Serious Damage: A Survival International Report
Serious Damage: A Survival International Report
Serious Damage: A Survival International Report
Tribal peoples have suffered disproportionately from the effects of hydroelectric dams built on their land, while the potential benets rarely reach them. International nancing and support for new dams began to dry up at the end of the twentieth century, as the negative impacts of poorly thought out and badly executed hydro projects became increasingly clear. It is now a decade since the World Commission on Dams recognized that large dam projects have led to the impoverishment and suffering of millions, and established rm standards and guidelines for future dams, which included projects being guided by tribal peoples free, prior and informed consent to projects affecting them. 1 Enthusiasm for large dams is resurfacing, driven by the international dam lobby which is working hard to paint its industry as a panacea to climate change. The lessons learned last century are being ignored, and tribal peoples worldwide are again being sidelined, their rights violated, and their lands destroyed.
We are not against the dam. We are against the disintegration of our communities.
Thai village elder, Mun River
The World Commission on Dams (WCD), created by the World Bank and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to investigate the effects of dams, was formed in 1998. The Commissions report, published in 2000, found that, Large dams have had serious impacts on the lives, livelihoods, cultures and spiritual existence of indigenous and tribal peoples. 4 The WCD recommended that, Where projects affect indigenous and tribal peoples, such
Even if we were paid millions of dollars, this money cannot guarantee our survival. Money can be printed, but land cannot be created.
Tribal leader protesting against the Bakun dam, Sarawak
an even more explicit commitment to scale up funding for hydropower in 2009.8 According to the World Banks own gures, its portfolio for hydropower and dam projects currently totals US$11 billion, with funding up more than 50% since 19979 . The African Development Bank made a similar commitment to scale up investment in 2007. 10 Other governments claim they no longer need vast loans from international lending banks. Brazil says it will build the controversial Belo Monte dam largely with funding from the Brazilian state development bank (BNDES), and some from the private sector. The Chinese government has nanced the majority of dams built in China, which account for about half the global total. 11 The International Hydropower Association (IHA) is a major dam industry lobbying organization set up with UNESCO. The IHA is gearing up to launch its own assessment framework, the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (created in conjunction
Akawaio and Arekuna tribes ! Guyana !
with the World Wildlife Fund and The Nature Conservancy). The Protocol does not set any minimum standards for dam construction. Instead, various aspects of proposed projects are given a score between one and ve. Thus a poor score for quality of the management planning process with respect to indigenous peoples issues, risks and opportunities might be offset by a good score on transparency and competitiveness of the bidding process in awarding of contracts.12
The Enawene Nawe invaded the construction site of the Telegrca dam in 2008, destroying it.
! !
Guyanas Energy Minister summoned ve Akawaio tribe leaders in 1973 to inform them that their communities were going to be ooded by a hydroelectric dam on the Mazuruni River, and that they had no choice but to consent. One of the Akawaio men refused to agree, but the other four signed a statement of acceptance on behalf of their communities. When the rest of the Akawaio learned what had happened they were outraged, and within a month all but one of the statements had been withdrawn. The Mazaruni dam was shelved after a high prole international campaign by the Akawaio and Survival.43 Today, the Guyanese government is poised to approve a new hydroelectric dam project on the Upper Mazaruni, which is very similar to that of the 1970s. If the dam is built thousands of indigenous people, including the Akawaio and the Arekuna, will lose their livelihoods and land, becoming refugees.
The Ethiopian government is building Gibe III on the Omo river. It will be Africas tallest dam and is part of a series of ve dams. Gibe I and II have already been built. The tribes of the Lower Omo Valley rely on the Omo River to survive in what is an extremely inhospitable environment. During the annual ood, the river deposits fertile silt along its banks, in which the tribes are able to grow vital food crops. Some tribes graze their cattle along the riverbanks, as for much of the year there is little grass elsewhere. The hunter-gatherer Kwegu tribe also sh in the river. The dams constructors say they will release water to create an articial ood, but this cannot do the work of a natural ood in laying down enough rich silt to see the tribes through until the next year. Even if it could, the lives of the Omo Valley tribes would be in the hands of the dam operators, always under pressure to maximize cost-efciency by reducing or stopping the articial ood altogether, particularly in years of drought. Construction on Gibe III began in 2006, before the dam was approved by the Ethiopian environment agency. The majority of the tribes living downstream have not been consulted, have no access to independent advice and little concept of how the dam will affect them. The Ethiopian government shut down several regional community associations in 2009, making it almost impossible for the tribes to share information or discuss the dam. The Ethiopian government plans to use the Gibe III reservoir to irrigate huge tracts of tribal land in Lower Omo, to be leased to foreign investors for growing cash crops, including biofuels. The tribes have not been consulted about this land grab, which is in agrant violation of the Ethiopian constitution and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which Ethiopia has endorsed. The Gibe III dam, and the associated land grab, may affect the tribes food security so severely that these largely self-sufcient peoples will have to become dependent on food aid to survive.
Convention 169), which India has ratied.15 The government rejected Survivals concerns 16, and the tribal people affected by Sardar Sarovar continue to suffer acutely. Creating reservoirs involves reducing the water ow downstream of a dam, altering the rivers ood patterns. Dramatic changes in water ow over seasons can threaten the food security of communities living downstream (See Omo Valley tribes box). It is not uncommon to build a series of dams along a single river system, to maximize electricity production. Multiple dams can multiply problems, but cumulative impact assessments are not always carried out before construction begins (Ethiopias Gibe dams and Brazils Juruena River dams are two current examples).
We dont have cattle; we eat from the Omo River. We depend on the fish, they are like our cattle. If the Omo floods are gone we will die.
Kwegu man, Ethiopia
Two Penan men scale a tree in their forest on Sarawak, which is now threatened by the Murum dam.
We dont want to move. We love our land. We farm it, plant fruit trees, build our houses, we rear and hunt animals, get our wood and rattan. And beneath it are buried our grandfathers and their fathers - we cant just flood their graves.
Tribal people on Bakun Dam, Malaysia
Dams and disease Dams reservoirs are a perfect breeding ground for vectors of disease, including malarial mosquitoes and snails carrying bilharzia. Cases of malarial infection in dammed areas are consistently higher after the reservoir is lled than before.17 Fish Changing the ow of a river in turn affects the movement of the sh that live in it, a major food source for many tribal peoples. Many modern dams now have sh ladders to allow sh to migrate upstream, although these are not always compulsory and are often not included or properly designed.18 Over 70 small hydroelectric dams are being built along the Upper Juruena River in the Amazon state of Mato Grosso in Brazil. The small Enawene Nawe tribe are ercely resisting these dams. In both 2009 and 2010 the Enawene Nawe did not catch any sh during their annual trapping season a disaster for a tribe which does not eat meat. This also meant they could not properly perform their most important ceremony, ykwa, which involves the ritual exchange of sh with the spirits. The Brazilian authorities had to deliver emergency food aid in the form of farmed sh to the tribe. Two dams built on the Elwha Klallam tribes territory in the USA in 1913 and 1927 severely affected the rivers salmon stocks, which were spiritually signicant and central to the Elwha Klallams diet. At the end of the twentieth century the authorities recognized the damage the dams caused, and an ambitious decommissioning process is The large inux of people associated with building and operating hydroelectric dams has signicant health implications for tribal people, as dam workers carry with them diseases which may be entirely unknown and fatal to the tribes (see Isolated tribes box).
An Enawene Nawe child holds aloft a sh that has been smoked on the river bank.
scheduled to begin in 2012.19 Dam reservoirs fundamentally alter the river environment for people living upstream. Although dam proponents regularly cite reservoirs as an excellent environment for breeding sh, the equipment required to harvest sh in a reservoir (rather than a narrow but fast moving river) can require a capital input beyond the means of most indigenous people 20, further channeling the rivers resources into the hand of enterprising outsiders rather than the tribes who have protected them for generations.
You ask if we own the land and mock us saying, Where is your title? Such arrogance to speak of owning the land - how can you own that which will outlive you?
Macliing Dulag, Tribal leader in the Philippines, shot on April 24 1980 for leading resistance against Chico dam
Invisible people, unmarked land Accurate data on tribal populations simply do not exist in many parts of the world, making it difcult for planners to create adequate impact assessments of a proposed dam. The problem compounds an endemic tendency within the dam industry to signicantly underestimate the number of people to be affected by their projects. More than 60% of all population displacement endorsed by the World Bank is for dam projects 23, and the Banks review of these projects over ten years found that the number of people actually evicted was 47% higher than the planning estimates. 24 The proponents and builders of large dams have historically failed to recognize the myriad ways in which tribal peoples use their environment and how they depend on it for everything. Land which ofcials do not recognize as cultivated may be registered as underutilized or, in the case of nomadic peoples, unoccupied (this is the case with much of the Omo Valley tribes grazing land in Ethiopia, and also for Malis Bang dam, where villagers fallow land, vital to their agriculture, was not recognized).25 If use of land, including hunting and gathering territory, is not recognized at the early stages of dam development, project proponents have little idea how much will be destroyed.
Compensation for lost land or livelihood is often available only to those who hold legal title to the affected land, which most tribal people do not because many governments refuse to recognize their collective land ownership rights. Only 45 families out of 300 in the tribal village of Manibeli, ooded by the Sardar Sarovar dam, were offered compensation and resettlement packages for their losses.
The others did not have land titles, despite having lived there for generations, and were therefore deemed not to qualify. 26 Where tribes do receive compensation it is frequently arbitrary and administered by outsiders. As many indigenous leaders have emphasized, no amount of compensation can make up for loss of land.
Pirah man in a canoe. The Pirah will be affected by the Madeira River dams
The Brazilian governments Accelerated Growth Programme (known by its Portuguese acronym PAC) intends to turn the Amazon into a major energy source for the country and the region. Part of the programme includes building the Jirau and Santo Antonio dams along the Madeira River, one of the largest tributaries of the Amazon. The PAC will open up a 4,300km industrial water-way, enabling timber, soya beans and minerals to be transported quickly to Atlantic and Pacic ports. Several groups of uncontacted tribes live near both dam sites. The government has not mapped out or ratied their territories. Roads to the dam sites will facilitate an inux of outsiders (and their diseases), who in turn will cut more roads through the isolated tribes forest, and colonize the area. Poachers will have easy access to the forest, destroying the resources the isolated tribes rely on. Brazils indigenous affairs department has evidence that the noise of the dam construction has pushed isolated tribes out of the heart of their land near the construction site, into a territory where miners are operating illegally, and where malaria and hepatitis are rife. Isolated tribes are extremely vulnerable to diseases carried by outsiders, to which they often have little or no immunity. Contact can be deadly; entire tribes have been wiped out in this way in the past. The stagnant water from the dams reservoirs will provide a perfect breeding ground for malarial mosquito larvae, which could also lead to epidemics of the disease. Other indigenous peoples, with more regular contact with outsiders, will also be affected by the Madeira River dams. These tribes were not properly consulted about the dams before building work started even though Brazil has ratied the International Labour Organization Convention 169, which enshrines indigenous peoples right to be fully consulted about projects like this. Domingos Parintintin from the Parintintin tribe, which will be affected by these dams, said, We hope that this project will not continue, because it is our children who will suffer. There will not be enough sh, or enough animals for us to hunt.
No voice, no consultation Although most dam projects claim to consult affected populations, rarely is the process appropriate or adequate for tribal peoples. Basic hindrances, including language barriers or a failure to recognize a tribes particular needs and values, tend to result in a token exercise rather than genuine dialogue. Consultation may also begin well into the dam projects lifecycle, after considerable nances have already been committed to the dam. Construction of the Gibe III dam was already underway when the most affected tribes rst became aware of the project (see Omo Valley tribes box), and the Penan were simply told they would have to move for the Murum dam (see Penan box).
Were not like the people in the towns, who have money and can buy things. If we lose all the things the forest gives us, we will die. In 2008, leaked documents revealed plans by the Sarawak state government to build twelve new hydroelectric dams. The rst of these dams, along the Murum River, is already more than 30% complete. Sarawak, the Malaysian part of the island of Borneo, is home to many indigenous peoples, including the hunter-gatherer Penan tribe. Penan from at least six villages have been told they will have to move, to make way for the Murum dam and its reservoir. About a thousand Penan are threatened with losing their land. When Penan representatives tried to hand in a statement against the dam to the Chief Minister of Sarawak in 2009, they were arrested. In the statement, the Penan told the authorities, "We bring (you) the deep pain in the hearts of all the people of the Penan villagesbecause of the heavy concerns with how our lives have been since the start of the construction of the Murum dam project. If this Murum dam continues, the water from the dam will ood our traditional lands including our villages The forest areas and resources that support our lives will be destroyed." The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia investigated the Murum dam project, and concluded the Penan had not been properly consulted and their views were not taken into account during the dam planning stage. The Penan have not been given any ofcial information about the impact of the dam, or what to expect regarding compensation or resettlement. Despite this, some of the Penan are already aware of what displacement is likely to mean, having witnessed the difculties faced by other Penan who were resettled to make way for the Bakun dam. These Penan now nd themselves unable to hunt or gather, with only small plots of land on which to grow food. They had been promised electricity and running water in their new homes but, with few prospects for making money, many nd it difcult to raise the cash to pay the associated bills. The Bakun dam alone will provide far more energy than Sarawak needs, and plans to transport the electricity to mainland Malaysia have been shelved. The twelve new dams are unnecessary but will facilitate the development of the Sarawak corridor of renewable energy which will involve oil, timber, aluminium and palm oil enterprises on the island and further threaten the land of Sarawaks tribal people.
Consultants often apply an inappropriate model in which leaders are assumed to speak for entire communities (see Akawaio and Arekuna box). Inadequate consultation measures present an open door to corruption, allowing the possibility of bribes for a few key individuals to determine the future of entire communities.
In Bangladesh, about 100,000 Jumma tribal people lost their homes, and as much as half of their best arable land in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, due to the USAID-funded Kaptai hydroelectric dam. 27 With no land or homes, about 40,000 Jummas were forced to travel over the border into India. After the dam was nished, the Bangladesh moved hundreds of thousands of poor Bengalis into the region, giving them the best remaining land. The settlers are armed and supported by the Bangladesh army who unleashed
waves of violence against the Jummas. Most of those who were evicted for the Kaptai dam are still living in India, unrecognized by either state. Those who have remained in or returned to their territories are further threatened by a proposed second Kaptai dam, for which Bangladesh has reportedly approached the USA regarding assistance. 28 No attempt has been made to inform or consult the Jumma people about these plans.
Enawene Nawe performing their annual ykwa ritual, which is linked to the sh they catch in the tributaries of the Juruena River
Cultural ties to land & rivers The bonds between tribal peoples and their land are profound, inuencing the structure and cohesion of their societies, imbibed with the spirits of their ancestors. For most, their land provides for them in all aspects of life physical and spiritual. Tribal people who are wrenched from their land (either through eviction or destruction of the land itself) very often succumb to alcoholism and depression. The loss of land, way of life and livelihood drives some to commit suicide as their societies disintegrate around them. The suicide rate of tribal peoples who have lost their land is regularly higher than national averages. Canadian Indians are up to ten times more likely to commit suicide than the rest of the population (for more on this, see Survivals groundbreaking report Progress Can Kill).29
Tribes affected
Main threat
Loss of sh stocks, environmental Enawene Nawe, Nambiquara, Juruena River and Aripuan degradation, water pollution Erikbatsa, Pareci, Myky, Arara, River dams complexes Cinta Larga
Uncontacted tribes, Karitiana, Madeira dams including Jirau Loss of land, disease. Karipuna, Uru-eu-Wau-Wau, and Santo Antnio Katawixi
Kayap, Arara, Juruna, Arawet, Xikrin, Asurini, Belo Monte Parakan, uncontacted Indians Loss of land and food security, disease, environmental degradation
Wheres the money coming Whos doing the from?* work?** Brazilian National Development Maggi Energia, Juruena Bank - BNDES, Andr Maggi Participaes and others Group (Brazil) Brazilian Development Bank GDF Suez (France) BNDES Voith Hydro (Germany) Banco Banif Portugal through Odebrecht (Brazil) their stake in the!FIP Amaznia Andritz (Austria) Energy Investment Fund Norte Energia Consortium (Brazil), Brazilian Development Bank comprised of nine BNDES (almost 80%), state Brazilian companies pension funds, private investors including Chesf and Queiroz Galvo.
Lower Churchill
Negotiations have resulted in Innu Nation leaders signing agreement in support of the Churchill project on condition of hunting rights and land ownership. The deal will now go before the entire community, which will vote on it.
Canadian government
Hamar, Dassenach, Karo, Kwegu, Mursi, Nyangatom, Bodi, Turkana Loss of land and food security
No conrmed sources, but Italian government, Chinese State Bank ICBC and World Bank are considering
Dongfang Construction company (China) Salini Costruttori (Italy) Harsco Corporation (USA)
Upper Mazaruni
Possibly Electrobrs (Brazil), Andrade Gutierrez (Brasil) and None conrmed. Rusal (Russia) Three Gorges Dam Malaysian government Company (China) Sarawak Energy (Malaysia) Eletrobrs (Brazil) Proposed - Brazilian Odebrecht (Brazil) Development Bank (BNDES) Pakitzapango Energia SAC (Peru)
Table compiled with information from contracted companies, government sources, tribal peoples organizations and Banktrack ( available when going to press" *Not comprehensive" ** Not comprehensive, includes construction, consultation, pre-feasibility studies etc.
Green energy?
Dam builders are selling their product as a cheap source of renewable, sustainable energy. According to a 1994 US Department of Energy brochure, hydropower plants produce no carbon dioxide. 30 The International Hydropower Association called hydropower one of the cleanest and most reliable sources of energy.31 International nancial institutions like the World Bank and the European Investment Bank are also embracing hydropowers green credentials, stepping up investment in hydroelectric dams this century and littering project proposals with the dams sustainable credentials. The UNs Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allows countries to earn carbon credits by creating emission reduction or sequestration projects. Countries with lower greenhouse gas emissions can therefore attract investment in green development projects, while high-emission countries can purchase the credits generated through the
Tucurui dam in Brazil, which now contribues a sixth of the countrys greenhouse gas emissions
projects to offset their own excessive emissions. According to CDM Watch, more than a third of all projects registered with the CDM in 2008 were hydropower projects, making them by far the most common type of project vying for CDM carbon credits.32 International Rivers and CDM Watch are lobbying the UN to remove hydroelectric dam projects from the carbon credit system, but the International Hydropower Association is lobbying to broaden the inclusion criteria for dams. 33 Malaysia-China Hydro, which built the Bakun dam in Sarawak, calls the dam Malaysias future in clean energy 34. The dam displaced thousands of indigenous people, stripping them of their land and the security it provided. 35
The world must know what is happening here, they must perceive how destroying forests and indigenous people destroys the entire world.
Bet Kamati Kayap, Raoni Kayap and Yakareti Juruna, protesting against Belo Monte dam, Brazil 2010
We don't need your electricity. Electricity won't give us food... We need our forests to hunt and gather in. We don't want your dam.
Kayap woman to Brazilian ofcial at Altamira, 1989
Dams are often built expressly to power large-scale industrialization of a region. Sarawaks dams will facilitate the industrialization of land belonging to the states tribal peoples, although the tribes have not consented to this (see Penan box). Brazils Belo Monte dam on the Xingu river will provide cheap electricity for the mining and smelting industries in the region. Meanwhile Brazil's congress is debating whether to open up indigenous territories to large-scale mining, a move which is deeply opposed by many communities. If built, the Belo Monte dam will be the third largest in the world. It will ood a large area of land, cause huge devastation to the rainforest and reduce sh stocks on which tribes such as the Kayap, Arara, Juruna, Arawet, Xikrin, Asurini and Parakan Indians depend. Some studies indicate that hydropower can be more polluting than coal power plants, because of the greenhouse gases emitted by rotting vegetation in reservoirs.36
Electronorte, part of the Brazilian state owned electricity company Electrobrs, built the Tucurui dam in the 1980s to power the huge Carajs mining, smelting and development project. Tucurui dam now contributes one sixth of Brazils total greenhouse gas emissions, according to INPA, the National Institute for Amazonian Research. The Tucurui dam also displaced several tribes and destroyed the sh stocks of others. WWF calculates the sh catch fell by 60% after Tucurui was completed.37 Electronorte calls hydroelectric power production pollution-free.38 Problems including low river ow, siltation in the reservoir and a changing climate, mean it is not unusual for hydroelectric dams to produce considerably less electricity than developers originally advertised, which casts further doubts on dams green credentials.39
The Enawene Nawe build dams of their own to catch sh when the rivers are highest. For most of the year, the water runs freely
We are hindered from roaming our forests for gameThrough the years government laws and policies have always outlined the Cordillera as a resource area for extractive industries hydroelectric dams and other energy projects. We oppose these programs and policies because they threaten our very existence.
Cordillera Peoples Alliance
All hydroelectric dams on tribal peoples land should be halted unless and until the tribes have given their free, prior and informed consent to the project.
No new hydroelectric dams should be developed where they affect tribal peoples territories unless and until the tribes collective land ownership rights have been recognized and they have been fully and independently consulted, and have freely given their consent.
In the case of isolated or uncontacted tribes, where consultation is not possible, there should be no development of hydroelectric dams on their territories.
Where hydropower projects are designed to provide energy to industrial and large-scale agricultural projects, the tribes of the region must be fully consulted and have given their free, prior and informed consent to the industrialization programme before the hydroelectric dams are approved.
Companies and nancial investors must only become involved in a hydroelectric dam project if they are satised that the project enjoys the broad and prior consent of the tribal peoples it will affect and that their land rights have been recognized.
1 World
Commission on Dams (WCD), Dams and Development, 2000, p. xxxiv and Development, p. 9
2 WCD, Dams 3
For example see Briscoe, J The Financing of Hydropower, Irrigation and Water Supply Infrastructure in Developing Countries, 1998, p. 14-15, or WB Operations Evaluation Department,Bridging troubles waters in Procis, no. 221, 2002, p.2
4 WCD, Dams 5 WCD, Dams 6 7
Imhof A and Lanza GR, Greenwashing Hydropower in World Watch, Jan/Feb 2010 Survival,
8 World
Bank, Water Resources Sector Strategy, 2003 World Bank, Directions in Hydropower 2009 World Bank, Water and Development, 2010
9 World 10 AFDB 11 12 13
Imhof, Greenwashing Hydropower, p.9 IHA draft protocol, August 2009, Part II. Bakun Dam project website:
14 Tata
Institute of Social Sciences, Performance and Development Effectiveness of Sardar Sarovar Project, 2008 and Roy, Arundhati, The Greater Common Good, 1999
15 16 17
FPP, Dams, Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities, 2000, p. 21 International Labour Conference, Record of Proceedings 1991 McCully, Silenced Rivers, p.90-92 at Risk, 2004, passim
18 WWF, Rivers 19 20 21 McCully, Silenced Rivers, p.154 For more information on this, see Survivals report Progress Can Kill and Development, p.110 and McCully, Silenced Rivers p. 70
Bank, Resettlement and Development, 1994, p. 2/6 Bank, Resettlement and Development, p. 2/2
McCully, Silenced Rivers, p.79 Fitch-Frankel, We Want to Live Together and Die Together, 2006 PCJSS, Kaptai Dam and Indigenous Jumma people in CHT, Bangladesh, 2009
PCJSS, Kaptai Dam, and Dhaka, U, Another Kaptai dam for power generation, in Daily Star http://
28 29 30 31
See Survivals report, Progress Can Kill IUCN Large Dams, Learning from the Past looking at the future, 1997, p.93
See IHA policy statement on hydropower and the CDM ( leaets_and_factsheets.html), and CDM-Watch hydropower web page (
34 35 36 For more on this see Survivals report on tribal peoples and climate change, The most inconvenient truth
For example see International Rivers, Dirty Hydro: Dams and greenhouse gases, 2008, and Pearce, F Raising a stink in New Scientist, June 2003
37 WWF, Rivers
International Labour Organization Convention 169 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples, 1989 ilolex/cgi-lex/ United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, 2007 declaration.html United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (particularly Article 8(j)), 1993 convention.shtml United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1969 http://
41 Akwe: Kon
Guidelines OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, 2000,2340,en_2649_34889_2397532_1_1_1_1,00.html World Bank Operational Directive 4.20, 1991 Equator Principles,
42 See, for
example, International Comission on Large Dams (ICOLD) website pagearticle.aspx?ssmenu=350&numarticle=2037&codeouverture=2&urlrubrique=&taille=420, or Asian Develoopment Bnk website
43 Survival
International, The Damned: The Plight of the Akawaio Indians of Guyana, 1978
Photo credits: Cover: Karo man, Ethiopia Eric Lafforgue; p1: Penan man, Sarawak, Malaysia Andy Rain/Nick Rain/Survival; p3: Burned trucks, Brazil; p4. Karo man and woman, Ethiopia Eric Lafforgue; p5. Penan men climbing a tree, Sarawak, Malaysia Andy Rain/Nick Rain/ Survival; p6. Enawene Nawe child holding a fish, Brazil Survival; p8: Pirah man in a canoe Clive W. Dennis; p9: Gutting fish, Sarawak, Malaysia Survival; Penan girl, Sarawak, Malaysia Robin Hanbury-Tenison/Survival; p10: Enawene Nawe performing ykwa, Brazil Survival; p12: Tucurui dam, Carajas, Brazil Peter Frey/Survival; p13 Enawene Nawe fishing dam, Brazil Survival; p15: Enawene Nawe boy, Brazil Survival