com/d20play 2024-12-03
d20play How To
Sign up. Send your favorite character (or a new/leveled-up one) with a picture. Play!
1. Sign Up: Email (tgchristy@att.net) or discord message (@d20play) me to sign up. Let me know what you go
by and if it will be your first time seeing the adventure. Send me your character (see guidance below) and an
image to make their token from (full body with solid or clear background is best, please try to avoid AI). Do this
within 48 hrs of signing up and 48 hrs before game to hold your spot.
2a. D&D Characters: Play your favorite character (or a new/leveled-up one) of the adventure level or lower. They
can be from any campaign (including AL), edition, or system. You can send them as-is and I'll help with any
temporary changes to match the following guidance (if needed).
Character Sheet: Use any format you like (or my D&D Beyond).
Abilities: Use standard array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) or Customize with 27 points (see PHB Ch. 2).
Background: Customize all (ability scores, origin feat, profs) except equipment. Ignore L4 feat (if any).
Rules Sources (use latest version of a rule): 2024 Player's Handbook/Free Rules > Book of Many Things >
Planescape Adventures in Space > Glory of the Giants > Monsters of the Multiverse > Treasury of Dragons
> Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft > Tasha's Cauldron of Everything > Xanathar's Guide to Everything >
Locathah Rising > Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide > Elemental Evil Player's Companion.
Include: Encumbrance (>5xS (-10'), >10xS (-20', DA S/D/C chk/atk/sv), 15xS max), Custom Origin (count
all weapons as one trade), Human Languages (SCAG).
Exclude: Broom of Flying, Ceremony, Darkvision of PCs, Flight Traits of PCs, Forcecage, Leomund's
Tiny Hut, Silvery Barbs, Winged Boots.
Change: Bugbear Surprise Atk (1/combat). Critical (x2 dmg). Conjure Minor Elementals (+d8/2SL).
Conjure Woodland Beings (4d8). Duration Area Damage (start/enter (1/rnd)). Emboldening Bond
(saves only, no stack w bless). Goodberry (duration 8hr). Shield Spell (dur 1 atk/ magic missile spell).
Spirit Guardians (dur 10r). Toll Dead (d8/tier, wounded DA sv). Twilight Sanctuary (free 1/rnd then R to
use). Umbral Sight (no invis v DV). Weapon Mastery Cleave (wpn dmg only, no other dmg or effects).
Equipment: Use Background and Class starting equipment.
• Add gold for characters starting at higher level. L5-10: +500gp | L11-16: +5,000gp | L17+: +50,000gp.
• Existing characters may instead use their current equipment with the following maximums.
o Total Value: L1-4: 1,000gp | L5-10: 10,000gp | L11-16: 100,000gp | L17+: 1,000,000gp
o Number of Permanent Magic Items: Character Level / 2 (round up)
o Number of Consumable/Minor Magic Items: Character Level
o Rarity: L1-4: uncommon | L5-10: rare | L11-16: very rare | L17+: legendary
• Level 5+ characters may add a single +1 weapon/shield/spellcaster item (subject to above limits).
• If 2+ characters have the same unique item, only one will function for the adventure.
2b. ShadowDark Characters: For a ShadowDark game, instead, roll up a character per standard ShadowDark
rules (the hardcover, cursed scrolls 1-3, and the bard and ranger). Make random rolls in d20play roll20 room.
Announce rolls before making them.
Equipment: Use starting gear (L0) or gold (L1).
• Add gold for characters starting at higher level. L4-6: +100gp | L7-9: +1,000gp | L10+: +10,000gp.
• Existing characters may instead use their current equipment with the following maximums.
o Total Value: L1-3: 1,000gp | L4-6: 10,000gp | L7-9: 100,000gp | L10+: 1,000,000gp
o Number of Permanent Magic Items: Character Level / 2 (round up)
o Number of Consumable/Minor Magic Items: Character Level
o Rarity: L1-3: +1/uncommon | L4-6: +2/rare | L7-9: +3/very rare | L10+: legendary
• Level 4+ characters may add a single +1 weapon/shield or L1/2 wand (subject to above limits).
• If 2+ characters have the same unique item, only one will function for the adventure.
3. Play: I'll let you know when I have set up your token with macros which include all you need to play. Go to the
d20play roll20, uncheck "Alphabetically sort Token Actions" on "My Settings" page, and test your macros to
make sure I did not make a mistake before the game. Jump on d20play discord and roll20 to play!
Upcoming games are announced on d20play's discord and twitter.
More info on token macros, table conventions, AL characters, leveling down characters,
equipment available for purchase, equipment limit details, etc., is available at d20playHowToExpanded.
Games are recorded (usually audio-only), streamed, edited, and/or uploaded (see youtube.com/d20play for examples).
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