ETE_ 54506QP
ETE_ 54506QP
ETE_ 54506QP
All Questions are Compulsory: (10×4=40 Marks)
1. How do you define the steps involved in solving a particular problem using CO1 4 K1
an algorithm? Give one example.
2. Illustrate using flowchart to find average of any 5 numbers. CO1 4 K2
3. How implicit casting is different from explicit data casting? CO2 4 K1
4. What is use of ternary operator? Illustrate with an example. CO2 4 K2
5. "In an array elements are stored at continuous memory locations", comment CO3 4 K2
on it and summarize your comment.
6. Apply the call by reference method and show the swapping of two numbers. CO3 4 K3
7. Illustrate the declaration of the pointer variable. CO4 4 K2
8. Select any 2 string manipulation functions and explain using their syntax. (a) CO4 4 K3
Copy, (b) Reverse, (c) Concatinate, (d) Compare.
9. Explain the difference between structure and union. CO5 4 K2
10. Develop a program to store and print the roll no., name, age, address and CO5 4 K3
marks of students using structure.
All Questions are Compulsory: (3×6=18 Marks)
11. (a) List and compare atleast 2 ways to return multiple values from a function CO3 6 K4
in C.
--- OR ---
(b) Simplify a C program to sort a list of elements using the bubble sort
12. (a) Analyse the algorithm of palindrome and write the code to find that CO4 6 K4
entered string is palindrome or not.
--- OR ---
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(b) Write a function that reads a string using pointers and counts the number
of vowels and consonants in it.
13. (a) List the types of files and write a program to demonstrate the fprintf(), CO5 6 K4
fscanf() functions.
--- OR ---
(b) Analyse the difference between a sequential file and a random file?
All Questions are Compulsory: (3×10=30 Marks)
14. (a) Inspect and write the code of binary search and draw the flowchart as well. CO3 10 K4/K5
--- OR ---
(b) Compare linear search and binary search algorithms. Explain a C program
to find the position of a target value within an array using linear search.
15. (a) Write a program to accept a string, oldword and newword form a user. CO4 10 K4/K5
and replace the oldword in the string with the newword. Judge the
performance of this solution.
--- OR ---
(b) Compare the array and pointer and write the program using pointers to
compute the sum and mean of all elements stored in an array of n real
16. (a) Create a structure for storing details of an employee, choose the details CO5 10 K4/K5
yourself. Accept 5 such details from a user and store it in a file.
--- OR ---
(b) Estimate a program in C to find the content of a file and the number of
lines in a text file.
Test Data:
Input the filename to be opened : test.txt
Expected Output :
The content of the file test.txt are:
test line 1
test line 2
test line 3
test line 4
The lines in the file are : 4
Attempt the following Question: (1×12=12 Marks)
17. (a) Through command line accept a file name and a word. Build a solution to CO6 12 K5/K6
find the number of occurrences of that word in the file.
--- OR ---
(b) How do you determine initialization of a structure? Explain the
importance of assign and access structure members.
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