Router 1x3 project by using 32nm technology node
Router 1x3 project by using 32nm technology node
Router 1x3 project by using 32nm technology node
The objective is to design and optimize a Router 1x3 on the 32nm technology node using Synopsys EDA
tool Fusion Compiler.
o source ../scripts/setup.tcl
o source ../mcmm/mcmm_router_top.tcl
Synthesis is the process of converting the technology-independent RTL into a technology-dependent
gate-level netlist, which consists of WVGtech Cells.
Input Files: Technology files, Verilog files, Reference libraries Output Files: Gate-level netlist file
Floor Planning
Floor Planning is the process where the die area and core area will be specified and also the macros, standard
cells, and the I/O ports are placed at this stage.
o set_block_pin_constraints -self -
allowed_layers {M3 M4 M5 M6}
o place_pins -self
Power Planning
The UPF file defines power-related details such as supply ports, power domains, and level shifters, where we
intend the power details.
o create_supply_net
o create_supply_set
o create_power_domain
o create_supply_port
o connect_supply_net
o set_level_shifter
o add_power_state
o load_upf ../router/router.upf
Power Planning Ct………..
Power Planning Ct…..
By using Power Domain Network (PDN) we will distribute equal power to all the cells in the design.
o connect_pg_net
o create_pg_ring_pattern
o create_pg_mesh_pattern
o create_pg_std_cell_conn_pattern
o set_pg_strategy
o compile_pg
o source ./pns.tcl
Power Planning Reports
Reports of Power and Ground Planning
o Check_pg_drc
o Check_pg_connecitivity
o Check_pg_missing_vias
In Fusion Compiler the Placement of cells will be done by using the command “Compile_Fusion”. Which will
do seven steps. Another command is “Place_opt”.
o Initial_map
o Logic_opto
o Initial_place
o Initial_drc
o Initial_opto
o Final_place
o Final_opto
Initial_Place Final_opto
Clock Tree Synthesis
Clock Tree Synthesis is a process where we provide the clock to all the sink nodes of the cells with minimum
skew or zero skew. While doing cts we will provide the ndr rules.
o set CTS_CELLS [get_lib_cells "*/NBUFF*LVT *
*/INVX*RVT \*/CGL* */LSUP* */DFF* "]
o set_app_options -name
clock_opt.flow.enable_ccd -value false
o Source ./ndr.tcl
Clock Tree Synthesis cntd.
Pre CTS Stage Post CTS Stage
Routing is the process where the interconnections between all the cells will be made physically at this stage. By
using “Route_auto”.
o Route_auto
o Route_opt
o Route_eco
Routing Ct……
After competing the checks of routing, we generate the GDS – II file.
Check_lvs Check_legality
Static Timing Analysis
Static Timing Analysis is a method used to evaluate all the paths in a design to confirm whether they meet the
required timing constraints.
Input Files
o .spef
o Routed netlist
o Libraries
Output Files
o Timing Reports
o Eco Files
Check_lvs Check_legality
all for your Time
Srinivasulu gari Murali Mohan