Lecture 1 Public Health
Lecture 1 Public Health
Lecture 1 Public Health
Define health
• Recently this statement has been expanded to include the ability to
lead a “socially and economically productive life”.
• According to this definition, the concept of health is viewed as
being of two orders. In broader sense health can be defined as
“a condition or quality of the human organism expressing
the adequate functioning of the organism in given
conditions, genetic or environmental” As evident from the
above definitions, health is multidimensional.
Mental Health
Is the ability to learn and think clearly and coherently. E.g., a person
who is not mentally fit (retarded) could not learn something new at
a pace in which an ordinary normal person learns.
Social health
Emotional health
Spiritual Health
Some people relate health with religion; for others it has to do with
personal values, beliefs, principles and ways of achieving mental
satisfaction, in which all are related to their spiritual wellbeing.
Determinants of health
• Determinants of health: Health or ill health is the result of a combination of
different factors. There are different perspectives in expressing the determinants
of health of an individual or a community.
• The health field concept according to the “Health field” concept. There are four
major determinants of health or ill health.
• A. Human Biology Every Human being is made of genes. In addition, there are
factors, which are genetically transmitted from parents to offspring. As a result,
there is a chance of transferring defective trait. The modern medicine does not
have a significant role in these cases.
Determinants of health
a. Genetic Counseling: For instance during marriage parents could be made
aware of their genetic component in order to overcome some risks that
could arise.
Determinants of health
C. Life style (Behavior): is an action that has a specific frequency, duration, and
purpose, whether conscious or unconscious. It is associated with practice. It is
what we do and how we act.
Effecting health of community
Introduction to Public Health