3assignment.RCC (3)

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Total estimated cost-8786605

Area of building-120.64

Rate per sq.m-72833.26

Sr.No. Item Cost of work % of total cost

1. Earthwork (including site clearance) 9804 0.11
2. Providing and laying PCC 36680 0.42
3. Construction of UCR masonry -
4. Plinth filling 132839 1.51
Cost upto plinth construction 179323 2.041
5. Construction of brickwork 705470 2.041
6. Total RCC work 865966 9.85
7. Total PCC work 129408 1.47
8. Steel
9. Finishing work (including plastering 941386.5 10.71
flooring etc.)
10. Door and window 198601 2.26
11. Water supply and sanitation 605972.75 6.89
12. Electrification 605972.75 6.89
13. W/C Establishment 141582.42 1.61
14. contingencies 353956.05 4.02
Total 8786605 100

Basic Material Required

Sr.No Materials Quantity Unit
1 Cement 1778 Bags
2 Sand 411 m3
3 Aggregate 68 m3
4 Bricks 183994 No
5 Rubble stone - -
6 Ceramic tile 526 No
7 Glazed tile 142 No
8 Waterproofing compound 61 Kg
9 steel 6529.21 Kg

Sr no Description of item Quantity Rate per Amount in Rs

653. Excavation ;
57 172 m3 9804
Excavation for foundation in hard
murum including removing the
excavated material upto distance of
50 metres beyond the building area
and stacking and spreading as
directed, dewatering, preparing the
bed for the foundation and
necessary back filling, ramming,
watering including shoring and
strutting etc. complete. (Lift upto
m) By Mechanical Means
756. P.C.C;
3.92 9357 m3 36680
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in
M15 of trap/
granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for
bed blocks, foundation blocks and
such other items including bailing
out water, Steel centering,
formwork, laying/ pumping,
compacting, roughening them if
special finish is to be provided,
finishing uneven and honeycombed
surface and curing etc. complete.
The Cement Mortar 1:3 plaster is
considered for rendering uneven
and honeycombed surface only.
Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bag,
plastic, tarpaulin etc. (Wooden
centering will not be allowed.),
with fully automatic micro
processor based PLC with SCADA
enabled reversible Drum Type
mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant
(Pan mixer) etc. complete. With
fine aggregate (Natural Sand /
sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)
3. RCC in footing;
5.8 5704 m3 33083
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete
M-25 of trap / granite /quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. work in
foundations like raft, strip
foundations, grillage and footings
of R.C.C. columns and steel
stanchions etc. including bailing
out water, Steel centering,
formwork ,cover blocks,
laying/pumping, compaction and
curing roughening the surface if
special finish is to be provided
(Excluding reinforcement and
structural steel) etc. complete,
with fully automatic micro
processor based PLC with
SCADA enabled reversible Drum
Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix
plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete.
With fine aggregate (Natural Sand
/ Crushed sand VSI Grade finely
washed etc)
Sr no Description of item Quantity Rate per Amount in Rs

4. RCC in column;
9.68 11394 m3 110293
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-
25 of trap / granite /quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. columns as
per detailed designs and drawings
or as directed including steel
centering, formwork, cover blocks,
laying/pumping, compaction
finishing the formed surfaces with
cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient
minimum thickness to give a
smooth and even surface or
roughening if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc. complete,
(Excluding reinforcement and
structural steel).with fully
automatic micro processor based
PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan
mixer) etc. complete. With fine
aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed
sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)
5. RCC in Beam;
6.32 10050 m3 63516
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in
M-25 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. beams and
lintels as per detailed designs and
drawings or as directed including
steel centering, formwork, cover
blocks, laying/pumping,
compactionand roughening the
surface if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc. complete.
(Excluding reinforcement and
structural steel).with fully
automatic micro processor based
PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan
mixer) etc. complete. With fine
aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed
sand VSI Grade finely
washed etc)
765. R.C.C. in slabs;
18.7 12181 m3 227785
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-
20 of trap/ granite / quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. slabs and
landings as per detailed designs and
drawings including steel centering,
formwork, cover blocks,
laying/pumping, compaction
finishing the formed surfaces with
cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient
minimum thickness to give a
smooth and even surface or
roughening if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc. complete,
(Excluding reinforcement and
structural steel).with fully
automatic micro processor based
PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan
mixer) etc. complete. With fine
aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed
sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)

7. R.C.C chajja;
2.63 11343 m3 29833
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mixcement concrete M-
20 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss
metal for R.C.C. chajja as per
detailed design and drawings
including steel centering,
formwork, cover blocks,
laying/pumping, compacting and
roughening the surface if special
finish is to be provided and curing
complete. (Excluding
reinforcement and structural steel).
with fully automatic micro
processor based PLC with SCADA
enabled reversible Drum Type
mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant
(Pan mixer) etc. complete. With
fine aggregate (Natural Sand /
sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)
8. R.C.C waist slab and steps;
1.08 11971 m3 12929
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in
M-20 of trap / quartzite /granite
/gneiss metal for R.C.C. Waist slab,
and steps of staircases as per
detailed design and drawings or as
directed including steel centering,
formwork, steel props,
laying/pumping, compaction,
finishing uneven and honeycombed
surface with C.M. 1:3 of sufficient
minimum thickness to give a
smooth and even surface or
roughening the surface if special
finish is to be provided and curing
etc. complete. (Excluding
einforcement, including cover
block).(Newly laid concrete shall
be covered by gunny bag, plastic,
tarpaulin etc.) with fully automatic
micro processor based PLC with
SCADA enabled reversible Drum
Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix
plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete.
With fine aggregate (Natural Sand
/ Crushed
sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)
816. Plinth filling;
19.83 440 m3 8725
Filling in plinth and floors with
contractors material/brought from
outside and approved by Engineer
incharge in layers of 15 cm to 20
cm including watering and
compaction etc. complete.
b)Rubble soling;
29.75 1055 m3 31386
Providing soling using 80 mm size
trap metal in 15 cm. layer including
filling voids with Crushed
sand/grit, ramming, watering etc.
c) P.C.C for flooring
9.91 9357 m3 92728
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in
M15 of trap/
granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for
bed blocks, foundation blocks and
such other items including bailing
out water, Steel centering,
formwork, laying/ pumping,
compacting, roughening them if
special finish is to be provided,
finishing uneven and honeycombed
surface and curing etc. complete.
The Cement Mortar 1:3 plaster is
considered for rendering uneven
and honeycombed surface only.
Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bag, plastic,
tarpaulin etc. (Wooden centering
will not be allowed.), with fully
automatic micro processor based
PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan
mixer) etc. complete. With fine
aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed
sand VSI Grade finely washed etc
Sr no Description of item Quantity Rate per Amount in Rs

10. Brick masonry;

125.35 5628 m3 705470
Providing second class Burnt Brick
masonry with conventional/ I.S.
type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in
plinth as backing in composite
masonry including bailing out
water manually, striking joints,
raking out
joints and watering etc Complete.
11. Internal plaster;
639.3 234 m2 149596
Providing internal cement plaster
12mm thick in single coat in
cement mortar 1:4 without neeru
finish to concrete or brick surfaces,
in all positions including
scaffolding and
curing etc. complete.
12. External plaster;
393.87 679 m2 267437
Providing sand faced plaster
externally in cement mortar using
approved screened sand, in all
positions including base coat of 15
mm thick in cement mortar 1:4
using waterproofing compound at 1
kg per cement bag curing the same
for not less than 2 days and keeping
the surface of the base coat rough
to receive the sand faced treatment
6 to 8 mm thick in cement mortar
1:4 finishing the surface by taking
out grains and curing for fourteen
scaffolding etc.complete.
Sr no Description of item Quantity Rate per Amount in Rs

13. White wash;

639.3 6 m2 3836
Providing and applying white-wash
in one coat on old / new plastered
or masonry surfaces and asbestos
cement sheets including scaffolding
and preparing the surface by
brushing and brooming down etc.
14. Internal coloring;
639.3 203 m2 129778
Providing and applying interior
wall finish luster of approved make
on internal wall surface as detailed
below Scrapping the surface with
emery paper and wipe clean.
Applying Asian / Berger / Nerolac /
Duuex Paints or equivalent wall
primer with brush with mineral
turpentine with brush 8 to 10% and
oil 15 to 20% with roller and
allowing to dry for a period 6 to 8
hours. Applying Asian / Berger /
Nerolac / Dulex Paints or
equivalent Acrylic wall putty with
appropriate proportion of water
allowing to dry for period 4 to 6
hours. Scrapping with Emery paper
180 and wipe clean. Applying
Asian / Berger / Nerolac / Dulux
Paints or equivalent wall primer
with brush with mineral turpentine
8 to 10% and oil 15 to
20% with roller Scrapping Emery
paper 320 and wipe clean,
Applying Asian / Berger Nerolac /
Dulux Paints or equivalent interior
wall finish luster 1st coat with
brush/rubber/spray with mineral
turpentine 7 to 9% and Oil with
roller 19 to 21% After 8 hours of
activity Applying 2nd coat of Asian
/ Berger / Nerolac / Dulux Paints or
equivalent interior wall finish
Lustre with mineral turpentine 7
to 9 % with brush and Oil with
roller 19 to 21% after allowing dry
for the period of 6 to 8 hours
activity. (With
prior approval of S.E.)
15. External coloring;
393.87 233 m2 91772
Providing and applying external
raincoat painting with crack filling
acrylic polymer based chemical
compound coating to the external
surface of walls to prevent water
seepage in the masonry walls
during monsoon added with
required shade Steiner to give
required shade to the surface in two
coats. Including providing three
coat of priming of polymer base
primer including preparing surface
scrapping the existing loose old
paint, removing loose particles of
sand on the surface opening and
cleaning the cracks developed in
the external plaster,
removing loose particles by
chiseling, filling cracks by
chemicals compound of approved
make with proper penetration etc.
Coating of Raincoat with the help
of brush and as per instructions and
specification given by manufacturer
and with instruction from Engineer
in-charge. Work shall be executed
by certified applicator only and
covering gurantee of 3 years on
court stamp paper of Rs. 500/- and
necessary testing etc. complete
16. Waterproofing for slab;
120.64 1440 m2 173722
Clean the RCC roof slab surface of
all loose particles, dust, cement
laitance etc. preferably done using
machine like device. Inspect for
cracks /construction joints. Fill the
cracks by Elastoroof PU of
approved make & approved by
Engineer in charge. Provide and
apply a primer coat of Sunprime
PU primer of sunanda or equivalent
or approved by Engineer in charge
on the cleaned RCC slab surface
using a soft paint brush. Shake the
container well and directly apply
the primer by brush. Allow to set
for 30
- 45 mins depending on the ambient
temperature. After the primer has
totally cured and dried, apply
Elastoroof PU of approved make &
approved by Engineer in charge by
brush, roller or airless spray
equipment. Apply at a rate of 1
kg/sqm for the first coat evenly
over the primer surface and allow
to set for 12 hours. After ensuring
that the first coat is set and cured,
apply the second coat in similar
manner at a rate of 0.5 kg/sqm and
allow to set. While the second coat
is has reasonably hardened but still
wet and tacky on surface, sprinkle
sand over the surface to make it
rough so as to provide mechanical
key for the protective screed/I.P.S.
of 25 MM thick waterproof
bedding. Ensure that the sand does
not gets embedded in the second
coat and remains on the surface.
Allow the two coats of Elastoroof
PU of approved make & approved
by Engineer in charge to air cure
for 4- 5 days before proceeding
with the
protective screed.
939. Flooring;
189.84 1027 m2 194966
Providing and laying vitrified mirror
/ glossy finish tiles decorative type
having size 590 mm to 605 mm x
590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm
thickness and confirming to IS.
15622-2006 ( group Bla) of
approved make, shade and pattern
for flooring in required position laid
on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar
including neat cement float, filling
joints, curing and clearing etc.
18. Flooring for w/c and bath;
12.7 1070 m2 13589
Providing and laying Antiskid
Ceramic tiles of approved quality
of size 30 cm x 30 cm and
confirming to IS 15622-2006
(Group-B IIA) for antiskid
flooring in required
position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement
mortar including cement float,
filling joint with cement slurry
cleaning curing etc. complete.
19. Dado;
299.18 1087 m2 325209
Providing and laying vitrified mirror
/ glossy finish tiles having size 590
mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605
mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and
confirming to IS. 15622-2006 (
group Bla) of approved make,
shade and pattern for dado and
skirting in required position fixed
in 1:4 cement mortar including neat
cement float, filling joints, curing
and clearing etc. complete.
20. Wooden work for Door Frame:
5.05 1315.17 m3 6642
Providing Frames for Accoustic
door shutters with double rabbit of
68mm 1st class Malaysian
Hardwood Frame densified and
pressure treated with chemicals in
vacuum impregnation vessel under
160 PSI pressure as per IS:401and
kiln seasoned to moisture below
15% as per IS:1141 of section 120
X 70 mm spray quoted with 2 coats
of In tumescent paint of minimum
200 micron, with 1 row of Hafele
Accoustic seals concealed in the
groove of the Frame for noise
control, etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in Charge
21. Wooden work for Shutter:
21.84 10402 m3 227180
Providing of 65mm thick Acoustic
Door Shutters with wooden
structure comprising of Chemical
treated internal timber with anti
termite chemicals in pressure
impregnation vessels under 160 PSI
pressure as per IS:401and kiln
seasoned to moisture below 15% as
per IS:1141 frame work of 100x 48
mm with 48 mm thick infill of
ceramic vermiculite mix of density
54Kgs/CMT, 3mm sheet rubber
interlayer sheet on one side for
acoustic property, faced with 6mm
High Density Waterproof Ply
confirming to IS Code 2201,
internally lipped with hardwood
beading, and pasted in Hydraulic
Press under 50 tonnes pressure,
spray quoted with 2 coats of PU
paint of minimum 200 micron of
color of engineer choice (any
Veneer or Lamination will cost
extra), without any external lipping
along with double rebating in
shutters & acoustic seal
22. Glass work for window;
40.23 20450 m2 822704
Sliding Window- 3 Track (2 Glass
shutter + 1 flymesh) of approved
make with DGU, providing and
fixing of Sliding Window- 3 Track
(2 Glass shutter + 1 flymesh ). For
details refer to Specifications. As
directed by Engineer in charge.
23. Providing and fixing mild steel grill
45 1528 m2 68760
work for windows, ventilators etc.
20 kg/sqm as per drawing including
fixtures, necessary welding and
painting with one coats of
anticorrosive paint and two coats of
oil painting complete.
24. Steel grill railing
6.48 2443 m2 15830
Providing and fixing mild steel grill
railing 20 kg/sq.m with teak wood
hand rail of size 75mm x 60
mm.and sill of 75mm.x 25 mm.and
newel posts for staircases,
including fabricating, fix-tures,
erecting, painting the grill work
with one coat of anti-corrosive
paint and two coats of oil painting
with approved colour and polishing
the sill, hand rail and
the newel post with french polish.
Sr no Description of item Quantity Rate per Amount in Rs

25. Kitchen otta;

12.42 2458 m2 30528
Providing and preparing kitchen
otta up to 75 cm width,made up
from 30 mm thick and 75 cm high
vertical support for kadppa at 1 m.
c/c of 25 mm thick both side
polished kadappa middle shelf and
bottom of
20 mm thick one side polished
kadappa with facia patti of 20 x 50
mm kadappa including all material
labour cutting fixing with cement
mortar and araldite curing polished
and cleaning etc. complete.
26. Sink;
1 4508 No 4508
Providing and fixing white glazed
earthenware sink 600mm x 200mm
x 450mm including all connection
of the G.I. supply and P.V.C. waste
pipes up to the outside face of the
wall, cold water chromium plated
screw down bib tap, rolled steel or
C.I. brackets, rubber plug with chain
and stop tap complete.

Total cost for ground floor = 3888289


Sr no Description of item Quantity Rate per Amount in

1. RCC in column;
4.78 11394 m3 54464
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-
25 of trap / granite /quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. columns as
per detailed designs and drawings
or as directed including steel
centering, formwork, cover blocks,
laying/pumping, compaction
finishing the formed surfaces with
cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient
minimum thickness to give a
smooth and even surface or
roughening if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc. complete,
(Excluding reinforcement and
structural steel).with fully
automatic micro processor based
PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan
mixer) etc. complete. With fine
aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed
sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)
2. RCC in Beam;
6.32 10050 m3 63516
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in
M-25 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. beams and
lintels as per detailed designs and
drawings or as directed including
steel centering, formwork, cover
blocks, laying/pumping,
compactionand roughening the
surface if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc. complete.
(Excluding reinforcement and
structural steel).with fully
automatic micro processor based
PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan
mixer) etc. complete. With fine
aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed
sand VSI Grade finely
washed etc)
3. R.C.C. in slabs;
1809 12181 m3 227785
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-
20 of trap/ granite / quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. slabs and
landings as per detailed designs and
drawings including steel centering,
formwork, cover blocks,
laying/pumping, compaction
finishing the formed surfaces with
cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient
minimum thickness to give a
smooth and even surface or
roughening if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc. complete,
(Excluding reinforcement and
structural steel).with fully
automatic micro processor based
PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan
mixer) etc. complete. With fine
aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed
sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)

4. R.C.C chajja;
2.63 11343 m3 29833
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mixcement concrete M-
20 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss
metal for R.C.C. chajja as per
detailed design and drawings
including steel centering,
formwork, cover blocks,
laying/pumping, compacting and
roughening the surface if special
finish is to be provided and curing
complete. (Excluding
reinforcement and structural steel).
with fully automatic micro
processor based PLC with SCADA
enabled reversible Drum Type
mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant
(Pan mixer) etc. complete. With
fine aggregate (Natural Sand /
sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)
5. R.C.C waist slab and steps;
1.08 11971 m3 12929
Providing and laying Cast in
situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in
M-20 of trap / quartzite /granite
/gneiss metal for R.C.C. Waist slab,
and steps of staircases as per
detailed design and drawings or as
directed including steel centering,
formwork, steel props,
laying/pumping, compaction,
finishing uneven and honeycombed
surface with C.M. 1:3 of sufficient
minimum thickness to give a
smooth and even surface or
roughening the surface if special
finish is to be provided and curing
etc. complete. (Excluding
einforcement, including cover
block).(Newly laid concrete shall
be covered by gunny bag, plastic,
tarpaulin etc.) with fully automatic
micro processor based PLC with
SCADA enabled reversible Drum
Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix
plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete.
With fine aggregate (Natural Sand
/ Crushed
sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)
6. Brick masonry;
62.67 56.28 m3 352707
Providing second class Burnt Brick
masonry with conventional/ I.S.
type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in
plinth as backing in composite
masonry including bailing out
water manually, striking joints,
raking out joints and watering etc
Sr no Description of item Quantity Rate per Amount in
7. Internal plaster;
332.5 234 m2 77805
Providing internal cement plaster
12mm thick in single coat in
cement mortar 1:4 without neeru
finish to concrete or brick surfaces,
in all positions including
scaffolding and
curing etc. complete.
8. External plaster;
196.93 679 m2 133716
Providing sand faced plaster
externally in cement mortar using
approved screened sand, in all
positions including base coat of 15
mm thick in cement mortar 1:4
using waterproofing compound at 1
kg per cement bag curing the same
for not less than 2 days and keeping
the surface of the base coat rough to
receive the sand faced treatment 6
to 8 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4
finishing the surface by taking out
grains and curing for fourteen days
scaffolding etc.complete.
9. White wash;
332.5 6 m2 1995
Providing and applying white-wash
in one coat on old / new plastered
or masonry surfaces and asbestos
cement sheets including scaffolding
and preparing the surface by
brushing and brooming down etc.
Sr no Description of item Quantity Rate per Amount in

10. Internal coloring;

332.5 203 m2 67498
Providing and applying interior
wall finish luster of approved make
on internal wall surface as detailed
below Scrapping the surface with
emery paper and wipe clean.
Applying Asian / Berger / Nerolac /
Duuex Paints or equivalent wall
primer with brush with mineral
turpentine with brush 8 to 10% and
oil 15 to 20% with roller and
allowing to dry for a period 6 to 8
hours. Applying Asian / Berger /
Nerolac / Dulex Paints or
equivalent Acrylic wall putty with
appropriate proportion of water
allowing to dry for period 4 to 6
hours. Scrapping with Emery paper
180 and wipe clean. Applying
Asian / Berger / Nerolac / Dulux
Paints or equivalent wall primer
with brush with mineral turpentine
8 to 10% and oil 15 to 20% with
roller Scrapping Emery paper 320
and wipe clean, Applying Asian /
Berger Nerolac / Dulux Paints or
equivalent interior wall finish luster
1st coat with brush/rubber/spray
with mineral turpentine 7 to 9% and
Oil with roller 19 to 21% After 8
hours of
activity Applying 2nd coat of Asian
/ Berger / Nerolac / Dulux Paints or
equivalent interior wall finish
Lustre with mineral turpentine 7
to 9 % with brush and Oil with
roller 19 to 21% after allowing dry
for the period of 6 to 8 hours
activity. (With
prior approval of S.E.)
11. External coloring;
196.93 233 m2 45885
Providing and applying external
raincoat painting with crack filling
acrylic polymer based chemical
compound coating to the external
surface of walls to prevent water
seepage in the masonry walls
during monsoon added with
required shade Steiner to give
required shade to the surface in two
coats. Including providing three
coat of priming of polymer base
primer including preparing surface
scrapping the existing loose old
paint, removing loose particles of
sand on the surface opening and
cleaning the cracks developed in
the external plaster, removing loose
particles by chiseling, filling cracks
by chemicals compound of
approved make with proper
penetration etc. Coating of
Raincoat with the help of brush and
as per instructions and specification
given by manufacturer and with
instruction from Engineer
in-charge. Work shall be executed
by certified applicator only and
covering gurantee of 3 years on
court stamp paper of Rs. 500/- and
necessary testing etc. complete

12. Waterproofing for slab;

120.64 1440 m2 173722
Clean the RCC roof slab surface of
all loose particles, dust, cement
laitance etc. preferably done using
machine like device. Inspect for
cracks /construction joints. Fill the
cracks by Elastoroof PU of
approved make & approved by
Engineer in charge. Provide and
apply a primer coat of Sunprime
PU primer of sunanda or equivalent
or approved by Engineer in charge
on the cleaned RCC slab surface
using a soft paint brush. Shake the
container well and directly apply
the primer by brush. Allow to set
for 30
- 45 mins depending on the ambient
temperature. After the primer has
totally cured and dried, apply
Elastoroof PU of approved make &
approved by Engineer in charge by
brush, roller or airless spray
equipment. Apply at a rate of 1
kg/sqm for the first coat evenly
over the primer surface and allow
to set for 12 hours. After ensuring
that the first coat is set and cured,
apply the
second coat in similar manner at a
rate of 0.5 kg/sqm and allow to set.
While the second coat is has
reasonably hardened but still wet
and tacky on surface, sprinkle sand
over the surface to make it rough so
as to provide mechanical key for
the protective screed/I.P.S. of 25
MM thick waterproof bedding.
Ensure that the sand does not gets
embedded in the second coat and
remains on the surface. Allow the
two coats of Elastoroof PU of
approved make & approved by
Engineer in charge to air cure for 4-
5 days before proceeding with the
protective screed.
13. Flooring;
94.92 1027 m2 97483
Providing and laying vitrified mirror
/ glossy finish tiles decorative type
having size 590 mm to 605 mm x
590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm
thickness and confirming to IS.
15622-2006 ( group Bla) of
approved make, shade and pattern
for flooring in required position laid
on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar
including neat cement float, filling
joints, curing and clearing etc.
Sr no Description of item Quantity Rate per Amount in

14. Flooring for w/c and bath;

6.35 1070 m2 6794.5
Providing and laying Antiskid
Ceramic tiles of approved quality
of size 30 cm x 30 cm and
confirming to IS 15622-2006
(Group-B IIA) for antiskid
flooring in required
position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement
mortar including cement float,
filling joint with cement slurry
cleaning curing etc. complete.
15. Dado;
150 1087 m2 163050
Providing and laying vitrified mirror
/ glossy finish tiles having size 590
mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605
mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and
confirming to IS. 15622-2006 (
group Bla) of approved make,
shade and pattern for dado and
skirting in required position fixed
in 1:4 cement mortar including neat
cement float, filling joints, curing
and clearing etc. complete.
16. Wooden work for Door Frame:
2.52 1315.17 m3 3314.22
Providing Frames for Accoustic
door shutters with double rabbit of
68mm 1st class Malaysian
Hardwood Frame densified and
pressure treated with chemicals in
vacuum impregnation vessel under
160 PSI pressure as per IS:401and
kiln seasoned to moisture below
15% as per IS:1141 of section 120
X 70 mm spray quoted with 2 coats
of In tumescent paint of minimum
200 micron, with 1 row of Hafele
Accoustic seals concealed in the
groove of the Frame for noise
control, etc. complete as per
direction of Engineer in Charge
17. Wooden work for Shutter:
10.52 10402 m3 1135890
Providing of 65mm thick Acoustic
Door Shutters with wooden
structure comprising of Chemical
treated internal timber with anti
termite chemicals in pressure
impregnation vessels under 160 PSI
pressure as per IS:401and kiln
seasoned to moisture below 15% as
per IS:1141 frame work of 100x 48
mm with 48 mm thick infill of
ceramic vermiculite mix of density
54Kgs/CMT, 3mm sheet rubber
interlayer sheet on one side for
acoustic property, faced with 6mm
High Density Waterproof Ply
confirming to IS Code 2201,
internally lipped with hardwood
beading, and pasted in Hydraulic
Press under 50 tonnes pressure,
spray quoted with 2 coats of PU
paint of minimum 200 micron of
color of engineer choice (any
Veneer or Lamination will cost
extra), without any external lipping
along with double rebating in
shutters & acoustic seal

18. Glass work for window;

205 20450 m2 419225
Sliding Window- 3 Track (2 Glass
shutter + 1 flymesh) of approved
make with DGU, providing and
fixing of Sliding Window- 3 Track
(2 Glass shutter + 1 flymesh ). For
details refer to Specifications. As
directed by Engineer in charge.
19. Providing and fixing mild steel grill
22.5 1528 m2 34380
work for windows, ventilators etc.
20 kg/sqm as per drawing including
fixtures, necessary welding and
painting with one coats of
anticorrosive paint and two coats of
oil painting complete.
20. Steel grill railing
3.24 2443 m2 7916
Providing and fixing mild steel grill
railing 20 kg/sq.m with teak wood
hand rail of size 75mm x 60
mm.and sill of 75mm.x 25 mm.and
newel posts for staircases,
including fabricating, fix-tures,
erecting, painting the grill work
with one coat of anti-corrosive
paint and two coats of oil painting
with approved colour and polishing
the sill, hand rail and
the newel post with french polish.
21. Kitchen otta;
6.21 2458 m2 15265
Providing and preparing kitchen
otta up to 75 cm width,made up
from 30 mm thick and 75 cm high
vertical support for kadppa at 1 m.
c/c of 25 mm thick both side
polished kadappa middle shelf and
bottom of
20 mm thick one side polished
kadappa with facia patti of 20 x 50
mm kadappa including all material
labour cutting fixing with cement
mortar and araldite curing polished
and cleaning etc. complete.
22. Sink;
1 4508 No 4508
Providing and fixing white glazed
earthenware sink 600mm x 200mm
x 450mm including all connection
of the G.I. supply and P.V.C. waste
pipes up to the outside face of the
wall, cold water chromium plated
screw down bib tap, rolled steel or
C.I. brackets, rubber plug with chain
and stop tap complete.

Total cost for 1st floor = 3190832

Total Cost for ground floor = 3888289
Total = 7073121
Add 2% for work charge establishment =141582.42
Total = 7574659.47
Add 8% for Electrification
Add 8% for sanitary fittings = 605972.75
Total estimated cost = 8786605 (Eighty seven lakh eightly six thousand six hundred and
five Rs. Only)


Item Length Breadth Height Quantity

Description of Item No Unit Remark
No. (L) (B) (H)
1. Excavation ;
Excavation for foundation in hard murum
including removing the excavated material upto
distance of 50 metres beyond the building area
and stacking and spreading as directed,
dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation
and necessary back filling, ramming, watering
including shoring and strutting etc. complete.
(Lift upto 1.50
m) By Mechanical Means
Excavation for footing 13 1 1.2 1.75 27.3 m3
Ground Beam
GB1, L= 5.73+0.23+0.23-(0.23/2)-(0.23/2) 1 4.96 0.23 0.3 0.34 m3
L= 5.96-0.5-0.5 = 4.96
GB2, L= 4+0.23+0.23-(0.23/2)-(0.4/2) 1 3.045 0.23 0.3 0.21 m3
L= 4.145-0.5+(1.2/2) = 3.045
GB3, L= 4+0.23+0.23-(0.4/2) 1 3.43 0.23 0.3 0.24 m3
L= 4..03-(1.2/2) = 3.43
GB4, L= 2+0.23+0.23-(0.23/2)-(0.23/2) 1 1.23 0.23 0.3 0.08 m3
L= 2.23-0.5-0.5 = 1.23
GB5, L= 5+0.23+0.23-(0.4/2)-(0.23/2) 1 3.93 0.23 0.3 0.27 m3
L= 5.03-0.5-(1.2/2) = 3.93
GB6, L= 5.12+0.1+0.23-(0.23/2)-(0.4/2) 1 4.03 0.23 0.3 0.27 m3
L= 5.135-0.5-(1.2/2) = 4.03
GB7, L= 2.88+0.11+0.23-(0.23/2)-(0.23/2) 1 1.98 0.23 0.3 0.14 m3
L= 2.98-0.5-(1/2) = 1.98
GB8, L= 3.5+0.1+0.23-(0.23/2)-(0.4/2) 1 2.415 0.23 0.3 0.16 m3
L= 3.515-0.5-(1.2/2) = 2.415
GB9, L= 3.5+0.1+0.23-(0.23/2)-(0.4/2) 1 2.415 0.23 0.3 0.16 m3
L= 3.515-0.5-(1.2/2) = 2.415
GB10, L= 4.58+0.23+0.1-(0.23/2)-(0.23/2) 1 3.68 0.23 0.3 0.25 m3
L= 4.68-0.5-(1/2) = 3.68
GB11, L= 5+0.23+0.1-(0.23/2)-(0.23/2) 1 4.1 0.23 0.3 0.28 m3
L= 5.1-0.5-(1/2) = 4.1
Total 29.7 m3
2. P.C.C;
Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix
cement concrete in M15 of trap/
granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for bed blocks,
foundation blocks and such other items including
bailing out water, Steel centering, formwork,
laying/ pumping, compacting, roughening them if
special finish is to be provided, finishing uneven
and honeycombed surface and curing etc.
complete. The Cement Mortar 1:3 plaster is
considered for rendering uneven and
honeycombed surface only. Newly laid concrete
shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin
etc. (Wooden centering will not be allowed.),
with fully automatic micro processor based PLC
with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type
mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc.
complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand /
Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)

PCC for Footing 13 1 1.2 0.2 3.12 m3

PCC for Ground 1 35.2 0.23 0.1 0.8 m3
Total Length = 35.2 Total 3.92 m3
3. RCC in footing;
Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix
cement concrete M-25 of trap / granite /quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. work in foundations like
raft, strip foundations, grillage and footings of
R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc.
including bailing out water, Steel centering,
formwork ,cover blocks, laying/pumping,
compaction and curing roughening the surface if
special finish is to be provided (Excluding
reinforcement and structural steel) etc. complete,
with fully automatic micro processor based PLC
with SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type
mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc.
complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand /
Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)
4. RCC in column;
Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix
cement concrete M-25 of trap / granite /quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. columns as per detailed
designs and drawings or as directed including
steel centering, formwork, cover blocks,
laying/pumping, compaction finishing the formed
surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient
minimum thickness to give a smooth and even
surface or roughening if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc. complete,(Excluding
reinforcement and structural steel).with fully
automatic micro processor based PLC with
SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc.
complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand /
Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)

Total Height
13 0.23 0.4 8.1 9.68 m3
of column = 0.5+0.6+3+3+1 = 8.1 m
5. RCC in Beam;
Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix
cement concrete in M-25 of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. beams and
lintels as per detailed designs and drawings or as
directed including steel centering, formwork,
cover blocks, laying/pumping, compactionand
roughening the surface if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding
reinforcement and structural steel).with fully
automatic micro processor based PLC with
SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc.
complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand /
Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)

Ground Beam
GB1, L= 5.74 1 5.74 0.23 0.4 0.52 m3
GB2, L= 4+0.23+0.23-0.23-0.4 = 3.83 1 3.83 0.23 0.4 0.35 m3
GB3, L= 4-0.4+0.23 = 3.83 1 3.83 0.23 0.4 0.35 m3
GB4, L= 2 1 2 0.23 0.4 0.18 m3
GB5, L= 3.85+0.1+1 = 4.95 1 4.95 0.23 0.4 0.45 m3
GB6, L= 5.12+0.23-0.4 = 4.95 1 4.95 0.23 0.4 0.45 m3
GB7, L= 1.2+0.1+1.58 = 2.88 1 2.88 0.23 0.4 0.26 m3
GB8, L= 3.5+0.23+0.1-0.4-0.23 = 3.2 1 3.2 0.23 0.4 0.3 m3
GB9, L= 3.5+0.23+0.1-0.4-0.23 = 3.2 1 3.2 0.23 0.4 0.3 m3
GB10, L= 4.58+0.1-0.23 = 4.45 1 4.45 0.23 0.4 0.41 m3
GB11, L= 5 1 5 0.23 0.4 0.46 m3
Plinth Beam
PB1, L= 4.73+2 x 0.23-2 x 0.4 = 3.47 1 3.47 0.23 0.4 0.32 m3
PB2, L= 2 1 2 0.23 0.4 0.18 m3
PB3, L= 4.58+2(0.23)-2 x 0.4 = 4.24 1 4.24 0.23 0.4 0.4 m3
PB4, L= 1.58+0.1+1.2 = 2.88 1 2.88 0.23 0.4 0.26 m3
PB5, L= 4.58+0.23+0.1-0.4-0.4 = 4.11 1 4.11 0.23 0.4 0.38 m3
PB6, L= 5+0.23-0.4 = 4.83 1 4.83 0.23 0.4 0.44 m3
PB7, L= 3.5+0.23-0.4 = 3.33 1 3.33 0.23 0.4 0.31 m3
Total 6.32 m3
Floor Beam
Quantity is same as Plinth beam and ground 6.32 m3
Total 6.32 m3
6. R.C.C. in slabs;
Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix
cement concrete M-20 of trap/ granite / quartzite/
gneiss metal for R.C.C. slabs and landings as per
detailed designs and drawings including steel
centering, formwork, cover blocks,
laying/pumping, compaction finishing the formed
surfaces with cement mortar 1:3 of sufficient
minimum thickness to give a smooth and even
surface or roughening if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc. complete,(Excluding
reinforcement and structural steel).with fully
automatic micro processor based PLC with
SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc.
complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand /
Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)

137.56 – 0.15 18.09 m3

A = 13.5 x 10.19 = 137.56
16.92 =
B = 4 x 4.23 = 16.92

Landing 2 2 1 0.15 0.6 m3

Total 18.7 m3
7. R.C.C chajja;
Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready
Mixcement concrete M-20 of trap/ granite/
quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. chajja as per
detailed design and drawings including steel
centering, formwork, cover blocks,
laying/pumping, compacting and roughening the
surface if special finish is to be provided and
curing complete. (Excluding reinforcement and
structural steel). with fully automatic micro
processor based PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch
mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine
aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI
Grade finely washed etc)

D2, L = 1.2+2(0.15) = 1.5 1 1.5 0.6 0.23 0.26 m3

W, L = 1.2+2(0.15) = 1.5 3 1.5 0.6 0.23 0.62 m3
W1, L = 1.5+2(0.15) = 1.8 6 1.8 0.6 0.23 1.5 m3
V, L = 0.6+2(0.15) = 0.9 2 0.9 0.6 0.23 0.25 m3
Total 2.63 m3
8. R.C.C waist slab and steps;
Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix
cement concrete in M-20 of trap / quartzite
/granite /gneiss metal for R.C.C. Waist slab, and
steps of staircases as per detailed design and
drawings or as directed including steel centering,
formwork, steel props, laying/pumping,
compaction, finishing uneven and honeycombed
surface with C.M. 1:3 of sufficient minimum
thickness to give a smooth and even surface or
roughening the surface if special finish is to be
provided and curing etc. complete. (Excluding
einforcement, including cover block).(Newly laid
concrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic,
tarpaulin etc.) with fully automatic micro
processor based PLC with SCADA enabled
reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix
plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine
aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI
Grade finely washed etc)

20 0.018 1 0.36 m3
A = (1/2) x 0.15 x 0.25 = 0.018
Waist Slab 20 1 0.3 0.12 0.72 m3
Total 1.08 m3
9. Plinth filling;
Filling in plinth and floors with contractors
material/brought from outside and approved by
Engineer incharge in layers of 15 cm to 20 cm
including watering and compaction etc.

Living Room
L = 5.73, B = 4 1 5.73 4 0.2 4.58 m3
L = 3.85, B = 5.12 1 3.85 5.12 0.2 3.94 m3
Bed Room 1
L = 4.58, B = 3.5 1 4.58 3.5 0.2 3.2 m3
Bed Room 2
L = 5, B = 3.5 1 5 3.5 0.2 3.5 m3
w/c Bath Block
L = 4.73, B = 2.88 1 4.73 2.88 0.2 2.72 m3
Staircase Block
L = 4.7, B =2 1 4.73 2 0.2 1.89 m3
Total 19.83 m3
b)Rubble soling;
29.75 m3
Providing soling using 80 mm size trap metal in
15 cm. layer including filling voids with Crushed
sand/grit, ramming, watering etc. complete.

(19.83/0.2) x 0.3 = 29.75 m3

c) P.C.C for flooring
Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix
cement concrete in M15 of trap/
granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for bed blocks,
foundation blocks and such other items including
bailing out water, Steel centering, formwork,
laying/ pumping, compacting, roughening them if
special finish is to be provided, finishing uneven
and honeycombed surface and curing etc.
complete. The Cement Mortar 1:3 plaster is
considered for rendering uneven and
honeycombed surface only. Newly laid concrete
shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin
etc. (Wooden centering will not be allowed.), with
fully automatic micro processor based PLC with
SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/
concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc.
complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand /
Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)
(19.83/0.2) x 0.1 = 9.915 m3 9.915 m3

10. Brick masonry;

Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with
conventional/ I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:6
in plinth as backing in composite masonry
including bailing out water manually, striking
joints, raking out joints and watering etc

Total Length of external wall

L = 43.99 m+(3-04)+(3-0.4)+1 = 6.8
H = 0.6+(3-04)+(3-0.4)+1 = 6.8 1 87.98 0.23 6.8 137.6 m3
Deduction for opening
D2 2 1.2 0.23 2.1 1.15 m3
W 6 1.2 0.23 1.5 2.48 m3
W1 12 1.5 0.23 1.5 6.21 m3
V 4 0.6 0.23 0.8 0.44 m3
Deduction for Intel
D2, L = 1.2+(2 x 0.15) = 1.5 2 1.5 0.23 0.23 0.16 m3
W, L = 1.2+(2 x 0.15) = 1.5 6 1.5 0.23 0.23 0.48 m3
W1, L = 1.5+(2 x 0.15) = 1.8 12 1.8 0.23 0.23 1.14 m3
V, L = 0.6+(2 x 0.15) = 0.9 4 0.9 0.23 0.23 0.19 m3
Partition Calculation Net 137.6- 125.35 m3
12.25 =
Total Length = L = 49.72
1 49.72 - 6.8 338.09 m2
H = 6.8
11 Internal plaster;
Providing internal cement plaster 12mm thick in
single coat in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru
finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions
including scaffolding and curing etc. complete.

A) Living Room, L = 2[5.73+4] = 19.5 2 19.5 - 3 117 m2

B) Kitchen, L = 2[3.85+5.12] = 17.94 2 17.94 - 3 107.64 m2
C) Bed Room 1, L = 2[4.58+3.5] = 16.16 2 16.16 - 3 96.96 m2
D) Bed Room 2, L = 2[5+3.5] = 17 2 17 - 3 102 m2
E) Bath, L = 2[2.5+1.58] = 8.16 2 8.16 - 3 48.96 m2
F) w/c, L = 2[2+1.2] = 6.4 2 6.4 - 3 38.4 m2
G) Staircase Block, L = 2[4.73+2] = 13.46 2 13.46 - 3 80.76 m2
H) Passage, L = 2[3.23+2.88] = 12.2 2 12.2 - 3 73.2 m2
D = 0.75 x 2.1 = 1.57<3 m2; one face 2x1 0.75 - 2.1 3.15 m2
D1 = 1 x 2.1 = 2.1<3 m2 4x1 1 - 2.1 8.4 m2
D2 = 1.2 x 2.1 = 2.52<3 m2 1 x 0.5 1.2 - 2.1 2.52 m2
O = 1 x 2.1 = 2.1<3 m2 1x1 1 - 2.1 2.1 m2
W = 1.2 x 1.5 = 1.8 <3 m2 3 x 0.5 1.2 - 1.5 2.7 m2
W1 = 1.5 x 1.5 = 2.25<3 m2 6 x 0.5 1.5 - 1.5 6.75 m2
V = 0.6 x 0.8 = 0.48<0.5 m2
Hence, no deduction - - - - - -
Total 25.62 m2
Net 664.92-
Plastering 25.62 = 629.3 m2
12. External plaster;
Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement
mortar using approved screened sand, in all
positions including base coat of 15 mm thick in
cement mortar 1:4 using waterproofing compound
at 1 kg per cement bag curing the same for not less
than 2 days and keeping the surface of the base
coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment 6 to
8 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 finishing the
surface by taking out grains and curing for
fourteen days scaffolding etc.complete.

L = 10.19+9.27+4+4.23+6.19+13.5 = 47.38m
1 47.38 - 7.9 374.3 m2
H = 0.6+3+0.15+3+0.15+1 = 7.9m
D2 1 x 0.5 1.2 - 2.1 1.26 m2
W 3 x 0.5 1.2 - 1.5 2.7 m2
W1 6 x 0.5 1.5 - 1.5 7.88 m2
Net 374.3-
7.88 = 366.4 m2
Plastering for Chajja
L = 0.6+0.6+0.2 = 1.43
Side Portion 22 0.23 - 0.6 3.03 m2
W 3 1.5 - 1.43 6.43 m2
W1 6 1.8 - 1.43 15.44 m2
V 2 0.9 - 1.43 2.57 m2
Total 393.87 m2
13. White wash;
Providing and applying white-wash in one coat
on old / new plastered or masonry surfaces and
asbestos cement sheets including scaffolding and
preparing the surface by brushing and brooming
down etc.

As same as internal plastering 639.3 m2

14. Internal coloring;

Providing and applying interior wall finish luster
of approved make on internal wall surface as
detailed below Scrapping the surface with emery
paper and wipe clean. Applying Asian / Berger /
Nerolac / Duuex Paints or equivalent wall primer
with brush with mineral turpentine with brush 8 to
10% and oil 15 to 20% with roller and allowing to
dry for a period 6 to 8 hours. Applying Asian /
Berger / Nerolac / Dulex Paints or equivalent
Acrylic wall putty with appropriate proportion of
water allowing to dry for period 4 to 6 hours.
Scrapping with Emery paper 180 and wipe clean.
Applying Asian / Berger / Nerolac / Dulux Paints
or equivalent wall primer with brush with mineral
turpentine 8 to 10% and oil 15 to 20% with roller
Scrapping Emery paper 320 and wipe clean,
Applying Asian / Berger / Nerolac / Dulux Paints
or equivalent interior wall finish luster 1st coat
with brush/rubber/spray with mineral turpentine 7
to 9% and Oil with roller 19 to 21% After 8 hours
of activity Applying 2nd coat of Asian / Berger /
Nerolac / Dulux Paints or equivalent interior wall
finish Lustre with mineral turpentine 7 to 9 % with
brush and Oil with roller 19 to 21% after allowing
dry for the period of 6 to 8 hours activity. (With
prior approval of S.E.)

As same as internal plastering 639.3 m2

15. External coloring;

Providing and applying external raincoat painting
with crack filling acrylic polymer based chemical
compound coating to the external surface of walls
to prevent water seepage in the masonry walls
during monsoon added with required shade Steiner
to give required shade to the surface in two coats.
Including providing three coat of priming of
polymer base primer including preparing surface
scrapping the existing loose old paint, removing
loose particles of sand on the surface opening and
cleaning the cracks developed in the external
plaster, removing loose particles by chiseling,
filling cracks by chemicals compound of approved
make with proper penetration etc. Coating of
Raincoat with the help of brush and as per
instructions and specification given by
manufacturer and with instruction from Engineer
in-charge. Work shall be executed by certified
applicator only and covering gurantee of 3 years
on court stamp paper of Rs. 500/- and necessary
testing etc. complete.

Quantity same as external plastering 393.87 m2

16. Waterproofing for slab;
Clean the RCC roof slab surface of all loose
particles, dust, cement laitance etc. preferably
done using machine like device. Inspect for cracks
/construction joints. Fill the cracks by Elastoroof
PU of approved make & approved by Engineer in
charge. Provide and apply a primer coat of
Sunprime PU primer of sunanda or equivalent or
approved by Engineer in charge on the cleaned
RCC slab surface using a soft paint brush. Shake
the container well and directly apply the primer by
brush. Allow to set for 30 - 45 mins depending on
the ambient temperature. After the primer has
totally cured and dried, apply Elastoroof PU of
approved make & approved by Engineer in charge
by brush, roller or airless spray equipment. Apply
at a rate of 1 kg/sqm for the first coat evenly over
the primer surface and allow to set for 12 hours.
After ensuring that the first coat is set and cured,
apply the second coat in similar manner at a rate
of 0.5 kg/sqm and allow to set. While the second
coat is has reasonably hardened but still wet and
tacky on surface, sprinkle sand over the surface to
make it rough so as to provide mechanical key for
the protective screed/I.P.S. of 25 MM thick
waterproof bedding. Ensure that the sand does not
gets embedded in the second coat and remains on
the surface. Allow the two coats of Elastoroof PU
of approved make & approved by Engineer in
charge to air cure for 4-5 days before proceeding
with the protective screed.

A = 120.64 1 120.64 m2
17. Flooring;
Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish
tiles decorative type having size 590 mm to 605
mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness
and confirming to IS. 15622-2006 ( group Bla) of
approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in
required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement
mortar including neat cement float, filling joints,
curing and clearing etc. complete.
a) Living Room 2 5.73 4 - 45.84 m2
b) Kitchen 2 3.85 5.12 - 39.42 m2
c) Bed Room 1 2 4.58 3.5 - 32.06 m2
d) Bed Room 2 2 5 3.5 - 35 m2
e) Staircase Block 2 4.73 2 - 18.92 m2
f) Passage 2 3.23 2.88 - 18.60 m2
Total 189.84 m2
18. Flooring for w/c and bath;
Providing and laying Antiskid Ceramic tiles of
approved quality of size 30 cm x 30 cm and
confirming to IS 15622-2006 (Group-B IIA) for
antiskid flooring in required position laid on a bed
of 1:4 cement mortar including cement float,
filling joint with cement slurry cleaning
curing etc. complete.

w/c 2 2 1.2 - 4.8 m2

Bath 2 2.5 1.58 - 7.9 m2
Total 12.7 m2
19. Dado and skirting;
Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy
finish tiles having size 590 mm to 605 mm x 590
mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and
confirming to IS. 15622-2006 ( group Bla) of
approved make, shade and pattern for dado and
skirting in required position fixed in 1:4 cement
mortar including neat cement float, filling joints,
curing and
clearing etc. complet.

w/c, L = 2[2+1.2] = 6.4 2 6.4 - 1.5 19.2 m2
Bath, L = 2[2.5+1.58] = 8.16 2 8.16 - 3 48.96 m2
Skirting m2
Total length of skirting = 96.26 2 96.26 - 1.2 231.02 m2
Total 299.18 m2
20. Wooden work for Door Frame:
Providing Frames for Accoustic door shutters
with double rabbit of 68mm 1st class Malaysian
Hardwood Frame densified and pressure treated
with chemicals in vacuum impregnation vessel
under 160 PSI pressure as per IS:401and kiln
seasoned to moisture below 15% as per IS:1141 of
section 120 X 70 mm spray quoted with 2 coats of
In tumescent paint of minimum 200 micron, with
1 row of Hafele Accoustic seals concealed in the
groove of the Frame for noise control, etc.
complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge

D1 = L = [1+2.1+2.1] = 5.2 8 5.2 0.125 0.75 4.05 m3

D2 = L = [1.2+2.1+2.1] = 5.4 2 5.4 0.125 0.75 1 m3
Total 50.5 m3
21. Wooden work for Shutter:
Providing of 65mm thick Accoustic Door
Shutters with wooden structure comprising of
Chemical treated internal timber with anti termite
chemicals in pressure impregnation vessels under
160 PSI pressure as per IS:401and kiln seasoned to
moisture below 15% as per IS:1141 frame work of
100x 48 mm with 48 mm thick infill of ceramic
vermiculite mix of density 54Kgs/CMT, 3mm
sheet rubber interlayer sheet on one side for
acoustic property, faced with 6mm High Density
Waterproof Ply confirming to IS Code 2201,
internally lipped with hardwood beading, and
pasted in Hydraulic Press under 50 tonnes
pressure, spray quoted with 2 coats of PU paint of
minimum 200 micron of color of engineer choice
(any Veneer or Lamination will cost extra),
without any external lipping along with double
rebatting in shutters & accoustic seal

D1 8 1 - 2.1 16.8 m2
D2 2 1.2 - 2.1 5.04 m2
Total 21.84 m2
22. Glass work for window;
Sliding Window- 3 Track (2 Glass shutter + 1
flymesh) of approved make with DGU, providing
and fixing of Sliding Window- 3 Track (2 Glass
shutter + 1 flymesh ). For details refer to
Specifications. As directed by Engineer in charge.

W 6 - 1.2 1.5 10.8 m2

W1 11 - 1.5 1.5 30.15 m2
23. Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for
windows, ventilators etc. 20 kg/sqm as per
drawing including fixtures, necessary welding and
painting with one coats of anticorrosive paint and
two coats of oil painting complete.
Total area = 45 m2
24. Steel grill railing
4 2.7 - 1.2 6.48 m2
Providing and fixing mild steel grill railing 20
kg/sq.m with teak wood hand rail of size 75mm x
60 mm.and sill of 75mm.x 25 mm.and newel posts
for staircases, including fabricating, fix-tures,
erecting, painting the grill work with one coat of
anti- corrosive paint and two coats of oil painting
with approved colour and polishing the sill, hand
rail and the newel post with french polish.

25. Kitchen otta;

Providing and preparing kitchen otta up to 75 cm
width,made up from 30 mm thick and 75 cm high
vertical support for kadppa at 1 m. c/c of 25 mm
thick both side polished kadappa middle shelf and
bottom of 20 mm thick one side polished kadappa
with facia patti of 20 x 50 mm kadappa including
all material labour cutting fixing with cement
mortar and araldite curing polished and cleaning
etc. complete,

L = 2+2.7+1.2+1 = 6.9m 2 6.9 - 0.9 12.42 m2

26. Sink;
1 no
Providing and fixing white glazed earthenware
sink 600mm x 200mm x 450mm including all
connection of the G.I. supply and P.V.C. waste
pipes up to the outside face of the wall, cold water
chromium plated screw down bib tap, rolled steel
or C.I. brackets, rubber plug with chain and stop
tap complete.

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