Students x Ceos
Students x Ceos
Students x Ceos
Why us?
We are an innovative digital English solution that has
We have helped thousands of people achieve their English
successfully allowed each learner to follow a personalized
language training goals and provided excellent customer
course of activities and live classes designed to help them
services to all learners and clients in Indonesia.
reach their individual goals.
Our comprehensive courses cover General English, TBI is the only organisation in Indonesia that is certified by
Academic English, Professional English, Corporate the University of Cambridge English to run CELTA training
Training, Teacher Training, and Digital Learning; course and this keeps TBI abreast of the latest development
allowing us to meet the individual needs of each learner. in teacher training and teaching methodology.
Your Most Trusted International Education Partner
Business Writing
Business Presentation
Business Writing
Business Negotiation
EPT Writing
for Recruitment
EPT Writing
for Job Promotion
Customised Programmes
Business Writing
List of Modules
▪ Strategic Leadership & Management
▪ Research Writing
▪ Strategic Change Management
▪ Strategic Marketing Management
▪ or The Role of Organisational Culture & Communication in the Delivery of an
Organisation’s Strategy
▪ Research Methods
▪ Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
▪ Strategic Management of Quality & Operations
Mode of Study
Our Pathway to Masters Degree for professionals (The Level 7 Post Graduate Diploma
in Leadership and Management) can be conducted online or onsite.
Our campuses are able to accommodate learnings or for a certain minimum number
of learners, we will be able to set up a preferred study mode.
Asian Development Bank, ODA, Canada-Asean Centre, UNDP, Canadian International
Development Agency, United Nations, Environment Management Development Indonesia,
USAID, Australian Embassy, Yogyakarta Animal Disease Investigation Project, World
Bank, Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund, AusAID, Japanese Overseas Cooperation
Center, JICE, UNHCR.
Government Sector
Bank Indonesia, CSIS, Bureau of International Cooperation, Department of Industry, Cirebon
Urban Development Project, Directorate General of Higher Education, Directorate of Customs
and Excise, Directorate for National Measurement, Directorate of Geology, Department Agama,
Kimia Farma, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, OTO-BAPPENAS, IPTN, Perumtel, Ministry of
Public Works, Road Research Institute, Pertamina, State Railways, Post Office, ITB, Bank Rakyat
Indonesia, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha, Bank DKI, BPPOM,
Kawasan Berikat Nusantara, Kemekumham, LPDP, Bappenas, Kejaksaan Agung.
Private Sector
Cargill, Bungasari, ABN-AMRO Bank, American Express, Prasetio Utomo and Co, Arun LNG Co, Astra
International, BAT Indonesia, Atlantic Richfield, Bank Niaga, Telkomsel, Borobudur Hotel, The British Council,
Siemens Indonesia, British Petroleum, CIBA Geigy, Maersk Sealand, Conoco Indonesia Inc, Jasa Marga, Grand
Hyatt Hotel, Kaltim Prima Coal, Lasmo Oil, Roche Indonesia, Standard Chartered Bank, Total Indonesia, Bank
Danamon, Maxus, Schlumberger Geophysics Nusantara, GE Finance, Premier Oil, Boston Consulting
Indonesia, CNOOC, Schlumberger Geoquest, Talisman (JOB Pertamina), Semen Cibinong, Badak NGL, Devon
Energy, Bentoel, Vico, Santa Fe Supraco, Pfizer, Alico, Union Texas, HM Sampoerna, Shell, ABB, Transavia,
Batubara Bukit Asam, Mitra Keluarga Hospital, Jakarta Stock Exchange, Aventis Agrocarb, Preanger Hotel
Bandung, Metco Duta, Pharmacia Indonesia, KPEI, Hotel Mulia Jakarta, Tiga Berlian Auto Finance, American
Express Bank, Petronas, Bank Central Asia, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, Dharma Satya Nusantara, Escoop
Green, Fastindo, Kalbe Nutritionals, Bank Commonwealth, The Sheraton Inn Bandung, Sara Lee Indonesia,
P&G Indonesia, Unilever, Citibank, Jaya Consulting, Wiryadinata and Widiawan, Siddharta Siddharta &
Harsono, Kalbe Blackmores, Samsung SDS Indonesia, Chubb, Cakra Alpha Spektrum, Otoraja Network
Indonesia, Indosat, Leica, Citibank, Adnan Buyung Nasution, Priyohandoyo, Boentoro and Co, Jaya Consulting,
PT Unilever.
Sekolah Islam Al-Azhar, Sekolah BPK Penabur, Yayasan Taruna Bakti, Care Foundation Indonesia,
Nurul Fikri Boarding School, Sekolah Saint Aloysious, ITENAS, Universitas Kristen Maranatha,
MH Thamrin, Santa Theresia, Sampoerna University, Sekolah Noah, Universitas Paramadina, Universitas
Telkom, Universitas Padjajaran.
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