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PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)

UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

Introduction: people do not know which foods are healthy, or that

exercise is important or that smoking has adverse
 How does health affect your everyday life? health effects? Or are there societal, environmental
 The WHO Constitution (1946) envisages “…the and economic pressures that make the ‘healthiest’
highest attainable standard of health as a choice less feasible or even impossible? Factors
fundamental right of every human being.” such as structural inequalities, financial constraints
 The 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article II, Section and limited access to health resources limit the
15 declares that “The State shall protect and autonomy people have over their health decisions.
promote the right to health of the people and instill o Factors:
health consciousness among them. Also, Articles 1. Economic status of the individual, family,
XIII, on Social Justice and Human Rights on Health, and community
declares to “adopt an integrated and comprehensive 2. Behavior of the individual
approach to health development, to make essential 3. Traditions and practices
goods, health and other social services available 4. Inequalities received by each individual,
and affordable, priority for the needs of the under- family and community.
privileged, sick, elderly, disabled, women, and o Suppose to be there is equity in each resources
children. like health resources, economic resources
o Obligation of the government that the o Equity means you should give less to those who
government should always protect and promote have more and give more to those who have
the right to health of the people. less.
o Role of the public health: promoting health and
limit disability. HEALTH
Always promote health by adherence of any
policies related to health may it be individual or  “Health is an importance resource. It is a means to
family. an end. In order to be productive in society, a
o Public health is hard to attain because of PERSON must be healthy in all aspects.
o Aspects of Health:
 Public health can appear to be a world of ‘don’ts’:  Emotional
don’t smoke, don’t eat that. don’t touch that. don’t do  Physical
that. Promoting health at the population levels  Intellectual
starts with encouraging healthy behavior at the  Spiritually
individual level. Sometimes, the public health  Socially
community has to identify and warn against o Why do we consider health as a resource?
behaviors that may harm us. If you have problem physically, you cannot carry
o With this, people in the community helps each your optimum level of functioning.
other in the promotion of health by maintenance  Technical definitions of health have changed over
of health, maintenance of sanitation of time and general definitions range from person to
environment, proper behavior in terms of health person. If you google definitions of health one of the
care. first definitions to come up is:
o People in the community knows what are the  The state of being free from illness or injury
o According to Health Illness Continuum you
common problems in the community, so it is up
to you if you want to avoid it or to prevent it by can be healthy now then later on or some
practicing proper behavior. other time you can get sick or injured, there
 After all, the purpose of public health isn’t treatment: will also a time where you may or may not
It’s to facilitate the choices you, as an individual, recover from illness.
should make to preserve your good health and the  However, this definition is very limiting and does not
health of those around you. But health problems take into account the various dimensions of health
don’t exist simply because people don’t know what and their interaction with each other. The World
choices they should make. Is the problem really that
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

Health Organization (WHO)  [1] Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health
has a more full definition of health: Organization as adopted by the International Health
o Dimensions of Health: Conference, New York, and 19-22 June, 1946;
 Physical Dimension signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61
 Environmental Dimension States (Official Records of the World Health
 Spiritual Dimension Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force
 Economic Dimension on 7 April 1948.
o These could affect our health as individuals.  A dynamic state or condition which is
 Health is a state of complete physical, mental multidimensional in nature and results from the
and social well-being and not merely the adaptation to his/her environment.
absence of disease or infirmity. o If you learn on how to adapt to a certain
 This definition from WHO has not changed since environment, you are considered healthy.
1948 and identifies the physical, mental and social  Health is an optimum level of functioning of an
dimensions of health, but still neglects the spiritual individual.
and emotional dimensions. o If you can carry all your need independently, you
 The definitions of health above could easily be are considered healthy.
simplified to be a state of complete well-being.  If you need help from others like when
However, they could also be expanded to say: taking a bath, you are not healthy.
 Health is a state of complete physical, mental,  Definition of Health by: Ottawa Charter for health
social, emotional and spiritual well-being, not promotion (1986)
merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (Pope o Health is a resource of everyday life, not the
John Paul II) objective of daily living. It is a positive concept
o Infirmity- unhealthy conditions emphasizing social and personal resources as
o Pope John Paul added the emotional and well as physical capacities. An enabling factor
spiritual well-being instead of just the three. that will allow a person to achieve his or her
 Today if you asked anyone they would have a life’s aspirations, whether for himself for herself,
different definitions for health, though many would his or her family or for the Community as whole.
focus on the physical dimension of health and think o Health is a resource because it if you are not
of it as the absence of disease or injury, as well as healthy, you are not productive.
the mental aspects of health. Frequently people  You are too dependent to the people
leave out the social, emotional and spiritual around you.
dimensions.  Claude Bernard
o Any problem on the aspect of health could lead o Health is the ability to maintain internal milieu.
you to disease or infirmity Illness is the result of failure to maintain internal
 Do not just concentrate on the physical environment.
aspect, you must also focus on the o Internal milieu- you are normal, you don’t have
mental, social, spiritual, and emotional any sickness.
well-being of an individual.  Walter Cannon
 Through understanding this definition, o Health is the ability to maintain homeostasis or
you can easily understand other people. dynamic equilibrium. Related by negative
o According to the World Health Organization feedback mechanisms.
(WHO), health lies in the hands of the people. o Maintains balance means you have positive
 These definitions of health show that there is a feedback
general consensus around health as both a physical  Homeostasis- balance
and mental issue, but there is still more work to be  Nightingale
done in order to get the general public to understand o Health is being well and using one’s power to
that health consists of all five (5) dimensions of the fullest extent. Health is maintained through
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

prevention of disease 9. Communicate with others in expressing

via environmental health factors. emotions, needs, fears, or opinions.
o Nightingale is a nurse called as the lady of the 10. Worship according to one’s faith.
lamp. 11. Work in such a way that there is a sense of
 She helped in the aid of wounded accomplishment.
soldiers in the World War 2. 12. Play participate in various forms of recreation
 Rogers 13. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that
o Positive health symbolizes wellness. It is a value leads to normal development and health
term defined by the culture or individual. 14. Us the available health facilities
o How to maintain wellness? o Unaided- you carry it independently without any
 Wellness is all about foods apparatus
 Healthy foods include the Go, Grow,  The first nine (9) components are
and Glow Foods. physiological
 Go: ¼ of plate, energy, carbohydrates.  The tenth and fourteenth are
 Grow: ¼ of meat, protein, helps in psychological aspects of communicating
muscles and growing. and learning
 Glow: ½ of plate, vitamins & minerals,  The eleventh component is spiritual and
fruits & vegetables. moral.
 Roy  The twelfth and thirteenth components
o Health is a state of process of being and are sociologically oriented to occupation
becoming an integrated and whole person. and recreation.
o Whole person in a holistic approach (all aspects  Johnson
of health) o Health is an elusive, dynamic state influenced by
 Orem biologic, psychologic, and social factors. Health
o Health is a state characterized by soundness or is reflected by the organization, interaction,
wholeness of developed human structures and interdependence and integration of the
of bodily and mental functioning. subsystems of the behavioral system.
 KING o Learn to organize, interact, interdependence
o Health is dynamic state in the life cycle: illness is and integrate.
an interference in the life cycle.  Murray 2009
 Neumann o Health is a state of wellbeing in which the
o Wellness is the condition in which all parts and person is able to use purposeful, adaptive
subparts of an individual are in harmony with the responses and processes physically, mentally,
whole system. emotionally, spiritually, and socially.
 Virginia Henderson  Pender’s 2006
o Health is viewed in terms of individual’s ability to o Health is an actualization of inherent and
perform 14 components of nursing care unaided: acquired human through goal directed behavior,
1. Breathe normally. Eat and drink adequately competent self-care, and satisfying relationship
 8 to 10 glasses of water with others.
2. Eliminate body wastes  Orem 2001
3. Move and maintain desirable postures. o Health is a state of person that is characterized
4. Sleep and rest by soundness or wholeness of develop human
5. Select suitable clothes-dress and undress. structures and bodily and mental functioning.
6. Maintain body temperature within normal range
by adjusting clothing and modifying environment
7. Keep the body clean and well-groomed  According to Saylor (2004). WHO definition
8. Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid considers.
injuring others.
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

o There are five (5)  Reproductive systems

dimensions of health: physical, mental,  Immune System
emotional, spiritual, and social. These will o Before, there are many communicable diseases
provide a full picture of health as a change in but it shifted to non-communicable disease
any dimension affects the others. because of our lifestyle and behavior. Example
o We should have a holistic approach to attain the would be cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular
dimensions of health. diseases.
 Mental Dimension
o Mental health refers to the cognitive aspect of
health. Often mental health is linked to or
includes emotional health, I want to distinguish
the two. Mental health is more the functioning of
the brain, while emotional health refers to the
person’s mood often connected to their
hormones. Mental health then includes many
mental health issues such as Alzheimer’s and
dementia. It refers to the person’s ability to use
their brain and think. This may be to solve
problems or to recall information, but the focus is
on the cognitive aspect of the person.
Five Dimensions of Health: o Mental healthcare affects the other dimensions
of health. An increase in mental health can
 Physical Dimension come as a result of increased physical activity,
o The physical dimension of health refers to the and good mental health can then lead to an
bodily aspect of health. It refers to the more increase in self-esteem as mental performance
traditional definition of health as the absence of improves. Greater self-esteem then leads to
disease and injury. Physical health ranges in more confidence in social situations and can
quality along a continuum where a combination lead one to ask the larger questions about life
of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, leading to increased spiritual health.
cardiovascular disease or hypertension are at o This has connection to emotions.
one end a person who is at optimum physical  Always enhance your self-esteem, more
condition (think health not fitness) is at the other. confidence
o Physical health can affect the dimensions of  Emotional Dimension
health as a decline in physical health can result o Emotional health is about the person’s mood
in a decline in other forms of health. E.g. a or general emotional state. It is our ability to
person who suddenly gets the flu is often recognize and express feelings adequately.
isolated socially as to not infect others, struggles It relates to you self-esteem as well as your
to focus in order to study or learn anything new, ability control your emotions to maintain a
and may feel sad as a result of their isolation. realistic perspective on situations. The
o The body has a natural health ability and is relationship between emotional and mental
programmed for balance (homeostasis.) health is clear and as such some illnesses
o 11 System of our body: relate to both, such as: depression and
 Integumentary system anxiety.
 Skeletal system o Emotional health affects the other
 Muscular system dimensions of health as a person with a
 Lymphatic system good self-esteem is more confident in social
 Respiratory system settings, makes friends quickly and often
 Digestive system performs better in physical activity.
 Nervous system o Individual moods or emotional state, the
 Endocrine system way you express your feelings and control
 Cardiovascular system your emotions.
 Urinary system
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

o Have time to do difference in the quality of your life. This is where

physical activity, and attend social things like the right nourishment for your body, mind
gatherings. and spirit, can provide amazing support for achieving
 Spiritual Dimension
complete optimal health.
o Spiritual health relates to our sense of
o You will be learning how health will be affected
overall purpose in life. People often find this
purpose from a belief or faith system, while on environmental factors present.
others create their own purpose. A person o How to assess ourself with the health scale
who has purpose to life is said to be  Where you fall on the scale right now and how you
healthier than those who don’t see a can change your position, depends on several key
purpose to life. factors in your life. The first step to achieving optimal
o Spiritual health will very easily affect health is acknowledging those 5 areas of complete
emotional and mental health as having a health in your life and reflecting accordingly on each
purpose in life can help you to apply yourself of the questions that accompany it.
to achieving goals. Having a purpose to life
can also help people to maintain a proper Examine the following diagram:
perspective on life and overcome adversity.
Often people who are spiritual meet together
regularly around their spiritual purpose,
which helps to improve their social health.
o Deepen your faith
 Social Dimension
o The social dimension of health refers to our
ability to make and maintain meaningful
relationships with others. Good social health
includes not only having relationships but
behaving appropriately within them and  The most important factor to see is that we all fall
maintaining socially acceptable standards. The somewhere on that scale. Subsequently, if you are
basic social unit of relationship is the family, and not satisfied with where you fall on the scale right
these relationships impact a person’s life the now, you are not stuck with where you rank today.
most. Other key relationships are close friends, Through conscious living in all areas of your life, you
social networks, teachers, and youth leaders. are able to climb towards achieving complete
o Social health affects the other dimensions of optimal health, and oscillating within that range if you
health in many ways. A bad social life can lead a continue with positive health habits.
person to question their purpose in life or feel  Here are some key pointers to give you an idea to
isolated and unwanted. Such feelings can
which end of the health continuum you currently
demotivate people from physical activity and
belong to and therefore what state your complete
lead them towards depression.
o Learn to mingle with others and maintain health is in:
meaningful relationship with others. o You are near the top end of the Health
Continuum if:
 You have a strong self esteem
 You have an excellent ability to meet
 Health is not a stationary state of being. All health is life’s demands
in constant flux, as the 5 areas of our health (as  You do not compare yourself or
mentioned above) engage in a continual dance of compete with others
balance that works with our most present needs and  You have a healthy lifestyle (i.e. eat
alongside our specific challenges. We are dynamic right, exercise, don’t smoke, etc.)
beings, as is all life, and this dynamic exchange is  You have positive social relationships
the core of the health continuum. So whether you  You have a healthy balance between
are doing relatively well right now, or are plagued by your mind, body, and spirit
some condition, you can still always make a  You are not inflicted with any diseases
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

 You do not Rather, engage mindfully in creating healthy

experience common undesirable habits that positively influence each of the 5
physical symptoms areas of your health. (Evita Ochel).
 You have an effective way of handling
any debilitations or disabilities. THE RELATIVE AND DYNAMIC NATURE OF
o You are near the bottom end of the Health HEALTH
Continuum if:
 Relative Nature of Health
 You often go through emotional
o Refers to the use of other to compare the
health status of a particular person.
 You have a poor image of yourself
 Relative
 You constantly feel inadequate
o Considered in relation or in proportion to
 You have an unhealthy lifestyle (i.e.
something else
poor eating habits, lack of exercise,
smoking, etc.)
 You live in isolation from others or feel
isolated or alone, even when amongst
 You often feel depressed and/or have
mental illness
 You lack a healthy balance between
your mind, body, and spirit
 You suffer from various physical
 You are unable to cope with a severe
mental or physical disability
 Conclusion: Who is healthier?
o Remember that health is not constant
throughout one’s life, as it depends on many o The guy who has muscles
factors. It all depends at how you engage all 5  Dynamic Nature of Health
areas of your health at any given time. Your o Refers to the fact that the health status of
health is dynamic, your body is resilient, and anyone is continually changing and can
your mind is malleable. The optimal health that change dramatically with little notice. A
you can create at any given time will come from person may well have been healthy
a consistent application and attention to all 5 yesterday, but today there was a dramatic
areas of your health. event that has caused ill to their death. This
o The most important thing to do is to effectively could be an injury, sickness, bullying,
engage in seeking, integrating, and applying divorce, questioning of faith, or being kicked
new information and habits that are most in off a sports team.
alignment with what you want and need.. Either  Health, however, more frequently changes slowly.
way, be loving with yourself or take things one Think of the older person who frequently talks about
step at a time. Remember: there is lots of how they used to go to the gym, played at an elite
information and help out there today that can level, used to eat their vegetables or used to be thin
improve any or all areas of your health. All you and active. Maybe they used to have a vibrant social
have to do is make the choice to accept it into life, have lost their parents, or have simply let
your life and change your current status quo. themselves go. Some people develop lifestyle
Stepping out of your comfort zone may be diseases, most of which slowly develop.
tough, but it does not serve you to stay in an o Example of lifestyle diseases are
area that you are unsatisfied with. Life is meant hypertension where it can be hereditary.
to be enjoyed, so don’t sabotage your health!
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

 Health can also change  Perceptions of health as social constructs

because of a change in circumstance. Think of the
person who starts at a new school after moving Examine perceptions of health by exploring questions
states because their parents divorced. They need to such as:
redevelop their social life, may become depressed  How healthy am I?
and anxious. They need to find new ways to be  How healthy do other people think I am?
physically active etc. Other people may not have  How healthy do I think other people are?
money to choose to eat better food, or may live in an  Why would my perceptions of health be similar
area with little or no access to gyms, or sporting or different to others?
fields. They may have long distances to travel to  Your perceptions of the health of others
meet up with friends or have someone show them is largely influenced by your view of
that their belief system is flawed. health and what you know about the
 Health consists of all five dimensions
 Perceptions of Health working interrelatedly so when thinking
o Is a natural progression from the relative how healthy you think other people are,
nature of health. you will often start with your initial
 Perception judgement. But if you question them you
o About how something is interpreted and may learn things that change your
understood. It is similar to perspective, but is opinion.
not limited to what you see, but how you  How might an individual’s perception of health
interpret what you see. affect their behavior and well-being?
 E.g., glass is half full or half empty. The
Determine the degree to which perceptions of health are
technical definition of perception
socially constructed
o This dot point then, focuses on how health is
regarded, understood and interpreted. How you view or perceive your own health depends on a
 It relates to people’s opinions of health and how number of factors:
these opinions are formed. How something is
understood often relates to preconceived ideas and  Family’s perception of health
belief systems, which are affected by society around  Peers and friend’s understanding of what health
us. This includes: media, family and peers influence is and how to become healthy
on your understanding of health, as well as  How health is portrayed in the media
considering how society as a whole influences your  Our personal beliefs and perceptions about life
construct of health – what it means? How to be in general
healthy? Etc. Everyone has an idea of what health  The value we place on health
is, and what health is to you will be different from  Our previous experiences related to health such
what it is to the person next to you and the person as being really fit, playing sports, having an
across the other side of the world. These ideas of injury and illness or a disease
health are very subjective and open to change. They  Our environment such as our geographical
also affect your behavior, and if your perception of location and our access to health information
your health is incorrect it can lead to dangerous and technology
behaviors.  Our perception of health and how we view it is
also highly affected by our level of health

Outline of perceptions of health: Your perception of health affects your behavior if your
view of health is only physical, then you will neglect the
 Perceptions of their health other aspects of your health which can lead to poor
 Perceptions of the health of others health.
 Implications of different perceptions of health
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

If you value health lightly, you o It is important for you to consider why such
are more likely to act upon the knowledge you have differences may occur. It could be a cultural
regarding health which can have a positive impact on background or people not knowing what you eat
you well-being, however of your knowledge of health is when they are not looking. It could be the impact
incorrect and you think smoking is not damaging to your of family or friends that cause them or you to
health, then your health will suffer. think differently.
o Try placing yourself on the health continuum and
Now shift this to societal perceptions, if a culture or
asking others to do the same for you and see
society views medicine alongside health and the use of
what the differences are. Make sure you ask
drugs to treat common illness as normal how will this
them why they have placed you there on the
affect our health in the long term?
continuum? As this is what is important.
 We have already seen superbugs created that
do not respond to any biotics, what else is going
to happen?

Social Construct- our view of health is completely

created by the society you live in and the subculture in
which you affiliate with in this society.

Your perception of health is largely influenced by:

 Your socioeconomic status

 Education
 Employment
 Income
 Your socio-cultural status
 Family
 Peers Perceptions of their health is all about you. How do
 Media you see your health and is this accurate?
 Religion
 Culture Perceptions of the Health of Others
 Your environment status
Your perceptions of the health of others is largely
 Geographical location,
influenced by your view of health and what you know
 Political government around you
about the person. Just like your view of your own health
 Social environment
was influenced by your level of education, beliefs, family
 Access to information and technology
and more, so your perception of the health others is
affected by them. We tend to judge others very
superficially. Many of us perceive elite athletes, models
Perceptions of Their Health etc. as healthy
o Your perception of your own health will Implications of Different Perceptions of Health
change over time as your health changes
and as any of the above change. There are a number of implications of different
o As you consider perceptions of their health, perceptions of health. It is important that a person’s
you are asked to examine these perceptions perception of their health is as accurate as possible in
of health by considering the following order to guide their behavior in the correct direction. If a
questions: society has a false perception of what health is, this can
 How healthy am I? also have a negative impact on the health of individuals,
 How healthy do other people think I am? governments, organizations and more.
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

How might an individual’s have or attribute to health are mostly created by

perception of health affect their behavior and their society. That is, our understanding and
wellbeing? interpretation of health is created and developed
by our society.
o At an individual level the implications of different
perceptions of health relates to a person with an Why would my perceptions of health be similar or
inaccurate perception. different to others?
o In contrast to someone with a different
o Your understanding of perceptions of health as
perception, a person with a correct perception of
social constructs should identify that an
their health may acknowledge that they are
individual’s interpretation of health is largely
overweight and that their weight makes them
influenced by their: socioeconomic status
more likely to have a range of lifestyle diseases:
(education, employment, income), sociocultural
hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer
status (family, peers, media, religion, culture),
etc. Such as person may then change their diet,
and environment (geographical, political, social,
cut out refined sugars, soft drinks, and consume
access to information and technology) among
more fruit and vegetables to correct their health.
other things.
o As a society, the implications of different
o Perceptions of health as social constructs also
perceptions of health can be devastating for the
means that the interpretation of health changes
health of a country. If our perception of health is
with time. This can be seen with the
different to the truth, then our actions will not
commoditization of fitness and the growth of the
improve our health, and may in fact make it
health industry alongside pharmaceuticals and
the medical system. We have many large
o Another possibility is a society that gives too
groups invested heavily in the concept of health,
much power to pharmaceutical companies who
including what is means to be healthy and how
then control government legislation, academic
to be healthy.
organizations, and produce mass advertising.
This leads people to think that the drugs Determine the degree to which perceptions of health
produced by the pharmaceutical companies are are socially constructed:
safe and effective, when it may not be the case.
o The implications of different perceptions of o The degree to which perceptions of health are
health then can have a large impact upon the socially constructed is more than you think. Our
health of individuals and society as a whole. society likes to tell us that we are unique and
have come up with our own ideas and
Perception of Health as Social Constructs interpretations, but reality is much different. How
we interpret health and what we think it means is
more a result of our society tells us this, than it is
us coming up with such an interpretation.

Impact of the Media, Peers and Family

You probably have already considered the impact of the

media peers and family for other issues, such as health
behaviors or the value you place on health.

o Perceptions of health as social constructs

requires you to understand that the various
 Media
understandings and different meanings people
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

o The impact of the media The health behaviors of young people are often
on our perception of health has dramatically dramatized in the media, with focus given to risk
increased with advances in technology. It used behaviors among the few.
to be the case that in order to see an
When studying this core, emphasis should be on
advertisement you had to walk into town to see
drawing from realistic contexts relevant to students.
a billboard, or go to a cinema to watch a show.
These include food habits, body image, physical activity,
Now we wake up in the morning and the first
drug use, mental health, sexual health and road safety.
thing we do is check our phone.
o 2 Ways Media Communicates Information about Protective Behaviors and Risk Behaviors
 Explicit- easily identifiable ways  Health Protective Behaviors
- Shows like The Biggest Loser and o Are actions linked to decreasing risk factors,
News Articles reducing negative health outcomes, and
 Implicit- usually more effective in facilitating a healthy lifestyle.
affecting our understanding of health o Can be at the individual, familial, or
and bring about changes in our community level, which all work together to
perception without us realizing eliminate risk factors that impair health.
- Occurs through movies, marketing,  Individual factors incorporate having
and television shows constructive perceptions about
 Peers one’s character; such as positive
o Peers impact our perception of health also, self-image, good self-control, and
as our frequent conversations occur with proficient social skills.
them, and often they are the first person we o Adept social skills help individuals function in
go to for answers to our questions. This society.
applies to many things, including health. You o Family and community dynamics work
will have more conversations about health interchangeably, influencing health protective
with your peers than anyone else. And in behaviors.
groups, humans tend to adopt the position of o Types of Social Support:
the group leader rather than do their own  Emotional Support- encouragement
research and come up with their own from friends, family, or peers to
understanding and interpretation. either stop, start, or continue a
 Birds of the same feather, flock certain behavior
together  Instrumental Support- tangible help
 Family  Belonging- when some individual
o Family construct the basis of your beliefs, feels more comfortable, perhaps in
knowledge, wealth, environment, and more particular social settings that
for the first 16-30 years of your life. The promote health protective behaviors.
interpretation you develop concerning health  Informational support- derived from
while living with your parents will likely be information one attains from their
the interpretation you have when you are social networks.
older and what you pass on to the next  Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory and
generation. Reciprocal Determinism
o Helps to demonstrate the numerous
factors that can affect health protective
o It demonstrates how the individual and
HEALTH BEHAVIORS OF YOUNG PEOPLE their environment both interact with and
affect one another.
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

set of learned experience), environment

(external social context), and behavior
(responses to stimuli to achieve goals).
 Behavioral Capability
o Refers to a person’s actual ability to
perform a behavior through essential
knowledge and skills.
o In order to successfully perform a
behavior, a person must know what to
do and how to do it.
o People learn from the consequences of
their behavior, which also affects the
environment in which they live.
 Observation Learning
o Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) started as the o This asserts that people can witness and
Social Learning Theory (SLT) in the 1960s by observe a behavior conducted by others,
Albert Bandura. and then reproduce those actions.
o It developed into the SCT in 1986 and posits o This is often exhibited through "modeling" of
that learning occurs in a social context with a behaviors
dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the person, o If individuals see successful demonstration
environment, and behavior. of a behavior, they can also complete the
o The unique feature of SCT is the emphasis on behavior successfully.
social influence and its emphasis on external  Reinforcements
and internal social reinforcement. o This refers to the internal or external
o SCT considers the unique way in which responses to a person's behavior that affect
individuals acquire and maintain behavior, while the likelihood of continuing or discontinuing
also considering the social environment in which the behavior.
individuals perform the behavior. o Reinforcements can be self-initiated or in the
o The theory takes into account a person's past environment, and reinforcements can be
experiences, which factor into whether positive or negative.
behavioral action will occur. o This is the construct of SCT that most
o These past experiences influences closely ties to the reciprocal relationship
reinforcements, expectations, and expectancies, between behavior and environment.
all of which shape whether a person will engage  Expectations
in a specific behavior and the reasons why a o This refers to the anticipated consequences
person engages in that behavior. of a person's behavior.
o This is unfortunate as maintenance of behavior, o Outcome expectations can be health-related
and not just initiation of behavior, is the true goal or not health-related.
in public health. o People anticipate the consequences of their
o The goal of SCT is to explain how people actions before engaging in the behavior, and
regulate their behavior through control and these anticipated consequences can
reinforcement to achieve goal-directed behavior influence successful completion of the
that can be maintained over time. behavior.
o Expectations derive largely from previous
 Reciprocal Determinism experience.
o This is the central concept of SCT o While expectancies also derive from
o Refers to the dynamic and reciprocal previous experience, expectancies focus on
interaction of person (individual with a the value that is placed on the outcome and
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

are subjective to the from the media, which likes to pick up

individual. and run with negative stories.
 Self-efficacy  Get drunk every weekend
o Refers to the level of a person's confidence  Take illicit drugs, particularly ice
in his or her ability to successfully perform a  Drag race and speed in their
behavior. cars
o Is unique to SCT although other theories  Bully and abuse, or
have added this construct at later dates,  Participate in sexting and
such as the Theory of Planned Behavior. pornography
o Influenced by a person's specific capabilities o Often these stories have one or two
and other individual factors, as well as by stories that are used to make sweeping
environmental factors (barriers and judgments about young people as a
facilitators). whole.
 Relevant Issues
Limitation of Social Cognitive Theory: o List includes:
o These should be considered when using this  Food habits
 Body image
theory in public health.
 Physical activity
1. The theory assumes that changes in the
environment will automatically lead to changes  Drug use
in the person, when this may not always be true.  Mental health
2. The theory is loosely organized, based solely on  Sexual health
the dynamic interplay between person, behavior,  Road safety.
and environment. It is unclear the extent to o You are required to identify protective
which each of these factors into actual behavior behaviors and risk behaviors for these
and if one is more influential than another. issues and how the combination of
3. The theory heavily focuses on processes of these behaviors increases or decreases
learning and in doing so disregards biological the risk.
and hormonal predispositions that may influence o Risk behaviors for sexual health
behaviors, regardless of past experience and includes:
expectations.  Becoming sexually active
4. The theory does not focus on emotion or  Watching pornography
motivation, other than through reference to past  Not using a condom
experience. There is minimal attention on these  Combining drugs, or alcohol
factors. with sexual activity
5. The theory can be broad-reaching, so can be  Sexting, or using media (photos,
difficult to operationalize in entirety. videos, etc) to record sexual
o SCT considers many levels of the social activity
ecological model in Addressing behavior  Anal sex
change of individuals.  Protective behaviors include:
o Emphasis on the individual and the o Abstinence
environment, the latter of which has become o Sexual Education
a major point of focus in recent years for o Having respectful relationships with the
health promotion activities. opposite sex
 Societal Perceptions o Barrier method contraception
o Our society often has miss-perceptions
about young people and their protective
and risk behaviors. Much of this feeds What influences the health of individuals?
PH 51: Foundation of Healthcare (Personal & Community/Health Assessment)
UNIT 1: Enhanced Health for Individual


BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023

The key to this question is to get

a really solid understanding of the determinants of health
which are:

 The determinants of health

 The degree of control individuals can exert over
their health
 Health as a social construct

Determinants of Health

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