Autism and Vaccines Update
Autism and Vaccines Update
Autism and Vaccines Update
mmunizations are one of the System (2010) documentary, (ASDs) is a growing public
greatest advances in the The Vaccine War, outlined the health concern. Recent statis-
history of health care. Nev- concerns of parents and their tics from the Centers for Disease
ertheless, many parents have fear of a link between autism Control and Prevention (CDC;
questions about a possible link and vaccines. This concern is 2009) regarding autism certainly
between immunizations and especially troubling, because grab attention; One in 110 chil-
autism. A Public Broadcasting even after The Lancet recently dren is diagnosed with autism; 1
in 70 boys has an ASD. The ac- cannot be ruled out that other maternal-fetal interaction, and
curacy of these figures is of great factors might have also contrib- neuroanatomy and neural net-
debate. A strong explanation uted to that trend, (p. 591) works are just some of the con-
for this alarming increase is the cepts parents must try to grasp to
notion of diagnostic substitu- ETIOLOGY OF AUTISM help their children.
tion: Children diagnosed today SPECTRUM DISORDERS In the 1990s, as the cases of
with an ASD may have been What do we know about di- ASDs escalated and Internet
given another diagnosis in years agnosis and etiology? Three dis- blogs became commonplace,
past (Coo et al, 2008). In Brit- orders comprise ASD: Autism is parents began to look for causes.
ish Columbia, special education the most severe; the other two Some parents considered the H
codes were reviewed to test this are pervasive developmental routine vaccinations during in-
hypothesis. Coo et al. (2008) dIsorder, not otherwise speci- fancy and preschool years to be
concluded that half of the in- fied (PDD-NOS) and Asperger's excessive; perhaps there might
crease in new ASD diagnoses syndrome (National Institute be a connection with the higher
occurred as a function of switch- of Mental Health, 2010). The rate of ASDs.
ing from one category of special predominant features of ASDs
education to the autism category include disturbed patterns of be- THE 1998 LANCET STUDY
(i.e., diagnostic substitutions). havior, especially a lack of social In 1998, Dr. Andrew Wake-
Bishop, Whitehouse, Watt. reciprocity. Other ASD features field, a gastroenterologist, and
and Line (2008) used a retro- include communication prob- his colleagues reported in The
Lancet a possible association
between autistic symptoms; irri-
table bowel disease; and the vac-
cine for measles, mumps, and ru-
Children diagnosed today with bella (MMR) (Wakefieid et al.,
1998). Wakefieid and his col-
an autism spectrum^ disorder may leagues described unusual bowel
symptoms among 12 children re-
have been given another diagnosis ferred to a pédiatrie gastroenter-
ology clinic. All had behavioral
in years past. or developmental problems, and
9 had autistic diagnoses. In 6 of
these 9 cases, either parent or
pediatrician had already associ-
spective approach ni addressing lems and repetitive and stereo- ated the onset of autistic symp-
the diagnostic substitution is- typical behaviors. toms with MMR vaccinations.
sue and found that many adults The editor of BMJ described it
ASDs are serious neurodevel-
who would now be identified this way:
opmental disorders that have ge-
as having ASDs had been diag- netic underpinnings. Grigorenko At a controversial press con-
nosed with developmental lan- (2009) proposed that the "work- ference Wakefieid appeared to
guage disorders in the 1980s. ing hypothesis of ASDs today is conflate association with causa-
In addition, Fombonne (2009), that their genetic texture is re- tion, and in the eyes of the tab-
in his review of 43 studies on lated to no single common cause, loid press bis tiny, skewed sample
the epidemiology of ASDs, but to a variety of variable ge- represented children in gen-
concluded: netic causes, which might act in- eral. The immunizarion record
There is evidence that the dependently, or in combination of then Prime Minister Tony
broadening of the concept [of with each other" (p. 591). The Blair's infant son became the
aLitisni], the expansion of diag- explosion of scientific research most politically sensitive item of
nostic criteria, the development may overwhelm families and data beld in the NHS INational
of services, and the improved the public. The arcane details of Health System). Private clinics
awareness of the condition have molecular and clinical genetics, enjoyed a brief boost to business
played a major role in explain- neurotransmitters and cell sig- by offering the three vaccines
ing this increase, although it naling, growth and metabolism. as separate, spaced injections