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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nilai Tanda tangan
Nama / No : Guru Orang tua
Kelas : IV (Empat)
Hari / Tanggal :
I. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) the option a, b, or c !
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang pilihan a, b, atau c! 1. What it is ? . . . a. divider b. sharpener c. protactor d. hairdryer 2. You use this to erase words you have wrote using pencils. What it is?. . . . a. sharpener b. eraser c. highlighter d. stapler 3. You use this if you want draw straight line. What it is ? . . . . a. divider b. ruler c. highlighter d. stapler 4. You use this to cut things. What it is? . . . . a. siccors b. ruler c. highliter d. stapler 5. It is a large pen with thick pen. What it is? . . . . a. siccors b. ruler c. highlighter d. stapler 6. Here is the example of ellectronic , expect (kecuali). . . . a. pen b. hair dresser c. hair dryer d. radio 7. It’s too dark. We have to . . . . a. Turn on the celling fan! b. Turn off the lamp! c. Turn on the lamp! d. Turn off the celling fan! 8. It’s too hot here. We have to . . . . a. Turn on the celling fan! b. Turn off the lamp! c. Turn on the lamp! d. Turn off the celling fan! 9. The speakers is very loudly (keras). We have to . . . . a. Turn up the volume off speaker! b. Turn down the volume of speaker! c. Turn on the radio! d. Turn off the radio! 10. I need to use printer. Please. . . . a. Plug the computer’s cable! b. Unplug the printer’s cable ! c. Plug the printer’s cable ! d. Plug the cable’s printer! 11. Your cat’s is very smeely (kotor). Please. . . . a. Give the feed and drink! b. Don’t give the chocolate! c. Bath your cat! d. Walk with your cat! 12. Your Cow is very hungry(lapar). Please. . . . a. Give the feed your cow! b. Bath you cow! c. Take a bath your cow! d. Walk your cow! 13. I work in the restaurant, I serve your order and take out your order to your order to your table. I am a. . . . a. waiter b. chef c. farmer d. fisherman 14. I work to clean and maintain your garden. I am a . . . . a. farmer b. gardener c. carpenter d. driver 15. My job is to make song and perform in front of many people. I am a . . . . a. singer b. soldier c. mechanic d. dentist 16. He repairs motorcyle, car etc. He is a . . . . a. singer b. soldier c. mechanic d. dentist 17. Before January is . . . . a. February b. March c. April d. December 18. The eleventh month is . . . . a. October. b. November c. December d. January 19. A: Today is Thursday.What day was yesterday ? B: Yesterday was…. a. Wednesday b. Friday c. Saturday d. Monday 20. How many days are there in a month?. . . . a. seven days b. one days c. thirty days d. sixty days
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer !
(Isilah titik – titik yang ada dengan jawaban yang benar) 21. Stabilo dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah . . . . 22. Rautan dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah . . . . 23. Bolehkah saya meminjam buku catatan, dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah .. . . 24. Mesin Cuci dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah . . . . 25. Kulkas dalam BahasaInggris adalah . . . .
26. Someon work in the hospital is . . . .
27. Someone work to put out fires. Hewears special clothes and protect from fire is . . . . 28. We have a flag ceremony on . . . . 29. We celebrate Heroes day (hari Pahlawan ) in . . . . 30. Yesterday(kemarin) is Tuesday. Tomorow is . . . .
III. Answer the question below the correct answer !
(Jawabalah Pertanyaan di Bawah ini dengan Benar !) 31. Mention 4 Things in the school! ( 5 alat tulis sekolah) Jawab : ................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................... 32. Mention 3 Electronic ! (5 alat elektronik) Jawab:.................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ 33. Mention 2 how to take care animals! (2 cara merawat hewan) Jawab:.................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ 34. Mention 4 occupations ! (sebutkan 4 pekerjaan) Jawab:.................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................ 35. Mention 4 days ! (sebutkan 4 hari ) Jawab:.................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................