SG Session 1
SG Session 1
SG Session 1
Objectives At the end of the session, the participants shall be able to:
Introduction DO: Greet and welcome the participants. Show Raised hands Slides 1-11
slide with session title.
9 minutes
Options for a Priming
Activity - Show of SAY: We are with our Session No.1 which title is
Hands Curriculum Framework Enriching Literacy and
Numeracy Assessment Integration (CFELNAI):
A Test Blueprint
The facilitator will ask
the participants for a
show of hands when
DO: Introduce session objectives, professional
they find the statement
standards covered and key contents.
10 minutes
SHOW: Slide number 12
Accomplished Slides 12-13
Learning Log
Manila Paper
Pentel Pen
Masking tape
60 minutes Abstraction SAY: Before we go further, let’s have this activity Shared insights/ Slides 15-42
using a jamboard, explain the statement examples
“Classroom assessment is vital. Link will be
7 minutes Check for DO: After the presentation of the said template, Shared Slide 43
understanding the facilitator will be asking the participants to feelings/emotions
check their understanding by showing right
thumbs up, thumbs down or left thumbs up
75 minutes APPLICATION SAY: Map out Quarter 3 MELC and literacy and Accomplished Slides 44-45
numeracy related learning competencies utilizing CFELNAI
CFELNAI template and the accomplished learning template/mapped
log in one (1) hour and then share with others competencies
who could give comments for 15 minutes.