Mid Exam FC 2017 I S
Mid Exam FC 2017 I S
Mid Exam FC 2017 I S
Department Year Sec Course Code Course Title Date and Room
Econ2011 Introduction to Economics 7/4/2017(2:30) NDD-4
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 12/4/2017(8:00)NDD-4
SEng2021 Computer Programming II 8/4/2017(2:30) NDD-4
A Seng2051 Fundamentals of Software Engineering 10/4/2017(2:30) NDD-4
Stat2012 Probability and Statstics 11/4/2017(2:30)NDD-4
Math2041 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatory 14/4/2017(2:30)NDD-4
MgMt2011 Entrepreneurship 15/4/2017(2:30) NDD-4
Econ2011 Introduction to Economics 7/4/2017(2:30) Tewrodros-hall 1
Incl2011 Inclusiveness 12/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng2021 Computer Programming II 8/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 1
B Seng2051 Fundamentals of Software Engineering 10/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 1
Stat2012 Probability and Statstics 11/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 1
Math2041 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatory 14/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 1
MgMt2011 Entrepreneurship 15/4/2017(2:30)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3031 Microprocessor and Assembly Language 8/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3051 Requirements Engineering 9/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3053 Software Engineering Tools and Practices 11/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
Seng3061 Object Oriented Programming 7/4/2017(4:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3071 Web Design and Programming 13/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3073 Fundamental of Software Security 15/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 1
SEng3031 Microprocessor and Assembly Language 8/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
SEng3051 Requirements Engineering 9/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
SEng3053 Software Engineering Tools and Practices 11/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
3 B
Seng3061 Object Oriented Programming 7/4/2017(4:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
SEng3071 Web Design and Programming 13/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
SEng3073 Fundamental of Software Security 15/4/2017(8:00)Tewrodros-hall 2
SEng3031 Microprocessor and Assembly Language 8/4/2017(8:00)GLR-307
SEng3051 Requirements Engineering 9/4/2017(8:00)GLR-307
SEng3053 Software Engineering Tools and Practices 11/4/2017(8:00)GLR-307
Seng3061 Object Oriented Programming 7/4/2017(4:00)GLR-307