1. 토셀베이직 기출문제
1. 토셀베이직 기출문제
1. 토셀베이직 기출문제
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear short talks or conversations. You will hear the
talks or conversations TWICE and they will not be printed in your test booklet, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. After you hear each talk or conversation,
read each question and four choices, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D), in your test booklet. Choose
the best answer to each question from the choices and then mark your choice on your answer
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a conversation between two people. You will
hear the conversation TWICE and they will not be printed in your test booklet, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. After you hear each conversation, read
each question and four choices marked (A), (B), (C) and (D), in your test booklet. Choose the
best response to follow the last statement or question in the conversation. Then mark your
choice on your answer sheet.
지시사항: 26번에서 30번까지는 대화를 영어로 듣고 대화의 마지막 말이나 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은
대답을 고르는 문제입니다. 각 대화는 두 번 들려주며 시험지에는 인쇄되어 있지 않습니다. 대화를 들은
후, 시험지의 질문과 (A), (B), (C), (D)로 표시된 보기를 보십시오. 이 보기 가운데에서 대화의 마지막 말
또는 질문에 이어질 가장 알맞은 것을 골라 답안지에 표시하십시오.
26. What's next?
(A) I love carrot. (B) I love fish.
(C) I don't like vegetables. (D) I want to eat chocolate.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will see statements or conversations with incomplete
sentences. Below each question are four choices marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the one
that best completes the sentence and mark your choice on your answer sheet.
지시사항: 1번에서 5번까지는 문장을 완성하는 문제입니다. 불완전한 문장이 포함된 짧은 대화가 문제로
제시되고 문제 아래에는 (A), (B), (C), (D)라고 표시된 4개의 보기가 있습니다. 문장의 빈칸에 들어가기
에 가장 알맞은 것을 골라 답안지에 표시하세요.
1. "Thanks for your _________________."
(A) nurse (B) fun
(C) rain (D) help
Directions: In this part of the test, you will see pictures and incomplete sentences which
describe them. Below each sentence are four choices marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the
one which best completes each sentence, based on each picture. Then mark your choice on
your answer sheet.
지시사항: 6번에서 10번까지는 그림을 보고 문장을 완성하는 문제입니다. 그림과 불완전한 문장이
제시되고, 문제 아래에는 (A), (B), (C), (D)로 표시된 4개의 보기가 있습니다. 그림에 근거하여 문장의
빈칸에 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 것을 골라 답안지에 표시하세요.
The boy is watching __________.
(A) his grandfather
(B) his grandmother
(C) his brother
(D) his mother
The man _________________.
(A) are studying
(B) are playing
(C) is reading
(D) is sleeping
It is a ____________________.
(A) sunny day
(B) rainy day
(C) foggy day
(D) cold day
There is a dog ____________ the house.
(A) in front of
(B) behind
(C) under
(D) over
I ______ have a picnic this weekend.
(A) would like to
(B) will like a
(C) want to had
(D) am going
지시사항: 11번에서 20번까지는 다양한 실용적 읽기자료에 관련된 문제입니다. 각 읽기자료 다음에는
읽기자료에 대한 문제가 제시되고 각 문제 다음에는 (A), (B), (C), (D)로 표시된 4개의 보기가 있습니다.
읽기자료에 진술되었거나 함축된 내용에 근거하여 각 질문에 대한 가장 알맞은 답을 고르세요. 그리고 각
문제에 해당하는 번호를 답안지에서 찾아 선택한 답을 표시하세요.
Directions: Questions 21-30 are based on a variety of reading materials. Each reading material
is followed by questions about it, and below each question are four choices marked (A), (B), (C)
and (D). Choose the best answer to each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in
the passage. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your
Step 1: Draw a map of your home. Show all the doors and windows. Mark two
ways out of every room.
Step 2: Practice getting out. Remember, if there is smoke, stay low and go. Do
not open a door if it is hot.
Step 3: Try another way.
Step 4: Go to your meeting place. A mailbox, a tree or a neighbor's house is a
good meeting place. In an emergency, call 119. Do not go back inside the house.
28. What is the best way to get out of the house when there is smoke?
(A) scream and go back inside the house
(B) climb up to the top window and jump out of it
(C) open all the doors
(D) crawl out the door
A crow was very thirsty and was looking for water. She was flying around and
around but she couldn't see any water. Finally the crow found a pitcher but there
was only a little water in it. It was at the bottom so she could not get the water.
She tried everything to get the water, but it was impossible. So she thought of a
smart plan. She put small rocks into the pitcher, one by one. Each rock she put into
the pitcher made the water go higher and higher. Finally, the water was at the top of
the pitcher and she could drink it! She wasn't thirsty anymore.
This is the end of the TOSEL Basic MODEL TEST. Thank you.