A Review Paper On 5G Technology Evolutions
A Review Paper On 5G Technology Evolutions
A Review Paper On 5G Technology Evolutions
Mr. Pankaj raut 1
Post Graduate Student
Department of EC, VITS BHOPAL
EMAIL- pankajraut134@gmail.com
Abstract - In this Paper an attempt has been made to review various existing generations, we identify an attempt
has been made to review various existing generations of mobile wireless technology in terms of their portals,
performance, advantages and disadvantages. The paper throws light on the evolution and development of
various generations of mobile wireless technology along with their significance and advantages of one over the
other. In the past few decades, mobile wireless technologies have experience 4 or 5 generations of technology
revolution and evolution, namely from 1G to 5G. Current research in mobile wireless technology concentrates
on advance implementation of 4G technology and 5G technology. Currently 5G term is not officially used. In
5G research is being made on development of World-Wide Wireless Web (WWWW), Dynamic Adhoc
Wireless Networks for cellular and Real Wireless World. In this paper we propose novel network architecture
for next generation 5G mobile networks.. In the proposed architecture the mobile terminal has the possibility to
change the Radio Access Technology - RAT based on certain user criteria and the user requirement.
Keywords: cellular, Radio Access Technology, network, 5G mobile, ICT, various generations, GSM.