DR WAJEEHA ABBAS ASSIS PROF IN (OBSTETRICS &GYNECOLOGY) DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO INTRODUCTION: It starts with the fertilization of a ova, which after is called zygote. ”The zygote goes through rapid divisions, the scientific name for it is embryogenesis” The study of developmental events that occur during the prenatal stage. Embryonic period: first 8 weeks development of the three primary germ layers give rise to all structures and basic body plan takes shape. Fetal period: remaining 30 weeks, structures and organs continue to grow and develop. STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT: 1. Fertilization 2. cleavage. 3. Gastrulation. 4. organogenesis 5. Maturation DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO FERTILIZATION is the process fusion or union of male(sperm) and female (ovum) gametes. Fertilization principally occurs in the ampullary region of the fallopian tube. Both male and female gametes thus need to present at this site simultaneously and in their best functional position to achieve normal fertilization. After ejaculate in genital tract sperm head is loaded with acrosome content and its activation is called capacitation. The capacitation result is increased permeability of lipoprotein coat of sperm head ,allowing to release of hyaluronidase. Million of Sperm deposited in vagina only 100 or more reach the outer end of fallopian tube DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO FERTILIZATION The ovum of female remain capable of being fertilized in fallopian tubes for about 24 hours after ovulation . The ovum has an outer layer of corona radiata covering the zona pellucida. In ovum there is perivitelline space, beneath which there is a plasma membrane containing cytoplasm and egg nucleus. Once the ovum meets the sperm ,a number of sperm try to fertilize the ova. Once the leading sperm penetrated the zona pellucida and vitelline space. Due to penetration of corona radiata and zona pellucida its resisted other all sperm outside. Within 12 hours the nuclear membrane of the sperm and ovum fuse and invest diploid (n46) chromosomal zygote . FERTILIZATION DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO CLEAVAGE The fertilized ovum takes about 5 to 7 days to reach the uterus to become implanted in the endometrium. The first cleavage occurs 24 to 36 hours after fertilization and made 1 cell to 2 cell,4 cell, 8 cell to 16 cell stages and rapidly to form the morula. A mass of 20 t0 50 cells still contained within the zona pellucida. During this period there is continuing passage along the uterine tube morula is nourished with coronal cells and tubal epithelial secretions. By 5th day the morula reaches endometrial cavity and imbedded uterine fluid through canaliculi in zona pellucida, degenerated of zona pellucida. And start A space is formed due to fill fluid into blastocyst from uterine cavity. Formed blastocyst with inner cell mass to become embryo but most outer cell form trophoblastic shell. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO IMPLANTATION ”Is process in which developing embryo moving as blastocyst through a uterus ,make contact with uterine wall and remain attached to it until birth” Implantation consist of three stages A). the blastocyst contact the implantation site of the endometrium (apposition) B). Trophoblast cells of blastocyst attach to receptive endometrial epithelium (adhesion) by Pino pods on endometrium and microvilli on blastocyst is called loose attachment. C). Invasive trophoblast cells cross the endometrial epithelial basement membrane and invade by integrin and selectin by glucose molecule. Implantation take place from few hours to couple a days. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO BLASTULATION: The conversion of the early morula to a blastocyst is facilitated by the formation of a central fluid filled cavity. This separates the primary trophoblastic cell mass, which develops into placenta and extra placental chorion. Those cells that give rise to the embryo, yolk sac and amnion these from the inner cell mass which during 8 and 9 day after ovulation. These inner cells called embryoblast arranges itself into a bilaminar disc with the inner layer of epiblast and hypoblast. The amniotic cavity appears as a slit like space between the embryonic epiblast and cytotrophoblast at 12 post ovulatory day. At the same time hypoblast cell migrate out from the deepest layer of embryonic disc thus form the primary yolk sac. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO BLASTULATION Extra-embryonic mesenchyme possibly derived from trophoblast subsequently appears to separate the yolk sac from blastocyst wall. and most of the roof of amniotic cavity from trophoblast of the chorion. The extra embryonic mesenchyme form a loose reticulum in which small cystic space appear which gradually enlarge and fuse to form extraembryonic coelom. Which split extraembryonic mesenchyme into two layer. 1). Extra- embryonic splanchnopleuric mesenchyme, which outside the yolk sac. 2). Extra-embryonic somatopleuric mesenchyme, which adjacent to cytotrophoblast. Extra-embryonic mesenchyme attachment on one point is called body stalk from which the umbilical cord develops. BLASTULATION DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO GASTRULATION “The process of bilaminar disc (epiblast and hypoblast) converted into trilaminar disc (ectoderm ,mesoderm ,definitive endoderm) of the embryo is called gastrulation.” Epiblast layer have two end cranial end and caudal end. Cranial end have buccopharyngeal membrane develop buccal cavity. Caudal end have cloacal membrane . On week 2 to 3 from the end of caudal end is signaling process is start thicken of the epiblast cell is called primitive streak. And node like structure end of primitive Streak is called primitive node. Some of the cells from primitive streak and primitive node start to dying and secrete certain kind of chemical FGF-8 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO GASTRULATION FGF-8 is start breaking and migrating the epiblast cells to downward from primitive streak and primitive node. These epiblast cell completely change hypoblast cell in to endoderm. And make between ectoderm and endoderm one more additional layer is mesoderm. Which cells migrating through primitive groove make one tube like structure between ectoderm and endoderm is called notochord. Notochord is important for neurulation. (On day 16-18) In the notochord have jelly like structure called nucleus pulposus. GASTRULATION DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO NEURULATION “The neural tube is developed from the closure of neural plate transform in the neural fold – a process called neurulation” The embryo at this stage is termed the neurula. Notochord signals overlying ectoderm, neurulation refers to the folding process in vertebrate embryo. Closure of neural tube begins at end of week 3 complete by end of 4 week. Extends cranially (eventually brain) and caudally spinal cord). Neural crest, lateral ectodermal cells, pulled along and form sensory nerve cells and other structures NEURULATION DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO ORGANOGENESIS OF EMBRYO: During the embryonic stage which extends from 4 to 8 weeks, individual differentiation of germ layer and formation of the fold of the embryo occurs. Most of the tissues and organs are developed during this period. However, the major structure which are developed from the three germinal layers. The embryo can be differentiated as human at 8 week. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO ECTODERMAL LAYER: The ectoderm generates the outer layer of the embryo, and it forms from the embryo’s epiblast. The ectoderm develops into the surface ectoderm, neural crest, and the neural tube. The surface of ectoderm develops into: epidermis, hair, nails, lens of the eyes, sebaceous gland, cornea, tooth enamel, the epithelium of the mouth and the nose. The neural crest of the ectoderm develops into; Central and peripheral, adrenal medulla, melanocytes, facial cartilages, dentin of teeth. the neural tube of the ectoderm develops into: brain, spinal cord, posterior pituitary, motor neurons, retina. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO ENDODERMAL LAYER ➢ Cell migrating along the archenteron form the inner layer of the gastrula, which develops into the endoderm. ➢ The endoderm consists at first of flattened cells, which subsequently becomes columnar. ➢ It forms the Epithelial lining of whole gastrointestinal tract, mouth, pharynx and the terminal part of rectum. ➢ Its also forms the lining cells of the glands which open into digestive tube, including those of the liver and pancreas. ➢ endoderm forms: liver, stomach, pancreases, colon, epithelial lining of respiratory tract and most of the mucous membrane of urinary bladder and urethra, bulbourethral and greater vestibular glands etc. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO MESODERMAL LAYER Some of the cells migrating inward contribute to the mesoderm, an additional layer between the endoderm and ectoderm. Several components: 1). intermediate mesoderm. 2). Paraxial mesoderm. 3). Lateral plate mesoderm. 4). Chorda-mesoderm. 1) The chorda-mesoderm develops into the notochord. 2) The intermediate mesoderm develops into kidney and gonads 3) The paraxial mesoderm develops into cartilage, skeletal muscle, dermis. 4) The lateral plate mesoderm develops into circulatory system (including the heart and spleen), the wall of the gut, and the wall of the human body. The mesoderm form: Bones, cartilage, muscles (smooth and striated), connective tissues, adipose tissue, circulatory system, lymphatic system, dermis, genitourinary system, serous membranes, and notochord. ORGANOGENESIS OF EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO FETAL MEMBRANES: It consists of two layers; outer chorion and the inner Amnion. CHORION One of the membranes that surround the fetus is the chorion. it represent the remnant of chorion leave and end the margin of the placenta. It is thicker than amnion, friable and shaggy on both the sides. Internally it is attached to the amnion by loose areolar tissue of primitive mesenchyme. Externally it is covered by trophoblastic layer and decidual cells. The fetal part of the placenta is known as the chorion. The chorion helps in the exchange of nutrients, gases and wastes between the embryo and the mother body. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO AMNION It is the inner layer of the fetal membranes. Its internal surface is smooth and shiny is in contact with liquor amnii. the amnion can also be peeled off from the fetal surface of the placenta except at insertion of the umbilical cord. Function: 1). Contribute to formation of liquor amnii. 2). Intact membranes prevent ascending uterine infection. 3). Facilitate dilation of cervix during labor 4). Has got enzymatic activities for steroid hormonal metabolism 5). Rich source of glycerophospholipids containing arachidonic acid precursor of prostaglandin E2 and F2a. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO AMNIOTIC CAVITY AND AMNIOTIC FLUID In amniotic cavity fluid accumulated slowly at first, but ultimately fluid filled cavity large enough to obliterate the chronic cavity; the amnion and chorion come in loose contact by their mesenchymal layers AMNIOTIC FLUID: volume is related to gestation age, it measure about 1 liter at 36-38 week. Thereafter amount diminishes till at term its measure about 600-800ml. As the pregnancy continues post-term further reduction occurs to about 200ml at 43 weeks. Color: IN early pregnancy it is colorless. but near term it become pale straw colored due to presence of exfoliated lanugo and epidermal cell from the fetal skin. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO ABNORMAL COLOR A.F: Green color: meconium stained due to fetal distress. Golden color: in Rh incompatibility is due to excessive hemolysis of the fetal RBC and production of excess bilirubin. Greenish yellow (saffron): in post maturity. Dark colored: in concealed accidental hemorrhage is due to contamination of blood. Dark brown (tobacco juice). Function: Its acts is to mainly protect the fetus. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO UMBLICAL CORD Umbilical cord the connecting link between the fetus and the placenta through which the fetal blood flow to from the placenta. DEVELOPMENT: the umbilical cord is developed from the connective stalk or body stalk. STRUCTURE: Covering epithelium 2). Wharton’s jelly. 3). Blood vessels 4). Remnant of umbilical vesicle( yolk sac). 5). Allantois. 6). Obliterated extraembryonic coelom. ATTACHMENT: FETAL ATTACHMENTA: In the early period ,the cord is attached to ventral surface of embryo close to the caudal extremity. But as coelom closes and yolk sac atrophies the point of attachment is moved permanently to the center of the abdomen at 4th month. PLACENTAL ATTACHMENT: it usually attaches to the fetal surface of the placenta, somewhere between the center and the edge of the placenta eccentric insertion. The attachment may be central ,marginal The attachment chorion leave at the varying distance away from the margin of placenta called velamentous insertion.