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 Problems or Solutions:
o What are the main problems caused by the loss of animal habitats, and
how can we solve them?

- In terms of the environment, the extinction of one species can drive significant
changes in food webs and biodiversity. This is because as a species goes extinct, it’s
taken out of the food chain; and animals that eat the newly-extinct species have to
find new food sources to live. Furthermore, if a predator becomes extinct, its prey’s
population can proliferate, thus causing dramatic ecosystem changes.

- As humans share the same ecosystem with endangered species, it’s inevitable that
when a species’ population is diminishing, human life will alter. For example, many
types of animals and plants are food sources for humans, and some animals even act
as a buffer against diseases. Without them, food scarcity will increase, and humans are
more likely to suffer from certain illnesses that were once prevented by the extinct

- As habitat loss is the main driver of animal extinction, it’s of utmost importance that
we protect animals' habitats, especially those of endangered species. Governments
and environmental organizations can identify and prioritize wildlands in need of
increased protection, as well as provide support for native habitat restoration (e.g.
reforestrations) that assists in the recovery of once degraded ecosystems.

- To prevent animal extinction, invasions of non-native species must be prevented, as

they can negatively affect the populations of native species. Particularly, governments
can establish and strengthen policies restricting the imports of potentially damaging
plants and animals, therefore minimizing their negative ecological impacts. For
example, Australia strictly monitors the international movement of wildlife specimens
into the country, as invasive species are a serious threat to its native biodiversity,
especially its agriculture.

- It’s necessary that governments and individuals join hands to stop the illegal trade of
endangered species. Governments can enforce stricter laws against wildlife trade, and also
implement extensive media coverage of the issue to raise environmental awareness. At an
individual level, customers can refrain from buying products made from threatened species.
This reduces demand for illegal wildlife products, and will ultimately reduce illegal wildlife
trade in the long run.

* Từ vựng cần lưu ý:

1. habitat restoration /ˈhæbɪtæt ˌrɛstəˈreɪʃən/: sự hồi phục môi trường sống

2. non-native species /nɒn-ˈneɪtɪv ˈspiːʃiːz/: loài không phải bản địa

>< native species

1. restrict the imports of something /rɪsˈtrɪkt ði ˈɪmpɔːts ɒv/: hạn chế nhập khẩu cái gì đó
2. join hands to /ʤɔɪn hændz tuː/: chung tay để
3. extensive media coverage /ɪksˈtɛnsɪv ˈmiːdiə ˈkʌvərɪʤ/: phạm vi truyền thông rộng
4. refrain from doing something /rɪˈfreɪn frɒm/: ngưng không làm gì đó

* Từ vựng cần lưu ý:

1. food web /fuːd wɛb/: lưới thức ăn

2. biodiversity /ˌbaɪəʊdaɪˈvɜːsɪti/: sự đa dạng sinh học
3. proliferate /prəʊˈlɪfəreɪt/: sinh sôi nảy nở
4. it’s inevitable that: điều không thể tránh khỏi là ...
5. act as a buffer against something: đóng vai trò như một nhân tố làm giảm tác động
xấu của cái gì đó
6. food scarcity /fuːd ˈskeəsɪti/: sự khan hiếm thực phẩm
7. suffer from /ˈsʌfə frɒm/ (v): chịu đựng


- Destruction of habitats, for example deforestation on land, or marine debris or acidification

in the ocean, is the main driver of animal extinction. This is because when a habitat is
destroyed, all living species occupying the habitat will have reduced breeding capacity; thus
populations will decline, and extinction becomes more likely.

- The introduction of invasive species by humans, both intentionally or accidentally, into

habitats where they do not belong can also lead to extinction. When humans introduce a new
species to an ecosystem, it may not have any natural predators, and can breed and spread
quickly to take over an area. Native organisms may not have evolved defenses against the
invader, or they may not be able to compete with the invader for limited resources. In this
way, invasive species will displace the native ones, which, in the worst cases, will die and
become extinct.

- Illegal trafficking and wildlife trade is one of the major drivers of global animal
extinction, especially that of threatened species. This is because when threatened
species are involved, any poaching of such species to supply illegal wildlife trade
(e.g. poaching of elephants for ivory and tigers for skins & bones) will further
enhance the risks of that species becoming extinct.

The accelerating climate change is another reason behind animal extinction. Due to such
changes, species either have to adapt to new climate patterns (e.g. higher temperature,
variations in rainfall, etc.) or migrate to areas with more favorable conditions to meet their
physical and biological needs. Research had shown that many species were not able to adapt
fast enough to the coming changes, and as a result, may well become extinct.

* Từ vựng cần lưu ý:

- marine debris /məˈriːn ˈdeɪbriː/ = marine litter: rác thải đại dương
- (ocean) acidification /(ˈəʊʃən) əˌsɪdɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/: sự acid hóa đại dương
- invasive species /ɪnˈveɪsɪv ˈspiːʃiːz/: loài xâm lấn (loài không có nguồn gốc bản địa,
và có thể đe dọa nghiêm trọng đến hệ động thực vật bản địa)
- predator /ˈprɛdətə/ (n): dã thú, động vật ăn thịt
- breed /briːd/ (v): sinh sản
- organism /ˈɔːgənɪzm / (n): sinh vật
- displace /dɪsˈpleɪs/ (v): thay thế cái gì đó
- wildlife trade /ˈwaɪldlaɪf treɪd/: buôn bán động vật hoang dã
- poach /pəʊʧ/ (v): săn trộm
- elephant’s ivory /ˈɛlɪfənts ˈaɪvəri/: ngà voi
- adapt to new climate patterns /əˈdæpt tuː njuː ˈklaɪmɪt ˈpætənz/: thích ứng với khí hậu
- migrate to /maɪˈgreɪt tuː/ (v): di cư đến

• Causes or Effects:
o What are the causes of animal extinction, and how does it affect the environment?
o How does keeping animals in zoos affect their health and well-being?

Living in a zoo has two main benefits for the animals they contain. First, the threat of
extinction can be removed for endangered species like pandas and rhinos. In a zoo, they could
reproduce in a well-protected area without the fear of predators or poachers. Second, in a
world where human activities destroy natural habitats and the associated food sources, zoos
become a perfect sanctuary for affected wildlife, such as polar bears. Simply put, these bears
find their territories diminishing daily and their access to food restricted due to global
warming caused by industrialization. However, in zoos they receive regular meals and can
live out their lives in peace.

Despite the few advantages, living in captivity, in my opinion, is not always in the best
interest of the animals. For one thing, animals have evolved to roam freely and search for a
new home or mate. Remaining in the same small place will only lead to boredom or even
depression. For another, being constantly on display and having no privacy at all puts them
under a tremendous amount of stress. Since some wild animals, such as owls or leopards, are
naturally shy, forcing them to be under constant close observation from loud groups of
visitors might be considered torture. Finally, hunting and foraging is a part of most animal
species. This ensures that they get enough physical activity and avoid becoming obese, but
zoos cannot provide them with enough space for such natural behaviors. Therefore, living in a
zoo will be both mentally and physically harmful to them.

Bài 2:

On the one hand, many people feel that zoos are useful in some regards. Firstly, zoos can help
to preserve endangered animals by keeping them safe from poachers and other threats, such as
habitat destruction and the spread of urbanisation. Some zoos also run breeding programs in
order to try and increase the numbers of some endangered species to avoid them becoming
extinct. Secondly, by keeping animals in zoos, people can learn and understand more about
them and this can help to raise awareness amongst the public in order to help preserve certain
However, while the abovementioned ideas may be true to a certain extent, I believe that zoos
are unnecessary for the following reasons. To begin with, zoos can only hold small numbers
of animals and therefore cannot protect the large majority of species from being hunted or
their habitats from being destroyed. I believe it is the responsibility of each government to
create and fund conservation programs that help to stop the destruction of the habitats of
endangered species so that animals can live in their natural state rather than be locked up in
cages for their entire life. Furthermore, in many zoos, animals are being mistreated as they are
often provided with insufficient food and medical care, which has so far caused many animals
in zoos to die because of starvation and diseases.



The main driver of deforestation today is forest conversion, which is the clearing
of natural forests for agricultural or industrial purposes. This is due to the fast-
growing demand for land for infrastructure and urbanization, or to produce
agricultural commodities and mineral resources; and over the last twenty years
of the 20th century, nearly one-fifth of worldwide forests were converted to non-
forest land.
Forest fire is another driver of deforestation. While wildfire is a natural
occurrence in most forest ecosystems, climate change (which causes drier
weather) and poor land management (which results in the unnatural
accumulation of vegetation that makes the fire burn more intensely) have led to
more frequent, larger and higher-intensity wildfires, and thus millions of hectares
of forest worldwide are burnt down each year.
One of the reasons behind deforestation is illegal logging, which is the
harvesting, processing and trading of timber in violation of national/
international laws. Illegal logging exists because of increasing demand for
timber, paper and derivative products such as packaging; and the issue will
continue to have a devastating impact on the world's remaining forests if left
Forests are home to most living species, and deforestation can negatively affect
various animal and plant species due to the loss or degradation of their habitat.
Particularly, the removal of trees and other types of vegetation reduces available
food, shelter, and breeding habitat; and in the long run, deforestation can pose a
serious threat to Earth’s biodiversity.
Apart from the loss of natural habitats, deforestation also means that a greater
amount of greenhouse gases will be released into the atmosphere. Trees absorb
carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and store it inside them, and when they are
cut down, the stored CO2 is released back into the atmosphere, which can
accelerate the global warming process. Particularly, it is estimated that each
year, deforestation contributes about 10 percent to all global warming emissions.
Deforestation weakens and degrades the soil. Forested soil is more resistant to
erosion and extreme weather events, and can better retain water and topsoil,
which provides rich nutrients to sustain rich forest life. Without forests, soil
erodes and becomes increasingly fragile, thus leaving the area more susceptible
to natural disasters such as flooding or landslides, especially in coastal regions.

Stricter laws and regulations from organizations and governments can

contribute towards slowing deforestation. By enforcing forest preservation
policies (e.g. stricter laws on timber, farming & land use) and improving
the monitoring of forest activities, governments can curb illegal logging
and other forest crimes.

- To combat deforestation, governments and environmental organizations

can carry out reforestation schemes, in which forests that were once
burned down/ cut down are restored or replanted. This involves dedicating
large tracts of land for cultivating forests; for example, in local
communities/ urban centers, reforestation can be done around market
areas, wildlife reserves, or city parks. Through reforestation, we can
restore the stability offered by forests, particularly by restoring lost
biodiversity and reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.

- Proper planning of land use is one of the most feasible solutions to stop
the rapid forest conversion. Particularly, governments can implement
planning techniques that center on environmentally friendly development,
such as urban agriculture and lessening urban and suburban sprawl;
which can considerably cut back deforestation.

Globalization has significantly transformed the world in various aspects, including economies,
politics, and cultures. While it has contributed to increased connectivity and economic growth, its
impact on local cultures is a topic of growing concern. This essay will explore how globalization
affects traditional customs, values, languages, and cultural identity, highlighting both positive and
negative consequences.

Loss of Traditional Customs and Values

One of the most evident impacts of globalization on local cultures is the erosion of traditional customs
and values. As people gain access to global media, entertainment, and consumer products, there is a
tendency to adopt foreign customs that may conflict with indigenous practices. For instance, Western
holidays such as Halloween and Valentine’s Day are becoming increasingly popular in non-Western
countries, often overshadowing local festivals and traditions. This shift can result in a loss of cultural
diversity, as younger generations may become more inclined to embrace global trends rather than
preserve their own cultural heritage.

Homogenization of Culture
Another consequence of globalization is cultural homogenization, where distinct cultural practices
and traditions are replaced by a more uniform global culture. This is particularly noticeable in urban
centers, where global fast food chains, fashion brands, and entertainment platforms dominate. The
spread of English as a global language also contributes to this phenomenon, as it increasingly
becomes the preferred medium for communication in international business, education, and media. As
a result, smaller, less dominant languages are at risk of extinction. UNESCO estimates that half of the
world’s languages could disappear by the end of this century if current trends continue.

Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage

Despite these challenges, globalization also offers opportunities for the preservation and promotion of
local cultures. The rise of the internet and social media allows for the sharing and dissemination of
cultural practices and traditions to a global audience. For example, cultural festivals such as Chinese
New Year or India’s Diwali are now celebrated in many parts of the world due to increased awareness
and the efforts of diaspora communities. Additionally, the tourism industry provides a platform for
showcasing and preserving local cultures. Many countries have capitalized on their cultural heritage
to attract visitors, which can also serve as a means of preserving traditional arts, crafts, and rituals.

Cultural Exchange and Hybridization

Globalization has also facilitated cultural exchange, leading to the development of hybrid cultures that
blend elements from various traditions. This exchange can enrich local cultures by introducing new
ideas, cuisines, and art forms. For instance, the fusion of Eastern and Western fashion has given rise to
unique styles, while culinary traditions have merged to create exciting new flavors. Furthermore,
cross-cultural collaborations in fields such as music, film, and art have flourished, allowing diverse
cultures to inspire and influence each other.

Challenges to Cultural Identity

However, the constant exposure to global cultures can create identity crises, especially for younger
generations. As they navigate between traditional values and global norms, they may struggle to
reconcile their cultural heritage with the modern world. This challenge is particularly evident in
countries undergoing rapid development and urbanization, where rural populations are increasingly
exposed to urban lifestyles. The result is often a dilution of cultural identity, as traditional practices
are seen as outdated or irrelevant.

Balancing Globalization and Cultural Preservation

In response to these challenges, many governments and cultural organizations are taking steps to
protect and promote local cultures. Policies aimed at preserving indigenous languages, traditional art
forms, and historical landmarks are being implemented in various countries. For example, in New
Zealand, the government has taken significant steps to revive the Maori language and culture through
education and media initiatives. Similarly, Japan has made efforts to protect its cultural heritage by
designating certain traditional practices as “intangible cultural assets,” ensuring their continuation for
future generations.

Globalization has undoubtedly impacted local cultures, leading to both positive and negative
outcomes. While it has facilitated cultural exchange and offered new opportunities for the promotion
of traditions, it has also contributed to the erosion of traditional values and the homogenization of
culture. To ensure a balanced approach, it is essential for societies to embrace the benefits of
globalization while actively working to preserve their unique cultural identities. This can be achieved
through policies that promote cultural diversity, education programs that raise awareness of local
traditions, and efforts to protect endangered languages and practices. By doing so, globalization can
coexist with the preservation of local cultures, enriching the global cultural landscape rather than
diminishing it.
Positive Impacts of Globalization on Local Cultures

A. Cultural Exchange and Integration

Globalization has facilitated the introduction of new ideas and practices across cultures. This cultural
exchange has led to the fusion of cuisines, music, art, and fashion, enriching local traditions with new
elements. For instance, the integration of international cuisines in local food culture has introduced
new flavors and culinary techniques, creating a dynamic and diverse food scene. Additionally, cross-
cultural collaborations in various fields, such as film, literature, and technology, have fostered
creativity and innovation, leading to the emergence of new cultural forms and expressions.

B. Economic Benefits and Cultural Flourishing

The economic benefits brought about by globalization have also contributed to the flourishing of local
cultures. Tourism, driven by global interest in cultural heritage, has become a significant source of
income for many communities. This economic boost has facilitated the promotion of local heritage
sites, traditional crafts and products, and cultural festivals. Furthermore, access to global markets has
enabled local artisans to sell their products internationally, ensuring the survival and revival of
traditional crafts and industries. Enhanced economic opportunities have, in many cases, led to a
cultural revival, as communities gain the resources needed to sustain and celebrate their cultural

C. Technological Advancements and Cultural Preservation

Technological advancements have played a crucial role in the preservation and promotion of local
cultures. Digital archiving has allowed for the preservation of cultural artifacts and traditions,
ensuring that they are accessible to future generations. Online platforms have provided spaces for
cultural exchange and education, allowing individuals from different parts of the world to learn about
and appreciate diverse cultures. Access to global resources, such as funding and expertise, has
empowered cultural institutions to undertake preservation projects and initiatives, safeguarding their
cultural heritage in the digital age.

III. Negative Impacts of Globalization on Local Cultures

A. Cultural Homogenization

One of the significant negative impacts of globalization is cultural homogenization. The dominance of
Western culture and values has led to the erosion of unique cultural identities and practices. Local
traditions and lifestyles are increasingly being replaced by standardized global consumption patterns
and lifestyles, driven by multinational corporations and global media. This cultural homogenization
threatens the diversity of cultural expressions and undermines the richness of local traditions.

B. Erosion of Traditional Practices and Languages

Globalization has also contributed to the decline in the use of indigenous languages and the
displacement of traditional customs and rituals. The influence of global media and entertainment has
often overshadowed local cultural expressions, leading to a decrease in the practice and transmission
of traditional knowledge. This erosion of traditional practices and languages poses a significant threat
to the cultural heritage and identity of many communities, as younger generations are drawn towards
global cultural trends at the expense of their own cultural heritage.

C. Economic Disparities and Cultural Marginalization

The economic benefits of globalization are often unevenly distributed, leading to cultural exploitation
and marginalization. Minority cultures, in particular, are vulnerable to the impacts of economic
disparities. Multinational corporations may exploit local resources and labor, leading to the
displacement of communities and the destruction of cultural lands. Additionally, local artisans and
traditional industries may struggle to compete with mass-produced global goods, resulting in the loss
of traditional livelihoods and cultural practices.

IV. Case Studies

A. Positive Example: South Korea’s Cultural Export (Hallyu Wave)

The Hallyu Wave, or Korean Wave, exemplifies the positive impact of globalization on local culture.
The global spread of K-pop, Korean dramas, and fashion has not only boosted South Korea’s
economy but also enhanced its cultural pride and international cultural presence. This cultural export
has fostered a greater appreciation and understanding of Korean culture worldwide, demonstrating
how globalization can promote cultural exchange and economic growth.

B. Negative Example: Indigenous Cultures in Latin America

In contrast, the impact of multinational corporations on indigenous cultures in Latin America

highlights the negative aspects of globalization. The exploitation of natural resources and the
displacement of indigenous communities have led to the loss of cultural lands and the erosion of
traditional practices. These communities face significant challenges in preserving their cultural
heritage amidst the pressures of globalization and economic exploitation.
C. Mixed Impact Example: India’s Cultural Dynamism

India’s cultural landscape presents a mixed impact of globalization. While traditional arts and crafts
continue to thrive, they coexist with significant Western influence in various aspects of daily life.
Bollywood, India’s film industry, has achieved global recognition, contributing to both cultural
preservation and the diffusion of Indian culture worldwide. This dynamic interplay between cultural
preservation and globalization highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of cultural

V. Strategies for Mitigating Negative Impacts

A. Cultural Preservation Initiatives

To mitigate the negative impacts of globalization, it is essential to support cultural preservation

initiatives. Government policies and funding can play a vital role in safeguarding cultural heritage
through projects and programs. Community-led efforts and grassroots movements are equally
important, as they empower local communities to take an active role in preserving their cultural
traditions and practices.

B. Education and Awareness Programs

Education and awareness programs are crucial in promoting the importance of cultural heritage.
Including cultural education in school curricula can foster a sense of pride and responsibility towards
cultural preservation among younger generations. Public awareness campaigns can highlight the value
of cultural diversity and encourage broader societal support for preservation efforts.

C. Sustainable Economic Practices

Promoting sustainable economic practices can help protect local cultures from the adverse effects of
globalization. Supporting local artisans and businesses ensures that traditional crafts and industries
can thrive. Fair trade and ethical tourism practices can provide economic benefits to communities
while respecting and preserving their cultural heritage.

VI. Conclusion

Globalization has a dual impact on local cultures, bringing both opportunities and challenges. While it
facilitates cultural exchange and economic growth, it also poses threats to cultural diversity and
heritage. A balanced approach is needed to encourage cultural exchange while safeguarding the
uniqueness of local cultures. Fostering global connections without eroding local identities requires the
collective efforts of individuals, communities, and policymakers. By promoting cultural preservation
initiatives, education, and sustainable economic practices, we can work towards a future where
cultural globalization is inclusive and enriching, preserving the world’s diverse cultural heritage for
generations to come.

Why do some customs disappear over time, and what impact does this have on a society?
There are several reasons why traditional customs and ways of life are disappearing. One of the main
reasons is globalization, which has brought about cultural homogenization. As people become more
connected through technology and travel, they are exposed to new ideas and lifestyles, which can lead
to a decline in traditional customs. Another reason is urbanization, as people move from rural areas to
cities, they often leave behind their traditional ways of life and adopt new ones.
There are several reasons for the loss of traditional values in many countries. Rapid globalization is a
significant factor, leading to the exchange of cultural values. The interconnection and expansion of
cultural ties, particularly due to migration, have led the younger generation to adopt each other's
fashion and habits. Additionally, parents in modern society often do not emphasize their traditional
customs in raising their children, while technological advancements and social media platforms like
Facebook and Instagram exert a profound influence on the younger generation, impacting their
cultural values.
It appears that the disappearance of culture and traditional customs is a result of insufficient efforts to
preserve and transmit them. The pivotal role of parents and schools in education greatly impacts this
issue. Their crucial function is to preserve culture and social heritage. Parents and schools should
instill traditional values and morals in the impressionable minds of young students, particularly in
primary education where children learn to appreciate the importance of life. In addition to culture
preservation, they should also aim to transmit existing cultural experiences and values from one
generation to another through various programs and practices. Preserving and transmitting cultural
identity is considered the pinnacle of achievement for parents and schools in contemporary society.
Agree (đồng ý):
Digital media is replacing books, magazines, newspapers and other traditional forms of
communication. (Công nghệ đang thay thế các ấn phẩm như sách, báo và các hình thức giao tiếp
truyền thống khác)
Technology is swiftly advancing, pushing people to constantly change and adapt with new values,
thus making them gradually forget traditional values. (Công nghệ đang phát triển rất nhanh, khiến con
người phải liên tục thay đổi để thích nghi với những giá trị mới và dần quên mất các giá trị xưa cũ.)
Disagree (không đồng ý):
Technical and scientific progression contributes to the development of traditional culture and brings it
closer to the public. (Các tiến triển khoa học và công nghệ góp phần vào việc phát triển của giá trị
truyền thống và khiến chúng đến gần với công chúng hơn.)
In reality, traditional cultures have always been maintained and preserved along with the enhancement
of technology. (Trong thực tế, các giá trị truyền thông vẫn luôn được lưu giữ song song với phát triển
công nghệ.)
Technological advancement foster the rise of globalization, which motivates countries to preserve
their cultural identities to avoid cultural homogenization. (Sự cải tiến công nghệ dẫn đến việc toàn cầu
hóa gia tăng và khiến các quốc gia cần phải giữ bản sắc để tránh bị đồng hóa)
Vấn đề 2: Quan điểm về việc giới trẻ hội nhập các xu hướng mới từ nước ngoài
Cause (nguyên nhân):
Traditions are incompatible with the ideas and attitudes of the young generation. (Truyền thống
thường không tương thích với suy nghĩ và thái độ của thế hệ trẻ.)
With the rapid growth of globalization, traditional clothes are being neglected and progressively
overshadowed by trendy fashion. (Với tình trạng toàn cầu hóa nhanh chóng, các trang phục truyền
thống đang dần bị lãng quên và bị lấn át bởi thời trang xu hướng.)
The growth of the internet has had a further globalizing effect that erodes the uniqueness of traditional
cultures on young people. (Sự phát triển của Internet đã tạo nên hiệu ứng toàn cầu hóa và làm xói mòn
bản sắc văn hóa đối với người trẻ.)
Solution (giải pháp):
Promoting traditional arts and music through modern platforms in a contemporary way to reach young
people. (Quảng bá các loại hình nghệ thuật truyền thống qua nền tảng hiện đại một cách đương thời
để chạm đến người trẻ.)
Encouraging young people to establish cultural youth organizations to preserve and nurture traditional
values. (Khuyến khích người trẻ thành lập các tổ chức để gìn giữ và phát triển văn hóa truyền thống.)
Putting content about traditional values in schools’ curriculum to teach children about culture from a
young age. (Đưa nội dung về giá trị truyền thống và chương trình dạy học để dạy trẻ em về văn hóa từ
khi còn nhỏ.)
While some argue that history has nothing significant to teach us, others insist that understanding the
past help us better grasp the present. Personally, the second viewpoint is more reasonable since we
may be better prepared for the present and future by learning from previous mistakes.
First, some individuals are skeptical of historical accounts because they believe they are biased. In
most cases, physical and scientific evidence is insufficient to establish the knowledge. For this reason,
many individuals dismiss historical trivia as legends or exaggerations that contribute nothing to
modern life. In Vietnam, for instance, archaeologists have uncovered old remains in various locations,
but they have yet to match this information with the proper knowledge provided in history books
about the ancient kingdom. However, I cannot entirely agree with this idea since a lack of proof does
not mean the past is not genuine and irrelevant.
On the other hand, knowledge of history is vital for comprehending the present and future. In reality,
by studying the past, not only can we learn from our mistakes and improve our future actions, but we
may also be inspired to work harder by hearing about the heroic efforts and personal sacrifices that
our ancestors made. In Germany, for instance, educating children about World War II history is a must
because of the many lessons and insights it provides for helping them learn from and prevent
repeating past errors.
In conclusion, as a result of learning from past mistakes, it is essential to study history so that humans
may be better equipped for the present and future.
There are different opinions about the role of history in our present life. While a lot of people insist
that there would be nothing to gain from doing research on what happened in the past, I suppose
history does teach us precious lessons.
On the one hand, I understand why some people think it is pointless to learn from the past. First,
history is the field that is rarely used in people’s lives, and therefore, they would rather pay attention
to science or technology than focus on something that brings no relevant values to the present or
future. Second, each historical event is interpreted differently based on different facts and
perspectives, so there is no guarantee of the accuracy of information obtained. If, in many cases,
historical documents were falsified, it would cause tremendous damage to people’s culture and
On the other hand, I would argue that studying from past events is essential for two principal reasons.
History helps young people have thorough insights into their own culture and how their country has
evolved. This is particularly true in case of Vietnam. The youth need to understand how their
ancestors defended the nation against intruders throughout many dynasties and maintain a sovereign
and free country, which would develop their patriotism and pride. Furthermore, history depicts the
mistakes made in the past, hence helping people to avoid similar ones in the future.
In conclusion, acquiring knowledge about historical events, although redundant according to some,
seems to be of great value to me.
Traffic jams are one of the major issues that affect the standard of living in urban areas. This essay
will identify the causes of this problem and suggest practical solutions accordingly.
Traffic jams can be attributed to two main issues: large volume of vehicles and poor quality of
infrastructure. First, the population is generally very dense in metropolitan areas, which means the
number of traffic participants is also very high, leading to traffic congestion during rush hours. This is
especially true in developing countries where the public transport system is underdeveloped and the
majority of dwellers use private vehicles like cars, motorbikes… The second cause of traffic jams may
lie in the quality of infrastructure. In some countries, roads are degraded with a lot of potholes due to
the lack of maintenance. This, combined with the lack of traffic facilities such as traffic signals, road
markings, warning signs… will result in traffic accidents and consequently traffic jams.
To solve these problems, the government can issue a number of policies to reduce the volume of
vehicles and improve the quality of infrastructure. Counter-urbanization policies encouraging people
to resettle in rural areas will help reduce the number of traffic participants and thus the likelihood of
traffic jams. In addition, the government should encourage the use of public transport such as metro,
bus, tram. This could be achieved by introducing concession fares for public transport and car tax. In
addition, the government should continuously improve the quality of infrastructure by conducting
regular road maintenance and build modern facilities such as highways, overpasses, underpasses to
ease the pressure on the roads.
In conclusion, traffic congestion is an urban issue that largely stems from the high volume of vehicles
on the road and the low quality of infrastructure. To address these issues, there are a number of
measures that the government can take, such as counter-urbanizing, promoting the use of public
transport, maintaining roads regularly and upgrading transport facilities.
Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about measures to ensure road safety.
However, whether imposing stricter penalties for driving offenses is the only way to protect people is
still a controversial issue. Although I agree that harsher punishments can act as an effective way to
deter people from committing road offenses, I believe that there are better methods to protect the
welfare of road users.
Firstly, it is obvious that the implementation of rules can act as a deterrent to would-be lawbreakers.
For example, in Vietnam, a motorist not wearing helmet can be fined with $20 to $40, and thus he will
be in fear of facing further punishment and avoid committing another offense. Furthermore, more
stringent punishments for traffic crimes can be an efficient way to reduce traffic accidents. For
instance, in the past, China witnessed a significant number of annual road casualties when it had very
loosely enforced regulations. However, once harsher laws related to road safety were implemented in
2009, there was a notable reduction in the total number of traffic accidents.
This is not to say that only by using stricter rules can we enhance the safety of our roads. It is true that
there are still other effective measures to ensure people’s safety, such as heightening people’s
awareness through the media about the consequences of committing driving offenses, or promoting
the use of public transport systems such as buses or trains. To achieve the best results, the most
effective method may be to combine all the aforementioned ideas.
In conclusion, I believe that stricter punishments are not the only way to deal with minimizing driving
offenses. Measures, including raising people’s awareness and promoting the use of public transport
systems, can also contribute to maintaining road safety.
The expansion of public transportation networks has become a pressing issue in urban planning.
While some argue that such developments bring numerous benefits, others point out potential
downsides. This essay will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of expanding public
transportation, ultimately concluding that the advantages far outweigh the drawbacks.

Body Paragraph 1 (Advantages)

One significant advantage of expanding public transportation networks is the reduction of traffic
congestion. In many large cities, traffic jams are a daily issue, causing delays and increasing
frustration for commuters. Public transportation, particularly when efficient and widespread, can
alleviate this problem by offering an alternative to private car use. For example, cities like Tokyo and
Singapore have extensive metro systems, which have significantly decreased the number of cars on
the roads, leading to smoother traffic flow and faster travel times.

Another benefit is the positive environmental impact. With the world increasingly focusing on
sustainability, reducing carbon emissions is a top priority. Public transport systems, such as buses and
trains, produce far fewer emissions per passenger compared to private cars. According to research,
one full bus can replace up to 40 individual cars, dramatically reducing fuel consumption and air
pollution. This makes public transportation an eco-friendly solution to urban mobility.

Body Paragraph 2 (Disadvantages)

On the other hand, one notable disadvantage is the high cost of expanding public transportation
networks. Developing new infrastructure, such as subway lines or bus rapid transit systems, requires
significant financial investment from governments. This often leads to higher taxes or public debt. For
instance, New York City’s Second Avenue Subway expansion project took decades to complete and
cost billions of dollars, putting a strain on the city’s budget.

Another disadvantage is the potential for overcrowding in public transport systems. In cities where
expansion does not meet demand, public transport can become overcrowded, leading to discomfort for
passengers. For example, during peak hours in London or Mumbai, buses and trains are often packed,
making commuting a stressful experience. This overcrowding reduces the quality of service and may
discourage people from using public transportation altogether.

In conclusion, while the expansion of public transportation networks has some disadvantages, such as
high costs and overcrowding, the benefits—such as reducing traffic congestion and lowering
environmental impact—are far more significant. Therefore, the advantages of expanding public
transportation clearly outweigh the disadvantages.
The rapid increase in the use of electric vehicles (EVs) is a notable trend in the contemporary world.
This development can be seen as both positive and negative, but I believe the benefits outweigh the
drawbacks. This essay will discuss why I support this view, although it is important to acknowledge
some potential downsides.

On the positive side, the most significant advantage of the rise in electric vehicle usage is the
reduction in environmental pollution. Traditional internal combustion engine vehicles emit substantial
amounts of greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming and air pollution. Electric vehicles, on
the other hand, produce zero emissions at the point of use. This shift can lead to cleaner air in urban
areas, which is beneficial for public health, reducing respiratory diseases and improving overall
quality of life.

Moreover, electric vehicles are often more energy-efficient than their gasoline counterparts. EVs
convert a higher percentage of the electrical energy from the grid to power at the wheels compared to
internal combustion engines. This efficiency not only conserves energy but also reduces the
dependency on fossil fuels, promoting energy security and sustainability. Additionally, advancements
in battery technology and the expansion of renewable energy sources can further enhance the eco-
friendly nature of electric vehicles.

However, there are some challenges associated with the increasing use of electric vehicles. One
notable concern is the environmental impact of battery production and disposal. The extraction of
lithium, cobalt, and other materials used in EV batteries can have detrimental environmental and
social consequences. Moreover, the disposal of used batteries poses a significant waste management
challenge, as they contain toxic substances that can harm ecosystems if not properly handled.
Another issue is the current infrastructure for electric vehicles, which is still underdeveloped in many
regions. The lack of charging stations and the relatively long charging times compared to refueling
conventional cars can deter potential users. Furthermore, the initial cost of electric vehicles remains
high, making them less accessible to a broader segment of the population.

In conclusion, while there are valid concerns regarding the increase in electric vehicle usage, I believe
the positive aspects far outweigh the negative ones. The environmental benefits, energy efficiency,
and potential for sustainability make electric vehicles a crucial component in combating climate
change and promoting a greener future. Addressing the challenges of battery production, disposal, and
infrastructure will be essential to maximizing the positive impact of this development.
What are the biggest environmental problems in your country, and how can they be solved?

Since several environmental problems have been caused by humans’ forces, we need to act
responsibly to reduce the damage that we are doing to the Earth. This essay will explain
environmental problems and what governments and individuals can do to address these problems.

Two of the threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Global warming, which is well-
known as a global issue because of its devastating effect on the environment, is a result of gas
emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles. In addition, the increase in human
population comes along with a huge quantity of waste, which contaminates the Earth and pollutes
rivers and oceans.

On one hand, governments could reduce air pollution in many ways. First, they could introduce laws
to put a limit on factories’ gas emissions or force companies to use renewable energy in production.
Second, they could also innovate the public transport system to become more convenient and greener.
By this way, governments can encourage people to take public transport instead of driving, therefore
reducing emissions.

On the other hand, individuals should also be responsible to lower down pollution level in their
surroundings. They can take buses and subways or other means of public transportation rather than
driving, which could reduce the amount of exhaust fumes from vehicles. Also, people should purchase
reusable products and recycle as much as possible to avoid releasing too much waste. For example,
Vietnamese people are recommended to use resuable or paper bags when going shopping instead of
plastic bags to cut down on plastic bags consumption.
In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must understand the harmful impact they
have on the environment and be responsible to ease damage.
5. Question: "People in big cities are facing many healthy challenges due to a high level of air
pollution. What causes air pollution in big cities? Can you suggest some ways to deal with this
The prevalence of health issues in populous urban centers due to air pollution is an alarming concern.
There are several contributing factors to air pollution in cities, and addressing this issue requires a
comprehensive strategy encompassing governmental policies, technological advancements, and
individual behavioral changes.
Air pollution in cities primarily emanates from a multitude of sources. The burning of fossil fuels for
transportation, heating, and power generation is the most significant contributor, leading to the
emission of harmful substances such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter.
Industrial activities, construction projects, waste disposal, and other human activities add to the
problem. Furthermore, geographical and weather conditions can exacerbate the situation by trapping
pollutants close to the ground, especially in densely-populated urban areas.
Addressing the problem of urban air pollution requires a multifaceted approach. At the governmental
level, implementing stricter emission standards for vehicles and industries, investing in renewable
energy sources, and promoting public transportation and cycling can substantially reduce the emission
of pollutants. Urban planning also plays a crucial role, with the development of green spaces and
zoning laws to separate industrial activities from residential areas contributing to cleaner air.
Technological advancements can contribute significantly to curbing air pollution. The development
and adoption of cleaner technologies, such as electric vehicles and energy-efficient appliances, can
help reduce the reliance on fossil fuels. Moreover, innovations in air purification technology can help
cleanse the atmosphere within urban environments.
Lastly, individual actions can make a significant difference. Encouraging behaviors like reducing car
usage, recycling, and minimizing waste can contribute to lessening pollution levels. Raising public
awareness about the consequences of air pollution and the steps each person can take to mitigate it is
In conclusion, air pollution in cities, caused mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and industrial
activities, poses severe health risks. A concerted effort involving governmental policies, technological
advancements, and individual actions is necessary to alleviate this pressing problem.

The shift towards renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, has gained significant
attention in recent years due to growing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable energy
solutions. This essay will evaluate whether the advantages of transitioning to renewable energy
outweigh the disadvantages. It will be argued that while there are notable challenges, the benefits of
renewable energy far exceed these drawbacks.

Body Paragraph 1: Advantages

One of the primary advantages of renewable energy is its contribution to reducing greenhouse gas
emissions. Unlike fossil fuels, which release large amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants
when burned, solar and wind power generate electricity with minimal environmental impact. For
instance, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), wind turbines produce
energy without emitting carbon dioxide, thereby helping mitigate climate change. Additionally,
renewable energy sources can help reduce dependence on imported fuels, enhancing energy security
and reducing geopolitical tensions. For example, countries like Denmark have successfully invested in
wind power, allowing them to decrease their reliance on imported oil and gas.

Another significant benefit is the potential for job creation. The renewable energy sector is labor-
intensive and has shown substantial growth in employment opportunities. For example, the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that jobs in the solar and wind industries are growing at a rate much
faster than the average for other sectors. This growth not only provides direct employment but also
stimulates economic development in related industries, such as manufacturing and maintenance

Body Paragraph 2: Disadvantages

Despite these benefits, there are several drawbacks to transitioning to renewable energy. One notable
disadvantage is the intermittency of solar and wind power. Unlike fossil fuel-based power plants,
which can operate continuously, solar and wind energy production is dependent on weather conditions
and time of day. This intermittency can lead to inconsistent energy supply and requires investment in
energy storage solutions or backup systems. For instance, in regions with less sunlight or frequent
cloudy weather, solar panels may produce insufficient power, leading to reliance on backup fossil fuel

Another challenge is the high initial cost of renewable energy infrastructure. The installation of solar
panels, wind turbines, and associated technology often requires substantial capital investment. For
example, setting up a large-scale solar farm involves significant costs for land, equipment, and
installation. While these costs have been decreasing over time, they remain a barrier to widespread
adoption, particularly in developing countries with limited financial resources.


In summary, the transition to renewable energy sources like solar and wind power presents both
significant advantages and notable disadvantages. While the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
and job creation are compelling benefits, challenges such as energy intermittency and high initial
costs must be addressed. Ultimately, the long-term environmental and economic benefits of renewable
energy sources outweigh the drawbacks, making a strong case for their continued development and
In recent years, the adoption of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power has gained
significant momentum worldwide. This development is largely seen as a positive shift, although it
does come with its own set of challenges. In this essay, I will argue that the use of renewable energy is
predominantly a positive development, with some reservations.

To begin with, renewable energy sources are crucial in addressing the pressing issue of climate
change. Unlike fossil fuels, solar and wind power generate electricity without emitting greenhouse
gases. This reduction in carbon emissions is essential for mitigating global warming and its associated
impacts, such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels. For instance, countries like Germany
and Denmark, which have heavily invested in renewable energy, have seen substantial decreases in
their carbon footprints.

Moreover, renewable energy sources are sustainable and inexhaustible. Solar and wind energy are
derived from natural processes that are constantly replenished, unlike finite fossil fuel reserves. This
sustainability ensures a long-term energy supply, which is vital for future generations. Additionally,
the decentralization of energy production through small-scale solar panels and wind turbines can
enhance energy security and reduce dependence on imported fuels.

However, the transition to renewable energy is not without its challenges. One significant issue is the
intermittent nature of solar and wind power. These energy sources depend on weather conditions,
which can be unpredictable. Consequently, there can be periods when energy generation is low,
potentially leading to supply shortages. This intermittency necessitates the development of advanced
energy storage systems and a robust grid infrastructure to ensure a reliable energy supply.

Furthermore, the initial cost of installing renewable energy systems can be high. Solar panels and
wind turbines require significant upfront investment, which may be a barrier for developing countries
or low-income households. Nonetheless, the cost of renewable energy technologies has been steadily
decreasing, and the long-term savings on energy bills and environmental benefits often outweigh the
initial expenses.

In conclusion, the use of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power represents a
predominantly positive development. While there are challenges related to intermittency and initial
costs, the environmental benefits and sustainability of these energy sources far outweigh the
drawbacks. With continued technological advancements and supportive policies, the transition to
renewable energy can be further accelerated, leading to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

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