Abstract- The influence of turbine inlet temperature inlet temperature, compression ratio, combustion inlet
of the performance of a gas turbine power plant temperature and turbine inlet temperature[4][5].
utilized for electricity has been done. The In an earlier study, the authors carried out an
investigation which comprises of recorded turbine evaluation of the influence of ambient temperature on
data that were used to compute the parameters of a gas turbine plant situated in the coastal region of
power output, power differential, compressor work, Nigeria, with a characteristic warm and humid climate
turbine work, heat supplied, net work, SFC, AFR, [6]. Results of that study showed improvements in
and thermal efficiency of the gas turbine power plant performance with reduced ambient temperature,
plant. Correlation of these parameters with the in consonance with results of other studies, albeit at
turbine inlet temperature showed close dependence varying levels of improvement [1][7][8]. The present
on this temperature. The resulting equations are study analyses the influence of the turbine inlet
therefore useful in predicting any of the parameters temperature (which derives from the exhaust
with known values of turbine inlet temperature for temperature of the combustion chamber) on the
the particular type of this turbine plant excepting that performance of that gas turbine plant.
of the power output, air-fuel ratio and thermal
efficiency which showed decreasing trends with II. METHODOLOGY
increase of turbine inlet temperature.
The methodology involved the collection of
Indexed Terms- Influence, Turbine inlet operational data from logsheets of the turbine unit,
temperature, Plant parameters, Performance generator and the plant auxiliaries of the ‘MS5001
Nuovopignone’ turbine plant of the Trans-Amadi Gas
I. INTRODUCTION Turbine Station Phase II at Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Relevant plant parameters which were not in the
Gas turbines generate their power from burning a fuel- available records were obtained using appropriate
air mixture in a combustion chamber, whence the fast- thermodynamic principles and equations [9][10].
flowing combustion gases are used to move the Utilizing the provided nomenclature and referring to
turbine[1].One of the most important advancements in Fig. 1, the relevant equations are obtained as follows:
gas turbine technology is the increase in turbine inlet The plant network can be obtained as
temperature, achievable due to advances in turbine
blade cooling techniques and metallurgical 𝑊̇ = 𝑊̇𝑇 − 𝑊̇𝐶 (1)
improvements[1][2]. Several other approaches had
been proposed and applied, through research, to Where, Turbine Work
achieve improvements in performance of gas turbines; 𝑊̇𝑇 = 𝑚̇g 𝐶pg (𝑇3 − 𝑇4 ) (2)
some of the established performance criteria of gas
power plants being the thermal efficiency, specific Compressor Work
fuel consumption, power output and work ratio. These 𝑊̇𝐶 = 𝑚̇a 𝐶pa (𝑇2 − 𝑇1 ) (3)
criteria are affected by such parameters as compressor
Table 1 shows the design parameters of the test
‘MS5001 Nuovopignone’ gas turbine while Table 2 The influence of turbine inlet temperature on various
shows operational data as obtained from the logsheets plant parameters has been performed. The graphical
of the turbine unit, generator and plant auxiliaries. The results indicate good correlation of parameters with
changing turbine inlet temperature and are, therefore,
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