DPPS Neet Disha Physics Original_Part49
DPPS Neet Disha Physics Original_Part49
DPPS Neet Disha Physics Original_Part49
DIRECTIONS (Q.1-Q.21) : There are 21 multiple choice Q.3 In an ac circuit I = 100 sin 200pt. The time required for
questions. Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out the current to achieve its peak value will be
of which ONLY ONE choice is correct. 1 1 1 1
(a) sec (b) sec (c) sec (d) sec
Q.1 The resistance of a coil for dc is 5 ohm. In ac, the resistance 100 200 300 400
will Q.4 The frequency of ac mains in India is
(a) remain same (b) increase (a) 30 c/s or Hz (b) 50 c/s or Hz
(c) decrease (d) be zero (c) 60 c/s or Hz (d) 120 c/s or Hz
Q.5 The peak value of an alternating e.m.f. E given by
Q.2 If instantaneous current is given by i = 4 cos(wt + f)
amperes, then the r.m.s. value of current is E = E0 cos wt is 10 volts and its frequency is 50 Hz. At
RESPONSE GRID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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2 DPP/ P 46
Q.6 An alternating current is given by the equation (a) 0.32 A (b) 0.016 A
i = i1 cos wt + i2 sin wt . The r.m.s. current is given by (c) 0.48 A (d) 0.80 A
Q.13 A 20 volt ac is applied to a circuit consisting of a resistance
1 1 and a coil with negligible resistance. If the voltage across
(a) (i1 + i2 ) (b) (i1 + i2 ) 2
2 2 the resistance is 12 V , the voltage across the coil is
(a) 16 volt (b) 10 volt
1 1 2 2 1/ 2 (c) 8 volt (d) 6 volt
(c) (i12 + i22 )1/ 2 (d) (i1 + i2 )
2 2 Q.14 An alternating voltage E = 200 2 sin(100t ) is connected
Q.7 In a circuit, the value of alternating current is measured by to a 1 microfarad capacitor through an ac ammeter. The
hot wire ammeter as 10 ampere. Its peak value will be reading of the ammeter will be
(a) 10 A (b) 20 A (c) 14.14 A (d) 7.07 A (a) 10 mA (b) 20 mA
Q.8 The frequency of an alternating voltage is 50 cycles/sec (c) 40 mA (d) 80 mA
and its amplitude is 120V. Then the r.m.s. value of voltage Q.15 A resistor and a capacitor are connected in series with an
is a.c. source. If the potential drop across the capacitor is 5
(a) 101.3V (b) 84.8V (c) 70.7V (d) 56.5V V and that across resistor is 12 V, applied voltage is
Q.9 A resistance of 20W is connected to a source of an (a) 13 V (b) 17 V
alternating potential V = 220sin(100pt ) . The time taken (c) 5 V (d) 12 V
by the current to change from its peak value to r.m.s. value Q.16 A 120 volt ac source is connected across a pure inductor
is of inductance 0.70 henry. If the frequency of the ac source
(a) 0.2 sec (b) 0.25 sec is 60 Hz, the current passing through the inductor is
(c) 25 × 10–3 sec (d) 2.5 × 10–3 sec (a) 4.55 amp (b) 0.355 amp
Q.10 An alternating current of frequency f is flowing in a circuit (c) 0.455 amp (d) 3.55 amp
containing a resistor of resistance R and a choke of Q.17 The instantaneous value of current in an A.C. circuit is
inductance L in series. The impedance of this circuit is I = 2 sin (100 pt + p/3)A. The current will be maximum
for the first time at
(a) R + 2pfL (b) R 2 + 4p2 f 2 L2 1 1
(a) t = s (b) t = s
100 200
(c) R 2 + L2 (d) R 2 + 2pfL
1 1
Q.11 An alternating voltage is connected in series with a (c) t = s (d) t = s
400 600
resistance R and an inductance L. If the potential drop across
the resistance is 200 V and across the inductance is 150 V, æ 0.4 ö
Q.18 In an L – R circuit, the value of L is ç ÷ henry and the
then the applied voltage is è p ø
(a) 350 V (b) 250 V value of R is 30 ohm. If in the circuit, an alternating e.m.f.
(c) 500 V (d) 300 V of 200 volt at 50 cycles per sec is connected, the
Q.12 An inductive circuit contains resistance of 10W and an impedance of the circuit and current will be
inductance of 20 H. If an ac voltage of 120 V and frequency (a) 11.4W,17.5A (b) 30.7 W,6.5A
60 Hz is applied to this circuit, the current would be nearly
(c) 40.4W,5A (d) 50W, 4A
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18.
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Q.19 The voltage across a pure inductor is represented by the DIRECTIONS (Q.22-Q.23) : In the following questions,
following diagram. Which one of the following diagrams more than one of the answers given are correct. Select the
will represent the current? correct answers and mark it according to the following
V codes:
Codes :
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
t (b) 1 and 2 are correct
(c) 2 and 4 are correct
(d) 1 and 3 are correct
Q.22 If an alternating voltage is represented as E = 141 sin
Ai Ai
(628t), then
(1) the rms voltage is 141V
(a) (b) (2) the rms voltage is 100V
t t
(3) the frequency is 50 Hz
(4) the frequency is 100 Hz
Q.23 The r.m.s. value of an ac of 50 Hz is 10 A.
Ai Ai (1) The time taken by the alternating current in reaching
from zero to maximum value is 5×10–3 sec
(c) (d) (2) The time taken by the alternating current in reaching
t t from zero to maximum value is 2×10–3 sec
(3) The peak current is 14.14 A
(4) The peak current is 7.07 A
Q.20 One 10 V, 60 W bulb is to be connected to 100 V line. The
required induction coil has self-inductance of value DIRECTIONS (Q.24-Q.26) : Read the passage given below
( f = 50 Hz) and answer the questions that follows :
(a) 0.052 H (b) 2.42 H If the voltage in an ac circuit is represented by the equation,
(c) 16.2 mH (d) 1.62 mH
V = 220 2 sin (314t – f), then
Q.21 A resistance of 300W and an inductance of henry are Q.24 RMS value of the voltage is
p (a) 220 V (b) 314 V
connected in series to a ac voltage of 20 volt and 200 Hz (c) 220 2 V (d) 200 / 2 V
frequency. The phase angle between the voltage and current Q.25 Average voltage is
is (a) 220 V (b) 622/pV
-1 4 -1 3 (c) 220 2 V (d) 200 / 2 V
(a) tan (b) tan
3 4 Q.26 Frequency of ac is
-1 3 -1 2 (a) 50 Hz (b) 50 2 Hz
(c) tan (d) tan
2 5 (c) 50 2 Hz (d) 75 Hz
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DIRECTIONS (Q. 27-Q.29) : Each of these questions contains Q27 Statement-1: The alternating current lags behind the em.f.
two statements: Statement-1 (Assertion) and Statement-2 by a phase angle of p/2, when ac flows through an inductor.
(Reason). Each of these questions has four alternative choices, Statement-2 : The inductive reactance increases as the
only one of which is the correct answer. You have to select the frequency of ac source decreases.
correct choice. Q.28 Statement-1 : An alternating current does not show any
magnetic effect.
(a) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a Statement-2: Alternating current varies with time.
correct explanation for Statement-1. Q.29 Statement-1 : A capacitor of suitable capacitance can be
(b) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is used in an ac circuit in place of the choke coil.
NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1. Statement-2 : A capacitor blocks dc and allows ac only.
(c) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
(d) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False.