Goatery Report
Goatery Report
Goatery Report
a. Launching 500 new producers including their training, creation of production sheds and
organizing them in to 1 Goatery Producer Company.
b. Establishing business viability of the producer’s collective and making them self-reliant.
c. Strengthen and establish the market linkages both input and output markets including
setting up a community owned Input supply chain by establishing an integrated feed
plant, parent farm, and a centralized marketing cell and brand promotion at latter stage
(not budgeted within this project).
d. Assist farmers in the gradual conversion of their presently unsustainable farming system
s into a more sustainable system
The project aims to produce annually 3.31 MT of goatery live stock in next 3 years with a
sales turnover of Rs. 6.27 corers and create farmer wealth of Rs. 62.70 lacks annually.
Project will be implemented by Tata Trusts,
Tata Trusts have played a pioneering role in transforming traditional ideas of charity and
introducing the concept of philanthropy to make a real difference to communities. Through
a grant-making, direct implementation and co-partnership strategy
The total budget of the project for three years is Rs. 1140 lacks, of which Rs. 494 lack is
proposed as grant from the state government which is 43% of total budget. The Tata Trusts
grant component is Rs. 150 lack which is 13% of the total budget, others component is
Rs. 395 lack which is 35% of the total budget and bank loan and community contribution is
Rs. 99.36 lack which is 9% of the total budget. The producer’s annual income is estimated
assuming normal goatery business.
Vidarbha's economy is primarily agricultural; however the Rural production system is at low
equilibrium in Vidarbha region producing little or no surplus at household. Goatery farming
has significant potential to contribute to farm diversification and intensification. Small-
holder Goatery farming holds promise for work-force diversification as a remunerative
opportunity, particularly for resource poor (landless or marginal land-owning) families. The
main issues addressed shall be: Poverty, Food Security, Unemployment, Migration, Gender
Inequality, Poor/weak economic activity, Institutional deficit in the area, odd cash cycle
Project will establish an innovative approach to include the poorer sections in a modern
business where hitherto poor have been systematically alienated though they have
defining advantage. The model will translate the small-scale family labor unit’s farm-gate
competitiveness to enterprise competitiveness by building robust input-output linkages;
and a farmer-driven institutional support architecture.