Put solution K into burette, pipette 20cm3 or 25cm3 of solution M into titrating flask,
add two drops of p.o.p indicator, titrate solution M against solution K until a colour is
observed. Repeat the peocedures to obtain three more reading and record your result
in tabular form.
(a) (i) ___ cm3 of M required ___cm3of K to reach the end point.
(ii) The colour change was from________to________
(b) Write the chemical equation for the reaction.
(c) Calculate
(i) Number moles of substances H2X per dm3 of solution K.
(ii) Molar mass of substance H2X
(iii) Name the identity of X and its formula
2. You are provided with the following
HH: A solution of 0.13M OF Na2s2o3 (sodium Thiosulphate).
NN: A solution of 2M HCL.
Distilled water
Stop watch
A sheet g white paper marked “x”
(i) Measure 20cm3 solution HH and put into 100cm3 beaker
(ii) Place the beaker containing solution HH on top of letter “x” drawn on sheet of
(iii) Measure 10cm3 g NN, pour into beaker containing HH and immediately start
the stopwatch. Swirl the beaker with control twice
(iv) Look down vertically through the mouth of beaker so as to see the cross at the bottom
of the beaker. Stop the clock when the letter “x” is invisible.
(v) Record the time taken for the letter X to disappear completely.
(vi) Repeate the experiment using the data shown in the following table.
(a) Complete filling the experimental table
(b) What does 1/t represent in experimental table?
(c) Write balanced chemical equation for reaction between HH and NN
(d) How was the factor of concentration varied in experiment?
(e) Plot a graph of volume of solution HH against 1/t
(f) Use the graph you have drawn in (e) above to explain how variation of
concentration affects the rate of chemical reaction.