Lab 2 - Rectifier Circuits
Lab 2 - Rectifier Circuits
Lab 2 - Rectifier Circuits
1. Construct half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits and compare the input and output voltage for each circuit. 2. Plot the waveforms of the output voltage by using OrCad Pspice and compare with the results obtained from oscilloscope.
Summary of Theory:
Rectification is the conversion of alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). This involves a device that only allows one-way flow of electrons. The simplest kind of rectifier circuit is the half-wave rectifier. It only allows one half of an AC waveform to pass through to the load. When AC is applied to a diode, the diode is forward-biased for on-half of the cycle and reverse-biased for the other half cycle. During the negative half cycle of the input voltage, diode becomes reverse biased. Half-wave rectifier AC Input Voltage DC Output Voltage
Equipment/Materials Required:
1K Resistor Two 1N4001 diodes Multi-meter Power supply Oscilloscope
D1 D1N4001
(Figure 1) 3. By using a power supply, we applied 6.3V peak sine wave at a frequency of 60 Hz to the input. 4. Next, we use the Oscilloscope to observe R1, the voltage across the resistor. From the oscilloscope we observed following results.
Vs-Peak 6.405 V
Vo-Peak 5.562 V
VDC 2.04 V
% Error 8.82%
VB = 0.5748 V
1. We checked the diodes voltages (VB) by using volt-meter. For calculation purposes. 2. We created full-wave rectifier circuit by using a bread-board. First, we connected one diode (D1), 1K (R1) and (D2) in parallel combination with two voltage source in series. (shown in Fig. 2)
D1 D1N4001 V1 VOFF = 0 VAMPL = 6.3 V FREQ = 60 Hz R2 1k
D1N4001 D1
(Figure 2) 3. By using a power supply, we applied two 6.3V peak sine wave at a frequency of 60 Hz to the input. 4. Next, we use the oscilloscope to observe R1, the voltage across the resistor. From the oscilloscope we observed following results.
Vs-Peak 6.280 V
Vo-Peak 5.50 V
VDC 3.674 V
% Error 1.2%
VB = 0.5748 V
The Rectifier circuits are used primarily for the conversion of alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). By doing these experiments in the lab, in half-wave rectifier circuit we can conclude that when the input voltage is going through its positive half cycle, output voltage is almost the same as the input voltage and during the negative half cycle no voltage is available across the load. This explains the unidirectional pulsating dc waveform obtained as output. In a full-wave rectifier circuit we observed that in first half-cycle, when the source voltage polarity is positive (+) on top and negative (-) on bottom. At this time, only the top diode is conducting; the bottom diode is blocking current, and the resistor sees the first half of the sine wave, positive on top and negative on bottom. During the next half-cycle, the AC polarity reverses. The resistor still sees half of a sine wave, of the same polarity as before: positive (+) on top and negative (-) on bottom. This is reason you see continues pulsing waveform of the output voltage.
Question: Why the frequency at the output rectified sin wave is the same as input sin wave? Answer: Because when the input voltage is going through its positive half cycle, output voltage is almost the same as the input voltage and during the negative half cycle no voltage is available across the resistor because the diode is on reverse mode. As a result, the negative sin wave is cancelled leaving only the dc pulsing waveform and that s why you see the same frequency at the input/output.