• decreased Hb ( <12gm/dl )
• or both
• Morphological or Wintrobes
• ( based on size of RBC & Hb concentration)
Etiological or Whitby’s classification
Based on cause of anemia
1. Haemorrhagic - due to blood loss.
Acute or Chronic
2. Dietary deficiencies
4. Haemolytic
1.Haemorrhagic Anemia
E.g. deficiency of
1. Vitamin B12,
2. Folic Acid ,
3. Intrinsic Factor
which leads to Megaloblastic Anemia.
2. Dietary deficiencies
2. Total gastrectomy,
3. Intestinal sprue.
3. Abnormal Haemopoiesis/
• It results in Aplastic Anemia .
• (Aplastic - lack of functioning bone marrow )
• It can be
1. Intrinsic Haemolytic Anemia.
c) Erythroblastosis Foetalis
b) Infection – malaria
5. CNS symptoms -
Cerebral hypoxia - lethargy, headache,
restlessness, confusion
tinnitus (ringing in ears)
General clinical features of anemia
6. GIT symptoms - nausea, anorexia, constipation
2. Blood changes
3. Changes in GIT
Increased Erythropoiesis
• RBC’s –
Its counts decreases markedly <1 million/cu mm .
• Deficiency of Intrinsic
• Soreness &
inflammation of tongue
• Loss of appetite
Soreness &
(anorexia) & Diarrhoea
inflammation of tongue
4. Changes in Nervous System
• Sub acute combined degeneration of spinal cord
(in advanced cases demyelination of white fibres
of S. cord affecting dorsal column & later lateral
• Sources of FA
• green vegetables, some fruits, liver & meat.
Causes of Folic Acid deficiency
• Decreased intake
4. Investigation –
S.bilirubin normal
Serum Fe decreases
Total Iron Binding Capacity increases
Iron deficiency anemia
Characteristic features of Fe def.
5. Nails – soft, dry, spoon shaped
• Cause -
below the cell membrane contractile layer of
lipoprotein Spectrin is defective due to genetic
glycolysis defect.
Hereditary Spherocytosis
• Features –
1. RBC’s are very small & spherical, biconcavity lost.
3. Spleenomegaly
3. Kernicterus
Hydrops Fetalis
• Fetus grossly oedematous.
• Treatment –
• Exchange blood transfusion soon after birth
(compatible Rh –ve blood)
Exchange transfusion
• Cause –
• Destruction of fetal RBC’s by Maternal Antibodies
when fetus is Rh+ve
And mother is Rh-ve .
Effects Of Anemia On Circulatory System
• Anemia
• Decreased viscosity