are two types of magnetic poles
namely north and south pole. For a bar magnet the poles are located
at its end where it is magnetic strong or saturated. The two
magnetic poles of a particular magnet are of equal strength. A freely
suspended bar magnet, always comes to rest pointing the north –
south direction. The end pointing to the north is called the north
pole (north – seeking pole) while the end pointing to the south is
called south pole (south – seeking pole). The north pole of a bar
magnet, suspended horizontally always tilts down slightly in
alignment with the magnetic field of the earth.
This theory says that the atoms in a magnetic material each have Induced Pole
magnetic fields around them. These atoms have a north and south The induced magnet is able to attract other of magnetic materials
pole and thus because of the two poles which they possess, they are brought closer to it. For instance, a soft iron nail attracted to the
referred to as dipoles. Groups of atoms (dipoles) and their magnet is able to attract other nails or iron filings.
associated magnetic field are called domains.
A domain can also be defined as a group of dipoles pointing in one
If a magnetized piece of a magnetic material is cut into pieces, each
piece would still retain the magnetic properties with a new north
and south pole as shown in the figure below;
• Iron fillings or
• The plotting campus
The region which is not affected by the magnetic fields of the two
similar poles from the two magnets is known as the Neutral point.
This law states that: like poles repel each other while unlike poles
attract each other, North pole repels North pole while South pole
repels south pole, however, North and South poles attract each
Magnetic materials (ferromagnetic materials) are classified into two
groups i.e
This shows that once induced, iron forms a stronger induced 1. Electrical method
magnet and attracts more iron filings than steel. However, when i. A steel bar is placed inside an insulated copper
the inducing magnet is removed, iron loses its magnetism wire coil or solenoid through which a D.c (direct)
completely while steel retains some of the magnetism. current is passed for a while until magnetic
saturation of the bar is attained.
Since Iron gets magnetized faster but loses its magnetism as soon
as the inducing magnet is removed, soft iron is said to have high Magnetic saturation is the state reached when the
susceptibility but low retentivity. This property of soft iron is very magnetism of a magnetic bar cannot be increased further.
useful in making temporary electromagnets where we need strong This state is reached when the dipoles in all the domains
but temporary magnets. If the magnets used in these devices were of the magnetic bar face in the same direction. The
to retain their magnetism for a longer period, the devices would not diagram below shows a magnetized material which has
function properly. reached magnetic saturation.
Demagnetization is the process of reducing or removing the
This method of magnetization results into the formation of a very magnetism of a ferromagnetic materials.
strong permanent magnet. The main idea of demagnetization is to cause the magnetic domain
2. Stroking method to point in random directions.
The steel bar to be magnetized is stroked several times with a strong Methods of demagnetization include heating, hammering or
bar magnet until it gets magnetized. The end of the steel bar where dropping, electrical method using a.c
the stroking is ending acquires a pole that is opposite to the pole 1. Heating
on the magnet stroking it. Single stroke produces a weak magnet.
When heated with Bunsen burner, the atoms of the magnet will
vibrate vigorously and cause the magnetic domains to lose their
alignment. Letting the magnet cool in the East−West direction will
ensure that the domains will not realign.
Magnetic Keepers
As a permanent magnet kept alone for a long time undergoes self-
Electrical method is the most effective method of demagnetization. demagnetization due to the repulsion between the free poles of its
Magnetic Screening or Shielding domains or dipoles at the ends.
Magnetic screening or shielding is the prevention of magnetic field To reduce this tendency magnets are stored in pairs, with soft iron
lines from passing through a particular region within the magnetic keepers placed across their ends. As magnetism is induced in these
field. keepers the field around the magnets diminishes, and so does its
demagnetizing effect.
It should be noted that magnetic screening is strongly marked only
when soft iron is used.
Substances such as wood, brick, glass, and copper have very little,
if any, effect on the distribution of magnetic lines.
If a sheet of iron is placed above the magnet, no magnetic field exist
above the iron sheet, the lines of force always prefer to pass through
the iron than through air, when they have a choice, because they
find it easier to do so. Iron is more permeable to magnetic fields
than air.
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Soft iron keepers help magnets retain their magnetism for a longer
period of time by:
i. Iron keepers become strong induced magnets
ii. Iron keepers form closed chains of molecular magnets
which are more stable than open chains hence
avoiding demagnetization.
Uses of Magnets and Ferromagnetic Materials
1. Small magnetized needle is used as a magnetic compass
when suspended freely.
2. Strong permanent magnets are used as field magnets in
loudspeakers, microphones and small generators and
3. Magnets are used inside rubbers of the doors of
refrigerators to form the magnetic catch.
4. A bar magnet attached to a door and a soft iron plate fixed
in the frame of the door opposite the magnet form a
perfect catch for the door.
5. Ceramic iron oxides called ferrites are ferromagnetic
materials used to make a coating on magnetic discs of
computers, audio tapes and video tapes.
6. Magnets are used in circuit breakers
7. Iron is used to make electromagnets