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SKIT Research Journal Vol 11 Issue Proc.-1 (2021) ISSN 2278-2508 (P) 2454-9673(O)
International Conference on “Advancement in Nano Electronics & Communication Technologies” (ICANCT - 2021) held on February 4-6, 2021
SKIT Research Journal Vol 11 Issue Proc.-1 (2021) ISSN 2278-2508 (P) 2454-9673(O)
4G WIRELESS SYSTEM: These type of wireless 5: End to End latency has been lowered, 6:
systems should be able to provide a smooth connectivity to the massive device,
worldwide roaming with 4G Mobile Phones. 4G
provides both the cellular and multimedia services 3. SALIENT FEATURES OF 5G
everywhere in the world. Nowadays with 4G, the
mobile TV provider redirects or gives the facility of 5G wireless technology offers the increased
TV channel directly and completely to the resolution for intensemobile phone on daily basis
subscriber's phone where it can be watched. One of and gives user’sgood and better connectivity to
the main featuresof 4G Technology is Video on Internet.
demand on the subscriber's phone. Video Billing limits in advance are provided by 5G
conferencing facility allows subscribers to watch technology that is why this technology will be
and communicate with each other. Using more successful in the modern era.
telecommunication, one can also have medical 5G technology provides mobile phone users,
advice. Salient features like Mobile ultra-broadband mobile records easily available for better
(gigabit speed) access and also good multi-carrier printingtasks.
transmission [2] is also available in 4G wireless 5G wireless technology allows for huge volume
systems. data spread in Gigabits.
4G provides few same features as Third Generation More accurate and reliable results are obtained
along with some important applications like Multi- by the information that is provided from the data
Media Newspapers, enables users to watch T.V transfer by 5G technology.
programs with good visually and clarity and send Applying technology named as remote control
Data with a lot more high speed than the other one can getan easy and comfortable 5G access in
previous generations [3] less time.
Virtual and particularwireless networkis also
5G WIRELESS SYSTEM: Huge consortiums of
supported by 5G technology
much more significant worldwide
5G Technology provides a faster upload and data
telecommunication are progressing to create
download speed as compared to previous
universal values across Fifth generation wireless
network technology. Despite a lot of these standards
don’t get hardened, experts of this field yet The 5G wireless technology provides a
betterinternet connectivity all around the world.
anticipate it to be more suited with Fourth
Generation and third Generation. With the increase Wireless technology of 5G network is authentic
in growth of demand of the users and callers and high speed [4].
exponentially, Fourth Generation wireless
technology can be easily substituted with Fifth 4. 5G MERITS AND DEMERITS
Generation technology with a new advanced access
technology named as Beam Division Multiple 4.1 Merits of 5G Technology
Access i.e. BDMA and or Filter Bank multi carrier There are a number ofmerits of 5G technology as
abbreviated as FBMC multiple access. By listed below
considering the matter of the base station which is Excessive resolution and two directionhuge
having communication with the mobile stations, bandwidth [8].
there lies the main concept behind BDMA 5G wireless network Technology has the ability
technique. An orthogonal beam is given to each and to collect all wireless networks on a single
and every mobile station and by using Beam platform.
Division Multiple Access technique one can divide 5G Technology is highly efficient than other
that antenna beam according to locations of the counterpart technologies.
mobile stations for openhanded multiple accesses to 5G wireless network will ease the subscriber
the mobile stations, that will definitely increase the supervision methods for the fasteractivity.
competency of the5G system and thus this is This technology will offer a vast broadcasting
observed as the important and main process of data in the units of Gigabit that will help 60,000
BDMA communication. plusconnections.
Few of the reasons to turnin the direction of 5G Compatible with the earlier wirelessgenerations.
wireless systems are based on the present scenarios. 5G network is highly sound to provide support
The hindrances that are not looked upon in 4G to heterogeneous resources (including private
technology can be tackled by 5G cellular networks network) technologically.
perfectly. These are Possible to offer constant, uninterrupted, and
1: Higher capacity continuousinternet connectivity worldwide [9].
2: Larger data rate 5G technology very well supports Artificial
3: Lowered cost Intelligence applications [10].
4: Consistent Quality
International Conference on “Advancement in Nano Electronics & Communication Technologies” (ICANCT - 2021) held on February 4-6, 2021
SKIT Research Journal Vol 11 Issue Proc.-1 (2021) ISSN 2278-2508 (P) 2454-9673(O)
International Conference on “Advancement in Nano Electronics & Communication Technologies” (ICANCT - 2021) held on February 4-6, 2021