Mid Exam FC 2017 I S

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Mid FC 2017 Semester I

Department Year Sec Course Code Course Title Date and Room
Econ2011 Introduction to Economics 7/4/2017(2:30) NDD-4
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 12/4/2017(8:00)NDD-4
SEng2021 Computer Programming II 8/4/2017(2:30) NDD-4
A Seng2051 Fundamentals of Software Engineering 10/4/2017(2:30) NDD-4
Stat2012 Probability and Statstics 11/4/2017(2:30)NDD-4
Math2041 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatory 14/4/2017(2:30)NDD-4
MgMt2011 Entrepreneurship 15/4/2017(2:30) NDD-4
Econ2011 Introduction to Economics 7/4/2017(2:30) Tewrodros-hall 1
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 12/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng2021 Computer Programming II 8/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 1
B Seng2051 Fundamentals of Software Engineering 10/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 1
Stat2012 Probability and Statstics 11/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 1
Math2041 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatory 14/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 1
MgMt2011 Entrepreneurship 15/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3031 Microprocessor and Assembly Language 8/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3051 Requirements Engineering 9/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3053 Software Engineering Tools and Practices 11/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
Seng3061 Object Oriented Programming 7/4/2017(4:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3071 Web Design and Programming 13/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3073 Fundamental of Software Security 15/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3031 Microprocessor and Assembly Language 8/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
SEng3051 Requirements Engineering 9/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
SEng3053 Software Engineering Tools and Practices 11/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
3 B
Seng3061 Object Oriented Programming 7/4/2017(4:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
SEng3071 Web Design and Programming 13/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
SEng3073 Fundamental of Software Security 15/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
SEng3031 Microprocessor and Assembly Language 8/4/2017(8:00)GLR-307
SEng3051 Requirements Engineering 9/4/2017(8:00)GLR-307
SEng3053 Software Engineering Tools and Practices 11/4/2017(8:00)GLR-307
Seng3061 Object Oriented Programming 7/4/2017(4:00)GLR-307

SEng3071 Web Design and Programming 13/4/2017(8:00)GLR-307

SEng3073 Fundamental of Software Security 15/4/2017(8:00)GLR-307
SEng4031 Principles of Compiler Design 7/4/2017(2:30)NDD-3
SEng4033 Real-Time and Embedded Systems 12/4/2017(2:30)NDD-3
SEng4051 Software Testing and Quality Assurance 10/4/2014(2:30)NDD-3
4 A
SEng4061 Mobile Application Development 9/4/2017(2:30) NDD-3
SEng4091 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence 14/4/2017(2:30) NDD-3
MgMt2011 Entrepreneurship 15/4/2017(2:30)NDD-3
Hist1012 History of Ethiopia and the Horn 11/4/2017(8:00) NDD-3
SEng5051 Software Evolution and Maintenance 10/4/2017(2:30)NDD-3
SEng5053 Software Metrics 12/4/2017(2:30)NDD-3
5 A
Fundamentals of Big Data Analysis and Business
SEng5091 Intelligence 14/4/2017(2:30)NDD-3
SEng5123 Distributed Database Management systems 15/4/2017(2:30)NDD-3
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 12/4/2017(8:00) NDD-5
CoSc2021 Fundamentals of Programming II 8/4/2017(2:30) NDD-5
CoSc2051 Data Communication and Computer Networking 10/4/2017(2:30) NDD-5
2 A CoSc2061 Fundamentals of Database systems 9/4/2017(2:30)NDD-5
Eeng2071 Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics Devices 14/4/2017(2:30)NDD-5
Econ2021 Introduction to Economics 7/4/2017(2:30)NDD-5
Stat2041 Probability and Statistics 11/4/2017(2:30)NDD-5
CoSc3021 Analysis of Algorithms 9/4/2017(2:30)NDB-5
CoSc3023 Object-Oriented Programming 7/4/2017(4:00)NDB-5
Microprocessor and Assembly language
CoSc3033 Programming 12/4/2017(2:30)NDB-5
CoSc3053 Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing 10/4/2017(2:30)NDB-5
CoSc3121 Internet programming I 15/4/2017(2:30)NDB-5
CS Math3041 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatory 14/4/2017(2:30)NDB-5
3 Math3043 Numerical Analysis 8/4/2017(2:30)NDB-6
CoSc3021 Analysis of Algorithms 9/4/2017(2:30)NDB-6
CoSc3023 Object-Oriented Programming 7/4/2017(4:00)NDB-6
CoSc3033 Microprocessor and Assembly language Programming12/4/2017(2:30)NDB-6

B CoSc3053 Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing 10/4/2017(2:30)NDB-6

CoSc3121 Internet programming I 15/4/2017(2:30)NDB-6
Math3041 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatory 14/4/2017(2:30)NDB-6
Math3043 Numerical Analysis 8/4/2017(2:30)NDB-6
Hist1012 History of Ethiopia and the Horn 11/4/2017(8:00)GLR-302
CoSc4021 Complexity Theory 15/4/2017(2:30)GLR-302
4 A CoSc4022 Compiler Design 7/4/2017(2:30)GLR-302
CoSc4051 Computer Security 8/4/2017(2:30)GLR-302
CoSc4111 Research Methods in Computer Science 12/4/2017(2:30)GLR-302
Econ2013 Economics 7/4/2017(2:30) GLR-302
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 12/4/2017(8:00)GLR-302
InSy2021 Introduction to Information Systems and Society 15/4/2017(2:30)GLR-302
2 Math2031 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatory 14/4/2017(2:30)GLR-302
InSy2031 Fundamentals of programming II 8/4/2017(2:30)GLR-302
InSy2061 Fundamentals of System Analysis and Design 10/4/2017(2:30)GLR-302
MgMt2025 Introduction to Management 11/4/2017(2:30)GLR-302
InSy3041 Data Structures and Algorithms 9/4/2017(2:30)GLR-301
InSy3043 Event Driven Programming 8/4/2017(2:30)GLR-301
IS InSy3051 Operating Systems 14/4/2017(2:30)GLR-301
3 InSy3071 Advanced Database Systems 15/4/2017(2:30)GLR-301
InSy3091 Internet Programming 11/4/2017(2:30)GLR-301
InSy3101 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 13/4/2017(2:30)GLR-301
InSy3061 Research Methods in Information Systems 12/4/2017(2:30)GLR-301
Hist1012 History of Ethiopia and the Horn 11/4/2017(8:00)GLR-401
InSy4081 Information System Security 8/4/2017(2:30)GLR-401
4 InSy4101 Data Mining and Warehousing 13/4/2017(2:30)GLR-401
InSy4103 Knowledge Management 15/4/2017(2:30)GLR-401
InSy4123 Human Computer Interaction 7/4/2017(2:30)GLR-401
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 12/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
MgMt1012 Entrepreneurship 15/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 2
ITec2041 Fundamentals of Programming II 8/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 2
2 ITec2071 Fundamentals of Database Systems 9/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 2
Econ2013 Economics 7/4/2017(2:30) Tewrodros-hall 2
Eeng2161 Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics Device 14/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 2
Stat2171 probability and Statistics 11/4/2017(2:30) Tewrodros-hall 2
ITec3031 Computer Maintenance and Technical Support 8/4/2017(2:30)GLR-402
ITec3051 Object Oriented Programming in Java 7/4/2017(4:00)GLR-402
IT ITec3061 System Analysis and Design 10/4/2017(2:30)GLR-402
ITec3071 Advanced Database Systems 15/4/2017(2:30)GLR-402
ITec3093 Internet Programming II 14/4/2017(2:30)GLR-402
ITec3121 Multimedia Systems 9/4/2017(2:30)GLR-402
Hist1012 History of Ethiopia and the Horn 11/4/2017(8:00)GLR-205
ITec4081 GIS and Remote Sensing 10/4/2017(2:30)GLR-205
ITec4111 Network Device and Configuration 15/4/2017(2:30)GLR-205
ITec4121 Artificial Intelligence 13/4/2017(2:30)GLR-205
ITec4133 Information Assurance and Security 8/4/2017(2:30)GLR-205
ITec4155 Basic Research Methods in IT 12/4/2017(2:30) GLR-205
GlTr1012 Global Trends 8/4/2017(2:30)NDB-4
InTc2011 Fundamentals of Programming I 7/4/2017(2:30)NDB-4
Psyc2011 Educational Psychology 10/4/2017(2:30)NDB-4
2 I TECS2011 Foundations of Education 11/4/2017(2:30)NDB-4
TECS2021 Curriculum Studies 14/4/2017(2:30)NDB-4
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 12/4/2017(8:00)NDB-4
MgMt1012 Entrepreneurship 15/4/2017(2:30) NDB-4
InTc3013 Object Oriented Programming 7/4/2017(4:00)GLR-307
InTc3015 Operating Systems 14/4/2017(2:30)GLR-307
InTc3033 Multimedia systems 9/4/2017(2:30)GLR-307
IT Bed 3 InTc3041 Data Communication and Computer Networks 11/4/2017(2:30)GLR-307
InTc3051 Computer Organization and Architecture 10/4/2017(2:30)GLR-307
TECS3063 Subject Area Methods I 12/4/2017(2:30)GLR-307
TECS3061 Teaching in a Multicultural Setting 15/4/2017(2:30)GLR-307
InTc4011 Event-Driven Programming 8/4/2017(2:30)GLR-208
InTc4013 Mobile Application Development 9/4/2017(2:30)GLR-208
InTc4015 Internet Programming 11/4/2017(2:30)GLR-208
4 InTc4021 Advanced Database Systems 15/4/2017(2:30)GLR-208
InTc4031 Research Method in Information and Communication12/4/2017(2:30)GLR-208
EdPM4011 School and Society 7/4/2017(2:30)GLR-208
TECS4081 Teachers as Reflective Practitioners 10/4/2017(2:30)GLR-208
Econ2021 Introduction to Economics 7/4/2017(2:30) NDD-5
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 12/4/2017(8:00) NDD-5
CoSc2031 Data Structures and Algorithm 9/4/2017(2:30)NDD-5
2 CySe2033 Object Oriented Design and Analysis 8/4/2017(2:30)NDD-5
CySe2071 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity 14/4/2017(2:30)NDD-5
Math2021 Mathematics for Cyber Security 15/4/2017(2:30)NDD-5
Stat2021 Probability and Statistics 11/4/2017(2:30)NDD-5
CySe3025 AVR microcontroller and Embedded system 8/4/2017(7:30)GLR-208
CySe3031 Programming for Cybersecurity 7/4/2017(7:30)GLR-208
Cyber CySe3041 Fundamentals of Cryptography and Its Application 9/4/2017(7:30)GLR-208
Security 3 CySe3061 Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing 11/4/2017(7:30)GLR-208
CySe3063 Distributed System 12/4/2017(7:30)GLR-208
CySe3065 Network Security 14/4/2017(7:30)GLR-208
CySe3067 Hardware Security 15/4/2017(7:30)GLR-208
CySe4051 Web Security 7/4/2017(7:30)NDC-12
CySe4053 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing 9/4/2017(7:30)NDC-12
CySe4055 System Security 10/4/2017(7:30)NDC-12
CySe4081 Cloud and IoT Security 12/4/2017(7:30)NDC-12
CySe4091 Selected Topics in Cyber Security 14/4/2017(7:30)NDC-12
CySe4093 Cyber Security Capstone I

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