Fohc Transes Unit 1
Fohc Transes Unit 1
Fohc Transes Unit 1
Health Organization (WHO) [1] Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health
has a more full definition of health: Organization as adopted by the International Health
o Dimensions of Health: Conference, New York, and 19-22 June, 1946;
Physical Dimension signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61
Environmental Dimension States (Official Records of the World Health
Spiritual Dimension Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force
Economic Dimension on 7 April 1948.
o These could affect our health as individuals. A dynamic state or condition which is
Health is a state of complete physical, mental multidimensional in nature and results from the
and social well-being and not merely the adaptation to his/her environment.
absence of disease or infirmity. o If you learn on how to adapt to a certain
This definition from WHO has not changed since environment, you are considered healthy.
1948 and identifies the physical, mental and social Health is an optimum level of functioning of an
dimensions of health, but still neglects the spiritual individual.
and emotional dimensions. o If you can carry all your need independently, you
The definitions of health above could easily be are considered healthy.
simplified to be a state of complete well-being. If you need help from others like when
However, they could also be expanded to say: taking a bath, you are not healthy.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, Definition of Health by: Ottawa Charter for health
social, emotional and spiritual well-being, not promotion (1986)
merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (Pope o Health is a resource of everyday life, not the
John Paul II) objective of daily living. It is a positive concept
o Infirmity- unhealthy conditions emphasizing social and personal resources as
o Pope John Paul added the emotional and well as physical capacities. An enabling factor
spiritual well-being instead of just the three. that will allow a person to achieve his or her
Today if you asked anyone they would have a life’s aspirations, whether for himself for herself,
different definitions for health, though many would his or her family or for the Community as whole.
focus on the physical dimension of health and think o Health is a resource because it if you are not
of it as the absence of disease or injury, as well as healthy, you are not productive.
the mental aspects of health. Frequently people You are too dependent to the people
leave out the social, emotional and spiritual around you.
dimensions. Claude Bernard
o Any problem on the aspect of health could lead o Health is the ability to maintain internal milieu.
you to disease or infirmity Illness is the result of failure to maintain internal
Do not just concentrate on the physical environment.
aspect, you must also focus on the o Internal milieu- you are normal, you don’t have
mental, social, spiritual, and emotional any sickness.
well-being of an individual. Walter Cannon
Through understanding this definition, o Health is the ability to maintain homeostasis or
you can easily understand other people. dynamic equilibrium. Related by negative
o According to the World Health Organization feedback mechanisms.
(WHO), health lies in the hands of the people. o Maintains balance means you have positive
These definitions of health show that there is a feedback
general consensus around health as both a physical Homeostasis- balance
and mental issue, but there is still more work to be Nightingale
done in order to get the general public to understand o Health is being well and using one’s power to
that health consists of all five (5) dimensions of the fullest extent. Health is maintained through
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual
Outline of perceptions of health: Your perception of health affects your behavior if your
view of health is only physical, then you will neglect the
Perceptions of their health other aspects of your health which can lead to poor
Perceptions of the health of others health.
Implications of different perceptions of health
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual
If you value health lightly, you o It is important for you to consider why such
are more likely to act upon the knowledge you have differences may occur. It could be a cultural
regarding health which can have a positive impact on background or people not knowing what you eat
you well-being, however of your knowledge of health is when they are not looking. It could be the impact
incorrect and you think smoking is not damaging to your of family or friends that cause them or you to
health, then your health will suffer. think differently.
o Try placing yourself on the health continuum and
Now shift this to societal perceptions, if a culture or
asking others to do the same for you and see
society views medicine alongside health and the use of
what the differences are. Make sure you ask
drugs to treat common illness as normal how will this
them why they have placed you there on the
affect our health in the long term?
continuum? As this is what is important.
We have already seen superbugs created that
do not respond to any biotics, what else is going
to happen?
o The impact of the media The health behaviors of young people are often
on our perception of health has dramatically dramatized in the media, with focus given to risk
increased with advances in technology. It used behaviors among the few.
to be the case that in order to see an
When studying this core, emphasis should be on
advertisement you had to walk into town to see
drawing from realistic contexts relevant to students.
a billboard, or go to a cinema to watch a show.
These include food habits, body image, physical activity,
Now we wake up in the morning and the first
drug use, mental health, sexual health and road safety.
thing we do is check our phone.
o 2 Ways Media Communicates Information about Protective Behaviors and Risk Behaviors
Explicit- easily identifiable ways Health Protective Behaviors
- Shows like The Biggest Loser and o Are actions linked to decreasing risk factors,
News Articles reducing negative health outcomes, and
Implicit- usually more effective in facilitating a healthy lifestyle.
affecting our understanding of health o Can be at the individual, familial, or
and bring about changes in our community level, which all work together to
perception without us realizing eliminate risk factors that impair health.
- Occurs through movies, marketing, Individual factors incorporate having
and television shows constructive perceptions about
Peers one’s character; such as positive
o Peers impact our perception of health also, self-image, good self-control, and
as our frequent conversations occur with proficient social skills.
them, and often they are the first person we o Adept social skills help individuals function in
go to for answers to our questions. This society.
applies to many things, including health. You o Family and community dynamics work
will have more conversations about health interchangeably, influencing health protective
with your peers than anyone else. And in behaviors.
groups, humans tend to adopt the position of o Types of Social Support:
the group leader rather than do their own Emotional Support- encouragement
research and come up with their own from friends, family, or peers to
understanding and interpretation. either stop, start, or continue a
Birds of the same feather, flock certain behavior
together Instrumental Support- tangible help
Family Belonging- when some individual
o Family construct the basis of your beliefs, feels more comfortable, perhaps in
knowledge, wealth, environment, and more particular social settings that
for the first 16-30 years of your life. The promote health protective behaviors.
interpretation you develop concerning health Informational support- derived from
while living with your parents will likely be information one attains from their
the interpretation you have when you are social networks.
older and what you pass on to the next Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory and
generation. Reciprocal Determinism
o Helps to demonstrate the numerous
factors that can affect health protective
o It demonstrates how the individual and
HEALTH BEHAVIORS OF YOUNG PEOPLE their environment both interact with and
affect one another.
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual
Determinants of Health