CLASS: _______
JS 3 (BASIC 9)
Spreadsheet Packages:
First Period: (a) Meaning (b) Examples of spreadsheet package: (i) Excel (ii) LOTUS 1,2,3 (iii) Statview etc.
Second Period: (b) Uses of spreadsheet packages: (i) preparation of daily sales (ii) Budget
period: (a) Spreadsheet features and terminologies (i) Row (ii) Column (iii)) Cell
First Period: (a) Starting Excel worksheet: i.e. (i) opening a worksheet (ii) Data entry (iii) Editing (iv)
saving (v) Retrieving worksheet
Second Period: (b) Formatting worksheet, i.e. (text, cell and column, naming, etc)
Worksheets cont.
First period: (c) Excel calculations: (i) Addition (ii) Subtraction (iii) Average (iv) Counting (v) Multiplication
(vi) Division, etc
First period: (a) Creating Graphs. (i) Line graph (ii) Histograms (iii) Pie-charts (iv) Legends, etc.
F & S period: (c) Formatting graphs: (i) Line graph (ii) Histograms (iii) Pie-charts (iv) Legends
A Package can be defined as software written to perform a particular task. Therefore, a Spreadsheet
Package is a program that enables the computer user to carry out calculation-related tasks.
Spreadsheets are majorly used for organizing and analyzing numeric data. They were designed to
replace the pencil, calculator and the writing pad.[mediator_tech]
It is widely used in diverse range of discipline like Engineering, Mathematics, Science, Accounting, etc.
Lotus 1-2-3
Microsoft Excel
Quattro pro
Easy Calc
NOTE: For the purpose of this lesson, our focus shall be on Microsoft Excel because it is user-friendly,
flexible and contains more advanced features.
Sub-topic 2:
Regression analysis
Accounting purpose
……………………….. is a package that is majorly used for organizing and analyzing numeric data.
(a) for financial projection and analysis (b) for compiling the names of staff in an organisation (c) for
preparing official documents (d) for artistic display
Sub-Topic 1:
Spreadsheet Features and Terminologies
To fully understand and use a spreadsheet package, one must be used to some terminologies. These
terminologies include;
Active Cell
Data Range
Fill handle
Moving border
A Row is a horizontal line of cells which runs from left to right in a worksheet. They can be identified by
the numbers at the left hand side of the sheet numbered from 1 to 1,048,576
A Column is a vertical line of cells in a worksheet usually identified by letters across the top of the sheet.
There are about 16,384 columns in Excel 2007.
A Cell is the intersection of a row and a column. The highlighted rectangle on the cell is the cursor but is
known as ‘cell pointer’ which enable users to move around the sheet. They can be identified by the
combination of column header (e.g ‘A’) and the row header (e.g ‘1’) to give cell A1.
The active cell is the cell that contains the cell pointer, while the active worksheet is the worksheet
where the cell pointer is currently located.
The worksheet (also known as spreadsheet) is the working area of the package where entering of data
and calculations are handled. It consists of rows, columns, cells and a cell pointer where data are
actually entered and manipulated.
This can be simply defined as a collection of worksheets. Each workbook contains many worksheets just
like a normal single book with a number of pages.
A Chart is a graphical representation of data that enables you to understand the data at a glance.
Examples of Charts includes Column (histogram), Pie chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Surface, Doughnut,
A group of highlighted cells in a worksheet is referred to as a Range.
This is a small black square at the corner of selected cells. The cursor changes to a black cross when
moved to it.
This is an animated border that appears around a selected cell that has been cut or copied. Press the ESC
key to cancel a moving border.
Ribbon Bar
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Cell Pointer
Office Button
Name Box
Active Cell
Row number
Horizontal Scrollbar
Vertical Scrollbar
Formula Bar
Sheet Tab
Status Bar
NOTE: Educators should please ensure that the Excel environment is carefully treated with the
participation of the students.
Sub-topic 2:
Double-click the Microsoft Excel icon on the desktop. The spreadsheet package opens. The active cell is
cell A1 and the active worksheet is sheet1.
Press ALT+F4.
(i) Row (ii) Column (iii) Cell (v) Workbook (vi) Data Range
Which of the following is NOT a spreadsheet terminology?
Which of the following key combinations can be used to exit a spreadsheet package?
……………. is a graphical representation of data that enables you to understand the data at a glance. (a)
Row (b) Active cell (c) Chart (d) Column
(a) Cell pointer (b) Fill handle (c) Border (d) Marker
A Worksheet can be defined as the working area of the program where entering of data and calculations
are handled. It consists of rows, columns, cells and a cell pointer.
Starting Excel worksheet: This entails the following[mediator_tech]
(i) opening a worksheet (ii) Data entry (iii) Editing (iv) saving (v) Retrieving worksheet
Opening a worksheet:
Select New
Click on Create
Method II:
Data Entry:
There are three types of data that can be entered into an excel worksheet. These are Labels, Numbers
and Formula.
Labels are made up of texts that are entered into the active worksheet. Examples are letters of
alphabets (A-Z)
NOTE: Educators should please ensure that students practise the act of entering data into the worksheet
by entering the data shown in fig. 4.1 above.
Editing a worksheet means to either insert data, delete existing ones or to make corrections to the
already existing data. Fig. 4.2 below shows the edited version of fig. 4.1
NOTE: Educators should please ensure that the students edit the previous excel sheet (fig 4.1) to give
the excel sheet shown above (fig 4.2)
Saving a Worksheet
To save a worksheet for the first time, follow the steps below;
Click on Save
When the dialog box appears, in the save in box click on the arrow, a drop down menu appears.
Select a location to save e.g My Document
Click on Save
NOTE: Educators should please show the students other methods of saving a worksheet
Retrieving a Worksheet
Click on Open
Sub-Topic 2:
Formatting Worksheet:
The general arrangement of data is known as ‘Formatting’. The contents of selected cells can be
formatted using the formatting tool bar. Formatting changes the way numbers and text are displayed in
a worksheet.
Changing Fonts:
NOTE: Educators should practically demonstrate the methods of changing font sizes, style, colour,
attributes(bold, italics and underline), alignment(left, right, center), style, etc.
The number entered in the worksheet can be formatted to have currency symbols like the dollar ($). To
follow numbers in a worksheet follow the under listed steps;
Select Currency
Click on the arrow beside the symbol to get a drop down menu
Select the required symbol e.g dollar sign with 2 decimal places
Click on OK
To adjust the column width so as to accommodate the contents of the cell, follow the steps below;
NOTE: When the hash sign (#) is displayed inside a cell that contains data, it means the content of the
cell is more than what the cell can accommodate. The column widths of that cell need to be adjusted.
When MS Excel is opened, the sheets are named Sheet 1, Sheet 2, etc. To rename a worksheet:
Select Rename
To shift existing rows or columns to create blank rows or columns, follow the steps below;
Select the current row or column where the new row or column would be inserted
(b) State the THREE types of data that can be entered into a worksheet.
……………….. can be defined as the working area of the program where entering of data and calculations
are handled.
(a) File name (b) File title (c) Reference name (d) Reference title
………………… changes the way numbers and text are displayed in a worksheet.
………………. sign is displayed when the content of the cell is more than what the cell can accommodate.
(a) ₦ (b) (c) £ (d) #
The basic and most powerful feature of Microsoft Excel is the ability to accept formula into the
worksheet. A Formula is an instruction that is entered to tell Excel how to Add, Subtract, Multiply,
Divide, or otherwise perform calculation by using the content of other cells.
It is advisable to construct formula that makes reference to cells in the worksheet so that the result can
be instantly generated even the values are changed.
(ii) All formula must begin with equal (=) sign tells Excel to treat the cells contents as a formula.
(iv) The function name (e.g. SUM, AVERAGE) which is preceded by equal (=) sign must be selected and
followed by the desired argument, i.e. =SUM(A5:F5). In this case, SUM is the function name and A5:F5 is
the argument.
The SUM function is used to add together a range of data or numbers. To sum up the values of a range
of data:
Open the worksheet containing data (as previously done in fig 4.2 above).
Position the cell pointer on the desired cell i.e. the cell where the result should be displayed.
Type equal sign, Select the function (i.e. SUM) and state the range of cells.
NOTE: Educators should kindly ensure that each student follow the steps above and should also
endeavour to explain alternative methods using the ‘AUTOSUM’ symbol (), and Addition sign(+).
Subtraction: Using the IMSUB Function
The IMSUB function is used to find the difference of two numbers. To find the difference of a range of
Open the worksheet containing data (as previously done in fig 4.2 above).
Position the cell pointer on the desired cell i.e. the cell where the result should be displayed.
Type equal sign, Select the function (i.e. IMSUB) and state the range of cells, usually two cells.
NOTE: Educators should kindly explain alternative methods using the Subtraction sign (-)
Average: It is also possible to use the spreadsheet package to find the average of certain values or group
of numbers. To find average:
Position the cell pointer in the desired cell where result is to be displayed
The count function is used to ascertain the number of cells within a specified range that contains values.
To use the count function;
The multiplication function is solely for multiplication of numbers just like in arithmetic. To multiply a
range of data;
Position the cell pointer on the desired cell i.e. the cell where the result should be displayed.
Type equal sign, Select the function (i.e. PRODUCT) and state the range of cells.
Position the cell pointer on the desired cell i.e. the cell where the result should be displayed.
Type equal sign, Select the function (i.e. QUOTIENT to display the integer portion of a division) and state
the range of cells.
Also, the symbol (/) can be used to display the exact result.
NOTE: Educators should please endeavour to expose the students to some other functions embedded in
the worksheet program.
Sub-topic 2:
Printing of Worksheet
After the spreadsheet have been formatted and properly calculated the next thing is to get the
worksheet printed. To print your worksheet, take the following steps:
Select the name of the printer from the Printer Name box
Click on Preview button and select Page Set Up. Set all the necessary parameters like margins, page
layout, paper size and grid lines (if necessary).
Click on OK
Click on Print.
State THREE guidelines that must be followed when performing excel calculations
Highlight the major steps required to carry out the following calculations;
(a) Addition (b) Subtraction (c) Count (d) Average (e) Division
The ……………… function is used to ascertain the number of cells within a specified range containing
DATE: ……………………..
GRAPH: A graph is a diagram showing the relationship that exist among variables, quantities (varies
data), usually of two, each measured along one of a pair of axes at right angles. It may not be possible to
plot a graph without value. The excel spreadsheet provides the values that are plotted.
Creating graph
To create a graph, you can either use the chart wizard or press the F11 key
Types of Chart
Line graph
1. Line graph: Line graphs are often used to plot changes in data over time, such as monthly
temperature changes or daily changes in stock market prices. Line graphs have a vertical axis and a
horizontal axis. If you are plotting changes in data over time, time is plotted along the horizontal or x-
axis and your other data, such as rainfall amounts is plotted as individual points along the vertical or y-
Histograms: A histogram consists of tabular frequencies, shown as adjacent rectangles, erected over
discrete intervals (bins), with an area equal to the frequency of the observations in the interval. The
height of a rectangle is also equal to the frequency density of the interval.
Sub-Topic 2: PIE CHART and LEGEND
PIE-CHART: Pie-charts, or circle graphs as they are sometimes known, are a little different from the other
two types of graphs discussed.
For one, pie charts do not use horizontal and vertical axes to plot points like the others. They also differ
in that they are used to chart only one variable at a time. As a result, it can only be used to show
percentages. The circle of pie charts represents 100%. The circle is subdivided into slices representing
data values. The size of each slice shows what part of the 100% it represents.
4. LEGEND: A legend is used to identify each series in a chart. Its contains on sample of the marker
colour and pattern of each series.
List the various types of chart you are familiar with in MS-Excel
Age (yr)13 14 15 16 17
Number of pupils 1 4 2 2 1
DATE: ………………..
After creating a chart, you can change it to the type you want. The type you choose depends on how you
want to present your data.
Under Chart Type, list click to select the desired chart type (e.g, Column, Bar, Line, etc)
Under Chart sub-type list, click to select the chart sub-typed desired. You can view the chart sample by
pressing it and hold to view sample button.
Adding or removing more data point to the existing chart data series.
You can change the font of chart text, change the horizontal and vertical alignment and rotate text to a
vertical orientation. You can also change the pattern and color of the text area. The text is displayed in
the front of the area pattern so that it is always visible. Microsoft Excel automatically formats the charts
title and axes title as bold.
To format chart text with the standard tool bar
To format all the text in a chart, select the chart by choosing select chart from the chart menu. To
format a single piece of attached or unattached text, click the text to select it. To format tick-mark labels
for an axis, click the axis to select it.
To format text that appears in a legend, click the legend; click the legend to select it.
Objective Test:
Which of the following is not a type of graph (a) Line graph (b) Pie Chart (c) Histogram (d) Bigram
……………………….. is a circle divided into sections (a) Bar Chart (b) Histogram (c) Pictogram (d) Pie- chart
Essay Test:
No. of students 5 3 8 7 2 8 6 10 1 4
Computer game is also called PC game, is a video game played on personal computer, rather than on a
video game console OR Computer games are software programs used for relaxation and to learn some
Video game is an electronic or computerized game played by manipulating images on a video display
television screen. Examples of computer game include;
Some computer games are supplied by Microsoft windows while some are downloaded from internet.
Computer games can be played using the following input devices:
Game pad
Types of games:
There are many types of computer games. These have been classified into three categories:
Recreational games
Skill enhancement
Entertainment games
These are games played at leisure time for relaxation after working for long period of time e.g. Free cell,
Casino, heart
They are games designed for skill enhancement and recycling, Quizzing, puzzles, Mathematics games
Entertainment Games
These are types of games played to entertain friends and visitors e.g Musical games, Mimicking and
Computer games are used for teaching and learning of different subjects, e.g Music, mathematics,
English, Speed and accuracy e.t.c
Computer games are useful for recreation, skill acquisition and entertainment.[mediator_tech]
Weekend Assignment
All the following are computer games except……… (a) Chess (b) Trojan (c) Packman (d) Pinball
Computer games can be played using all the following except ………….. (a) Computer Keyboard (b) Mouse
(c) Joystick (d) Digger
For fraudulent purposes (b) For entertainment (c) For educational purpose (d) For teaching purposes
………….. is a computer software used for relaxation to learn skill (a) Anti virus (b) Computer (c) Games (d)
Game pad