Kolliker (1880) : First discovered the mitochondria as granular bodies in striated muscle fibers
of flight muscles of insects.
Flemming (1882) : Reported filamentous mitochondria and named them “fila” .
C. Bend (1898) : Term “Mitochondria” from two Greek words : mito = thread ; chondrian=
OCCURRENCE: These are absent from the prokaryotes like bacteria,PPLO etc.but are present
in all the eukaryotic cells except mature and old mammalian RBCs and certain anaerobic
Shape : Mitochondria are generally granular or filamentous but there are also show
pleomorphism and may be vesicular or spherical ( e.g.yeast cells) or discoidal or club -
shaped and racket -like. Trypanosoma have a loop like mitochondrion having DNA - rich
fibrillar bodies called kinetoplasts.
Size : Mitochondria show great diversity in their size which ranges from 0.2 - 2 um in
diameter and from 0.3 - 40 um in length though their general size. These are the second
largest sized cellular structures. These are the largest cell organelle in animal cells,
second largest organelle in plant cells, while it is third largest structure in the plant
cell after nucleus and chloroplast.
Number : The number of mitochondria varies not only in different organisms but also in
different cells of the same organism but the number is nearly constant for a particular cell
type. The number of mitochondria. Minimum number of mitochondria is one in
Micromonas. There are 25 in the middle piece of a human sperm. Maximum number of
mitochondria are found in flight muscle cell of insects and are collectively called
sacrosomes. These are less in plant cells and since ATP is also produced by their
chloroplasts and are also less metabolically active than the animal cells. These form
about 25 % of the volume of cytoplasm.
(I) Cell Respiration : Mitochondria are the sites of cell respiration involving stepped and
enzymatic oxidation of glucose to produce energy-rich ATP molecule by oxidative
phosphorylation so these are also commonly called as power houses or Storage batteries or
ATP mills of the cell.
(II) Mitochondria are also the sites of biosynthesis of some amino acids.
(III) These are also the sites of thermogenesis.
(IV) These are the sites of vitellogenesis during the growth face of oogenesis which is controlled
by a yolk nucleus formed of mitochondrial cloud and golgi bodies.
(V) Intermediate products of cell respiration in the mitochondria used in the formation of
steroids, cytochrome ,chlorophyll ,etc.
Mitochondria is in filamentous and rod shaped structure containing mitochondrial membrane,
intermembrane space, matrix , DNA, Cristae and all other parts.
It contains three parts: base piece, stalk, and head piece. In this region oxidative
phosphorylation will occur.