Red Book 10th Edition
Red Book 10th Edition
Red Book 10th Edition
2. About the Red Book............................................................................................................................9
3. Screening, case @nding and prevention principles .........................................................................11
1. Screening............................................................................................................................12
2. Case @nding........................................................................................................................14
3. Preventive activities and advice........................................................................................15
4. Opportunistic versus systematic prevention ...................................................................16
5. Bene@ts and harms of preventive health activities..........................................................17
6. Ethical implications of screening and case @nding .........................................................18
7. Shared decision making ....................................................................................................19
8. Screening and overdiagnosis ............................................................................................20
9. Screening tests of unproven bene@t .................................................................................21
10. Thinking holistically about your patient............................................................................23
4. Structure of the Red Book ................................................................................................................25
5. What's new in the 10th Ed Red Book ...............................................................................................27
6. Development and methodology ......................................................................................................32
7. Cancer ...............................................................................................................................................35
1. Bladder cancer ...................................................................................................................38
2. Breast cancer .....................................................................................................................40
3. Cervical cancer...................................................................................................................47
4. Colorectal cancer ...............................................................................................................52
5. Lung cancer ........................................................................................................................62
6. Oral cancer .........................................................................................................................63
7. Ovarian cancer ...................................................................................................................64
8. Pancreatic cancer ..............................................................................................................65
9. Prostate cancer..................................................................................................................67
10. Skin cancer .........................................................................................................................72
11. Testicular cancer................................................................................................................78
12. Thyroid cancer....................................................................................................................80
8. Cardiovascular..................................................................................................................................82
1. Atrial @brillation ..................................................................................................................84
2. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk ...................................................................................87
3. Kidney .................................................................................................................................95
9. Development and behaviour ......................................................................................................... 101
1. Developmental Delay and Autism .................................................................................. 103
2. Preventive activities in childhood .................................................................................. 108
10. Genetics ......................................................................................................................................... 116
1. Genetics........................................................................................................................... 118
11. Infectious diseases ....................................................................................................................... 125
1. Hepatitis B and C ............................................................................................................ 127
2. Immunisation .................................................................................................................. 135
3. Sexually transmissible infections including HIV ........................................................... 143
12. Injury prevention ............................................................................................................................ 152
1. Bullying and child abuse................................................................................................. 154
2. Elder abuse...................................................................................................................... 158
3. Falls.................................................................................................................................. 161
4. Intimate partner abuse and violence ............................................................................. 167
13. Mental health and substance use ................................................................................................ 172
1. Alcohol............................................................................................................................. 174
2. Anxiety ............................................................................................................................. 179
3. Dementia ......................................................................................................................... 183
4. Depression....................................................................................................................... 193
5. Eating disorders .............................................................................................................. 197
6. Perinatal mental health................................................................................................... 201
7. Gambling ......................................................................................................................... 206
8. Smoking and nicotine vaping ......................................................................................... 210
9. Suicide ............................................................................................................................. 214
14. Metabolic ....................................................................................................................................... 218
1. Coeliac ............................................................................................................................. 220
2. Diabetes........................................................................................................................... 222
3. Nutrition ........................................................................................................................... 228
4. Overweight and obesity .................................................................................................. 232
5. Physical activity .............................................................................................................. 237
6. Thyroid ............................................................................................................................. 243
15. Musculoskeletal disorders............................................................................................................ 246
1. Hip dysplasia ................................................................................................................... 248
2. Osteoporosis ................................................................................................................... 251
3. Scoliosis .......................................................................................................................... 256
16. Reproductive and women’s health................................................................................................ 258
1. Preconception ................................................................................................................. 260
2. First antenatal visit ......................................................................................................... 268
3. During pregnancy ............................................................................................................ 280
4. Interconception ............................................................................................................... 290
5. Perinatal mental health................................................................................................... 295
6. Postmenopause .............................................................................................................. 300
7. Breast cancer .................................................................................................................. 304
8. Cervical cancer................................................................................................................ 311
9. Ovarian cancer ................................................................................................................ 316
17. Miscellaneous................................................................................................................................ 317
1. Frailty ............................................................................................................................... 319
2. Hearing ............................................................................................................................ 323
3. Sleep and sleep-related disorders.................................................................................. 328
4. Oral health ....................................................................................................................... 336
5. Urinary incontinence ....................................................................................................... 341
6. Vision ............................................................................................................................... 346
18. Supplementary material................................................................................................................ 352
1. Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................ 353
2. Disclaimer........................................................................................................................ 356
3. Provided under licence ................................................................................................... 357
19. Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 358
1. Appendix 1 - Methods report.......................................................................................... 360
Table of Abbreviations
Table of Abbreviations
AF Atrial @brillation
ASHM Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine
BP Blood pressure
Table of Abbreviations
CF Cystic @brosis
ECG Electrocardiogram
FH Familial hypercholesterolaemia
Table of Abbreviations
GP General practitioner
Table of Abbreviations
Table of Abbreviations
RANZCOG Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
About the Red Book
About the Red Book
• management of risk factors or disease (eg what medications to use when treating
• activities that are rarely or uncommonly seen in general practice
• advice about travel medicine, for which up-to-date information can be obtained from:
◦ Australian Immunisation Handbook (
◦ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (
◦ World Health Organization (WHO) ( .
1. The Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners (RACGP). General practice health of
the nation 2022. RACGP, 2022 (https://www.racg
[Accessed 16 October 2023].
About the Red Book
Screening is de@ned as ‘the examination of asymptomatic people in order to classify them as likely or
unlikely to have a disease’.1 Screening is undertaken to detect early disease in apparently healthy
individuals. The WHO has produced guidelines for the effectiveness of screening programs.2 These
guidelines, and those of the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK,3 have been kept in mind in the
development of recommendations about screening in the Red Book, as detailed below. Condition
• It should be simple, safe, precise and validated.
• It should be acceptable to the target population.
• The distribution of test values in the target population should be known and a suitable cut-off
level de@ned and agreed.
• There should be an effective treatment for patients identi@ed, with evidence that early
treatment leads to better outcomes.
• There should be an agreed policy on who should be treated and how they should be treated.
• There should be evidence of improved mortality, morbidity or quality of life as a result of
screening, and the bene@ts of screening should outweigh the harm.
• The cost of case @nding (including diagnosis and treatment of patients who are diagnosed)
should be economically balanced in relation to possible expenditure on medical care as a
• Consumers should be informed of the evidence so they can make an informed choice about
participation in screening programs.
A sixth program, the National Lung Cancer Screening Program, will commence in 2025.
1. Morrison AS. Screening. In: Rothman KJ, 4. Department of Health and Aged Care. Population-
Greenland S, Lash TL, editors. Modern based health screening. Australian Government,
epidemiology. 2nd edn. Lippincott-Raven, 1998. 2021 (
2. Principles and practice of screening for disease. ation-based-health-screening) [Accessed 18 May
J R Coll Gen Pract 1968;16(4):318.
3. UK National Health Services. What is screening?
UK National Screening Committee, 2021 (http
[Accessed 16 October 2023].
Case finding
Case finding
Case @nding is the examination of an individual or group suspected of having, or at risk of, a condition.
Case @nding is a targeted approach to identifying conditions in a select group of patients who may or
may not already have symptoms.5
1. 5. Aldrich R, Kemp L, Williams JS, et al. Using
socioeconomic evidence in clinical practice
guidelines. BMJ 2003;327(7426):1283–85.
Preventive activities and advice
1. The Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners (RACGP). Putting prevention into
practice: Guidelines for the implementation of
prevention in the general practice setting. 3rd
edn. RACGP, 2018 (
[Accessed 16 October 2023].
Opportunistic versus systematic prevention
1. Aldrich R, Kemp L, Williams JS, et al. Using 2. The Royal Australian College of General
socioeconomic evidence in clinical practice Practitioners (RACGP). Smoking, nutrition,
guidelines. BMJ 2003;327(7426):1283–85. alcohol, physical activity (SNAP): A population
health guide to behavioural risk factors in general
practice. 2nd edn. RACGP, 2015 (https://www.rac
p) [Accessed 16 October 2023].
Benefits and harms of preventive health activities
Further reading
For further information on the stages of prevention and the social determinants of health
and illness: Putting prevention into practice (
ng-the-basics/about-prevention) | Guidelines for the implementation of prevention in the
general practice setting (Green Book) For further information on reducing patient harms
and avoiding low-value care: First do no harm: A guide to choosing wisely in general
practice (
Ethical implications of screening and case finding
Shared decision making
• available treatment options (including the option of ‘no active treatment’ where it is
• the potential bene@ts of each option
• the potential harms of each option
• the patient’s individual values, preferences and circumstances.11,12
1. The Royal Australian College of General Del Mar C, Hoffmann T, Bakhit M. How can
Practitioners (RACGP). Management of type 2 general practitioners reduce antibiotic prescribing
diabetes: A handbook for general practice. in collaboration with their patients? Aust J Gen
RACGP, 2020 ( Pract 2022;51(1–2):25–30. doi: 10.31128/
hment/41fee8dc-7f97-4f87-9d90-b7af337af778/ AJGP-07-21-6084. [Accessed 16 October 2023].
Management-of-type-2-diabetes-A-handbook-for- Hoffmann TC, Légaré F, Simmons MB, et al.
general-practice.aspx) [Accessed 16 October Shared decision making: What do clinicians need
2023]. to know and why should they bother? Med J Aust
2. Branda M, LeBlanc A, Shah ND, et al. Shared 2014;201(1):35–39. doi: 10.5694/mja14.00002.
decision making for patients with type 2 diabetes: [Accessed 16 October 2023].
A randomized trial in primary care. BMC Health
Serv Res 2013;13:301. doi: 10.1186/
1472-6963-13-301. [Accessed 16 October 2023].
Screening and overdiagnosis
The Royal Australian College of General 2. Wiser Healthcare. What is overdiagnosis.
Practitioners (RACGP). First do no harm: A guide Wiser Healthcare, n.d (https://www.wiserhealthca
to choosing wisely in general practice. RACGP, [Accessed 16
2022 ( October 2023].
do-no-harm/introduction) [Accessed 16 October
Screening tests of unproven benefit
Further reading
For further information on screening tests of unproven bene@t and how GPs can
overcome overdiagnosis:
First do no harm: A guide to choosing wisely in general practice (
Responding to patient request for tests not considered clinically appropriate (https://ww
1. Morrison AS. Screening. In: Rothman KJ, 5. Aldrich R, Kemp L, Williams JS, et al. Using
Greenland S, Lash TL, editors. Modern socioeconomic evidence in clinical practice
epidemiology. 2nd edn. Lippincott-Raven,1998. guidelines. BMJ 2003;327(7426):1283–85.
[Accessed 18 May 2023].
2. Principles and practice of screening for disease.
J R Coll Gen Proact. 1968 Oct;16(4):318. PMCID: 6. The Royal Australian College of General
PMC2236670. Practitioners. Putting prevention into practice:
Guidelines for the implementation of prevention
3. UK National Health Services. What is screening?
in the general practice setting. 3rd edn. 2018 (htt
London: UK National Screening Committee, 2021.
4. Department of Health and Aged Care. Population- l-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-g
based health screening. Australian Government, uidelines/green-book) [Accessed 16 October
2021 ( 2023].
ation-based-health-screening) [Accessed 18 May
Screening tests of unproven benefit
7. The Royal Australian College of General 10. Branda M, LeBlanc A, Shah ND, et al. Shared
Practitioners. Smoking, nutrition, alcohol, physical decision making for patients with type 2 diabetes:
activity (SNAP): A population health guide to A randomized trial in primary care. BMC Health
behavioural risk factors in general practice. 2nd Serv Res 2013;13:301. [Accessed 16 October
edn. 2015 ( 2023].
11. Del Mar C, Hoffmann T, Bakhit M. How can
w-all-racgp-guidelines/snap) [Accessed 16 general practitioners reduce antibiotic prescribing
October 2023].
in collaboration with their patients? Aust J Gen
8. The Royal Australian College of General Pract 2022;51(1–2):25–30. doi: 10.31128/
Practitioners. First do no harm: A guide to AJGP-07-21-6084. [Accessed 16 October 2023].
choosing wisely in general practice. 2022 (http
12. Hoffmann TC, Légaré F, Simmons MB, et al.
s:// Shared decision making: What do clinicians need
to know and why should they bother? Med J Aust
idelines/@rst-do-no-harm/about-@rst-do-no-harm/i 2014;201(1):35–39. [Accessed 16 October 2023].
ntroduction) [Accessed 16 October 2023].
13. Wiser Healthcare. What is overdiagnosis (http
9. The Royal Australian College of General s://
Practitioners. Management of type 2 diabetes: A nosis/) [Accessed 16 October 2023].
handbook for general practice. 2020 (https://ww 14. Nyblade, L., Stockton, M.A., Giger, K. et al. Stigma
87-9d90-b7af337af778/Management-of-type-2-di in health facilities: why it matters and how we can
abetes-A-handbook-for-general-practice.aspx) change it. BMC Med 17, 25 (2019). (https://doi.or
[Accessed 16 October 2023]. g/10.1186/s12916-019-1256-2)
Thinking holistically about your patient
In many cases, people experiencing disadvantage have complex needs and health problems. Social,
psychological, environmental and physical determinants of health impact on a patient’s health. It is
important for GPs to be aware of these factors and impacts in order to tailor their advice appropriately.7
In addition, some groups of people may delay or do not seek healthcare due to stigma, fear of
discrimination or previous negative experiences in the health system.14 Population groups in Australia
who tend to experience disadvantage, barriers to healthcare access, discrimination and stigma include:
It is important that GPs discuss with individual patients their social situation and know local services in
their area they can refer patients to for assistance.7
LGBTIQA+ people
GPs have a signi@cant role to play in respecting and acknowledging those who are transgender and/or
non-binary through the use of correct names and pronouns and providing gender-alrming healthcare.
The terminology in this clinical guideline refects the clinical research which is focused on cisgender
people. The RACGP acknowledges further research is needed in the area of LGBTIQA+ healthcare, and
future editions will be continue to be updated to refect emerging evidence. Where there is evidence for
speci@c population groups, it is included within chapters under the Considerations for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples and Speci@c populations headings.
Thinking holistically about your patient
Further reading
The Royal Australian College of General 2. Nyblade L, Stockton MA, Giger K, et al. Stigma
Practitioners (RACGP). Smoking, nutrition, in health facilities: Why it matters and how we
alcohol, physical activity (SNAP): A population can change it. BMC Med 2019;17:25. doi:
health guide to behavioural risk factors in general 10.1186/s12916-019-1256-2. [Accessed 16
practice. 2nd edn. RACGP, 2015 (https://www.rac October 2023].
[Accessed 16 October 2023].
Structure of the Red Book
1 Lifecycle chart, screening and case Lnding age bars (pending) Use the lifecycle chart to quickly
check which activities should be performed according to your patient’s age group. Similarly, the
age bar in each topic highlights which age groups the speci@c topic recommendations apply to.
2 Prevalence and context of the condition/phase Read this section to understand the prevalence
of the disease/s, condition/s or phase in the Australian population.
Further information on the process and recommendation grade levels is available in the
Methodology (
odology) (
view-all-racgp-guidelines/preventive-activities-in-general-practice/methodology) section.
Structure of the Red Book
4 Further information Drop down to this section to read more information about the topic,
including justi@cations for the recommendations made in the table.
5 Considerations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples Check this section if your
patient is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Links to relevant recommendations in the National
guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (3rd
edition) (
ew-all-racgp-guidelines/national-guide/acknowledgements) are provided if there are additional
activities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
6 SpeciLc populations Read this section to check for population groups that require a different
approach to screening, case @nding and prevention.
7 Resources
Refer to this section if you would like more information about the speci@c topic from RACGP
guidelines or other recommended resources.
Further reading
For improving and monitoring the quality and safety of health services: Standards for
general practices (5th edition) (
dards/standards-5th-edition/standards-for-general-practices-5th-ed-1) (the Standards).
What's new in the 10th Ed Red Book
s-in-general-practice/methodology) ’ section.
Topic format
The format for the topics has been revised and standardised using a prescribed template with word
limits to ensure chapters are concise and uniform. Each topic now includes standardised subheadings
to ensure GPs and other health professionals can quickly @nd the information they need.
Topic changes
New topics included for the @rst time in this 10th edition of the Red book are highlighted in red:
Lifecycle chart
What's new in the 10th Ed Red Book
Infectious diseases
Injury prevention
What's new in the 10th Ed Red Book
Mental health
Depression Psychosocial
Suicide Psychosocial
What's new in the 10th Ed Red Book
Musculoskeletal disorders
Osteoporosis Osteoporosis
Women’s health
What's new in the 10th Ed Red Book
AThese topics in the 9th edition were combined into an overarching cardiovascular disease risk
BIncorporated from the 9th edition.
Development and methodology
Where no source recommendations were available, advice was sought from clinical leads for each topic
about possible landmark studies, or whether any trials were underway, and targeted literature searches
may have been undertaken where necessary. Where evidence was identi@ed, it was assessed and de
novo recommendations were developed if appropriate.
Development and methodology
Recommendation Description
Not recommended (Strong) Denotes strong con@dence that the harms of an intervention clearly
outweigh the bene@ts
Conditionally recommended Denotes uncertainty over the balance of bene@ts (e.g. when the
evidence quality is low or very low or when personal preferences or
costs are expected to impact the decision) and, as such, refers to
decisions where consideration of personal preferences is essential
for decision making
Development and methodology
Recommendation Description
Generally not recommended Denotes uncertainty over the balance of harms (e.g. when the
evidence quality is low or very low or when personal preferences or
costs are expected to impact the decision) and, as such, refers to
decisions where consideration of personal preferences is essential
for decision making
Practice points Used to address important aspects of care that are not addressed
by relevant source guidelines, or where evidence is lacking.
These were developed by consensus of the Red book working
groups or Executive Committee
1. GRADE. Welcome to the GRADE working group. 2. Schünemann H. Criteria for applying or using
GRADE, 2023 (https://www.gradeworkinggroup.or GRADE. GRADE working group, 2016 (https://ww
g/) [Accessed 16 October 2023].
g_GRADE_2016-04-05.pdf) [Accessed 16 October
Development and methodology
Development and methodology
Development and methodology
esticular-cancer) Thyroid cancer (
Bladder cancer
Bladder cancer
Table of recommendations
Screening for bladder cancer in asymptomatic adults Not N/A
is not recommended because there is insulcient recommended
evidence to assess the balance of bene@ts and harms. (Strong)
Further information
In 2011, the US Preventive Services Task Force found that there is inadequate evidence that treatment
of bladder cancer detected from screening leads to lowered rates of morbidity and mortality, and
similarly a lack of evidence regarding the harms of screening for bladder cancer.3
Bladder cancer
Cancer Council. Types of cancer: Bladder cancer. 3. US Preventive Services Task Force. Bladder
Cancer Council, 2023 (https://www.cance cancer in Adults: Screening. USPSTF, 2011 (http s://
der-cancer) [Accessed 2 November 2023]. f/recommendation/bladder-cancer-in-adults-scre
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2023. ening) [Accessed 4 April 2024].
Cancer data in Australia: Cancer incidence by age
visualisation. AIHW, 2023 (https://www.aih
n) [Accessed 28 March 2024].
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44* 45–49* 50–54 55–59 60–64 65-69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
*Case @nding
An assessment should be undertaken to understand a patient’s individual degree of risk (see Table 1) in
order to provide evidence-based guidance for preventive activities. Breast cancer risk is not normally
distributed: most women have a low (<4%) lifetime risk.2
Risk in Approximately 1.5 Approximately 1.5–3 More than threefold times the
relation to times the times the population population average
the population average average Individual risk may be higher or
population lower if genetic test results are
average known
Lifetime Between 9% and Between 12% and 25% Between 25% and 50%
prevalence 12.5%
of breast
cancer up
to age 75
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
of the
There are multiple risk factors for breast cancer (genetic, hormonal, lifestyle and environmental).3
However, BreastScreen, Australia’s national breast cancer screening program, focuses on age, inviting
all Australian women aged between 50 and 74 years for biennial mammographic screening. Women are
able to self-refer for biennial mammographic screening in BreastScreen from the age of 40 years.
Clinicians have an important role in identifying people with a strong family history of breast cancer, as
well as other cancers, associated with high-risk genetic variants (eg in BRCA1 and BRCA2) and offering
referral to a familial cancer service. The Genetics (
tics/genetic-screening) chapter provides further information on family history and the use of the family
history questionnaire.
Table of recommendations
Women at average risk or slightly higher than average Conditionally Every 2
risk of breast cancer should participate in recommended years
mammographic screening from ages 50 to 74 years
as part of the national BreastScreen program.
Screening by mammography is not recommended in Generally not N/A
women aged ≥75 years due to insulcient evidence to recommended
assess the balance of bene@ts and harms.
Clinical breast examination for breast cancer Generally not N/A
screening of average risk women in general practice is recommended
not recommended.
Do not use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a Not N/A
stand-alone screening test for women at average risk recommended
of breast cancer. (strong)
Breast cancer
Case ?nding
Counsel all women that the following are associated Practice point N/A
with lower breast cancer risk:
• physical activity
• maintaining a normal body mass index (for
postmenopausal breast cancer)
• minimising alcohol consumption
• having children
• breastfeeding
It is recommended that all women, whether or not they Practice point N/A
undergo mammographic screening, are aware of how
their breasts normally look and feel, and promptly
report any new or unusual changes (such as a lump,
nipple changes, nipple discharge, change in skin
colour, skin texture, pain in a breast) to their GP. No
one method for women to use when checking their
breasts is recommended over another.
Breast cancer
Further information
For asymptomatic, average-risk women, BreastScreen Australia recommends screening mammograms
every two years for women aged 50–74 years and actively recalls women in this age bracket.2 However
women at average risk may choose to commence mammography through BreastScreen from the age
of 40 years.
For women at moderate risk, annual mammograms from age 40 years may be recommended. Annual
mammograms are not recommended for women with a single relative diagnosed at age >50 years,
because there is no clear evidence of bene@t.10
Ongoing surveillance strategies for women at high risk of breast cancer may include imaging with MRI.
There is controversy on how to screen women with dense breasts. The current evidence is insulcient
to assess the balance of bene@ts and harms of supplemental screening for breast cancer using breast
ultrasound or MRI in women identi@ed to have dense breasts on an otherwise negative screening
Thermography is associated with high false-positive and false-negative rates and is not recommended
as a screening modality. Polygenic risk scores to determine breast cancer risk may have a role in the
future, but are not currently recommended in general practice.
A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based breast cancer risk assessment test should only be
undertaken after an in‐depth discussion led by a clinical professional familiar with the implications of
genetic risk assessment and testing, including the potential insurance implications. Genetic testing
should be offered only with pre- and post-test counselling to discuss the limitations, potential bene@ts
and possible consequences.14
Estimated risks for factors for which there is sulciently strong evidence of an association with risk of
breast cancer (ie factors for which the body of evidence was classi@ed as either ‘Convincing’ or
‘Probable’, are summarised in table 5.2 of the 2018 Cancer Australia publication Risk factors for breast
cancer: A review of the evidence.15
Breast cancer
Speci?c populations
For women at potentially high risk or carrying a mutation, offer referral to a familial cancer clinic for
risk assessment, possible genetic testing and a risk reduction management plan.
Individualised surveillance and risk reduction plan, including consideration of associated risks for other
cancers (eg ovarian), may include:
• regular clinical breast examination and annual breast imaging with mammography, MRI or
• chemoprevention with selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs; eg tamoxifen or
raloxifene) or aromatase inhibitors (eg exemestane and anastrozole)16
• mastectomy and/or salpingo-oophorectomy.
iPrevent ( is a validated tool to help in the assessment of breast
cancer risk.
Cancer Australia. Breast cancer –in Australia 4. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).
statistics. Australian Government, 2024 (http://w Breast cancer: Screening. USPSTF, 2023 (http://w
ancer/statistics#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20it%2 ft-recommendation/breast-cancer-screening-adul
0is%20estimated,or%2013%25%20for%20female ts#fullrecommendationstart) [Accessed 19 May
[Accessed 21 February 2024]. 2023].
Department of Health and Aged Care. 5. Cancer Australia. Early detection of breast
BreastScreen Australia program. Australian cancer. (
Government, 2024 ( rces/position-statements/early-detection-breast-
our-work/breastscreen-australia-program) cancer) [Position statement] Australian
21 February 2024]. Government, 2015 [Accessed 16 May 2023].
Cancer Australia. Breast cancer: The risk factors.
Australian Government, 2024 (http://ww [Accessed
February 2024].
Breast cancer
Cancer Council. Magnetic resonance imaging Henderson JT, Webber, EM, Weyrich M, Miller M,
screening in high-risk women. In: Screening: Melnikow J. Screening for breast cancer: A
Breast cancer prevention policy. Cancer Council, comparative effectiveness review for the U.S.
2014 ( Preventive Services Task Force. Evidence
and-advocacy/prevention-policy/national-cancer- synthesis no. 231. Agency for Healthcare
prevention-policy/breast-cancer/screening#magn Research and Quality, 2023. [Accessed 16 May
etic) [Accessed 16 May 2023]. 2023].
Cancer Council. Thermography. In: Screening Trentham-Dietz A, Chapman CH, Jinani J, et al.
breast cancer prevention policy. Cancer Council, Breast cancer screening with mammography: An
2014 ( updated decision analysis for the U.S. Preventive
and-advocacy/prevention-policy/national-cancer- Services Task Force. Agency for Healthcare
prevention-policy/breast-cancer/screening#therm Research and Quality, 2023.
ography) [Accessed 16 May 2023]. [Accessed 16 May 2023].
Cancer Australia. Statement on use of The Royal Australian College of General
thermography to detect breast cancer. Australian Practitioners (RACGP). Genomics in general
Government, 2010 (http://www.canceraustralia.g practice. RACGP, 2022 ( u/getattachment/a7b97d5a-5b5f-4d4b-ab3b-efa9
use-thermography-detect-breast-cancer) c08b1d6d/Genomics-in-general-practice.aspx)
[Accessed 16 May 2023]. [Accessed 22 February 2024].
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of 15. Cancer Australia. Risk factors for breast
Radiologists (RANZCR). Policy on use of cancer: A review of the evidence 2018. Australian
thermography to detect breast cancer. RANZCR, Government, 2018 (http://www.canceraustralia.g
2018 (
ibrary/policy-on-the-use-of-thermography-to-detec a-publications/risk-factors-breast-cancer-review-e
breast-cancer?searchword=thermography) vidence-2018) [Accessed 16 May 2023].
[Accessed 16 May 2023].
16. Cancer Australia. Risk-reducing medication
Cancer Australia. Advice about familial aspects of for women at increased risk of breast cancer due
breast cancer and epithelial ovarian cancer. to family history. Australian Government, 2018 (ht
Australian Government, 2015 (http://ww tp:// d-resources/cancer-australia-publications/risk-re
ces/cancer-australia-publications/advice-about-f ducing-medication-women-increased-risk-breast-
amilial-aspects-breast-cancer-and-epithelial-ovari cancer-due-family-history) [Accessed 16 May
an-cancer) [Accessed 12 December 2023]. 2023].
11. Cancer Australia. MRI for high risk women.
Australian Government, n.d (http://www.cancerau
men) [Accessed 16 May 2023].
Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer
0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 ≥80
Under-screened women remain the most likely to develop cervical cancer. The main burden of cervical
cancer is in developing countries without screening programs or human papillomavirus (HPV)
The introduction of HPV vaccination in Australia has been instrumental in reducing HPV infection and
has placed Australia on track to reach the elimination of cervical cancer targets of 90:70:90
(vaccination: 90% of girls fully vaccinated with the HPV vaccine by age 15 years; screening: 70% of
women screened using a high-performance test by age 35 years, and again by age 45 years; treatment:
90% of women identi@ed with cervical disease receive treatment) by 2030.2 GPs play an important role
in achieving these targets by providing vaccination and encouraging participation in the cervical cancer
screening program to ensure early detection. Population level targets are beyond the scope of the Red
Book, which focuses on recommendations that can be implemented in practice.
Table of recommendations
Cervical screening is not recommended in women Screening not N/A
under the age of 25 years. recommended
Cervical cancer
Evidence does not support screening for women aged Practice point N/A 3
Women and people with a cervix who have ever had Recommended Every 3
sexual contact aged between 25-74 years of age and (strong) @ve
are eligible for screening should have a HPV years.
screening test for cervical cancer. This can be on a
self-collected vaginal sample or on a clinician-
collected sample.
Women who are 75 years or older who have never had Practice point N/A
a cervical screening test or have not had one in the
previous @ve years, may request a test and can be
screened. The sample can be clinician-collected or
self-collected, according to the woman’s choice.
Administer one dose of the 9vHPV vaccine in Recommended From
immunocompetent adolescents and young adults (strong) age 9 to
from nine years of age and ensure catch up 26 years
vaccination up to 26 years. For more information,
refer to the Australian immunisation handbook (http
Cervical cancer
Administering the HPV vaccine in adults aged ≥26 Generally not N/A 4
Further information
• A short course of topical oestrogen therapy could be considered in postmenopausal women,
people experiencing vaginal dryness, or trans men, prior to collecting the sample – for
example, daily for at least 2 weeks, ceasing 1–2 days prior to the appointment. The reason for
this should be explained (to reduce discomfort from the speculum and to improve the
diagnostic accuracy of any associated liquid-based cytology [LBC]).3
• When deciding whether to choose self-collection or clinician collection, people must be given
clear information by the supervising healthcare professional about the likelihood that HPV may
be detected and, if so, what follow-up will be required. If a person chooses self-collection, the
healthcare professional should provide information about how to collect the sample and how
they will receive the test results.3
• Cervical screening on a self-collected vaginal sample needs to be ordered and overseen by a
healthcare professional.* For details of self-collection, refer to the section on self-collected
vaginal samples in the National Cervical Screening Program: Guidelines for the management of
screen-detected abnormalities, screening in speciFc populations and investigation of abnormal
vaginal bleeding (
screening/management-of-oncogenic-hpv-test-results/self-collected-vaginal-samples) .3
• When follow-up HPV testing is required after an initial positive oncogenic HPV test result, the
sample may be self-collected or collected by a clinician. The woman’s healthcare professional
should advise the woman of the follow-up that will be recommended if HPV is detected and
explain that a clinician-collected sample allows for refex LBC to be performed on the same
sample. This potentially avoids the need for an additional visit to collect a cervical sample for
LBC. HPV testing is not repeated on the clinician-collected sample in this circumstance.3
• Among those attending for a routine screening test, approximately 2% have HPV16/18
detected and approximately 6% have HPV (not 16/18) detected, although the latter varies by
*Only doctors and nurse practitioners can sign the pathology request for tests under current Medicare
Bene@ts Schedule (MBS) rules.
Cervical cancer
Speci?c populations
Screening in pregnancy5
• Routine antenatal and postpartum care should include a review of the woman’s cervical
screening history. Women who are due or overdue for screening should be screened.
• A woman can be safely screened at any time during pregnancy, provided that the correct
sampling equipment is used. An endocervical brush should not be inserted into the cervical
canal because of the risk of associated bleeding, which may distress women.
• All women who are due for cervical screening during pregnancy may be offered the option of
self-collection of a vaginal swab for HPV testing, after counselling by a healthcare professional
about the small risk of bleeding. Women testing positive for HPV (not 16/18) on a self-
collected sample should be advised to return so that a cervical sample for LBC can be
collected by the healthcare provider.
• For other speci@c populations, refer to the National Cervical Screening Program: Guidelines for
the management of screen-detected abnormalities, screening in speciFc populations and
investigation of abnormal vaginal bleeding (
cal-cancer/cervical-cancer-screening) .
National Cervical Screening Program: Guidelines for the management of screen-detected abnormalities,
screening in speciFc populations and investigation of abnormal vaginal bleeding (https://www.cancer.or .
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Cancer 3. Cancer Council Australia. National Cervical
data in Australia. Cat. no. CAN 122. AIHW, 2023 Screening Program: Guidelines for the
( management of screen-detected abnormalities,
ancer-data-in-australia) [Accessed 16 May 2022]. screening in speci@c populations and
Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical investigation of abnormal vaginal bleeding.
Cancer. National strategy for the elimination of Cancer Council Australia, 2022 (https://www.canc
cervical cancer in Australia: A pathway to achieve
equitable elimination of cervical cancer as a cal-cancer-screening) [Accessed 8 April 2024].
public health problem by 2035. Department of
Health and Aged Care, 2023 (https://www.healt
tralia.pdf) [Accessed 8 April 2024].
Cervical cancer
Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer
0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 ≥80
Colorectal cancer screening using the immunochemical faecal occult blood test (iFOBT) is highly cost
effective. The current National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (
national-bowel-cancer-screening-program) (NBCSP) sends iFOBT tests to people aged 50–74 years
every 2 years. Participation in the NBSCP in 2020–21 is only 41%2 and general practice plays an
important role in identifying those who are under-screened and in endorsing the NBCSP.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) endorsed an update to the Clinical
practice guidelines for the prevention, early detection and management of colorectal cancer (https://ww in September 2023, which included
a recommendation to commence iFOBT screening for the general (average risk) population from age 45
years. Currently, the NBCSP will continue to send iFOBT kits to people aged 50–74 years.
Due to the potential harms of colonoscopy and additional costs to the health system of this procedure,
colonoscopy is only recommended as a screening test for people who are at least at moderate risk of
colorectal cancer.3
Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer
Table of recommendations
Colonoscopy is not generally recommended for Generally not N/A
screening people at average or slightly increased recommended
risk according to their family history.
Case ?nding
For people at moderately increased risk of Conditionally Colonoscopy
colorectal cancer: recommended every 5
• colonoscopy should be offered every 5 years
years starting at 10 years younger than
the earliest age of diagnosis of colorectal
cancer in a @rst-degree relative or age 50
years, whichever is earlier, to age 74
For people at potentially higher risk of colorectal Conditionally Colonoscopy
cancer, where Lynch syndrome has been excluded: recommended every 5
• colonoscopy should be offered every 5 years
years starting at 10 years younger than
the earliest age of diagnosis of colorectal
cancer in a @rst-degree relative or age 40
years, whichever is earlier, to age 74
Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer
Counsel all patients that the following are Practice point N/A 11
Further information
Colonoscopy is not recommended as a screening test for people at average risk of colorectal cancer;
despite this, colonoscopy is common in high socioeconomic areas.3
Colonoscopy has indirect and direct harms including, rarely, death from the procedure (one in
10,000–14,000 colonoscopies). Harm may be caused by the bowel cleanout prior to the procedure (eg
dehydration, electrolyte imbalances), sedation used during the procedure (eg cardiovascular events), or
the procedure itself (eg colonic perforations, bleeding).4,12,13
General practice can play an important role in increasing participation in the NBCSP.10,11,14,15 Identifying
those who are under-screened when they consult, potentially using information accessed via the
National Cancer Screening Register, is an important element of this. The implementation of the
Alternative Access Model means that GPs can provide NBCSP kits to all eligible patients, including their
under-screened patients, as a key strategy to increase participation in bowel cancer screening.
Additional ways to increase screening participation include GP endorsement messages before the
NBCSP kit arrives (by SMS or letter), addressing individual patient concerns and barriers to screening,
and establishing recall and reminder systems.
Until a decision is reached by the NBCSP in relation to the recommendation to commence iFOBT
screening from age 45 years, GPs can order an iFOBT as a screening test for people aged 45–50 years
through their pathology provider.
Colorectal cancer
Aspirin use
Chemoprevention trials for calcium, some vitamin supplementation, selenium and statins, have
provided mixed evidence of bene@t. The strong evidence for bene@t has emerged from observational
studies of exposure to nonsteroidal anti-infammatory drugs, especially aspirin.10
Results from randomised controlled trials about the use of aspirin in the primary and secondary
prevention of colorectal cancer and adenomas are now available and point to a similar bene@t to that
associated with screening by colonoscopy in people aged <70 years.10 Aspirin is an affordable and
accessible option, and has other bene@ts such as cardiovascular protective effects, and relatively no
signi@cant side effects, although these side effects increase with age.10 It is important to note that the
bene@ts for aspirin in cancer prevention become apparent after a latency period of 10 years, and it is
less studied in older people, especially women.10
For further speci@c recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, please refer to
the National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,
Chapter 15: Prevention and early detection of cancer – Prevention and early detection of colorectal
(bowel) cancer (
nd-early-detection-of-colorectal-(bowe) .
Colorectal cancer (
ys/I-PACED_colorectal_resource_card_online.pdf) : A resource card for general practitioners, Optimal
Care Pathways, I-PACED (Implementing Pathways for Cancer Early Diagnosis) resources | Cancer
Council Victoria
Colorectal cancer
Cancer Australia. Bowel cancer: Bowel cancer 9. Cancer Institute NSW eviQ. Colorectal cancer
(colorectal cancer) in Australia statistics. Cancer or polyposis – Referring to genetics. Cancer
Australia, 2022 (https://www.canceraustralia.go Institute NSW eviQ, 2022 (
au/cancer-types/bowel-cancer/statistics) cancer-genetics/referral-guidelines/657-colorecta
[Accessed 27 June 2023]. l-cancer-or-polyposis-referring-to) [Accessed 27
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Cancer June 2023].
screening programs: Quarterly data. AIHW, 2023 10. Cancer Council Australia. Clinical practice
( cer- guidelines for the prevention, early detection and
screening/national-cancer-screening-program management of colorectal cancer. 2.1.2
participation/contents/national-bowel-cancer-s Chemopreventive candidate agents. Cancer
creening-program/participation) [Accessed 27 Council Australia, 2023 (https://app.magicapp.or
June 2023]. g/#/guideline/noPKwE/section/Lwre0X)
Cancer Council Australia. Clinical practice [Accessed 31 October 2023].
guidelines for the prevention, early detection and 11. World Cancer Research Fund, American
management of colorectal cancer. Cancer Council Institute for Cancer Research. Continuous update
Australia, 2023 ( u/ project expert report 2018. Diet, nutrition,
clinical-guidelines/bowel-cancer/colorectal-can physical activity and colorectal cancer. WCRF,
cer) [Accessed 31 October 2023]. AICR, 2018 (
Emery JD, Pirotta M, Macrae F, et al. ‘Why don’t I oads/2021/02/Colorectal-cancer-report.pdf)
need a colonoscopy?’ A novel approach to [Accessed 8 April 2024].
communicating risks and benefits of colorectal Lew J-B, St John DJB, Macrae FA, et al.
cancer screening. Aust J Gen Pract Evaluation of the benefits, harms and cost-
2018;47(6):343–49. doi: 10.31128/ effectiveness of potential alternatives to iFOBT
AJGP-11-17-4386. [Accessed 31 October 2023]. testing for colorectal cancer screening in
Cancer Council Australia. Clinical practice Australia. Int J Cancer 2018;143(2):269–82.
guidelines for the prevention, early detection and [Accessed 8 April 2024].
management of colorectal cancer. 5. Summary of Australian Commission on Safety and Quality
recommendations for population screening. in Health Care. Third Australian atlas of
Cancer Council Australia, 2023 (https://app.magi healthcare variation. 2.1 Colonoscopy hospitalisations, all ages. ACSQHC, 2018 (htt
[Accessed 31 October 2023]. p://
Cancer Council Australia. Clinical practice care-variation/third-atlas-2018/atlas-2018-2-gastr
guidelines for the prevention, early detection and ointestinal-investigations-and-treatments/21-colo
management of colorectal cancer. 5. Summary of noscopy-hospitalisations-all-ages) [Accessed 27
recommendations for risk and screening based June 2023].
on family history. Cancer Council Australia, 2023 14. Department of Health and Aged Care.
( Alternative access to bowel screening kits
ction/LpRPN0) [Accessed 31 October 2023]. training guide. Department of Health and Aged
Viiala CH, Zimmerman M, Cullen DJE, Hoffman Care, 2024 (
NE. Complication rates of colonoscopy in an ational-bowel-cancer-screening-program/alternati
Australian teaching hospital environment. Intern ve-access-to-bowel-screening-kits-for-healthcare-
Med J 2003;33(8):355–59. [Accessed 31 October providers/guide) [Accessed 27 June 2023].
2023]. 15. Trevena LJ, Meiser B, Mills L, et al. Which test
Rabeneck L, Paszat LF, Hilsden RJ, et al. Bleeding is best? A cluster-randomized controlled trial of a
and perforation after outpatient colonoscopy and risk calculator and recommendations on
their risk factors in usual clinical practice. colorectal cancer screening behaviour in general
Gastroenterology practice. Public Health Genomics;4:1–16. doi:
2008;135(6):1899–906, 906 e1. [Accessed 31 10.1159/000526628. Epub ahead of print. PMID:
October 2023]. 36195055. [Accessed 27 June 2023].
Colorectal cancer
Lung cancer
Lung cancer
Further information
On 2 May 2023, the Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Mark Butler MP, announced Federal
Government investment of $263.8 million from 2023 to 2024 to implement a National Lung Cancer
Screening Program, for commencement by July 2025. This chapter will be updated when the program
1. Cancer Council. Lung cancer. Cancer Council,
2023 (
tion/types-of-cancer/lung-cancer) [Accessed 2
November 2023].
Oral cancer
Oral cancer
Table of recommendations
Screening for oral cancer in asymptomatic adults is Not N/A
not recommended because there is insulcient recommended
evidence to assess the balance of bene@ts and harms. (Strong)
Further information
In 2013, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) found that there is inadequate evidence for
the accuracy of diagnosis, bene@ts and harms of screening for oral cancer.2
1. Cancer Council. Mouth cancer. Australia: Cancer 2. US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).
Council, 2023 ( Oral cancer: Screening. USPSTF, 2013 (https://ww
[Accessed 3 November 2023]. mmendation/oral-cancer-screening) [Accessed
17 January 2024].
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer
Table of recommendations
Screening for ovarian cancer in asymptomatic women Not N/A
is not recommended. recommended
Further information
In 2019, Cancer Australia found that there is currently no evidence available that screening for ovarian
cancer results in reduced mortality for women.2
1. Cancer Council. Ovarian cancer. Australia: Cancer 2. Cancer Australia. Testing for ovarian cancer in
Council, 2023 ( asymptomatic women. Australia: Cancer
information/types-of-cancer/ovarian-cancer) Australia, 2019 (https://www.canceraustralia.go
[Accessed 3 November 2023].
n) [Accessed 3 November 2023].
Pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Table of recommendations
Recommendation Grade References
Screening for pancreatic cancer in asymptomatic Not N/A
adults is not recommended. recommended
Further information
In 2019, the US Preventive Services Task Force found that there are currently no accurate or validated
biomarkers for early detection of pancreatic cancer.2
Speci?c populations
People with a strong family history of pancreatic cancer should be referred to a familial cancer service,
geneticist or oncologist for possible genetic testing.3
Pancreatic cancer
Cancer Council. Types of cancer: Pancreatic 3. Cancer Council Victoria and Department of
cancer. Cancer Council, 2023 (https://www.cance Health Victoria. Optimal care pathway for people with pancreatic cancer. 2nd edn, Cancer Council
creatic-cancer) [Accessed 3 November 2023]. Victoria, 2021 (
US Preventive Services Task Force. Pancreatic s/pdf/pancreatic-cancer-optimal-cancer-care-pat
cancer: Screening. Final recommendation hway) [Accessed 7 April 2024].
statement. USPSTF, 2019 (https://www.usprevent
n/pancreatic-cancer-screening) [Accessed 7 April
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer
0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
National population screening for prostate cancer is not recommended in Australia, nor in the United
States or Europe. Instead, Australian and international guidelines emphasise the need for men to be
given the opportunity to discuss the potential bene@ts and harms of prostate-speci@c antigen (PSA)
testing before deciding whether to be tested. Despite advances in diagnostic techniques, the risk of
overdiagnosis remains substantial and may lead to treatment for men who may never have become
symptomatic in their lifetime.3
DeLnition Men without family Men with a brother or Men with three affected
history multiple @rst-degree @rst-degree relatives
relatives diagnosed with diagnosed with prostate
prostate cancer cancer
Prostate cancer
Table of recommendations
Offer men the opportunity to discuss the potential Practice point N/A
bene@ts and harms of PSA testing as a screening test
for prostate cancer. Evidence-based decision support
tools can assist in this discussion.
For men aged 50–69 years at average* risk of prostate Conditionally Every
cancer who have been informed of the bene@ts and recommended two
harms of testing and who decide to undergo regular years
testing for prostate cancer, offer PSA testing every 2
years, and offer further investigation if total PSA is
greater than 3.0 ng/mL.
For men at moderately raised risk* of prostate cancer Conditionally Every
due to family history, offer testing every 2 years from recommended two
age 45 to 69 years. years
For men at high risk* of prostate cancer due to family Conditionally Every
history, offer testing every 2 years from age 40 to 69 recommended two
years. years
For men aged 50–69 years with initial total PSA >3.0 Practice point N/A
ng/mL, offer repeat PSA within 1–3 months. For those
with initial total PSA >3.0 ng/mL and up to 5.5 ng/mL,
measure free-to-total PSA percentage at the same
time as repeating the total PSA.
Advise men aged ≥70 years who have been informed Practice point N/A
of the bene@ts and harms of testing and who wish to
start or continue regular testing that the harms of PSA
testing may be greater than the bene@ts of testing in
men of their age.
Prostate cancer
Case ?nding
PSA testing in men who are likely to live less than Testing not N/A 3
Further information
The use of decision aids is recommended to help men make an informed choice about PSA testing. The
RACGP is updating its Should I have prostate cancer screening? (
decision aid to assist this discussion between GPs and their patients.
Longer term follow-up from the large European Randomized study of Screening for Prostate Cancer
(ERSPC) trial has provided new estimates of bene@t from PSA testing with a number needed to screen
of 246 to prevent one prostate cancer death at 21 years’ follow-up.5
Changes in urological practice, including use of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
transperineal biopsy and active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer aim to reduce the harms of
overdiagnosis and overtreatment from PSA testing. Multiparametric MRI is more accurate at
diagnosing clinically signi@cant prostate cancers than trans-rectal ultrasound-guided biopsy and is
recommended in international guidelines as the next step along the diagnostic assessment in men with
raised PSA.6,7 This approach reduces the proportion of men with a raised PSA who require biopsy and
exposure to the potential harms of the procedure, and also reduces the diagnosis of clinically
insigni@cant disease.
Prostate cancer
Refer to the National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people, Chapter 15: Prevention and early detection of cancer (
ion-and-early-detection-of-cance/early-detection-of-prostate-cancer) – Early detection of prostate
Speci?c populations
Men of African ancestry are at increased risk of prostate cancer but neither Australian nor US
guidelines make speci@c recommendations about PSA testing in this population.3,4 This increased risk
should be considered as part of shared decision making.
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 4. US Preventive Services Task Force. Prostate
Cancer. AIHW, 2022 ( cancer: Screening. Final recommendation
orts/australias-health/cancer) [Accessed 19 May statement. USPSTF, 2018 (https://www.usprevent
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Cancer n/prostate-cancer-screening) [Accessed 7 April
data in Australia: Prostate cancer –Projection 2024].
method changes, updated long-term prostate 5. de Vos II, Meertens A, Hogenhout R, Remmers
cancer incidence projection. AIHW, 2023 (http:// S, Roobol MJ; ERSPC Rotterdam Study Group. A ata-in- detailed evaluation of the effect of prostate-
australia/contents/cancer-data-commentar ies/ speci@c antigen-based screening on morbidity
prostate-cancer-projection-method-changes-u and mortality of prostate cancer: 21-year follow-
pdated) [Accessed 18 October 2023] up results of the Rotterdam Section of the
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia; Cancer European Randomised Study of Screening for
Council Australia. PSA testing and early Prostate Cancer. Eur Urol 2023;84(4):426–34. doi:
management of test-detected prostate cancer: 10.1016/j.eururo.2023.03.016. [Accessed 7 April
Clinical practice guidelines. Cancer Council 2024].
Australia (
elines/prostate-cancer/psa-testing) [Accessed 23
May 2023].
Prostate cancer
6. European Association of Urology; European 7. National Institute for Health Care and
Association of Nuclear Medicine; European Excellence. Prostate cancer: Diagnosis and
Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology; European management. NICE guideline (NG131). NICE,
Society of Urogenital Radiology; International 2019, update 2021 (
Society of Urological Pathology; International nce/ng131/chapter/recommendations)
Society of Geriatric Oncology. [Accessed 7 April 2024].
guidelines on prostate cancer. EAU, 2024 (http
er/introduction) [Accessed 7 April 2024].
Skin cancer
Skin cancer
0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 ≥80
Keratinocyte cancers (non-melanocytic skin cancers), including basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), are common in the Australian population. It is estimated that over two-
thirds of Australians will develop a keratinocyte cancer in their lifetime, and many people develop
multiple skin cancers.4
It is estimated that skin cancer–related conditions account for approximately 3% of all health problems
managed in Australian general practice (not including primary care skin cancer clinics), and this is
higher in regional or remote areas and in areas associated with lower socioeconomic status.5
Skin cancer
Use the following keratinocyte cancer risk assessment tool to determine risk level:
Table of recommendations
For individuals at average/below average risk Generally not N/A
of developing melanoma or keratinocyte recommended
cancer, regular skin checks are not
Case ?nding
Opportunistic examination of the skin is Conditionally Opportunistically
recommended for individuals at above- recommended (usually no more
average risk of developing melanoma or than once every
keratinocyte cancer. 12 months).
Regular skin checks are recommended for Conditionally At least every 12
individuals at high risk of developing recommended months.
melanoma or keratinocyte cancer.
Skin cancer
The most common preventable cause of skin Recommended N/A
cancer is ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure. (Strong)
All people (especially children, adolescents,
young adults) should be advised to be ‘sun
smart’ – broad-brimmed hat, covering
clothing, sunscreen, sunglasses and shade.
Every morning sunscreen should be applied to
the head, neck, arms and hands. It should be
reapplied after heavy sweating, bathing or
long sun exposure, especially if outdoors
when the UV Index is ≥3.
GPs should strongly counsel patients against Practice Point N/A
personal home use of sunbeds or sunlamps
for cosmetic tanning purposes.
Patients should be advised to avoid getting Practice Point N/A
sunburnt, especially to the point of blistering
and skin peeling, because multiple episodes
have been shown to increase the risk of
developing melanoma.
Skin cancer
Further information
Sun protection times are available from the Bureau of Meteorology. Apps for Apple and Android tablets
and smartphones or desktops provide real-time electronic alerts on recommended sun protection
times, current and maximum ultraviolet (UV) levels, and information on recommended exposure for
vitamin D. They are adjustable to speci@c geographic locations around Australia and internationally,
available at SunSmart Global UV ( .
Most Australian adults will maintain adequate vitamin D levels from sun exposure during typical day-to-
day outdoor activities. There is little evidence to suggest that sunscreen increases risk of vitamin D
Each risk tool provides a valid assessment of personal risk, but they have been developed and
presented differently depending on the population for whom they are intended (ie people with or without
a previous melanoma) and because there is little evidence guiding optimal risk category classi@cation
and cut-points. The risk tools have been comprehensively developed but some rare risk factors may be
missing, such as immunosuppression (eg among organ transplant recipients).
Individuals with or at risk of a mutation in the CDKN2A gene or at high risk for new primary melanoma
In individuals with a strong family history of melanoma (ie three or more cases in @rst- or second-
degree relatives) considered where predictive features are present, such as multiple primary melanoma,
early age of onset, pancreatic cancer, or multiple other cancers, clinical genetic testing for CDKN2A or
other high-risk mutations and genetic counselling should be undertaken.6
Skin cancer
Speci?c populations
Immunosuppression is also a strong risk factor for skin cancer, and organ transplant recipients are at
very high (very much above average) risk of keratinocyte cancers.7
Educational tools and resources for health professionals to provide messages about skin cancer
prevention, vitamin D and the early detection and management of skin cancer:
1. Bray F, Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Siegel RL, Australian Institute of Health and
Torre LA, Jemal A. Global cancer statistics 2018: Welfare. Cancer data in Australia. Cat. no. CAN
GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality AIHW, 2022 (
worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA report
Cancer J Clin 2018;68(6):394–424. t) [Accessed 11 May 2023].
Skin cancer
Cust AE, Badcock C, Smith J, et al. A risk 10. The Royal Australian College of General
prediction model for the development of Practitioners. Handbook of non-drug
subsequent primary melanoma in a population- interventions (HANDI). Sunscreen for skin cancer
based cohort. Br J Dermatol prevention. RACGP, 2014 (https://www.racgp.or
2020;182(5):1148–57. doi: 10.1111/bjd.18524.
[Accessed 11 May 2023]. a-z/s/sunscreen-for-skin-cancer-prevention)
Olsen CM, Pandeya N, Green AC, Ragaini BS, Venn [Accessed 8 April 2024].
AJ, Whiteman DC. Keratinocyte cancer incidence Cancer Council Australia. Clinical practice
in Australia: A review of population-based guidelines for keratinocyte cancer > 2.1
incidence trends and estimates of lifetime risk. Strategies for protection from excessive
Public Health Res Pract exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Cancer Council
2022;32(1):e3212203. [Accessed 11 May 2023]. Australia, 2019. [Accessed 8 April 2024].
Reyes-Marcelino G, McLoughlin K, Harrison C, et al. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2016.
Skin cancer-related conditions managed in Skin cancer in Australia. Cat. no. CAN 96. AIHW,
general practice in Australia, 2000–2016: A 2016 (
nationally representative, cross-sectional survey. ncer/skin-cancer-in-australia/summary)
BMJ Open 2023;13:e067744. doi: 10.1136/ [Accessed 6 March 2024].
bmjopen-2022-067744. [Accessed 11 May 2023].
13. Cancer Council Victoria; Department of Health
Cancer Council Australia. Clinical practice Victoria. Optimal care pathway for people with
guidelines for the diagnosis and management of melanoma. 2nd edn. Cancer Council Victoria,
melanoma. Cancer Council Australia, 2019. 2021 (
[Accessed 11 May 2023]. anoma-optimal-cancer-care-pathway) [Accessed
Cancer Council Australia. Clinical practice 6 March 2024].
guidelines for keratinocyte cancer > 3. Early 14. Australian Skin and Skin Cancer Research
detection of keratinocyte cancers. Cancer Council Centre. Position statement: Balancing the harms
Australia, 2019. [Accessed 11 May 2023]. and bene@ts of sun exposure. ASSC, 2023 (http
US Preventive Services Task Force; Mangione CM, s://
Barry MJ, et al. Screening for skin cancer: US 01/Sun-Exposure-Summit-PositionStatement_V
Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation 1.9.pdf) [Accessed 8 April 2024].
Statement. JAMA 2023;329(15):1290–95. doi: 15. Cancer Institute NSW eviQ. CDKN2A –
10.1001/jama.2023.4342. PMID: 37071089. Genetic testing. Cancer Institute NSW eviQ, 2022
[Accessed 11 May 2023]. (
US Preventive Services Task Force; Grossman DC, netic-testing-for-heritable-pathogenic-variants/18
Curry SJ, et al. Behavioral counseling to prevent 64-cdkn2a-genetic-testing) [Accessed 16 May
skin cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force 2023].
Recommendation Statement. JAMA 16. Chakera AH, Read RL, Stretch JR, Saw RPM.
2018;319(11):1134–42. doi: 10.1001/ Diverse presentations of acral melanoma. Aust
jama.2018.1623. PMID: 29558558. [Accessed 11 Fam Physician 2015;44(1–2):43–45. [Accessed
May 2023]. 16 May 2023].
Testicular cancer
Testicular cancer
Table of recommendations
Screening for testicular cancer in adolescent or adult Not N/A
men is not recommended. recommended
Further information
In 2011, the USPSTF found that screening using clinical or self-examination is unlikely to offer health
bene@ts because of the very low incidence and high cure rate of testicular cancer.2 Potential harms
from screening include false-positive results, anxiety and harms from diagnostic tests or procedures.2
Testicular cancer
1. Cancer Council. Testicular cancer. Australia: 2. US Preventive Services Task Force. Testicular
Cancer Council, 2023 ( Cancer: Screening. USA: USPSTF, 2011 (https://w
cancer) [Accessed 3 November 2023]. ommendation/testicular-cancer-screening)
[Accessed 17 January 2024].
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer
Table of recommendations
Recommendation Grade References
Screening for thyroid cancer in asymptomatic adults is Not N/A
not recommended. recommended
Further information
In 2017, the USPSTF found that screening for thyroid cancer in asymptomatic people resulted in harms
that outweigh the bene@ts.2
Thyroid cancer
1. Cancer Council. Thyroid cancer. Australia: Cancer 2. US Preventive Services Task Force. Thyroid
Council, 2023 ( Cancer: Screening. USA: USPSTF, 2017 (https://w
[Accessed 2 November 2023] ommendation/thyroid-cancer-screening)
[Accessed 17 January 2024]
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial ?brillation
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
AF can be persistent or paroxysmal. Although AF can be symptomatic (transient ischaemic attack [TIA],
stroke, breathlessness, reduced exercise capacity, palpitations, syncope or dizziness, fatigue,
weakness, chest discomfort),2–4 it can also be asymptomatic.1 Clinical AF is known to increase stroke
risk,5,6 but the stroke risk associated with subclinical AF, particularly low-burden or short-duration AF, is
less well understood.5,7,8 As of 2018, AF was listed as the underlying or associated cause of over
14,000 deaths in Australia (9.0% of total deaths).2
Table of recommendations
Screening for AF, with an electrocardiogram Practice point N/A
(ECG) or other device, has insulcient
evidence to assess the balance of bene@ts
and harms in adults aged ≥50 years without:
• a diagnosis or symptoms of AF
• a history of TIA or stroke.
Atrial fibrillation
Case ?nding
Further information
Apart from increasing age, AF risk factors and comorbidities include:1,9–13
• hypertension
• heart failure
• coronary artery disease
• valvular heart disease
• obesity
• diabetes
• chronic kidney disease
• family history of AF
• smoking
• obstructive sleep apnoea
• alcohol
• thyroid disease.
Atrial fibrillation
NHFA CSANZ Atrial Fibrillation Guideline Working Noseworthy P, Kaufman E, Chen L, et al.
Group; Brieger D, Amerena J, et al. National Heart Subclinical and device-detected atrial fibrillation:
Foundation of Australia and the Cardiac Society Pondering the knowledge gap: A scientific
of Australia and New Zealand: Australian clinical statement from the American Heart Association.
guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Circulation. 2019;140(25): e944–63. doi: 10.1161/
atrial fibrillation 2018. Heart Lung Circ. CIR.0000000000000740. [Accessed 16 May
2018;27(10):1209–66. doi: (http://10.1 016/ 2023].
j.hlc.2018.06.1043.) Benjamin E, Go A, Desvigne-Nickens P, et al.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Atrial Research priorities in atrial fibrillation screening:
fibrillation in Australia. Australian Government, A report from a National Heart, Lung, and Blood
2020 ( rts/heart- Institute virtual workshop. Circulation
stroke-vascular-diseases/atrial-fibrillatio 2021;143(4):372–88. doi: 10.1161/
in-australia) [Accessed 16 May 2023]. CIRCULATIONAHA.120.047633. [Accessed 16
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence May 2023].
(NICE). Atrial fibrillation: diagnosis and Ball J, Carrington M, McMurray J, et al. Atrial
management. NICE, 2021 (https://www.nic fibrillation: Profile and burden of an evolving [Accessed 16 May epidemic in the 21st century. Int J Cardiol.
2023]. 2013;167(5):1807–24. doi: 10.1016/
Yi JE, Lee YS, Choi EK, et al. CHA2DS2-VASc score ijcard.2012.12.093. [Accessed 16 May 2023].
predicts exercise intolerance in young and middle- Briffa T, Hung J, Knuiman M, et al. Trends in
aged male patients with asymptomatic atrial incidence and prevalence of hospitalization for
fibrillation. Sci Rep 2018;8:18039. doi: 10.1038/ atrial fibrillation and associated mortality in
s41598-018-36185-7. [Accessed 16 May 2023]. Western Australia, 1995–2010. Int J Cardiol 2016;
208:19–25. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.01.196.
US Preventive Services Task Force; Davidson KW,
[Accessed 16 May 2023].
Barry MJ, et al. Screening for atrial fibrillation: US
Preventive Services Task Force recommendation Verma K, Wong M. Atrial fibrillation. Aust J Gen
statement. JAMA Pract 2019;48(10):694–99. doi: 10.31128/
2022;327(4):360–67. doi: 10.1001/ AJGP-12-18-4787. [Accessed 16 May 2023].
jama.2021.23732. [Accessed 16 May 2023]. Gallagher C, Hendriks JML, Elliott AD, et al.
Wolf P, Abbott R, Kannel W. Atrial fibrillation as an Alcohol and incident atrial fibrillation – a
independent risk factor for stroke: The systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J
Framingham Study. Stroke 1991;22(8):983–88. Cardiol. 2017;246:46–52. doi: 10.1016/
doi: 10.1161/01.STR.22.8.983. [Accessed 16 May ijcard.2017.05.133. [Accessed 16 May 2023].
Al-Makhamreh H, Al-Ani A, Alkhulaifat D, et al.
Impact of thyroid disease in patients with atrial
@brillation: Analysis from the JoFib registry. Ann
Med Surg (Lond). 2022;74:103325. doi: (http://1
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk
0–9 10–14 15–19* 20–24* 25–29* 30–34* 35–39* 40–44* 45–49# 50–54# 55–59# 60–64# 65–69# 70–74# 75–7
*Check blood pressure
opportunistically for people aged #Screen all people aged 45–79 years without known CVD
18–44 years
Table of recommendations
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk
Assessing cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk Recommended Every 5years
in all people aged 45–79 years using the (Strong) unless risk
Australian CVD risk calculator (https://www.c factors worsen. is recommended. Intervals
Refer to the Australian guideline for assessing between
and managing cardiovascular disease risk (htt reassessments
ps:// for risk (https://www.cvd
categorisation, management and follow-up.
y) of CVD risk
should be
using the most
recent estimated
risk level as
2, 7
Screening for CVD risk using a coronary Not N/A
artery calcium (CAC) score (https://www.racg recommended (Strong)
tery-calcium-scoring) is not recommended in
the general population.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk
considerations (
s) (eg family history, severe mental illness,
estimated glomerular @ltration rate [eGFR]
<45), consult the Australian cardiovascular
disease risk calculator (https://www.cvdchec for further information.
Physical activity Recommended N/A
Regular, sustainable physical activity, such as (Strong)
an exercise program, is recommended to
reduce risk of CVD.
Healthy eating Recommended N/A
Following a healthy eating pattern low in (Strong)
saturated and trans fats is recommended. A
healthy eating pattern should consist of:
• plenty of vegetables, fruit and
• a variety of healthy protein-rich foods
from animal and/or plant sources
• unfavoured milk, yoghurt and cheese
• foods that contain healthy fats and
oils (eg olive oil, nuts and seeds, and
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk
Aspirin Practice point N/A
It is currently unclear if the additional bene@ts
of taking aspirin for the primary prevention of
CVD outweigh the potential harms of
gastrointestinal bleeding. Refer to Further
Further information
Blood pressure
Measure BP on at least two separate occasions with a calibrated mercury sphygmomanometer, or
automated device that is regularly calibrated against a mercury sphygmomanometer. For the Australian
CVD risk calculator ( , use the average of the last two seated,
in-clinic BP measurements, or two measurements at least 10 minutes apart if at the same visit.2 At the
patient’s @rst BP assessment, measure BP on both arms. Thereafter, use the arm with the higher
In patients who may have orthostatic hypotension (eg elderly, diabetic), measure BP in a sitting position
and repeat after the patient has been standing for at least two minutes.6
Ambulatory BP monitoring
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk
Primary aldosteronism
Primary aldosteronism occurs in approximately 5–10% of patients with hypertension, and should be
suspected in patients with:6,8
If lipid levels are abnormal, a second con@rmatory sample should be taken on a separate occasion (as
levels may vary between tests) before making a treatment decision based on a risk assessment. A
fasting sample should be used when assessing elevated triglycerides.
Screening tests using capillary blood samples produce total cholesterol results that are slightly lower
than on venous blood. These may be used, providing they are con@rmed with full laboratory testing of
venous blood for patients with elevated lipid levels and there is good follow-up.
In adults with low CVD risk, blood tests results within @ve years may be used for review of CVD risk,
unless there are contrary reasons to review more regularly.
It is important to communicate @ve-year CVD risk to patients to enable informed decisions about
reducing risk and improve compliance.2
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk
Managing CVD risk should always involve encouraging, supporting and advising appropriate healthy
lifestyle and behaviours, with or without BP-lowering and/or lipid-modifying pharmacotherapy. Once the
recommended management plan is identi@ed according to risk category, this needs to be further re@ned
in collaboration with the person, after discussing the risks and bene@ts of treatment options, and their
personal values and preferences.
People vary in what they @nd motivating; for some this is having targets in place. Set targets in
consultation with the person according to what is practicable and achievable for them.
• myocardial infarction
• angina
• other coronary heart disease
• stroke
• transient ischaemic attack
• peripheral vascular disease
• congestive heart failure
• other ischaemic CVD-related conditions.
As part of patient decision making, GPs may want to also consider the aspirin recommendation in
relation to bowel cancer prevention. Please refer to the Bowel cancer (
es/preventive-activities-in-general-practice/cancer/colorectal-cancer) chapter.
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, without known CVD, aged 30–79 years.
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, without known CVD, aged 18–29 years.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk
Assessment can be considered in younger age groups (aged 12–17 years). Please refer to the National
guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Chapter 11:
Cardiovascular disease prevention (
n) .
Speci?c populations
There are some speci@c populations that are associated with high rates of CVD whose risk
assessments need to commence earlier than usual.2
• First Nations people, without known CVD (includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
and Māori people), aged 18–29 years.
People living with severe mental illness are sixfold more likely to die from CVD than people without
severe mental illness.9 For people living with severe mental illness, consider reclassifying estimated
CVD risk to a higher risk category, particularly if calculated risk is close to a higher risk threshold.2
People with reduced eGFR, or persistently raised urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio, are at increased CVD
A guideline for GPs and other health professionals to support people who wish to quit smoking:
Supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health professionals (
ces/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/supporting-smoking-cessation) |
RACGP A guide for GPs and other health professionals to work with patients on the lifestyle risk
factors of smoking, nutrition, alcohol and physical activity (SNAP): Smoking, nutrition, alcohol, physical
activity (SNAP) (
w-all-racgp-guidelines/snap) | RACGP For further information about familial hypercholesterolaemia:
Familial hypercholesterolaemia (
ypercholesterolaemia) , Genomics in general practice (
eci@c-topics/familial-hypercholesterolaemia) | RACGP The early identi@cation and optimal
management of people with type 2 diabetes: Management of type 2 diabetes: A handbook for general
practice (
acgp-guidelines/diabetes/introduction) | RACGP Comprehensive guideline about CVD risk assessment
and management: Australian guideline for assessing and managing cardiovascular disease risk (http
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Heart, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force; Krist AH,
stroke and vascular disease: Australian facts. Davidson KW, Mangione CM, et al. Screening for
AIHW, 2023 ( rts/ hypertension in adults: U.S. Preventive Services
heart-stroke-vascular-diseases/hsvd-facts) Task Force reaffirmation recommendation
[Accessed 15 May 2023]. statement. JAMA 2021;27;325(16):1650–56. doi:
Heart Foundation, Australian Chronic Disease 10.1001/jama.2021.4987. PMID: 33904861.
Prevention Alliance. Australian guideline for [Accessed 13 March 2024].
assessing and managing cardiovascular disease The Royal Australian College of General
risk. Department of Health and Aged Care, 2023 Practitioners. Genomics in general practice.
( [Accessed 13 RACGP, 2022. [Accessed 13 March 2024].
March 2024]. The Royal Australian College of General
Gronewold J, Engels M, van de Velde S, et al. Practitioners. First do no harm: A guide to
Effects of life events and social isolation on choosing wisely in general practice. RACGP, 2023.
stroke and coronary heart disease. Stroke [Accessed 13 March 2024].
2021;52(2):735–47. doi: 10.1161/ Funder JW, Carey RM, Mantero F, et al. The
STROKEAHA.120.032070. [Accessed 13 March management of primary aldosteronism: Case
2024]. detection, diagnosis, and treatment: An Endocrine
Gartlehner G, Vander Schaaf EB, Orr C, et al. Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin
Screening for hypertension in children and Endocrinol Metab 2016;101(5):1889–916. doi:
adolescents: Systematic review for the U.S. 10.1210/jc.2015-4061. PMID: 26934393.
Preventive Services Task Force. Evidence [Accessed 13 March 2024].
Synthesis, no. 193. Rockville, MD: Agency for National Mental Health Commission. Equally Well
Healthcare Research and Quality (U.S.), 2020 (htt consensus statement: Improving the physical
ps:// health and wellbeing of people living with mental
[Accessed 13 March 2024]. illness in Australia. NMHC, 2016.
[Accessed 13 March 2024].
Cardiovascular | Kidney
Prevalence and context of the condition
Due to Australia’s ageing population, decreasing renal function is a signi@cant issue. However, people
can remain largely symptom free until 90% of kidney function is lost.
Kidney Health Australia de@nes chronic kidney disease (CKD) as an estimated or measured glomerular
@ltration rate (GFR) <60 mL/min/1.73m2 that is present for ≥3 months with or without evidence of
kidney damage,1 or evidence of kidney damage, with or without decreased GFR, that is present for ≥3
months, as evidenced by the following:1
• albuminuria
• haematuria after exclusion of urological causes
• structural abnormalities (eg on kidney imaging tests)
• pathological abnormalities (eg kidney biopsy).
CKD in itself is not a primary diagnosis. Attempts should be made to identify the underlying cause of
CKD and to fully specify it.1
• diabetes
• hypertension
• established cardiovascular disease (ischaemic heart disease, chronic heart failure, peripheral
vascular disease or cerebral vascular disease)
• family history of kidney failure
• obesity (body mass index = 30 kg/m2)
• current or past smoker
• history of acute kidney injury
• structural renal tract disease, recurrent renal calculi or prostatic hypertrophy
• multisystem diseases with potential kidney involvement (eg systemic lupus erythematosus)
• gout
• incidental detection of haematuria or proteinuria.
There is a higher prevalence of kidney disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.3
Table of recommendations
Case ?nding
Detection of CKD should be targeted and focused Practice point For AKI: 1,2
every 2
Other testing for CKD with estimated GFR (eGFR), Refer to CVD risk Refer to 1, 4
Further information
Other causes (24%) include tubulointerstitial disease, other systemic diseases affecting the kidney and
miscellaneous kidney disorders.
Diabetic nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy is the single leading cause of end-stage renal disease.1,2,5 It occurs in one in four
women and one in @ve men with type 2 diabetes,6 and is more common in Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples.3,7
For further information on diabetic nephropathy, please refer to RACGP and Diabetes Australia’s
Management of type 2 diabetes: A handbook for general practice, Microvascular complications:
Nephropathy (
w-all-racgp-guidelines/diabetes/microvascular-complications-nephropathy) .
GFR testing1
GFR is accepted as the best overall measure of kidney function.1 In clinical practice, GFR is often
estimated (eGFR) from serum creatinine and other parameters, including sex and age, using a formula
such as that of the CKD epidemiology collaboration (CKD-EPI).
However, eGFR can be unreliable or misleading, and so care should be taken in accepting an eGFR at
face value.1,3 Factors that can impact the eGFR value include:
Minor changes in eGFR (≤15% change) could be due to physiological or laboratory variability.
Conversely, younger patients (particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and/or with
diabetes) with a rapidly declining eGFR that is still in the normal range may not be recognised as having
a clinical problem until their kidney function is substantially reduced.8 A study found that the use of an
age-percentile chart ( showed potential to change GP
classi@cation of declining kidney function, in order to prevent both overdiagnosis and underdiagnosis.8
Please refer to the National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people, Chapter 13: Chronic kidney disease prevention and management (https://www.racgp.or
e/chapter-13-chronic-kidney-disease-prevention-and-m) .
Speci?c populations
People with severe socioeconomic disadvantage may also be at higher risk of CKD.3
Microvascular complications: Nephropathy (
y) , Management of type 2 diabetes: A handbook for general practice | RACGP and Diabetes Australia
CKD management in primary care (
k) | Kidney Health Australia
Kidney Health Australia. CKD management in National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health
primary care. 5th edn. KHA, 2024 (https://kidne Organisation and The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. National guide to a
andbook) [Accessed 7 April 2024]. preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people. 3rd edn. RACGP,
National Institute for Health and Care
2018. [Accessed 7 April 2024].
Excellence. Chronic kidney disease: Assessment
and management. NICE, 2021 (https://www.nic Department of Health and Aged Care. Australian [Accessed 7 April guideline for assessing and managing
2024]. cardiovascular disease risk. Department of Health
and Aged Care, 2023. [Accessed 7 April 2024].
Australia and New Zealand Dialysis & Transplant Guppy M, Glasziou P, Beller E, et al. Kidney
Registry (ANZDATA). ANZDATA 46th annual trajectory charts to assist general practitioners in
report 2023 (Data to 2022). Chapter 1: Incidence the assessment of patients with reduced kidney
of kidney failure with replacement therapy. function: a randomised vignette study. BMJ Evid
ANZDATA, 2023 (https://www.anzdata.or Based Med 2022;27(5):288-95. [Accessed 12
au/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ANZDATA_A April 2024].
R-2022-23_Chapter-1_F4.pdf) [Accessed 12 April Moynihan R, Glassock R, Doust J. Chronic kidney
2024]. disease controversy: How expanding definitions
Thomas MC, Weekes AJ, Broadley OJ, Cooper are unnecessarily labelling many people as
ME, Mathew TH. The burden of chronic kidney diseased. BMJ. 2013;29:347:f4298. doi: 10.1136/
disease in Australian patients with type 2 bmj.f4298. PMID: 23900313.
diabetes (the NEFRON study). Med J Aust [Accessed 12 April 2024].
2006;185(3):140–44. [Accessed 12 April 2024].
7. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. The
health and welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples 2015. AIHW, 2015.
[Accessed 12 April 2024].
Developmental Delay and Autism
0–9* 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
*Case Lnding from 0 – 5 years.
Developmental domains that should be assessed are social, emotional, communication, cognition/Lne
motor/self-care and gross motor. More than one in Lve children are developmentally vulnerable in at
least one domain,2 with boys more vulnerable to delay in all domains. Parental health, including mental
health, can have a signiLcant impact on children’s health and lives in general, with an Australian survey
showing that 12% of parents living with children rated their health as fair or poor, with a rate of 21%
among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.3
Current estimates are that 7.4% of children aged 0–14 years have some level of disability, with the most
prevalent disabilities being intellectual (4.3%) and sensory and speech (3.2%).4 At Lve years of age, one
in Lve children is described as developmentally vulnerable in Australia.5 Missed or delayed reporting of
developmental delay may be associated with parental factors.6
Based on international data, the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder is thought to be 1–2%,7 with a
higher prevalence in males. The male to female ratio was previously thought to be 3–4 : 1, but more
recent data suggest this ratio is closer due to the ‘masking’ of symptoms by girls and a diagnostic bias
towards boys.7–9
Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects child development in the Lrst few years of life
and remains present for life. Autism is characterised by differences or delays in social communication
and social interaction, which include problems with social or emotional reciprocity (a back-and-forward
sharing of emotions) and joint attention between carer and child, as well as restricted, repetitive
behaviour and interests and sensory issues. The latter can be a hypo- or hypersensitivity to any of the
Lve senses.9
Developmental Delay and Autism
Early detection allows remediation, support for families and planned proactive developmental
monitoring. Developmental delay is diagnosed when milestones are not met in one or more domains:
social, emotional, communication, cognition, Lne or gross motor. Developmental disability occurs when
there are functional impacts for a child’s physical, cognitive, language or behaviour. ‘Developmental
vulnerability’ is a term for children who are at risk of developmental delay because of child factors or
environmental factors.
In addition to general practice opportunities to detect and manage developmental delay, there are
children’s health services organised at state and territory levels. Parents are encouraged through
handheld personal health records to use Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) (https://w assessments at intervals from birth to Lve years. Refer to the
Preventive activities in childhood (
actice/development-and-behaviour/childhood-development) (
ctice/development-and-behaviour/childhood-development) chapter for more information.
Table of recommendations
General population screening with Generally not N/A
standardised tools for developmental delay is recommended
not recommended in children aged <5 years.
Screening for speech and language delay is Not N/A
not recommended in the general population of recommended
children aged <5 years. (Strong)
General population screening for autism Generally not N/A
spectrum disorder in young children aged recommended
1.5–5 years is generally not recommended in
those for whom no concerns of autism
spectrum disorder have been raised (because
of insuacient evidence).
Case 9nding
Developmental Delay and Autism
Further information
When assessing child development, an understanding of the context in which child development occurs
will assist with both the assessment process and advising parents and carers about how their child is
going and how they can assist development. Particularly in the Lrst year, the development by the child
of secure attachment to their primary carer and the development of warm, responsive relationships will
accelerate their neurological development,13,14 enhancing their social, emotional and interpersonal
As child development progresses beyond age 12 months, two aspects are of great importance to
childhood development, namely play and the emergence of language skills. Play, particularly with
another person, provides opportunities to develop skills such as communicating, thinking, solving
problems, moving and being with other people, including other children. In a similar way, language skills,
which are a part of the broader communication developmental domain, provide opportunities for the
enhancement of development across all the domains. Making parents and carers aware of the
importance of providing opportunities for play, language and shared attention and interaction will
enhance development, which is particularly important for the child for whom there may be
developmental concerns.
When developmental concerns are fagged, a thorough assessment of the child’s development is
essential. This may involve assessment by allied health or non-GP specialists. If developmental delays
are conLrmed, outcomes for children have been shown to be improved by early intervention using
evidence-based programs, which are funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) early
childhood approach. Children who do not fully meet the deLnition of developmental delay but still have
developmental concerns will also be supported through this program.
Pragmatic approaches in the GP context can include making the family’s journey to the doctor as easy
as possible. Be aware of the stress that attending appointments can cause young people with autism
and consider fexible approaches to consultations and offer support for families or carers. In recent
Developmental Delay and Autism
years there has been a drift away from using the terms ‘high functioning’ and ‘low functioning’ because
often the degree of functional impairment may not be determined by the level of autism, but more by
co-diagnoses that often accompany an autism diagnosis.13 Common co-occurring conditions include
intellectual disability,7 speciLc learning disorders,7 speech and language disorders, epilepsy and seizure
disorders,14 attention deLcit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),14 anxiety15 and depression (more common
in older children and adolescents).15,16
The 'red fag (
endix-3A.pdf.aspx) ' early intervention referral guide for children aged 0–5 years | Central Queensland
Hospital and Health Services
Developmental Delay and Autism
1. Children’s Health Queensland. Red flags early 9. Whitehouse AJO, Evans K, Eapen V, Wray J. A
identification guide (birth to 5 years) brochure. national guideline for the assessment and
Queensland Government, 2022 (http://www.childr diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in Australia. Cooperative Research Centre for Living
ed-flags.pdf) [Accessed 21 May 2023]. with Autism, 2018 (
2. Australian Government. Snapshot of early u/access/sites/default/Lles/resources/Nationa
childhood development in Australia 2012 – AEDI l_Guideline_Summary_and_Recommendations.pd
f) [Accessed 22 February 2024].
national report. Australian Government, 2013.
[Accessed 21 May 2023]. 10. U.S. Preventive Task Force (USPSTF). Speech
3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. A and language delay and disorders in children:
picture of Australia’s children 2012. Australian Screening. USPSTF, 2024 (https://www.uspreventi
Government, 2012 (
media/31c0a364-dbac-4e88-8761-d9c87bc2dc2 n/speech-and-language-delay-and-disorders-in-ch
9/14116.pdf.aspx) [Accessed 22 February 2024]. ildren-age-5-and-younger-screening) [Accessed
22 February 2024].
4. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
11. U.S. Preventive Task Force (USPSTF). Autism
Australia’s children. Australian Government, 2022
( spectrum disorder in young children: Screening.
australias-children/contents/health/children-disa USPSTF, 2016 - :~:text=The USPSTF concludes
bilities) [Accessed 22 February 2024]. that there,of ASD have been raised.&text=The
USPSTF has made a,children 5 yea (https://ww
5. Australian Early Development Census. Australian
Early Development Census (AEDC) national report
2015. A snapshot of early childhood development
children-screening) [Accessed 22 February 2024].
in Australia. Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Education and Training, 2015. 12. Wallace IF. Universal screening of young
[Accessed 22 February 2024]. children for developmental disorders: Unpacking
the controversies. RTI Press, 2018 (https://www.n
6. Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. [Accessed
Developmental delay (2016). Canadian Task
22 February 2024].
Force on Preventive Health Care, 2016 (https://ca 13. Ministries of Health and Education. New
es/developmental-delay/) [Accessed 22 February Zealand autism spectrum disorder guideline. 2nd
edn. Ministry of Health, 2016 (https://www.healt
um-disorder-guideline) [Accessed 22 February
7. Lord C, Charman T, Havdahl A, et al. The Lancet
Commission on the future of care and clinical
14. Hyman SL, Levy SE, Myers SM. Identification,
research in autism. Lancet
evaluation, and management of children with
2022;399(10321):271–334. doi: 10.1016/
s0140-6736(21)01541-5. [Accessed 22 February autism spectrum disorder. Pediatrics 2020;145
2024]. (1): e20193447. doi: 10.1542/peds.2019-3447.
[Accessed 22 February 2024].
8. Halladay AK, Bishop S, Constantino JN, et al. Sex
and gender differences in autism spectrum 15. Ip A, Zwaigenbaum L, Brian JA. Post-diagnostic
disorder: Summarizing evidence gaps and management and follow-up care for autism
identifying emerging areas of priority. Mol Autism spectrum disorder. Paediatr Child Health
2015;6:36. doi: 10.1186/s13229-015-0019-y. 2019;24(7):461–77. doi: 10.1093/pch/pxz121.
[Accessed 22 February 2024]. [Accessed 22 February 2024].
16. The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne
(RCH). Parents' evaluation of developmental
status (PEDS). Parkville, Vic: The Royal
Hospital Melbourne (
h/peds/) [Accessed 22 February 2024].
Preventive activities in childhood
0–9* 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75v79 ≥80
*Newborn screening
Prevention and health promotion in the early years, from conception to 5 years of age, is important for
an individual’s lifelong health and wellbeing.1 It may also be an opportunity to redress health
inequalities.2,3 In adolescence, neurodevelopmental studies support the value of early intervention to
prevent ongoing harm.
Many infants and children visit their GP frequently, and adolescents visit at least once a year.4 This
frequent contact provides opportunities for disease prevention and health promotion.
Evidence provides moderate support for the hypothesis that ‘accessible, family-centred, continuous,
comprehensive, coordinated, compassionate and culturally effective care improves health outcomes for
children with special healthcare needs’.5 There is also evidence that supports the beneLcial impact of
similar care for children without special healthcare needs.6–7
Table of recommendations
Preventive activities in childhood
• metabolic screening
• universal hearing screening
• a physical exam as outlined in the
Child Personal Health Record
◦ ACT: Blue (
Book (
◦ NSW: Blue Book (https://ww
◦ Queensland: Red Book (http
◦ Victoria: Green Book (http
◦ SA: Blue Book (https://ww
◦ WA: Purple Book (https://ww
◦ NT: Yellow Book (https://nt.g
◦ Tasmania: Blue Book (http
nting-service-chaps) .
Preventive activities in childhood
Case 9nding
Ensure immunisation in accordance with the Practice point As per the
Australian Immunisation Schedule. For immunisation
information, see the immunisation chapter (ht schedule
n) .
Preventive activities in childhood
Neonatally, provide education and advice Practice point Neonatally 11, 13,14
• the harms of passive smoking
• the prevention of sudden infant
deaths (SIDS; see Further
• the need to use appropriate restraints
in motor vehicles
• the beneLts of breastfeeding.
Monitor weight and height in children aged Practice point At well child
2–6 years using age-speciLc body mass index visits or
charts (either CDC ( immunisation
thcharts/clinical_charts.htm) or WHO (http
r-age) ).
Preventive activities in childhood
Monitor weight and length in children aged <2 Practice point At well child 19
14, 20
Unless there is already an established allergy Practice point Before 12
to certain foods, all infants should be given months of age
the common food allergens (peanut, tree nuts,
cow’s milk, egg, wheat, soy, sesame, Lsh and
shellLsh), including smooth peanut butter/
paste, cooked egg, dairy and wheat products
before 12 months of age.
(Strong) for
Further information
Use a Lrm, fat, non-inclined sleep surface to reduce the risk of suffocation or wedging/entrapment
Preventive activities in childhood
Feeding of human milk is recommended because it is associated with a reduced risk of SIDS
It is recommended that infants sleep in the parents’ room, close to the parents’ bed, but on a
separate surface designed for infants, ideally for at least the Lrst 6 months
Keep soft objects (eg pillows, pillow-like toys, quilts, comforters, mattress toppers and fur-like
materials) and loose bedding (eg blankets and non-Ltted sheets) away from the infant’s sleep area
to reduce the risk of SIDS, suffocation, entrapment/wedging and strangulation
Avoid smoke and nicotine exposure during pregnancy and after birth
Avoid alcohol, marijuana, opioids and illicit drug use during pregnancy and after birth
Do not use home cardiorespiratory monitors as a strategy to reduce the risk of SIDS
Supervised awake tummy time is recommended to facilitate development and to minimise the risk
of positional plagiocephaly. Parents are encouraged to place the infant on their tummy while awake
and supervised for short periods of time beginning soon after hospital discharge, increasing tummy
time incrementally to at least 15–30 minutes total daily by the age of 7 weeks
For speciLc recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, please refer to the Child
health (
e) chapter in the National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people.
Preventive activities in childhood
Australian dietary guidelines ( | NHMRC First Do
No Harm: a guide to choosing wisely in general practice (
g-allergenic-foods) | RACGP
1. Centre for Community Child Health. Early 8. National Health and Medical Research Council
childhood and the lifecourse. The Royal Children’s (NHMRC). Child health screening and
Hospital Melbourne, 2006 ( surveillance: A critical review of the evidence.
u/uploadedFiles/Main/Content/ccch/PB1_Earlyc Report no. CH42. NHMRC, 2002.
hood_lifecourse.pdf) [Accessed 22 February . Department of Health and Aged Care. National
framework for neonatal hearing screening.
2. Marmot M. Fair society, healthy lives (the Marmot Australian Government, 2013 (https://www.healt
review). University College London, 2010 (https:// ork-for-neonatal-hearing-screening) [Accessed
reports/fair-society-healthy-lives-the-marmot-re 22 February 2024].
view) [Accessed 22 February 2024]. 10. . NSW Health. My personal health record (Blue
3. Hayes A. The ‘two worlds’ of Australian Book). NSW Ministry of Health, 2023 (https://ww
childhoods: Current research insights into early
opportunities, challenges and life chances. ications/blue-book.pdf) [Accessed 28 February
National Investment for the Early Years/Centre for 2024].
Community Child Health Conference and The
11. The Royal Australian College of General
Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, 2011.
Practitioners (RACGP), National Aboriginal
[Accessed 22 February 2024].
Community Controlled Health Organisation
4. Tylee A, Haller DM, Graham T, Churchill R, Sanci (NACCHO). National guide to a preventive health
LA. Youth-friendly primary-care services: How are assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
we doing and what more needs to be done? Islander people. RACGP and NACCHO, 2018 (http
Lancet 2007;369(9572):1565–73. doi: 10.1016/ s://
s0140-6736(07)60371-7. [Accessed 22 February guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-gu
2024]. idelines/national-guide/chapter-3-child-health/pre
5. Kuhlthau KA, Bloom S, Van Cleave J, et al. venting-child-maltreatment-–-supporting-familie)
Evidence for family-centered care for children [Accessed 22 February 2024].
with special health care needs: A systematic 12. Department of Health and Aged Care.
review. Acad Pediatr 2011;11(2):136–43. doi: (htt Australian immunisation handbook. Department
p://10.1016/j.acap.2010.12.014.) of Health and Aged Care, 2023 (https://immunisa
6. Hadland SE, Long WE. A systematic review of the [Accessed 22
medical home for children without special health February 2024].
care needs. Matern Child Health J 13. SIDS and Kids. Safe sleeping: A guide to
2014;18(4):891–98. doi: 10.1007/ assist sleeping your baby safely. Malvern, Vic:
s10995-013-1315-9. SIDS and kids, 2014. [Accessed 22 February
7. Long WE, Bauchner H, Sege RD, Cabral HJ, Garg 2024].
A. The value of the medical home for children
without special health care needs. Pediatrics
2012;129(1):87–98. doi: 10.1542/
Preventive activities in childhood
14. Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology 21. Moon RY, Carlin RF, Hand I; Task Force on Sudden
and Allergy (ASCIA). Infant feeding and allergy Infant Death Syndrome and the Committee on
prevention clinical update. ASCIA, 2018 (https://w Fetus and Newborn. Sleep-related infant deaths: Updated 2022 recommendations for reducing
CIA_HP_Clinical_Update_Infant_Feeding_and_Alle infant deaths in the sleep environment. Pediatrics
rgy_Prevention_July2018.pdf) [Accessed 22 2022;150(1):e2022057990. doi: 10.1542/
February 2024]. peds.2022-057990. [Accessed 22 February 2024].
15. Kendrick D. Preventing injuries in children: Cluster 22. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
randomized controlled trial in primary care. BMJ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
1999;318(7189):980–83. doi: 10.1136/ performance framework: Perinatal mortality.
bmj.318.7189.980. [Accessed 22 February 2024]. Australian Government, 2023 (https://www.indige
16. Clamp M, Kendrick D. A randomized controlled
trial of general practitioner safety advice for
families with children under 5 years. BMJ y) [Accessed 22 February 2024].
1998;316(7144):1576–79. doi: 10.1136/ 23. Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council.
bmj.316.7144.1576. [Accessed 22 February Clinical practice guidelines: Antenatal care –
2024]. Module 1. Department of Health and Ageing,
17. Stanton A, Grimshaw G. Tobacco cessation 2012 (
interventions for young people. Cochrane bacco/clinical-practice-guidelines-antenatal-care-
Database Syst Rev 2013;8:CD003289. doi: module/supporting_documents/ANC_Guideline
10.1002/14651858.cd003289.pub5. [Accessed s_Mod1FINAL%20D13871243.PDF) [Accessed 27
22 February 2024]. February 2024].
18. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention 24. Shah PS, Zao J, Al-Wassia H, Shah V.
(CDC). Clinical growth charts. CDC, 2022 (http s:// Pregnancy and neonatal outcomes of Aboriginal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
[Accessed 22 February 2024]. Womens Health Issues 2011;21(1):28–39. doi: (ht
1 . World Health Organization (WHO). Body mass
inder-for-age (BMI-for-age). WHO, 2006 (https://w 25. Bar-Zeev SJ, Kruske SG, Barclay LM, Bar-Zeev NH, Carapetis JR, Kildea SV. Use of health
dards/body-mass-index-for-age-bmi-for-age) services by remote dwelling Aboriginal infants in
[Accessed 22 February 2024]. tropical northern Australia: A retrospective cohort
study. BMC Pediatr 2012;12:19. doi: 10.1186/
2 . de Silva D, Halken S, Singh C, et al. Preventing
food allergy in infancy and childhood: Systematic
review of randomised controlled trials. Pediatr
Allergy Immunol. 2020 Oct;31(7):813-826. doi:
10.1111/pai.13273. [Accessed 22 February 2024].
Preventive activities in childhood
Preventive activities in childhood
Genetics (
Prevalence and context of the condition
Advances in genomic medicine will continue to have a growing role in general practice. Genetic tests
are available for an increasing number of indications from preconception planning, during pregnancy,
for neonates (newborn screening), during childhood and through to adult-onset familial diseases such
as cancer, cardiac and neurodegenerative diseases. More detail is available in the RACGP Genomics in
general practice (
w-all-racgp-guidelines/genomics-in-general-practice/genomics-in-general-practice/background) 1
Table of recommendations
Genetic carrier screening: Preconception and Practice point Prior to or
prenatal in early
All women/couples planning a pregnancy, or who are pregnancy
already pregnant, should have a comprehensive
family history recorded to identify relatives with
heritable genetic disorders, as well as the presence
of consanguinity.
*NIPT is not available through the MBS or covered by private health insurance.
Case 9nding
Those identiLed with a family history of a speciLc Practice point Prior to or 1,2
Further information
Individuals and couples should be supported with advice to make informed decisions about genetic
testing that includes discussion of out-of-pocket expenses required for the test. MBS funding is
available for a limited number of genetic tests, some of which can be accessed in general practice
under speciLc criteria. (Note that NIPT is not available through the MBS, nor is it covered by private
health insurance.)
Family history remains an important tool in identifying individuals at increased genetic risk. Ideally, a
three-generation family history should be collected on all patients where possible, including Lrst-degree
relatives (ie children, siblings, parents) and second-degree relatives (ie aunts, uncles, grandparents).5
The use of a family history screening questionnaire (
y) can help identify individuals who may require a more detailed assessment of their family history of
cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
Speci9c populations
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Position statement Prenatal screening and diagnostic testing for fetal chromosomal and genetic
conditions (
esting-for-Fetal-Chromosomal-and-Genetic-Conditions.pdf) 3 provides speciLc recommendations
related to genetic carrier screening in people of Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish descent and
women with multiple pregnancies.
Genomics in general practice (
ground) | RACGP – includes a suite of concise summaries on various clinical topics in genetics and
1. The Royal Australian College of General 4. Gastroenterological Society of Australia.
Practitioners. Reproductive carrier screening. In: Clinical update for general practitioners and
Genomics in general practice. 2nd edn. RACGP, physicians: Haemochromatosis – Updated 2021.
2022 ( GESA, 2021 (
s/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-al Lles/Education%20%26%20Resources/Clinical%2
racgp-guidelines/genomics-in-general-practice/ 0Practice%20Resources/Haemochromatosis/Ha
genetic-tests-and-technologies/reproductive-carri emochromatosis%20clinical%20update%20202
er-screening) [Accessed 5 April 2024]. 1_APPROVED.pdf) [Accessed 5 April 2024].
2. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of 5. Bylstra Y, Lim WK, Kam S, et al. Family history
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Position assessment signiLcantly enhances delivery of
statement: Genetic carrier screening (C-Obs63). precision medicine in the genomics era Genome
RANZCOG, 2019 ( Med 2021;13(1):3. doi: (
ent/uploads/2022/05/Genetic-carrier-screeningC- 13073-020-00819-1.)
3. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Position
statement: Prenatal screening and diagnostic
testing for fetal chromosomal and genetic
conditions (C-Obs59). RANZCOG, 2022 (https://ra
[Accessed 5 April 2024].
Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases
Hepatitis B and C
Hepatitis B and C
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
*Recommendations will depend upon speciLc risk factors.
Hepatitis B
Chronic hepatitis B impacts over 250 million people worldwide, with the majority infected either at birth
or during early childhood.1 If left untreated, chronic hepatitis B can lead to liver cirrhosis, liver failure
and hepatocellular carcinoma in up to 25% of those affected, resulting in an estimated 800,000 deaths
globally each year.1 In 2020, there were approximately 222,599 people living with chronic hepatitis B in
Australia, accounting for 0.9% of the population.1 The introduction of the hepatitis B vaccination in the
1980s has reduced new infections and the prevalence of chronic hepatitis B, particularly among
younger people.1
In Australia, as of 2021, only 72.5% of people living with chronic hepatitis B have been diagnosed, 26%
are engaged in care and 12.7% are receiving treatment.2 In addition, 70% of all people living with chronic
hepatitis B in Australia were born overseas, highlighting the importance of screening based on country
of birth, particularly among people born in areas with a high prevalence of hepatitis B.3
Exposure to the hepatitis B virus early in life carries the highest risk of chronic infection, whereas
exposure during adulthood typically results in a self-limiting acute infection in over 95% of cases.1
Therefore, most individuals with chronic infection acquired hepatitis B virus during birth or in early
childhood, particularly among people born in areas with a high prevalence of hepatitis B.
Other modes of transmission include sharing of injection equipment or items that may have blood on
them, and unprotected sex.4 For people growing up in some countries with high rates of hepatitis B,
transmission could also occur through injuries involving blood passing between a person living with
hepatitis B and another person; having an operation; receiving a blood transfusion; a dental visit; or
getting a tattoo.4
There is no cure for hepatitis B, but there is a vaccination and treatment to manage the infection. It is
also important to note that hepatitis B is an infection that carries stigma for certain community groups,
and culturally safe care and conversations are required.
Hepatitis B and C
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus that is one of the major causes of liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular
carcinoma and liver failure. Within Australia, it was estimated that approximately 117,000 people were
living with chronic hepatitis C in 2020. There were 9230 notiLcations of hepatitis C in 2019, 69% of
which in among.5
Hepatitis C is an infection that is associated with high-risk populations (eg people who inject drugs,
immigrants from high-prevalence countries, men who have sex with men [MSM]). For this reason, risks
may not be readily disclosed, so screening needs to be done with care and sensitivity to ensure the
safety and conLdence of patients, as well as helping to Lnd those who are unknowingly living with
hepatitis C.
Hepatitis C is transmitted by a blood-to-blood route. The main transmission routes include the sharing
of needles and auxiliary injecting equipment, perinatal transmission and sexual practices that lead to
sexual transmission.
Tattooing and piercing with unsterilised equipment have also been associated with the acquisition of
hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is now easily treated with oral medications that offer a 95% cure rate.
Table of recommendations
Hepatitis B
At a minimum, all population groups at high risk (see Recommended Single
Box 1) should be offered testing to determine their (strong) screen
hepatitis B virus status. with
testing if
the risk
Hepatitis B and C
When testing for hepatitis B, the tests to be ordered Practice point N/A 1
Infants, children, people with HIV, chronic liver Practice point N/A
disease and/or hepatitis C and others at high risk*
are recommended to receive the hepatitis B vaccine
if they are not immune.
*For a complete list of those at high risk, see the
Australian immunisation handbook (https://immunis
entable-diseases/hepatitis-b) .
Recommend safe sexual practices to prevent Practice point N/A
hepatitis B and C.
Recommend safer injecting practices to minimise Practice point N/A
transmission of hepatitis B and C, such as needle
exchange and minimising the sharing of needles and
auxiliary injecting equipment.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis B and C
All individuals with a risk factor* for hepatitis C Recommended At initial 7,8
Hepatitis B and C
hepatitis B and C.
Further information
Sensitive history gathering is important to ensure people living with yet-to-be-diagnosed infection are
not missed.
A non-judgemental attitude and environment will facilitate disclosures on sexual matters. It is important
to ask open-ended questions, and to avoid assumptions about sexual orientation by using the term
‘partner’. Gentle enquiry about recent sexual activity, gender, number of partners, contraception
(including the use of condoms), travel history and immunisation status helps to inform decision
making. In addition, ask about risk factors for blood-borne viruses (hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV),
such as injecting drug use, tattooing and piercing. Investigations should be explained, and patients
should be asked for consent before tests such as HIV or hepatitis C are ordered. Refer to the Sexually
transmissible infections (
ransmitted-infections-stis-and-hepatitis) chapter for more information.
Hepatitis B
In Australia, routine adolescent Hepatitis B immunisation commenced in 1997 and routine infant
Hepatitis B immunisation commenced in May 2000. However, it is important to note that people born in
high-risk countries who then moved to and have grown up in Australia and people with other risk factors
should be offered testing to determine their status and not assumed that they are immune.9
It is important that appropriate consent is obtained, and pre-test counselling is provided before testing
for chronic hepatitis B. Given that most people living with chronic hepatitis B are from Culturally and
Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities, it is essential that discussions are held before testing and
after diagnosis, and when necessary, with the assistance of an accredited interpreter.1
Hepatitis B and C
• Pregnant women
• People receiving immunosuppressive therapy
• Healthcare workers
• People with other chronic liver diseases (eg metabolic-associated fatty liver
• People undergoing renal dialysis
• People living with HIV
• Household and sexual contacts of people with chronic hepatitis B
• Children born to mothers with chronic hepatitis B
• People with multiple sexual partners
Hepatitis C
Screening for hepatitis C should be provided if the patient is HIV positive or there is a history of injecting
drug use, because this increases the risk of transmission. If hepatitis C virus antibodies are detected,
current infection should be conLrmed by testing for hepatitis C virus RNA using a sensitive polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) assay.6
Hepatitis B and C
For speciLc advice about hepatitis B immunisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,
please refer to the Australian immunisation handbook (
ntents/vaccine-preventable-diseases/hepatitis-b#recommendations) and the National guide to a
preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (
pter-14-sexual-health-and-blood-borne-viruses) .
Speci9c populations
All pregnant women should be screened for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV and syphilis. Consider
screening pregnant women aged up to 29 years for chlamydia (and gonorrhoea, if the patient is at high
risk; see Sexually transmissible infections (
seases/sexually-transmitted-infections-stis-and-hepatitis) ). See the Pregnancy – First antenatal visit (h
chapter for more information.
Decision making in hepatitis B ( tool |
ASHM B positive: A guide for primary care providers ( | ASHM Australian
immunisation handbook (
1. Gastroenterological Society of Australia. 2. Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and
(GESA). Hepatitis B virus (HBV) consensus Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM). Viral hepatitis
statement. GESA, 2021 ( mapping project: Hepatitis B. Geographic
u/education/clinical-information/hbv-consensus- diversity in chronic hepatitis B prevalence,
statement/) [Accessed 31 January 2024]. management and treatment. ASHM, 2021 (http
patitis-B-2021.pdf) [Accessed 21 February 2024].
Hepatitis B and C
GPs need to be aware of groups with lower levels of age-appropriate immunisation.2 Lower
immunisation rates at 12 months3 have been associated with:
All these factors are also associated with lower immunisation coverage at 24 months, with the
exception of low birth weight, which was only signiLcant in the very low birth weight category.3
Table of recommendations
Immunisation recommendations for non-Indigenous Australians without risk factors for vaccine-
preventable diseases Table 1. Vaccine recommendations for non-Indigenous Australians based on
age and pregnancy status This table is a summary of Australian immunisation handbook (https://imm vaccine recommendations for non-Indigenous Australians based on
age and pregnancy status. Shaded cells represent vaccinations funded under the National
Immunisation Program (
nal-immunisation-program-schedule?language=und) (NIP).a Parentheses indicate that these vaccines
are only recommended for a population sub-group. Further detail is provided in the corresponding
Poliomyelitis IPV ✔* ✔* ✔* ✔†
Haemophilus Hib ✔* ✔* ✔*
in-uenzae type
• • •
Pneumococcal 13vPCV check for
15vPCV medical
20vPCV risk
Check for medical risk
• •
Measles, MMR • ‡,
mumps, f
Varicella VV ✔‡ ✔h
Meningococcal • 15–
serogroup MenACWY ✔j ✔j (Refer year
footnote NIP school
j) program dos
at 14–16 yea
Incuenza QIV ✔k
(annual) (Refer to
footnote k)
Human • 9–2
papillomavirus HPV
NIP school
program dos
14–16 years
Herpes zoster HZ
DTPa = Diphtheria-tetanus-
DTPa = Diphtheria-tetanus-
DTPa = Diphtheria-tetanus- acellular pertussis vaccine
acellular pertussis vaccine
acellular pertussis vaccine (paediatric formulation)
(paediatric formulation) IPV =
(paediatric formulation) IPV = IPV = Inactivated
Inactivated poliomyelitis
Inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine poliomyelitis vaccine
vaccine 15vPCV = 15-valent
15vPCV = 15-valent pneumococcal 15vPCV = 15-valent
pneumococcal conjugate
conjugate vaccine pneumococcal conjugate
HepB = Hepatitis B
HepB = Hepatitis B vaccine HepB = Hepatitis B vaccine
vaccine MenACWY =
MenACWY = Meningococcal MenACWY = Meningococcal
Meningococcal serogroup
serogroup ACWY conjugate serogroup ACWY conjugate
ACWY conjugate vaccine
vaccine 23vPPV = 23-valent vaccine 23vPPV = 23-valent
23vPPV = 23-valent
pneumococcal polysaccharide pneumococcal polysaccharide
vaccine vaccine
polysaccharide vaccine
Hib = Haemophilus
Hib = Haemophilus infuenzae type Hib = Haemophilus infuenzae
infuenzae type b vaccine
b vaccine MMR = Measles- type b vaccine MMR =
MMR = Measles-mumps-
mumps-rubella vaccine QIV = Measles-mumps-rubella
rubella vaccine QIV =
Quadrivalent seasonal infuenza vaccine QIV = Quadrivalent
Quadrivalent seasonal
vaccine seasonal infuenza vaccine
infuenza vaccine
* HepB, DTPa, IPV and Hib are administered at 2, 4 and 6 months of age using a combination
vaccine. The Lrst dose can be given as early as 6 weeks of age; refer to footnote (b).
† DTPa and IPV are administered at 4 years of age using a combination vaccine.
‡ MMRV [Measles, mumps, rubella and varicella] are administered at 18 months of age using a
combination vaccine.
a. The National Immunisation Program Schedule is available on the Australian Government here
[Department of Health immunisation website (
sation/immunisation-throughout-life/national-immunisation-program-schedule) ]. (https://ww
adolescents through a school-based program (14–16-year-olds); those aged 15–19 years who
did not receive the vaccine at school can receive it from their GP. For further details, refer to the
Australian immunisation handbook (
ntable-diseases/meningococcal-disease) . (
k. Infuenza vaccine is recommended annually for all people aged ≥6 months who wish to reduce
the likelihood of becoming ill with infuenza. Infuenza vaccine is funded under the NIP for all
children ≥6 months to 59 months (<5 years) of age, people ≥5 years of age with certain medical
conditions predisposing them to severe infuenza. For older people aged ≥65 years, the
adjuvanted quadrivalent infuenza vaccine (aQIV, Fluad Quad®) is funded under the NIP and is
preferentially recommended over standard QIV. The QIV is funded under the NIP for adults with
a medical condition that predisposes them to severe infuenza, pregnant women, non-
Indigenous adults aged ≥65 years. For further details, refer to the ATAGI [Australian Technical
Advisory Group] advice on seasonal infuenza vaccines (
publications/atagi-advice-on-seasonal-infuenza-vaccines-in-2021) . (
l. A single dose of HPV vaccine is recommended and NIP-funded for adolescents and young
adults (ie aged ≤25years). A 3-dose schedule of HPV vaccine is recommended and NIP-funded
for immunocompromised adolescents and adults. School years at which the school-based
programs are delivered vary among states and territories. Contact your state or territory health
department for more details.
m. A 2-dose schedule of herpes zoster vaccine (Shingrix®) is recommended and funded under the
NIP for adults aged ≥65 years, 2–6 months apart.
Note: This table does not include recommendations on use of vaccines in the context of response to,
and control of, a disease outbreak, or (speciLcally) for travel outside Australia. Refer also to
Immunisation recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people without risk factors for
vaccine-preventable diseases living in the ACT, NSW, Tas, Vic (
nals/immunisation-schedules) and Immunisation recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people without risk factors for vaccine-preventable diseases living in the NT, QLD, SA, WA (htt
Reproduced with permission from the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (htt
ps:// . Immunisation recommendations for
non-Indigenous Australians without risk factors for vaccine preventable diseases. March 2024 update.
NCRIS, 2024. Available at
Indigenous%20people%20without%20risk%20factors_March%202024.pdf (
k%20factors_March%202024.pdf) [Accessed 6 April 2024].
State and territory health departments also fund some additional vaccines. Visit the National
Immunisation Program (
nal-immunisation-program-schedule?language=und) for information on state and territory
immunisation schedules.
COVID-19 regulations change regularly. For information about the COVID vaccines, visit the Australian
Further information
The National Immunisation Program (
cinated/national-immunisation-program-schedule?language=und) lists the recommended funded
vaccines for all Australian residents. There are other vaccines that are not funded but are
recommended in the Australian immunisation handbook (
ontents/vaccine-preventable-diseases/) , depending on occupation or travel. There may be variability in
vaccines recommended/funded (eg hepatitis A vaccine).
Consent should be sought from someone with legal capacity before each vaccination. The individual
providing consent should have the intellectual capacity to understand speciLc information and agree
voluntarily without pressure, coercion or manipulation. The consent process should include written
advice about beneLts and harms of the vaccines, risk of not having the vaccine, and what to do after
receiving the vaccine.
Information on providing valid consent is available within the Australian immunisation handbook (http
id-consent) .
Recording, setting up effective recall systems and assessing the need for
catch-up vaccinations
Information on recording on the Australian Immunisation Register (
u/australian-immunisation-register-for-health-professionals) , setting up effective recall systems (http
s:// and on catch-up
vaccinations ( is available
within the Australian immunisation handbook.
For speciLc recommendations and advice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, also please
refer to the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Immunisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people (
n-for-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-people) and The Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners’ National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people (
gp-guidelines/national-guide/chapter-3-child-health/immunisation) .
Speci9c populations
Adults or children who develop asplenia, human immunodeLciency virus (HIV) infection or a
haematological malignancy, or who have received a bone marrow or other transplant, may not be Lt for
some vaccinations, or may require additional or repeat vaccinations.
Men who have sex with men (MSM) have additional vaccine recommendations:
• hepatitis A
• hepatitis B
• monkeypox (Mpox)
• human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV).
Mpox is a viral illness easily transmitted via sexual activity. A worldwide outbreak in 2022 lead to a
successful vaccination campaign to reduce risk of transmission. All MSM are recommended to have a
completed Mpox vaccination.
MSM are at higher risk of HPV-related anal cancers. A completed HPV vaccine course is recommended
to reduce the risk of anal cancers later in life.
There have been regular outbreaks of meningococcal disease at large MSM gatherings, such as
parades, parties and other events that might attract attendance from an interstate or international
Meningococcal B vaccination is recommended for people with compromised immunity, including those
living with HIV. There is some emerging evidence of reduction of gonococcal sexually transmitted
infections in people who have been vaccinated for Meningococcal B.
Certain vaccines may not be recommended for individuals with compromised immune systems due to
contraindications. Further, these people might require additional vaccine doses to increase their
protection.1 For more information on vaccination for people who are immunocompromised, refer to the
Australian immunisation handbook (
or-special-risk-groups/vaccination-for-people-who-are-immunocompromised) .
For more information about vaccinations for special risk groups, refer to the Australian immunisation
handbook ( .
Australian immunisation handbook ( Australian
Immunisation Register (AIR) (
an-childhood-immunisation-register) | The AIR can be used to obtain information on the vaccination
history of individuals from birth to age 7 years given since 1 January 1996. The AIR can be contacted by
email ( or telephone on 1800 653 809. National Centre for
Immunisation Research & Surveillance (NCIRS) ( National Immunisation
Program (NIP) schedule (
1. Department of Health and Aged Care. 3. Haynes K, Stone C. Predictors of incomplete
Australian immunisation handbook. Department immunisation in Victorian children. Aust N Z J
of Health and Aged Care, 2023 (https://immunisa Public Health 2004;28(1):72–79. [Accessed 15 [Accessed 15 April April 2024].
2. Ward K, Chow MYK, King C, Leask J. Strategies
to improve vaccination uptake in Australia, a
systematic review of types and effectiveness.
Aust N Z J Public Health 2012;36(4):369–77.
[Accessed 15 April 2024].
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
STIs are frequently seen in general practice, especially chlamydia, which is typically asymptomatic.3,4 It
is important to detect chlamydia early to prevent transmission to others and to minimise potential
complications, such as infertility.5 It may also be appropriate to screen for other STIs. The individual’s
age, sexual behaviour and community HIV or STI prevalence all infuence the level of risk and should
infuence the choice of STI screening tests.
In asymptomatic, sexually active people up to 29 years of age, the overall absolute risk of infection is
approximately 5% for chlamydia and 0.5% for gonorrhoea.6
Rates of gonorrhoea and syphilis are higher among men who have sex with men (MSM) and among
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly those in remote communities.1 The rates of
gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV have grown considerably in the past 5 years among heterosexual
populations, with considerable concern in recent years about syphilis in pregnant women leading to
increased cases of congenital syphilis.8
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
Table of recommendations
Screening for chlamydia and gonorrhoea is Conditionally Opportunistically
recommended in all sexually active women recommended if indicated
aged ≤24 years, but only in those who are at (evidence is
increased risk (see Box 1) among women unclear on
aged ≥25 years. testing interval)
Although current evidence is insuacient to Practice point N/A
assess the balance of beneLts and harms of
screening for chlamydia and gonorrhoea in
heterosexual men, it should be considered in
order to prevent transmission to their partner/
Test all pregnant women for syphilis during Recommended As per
routine antenatal screening in the Lrst (Strong) recommendation
trimester of pregnancy, or if presenting for the
Lrst time in late pregnancy without previous
antenatal care.
Recommend repeat testing early in the third
trimester (28–32 weeks) and at the time of
birth for women at high risk of infection or
Actively follow up pregnant women who do
not attend for testing.
Case 9nding
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
people who:
• have been exposed to any STI or
have a history of an STI within the
past 12 months
• are at increased risk of an STI (eg
new sexual partner, living or
travelling to areas of higher
prevalence in Australia or in other
• request STI testing
• are a partner of a special
subpopulation (eg MSM, sex
workers, pregnant women, Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander people,
trans and gender-diverse people) or a
partner of anyone meeting any of the
Asymptomatic Mycoplasma genitalium Practice point N/A
testing is not recommended (see Further
information for more details).
Advise people that safe sex is the use of Practice point Opportunistically
condoms and water-based lubricant during
anal or vaginal intercourse.
Safe sex can:
• prevent HIV transmission
• prevent pregnancy
• help prevent most STIs.
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
Further information
Identify the risk of an STI by taking a sexual history and clarifying sexual practices with the patient.11
Information and example questions on how to take a sexual history are available in the ASHM’s STI
management guidelines for use in primary care ( .
Any STI diagnosis detected in screening should lead to a comprehensive STI check (https://sti.guideline .11
Blood tests
Test Consideration
Hepatitis B
HBsAg (hepatitis B
surface antigen)
Establish hepatitis B virus status and immunise if not previously
Anti-HBs (hepatitis B
surface antibody)
Anti-HBc (hepatitis B
core antibody)
In Australia, routine adolescent hepatitis B immunisation commenced in 1997 and universal infant
hepatitis B immunisation commenced in May 2000. Therefore, people aged ≤34 years in 2020 and
who grew up in Australia can generally be assumed to have been vaccinated and do not need
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
Self-collected vaginal
A vaginal swab is more sensitive than FPU and is
Nucleic acid the specimen of choice.
Urethral Lrst-pass urine
ampliLcation If speculum examination is indicated, then an
test (NAAT) endocervical swab can be collected in place of a
For MSM, oropharyngeal
vaginal swab.
and anorectal swabs
Some patients may present with a request for one speciLc test, such as ‘I want an HIV test’. It is
important to contextualise that HIV is relatively rare compared with infections such as chlamydia.
These presentations represent an excellent opportunity for STI screening as per the recommendations
and education. For people who may be at risk of HIV, this is an excellent opportunity to offer prevention
information, such as condom use or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
Mycoplasma genitalium
Mycoplasma genitalium is a sexually transmitted bacterial STI. Mycoplasma genitalium can cause
urethritis, pelvic infammatory disease (PID), cervicitis and rectal infections. Mycoplasma genitalium
testing is only recommended in people who are symptomatic despite negative screening for chlamydia
or gonorrhoea. Further information is available in the ASHM’s STI management guidelines for use in
primary care ( .
Mycoplasma genitalium should not be routinely tested in asymptomatic people; however, if a person still
has STI like symptoms after a negative chlamydia/gonorrhoea test, it is advised a Mycoplasma
genitalium polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is performed.
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
Contact tracing
Contact tracing is essential in reducing the transmission of STIs and HIV. It is the responsibility of the
diagnosing clinician to facilitate the process of notifying current and past partners. This may be through
a direct approach from the patient, their treating health professional or by using available online partner
notiLcation services, such as:
• (
• ( (for MSM)
• ( (for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander youth).
For more information and to determine ‘how far back to trace’, refer to the contact tracing manual at the
ASHM website ( or the NSW Government’s STI/HIV testing tool (http
s:// .
For HIV contact tracing, seek assistance from local sexual health services. Getting assistance from
local sexual health services is recommended for HIV and syphilis because it leads to more contacts
being tested and treated.15
Referral to sexual health services should be considered for problematic or repeated infections.16
In the case of a notiLable condition, the patient should be informed that case notiLcation to public
health authorities will occur. NotiLcation should be made as set by the department of health in the
relevant state or territory.
• have a new sexual partner, more than one sexual partner, a sexual partner
with concurrent partners or a sexual partner who has a sexually transmissible
infection (STI)
• practice inconsistent condom use when not in a mutually monogamous
relationship or have a previous or coexisting STI
• exchange sex for money or drugs and have a history of incarceration.
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
Speci9c populations
Some subpopulations (eg MSM, sex workers, pregnant women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people, trans and gender-diverse people) have special requirements for testing due to increased risk of
infection, adverse health outcomes, community prevalence or other factors.11 Further information is
available in the ASHM’s STI management guidelines for use in primary care (
u/) .
Pregnant women
All pregnant women should be screened, with consent, for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV and syphilis.11
Consider screening pregnant women up to 29 years of age for chlamydia (and gonorrhoea, if the patient
is at high risk). Untreated pregnant women infected with chlamydia have a 20–50% chance of infecting
their infant at delivery.17 See the First antenatal visit (
productive-and-womens-health/Lrst-antenatal-visit) chapter.
Repeat syphilis testing at 28–32 weeks of pregnancy and at delivery in all women at risk of STIs, and in
all women presenting with signs or symptoms of any other STI.
Repeat syphilis tests in all women in communities experiencing syphilis outbreaks. The Departments of
Health in each state and territory will issue alerts to clinicians in areas where a syphilis outbreak
Chlamydia pharyngitis can be associated with oral sex. Gonorrhoea can be transmitted via oral sex.
Throat swabs should be considered for chlamydia/gonorrhoea PCR in all MSM, but are worth
considering for all sexually active patients.11,18
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
1. The Kirby Institute. HIV, viral hepatitis and 9. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).
sexually transmissible infections in Australia: Chlamydia and gonorrhea: Screening. USPSTF,
Annual surveillance report 2022. The Kirby 2021 (https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforc
Institute, 2022 (
search/reports/asr2022) [Accessed 11 norrhea-screening) [Accessed 11 September
September 2023]. 2023].
2. Department of Health and Aged Care. Fourth 10. Department of Health. Congenital syphilis in
national sexually transmissible infections strategy Victoria. Victoria State Government, 2022 (http
2018–2022. Australian Government, 2019 s://
( enital-syphilis-in-victoria) [Accessed 11
cations/fourth-national-sexually-transmissible-inf September 2023].
ections-strategy-2018-2022?language=en) 11. Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and
[Accessed 24 July 2023]. Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM). STI
3. Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and management guidelines for use in primary care.
Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM). HIV, viral ASHM, 2022 (
hepatitis & STIs: A guide for primary care. Sydney: [Accessed 11 September 2023].
ASHM, 2014 (
12. NSW Health. Safe sex. Sydney: NSW Health, 2013
h/Pages/safe-sex.aspx) [Accessed 25 January
[Accessed 13 May 2016].
4. Kong FY, Guy RJ, Hocking JS, et al. Australian
13. Pavlin NL, Parker R, Fairley CK, Gunn JM, Hocking
general practitioner chlamydia testing rates
J. Take the sex out of STI screening!Views of
among young people. Med J Aust
young women on implementing chlamydia
2011;194(5):249–52. doi: 10.5694/
screening in general practice. BMC Infect Dis
.1326-5377.2011.tb02957.x. [Accessed 13 May
2008;8:62. doi: 10.1186/
1471-2334-8-62. [Accessed 25 January 2023].
5. Hocking J, Fairley C. Need for screening for
14. Preswell N, Barton D. Taking a sexual history.
genital chlamydia trachomatis infection in
Aust Fam Physician 2000;29(5):533–39.
Australia. Aust N Z J Public Health
[Accessed 25 January 2023].
2003;27(1):80–81. doi: 10.1111/
.1467-842x.2003.tb00385.x. [Accessed 13 May 15. Ferreira A, Young T, Mathews C, Zunza M, Low
2016]. . Strategies for partner notification for sexually
transmitted infections, including HIV. Cochrane
6. Hocking JS, Temple-Smith M, Guy R, et al.
Database Syst Rev 2013;10:CD002843. doi:
Population effectiveness of opportunistic
10.1002/14651858.cd002843.pub2. [Accessed
chlamydia testing in primary care in Australia: a
25 January 2023].
cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2018;
392 (10156):1413–22. doi: 10.1016/ 16. Burnet Institute. Partner notification of sexually
s0140-6736(18)31816-6. [Accessed 13 May transmitted infections in New South Wales: An
2016]. informed literature review. Centre for Population
Health, 2010 ( u/wp-
7. Cook RL, Hutchison SL, Ostergaard L. Systematic
review: Noninvasive testing for Chlamydia
[Accessed 28 January 2016].
trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Ann
Intern Med 17. Honey E, Augood C, Templeton A, et al. Cost
2005;142(11):914–25. doi: 10.7326/ effectiveness of screening for Chlamydia
0003-4819-142-11-200506070-00010. [Accessed trachomatis: A review of published studies. Sex
13 May 2016]. Transm Infect 2002;78(6):406–12. doi: 10.1136/
sti.78.6.406. [Accessed 28 January 2016].
8. Department of Health. Congenital syphilis.
Victoria State Government, 2022 (http://www.heal
ilis) [Accessed 21 August 2023].
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
Injury prevention
Sexually transmissible infections including HIV
Injury prevention
Bullying and child abuse
0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 7
Child abuse is most commonly perpetrated by someone within the family, or by a person known to the
child.1 (
Children less than one year of age are particularly vulnerable, especially to physical abuse and poor
attachment to parents.1 Child abuse is associated with immediate and long-term health problems
including in mental health, physical health and health risk behaviours, and increased use of health
services.2 People who have experienced child abuse and neglect are two times more likely to have had
six or more visits to a GP in a 12-month period.2
Bullying in children and young people has been deLned as ‘any unwanted aggressive behaviour(s) by a
peer or sibling that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times
or is highly likely to be repeated’.5 Bullying can be direct (physical or verbal) or indirect (relational/social,
social exclusion, spreading rumours, psychological/stalking, cyberbullying). It is also common and
harmful, with up to half of children experiencing bullying at some stage.6,7 Bullying can result in
signiLcant increases in behavioural and mental health problems, including suicide.8,9
Sibling bullying can start in toddlers (typically aged 2–6 years) and is common between the ages of six
and nine years. Sibling bullying can involve two-way sibling bullying, with both parties being a bully and
a victim.1
Bullying and child abuse
Table of recommendations
Case 9nding
Consider the risk of child abuse, if people caring for a Practice Opportunistically
child are presenting with the following factors: point
• hazardous use of alcohol or use of illicit
drugs, particularly during pregnancy
• a family violence situation (50% overlap with
intimate partner abuse and violence)
• mental health problems or intellectual
disability, which can compromise a parent’s
ability to care for their child
• poor attachment to the infant
• absence of social supports or isolation
• unstable housing or Lnancial situation
• history of own abuse or neglect or that of
another child in the family.
GPs and parent/carers should maintain an Practice Opportunistically
awareness and ask about the possibility of both peer point
and sibling bullying in children with risk factors. Refer
to Box 1.
Further information
All health practitioners need to be aware of their legal obligations under state or territory mandatory
reporting requirements when they suspect child abuse.1 While research shows that the response to
child abuse is challenging for GPs and can threaten the therapeutic relationship, strategies such as
reframing any reporting as seeking help for the child or emphasising mandatory reporting duty can help
maintain the therapeutic relationship.10 Health practitioners can play a crucial role in providing support
to families affected by adverse circumstances through offering ongoing supportive and trauma-
informed care and linking to services as required. GPs can intervene at three levels:
• Recognise risk factors and intervene early to reduce risk of abuse and neglect and prevent
harm (primary prevention).
• Recognise harm and respond appropriately to mitigate future harm (secondary prevention).
• Support the ongoing wellbeing of both the child and the family to manage the long-term
negative impacts of harm.
Bullying and child abuse
Unlike in the case of adult perpetrators, in situations where the child or adolescent is using violence,
young people who use violence against their parents are legally children and therefore their protection,
safety and developmental needs need to be taken into consideration.1
• Structural family characteristics (eg Lrst born, having an older brother, having
• Domestic violence
• Financial diaculties
• Negative family dynamics (eg conficting partnerships, arguing, hostile
communication), interparental confict
• Parenting quality (eg harsh discipline or failure to discipline, lack of parental
warmth, neglect, interparental hostility and abuse)
Speci9c populations
Supporting parents who have experienced trauma to understand the effects on, and care for, their
children provides an opportunity to help transform cycles of intergenerational trauma to cycles of
nurturing and recovery.11
Bullying and child abuse
Health practitioners also have a role in preventing, detecting and managing abuse in their patients with
disabilities. People with disabilities are a vulnerable group within our society and among general
practice patients.1 They are at increased risk for neglect and for multiple forms of abuse, including
verbal, psychological, physical and sexual abuse.1
Abuse and violence – Working with our patients in general practice (White Book) (https://www.racgp.or
lence/preamble) | RACGP Reporting child abuse and neglect (
eets/reporting-child-abuse-and-neglect) | Australian Institute of Family Studies Guidelines (various) on
recognising child abuse and neglect (
t=view-node%3Anodes-response-to-alerting-features) | National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
(NICE) VEGA family violence education resources – free educational resources for health professionals
recognising and responding to child abuse and neglect ( | VEGA
Family Violence Project
1. The Royal Australian College of General 7. Tucker CJ, Finkelhor D, Shattuck AM, Turner H.
ractitioners. Abuse and violence – Working with Prevalence and correlates of sibling victimization
our patients in general practice (White Book). 5th types. Child Abuse Negl 2013;37(4):213–23.
edn. RACGP, 2021. [Accessed 18 May 2023].
2. Mathews B, Pacella R, Scott JG, et al. The 8. Bowes L, Wolke D, Joinson C, Lereya ST, Lewis
prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia: . Sibling bullying and risk of depression, anxiety,
Findings from a national survey. Med J Aust and self-harm: A prospective cohort study.
2023;218(Suppl 6):S13–S18. Pediatrics 2014;134(4):e1032–39. [Accessed 18
3. Higgins, D.J., Mathews, B., Pacella, R., et al. The May 2023].
prevalence and nature of multi-type child . Dantchev S, Hickman M, Heron J, Zammit S,
maltreatment in Australia. Med J Aust 2023, Wolke D. The independent and cumulative effects
218(Suppl 6):S19–S25. of sibling and peer bullying in childhood on
4. Australian Institute of Family Studies. Child depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and self-
protection and Aboriginal and Torres Strait harm in adulthood. Front Psychiatry 2019;10:651.
Islander children. AIFS, 2020 ( [Accessed 18 May 2023].
esources/policy-and-practice-papers/child-protec 1 . Kuruppu J, Humphreys C, McKibbin G, Hegarty K.
tion-and-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander) Tensions in the therapeutic relationship:
[Accessed 18 May 2023]. emotional labour in the response to child abuse
5. Wolke D, Tippett N, Dantchev S. Bullying in the and neglect in primary healthcare. BMC Prim Care
2022;23(1):48. [Accessed 18 May 2023].
family: Sibling bullying. Lancet Psychiatry
2015;2(10):917–29. [Accessed 18 May 2023]. 11. National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health
6. Jadambaa A, Thomas HJ, Scott JG, Graves N, Organisation and The Royal Australian College of
Brain D, Pacella R. Prevalence of traditional General Practitioners. National guide to a
bullying and cyberbullying among children and preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and
adolescents in Australia: A systematic review and Torres Strait Islander people. RACGP, 2018.
meta-analysis. Aust N Z J Psychiatry [Accessed 18 May 2023].
2019;53(9):878–88. [Accessed 18 May 2023].
Elder abuse
Elder abuse
Table of recommendations
Routine screening for abuse of older people is not Practice N/A 1,3
recommended. point
Case 9nding
Elder abuse
Further information
Risks factors at the individual level include:1,4,5 (
Relationship risk factors include a history of poor family relationships and unrealistic expectations of
caring. Being in a shared living situation is a risk factor for the abuse of older people. However, it is not
clear whether spouses or adult children of older people are more likely to be the perpetrators of abuse.2
Within residential aged care homes, abuse is more likely to occur where:2
• standards for healthcare, welfare services and care facilities for older people are low
• staff may be poorly trained, poorly remunerated and overworked
• the physical environment is deLcient
• policies operate in the interests of the institution rather than the residents.
For possible signs and symptoms of abuse in older people, see table 15.1 (
peciLc-abuse-issues-for-adults-and-older-people/abuse-of-older-people) in the RACGP’s Abuse and
violence: Working with our patients in general practice.
Elder abuse
Abuse and violence: Working with our patients in general practice, 5th edition (
e/preamble) (The White Book) | RACGP
1. The Royal Australian College of General 4. Johannesen M, LoGiudice D. Elder abuse: A
Practitioners. (RACGP). Abuse and violence: systematic review of risk factors in community
Working with our patients in general practice,. 5th dwelling elders. Age Ageing 2013 May;
edition. East Melbourne, Vic:edn. RACGP, 2021 (ht 42:292–98. [Accessed 24 August
tps:// 2021].;42:292–98. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afs195.
l-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-g [Accessed 21 February 2024].
5. Joosten M, Vrantsides F, Dow B. Understanding
[Accessed 31 January 2024]. elder abuse. A scoping study. Melbourne:
2. World Health Organization. (WHO). Elder abuse MelbourneThe University of Melbourne and
Abuse of older people 20220. Geneva: WHO, National Ageing Research Institute,
20220 ( 2017:1092–110. (https://socialequity.unimelb.ed
ets/detail/abuse-of-older-people) [Accessed 21
February 2024]. r-Abuse-A-Scoping-Study.pdf) [Accessed 24
August 2021].
3. Mikton C, Beaulieu M, Yon Y, Genesse JC, St-
Martin K, Byrne M, Phelan A, Storey J, Rogers M,
Campbell F, Ali P, Burnes D, Band-Winterstein T,
Penhale B, Lachs M, Pillemer K, Estenson L,
Marnfeldt K, Eustace-Cook J, Lacasse F.Mikton C,
Beaulieu M, Yon Y, et al. PROTOCOL: Global elder
abuse: A mega-map of systematic reviews on
prevalence, consequences, risk and protective
factors and interventions. Campbell Systematic
Reviews,Syst Rev 2022: ;18(2):e1227. doi:
10.1002/cl2.1227. [Accessed 21 February 2024].
Most falls are caused by an interaction of multiple risk factors. Older people who fall are at risk of a
‘long lie’ because of their inability to get up from the fall without assistance, which can result in
hypothermia, bronchopneumonia, dehydration, pressure injuries, rhabdomyolysis and, in some
instances, death.3
Some falls are associated with a loss of conLdence, functional decline, social withdrawal, anxiety and
depression, increased use of medical services and a fear of falling. An older person is at greater risk of
institutionalisation following a fall.3
Table of recommendations
Case 9nding
Recommendation Grade References
GPs should routinely ask about falls in interactions Recommended At least
with community-dwelling older (≥65 years) adults, (Strong) once a
asking whether they have experienced a fall in the year
past year, because falls will not often be
spontaneously reported.
Recommendation Grade References
All older adults should be advised on falls prevention Recommended Annually 1,4
Older adults who had a single, non-severe fall but also Recommended Annually 1,4,5
Older adults at high risk (see Figure 1) should be Recommended Annually
offered a multifactorial falls risk assessment to (Strong)
inform individualised, tailored interventions.
Further information
The World guidelines for falls prevention and management for older adults: A global initiative (https://ww provides an algorithm for risk
stratiLcation, assessment and interventions for community-dwelling older adults (see Figure 1).
Opportunistic case Lnding begins with one question: ‘Have you fallen in the past 12 months?’ This
question is highly speciLc in predicting future falls, but it has low sensitivity because it does not
consider common risk factors, resulting in a high rate of false negatives.1 Tools that assess more than
one fall risk factor, such as the 3 Key Questions (3KQ), have higher sensitivity.1 The 3KQ are:
Reproduced from Montero-Odasso et al. with permission from Oxford Academic.1 Medications should
be regularly reviewed, and patients should be encouraged to keep a medication review card.3,6 Reduce
doses to address side effects and dose sensitivity and stop medications that are no longer needed.
Certain medications, such as psychotropic drugs, those with anticholinergic or sedative effects and
those with hypotensive or orthostatic hypotensive side effects, can contribute to falls.3,6 Although
treatment of osteoporosis does not reduce the number of falls, it may reduce the number of falls that
result in a fracture. Refer to the osteoporosis chapter (
musculoskeletal/osteoporosis) (
porosis) for information on the prevention of osteoporosis.3,6 For individuals at a moderately high to
high risk of falls, a home assessment should be considered. Occupational therapy interventions can
help identify falls hazards, raise awareness of falls risks and implement safety strategies.6,7 When
referring patients, it is essential to specify fall prevention as the goal. The Quickscreen assessment tool
( , developed and validated for use in an Australian
population, includes home assessment tests, as well as simple assessments of medication use, vision,
sensation and balance. However, payment is required to access this tool. Active management of other
risk factors involves:6,7
• using a multidisciplinary team (eg podiatrist regarding foot problems, optometrist regarding
avoidance of multifocal lenses, physiotherapist or nurse regarding urge incontinence)
• referring to relevant medical specialists (eg ophthalmologist for cataract surgery, cardiologist
for consideration of pacemaker)
• investigation of the causes of dizziness
• optimal management of other medical conditions that may increase the risk of falls (eg
Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, dementia).
Speci9c populations
Exercise programs targeting non-English-speaking patients may need to address cultural norms about
appropriate levels of physical activity.
RACGP aged care clinical guide (Silver Book) ( World guidelines for
falls prevention and management for older adults: A global initiative (
articles/PMC9523684/pdf/afac205.pdf) Screening and intervention to prevent falls and fractures in older
people ( Staying active and on your feet (http
s:// Exercises for
falls prevention (
ons/exercise/exercises-for-falls-prevention) , Handbook of non-drug interventions (HANDI) | RACGP
1. Montero-Odasso M, van der Velde N, Martin FC, et 3. The Royal Australian College of General
al. World guidelines for falls prevention and Practitioners (RACGP). Falls. In: RACGP aged
management for older adults: A global initiative. care clinical guide – Silver Book: Part A. RACGP,
Age Ageing 2022;51(9):afac205. doi: 10.1093/ 2019 (
ageing/afac205. s/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-al
2. The Royal Australian College of General l-racgp-guidelines/silver-book/part-a/falls)
Practitioners (RACGP). Exercises for falls [Accessed 31 January 2024].
prevention. In: Handbook of Non-Drug 4. Lamb SE, Bruce J, Hossain A, et al. Screening
Interventions (HANDI). RACGP, 2014 (https://ww and intervention to prevent falls and fractures in older people. N Engl J Med 2020;383:1848–59.
es/handi/handi-interventions/exercise/exercises- doi: 10.1056/nejmoa2001500. [Accessed 31
for-falls-prevention) [Accessed 31 January 2024]. January 2024].
5. Ganz DA, Latham NK. Prevention of falls in
community-dwelling older adults. N Engl J Med
2020;382:734–43. doi: 10.1056/
nejmcp1903252.[Accessed 31 January 2024].
6. Gillespie LD, Robertson MC, Gillespie WJ, et al. 7. Panel on Prevention of Falls in Older Persons;
Interventions for preventing falls in older people American Geriatrics Society; British Geriatrics
living in the community. Cochrane Database Syst Society. Summary of the updated American
Rev 2012;9:CD007146. doi: 10.1002/ Geriatrics Society/British Geriatrics Society
14651858.cd007146.pub3. [Accessed 31 January clinical practice guideline for prevention of falls in
2024]. older persons. J Am Geriatr Soc
2011;59(1):148–57. doi: 10.1111/
.1532-5415.2010.03234.x. [Accessed 31 January
Intimate partner abuse and violence
Table of recommendations
Intimate partner abuse and violence
Case 9nding
Further information
Women survivors identify healthcare providers as the professionals they would most trust with
disclosure of abuse.5 Therefore, consider asking all pregnant adult and adolescent women about IPAV
during antenatal care, because this is a time of high risk and there are interventions that have been
shown to work in this setting.3 However, there is insuacient evidence for screening the general
population attending general practice;6,7 there should be a low threshold for asking about IPAV,
particularly when the GP suspects underlying psychosocial problems.3
Provide Lrst-line support to women who disclose IPAV. This includes the LIVES approach:8
• Listening
• Inquiring about needs
• Validating women’s disclosure
• Enhancing safety
• Providing support/referrals.
People can experience IPAV regardless of race, religious group, age, gender and socioeconomic status.
Those most at risk include:
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, women from culturally and linguistically diverse
(CALD) backgrounds, women with intellectual or physical disabilities
• LGBTIQA+ people
• pregnant women
• women who are recently separated or divorced, or who are on low incomes
• women who aged <25 years
• women who have experienced child abuse or come from a family where abuse and violence
Intimate partner abuse and violence
Risk assessment in migrant and refugee people needs to assess language proLciency, immigration
status and the individual’s eligibility for support services. Many will experience marginalisation from the
wider community through racism, as well as dislocation from their ethnocultural heritage.
Box 1. Clinical indicators where practitioners should think about asking patients directly
about intimate partner abuse and violence3
• Insomnia, nightmares
• Diaculty concentrating and making decisions
• Confusion, memory issues
• Irritability, feeling overwhelmed
• Anxiety and panic disorder
• Depression
• Suicidal ideation
• Somatoform disorder
• Post-traumatic stress disorder – hyperalertness and hypervigilance
• Eating disorders
• Drug and alcohol use
• Poor self-esteem
Intimate partner abuse and violence
Box 2. Questions to ask and statements to make if you suspect intimate partner abuse
and violence3
Intimate partner abuse and violence
Abuse and violence – working with our patients in general practice, 5th edition (The White Book) (http
s/abuse-and-violence/preamble) | RACGP Health care for women subjected to intimate partner or sexual
violence: A clinical handbook (
6_eng.pdf?sequence=1) | WHO
1. World Health Organization (WHO), Department 5. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
of Reproductive Health and Research London Family, domestic and sexual violence. Australian
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, South Government, 2023 (
African Medical Research Council. Global and rts/domestic-violence/family-domestic-and-sexu
regional estimates of violence against women. al-violence) [Accessed 8 May 2023].
Prevalence and health effects of intimate partner
6. World Health Organization (WHO). Responding
violence and non-partner sexual violence. WHO,
to intimate partner violence and sexual violence
2013 (
against women. WHO clinical and policy
789241564625) [Accessed 1 November 2015].
guidelines. WHO, 2013 (
2. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Personal ications/i/item/9789241548595) [Accessed 1
safety, Australia. ABS, 2023 (https://www.abs.go November 2015].
.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/persona 7. O’Doherty LJ, Taft A, Hegarty K, Ramsay J,
l-safety-australia/latest-release) [Accessed 9 May Davidson LL, Feder G. Screening women for
2023]. intimate partner violence in healthcare settings:
3. The Royal Australian College of General Abridged Cochrane systematic review and meta-
Practitioners (RACGP). Abuse and violence – analysis. BMJ 2014;348:g2913. doi: 10.1136/
working with our patients in general practice. 5th bmj.g2913. [Accessed 1 November 2015].
edn. RACGP, 2021 (
8. World Health Organization (WHO). Health care
for women subjected to intimate partner violence
or sexual violence: A clinical handbook. WHO,
e/preamble) [Accessed 22 February 2024].
2014 (
4. Boxall H, Doherty L, Lawler S, Franks C, Bricknell HO-RHR-14.26) [Accessed 8 May 2023].
S. The ‘Pathways to intimate partner homicide’
9. Tarzia L, Bohren MA, Cameron J, et al.
project: Key stages and events in male-
Women’s experiences and expectations after
perpetrated intimate partner homicide in
disclosure of intimate partner abuse to a
Australia. Research report 04/2022. ANROWS,
healthcare provider: A qualitative meta-synthesis.
2022 (
BMJ Open 2020;10:e041339. doi: 10.1136/
bmjopen-2020-041339. [Accessed 8 May 2023].
te-partner-homicide-in-australia/) [Accessed 22
February 2024].
Intimate partner abuse and violence
Intimate partner abuse and violence
Alcohol (
mental-health/alcohol) Anxiety (
es-in-general-practice/mental-health/anxiety) Dementia (https://www.racgp.or
Depression (
ce/mental-health/depression) Eating disorders (
reventive-activities-in-general-practice/mental-health/eating-disorders) Perinatal
mental health (
ctice/mental-health/perinatal-depression) Gambling (
Smoking and nicotine vaping (
s-in-general-practice/mental-health/smoking) Suicide (
0–9 10–14 15 –19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Alcohol use has risks at any level, and can cause harm to the person who drinks, as well as the people
around them, particularly household members.3 Alcohol consumption has been associated with a range
of long-term conditions, such as cardiovascular disease; some cancers, including breast, colon,
oropharynx and liver cancer; type 2 diabetes; nutrition-related conditions; obesity; liver disease; mental
health conditions; alcohol use disorders; and cognitive impairment.3 It has also been associated with
risks to the fetus during pregnancy (eg fetal alcohol spectrum disorder [FASD]) and to the baby through
breastfeeding.3 In 2015, drinking alcohol contributed 14% of the burden due to homicide and violence,
and alcohol can contribute to family disruption, crime, road accidents, work-related harms and
community safety issues.3
Men tend towards higher levels of risk-taking behaviour, and thus have a greater overall risk of
immediate harm from drinking (eg road crashes, falls and self-harm),3 and the disease burden for men
is greater;4 however, women are more susceptible than men to the direct physiological effects of
alcohol. For women, the immediate effects of alcohol occur more quickly than for men; they also last
longer. In addition, lifetime risk of disease will climb at a faster rate for women once low levels of
alcohol use have been exceeded.3
Table of recommendations
Advise children and people aged <18 years Recommended N/A
not to drink alcohol to reduce the risk of injury (Strong)
and other harms to health.
Advise women who are pregnant or planning a Recommended Opportunistically
pregnancy not to drink alcohol to prevent (Strong)
harm from alcohol to their unborn child. Refer
to the Preconception (https://www.racgp.or
and During pregnancy (https://www.racgp.or
Advise women who are breastfeeding that not Recommended Opportunistically
drinking alcohol is safest for their baby. (Strong)
Further information
Alcohol-related harm
The risk of alcohol-related harm rises with increasing alcohol consumption.3 There is no threshold of
alcohol consumption below which there is no risk. The National Health and Medical Research Council
(NHMRC) Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol (
h%20risks%20from%20drinking%20alcohol.pdf) provide guidance such that if they are followed by a
healthy adult, the risk of dying from an alcohol-related condition or injury is less than 1 in 100. Some
people are recommended to abstain from alcohol to lower their risk of alcohol-related harm.
Role of the GP
Patients are positive towards the role of GPs in health promotion, and this is enhanced when:6
Reasons for presenting can also infuence the perceived acceptability of alcohol questions by patients.7
Brief interventions
Alcohol brief interventions (
uidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/snap/applying-the-5as-to-each-risk-factor) undertaken by GPs are
effective in reducing risky drinking.8
Assess whether there are possible harmful interactions between medications and alcohol for people
with a mental health problem made worse by alcohol (eg anxiety and depression) or for people taking
multiple medications.
Speci9c populations
Individuals with health conditions that can be caused or worsened by alcohol consumption are at risk of
exacerbating their condition if they continue to drink.3 These conditions include alcohol dependence,
various liver diseases (eg alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and viral
hepatitis), pancreatitis and epilepsy.3 Commonly prescribed categories of medications including, but
not limited to, benzodiazepines, opioids, analgesics, antidepressants, anticoagulants, anticonvulsants,
antibiotics, antihistamines, anti-infammatories, antipsychotics and drugs used for the management of
conditions such as erectile dysfunction or diabetes are known to interact with alcohol, potentially
leading to severe side effects when used together.3
Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol (
s%20from%20drinking%20alcohol.pdf) | National Health and Medical Research Council
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 5. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).
National drug strategy household survey 2019. Unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and adults:
Australian Government, 2020 (https://www.aihw.g Screening and behavioral counseling interventions. USPSTF, 2018 (https://www.usprev
5&inline=true) [Accessed 21 February 2024]. tion/unhealthy-alcohol-use-in-adolescents-and-ad
2. The Royal Australian College of General ults-screening-and-behavioral-counseling-interven
Practitioners (RACGP). Applying the 5As to each tions) [Accessed 21 February 2024].
risk factor. In: Smoking, nutrition, alcohol, physical 6. Leong L, Hespe C, Zwar N, Tam CWM. Alcohol
activity (SNAP). RACGP, 2015 (https://w enquiry by GPs – understanding patients’ perspectives: A qualitative study. Aust Fam
ines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelin Physician 2015;44(11):833–38. [Accessed 21
es/snap/applying-the-5as-to-each-risk-factor) February 2024].
[Accessed 18 October 2023]. 7. Leong L, Zwar N, Hespe C, Tam CWM.
3. National Health and Medical Research Council Consultation contexts and the acceptability of
(NHMRC). Australian guidelines to reduce health alcohol enquiry from general practitioners – a
risks from drinking alcohol. NHMRC, 2020 (http survey experiment. Aust Fam Physician
s:// 2015;44(7):490–96. [Accessed 21 February
ents/attachments/Alcohol/Australian%20guidelin 2024].
es%20to%20reduce%20health%20risks%20fro m% 8. Beyer FR, Campbell F, Bertholet N, et al. The
20drinking%20alcohol.pdf) [Accessed 21 Cochrane 2018 review on brief interventions in
February 2024]. primary care for hazardous and harmful alcohol
4. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare consumption: A distillation for clinicians and
(AIHW). Alcohol, tobacco & other drugs in policy makers. Alcohol Alcohol
Australia. AIHW, 2023 ( 2019;54(4):417–27. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agz035.
eports/alcohol/alcohol-tobacco-other-drugs-austr [Accessed 21 February 2024].
alia/contents/drug-types/alcohol) [Accessed 21
February 2024].
0–9* 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
*from age 8 years
There is a risk of underdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis because many people do not seek treatment.
GPs should be aware of a patient’s worries about stigma and that under-reporting by patients is
Table of recommendations
Recommendation Grade References
Case 9nding
Recommendation Grade References
Further information
For a common condition like anxiety, there is an overlap of symptoms with other conditions like
depression.6 This allows the introduction of a stepped care model in mental health care that attempts
to encourage people with milder symptoms of distress to engage in lower intensity interventions (eg
self-help and eMental Health programs) and allocate more intense interventions (eg medication and
individual psychotherapy) to those who are most likely to beneLt.9 In the context of inequitable
distribution of mental health care in Australia, ensuring resources reach those most in need remains an
ongoing challenge.10 The quiz ( on the Australian Government’s
Head to Health website is an example of such an approach,11 informed by algorithms developed using
Australian primary care population data to predict which patients presenting to the GP are likely to have
a more severe outcome from depression and anxiety symptoms at three months12 to help GPs and their
patients in navigating the system.
Speci9c populations
In 2018, 11% of anxiety disorders in women were attributable to intimate partner violence, and 27% of
anxiety disorders were attributable to child abuse and neglect.13 For more information on these topics,
refer to the Intimate partner violence (
intimate-partner-violence) and Bullying and child abuse (
injury-prevention/child-abuse-and-maltreatment) chapters.
Quiz ( | Australian Government Head to Health website Screen
for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED) (
mber_resources/toolbox_for_clinical_practice_and_outcomes/symptoms/ScaredChild.pdf) tool
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 4. Sapra A, Bhandari P, Sharma S, Chanpura T, Lopp
Prevalence and impact of mental illness. L. Using Generalized Anxiety Disorder-2
Australian Government, 2024 (https://www.aihw.g (GAD-2) and GAD-7 in a primary care setting. Cureus 2020;12(5):e8224. doi: 10.7759/
pact-of-mental-illness) [Accessed 5 March 2024]. cureus.8224. [Accessed 5 March 2024].
2. Goldstein-Piekarski AN, Williams LM, Humphreys 5. Medscape. Generalized Anxiety Disorder 2
K. A trans-diagnostic review of anxiety disorder (GAD-2). Medscape, 2020 (
comorbidity and the impact of multiple exclusion
criteria on studying clinical outcomes in anxiety sorder-2-gad-2) [Accessed 5 March 2024].
disorders. Transl Psychiatry 2016;6(6):e847. doi:
6. National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence (NICE). Common mental health
[Accessed 5 March 2024].
problems: IdentiLcation and pathways to care.
3. Tiller JW. Depression and anxiety. Med J Aust NICE, 2011 (
2013;199(S6):S28–31. doi: 10.5694/ 123/chapter/recommendations#step-1-identiLcat
mja12.10628. [Accessed 5 March 2024]. ion-and-assessment) [Accessed 5 March 2024].
7. U.S. Preventive Task Force (USPSTF). Anxiety in 11. Head to Health. Quiz. Department of Health
children and adolescents: Screening. USPSTF, and Aged Care, n.d (https://www.headtohealth.go
2022 (https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforc [Accessed 5 March 2024].
.org/uspstf/recommendation/screening-anxiety- 12. Fletcher S, Spittal MJ, Chondros P, et al. Clinical
children-adolescents) [Accessed 5 March 2024]. efficacy of a decision support tool (Link-me) to
8. U.S. Preventive Task Force (USPSTF). Anxiety guide intensity of mental health care in primary
disorders in adults: Screening. USPSTF, 2023 (htt practice: A pragmatic stratified randomised
ps:// controlled trial. Lancet Psychiatry
stf/recommendation/anxiety-adults-screening) 2021;8(3):202–14. doi: 10.1016/
[Accessed 5 March 2024]. S2215-0366(20)30517-4. [Accessed 5 March
. Ho FYY, Yeung WF, Ng THY, Chan CS. The efficacy 2024].
and cost-effectiveness of stepped care prevention 13. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. What
and treatment for depressive and/or anxiety are the consequences of family, domestic and
disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. sexual violence? Australian Government, 2023
Sci Rep 2016;6(1):29281. doi: 10.1038/ (
srep29281. [Accessed 5 March 2024]. and-sexual-violence/resources/fdsv-summary#co
1 . Meadows GN, Enticott JC, Inder B, Russell GM, nsequences) [Accessed 5 March 2024].
Gurr R. Better access to mental health care and
the failure of the Medicare principle of
universality. Med J Aust 2015;202(4):190–94. doi:
10.5694/mja14.00330. [Accessed 5 March 2024].
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Although dementia is usually regarded as a disease of older age, younger-onset dementia is becoming
increasingly recognised. In 2019, more than 27,000 people were thought to be living with younger-onset
dementia in Australia.5
Table of recommendations
General population Not NA
screening for dementia is recommended
not recommended. (strong)
Case 9nding
Be alert for dementia in Conditionally Opportunistically
those with increasing age. recommended
For other risk factors
known to be associated
with dementia, see Box 1.
(RUDAS) (https://w
cale-rudas) for
culturally and
diverse (CALD)
*Symptoms such as
memory loss or behaviour
change, concerned family
members, history of
repeated head trauma,
Down syndrome, elevated
cardiovascular risk,
depression or a history of
For people who are Practice point N/A
showing signs of dementia,
concerns or symptoms
should be explored when
Lrst raised, noted or
reported by the person,
carer(s) or family and
should not be dismissed as
‘part of ageing’.
Provide preventive advice in Practice point N/A
relation to the following
associations with
dementia. See Box 2.
Further information
Dementia is a strong source of burden for carers and for the health system overall. It is vitally important
that GPs move to prevent as much dementia as possible through attention to the risk factors, and then
recognise and assist the person to manage their life if they develop dementia.
The best time to identify risk factors is earlier in life. GPs’ work in identifying and modifying
cardiovascular and other risk factors in midlife also reduces the risk factors for dementia. Dementia
risk scores may help.25 It may be helpful for GPs to mention the risk score to patients as a motivating
factor for behaviour change. The health assessments funded for midlife and the care plans for chronic
disease management may help with this.
GPs need to recognise and respond to the barriers to the identiLcation of dementia. These include:
A preference not to be told the diagnosis should be respected. However, it is important that the person
and/or their carer understands that there is a problem with cognition that will need management. The
concept of secondary prevention (ie slowing the progression of the disease using the strategies
outlined above) can then be introduced (eg smoking cessation, correction of hearing impairment,
optimal management of other cardiac risk factors, diet and exercise).
Box 1. Risk factors associated with dementia (other than increasing age, which doubles
the risk for every Ove-year increase)
Nutritional interventions
• A Mediterranean-like diet may be recommended to adults with normal cognition
and mild cognitive impairment to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and/or
• A healthy, balanced diet should be recommended to all adults
• Vitamins B and E, polyunsaturated fatty acids and multicomplex supplementation
should not be recommended to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and/or
Cognitive interventions
• Cognitive training may be offered to older adults with normal cognition and with
mild cognitive impairment to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and/or dementia
Social activity
• There is insuacient evidence for social activity reducing the risk of cognitive
• Social participation and social support are strongly connected to good health and
wellbeing throughout life, and social inclusion should be supported over the life
Weight management
• Interventions for midlife overweight and/or obesity may be offered to reduce the
risk of cognitive decline and/or dementia
Management of hypertension
Management of diabetes
• Management of diabetes in the form of medications and/or lifestyle interventions
should be offered to adults with diabetes
• Management of diabetes may be offered to adults with diabetes to reduce the
risk of cognitive decline and/or dementia
Management of dyslipidaemia
• Management of dyslipidaemia at midlife may be offered to reduce the risk of
cognitive decline and dementia
Management of depression
• There is currently insuacient evidence to recommend the use of antidepressant
medicines to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and/or dementia
• Management of depression in the form of antidepressants and/or psychological
interventions should be provided to adults with depression
Speci9c populations
GPs should be aware that culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) populations may have culturally
speciLc understandings of and attitudes towards dementia and how it should be managed.7 Ethno-
speciLc workers may be able to assist GPs who are concerned about undertaking primary or secondary
prevention in this context.
Cognitive screening tests:
Journal articles:
• Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission (https://ww
• Future Directions for Dementia Risk Reduction and Prevention Research: An International
Research Network on Dementia Prevention Consensus (
• Dementia Risk Scores and Their Role in the Implementation of Risk Reduction Guidelines (http
1. Grossberg GT, Christensen DD, Griffith PA, Kerwin 3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
DR, Hunt G, Hall EJ. The art of sharing the Australian burden of disease study. Australian
diagnosis and management of Alzheimer’s Government, 2023 (
disease with patients and caregivers: rts/burden-of-disease/australian-burden-of-disea
Recommendations of an expert consensus panel. se-study-2023/contents/about) [Accessed 5
Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry March 2024].
2010;12(1):cs00833. doi: 10.4088/
4. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Dementia in Australia. Australian Government,
2. Robinson L, Gemski A, Abley C, et al. The 2023 (
transition to dementia – individual and family a/dementia-in-aus/contents/summary)
experiences of receiving a diagnosis: A review. Int [Accessed 5 March 2024].
Psychogeriatr 2011;23(7):1026–43. doi: 10.1017/
5. Dementia Australia. About younger-onset 14. Anstey KJ, von Sanden C, Salim A, O’Kearney
dementia. Dementia Australia, n.d ( . Smoking as a risk factor for dementia and cognitive decline: A meta-analysis of prospective
[Accessed 17 May 2023]. studies. Am J Epidemiol 2007;166(4):367–78.
6. Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre, The doi: 10.1093/aje/kwm116. [Accessed 5 March
University of Sydney. Clinical practice guidelines 2024].
and principles of care for people with dementia. 15. Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI). World
The University of Sydney, 2016 (https://cdpc.sydn Alzheimer report 2014. Dementia and risk reduction. An analysis of protective and
ia/) [Accessed 5 March 2024]. modiLable risk factors. ADI, 2014 (
7. Boustani M, Peterson B, Hanson L, et al.
Screening for dementia in primary care: A [Accessed 6 March 2024].
summary of the evidence for the U.S. Preventive 16. Beydoun MA, Beydoun HA, Gamaldo AA, Teel A,
Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med Zonderman AB, Wang Y. Epidemiologic studies of
2003;138(11):927–37. doi: 10.7326/ modifiable factors associated with cognition and
0003-4819-138-11-200306030-00015. [Accessed dementia: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
5 March 2024]. BMC Public Health 2014;14(1):643. doi:
8. National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health. 10.1186/1471-2458-14-643. [Accessed 6 March
Dementia: A NICE-SCIE guideline on supporting 2024].
people with dementia and their carers in health 17. Flicker L, Holdsworth K. Aboriginal and Torres
and social care. National Institute for Health and Strait Islander people and dementia: A review of
Care Excellence, 2006. [Accessed 5 March 2024]. the research. A report for Alzheimer’s Australia.
. Gao S, Hendrie HC, Hall KS, Hui S. The Alzheimer’s Australia, 2014. [Accessed 6 March
relationships between age, sex, and the incidence 2024].
of dementia and Alzheimer disease: A meta- 18. Broe T, Wall S. The Koori dementia care project
analysis. Arch Gen Psychiatry (KDCP): Final report. Dementia Collaborative
1998;55(9):809–15. doi: 10.1001/ Research Centres, 2013 (http://ww
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1 . Lautenschlager NT, Cupples LA, Rao VS, et al. Risk iles/1288-cb55_Lnal_report_with_amendments.p
of dementia among relatives of Alzheimer’s df) [Accessed 5 March 2024].
disease patients in the MIRAGE study: What is in 19. Smith K, Flicker L, Lautenschlager NT, et al.
store for the oldest old? Neurology High prevalence of dementia and cognitive
1996;46(3):641–50. doi: 10.1212/WNL.46.3.641. impairment in Indigenous Australians. Neurology
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11. Lenoir H, Dufouil C, Auriacombe S, et al. l.0000320508.11013.4f.)
Depression history, depressive symptoms, and 20. Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory
incident dementia: The 3C study. J Alzheimers Dis Council’s (AHMAC) National Aboriginal and
2011;26(1):27–38. doi: 10.3233/ Torres Strait Islander Health Standing Committee.
JAD-2011-101614. [Accessed 5 March 2024]. Cultural respect framework 2016–2026 for
12. Fleminger S, Oliver DL, Lovestone S, Rabe-Hesketh Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
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[Accessed 5 March 2024]. 21. Smith K, Flicker L, Shadforth G, et al. ‘Gotta be
13. Anstey KJ, Eramudugolla R, Hosking DE, sit down and worked out together’: Views of
Lautenschlager NT, Dixon RA. Bridging the Aboriginal caregivers and service providers on
translation gap: From dementia risk assessment ways to improve dementia care for Aboriginal
to advice on risk reduction. J Prev Alzheimers Dis Australians. Rural Remote Health
2015;2(3):189–98. doi: 10.14283/jpad.2015.75. 2011;11(2):1650. doi: 10.22605/RRH1650.
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22. Bradley K, Smith R, Hughson JA, et al. Let’s 26. Magin P, Juratowitch L, Dunbabin J, et al.
CHAT (Community Health Approaches To) Attitudes to Alzheimer’s disease testing of
dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian general practice patients: A cross-
communities: Protocol for a stepped wedge sectional questionnaire-based study. Int J Geriatr
cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Health Psychiatry 2016;31(4):361–66. doi: 10.1002/
Serv Res 2020;20(1):208. doi: 10.1186/ gps.4335. [Accessed 5 March 2024].
s12913-020-4985-1. [Accessed 14 March 2024]. 27. Livingston G, Huntley J, Sommerlad A, et al.
23. Haralambous B, Dow B, Tinney J, et al. Help Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020
seeking in older Asian people with dementia in report of the Lancet Commission. Lancet
Melbourne: Using the cultural exchange model to 2020;396(10248):413–46. doi: 10.1016/
explore barriers and enablers. J Cross Cult S0140-6736(20)30367-6. [Accessed 5 March
Gerontol 2014;29(1):69–86. doi: 10.1007/ 2024].
s10823-014-9222-0. [Accessed 14 March 2024]. 28. Anstey KJ, Lipnicki DM, Low LF. Cholesterol as a
24. World Health Organization (WHO). Risk reduction risk factor for dementia and cognitive decline: A
of cognitive decline and dementia: WHO systematic review of prospective studies with
guidelines. WHO, 2019 ( meta-analysis. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry
bitstream/handle/10665/312180/978924155054 2008;16(5):343–54. doi: 10.1097/01 [Accessed 5
3 eng.pdf?sequence=17) [Accessed 5 March March 2024].
2024]. 2 . Barnes DE, Yaffe K. The projected effect of risk
25. Anstey KJ, Zheng L, Peters R, et al. Dementia factor reduction on Alzheimer’s disease
risk scores and their role in the implementation of prevalence. Lancet Neurol 2011;10(9):819–28.
risk reduction guidelines. Front Neurol doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(11)70072-2. [Accessed
2022;12:765454. doi: 10.3389/ 5 March 2024].
fneur.2021.765454. [Accessed 5 March 2024].
0–9 10–14* 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
*from age 12 years
Table of recommendations
General population screening for depression is Generally not N/A
not recommended. recommended
Case 9nding
Further information
Although there is evidence that depression screening instruments have reasonable sensitivity and
speciLcity, the evidence for improved health outcomes and the cost-effectiveness of screening for
depression in primary care remain unclear. There is evidence for routine screening for depression in the
general adult population in the context of staff-assisted support to the GP in providing depression care,
case management and coordination (eg via practice nurses).14 There is insuacient evidence to
recommend routine screening in adults or adolescents where case management and coordination are
not available.2,3,14 There is insuacient evidence to recommend screening in children.5 Clinicians should
maintain a high level of awareness for depressive symptoms in patients at high risk of depression and
make appropriate clinical assessments wherever the risk is high.11
• History of depression
• Family history of depression
• Other psychiatric disorders, including substance misuse
• Chronic medical conditions
• Unemployment
• Low socioeconomic status
• Older adults with signiLcant life events (eg illness, cognitive decline, bereavement
or institutional placement)
• All family members who have experienced family violence
• Lesbian, gay and bisexual peoples
• Experience of child abuse
• Deliberate self-harm
• Comorbid mental health or chronic mental health conditions
• Experience of a major negative life event (including being bullied)
For speciLc recommendations and advice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, please refer
to the Prevention of depression (
on) section in the National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people.
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Mental health. Australian Government, 2024 (http
s:// [Accessed 6
March 2024].
2. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). 1 . Chown P, Kang M, Sanci L, Newnham V, Bennett
Depression and suicide risk in children and DL. Adolescent health: Enhancing the skills of
adolescents: Screening. USPSTF, 2022 (https://w general practitioners in caring for young people from culturally diverse backgrounds – GP
ommendation/screening-depression-suicide-risk- resource kit. 2nd edn. NSW Centre for the
children-adolescents) [Accessed 5 March 2024]. Advancement of Adolescent Health and
3. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). Transcultural Mental Health Centre, 2008.
Depression and suicide risk in adults: Screening. [Accessed 5 March 2024].
USPSTF, 2023 ( 11. National Institute for Health and Clinical
ools-action/browse-evidence-based-resources/de Excellence (NICE). Depression in adults:
pression-and-suicide-risk-adults-screening) Treatment and management. NICE guideline
[Accessed 5 March 2024]. (http
s:// [NG222].
4. Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. NICE, 2022 [Accessed 5 March 2024].
Depression in adults. Canadian Task Force on 12. Health Quality Ontario. Screening and
Preventive Health Care, 2013 (https://canadian management of depression for adults with chronic diseases: An evidence-based analysis.
pression/) [Accessed 5 March 2024]. Ont Health Technol Assess Ser 2013;13(8):1–45.
5. Siu AL; U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. [NG222]. NICE, 2022 [Accessed 5 March 2024].
Screening for depression in children and 13. King M, Semlyen J, Tai SS, et al. A systematic
adolescents: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force review of mental disorder, suicide, and deliberate
recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med self harm in lesbian, gay and bisexual people.
2016;164(5):360–66. doi: 10.7326/M15-2957. BMC Psychiatry 2008;8(1):70. doi: 10.1186/
[Accessed 5 March 2024]. 1471-244X-8-70. [NG222]. NICE, 2022 [Accessed
6. Joffres M, Jaramillo A, Dickinson J, et al. 5 March 2024].
Recommendations on screening for depression in 14. Siu AL, Bibbins-Domingo K, Grossman DC, et al.
adults. CMAJ 2013;185(9):775–82. doi: 10.1503/ Screening for depression in adults: US Preventive
cmaj.130403. [Accessed 5 March 2024]. Services Task Force recommendation statement.
7. Lereya ST, Copeland WE, Zammit S, Wolke D. JAMA 2016;315(4):380–87. doi: 10.1001/
Bully/victims: A longitudinal, population-based jama.2015.18392. [NG222]. NICE, 2022
cohort study of their mental health. Eur Child [Accessed 5 March 2024].
Adolesc Psychiatry 2015;24(12):1461–71. doi: 15. General Practice Mental Health Standards
10.1007/s00787-015-0705-5. [Accessed 5 March Collaboration (GPMHSC). Suicide prevention and
2024]. Lrst aid resource tool kit. GPMHSC, 2016 (http
8. Sanci L, Lewis D, Patton G. Detecting emotional s://
disorder in young people in primary care. Curr 8f5-48b3-b30c-813080dfab9d) [Accessed 5
Opin Psychiatry 2010;23(4):318–23. doi: 10.1097/ March 2024].
YCO.0b013e32833aac38. [Accessed 5 March 16. The Royal Australian College of General
2024]. Practitioners (RACGP); National Aboriginal
. Thapar A, Collishaw S, Pine DS, Thapar AK. Community Controlled Health Organisation
Depression in adolescence. Lancet (NACCHO). National guide to a preventive health
2012;379(9820):1056–67. doi: 10.1016/ assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
S0140-6736(11)60871-4. [Accessed 5 March Islander people. RACGP and NACCHO, 2018 (http
2024]. s://
h/prevention-of-depression) [Accessed 5 March
Eating disorders
Eating disorders
Eating disorders are serious and potentially life-threatening mental illnesses with complex aetiology
that can present to primary care in myriad ways. Patients will more often present with an eating
disorder than for an eating disorder, and, as such, GPs with their skilled generalist approach are ideally
placed with curious questioning to provide a safe space for patients to explore help seeking at any
There is an opportunity to improve the detection and management of eating disorders in Australian
primary care settings, particularly when patients present for ‘other’ issues or with unexplained low body
mass index (BMI) and one or more symptoms related to an eating disorder.5
Although the evidence for screening is insuacient,4 implementing opportunistic case Lnding in high-
risk groups is likely to improve access to early intervention, accurate diagnosis and treatment, which
will improve outcomes for individuals and the community.2
Eating disorders
Table of recommendations
Screening for eating disorders (eg binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa and anorexia Not N/A
nervosa) is not recommended in adolescents and adults. recommended
Case 9nding
GPs have a vital role in prevention by educating about the risks of dieting, which is a Practice point N/A
risk factor for the development of both eating disorders and obesity, by:
• discouraging unhealthy dieting; instead, encourage and support the use of
positive eating and physical activity behaviours that can be maintained on an
ongoing basis
• promoting a positive body image among all adolescents
• encouraging families to have body-positive conversations that do not focus
on weight but celebrate health
• encouraging families to engage in family-centred/led activities such as
healthy family meals and routine and regular physical activity
Further information
Screening for eating disorders has the potential to improve health outcomes, such as quality of life or
function, if it leads to early detection and effective treatment. However, the current evidence on whether
screening improves health outcomes is unclear.6
Eating disorders
GPs can also implement sensitive weighing practices at every opportunity, being mindful of the
Academy of Eating Disorder position statement on preventing Childhood Obesity,9 which states:
Weighing [children] should only be performed when there is a clear and compelling need for the
information. The height and weight of a child should be measured in a sensitive, straightforward and
friendly manner, in a private setting. Height and weight should be recorded without remark.
Eating disorders
Speci9c populations
It is important to understand that men and individuals from diverse or minority populations (eg
LGBTIQA+/gender diverse, ethnic minority groups) with eating disorders are often missed and may face
poorer outcomes due to delayed diagnosis and a lack of access to services.2
Eating disorders: A professional resource for general practitioners (
DC-Resources/NEDC-Resource-GPs.pdf) | National Eating Disorders Collaboration
Weighing an individual with an eating disorder (
n%20individual%20with%20an%20eating%20disorder.pdf) | Inside Out Institute for Eating Disorders
Weekly weighing (
g.pdf) | Centre for Clinical Interventions
1. Inside Out Institute for Eating Disorders. About 6. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).
eating disorders. Inside Out Institute for Eating Depression and suicide risk in adults: Screening.
Disorders, 2023 ( USPSTF, 2023 (
about-eating-disorders/) [Accessed 23 May ools-action/browse-evidence-based-resources/de
2023]. pression-and-suicide-risk-adults-screening)
2. Bryant E, Spielman K, Le A, et al. Screening, [Accessed 5 March 2024].
assessment and diagnosis in the eating 7. National Institute for Health and Care
disorders: Findings from a rapid review. J Eat Excellence (NICE). Eating disorders: Recognition
Disord 2022;10(1):78. doi: 10.1186/ and treatment. NICE, 2020 (https://www.nice.or
s40337-022-00597-8. [Accessed 23 May 2023].
3. Burt A, Mitchison D, Doyle K, Hay P. Eating s#identiLcation-and-assessment) [Accessed 5
disorders amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait March 2024].
Islander Australians: A scoping review. J Eat 8. Neumark-Sztainer D. Preventing obesity and
Disord 2020;8(1):73. doi: 10.1186/ eating disorders in adolescents: What can health
s40337-020-00346-9. [Accessed 23 May 2023]. care providers do? J Adolesc Health
4. Rowe E. Early detection of eating disorders in 2009;44(3):206–13. doi: 10.1016/
general practice. Aust Fam Physician .jadohealth.2008.11.005. [Accessed 5 March
2017;46(11):833–38. [Accessed 23 May 2023]. 2024].
Perinatal mental health
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Table of recommendations
Assess psychosocial risk factors as early as Recommended As early
practical in pregnancy and again after the birth using (strong) as
the Antenatal Risk Questionnaire (ANRQ) (https://w practical in
ealth-professionals/) . pregnancy,
after birth.
Perinatal mental health
anxiety disorder using the Edinburgh Postnatal (strong) for the Brst
Depression Scale (EPDS) ( depression postnatal
health-professionals/clinical-tools-health-profession screening
als/) is recommended. 6–12
Practice point
for anxiety
after birth
and repeat
at least
once in
the Brst
Explain to all women that asking about family (strong) more than
violence is routine part of postnatal care. Ask about once.
family violence only when alone with the woman,
using validated screening tools (https://www.racg
violence/resources-1/useful-tools) .
Further information
Perinatal depression
Common symptoms of perinatal depression:5
Depression in the perinatal period is identiBed by the presence of a number of symptoms experienced
over a period of time, typically two weeks or more. Moderate to severe perinatal depression can also
affect a parent’s ability to care for their baby and/or other children in their care.5 Any discussion of
suicide should be taken seriously, with treatment from a mental health professional or other appropriate
person immediately sought.6
Perinatal mental health
Perinatal anxiety
Although pregnancy and the arrival of a new baby can be very exciting, most women experience some
worries about things like having a healthy pregnancy, delivering the baby, keeping their baby safe and
potential impacts on their relationship, career or Bnances. For some people, those worries can become
overwhelming and unmanageable.6
• Anxiety or fear that interrupts thoughts and interferes with daily tasks
• Panic attacks: outbursts of extreme fear and panic that are overwhelming and feel diacult to
bring under control
• Anxiety and worries that keep coming into the woman’s mind and are diacult to stop or control
• Constantly feeling irritable, restless or ‘on edge’
• Having tense muscles, a ‘tight’ chest and heart palpitations
• Finding it diacult to relax and/or taking a long time to fall asleep at night
• Anxiety or fear that stops the woman going out with her baby
• Anxiety or fear that leads the woman to check on her baby constantly
Be aware that anxiety disorders are very common in the perinatal period and should be considered in
the broader clinical assessment.
Non-birthing partners
Information on assessing perinatal mental health in non-birthing partners (
alth-professionals/health-professionals-3/review-of-new-perinatal-mental-health-guidelines/) is
available in Part B – Screening and psychosocial assessment of the Centre of Perinatal Excellence’s
(COPE) Mental health care in the perinatal period Australian clinical practice guideline.
Perinatal mental health
The Kimberley Mum’s Mood Scale (KMMS) ( has been developed for use in
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations; however, it has only been validated for use in the
Kimberley region and may not be applicable for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in other
Where possible, seek guidance/support from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander worker or
professional worker or professional when screening Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander woman for
depression and anxiety.1
SpeciAc populations
Perinatal depression and anxiety are more commonly reported among the following population
For screening in women from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background, use
appropriately translated versions of the EPDS with culturally relevant cut-off scores. Consider language
and the cultural appropriateness of the tool.1
Further information on the identiBcation and management of abuse and violence: Abuse and violence –
working with our patients in general practice (
nes/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/abuse-and-violence/preamble) | RACGP Guideline
for the early identiBcation of mental health conditions in the perinatal period for women and/or their
partners Mental health care in the perinatal period: Australian clinical practice guideline (https://www.cop |
COPE Guidelines on all aspects of pregnancy care, including social and emotional screening:
Pregnancy care guidelines ( |
Department of Health and Aged Care A broad collection of resources for GPs to help patients with
mental health illness: Resources for GPs (
c-4c90-821f-5a9be3a42d20) | GPMHSC
Perinatal mental health
1. Highet NJ; Expert Working Group and Expert 4. Department of Health and Aged Care. Clinical
Subcommittees. Mental health care in the practice guidelines: Pregnancy care. Australian
perinatal period: Australian clinical practice Government, 2020 (
guideline. COPE, 2023 ( sources/pregnancy-care-guidelines) [Accessed
wp-content/uploads/2023/06/COPE_2023_Perina 22 February 2024].
5. Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE).
[Accessed 22 February 2024].
Perinatal depression: A guide for health
2. PwC Consulting Australia. The cost of perinatal professionals. COPE, 2023 (https://www.cope.or
depression and anxiety in Australia. Gidget
Foundation Australia, 2019 ( al-Depression_Health-Prof-Fact-Sheet-2023.pdf)
u/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/250811/sub75 [Accessed 22 February 2024].
2-mental-health-attachment.pdf) [Accessed 22
6. Black Dog Institute. Anxiety and depression
February 2024]. during pregnancy and the postnatal period (http
3. The Royal Australian College of General s://
Practitioners (RACGP). Abuse and violence – oads/2022/06/Depression-during-pregnancy.pd
working with our patients in general practice (The f) [Accessed 22 February 2024].
White Book). 5th edn. RACGP, 2021 (https://ww
7. Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE). Perinatal anxiety: A guide for health
professionals. COPE, 2023 (https://www.cope.or
s/abuse-and-violence/preamble) [Accessed 22
February 2024].
[Accessed 22 February 2024].
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
While GPs wait for screening tools to be validated and tested in primary care to demonstrate improved
health outcomes for gamblers, a case Bnding approach is warranted, given the opportunities afforded
GPs by knowing their patients over time and within the context of their families and communities.
Table of recommendations
Case Anding
Further information
Calls for a public health approach to gambling will hopefully see reductions in the future rates of
problem gambling, along the same lines as the success Australia has had in smoking cessation and
immunisation. Health professional awareness of the problem is one factor within a larger conceptual
framework required to address this problem.9
This approach allows for GPs to offer brief interventions, such as motivational interviewing or referral to
gambling support helplines and websites, for patients who report gambling issues.
Gambling Help Online ( , an online
counselling, information and support service for problem gambling issues (includes contact details for
local face-to-face counselling and support)
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. . Sharman S, Butler K, Roberts A. Psychosocial risk
Gambling in Australia. Australian Government, factors in disordered gambling: A descriptive
2023 ( systematic overview of vulnerable populations.
australia Addict Behav 2019; 99:106071. doi: 10.1016/
-welfare/gambling) [Accessed 22 February .addbeh.2019.106071. [Accessed 22 February
2. Goodwin BC, Browne M, Rockloff M, Rose J. A
typical problem gambler affects six others. Int . Australian Institute of Family Studies. The impact
Gambling Stud 2017;17(2):276–89. doi: 10.1080/ of gambling problems on families. Australian
14459795.2017.1331252. [Accessed 22 February Government, 2014 (
2024]. resources/policy-and-practice-papers/impact-ga
3. Langham E, Thorne H, Browne M, Donaldson P, mbling-problems-families) [Accessed 22 February
Rose J, Rockloff M. Understanding gambling- 2024].
related harm: A proposed definition, conceptual 7. Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation
framework, and taxonomy of harms. BMC Public (VRGF). One simple question on the path to
Health 2016;16:80. doi: 10.1186/ recovery. VRGF, 2022 (https://responsiblegamblin
s12889-016-2747-0. [Accessed 22 February
2024]. le-question-on-the-path-to-recovery/) [Accessed
. Blank L, Baxter S, Woods HB, Goyder E. Should 22 February 2024].
screening for risk of gambling-related harm be 8. Problem Gambling Research and Treatment
undertaken in health, care and support settings?A Centre (PGRTC). Guideline for screening,
systematic review of the international evidence. assessment and treatment in problem gambling.
Addict Sci Clin Pract 2021;16(1):35. doi: 10.1186/ Monash University, 2011. [Accessed 22 February
s13722-021-00243-9. [Accessed 22 February 2024].
9. Browne M, Langham E, Rawat V, et al. 10. Mayo Clinic. Compulsive gambling. Mayo
Assessing gambling-related harm in Victoria: A Clinic, 2022 (
public health perspective. Victorian Responsible s-conditions/compulsive-gambling/symptoms-ca
Gambling Foundation, 2016 (https://responsibleg uses/syc-20355178) [Accessed 22 February 2024].
alth-perspective-69/) [Accessed 22 February
Smoking and nicotine vaping
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Smoking rates are ineuenced by socioeconomic status, with higher rates in low socioeconomic status
communities. Smoking rates remain high in key population groups, including people with mental illness.
Smoking in pregnancy has serious adverse effects for both the mother and developing fetus.
Many people start smoking in during adolescence, with 80% of long-term smokers having started
smoking before the age of 20 years.4 The prevalence of e-cigarette use is on the rise, even among
individuals who have never smoked before. From 2016 to 2019, the percentage of people who had tried
e-cigarettes increased from 8.8% to 11.3%.2 Although the use of e-cigarettes grew across various age
groups, the increase was particularly signiBcant among young adults. Among individuals aged 18–24
years, almost two-thirds (64%) of current smokers and one-Bfth (20%) of non-smokers reported
experimenting with e-cigarettes. In addition, among those who had tried e-cigarettes, the frequency of
use also escalated, with a greater number of people using them at least once a month (rising from
10.3% in 2016 to 17.9% in 2019).2 There is increasing evidence that non-smokers who use e-cigarettes
are more likely than those avoiding e-cigarettes to start cigarette smoking and become current
Smoking and nicotine vaping
Table of recommendations
Ask patients whether they are currently smoking Recommended At every
and document their smoking status. (Strong) opportunity
Also ask about and document the use of vaping starting
products. from the
age of 10
All patients who smoke should be offered brief Recommended At every
advice to quit smoking. (Strong) visit
Set quit goals, offer Therapeutic Goods
Administration (TGA)-approved pharmacotherapy
(nicotine replacement therapy, varenicline or
bupropion), referral to a smoking cessation service
(see Further information) and follow up as
For patients who have not been able to quit with the Conditionally N/A
combination of behavioural support and approved recommended
pharmacotherapy, consider the use of nicotine e-
cigarettes to assist smoking cessation. This needs
to be preceded by an evidence-informed shared
decision-making process where the lack of
evidence on long-term safety and the current
unapproved status of nicotine e-cigarettes is
All patients who vape should be advised to quit Practice point At every
vaping. visit
Offer brief cessation advice in routine
consultations and appointments, whenever
Smoking and nicotine vaping
Further information
The delivery of smoking cessation advice is likely to be one of most effective interventions in reducing
mortality.8 Some smokers may not be ready to quit, but may still beneBt from brief advice about
smoking cessation.
There is a high likelihood of nicotine dependence if the person smokes within 30 minutes of waking and
smokes more than 10–15 cigarettes a day.
Referrals to Quitline, SMS cessation services and online cessation support (
opics/smoking-and-tobacco/smoking-and-tobacco-contacts) are all effective and may complement
brief interventions delivered by clinicians.
See RACGP’s Supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health professionals (
ing-cessation) for more information on smoking cessation advice and follow up.
Supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health professionals (
rces/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/supporting-smoking-cessation) |
Smoking and nicotine vaping
1. The Royal Australian College of General . Baenziger ON, Ford L, Yazidjoglou A, Joshy G,
Practitioners (RACGP). Supporting smoking Banks E. E-cigarette use and combustible
cessation: A guide for health professionals. 2nd tobacco cigarette smoking uptake among non-
edn. RACGP, 2021 ( smokers, including relapse in former smokers:
cal-resources/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidel Umbrella review, systematic review and meta-
ines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/supporting-smokin analysis. BMJ Open 2021;11:e045603. doi:
-cessation) [Accessed 17 May 2023]. 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045603. [Accessed 23
2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. February 2024].
National drug strategy household survey 2019. . U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Australian Government, 2020 (https://www.aihw.g Smoking cessation: A report of the surgeon general – executive summary. U.S. Department
ategy-household-survey-2019/contents/summar of Health and Human Services, 2020
[Accessed 23 February 2024]. (
3. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). National ssation-sgr-executive-summary.pdf) [Accessed
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health 23 February 2024].
survey. Canberra: ABS, 2019 (https://www.abs.go . Hartmann-Boyce J, Lindson N, Butler AR, et al.
.au/statistics/people/aboriginal-and-torres-strai Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation.
t-islander-peoples/national-aboriginal-and-torres- Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2022;11:CD010216.
strait-islander-health-survey/latest-release) doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010216.pub7.
[Accessed 23 February 2024]. [Accessed 23 February 2024].
. Department of Health and Aged Care. Young . Anthonisen NR, Skeans MA, Wise RA, et al. The
people and tobacco smoking. Australian effects of a smoking cessation intervention on
Government, 2023 ( 14.5-year mortality: A randomized clinical trial.
pics/smoking-and-tobacco/smoking-and-tobacc Ann Intern Med. 2005;142(4):233. doi: 10.7326/
-throughout-life/smoking-and-tobacco-and-youn 0003-4819-142-4-200502150-00005. [Accessed
g-people) [Accessed 23 February 2024]. 23 February 2024].
The suicide rate is threefold higher for men than women.1 The causes of suicidality are complex and
diverse, but there is an association between suicide and psychiatric conditions,5 and there is some
evidence that treatment of mental health conditions can reduce risk.7 People affected by complex
mental health issues are anywhere from 10- to 45-fold more likely to die by suicide than the general
population.8 The risk is highest for those living with borderline personality disorder (BPD), one of the
most stigmatised and poorly understood conditions, but it is also high for those living with anorexia
nervosa (31-fold higher than in the general population) and schizophrenia (13-fold higher than in the
general population).8
Although traumatic experiences can increase the risk of suicide, the effects of trauma can be
protracted over a period of time or lifelong. For example, adverse childhood events can be a risk factor
for mental ill health. Historical experiences of trauma should not be discounted as a current risk factor
for suicidal behaviour and poor mental health.9
Table of recommendations
Routine screening for suicide risk is not Not N/A
recommended. recommended
Case Anding
Be alert for the risk of attempted suicide in Practice point Opportunistically 11,12,13
those with:
• mental illness, especially mood
disorders, and alcohol and drug abuse
• previous suicide attempts or
deliberate self-harm
• recent loss or other adverse event
• access to harmful means, such as
medication or weapons
• legal or disciplinary problems
• relationship problems, such as
coneict with parents or intimate
• bullying
• a family history of attempted or
completed suicide
• a recent bereavement
• chronic and terminal medical illness
as well as those:
• who are living alone
• who are/have been in prison
• who have been discharged from a
psychiatric hospital in the previous 12
• are women experiencing intimate
partner violence
Further information
Although there is lack of evidence for routine screening for suicide using a screening instrument, a case
Bnding approach rather than universal screening is recommended given that there are clearly deBned
patient groups known to be at greater risk. GPs should be alert for patients who are at higher risk of
self-harm and suicide. Mental health Brst aid strategies can be offered in general practice and are
recognised as an effective strategy for suicide prevention.3 The system-based strategy that has the
greatest estimated reduction in suicide deaths is GP capacity building and support.14
The General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration (GPMHSC) provides guidelines written
speciBcally for GPs to assist with suicide prevention and Brst aid.2 These guidelines provide the t (http
s:// ypes of
questions to ask those identiBed as being at risk (
44f-4716-a13a-46ed224908a0#main-content) and some effective strategies for managing risk. (http
Conceptualising risk according to both static and dynamic factors can also assist the GP in the clinical
assessment of a patient regarding level of risk.15
SpeciAc populations
There is a higher incidence of attempted suicide in LGBTIQA+ communities.1
Suicide prevention and Grst aid: A resource for GPs (
3e3b-ceff-4e0d-81c0-b04dfba936d1/suicide-prevention-and-Grst-aid) | GPMHSC Suicide ( | Beyond Blue
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. . Spottswood M, Lim CT, Davydow D, Huang H.
Suicide & self-harm monitoring. Australian Improving suicide prevention in primary care for
Government, 2023 ( differing levels of behavioral health integration: A
ide-self-harm-monitoring/data/suicide-self-harm- review. Front Med (Lausanne) 2022;9:892205.
monitoring-data) [Accessed 5 March 2024]. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.892205. [Accessed 6
March 2024].
2. The Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners (RACGP). General practice: Health of . Hawton K, van Heeringen K. Suicide. Lancet
the nation 2022. RACGP, 2022 (https://www.rac 2009;373(9672):1372–81. doi: 10.1016/ S0140-6736(09)60372-X. [Accessed 6 March
a793b088e5a/Health-of-the-Nation.pdf.aspx) 2024].
[Accessed 6 March 2024]. . Austin MP, Highet N, The Guidelines Expert
3. General Practice Mental Health Standards Advisory Committee. Clinical practice guidelines
Collaboration (GPMHSC). Suicide prevention and for depression and related disorders – anxiety,
first aid: A resource for GPs. GPMHSC, 2016 (http bipolar disorder and puerperal psychosis – in the
s:// perinatal period. A guideline for primary care
3e3b-ceff-4e0d-81c0-b04dfba936d1/suicide-prev health professionals. beyondblue, 2011.
ention-and-first-aid) [Accessed 6 March 2024]. [Accessed 6 March 2024].
. Gaynes BN, West SL, Ford CA, et al. Screening for 12. Powell J, Geddes J, Deeks J, Goldacre M,
suicide risk in adults: A summary of the evidence Hawton K. Suicide in psychiatric hospital in-
for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Ann patients. Risk factors and their predictive power.
Intern Med 2004;140(10):822–35. doi: Br J Psychiatry 2000;176(3):266–72. doi:
10.7326/0003-4819-140-10-200405180-00015. 10.1192/bjp.176.3.266. [Accessed 5 March
[Accessed 6 March 2024]. 2024].
. SANE. Decrease in suicide rates is not a time for 13. Favril L, Yu R, Uyar A, Sharpe M, Fazel S. Risk
celebration. SANE, 2017.Available at (http s:// factors for suicide in adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological autopsy
017/decrease-in-suicide-rates-is-not-a-time-for-ce studies. Evid Based Ment Health
lebration) [Accessed 5 March 2024]. 2022;25(4):148–55. doi: 10.1136/
ebmental-2022-300549. [Accessed 5 March
. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Stress
and trauma. Australian Government, 2024 2024].
( 1 . Black Dog Institute. An evidence-based systems
stress-and-trauma) [Accessed 14 March 2024]. approach to suicide prevention: guidance on
planning, commissioning and monitoring. Black
1 . U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Dog Institute, 2016 (https://ww
(USPSTF). Suicide risk in adolescents, adults and
older adults: Screening. USPSTF, 2023 (https://w 020/04/an-evidence-based-systems-approach-to-
ommendation/suicide-risk-in-adolescents-adults- suicide-prevention.pdf?sfvrsn=0) [Accessed 5
and-older-adults-screening) [Accessed 5 March March 2024].
2024]. 15. Balaratnasingam S. Mental health risk
11. BeyondBlue. Suicide. Beyond Blue, n.d (http s:// assessment – a guide for GPs. Aust Fam Physician 2011;40(6):366–69. [Accessed 5
-prevention) [Accessed 5 March 2024]. March 2024].
Coeliac (
metabolic/coeliac) Diabetes (
s-in-general-practice/metabolic/diabetes) Nutrition (
s/preventive-activities-in-general-practice/metabolic/nutrition) Overweight and
obesity (
metabolic/overweight-and-obesity) Physical activity (
es/preventive-activities-in-general-practice/metabolic/physical-activity) Thyroid
Metabolic | Coeliac
Prevalence and context of the condition
The prevalence of self‐reported non‐coeliac wheat sensitivity and gluten avoidance in Australia is
approximately 13.8%.1 However, the prevalence of proven coeliac disease is 1.2% in adult men and 1.9%
in adult women2 (based on symptoms, the presence of anti-transglutaminase antibodies and
histological features on duodenal biopsy).
Table of recommendations
Recommendation Grade References
Further information
There is insuacient evidence for population screening. Screening for anti-transglutaminase antibodies
may detect asymptomatic coeliac disease but may also cause harm associated with further
investigations and overtreatment. In 2017, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) found
inadequate evidence on the accuracy of screening for coeliac disease; the potential beneBts and harms
of screening versus not screening or targeted versus universal screening; and the potential beneBts and
harms of treatment of screen-detected coeliac disease.3
SpeciAc populations
Testing for coeliac disease is appropriate for:4,5
For further information on coeliac disease and patient information: Coeliac Australia website (https://co
1. Potter M, Jones M, Walker M, et al. Incidence and . Ludvigsson J, Bai J, Biagi F, et al. Diagnosis and
prevalence of self-reported non-coeliac wheat management of adult coeliac disease: Guidelines
sensitivity and gluten avoidance in Australia. Med from the British Society of Gastroenterology. Gut
J Aust 2020;212(3):126–31. doi: 10.5694/ 2014;1;63(8):1210–28. doi: 10.1136/
mja2.50458. gutjnl-2013-306578.
2. Anderson R, Henry M, Taylor R, et al. A novel . National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
serogenetic approach determines the community (NICE). Coeliac disease: Recognition,
prevalence of celiac disease and informs assessment and management. NICE, 2015 (htt
improved diagnostic pathways. BMC Med p:// [Accessed
2013;11:188. doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-188. 21 March 2023].
3. US Preventive Services Task Force; Bibbins-
Domingo K, Grossman DC, et al. Screening for
celiac disease: US Preventive Services Task Force
recommendation statement. JAMA
2017:317(12):1252–57. doi: 10.1001/
Metabolic | Diabetes
Screening age bar
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Table of recommendations
recommended for people who have previously had recommended 1–3 years,
an intermediate hyperglycaemia result, such as depending
FBG (5.5–6.9 mmol/L). on result
(see Bgure 1,
Further information regarding the screening and Management
diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in asymptomatic of type 2
people is provided in Bgure 1, Management of type diabetes: A
2 diabetes: A handbook for general practice (http handbook
s:// for general
44c-4080-a955-829030f5ff40/attachment.aspx?di practice (htt
sposition=inline) . ps://www.ra
on=inline) )
Highest-risk population Conditionally Every 3
In asymptomatic adults at very high risk** of recommended years, earlier
developing type 2 diabetes, screen using FBG or if BMI is
HbA1c. increasing
People should follow a diet in line with the Practice point N/A 9
Further information
Screening using AUSDRISK has the advantage of identifying patients without diabetes who are at high
risk for preventive activities. Those with an HbA1c 6.0–6.4% (42–46 mmol/mol) should be considered
at higher risk of developing diabetes and screening should be repeated in 1 year. Screening in those
with an HbA1c ≥6.5% (48 mmol/mol) should be repeated to conBrm the diagnosis of diabetes. Although
it does not require a fasting test, HbA1c may be inaccurate if the person has haemoglobinopathies or
other conditions.4
For speciBc recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, please refer to Type 2
diabetes prevention and early detection (
and-early-de) in the National Guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people.
Evidence-based recommendations for management of patients with type 2 diabetes: Management of
type 2 diabetes: A handbook for general practice (
uidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/diabetes/introduction) | RACGP and Diabetes
Australia Further information on the identiBcation and management of hyperglycaemic emergencies:
Emergency management of hyperglycaemia in primary care (
gement-of-hyperglycaemia) | RACGP and Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) Further information on the
management and support of patients during COVID-19: Diabetes management during coronavirus (http
c/chronic-disease/diabetes-management-during-coronavirus) | RACGP Guidance for GPs on managing
diabetic patients who fast during Ramadan: Diabetes management during Ramadan (https://www.racg
ease/diabetes-management-during-ramadan) | RACGP Guidance and eow charts for the emergency
management of children with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state
(HHS): Guideline for the early recognition of hyperglycaemia in children under 16 (https://www.racgp.or
se/early-recognition-of-hyperglycaemia-in-children) | Clinical Excellence Queensland Evidence-based
recommendations the amount and kinds of foods to eat for health, wellbeing and prevention of chronic
disease: Australian dietary guidelines ( | National Health
and Medical Research Council To assess and manage cardiovascular risk in people with diabetes
aged 35–79 years without known atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD): Australian CVD risk
calculator (AusCVDRisk ( ), a risk assessment, communication
and management tool for health professionals
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 4. The Royal Australian College of General
(AIHW). Diabetes: Australian facts. AIHW, 2023 (h Practitioners (RACGP). Management of type 2
ttps:// diabetes: A handbook for general practice.
[Accessed 2 August 2023]. RACGP, 2020 (
2. 2. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). National esources/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guideline
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health s/view-all-racgp-guidelines/diabetes/introductio
Survey. ABS, 2019 ( n) [Accessed 31 January 2024].
tics/people/aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-p . Chen L, Magliano DJ, Balkau B, et al. AUSDRISK:
eoples/national-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-island An Australian type 2 diabetes risk assessment
er-health-survey/latest-release) [Accessed 2 tool based on demographic, lifestyle and simple
August 2023]. anthropometric measures. Med J Aust
2010;192(4):197–202. doi: 10.5694/
3. NPS MedicineWise. General practice insights
.1326-5377.2010.tb03507.x. [Accessed 31
report July 2019–June 2020 including analyses
January 2024].
related to the impact of COVID-19. NPS
MedicineWise, 2021 (
[Accessed 31 January 2024].
6. Australian Government Department of Health 9. National Health and Medical Research Council
and Ageing (DoHA). Background to the Australian (NHMRC). Australian dietary guidelines. NHMRC,
type 2 diabetes risk assessment tool. DoHA, 2010 2013 (
( s) [Accessed 31 January 2024].
ckground-to-the-australian-type-2-diabetes-risk-as 10. The Royal Australian College of General
sessment-tool-ausdrisk.pdf) [Accessed 31 Practitioners (RACGP). Supporting smoking
January 2024]. cessation: A guide for health professionals. 2nd
. Martin A, Neale EP, Tapsell LC. The clinical utility edn. RACGP, 2019 (
of the AUSDRISK tool in assessing change in type cal-resources/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidel
2 diabetes risk in overweight/obese volunteers ines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/supporting-smokin
undertaking a healthy lifestyle intervention. Prev g-cessation) [Accessed 31 January 2024].
Med Rep 2018;13:80–84. doi: 10.1016/
11. National Aboriginal Community Controlled
j.pmedr.2018.11.020. [Accessed 31 January
Health Organisation; The Royal Australian College
of General Practitioners (RACGP). National guide
. Wong J, Ross G, Zoungas S, et al. Management of to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal
type 2 diabetes in young adults aged 18-30 years: and Torres Strait Islander people. 3rd edn. RACGP,
ADS/ADEA/APEG consensus statement. Med J 2018 (
Aust 2022;216(8):422–29. doi: 10.5694/ s/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-al
mja2.51482. [Accessed 31 January 2024]. l-racgp-guidelines/national-guide) [Accessed 31
January 2024].
Metabolic | Nutrition
Prevalence and context of the condition
Diet is the most important behavioural risk factor that can signiBcantly impact health.1 The quality and
quantity of foods and beverages we consume affects the health and wellbeing of individuals, society
and the environment. Therefore, improving nutrition has the potential to improve individual and public
health while reducing healthcare costs.1 Optimal nutrition is vital for the normal growth and physical
and cognitive development of infants and children. Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining a
healthy weight, enhancing quality of life and wellbeing, strengthening resistance to infections and
safeguarding against chronic diseases and premature death in all Australians.1 Conversely, inadequate
nutrition is linked to ill health.1
Numerous chronic diseases related to diet, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and certain
forms of cancer, are major causes of death and disability among Australians, and over one-third of all
premature deaths in Australia are from preventable chronic diseases.1 Many of these conditions are
closely associated with being overweight or obese.1 For speciBc information on overweight and obesity,
refer to the Overweight and obesity (http://~/clinical-resources/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guideline
Generally, Australians of all ages do not eat enough of the Bve food groups (vegetables, fruit, grains,
meat and alternatives, and dairy products and alternatives) and eat too much sugar, saturated fat,
sodium and food that is high in energy and low in nutrients (‘discretionary food’).2
Table of recommendations
Preventive activities and advice
Encourage, support and promote Recommended Discuss
breastfeeding. (strong) antenatally and
12 months of
age and beyond,
for as long as the
mother and child
Further information
Infants should be exclusively breastfed until around six months of age, when solid foods are introduced
(texture appropriate, in any order, as long as iron-rich foods are included) and at a rate that suits the
infant’s development4 (for further information, refer to the Eat for Health Infant feeding guidelines (http
y.pdf) ). Breastfeeding in Australia has a high initiation rate at 96%, but this drops off quickly and only a
small percentage of women meet the current recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding until around
six months of age.4 Iron-fortiBed cereals, pureed meat, vegetables, fruit and other nutritious foods will
provide a variety of tastes and textures that should be encouraged. Breastfeeding should continue while
solid foods are introduced until 12 months of age and beyond, for as long as the mother and child
desire.4 The beneBts of breastfeeding include reduced risks of sudden infant death, necrotising
enterocolitis, gastrointestinal, respiratory and middle ear infections, being overweight and obese, type 1
and type 2 diabetes and dental issues and improved cognitive development.5 For babies whose
mothers cannot breastfeed or who discontinue breastfeeding early, infant formulas will need to be used
up to the age of 12 months, at which time cows’ milk (full fat up to the age of two years), combined with
an adequate diet, will provide the required nutrients and energy.
Reducing sugar intake will assist in reducing weight gain and dental decay.6
Because of the importance of the health outcomes that are determined by these nutritional issues,
assessment and the education of parents and carers regarding children’s nutrition can be of great
beneBt. For further information about good nutritional advice in children, please see the Eat for Health
guidelines ( .
Adults should:
• limit the intake of foods high in saturated fat, such as many biscuits, cakes,
pastries, pies, processed meats, commercial burgers, pizza, fried foods, potato
chips, crisps and other savoury snacks
• replace high-fat foods, which contain predominantly saturated fats such as
butter, cream, cooking margarine, coconut and palm oil, with foods that contain
predominantly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, such as oils, spreads,
nut butters/pastes and avocado
• limit the intake of foods and drinks containing added salt
• read labels to choose lower-sodium options among similar foods (do not add salt
to foods in cooking or at the table)
• limit the intake of foods and drinks containing added sugars such as
confectionary, sugar-sweetened soft drinks and cordials, fruit drinks, vitamin
waters, energy and sports drinks.
SpeciAc populations
Pregnancy and lactation bring nutritional risks due to increased nutrient requirements. It is important to
note that a mother's nutritional status signiBcantly impacts the wellbeing of both the fetus and the
For people who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease, following a Mediterranean diet (https://www.r
et-for-reducing-cardiovascular-dis) can reduce their risk.7 For people with hypertension, following a
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet (
can prevent and control hypertension.7 For speciBc information, refer to the Cardiovascular disease risk
For up-to-date advice, including the Australian dietary guidelines and the Infant feeding guidelines: Eat
for Health website (
1. National Health and Medical Research Council 5. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
(NHMRC). Australian dietary guidelines. NHMRC, Australia’s children: Breastfeeding and nutrition.
2013 ( Australian Government, 2022 (https://www.aihw.g
[Accessed 6 March 2024].
2. 2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Diet. contents/health/breastfeeding-nutrition)
Australian Government, 2023 (https://www.aihw.g [Accessed 23 May 2023]. [Accessed 3 6. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
October 2023]. Australia’s children: Dental health. Canberra:
3. National Health and Medical Research Council Australian Government, 2022 (https://www.aihw.g
(NHMRC). Eat for health: Infant feeding
guidelines. NHMRC, 2012 (https://www.eatforhea contents/health/dental-health) [Accessed 23 May 2023].
s/n56b_infant_feeding_summary_130808.pdf) 7. The Royal Australian College of General
[Accessed 6 March 2024]. Practitioners (RACGP). Handbook of non-drug
. The Royal Australian College of General interventions (HANDI). RACGP, 2014 (https://ww
Practitioners (RACGP). Smoking, nutrition,
alcohol, physical activity (SNAP). RACGP, 2015 (ht es/handi) [Accessed 6 March 2024].
[Accessed 6 March 2024].
Overweight and obesity
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Table of recommendations
Overweight and obesity
Assess height, weight and calculate BMI using Conditionally Opportunistically.
age-appropriate charts (either Centers for recommended
Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (http
s.htm) or World Health Organisation [WHO (htt
for-age) ]) in children and adolescents 6 years
and older without a known eating disorder and
who are not pregnant. See Eating disorders (ht
l-practice/mental-health/eating-disorders) ,
First antenatal visit (
e-and-womens-health/Brst-antenatal-visit) and
During pregnancy (
Overweight and obesity
Further information
The recommendations in this chapter refer to the prevention of overweight and obesity and should be
read in conjunction with nutrition, physical activity and preventive activities in childhood.
The Australian guidelines, Clinical practice guidelines for the management of overweight and obesity in
adults, adolescents and children in Australia (
practice-guidelines-management-overweight-and-obesity) , are currently being updated and are due to
be released in 2024.
BMI precautions5
• Ethnicity: People with a South Asian, Chinese, other Asian, Middle Eastern, Black African or
African Caribbean family background are prone to central adiposity and their cardiometabolic
risk occurs at a lower BMI, so use lower BMI thresholds as a practical measure of overweight
and obesity:
◦ overweight: BMI 23–27.4 kg/m2
◦ obesity: BMI ≥27.5 kg/m2.
For people in these groups, obesity classes 2 and 3 are usually identiBed by reducing the thresholds
highlighted in Recommendation 1.2.7 (
tions#identifying-and-assessing-overweight-obesity-and-central-adiposity) of the National Institute for
Heath and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance by 2.5 kg/m2.
• People with high muscle mass: Interpret BMI with caution in adults with high muscle mass
because it may be a less accurate measure of central adiposity in this group.
• People aged ≥65 years: Interpret BMI with caution in people aged ≥65 years, taking into
account comorbidities, conditions that may affect functional capacity and the possible
protective effect of having a slightly higher BMI when older.
Waist measurement
Waist measurement in adults with a raised BMI provides a more direct measure of central obesity.
Overweight and obesity
Extreme diets
Advise against following extreme eating patterns that do not follow healthy eating pattern guidance, as
well as programs that focus on short-term weight reduction, because these have poor long-term
SpeciAc populations
Overweight and obesity rates differ across Australia, being higher in regional and remote areas, and in
low socioeconomic groups.1
To assist GPs and practice staff work with patients on the modiBable risk factors of smoking, nutrition,
alcohol and physical activity:
Overweight and obesity
A free digital tool to discuss physical activity and nutrition with patients and monitor their progress:
RACGP Healthy Habits ( app
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 4. Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health
(AIHW). Overweight and obesity. AIHW, 2023 (htt Care. Obesity in children. Canadian Task Force on
ps:// Preventive Health Care, 2015 (https://canadiantas
overweight-and-obesity) [Accessed 21 March
2023]. y-in-children/)
2. Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. 5. National Institute for Health and Care
Obesity in adults. Canadian Task Force on Excellence (NICE). Obesity: IdentiBcation,
Preventive Health Care, 2015 (https://canadiantas assessment and management. Clinical guideline (
-in-adults/) [Accessed 31 January 2024]. [CG189]. NICE, 2023 [Accessed 31 January 2024].
3. US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). 6. Department of Health and Aged Care. Body
Obesity in children and adolescents: screening. mass index (BMI) and waist measurement.
2017 (https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforc Australian Government, 2021 (https://www.healt
n-and-adolescents-screening) [Accessed 31 waist) [Accessed 31 January 2024].
January 2024].
Physical activity
Physical activity
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
The message that any physical activity is better than none is important.3 If a patient does not already
engage in regular physical activity, they can be encouraged to start by doing some, and then gradually
building up to the recommended amount.3 Advice, written physical activity materials and referral should
be tailored to age, disability and level of risk.
Table of recommendations
General population: aged ≥18 years Recommended Every 2
Ask questions about the frequency, duration and (strong) years.
intensity of physical activity and sedentary behaviour.
Children and adolescents: aged 3–18 years Recommended Every 2
Ask questions about the frequency (in each week), (strong) years.
duration and intensity of physical activity and muscle
strengthening activities (see Further information).
Physical activity
People with disability, chronic conditions and people Recommended N/A
aged ≥65 years (strong)
To enhance functional capacity and prevent falls,
adults with disability, chronic conditions and older
adults (aged ≥65 years) should:
• do varied multicomponent physical activity
that emphasises functional balance and
progressive strength training at a moderate or
greater intensity on three or more days a
Physical activity
Further information
Engaging in regular physical activity and avoiding long periods of sedentary behaviour can help
maintain a healthy weight and avoid a range of chronic illnesses.
Where possible, people should incorporate a variety of intensities of physical activity, as deBned
• Light: Movement where people do not think about it (light gardening, getting dressed,
stretching). The World Health Organization (WHO) deBnes light-intensity physical activity as
between 1.5 and 3 metabolic equivalents of task (METs); that is, activities with an energy cost
less than three times the energy expenditure at rest for that person. These activities can
include slow walking, bathing or other incidental activities that do not result in a substantial
increase in heart rate or breathing rate.3
• Moderate: Putting in effort, but not strenuous activity (gentle bike riding, brisk walk). According
to the WHO deBnition, on an absolute scale, ‘moderate intensity’ refers to physical activity that
is performed at an intensity between three and less than six times the intensity of rest. On a
scale of 0–10 relative to an individual’s personal capacity, moderate-intensity physical activity
is usually rated a 5 or 6.3
• Vigorous: out of breath and sweating (jogging, star jumps, sit-ups). On an absolute scale, the
WHO deBnition of vigorous-intensity activity as physical activity that is performed at ≥6.0
METS. On a scale of 0–10 relative to an individual’s personal capacity, vigorous-intensity
physical activity is usually rated a 7 or 8.3
Physical activity
Assessment of physical activity involves questions about minutes of activity and being sedentary each
day, and on how many days per week. Brief advice about increasing physical activity can be given in the
consultation with the support of:
Assessment of physical activity should be supplemented by referral, especially for patients with risk
factors or physical or social barriers to physical activity. This may include:
• telephone counselling
• local community-based programs
• individual exercise physiology.
The choice of referral should be based on individualised shared decision making with the patient.
SpeciAc populations
Make sure to ask people with disability about their levels of physical activity.
Physical activity
For recommendations about physical activity during pregnancy, please refer to the First antenatal visit
and During pregnancy (
oductive-and-womens-health/during-pregnancy) (
uctive-and-womens-health/during-pregnancy) chapters.
For recommendations about physical activity for falls prevention, please refer to the Falls (https://www.r (https://www.rac
ve-activities-in-general-practice/injury-prevention/falls) chapter.
To assist GPs and practice staff work with patients on the modiBable risk factors of smoking, nutrition,
alcohol and physical activity: Smoking, nutrition, alcohol, physical activity (SNAP) (https://www.racgp.or |
A free digital tool to discuss physical activity and nutrition with patients and monitor their progress:
RACGP Healthy Habits ( app
For exercise interventions to use with patients: Handbook of non-drug interventions (HANDI) (https://ww
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 4. Smith B, Bellew B, Milton K, Rocha G, Harris M.
(AIHW). Insuacient physical activity. AIHW, 2022 The primary and secondary healthcare domain
( and physical activity. In: Bellew B, Nau T, Smith B,
th/insuacient-physical-activity) [Accessed 14 Bauman A, editors. Getting Australia active III. A
March 2023]. systems approach to physical activity for policy
2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare makers. The Australian Prevention Partnership
IHW). Physical activity. AIHW, 2021 (https://ww Centre and The University of Sydney, 2020 (http
ac [Accessed 27 October 2023].
tivity) stralia-active-3-a-systems-approach-to-physical-a
ctivity/) [Accessed 2 February 2024].
3. World Health Organization (WHO). WHO
guidelines on physical activity and sedentary
behaviour. WHO, 2020 (
cations/i/item/9789240015128) [Accessed 2
February 2024].
Physical activity
5. O’Connor EA, Evans CV, Rushkin MC, et al. . Bull FC, Al-Ansari SS, Biddle S, et al. World Health
Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a Organization 2020 guidelines on physical activity
healthy diet and physical activity for and sedentary behaviour. Br J Sports Med
cardiovascular disease prevention in adults with 2020;54:1451–62. doi: 10.1136/
cardiovascular risk factors: updated systematic bjsports-2020-102955. [Accessed 2 February
review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task 2024].
Force. Agency for Healthcare Research and . Australian Government Department of Health and
Quality (U.S.), 2020 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go Aged Care. Physical activity and exercise
v/books/NBK565468/) [Accessed 2 February guidelines for all Australians. Department of
2024]. Health and Aged Care, 2021 (https://www.healt
6. Bauman A, Chau J, van der Ploeg H, Hardy L.
Physical activity measures for children and ysical-activity-and-exercise-guidelines-for-all-aust
adolescents – recommendations on population ralians) [Accessed 2 February 2024].
surveillance. An Evidence Check rapid review
brokered by the Sax Institute. Sax Institute, 2010
nd-adolescents.pdf) [Accessed 2 February 2024].
Metabolic | Thyroid
Prevalence and context of the condition
The prevalence of thyroid disease is approximately 10% in patients aged >50 years,1 with an additional
3.6% with unrecognised thyroid dysfunction (abnormal thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH]).2
Autoimmune thyroid disease is the most common cause of thyroid dysfunction in Australia3 and
10–15% of the population have thyroid antibodies (more common in women than men).
Table of recommendations
Screening for thyroid dysfunction in asymptomatic Not N/A
adults is not recommended. recommended
Routine screening for thyroid dysfunction in pregnant Generally not N/A
women is not recommended because of insuacient recommended
Case Anding
Further information
Although early detection and treatment of people with thyroid disease may help prevent morbidity and
mortality, screening and treatment of asymptomatic patients can result in harm due to overdiagnosis
and overtreatment.
There is currently insuacient evidence to determine the beneBts and harms of screening asymptomatic
people for thyroid disease.4 Thyroid imaging is only indicated if there is concern regarding structural
Although iodine deBciency was previously reported in Australia, iodised salt in bread became
mandatory in Australia and New Zealand in 2009, and iodine deBciency is now very rare.7
SpeciAc populations
Case Bnding tests may be appropriate in these populations where there may be a higher prevalence of
thyroid dysfunction:4,8
For GP and patient resources about thyroid tests (and information about subclinical hypothyroidism):
First do no harm: A guide to choosing wisely in general practice (
nagement-of-subclinical-hypothyroidism) | RACGP
1. Walsh JP. Managing thyroid disease in general 5. Department of Health. Clinical practice
practice. Med J Aust 2016;205(4):179–84. doi: guidelines: Pregnancy care. Canberra: Australian
10.5694/mja16.00545. Government Department of Health, 2020 (http
2. Empson M, Flood V, Ma G, Eastman CJ, Mitchell P. s://
Prevalence of thyroid disease in an older e-guidelines) [Accessed 5 March 2024].
Australian population. Intern Med J 6. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College
2007;37(7):448–55. doi: 10.1111/ of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG).
.1445-5994.2007.01367.x. Subclinical hypothyroidism and hypothyroidism in
3. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Australian pregnancy (C-Obs 46). RANZCOG, 2018 (https://r
health survey: Biomedical results for nutrients.
ABS, 2011 ( tistics/ bclinical-hypothyroidism-and-hypothyroidism-in-p
health/health-conditions-and-risks/australi an- regnancy.pdf) [Accessed 29 February 2024].
health-survey-biomedical-results-nutrients/late st- 7. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Folic
release) [Accessed 21 March 2023]. acid & iodine fortiBcation. Australian Government,
. LeFevre ML; U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. 2016 (
Screening for thyroid dysfunction: U.S. Preventive ition/folic-acid-iodine-fortiBcation) [Accessed 5
Services Task Force recommendation statement. March 2024].
Ann Intern Med 2015;162(9):641–50. doi: 8. The Royal College of Pathologists of
10.7326/M15-0483. [Accessed 21 March 2023]. Australasia (RCPA). Thyroid function testing for
adult diagnosis and monitoring. RCPA, 2017 (http
[Accessed 5 March 2024].
Musculoskeletal disorders
Musculoskeletal disorders
Hip dysplasia
Hip dysplasia
0-9* 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 ≥80
*Newborn to 6 months underneath this age bar
DDH in infancy has no signs or symptoms, thus screening and surveillance are required for early
diagnosis. Early diagnosis aims to avoid the more invasive treatments required in late diagnosis and the
long-term sequelae of growth disturbance and avascular necrosis.1,2 The aim of screening is to identify
hip dislocation of the hip or DDH before age 6 months. Screening does not need to continue outside of
hospital if the baby is being seen by a maternal child health service. GPs will generally see children for
DDH concerns upon referral from a maternal child health check.
Hip dysplasia
Table of recommendations
Routine newborn and postnatal checks should be Practice At newborn and
performed to detect DDH. point postnatal checks
The assessment should include detection of limb
length discrepancy, examination for asymmetric
thigh or buttock (gluteal) creases, performing the
Ortolani test for stability (performed gently, and
which is usually negative after age 3 months), and
observing for limited abduction (generally positive
after age 3 months).
Routine universal ultrasonography screening for Practice N/A
DDH is not recommended. Ultrasound is only point
recommended for suspicion of DDH.
Case Anding
There should be continuing periodic physical Practice Opportunistically.
examination surveillance throughout infancy. point
Further information
Case Bnding should continue after the immediate postnatal period as dysplasia can progress over the
Brst few months of life.
Screening for DDH should include assessing for leg length discrepancy, asymmetric gluteal folds,
Ortolani test and asymmetrical hip abduction. The Ortolani test should only be performed if a clinician
is conBdent in their technique and experienced at neonatal examination. Their utility is in the Brst 3
months of life. After the Brst 3 months a dislocated hip will be Bxed, and unilateral limited hip abduction
(<60 degrees) is the most sensitive examination Bnding. Asymmetric gluteal folds on their own are a
‘soft’ sign and should be considered in light of risk factors, other examination Bndings and concerns.
Once a child is walking, DDH may present as an abnormal gait.
Hip dysplasia
Imaging for investigation of abnormal examination or a high-risk infant up to 6 months of age should be
ultrasound of the hip by an experienced paediatric ultrasonographer, and plain AP view pelvis X-ray in
children over 6 months of age.
1. Marriott E, Twomey S, Lee M, Williams N. 2. Shaw BA, Segal LS. Evaluation and referral for
Variability in Australian screening guidelines for developmental dysplasia of the hip in infants.
developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Paediatr Paediatrics 2016; 138(6):e20163107.
Child Health 2021;57(12):1857–65.
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Osteoporosis is more common in women than in men, with 29% of women aged ≥75 years having
osteoporosis in 2017–18 compared with 10% of men.3 The proportion of women with osteoporosis
increases with age, with those aged ≥75 years being most affected.
The goal of the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis is to reduce a person’s overall fracture risk,
not just to maintain bone density. Approximately 70% of fragility fractures occur in women,4 and
comprehensive treatment can halve (30–70%) the risk of subsequent fragility fracture.5 The absolute
risk reduction and value of treatment is highest in those at highest risk (eg those with a previous
fragility fracture), but the majority remain untreated in general practice and hospital settings.6,7
Osteoporosis is diagnosed on the presence of a fragility fracture (a fracture from the equivalent of a fall
from standing height or less, or a fracture that under normal circumstances would not be expected in a
healthy young man or woman). For epidemiological and clinical purposes, osteoporosis is deBned by
bone mineral density (BMD) as a T-score of ≤–2.5. However, age, lifestyle factors, family history and
some medications and diseases contribute to bone loss and an increased risk of fragility fractures. A
presumptive diagnosis of osteoporosis can be made without BMD measurement if an individual has a
fragility fracture not from another cause.
Table of recommendations
Screening for osteoporosis with bone mineral Not N/A
density (BMD) measurement in the general recommended
population is not recommended at any age. (Strong)
Encourage regular weight-bearing and resistance Recommended N/A
exercise for the prevention of falls, bone loss (Strong)
and fracture risk reduction. For additional advice
on falls prevention refer to falls (https://www.rac
ention/falls) .
Encourage a healthy lifestyle (eg adequate Practice Point N/A
protein intake, smoking cessation and limiting
alcohol intake).
Further information
There have been three recent large population-based randomised control trials of screening in women
for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures: Screening in the Community to Reduce Fractures in Older
Women (SCOOP) in the UK,14 Risk-stratiBed Osteoporosis Strategy Evaluation (ROSE) in Denmark15 and
SALT Osteoporosis Study (SOS) in the Netherlands.16 The optimal thresholds of absolute fracture risk
and implementation strategies are inadequately deBned for the Australian context and there are no data
on screening for men. Accordingly, there is currently insuacient evidence to support a population-based
osteoporosis screening program in Australia.
Two of the most widely validated methods to estimate absolute fracture risk for osteoporotic fractures
relevant to the Australian population are the Garvan bone fracture risk calculator (https://www.garvan.or and the Fracture Risk Assessment tool (FRAX®). (http
s:// These calculators can be used with and without BMD measurement, although the
Garvan bone fracture risk calculator has not been validated in an external cohort when BMD has not
been used in the calculator.17 Risk estimation is imperfect, with the tools being modest predictors of
fracture risk.18,19 Risk factors (eg falls, glucocorticoid use) not included in one or the other risk
algorithm require clinical judgement to modify the risk estimate.
If BMD is indicated, then it should be measured by bone density (DXA) scanning performed on two
sites, preferably anteroposterior spine and hip. Without bone-losing medical conditions (eg
hypogonadism, antigonadal therapy or corticosteroid use), BMD is unlikely to change signiBcantly in <2
years. The average decrease in T-score is usually approximately 0.1/year if there are no speciBc bone-
losing medical conditions.
Although there appears to be little or no effect of increased protein in healthy adults, for
institutionalised older adults a recent Australian study of the effectiveness of increasing calcium and
protein intake (<1 g/kg body weight protein per day) by providing residents with additional milk, yoghurt
and cheese showed a 11% reduction in the risk of falls, a 48% reduction in hip fractures and a 30%
reduction in all fractures.10
1. The Royal Australian College of General . Stevenson M, Lloyd-Jones M, De Nigris E, Brewer
Practitioners (RACGP). Clinical practice guideline N, Davis S, Oakley J. A systematic review and
for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis economic evaluation of alendronate, etidronate,
in postmenopausal women and older men. risedronate, raloxifene and teriparatide for the
RACGP, 2010. prevention and treatment of postmenopausal
2. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). National osteoporosis. Health Technol Assess
health survey: First results, 2017–18. ABS, 2018 2005;9(22):1–160. doi: 10.3310/hta9220.
( [Accessed 30 October 2023].
health-conditions-and-risks/national-health- . Naik-Panvelkar P, Norman S, Elgebaly Z, et al.
survey/201 Osteoporosis management in Australian general
-18) [Accessed 21 February 2024]. practice: An analysis of current osteoporosis
treatment patterns and gaps in practice. BMC
3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
(AIHW). Chronic musculoskeletal conditions: Fam Pract 2020;21(1):32. doi: 10.1186/
Osteoporosis and minimal trauma fractures. s12875-020-01103-2. [Accessed 30 October
AIHW, 2023 ( 2023].
ronic-musculoskeletal-conditions/musculoskelet . Teede HJ, Jayasuriya IA, Gilfillan CP. Fracture
12 July 2023]. [Accessed prevention strategies in patients presenting to
Australian hospitals with minimal-trauma
4. Watts JJ, Abimanyi-Chom J, Sanders KM.
fractures: A major treatment gap. Intern Med J
Osteoporosis costing all Australians: A new
2007;37(10):674–79. doi: 10.1111/
burden of disease analysis – 2012 to 2022.
.1445-5994.2007.01503.x. [Accessed 30 October
Osteoporosis Australia, 2013 (https://healthybon
burden-of-disease-analysis-2012-2022.pdf) . Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
[Accessed 30 October 2023]. (SIGN). Management of osteoporosis and the
prevention of fragility fractures. SIGN, 2021 (http
ctures/) [Accessed 30 October 2023].
. Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. 1 . Merlijn T, Swart KM, van Schoor NM, et al. The
Fragility fractures. Canadian Task Force on effect of a screening and treatment program for
Preventive Health Care, 2023 (https://canadiantas the prevention of fractures in older women: A randomized pragmatic trial. J Bone Miner Res
-fractures/) [Accessed 31 January 2024]. 2019;34(11):1993–2000. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.3815.
1 . The Royal Australian College of General [Accessed 12 October 2023].
Practitioners (RACGP); Healthy Bones Australia. 1 . Marques A, Ferreira RJ, Santos E, Loza E,
Osteoporosis management and fracture Carmona L, da Silva JA. The accuracy of
prevention in post-menopausal women and men osteoporotic fracture risk prediction tools: A
over 50 years of age. 3rd edn. RACGP, 2023. systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Rheum
[Accessed 31 January 2024]. Dis 2015;74(11):1958–67. doi: 10.1136/
11. Cosman F, de Beur SJ, LeBoff MS, et al. Clinician’s annrheumdis-2015-207907. [Accessed 12
guide to prevention and treatment of October 2023].
osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int 1 . Nelson HD, Haney EM, Chou R, Dana T, Fu R,
2014;25(10):2359–81. doi: 10.1007/ Bougatsos C. Screening for osteoporosis:
s00198-014-2794-2. [Accessed 31 January 2024]. Systematic review to update the 2002 U.S.
12. Ebeling PRDR, Daly RM, Kerr DA, Kimlin MG. Preventive Services Task Force
Building healthy bones throughout life: An Recommendation. Report No.: 10-05145-EF-1.
evidence-informed strategy to prevent Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2010
osteoporosis in Australia. Med J Aust (
2013;199(S7):S1–46. doi: 10.5694/mjao12.11363. 6/) [Accessed 31 January 2024].
[Accessed 31 January 2024]. 1 . Rubin KH, Friis-Holmberg T, Hermann AP,
13. Healthy Bones Australia. Calcium & bone health. Abrahamsen B, Brixen K. Risk assessment tools
Healthy Bones Australia, 2023 (https://hea to identify women with increased risk of osteoporotic fracture: Complexity or simplicity? A
um/) [Accessed 12 October 2023]. systematic review. J Bone Miner Res
2013;28(8):1701–17. doi: 10.1002/jbmr.1956.
1 . Shepstone L, Lenaghan E, Cooper C, et al. [Accessed 31 January 2024].
Screening in the community to reduce fractures in
older women (SCOOP): A randomised controlled 2 . Healthy Bones Australia. Calcium & bone health.
trial. Lancet 2018;391(10122):741–47. doi: Healthy Bones Australia, 2023 (https://hea
10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32640-5. [Accessed 12
October 2023]. um/.) [Accessed 12 October 2023].
Idiopathic scoliosis most commonly occurs between the ages of 10 and 18 years. A typical adolescent
idiopathic scoliosis patient is female with a convex right thoracic curve or convex left lumbar curve,
right shoulder elevated, right rib prominence, no neurological deBcits and no signiBcant pain.2 Although
boys and girls are equally affected with small curves, curves >40° are sevenfold more frequent in girls.1
Concerning curves include early onset scoliosis, premenarchal scoliosis with a curve >25° and
skeletally mature patients with curves >50°.2
Table of recommendations
Recommendation Grade References
Further information
In 2018, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) found no direct evidence on screening for
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and health outcomes.3 There was also inadequate evidence on the
association between reduction in spinal curvature in adolescence and long-term health outcomes in
Further information on scoliosis assessment and management can be found in the article Paediatric
scoliosis: Update on assessment and treatment (
atric-scoliosis) .
1. Konieczny MR, Senyurt H, Krauspe R. 3. US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).
Epidemiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Screening.
J Child Orthop 2013;7(1):3–9. doi: USPSTF, 2018 (https://www.uspreventiveservices
2. Parr A, Askin G. Paediatric scoliosis: Update on nt-idiopathic-scoliosis-screening) [Accessed 2
assessment and treatment. Aust J Gen Pract February 2024].
2020;49(12):832–37. doi: 10.31128/
Preconception (
actice/reproductive-and-womens-health/preconception) First antenatal visit (htt
e-and-womens-health/Brst-antenatal-visit) During pregnancy (https://www.racg
health/during-pregnancy) Interconception (
on) Perinatal mental health (
Postmenopause (
practice/reproductive-and-womens-health/postmenopause) Breast cancer (http
st-cancer) Cervical cancer (
n-general-practice/cancer/cervical-cancer) Ovarian cancer (https://www.racgp.o
Reproductive and women's health | Preconception
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Table of recommendations
Reproductive carrier screening (including screening
for CF, SMA and FXS*) is recommended to anyone
planning pregnancy. Refer to the Genetics (http
s) chapter for further information.
Case Anding
Vaccination Practice point
Optimising weight and nutrition Practice point
Effects of age on fertility and risk of chromosomal Practice point
Fertility awareness and optimising conception Practice point
Interpregnancy intervals Conditionally
Women should be advised to avoid interpregnancy
intervals shorter than six months and counselled
about the risks of repeat pregnancy sooner than 18
months, especially after a caesarean section. Refer
to the Interconception chapter for further
Identifying women and their partners who smoke,
or have recently stopped smoking, at their Brst
contact with a healthcare service, ideally in the
preconception setting, is strongly recommended.
Enquire about smoking history and current smoking
patterns, including exposure to second-hand
smoke. This information should be recorded so that
it is available for the remainder of the pregnancy.
Further information
Due to high rates of unplanned pregnancy, every woman of reproductive age should be considered for
preconception care (interventions that aim to identify and modify biomedical, behavioural and social
risks to a woman's health or pregnancy outcome through prevention and management).
Due to high rates of unplanned pregnancy, every woman of reproductive age should be considered for
preconception care (interventions that aim to identify and modify biomedical, behavioural and social
risks to a woman’s health or pregnancy outcome through prevention and management). A strategy
worth considering is the ‘One Key Question’ (OKQ) approach,12 where practitioners routinely ask women
of reproductive age, ‘Would you like to become pregnant in the next year?’ The clinician documents one
of four patient responses: ‘Yes’; ‘I’m OK either way’; ‘I’m not sure’; or ‘No’. Depending on the answer, the
clinician can then follow up with preconception care or an offer to discuss contraceptive methods and
reproductive life planning. The latter involves discussion as to whether the woman wants to have
children and, if so, the number, spacing and timing of them. The provision of effective contraception to
enable the implementation of this plan and reduce the risk of an unplanned pregnancy can then occur.
The use of this kind of questioning in general practice is acceptable to people of reproductive age.8,13
Consideration may need to be given to environmental risks and risks associated with travel.
SpeciAc populations
GPs should be aware of the disparities in risk and outcomes in the populations they care for, but there is
no current evidence to suggest that variation in care by race or ethnicity can improve outcomes.10
Younger women, women of colour, women of culturally and linguistically diverse and migrant
backgrounds and those of low socioeconomic status are at risk of adverse pregnancy and overall poor
health outcomes.15 These women may be least likely to receive prepregnancy care despite their
disproportionate need.16
Further information on carrier screening and when to refer: Reproductive carrier screening (https://ww
nomics-in-general-practice/genetic-tests-and-technologies/reproductive-carrier-screening) , Genomics
in general practice | RACGP Information on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), including
considerations for women planning pregnancy: FASD Hub Australia ( Fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder (
er) | National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Advice and support for GPs helping patients to quit smoking: Supporting smoking cessation: A guide for
health professionals (
s/view-all-racgp-guidelines/supporting-smoking-cessation) | RACGP National public education program
with patient information on understanding fertility: Fertility Coalition (
out-us) The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
(RANZCOG) best practice position statement with advice on the counselling of women prior to
pregnancy: Pre-pregnancy counselling (
ncy-Counselling-C-Obs-3a-Board-approved_March-2022.pdf) | RANZCOG
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 6. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College
(AIHW). Australia's mothers and babies. AIHW, of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG).
2023 ( Pre-pregnancy counselling. RANZCOG, 2021 (http
babies/australias-mothers-babies) [Accessed 20 s://
April 2023]. 5/Pre-pregnancy-Counselling-C-Obs-3a-Board-app
2. Organon. Impact of unintended pregnancy. roved_March-2022.pdf) [Accessed 20 April 2023].
Organon, 2022 ( 7. Department of Health. Clinical practice
lia/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2022/09/ORG0 guidelines: pregnancy care. Australian
1_Report_FINAL_28June2022.pdf) [Accessed 20 Government, 2020 (
April 2023]. sources/pregnancy-care-guidelines) [Accessed 2
3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare February 2024].
(AIHW). Health of mothers and babies. AIHW, . Hammarberg K, Hassard J, de Silva R, Johnson
2023 ( . Acceptability of screening for pregnancy
babies/health-of-mothers-and-babies) [Accessed intention in general practice: A population survey
20 April 2023]. of people of reproductive age. BMC Fam Pract.
2020;21(1):40. doi: 10.1186/
. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
s12875-020-01110-3. [Accessed 2 February
(AIHW). Australia's children. AIHW, 2022 (http s://
ralias-children) [Accessed 2 June 2023]. . 9. Hampton K, Mazza D. Fertility – awareness,
knowledge, attitudes and practices of women
. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
attending general practice. Aust Nurs Midwifery J
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG).
2016;24(1):42. [Accessed 2 February 2024].
Prenatal screening and diagnostic testing for fetal
chromosomal and genetic conditions. RANZCOG, 1 . American College of Obstetrics and
2018 ( ent/ Gynecologists (ACOG). Interpregnancy care.
uploads/2022/05/Prenatal-Screening-and-Dia Obstetric care consensus number 8. ACOG, 2019
gnostic-Testing-for-Fetal-Chromosomal-and-Gene (
tic-Conditions.pdf) [Accessed 2 June 2023]. obstetric-care-consensus/articles/2019/01/inter
pregnancy-care) [Accessed 20 April 2023].
11. The Royal Australian College of General 14. The Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners (RACGP). Supporting smoking Practitioners (RACGP). Genomics in general
cessation: A guide for health professionals. 2nd practice. RACGP, 2022 Resources/Guidelines/
edn. RACGP, 2019 ( Genomics-in-general-practice.pdf (https://www.ra
ines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/supporting-smokin l) [Accessed 2 February 2024].
-cessation) [Accessed 2 February 2024]. 1 . American College of Obstetrics and
12. Bellanca HK, Hunter MS. ONE KEY QUESTION®: Gynecologists (ACOG). ACOG committee opinion
Preventive reproductive health is part of high no. 649: Racial and ethnic disparities in obstetrics
quality primary care. Contraception 2013;88(1):3– and gynecology. Obstet Gynecol
6. doi: 10.1016/ 2015;126(6):e130–34. doi: 10.1097/
.contraception.2013.05.003. [Accessed 2 AOG.0000000000001213. [Accessed 2 February
February 2024]. 2024].
13. Fitch J, Dorney E, Tracy M, Black KI. Acceptability 1 . D'Angelo D, Williams L, Morrow B, et al.
and usability of 'One Key Question'® in Australian Preconception and interconception health status
primary health care. Aust J Prim Health of women who recently gave birth to a live-born
2023;29(3):268–75. doi: 10.1071/py22112. infant – Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring
[Accessed 2 February 2024]. System (PRAMS), United States, 26 reporting
areas, 2004. MMWR Surveill Summ
2007;56(10):1–35. [Accessed 2 February 2024].
First antenatal visit
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Most Australian women (79%) have antenatal care in their Brst trimester.2 Mothers less likely to have an
antenatal visit in their Brst trimester include women with four or more children, women aged <20 years,
and women who smoke during pregnancy, use illicit substances or who live in remote and very remote
Table of recommendations
First antenatal visit
With consent, undertake the following blood tests: Recommended At the Brst 1
With consent, test for: Recommended At the Brst
• asymptomatic bacteriuria using urine (strong) antenatal
culture testing wherever possible (as it is visit
the most accurate means of detecting
asymptomatic bacteriuria early in
pregnancy) as treatment is effective and
reduces the risk of pyelonephritis,
First antenatal visit
Assess/screen all women at the `rst antenatal visit Recommended At the Brst 1
• blood pressure to identify existing high Conditionally At the Brst
blood pressure recommended antenatal
• clinical risk factors for pre-eclampsia visit.
◦ a history of pre-eclampsia
◦ chronic hypertension
◦ pre-existing diabetes
◦ autoimmune disease, such as
systemic lupus erythematosus
◦ antiphospholipid syndrome
◦ nulliparity
◦ BMI >30
◦ pre-existing kidney disease.
First antenatal visit
First antenatal visit
Case Finding
Proteinuria Practice point At each
Test for proteinuria at each antenatal visit in women antenatal
with risk factors, or clinical indications of pre- visit.
eclampsia, in particular raised blood pressure.
For up-to-date immunisation recommendations during pregnancy, including COVID, ineuenza and
pertussis, please refer to Australian immunisation handbook – Vaccination for women who are
planning pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding (
nt-or-breastfeeding) and Immunisation recommendations for Non-Indigenous Australians without
risk factors for vaccine-preventable diseases (
S_Immunisation%20schedule_non-Indigenous%20people_November%202023.pdf) .
First antenatal visit
Exercise, nutrition and weight management: Conditionally N/A
Aerobic and strength conditioning exercise
Advise pregnant women without contraindications
that they should participate in regular aerobic and
strength conditioning exercise during pregnancy.
Exercise prescription for the pregnant woman (http
nes-for-pregnant-women.pdf) requires appropriate
consideration of the frequency, intensity, duration
and mode of exercise; and that exercise prescription
should consider the patient’s baseline Btness level.
Pelvic aoor exercises
All pregnant women are advised to do pelvic eoor
exercises during and after pregnancy.
First antenatal visit
Oral health
Advise women to have oral health checks and
treatment, if required, as good oral health is
important to a patient’s health and treatment can be
safely provided during pregnancy.
Low-dose aspirin
Advise women at moderate–high risk of pre-
eclampsia that low-dose aspirin from early
pregnancy may be of beneBt in its prevention.
Where appropriate, commence low-dose aspirin.
Further information
The following has been adapted from the Australian Pregnancy care guidelines, 5.2 Antenatal visits (ht
tps:// .
The Brst antenatal visit provides an opportunity to undertake important screening tests, vaccinations
and preventive activities. It is also an opportunity to discuss the patient’s wishes and plans and any
factors that may affect the pregnancy or birth. Given the volume of important screening, preventive
activities and information that needs to be conveyed, the Brst antenatal visit should be longer than later
antenatal visits.1 Another appointment can be arranged to cover other ‘Brst visit’ activities if there is
insuacient time at the Brst consultation.1
First antenatal visit
Ideally, the patient should be seen alone during the Brst antenatal visit (or at least once during
pregnancy) to provide an opportunity to disclose possible domestic violence, discuss the involvement
of their partner and/or family, and other aspects of the patient’s personal history.1
Health professionals should support women to take an active role in shared decision making about
their physical activity/exercise during and after pregnancy. All health professionals who provide care
during pregnancy should be familiar with contraindications, signs and symptoms that suggest physical
activity/exercise should be modiBed or avoided.1
• current pregnancy (planned, unplanned, wishes to proceed with or terminate the pregnancy)
• medical (history, medicines, family history [high blood pressure, diabetes, genetic conditions],
cervical smears, immunisation, breast surgery),
• obstetric (previous experience of pregnancy and birth)
• infant feeding experiences
• nutrition and physical activity
• smoking, alcohol and other substance misuse
• expectations, partner/family involvement, cultural and spiritual issues, concerns, knowledge,
pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and infant feeding options
• factors that may affect the pregnancy or birth (eg female genital mutilation/cutting)
• psychosocial factors affecting the patient’s emotional health and wellbeing
• the patient’s support networks and information needs.
First antenatal visit
Undertake an assessment
Assessment should include estimated date of birth/gestational age, any physical, social or emotional
risk factors, need for referrals, investigations, treatments or preventive care.
Pelvic Qoor
Pelvic eoor muscle exercises appear to reduce the risk of urinary incontinence in late pregnancy (odds
ratio [OR] 0.38; 95% conBdence interval [CI]: 0.20, 0.72; six studies; n = 624; low quality) and at 3–6
months postpartum (OR 0.71; 95% CI: 0.54, 0.95; Bve studies; n = 673; moderate quality) but do not
appear to affect the risk of faecal incontinence (OR 0.61; 95% CI: 0.30, 1.25; two studies; n = 867;
moderate quality).1
First antenatal visit
espresso; 80 mg/250 mL instant coffee), tea (50 mg/220 mL), colas (36 mg/375 mL), energy
drinks (80 mg/250 mL) and chocolate (10 mg/50g).
If a patient has a low dietary calcium intake, advise her to increase her intake of calcium-rich foods (htt
ps:// .
Box 1. First antenatal visit: Identifying women at high risk of thyroid dysfunction
While this is an evolving area of practice, the American Thyroid Association considers
women with the following to be at high risk of thyroid disease:1,9
• history of thyroid dysfunction
• symptoms or signs of thyroid dysfunction
• presence of a goitre
• known thyroid antibody positivity.
SpeciAc populations
It is recommended that in areas with an ongoing syphilis outbreak, pregnant women should be tested
for syphilis at:1
First antenatal visit
Additional time may be required at the Brst antenatal visit for women who have:1
Groups of women who may require additional care in pregnancy include those with:1
High-risk population groups for haemoglobin disorders include people from any of the following ethnic
backgrounds: 1 Southern European, African, Middle Eastern, Chinese, Indian subcontinent, Central and
South-east Asian, PaciBc Islander, New Zealand Māori, South American, Caribbean, and some northern
Western Australian and Northern Territory Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Information on prenatal screening and when to refer: Prenatal screening (
actice/genetic-tests-and-technologies/prenatal-testing) , (
c-tests-and-technologies/prenatal-testing) Genomics in general practice (
actice/genetic-tests-and-technologies/prenatal-testing) | RACGP
First antenatal visit
Identifying, responding and supporting patients experiencing abuse and violence: Abuse and violence:
Working with our patients in general practice (
nes/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/abuse-and-violence/preamble) | RACGP
Information on investigations, treatments and outcomes for nausea, vomiting and hyperemesis
gravidarium: Guideline for the management of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and hyperemesis
gravidarium ( | The
Society for Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (SOMANZ)
The Safer Baby Bundle consists of Bve elements designed to reduce stillbirth rates after 28 weeks’
gestation: Safer Baby Bundle ( | Stillbirth Centre of
Research Excellence
Patient brochures with advice for eating well and staying active in pregnancy: Your Healthy Pregnancy
( | Department of Health and Aged Care
1. Australian Living Evidence Collaboration. 7. Brown WJ, Hayman M, Haakstad LAH,.
Pregnancy care guidelines. ALEC, 2020 (https://w Evidence-based physical activity guidelines for pregnant women: Report for the Australian
elines) [Accessed 14 March 2024]. Government Department of Health, March 2020.
2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Australian Government, Department of Health,
National Core Maternity Indicators. Cat. no. PER 2020 (
. AIHW, 2022 ( es/documents/2021/05/evidence-based-physica
s/mothers-babies/national-core-maternity-indicat l-activity-guidelines-for-pregnant-women.pdf)
ors) [Accessed 17 May 2023]. [Accessed 14 March 2024].
3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 8. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College
Australia's mothers and babies. Cat. no. PER 101. of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Exercise
AIHW, 2022 ( during pregnancy. RANZCOG, 2020 (https://ranzc
ccessed 17 May 2023]. e-during-pregnancy.pdf) [Accessed 14 March
. The Royal Australian College of General
Practitioners. Abuse and violence: Working with 9. Alexander EK, Pearce EN, Brent GA, et al. 2017
our patients in general practice (White Book). 5th Guidelines of the American Thyroid Association
edn. RACGP, 2021. [accessed 17 May 2023]. for the diagnosis and management of thyroid
disease during pregnancy and the postpartum.
. 5. The Royal Australian College of General
Thyroid 2017;27(3):315–389. doi: 10.1089/
Practitioners. Genomics in general practice.
thy.2016.0457. Erratum in: Thyroid
RACGP, 2022. [accessed 17 May 2023].
2017;27(9):1212. [Accessed 14 March 2024].
. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Vitamin and
mineral supplementation and pregnancy.
RANZCOG, 2019 (
ementation-and-Pregnancy.pdf) [Accessed 14
March 2024].
During pregnancy
During pregnancy
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Table of recommendations
For recommendations on cell-free DNA (cfDNA)-based screening (also called Non-invasive prenatal
testing (NIPT) and carrier screening, see Genetics (
e/genetics) .
For recommendations on screening for depression – see Depression (
s-in-general-practice/mental-health/depression) (
e/mental-health/depression) and Perinatal mental health (
practice/reproductive-and-womens-health/perinatal-depression) .
During pregnancy
count) weeks’
Repeat testing for syphilis is recommended for Recommended At 28–32
women at high risk of infection or reinfection.* (strong) weeks’
and at
the time
of birth
Alcohol and substance use Practice point Every
Asking about substance use at subsequent visits is antenatal
important as some women are more likely to report visit.
sensitive information only after a trusting relationship
has been established.
Intimate partner violence Recommended Consider
Routine screening for intimate partner violence is (strong) more
strongly recommended. Explain to all women that than
asking about family violence is a routine part of once.
antenatal care. Ask about family violence only when
alone with the patient, using speciBc questions or
validated screening tools (
ources-1/useful-tools) used in your state/territory.
Fetal development and anatomy Conditionally At 18–20
Ultrasound screening to assess fetal development, recommended weeks’
anatomy and cervical length at 18–20 weeks’ gestation
gestation is recommended.
During pregnancy
Blood pressure Practice point At every
Routinely measure blood pressure to identify new antenatal
onset hypertension. visit.
Fundal height Practice point At every
At each antenatal visit from 24 weeks, measure antenatal
fundal height in centimetres. visit
from 24
Case Anding
Proteinuria Practice point Every
In women with risk factors for or clinical indications antenatal
of pre-eclampsia – in particular, raised blood pressure visit.
– test for proteinuria at each antenatal visit.
During pregnancy
• Iodine: Suggest that pregnant women take Practice point N/A
an iodine supplement of 150 µg each day.
Women with pre-existing thyroid conditions
should seek advice from their medical
practitioner before taking an iodine
• Calcium: Advise women at high risk of Recommended N/A
developing pre-eclampsia that calcium (strong)
supplementation is beneBcial if dietary intake
is low. Refer to Box 1. Refer to Box 1.
Nutrition and exercise Practice point N/A
• Nutrition: Advise women that healthy dietary
patterns are characterised by high intake of
fruits, vegetables, legumes, wholegrains, Bsh,
seafood, unprocessed meats, dairy foods
and water. Diets with high intake of
sweetened foods and drinks, foods high in
saturated fats (eg fried foods), processed
meats and reBned grains are associated with
poorer outcomes.
During pregnancy
• Low-dose aspirin: Low-dose aspirin (50–150 Conditionally N/A
mg) is recommended for women of recommended
moderate to high risk of developing pre-
eclampsia. Refer to the Australian Pregnancy
care guidelines – Identifying women with risk
factors for pre-eclampsia (https://app.magic .
• Oral health: Advise women to have oral
health checks and treatment, if required, as
good oral health is important to a woman’s
health and treatment can be safely provided
during pregnancy.
• Seat belts: Inform pregnant women about
the correct use of seat belts; that is, three-
point seat belts ‘above and below the bump,
not over it’.
• Sexual activity: Advise pregnant women
without complications that safe sexual
activity in pregnancy is not known to be
associated with any adverse outcomes.
• Side sleeping: Advise side sleeping from 28 Practice point N/A
weeks’ pregnancy for prevention of stillbirth.
During pregnancy
Further information
In addition to screening and preventive activities, each antenatal visit provides an opportunity to review
care plan, identify women who require additional support and care, and for the patient to ask questions
and discuss any issues.2
Physical activity Reassure the patient that physical activity/exercise during pregnancy and the
postpartum period is safe, has health beneBts for the woman and her unborn child, and reduces the
risks of some pregnancy-related complications.7,8
Healthy environments Repeated exposure to hazardous toxins in the household and workplace
environment can affect fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage and birth defects.
• Discuss the avoidance of TORCH infections: Toxoplasmosis, Other (eg syphilis, varicella,
mumps, parvovirus and human immunodeBciency virus [HIV], listeriosis), Rubella,
Cytomegalovirus and Herpes simplex.
• Toxoplasmosis: Avoid cat litter, garden soil, raw/undercooked meat and unpasteurised milk
products; wash all fruit and vegetables.
• Cytomegalovirus, parvovirus B19 (`fth disease): Discuss the importance of frequent hand
washing. Those who work with children or in the healthcare sector can further reduce risk by
using gloves when changing nappies.
Nutrition Pregnancy and lactation pose nutrition risks due to increased nutrient demands. Maternal
nutritional status signiBcantly ineuences the nutritional wellbeing of both the fetus and the infant.11
• nulliparity
• age ≥40 years
• pregnancy interval >10 years
• body mass index (BMI) ≥35 kg/m2 at Brst visit
• family history of pre-eclampsia
• multi-fetal pregnancy.
During pregnancy
SpeciAc populations
Pregnant women who live in an area affected by an ongoing syphilis outbreak should be tested at each
of the following:2
The Australian Pregnancy care guidelines have a list of targeted tests (
eline/jm83RE/rec/Lrvd1l) to consider for women identiBed at increased risk.
Populations that may require extra or differing support services for pregnancy include:
Identifying, responding and supporting patients experiencing abuse and violence: Abuse and violence –
Working with our patients in general practice (
ines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/abuse-and-violence/preamble) (White Book) |
During pregnancy
Further information on Omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) supplementation in
pregnancy: Omega-3 fatty acid addition in pregnancy to reduce the risk of preterm birth, Handbook of
non-drug interventions (HANDI) (
andi-interventions/nutrition/omega-3-fatty-acid-addition-in-pregnancy-to-reduce) | RACGP
Information on investigations, treatments and outcomes for nausea, vomiting, and hyperemesis
gravidarium: Guideline for the management of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and hyperemesis
gravidarium ( | The
Society for Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (SOMANZ)
The Safer Baby Bundle, consisting of Bve elements designed to reduce stillbirth rates after 28 weeks’
gestation: Safer Baby Bundle ( | Stillbirth Centre of
Research Excellence
Current advice for healthcare professionals and hospitals undertaking obstetric care with anaesthesia
and analgesia services, to assist with safe and appropriate care for women during pregnancy and
labour: Joint RANZCOG/ANZCA/RACGP position statement on obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia
services (
ment-on-the-provision-of-Obstetric-Anaesthesia-and-Analgesia-Services.pdf) | Royal Australian and New
Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Australian and New Zealand College of
For up-to-date information on immunisation recommendations: Vaccination for women who are
planning pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding, (
breastfeeding) The Australian immunisation handbook (
or-breastfeeding) | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Information about breastfeeding: Infant feeding guidelines: Information for health workers (https://ww | National
Health and Medical Research Council
Information for GPs and patients about alcohol in pregnancy: Every moment matters (https://everymom | Foundation for Alcohol, Research and Education (FARE)
During pregnancy
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 10. The Royal Australian and New Zealand
Australia's mothers and babies. Cat. no. PER 101. College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
AIHW, 2022 ( Common questions in pregnancy. RANZCOG,
others-babies/australias-mothers-babies) 2020. Available at: (
[Accessed 29 May 2023]. ntent/uploads/2022/05/Common-Questions-in-Pr
2. Department of Health. Clinical practice egnancy.pdf) [Accessed 13 March 2024].
guidelines: Pregnancy care. Australian 11. National Health and Medical Research Council.
Government DoH, 2020. [Accessed 29 May 2023]. Australian dietary guidelines. NHMRC, 2013.
3. 3. The Royal Australian College of General [Accessed 13 March 2024].
Practitioners. Management of type 2 diabetes: A 12. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
handbook for general practice. RACGP, 2020. Hypertension in pregnancy: Diagnosis and
[Accessed 29 May 2023]. management. NICE, 2023. [Accessed 13 March
. National Blood Authority. Prophylactic use of Rh 2024].
D immunoglobulin in pregnancy care. NBA, 2021 13. National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health
( [Accessed Organisation and The Royal Australian College of
13 May 2023]. General Practitioners. National guide to a
preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and
. The Royal Australian College of General
Torres Strait Islander people. 3rd edn. RACGP,
Practitioners. Abuse and violence: Working with
2018. [Accessed 13 March 2024].
our patients in general practice (White Book). 5th
edn. RACGP, 2021. [Accessed 13 May 2023]. 1 . Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Australia’s mothers and babies. AIHW, 2023 (http
. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Measurement s://
of cervical length for the prediction of preterm stralias-mothers-babies) [Accessed 21 July
birth. RANZCOG, 2021 (https://ranzco 2023]. 1 . Gleason J, Grewal J, Chen Z, Cernich AN, Grantz
ment-of-cervical-length-for-prediction-of-preterm- KL. Risk of adverse maternal outcomes in
birth-C-Obs-27_Board-approved-March-2022.pdf) pregnant women with disabilities. JAMA Netw
[Accessed 13 March 2024]. Open 2021;4(12):e2138414. doi: 10.1001/
jamanetworkopen.2021.38414. [Accessed 21
. Brown WJ, Hayman M, Haakstad LAH, et al.
Evidence-based physical activity guidelines for July 2023].
pregnant women: Report for the Australian 1 . Bedaso A, Adams J, Peng W, Sibbritt D.
Government Department of Health. Australian Prevalence and determinants of low social
Government DoH, 2020 ( support during pregnancy among Australian
u/sites/default/files/documents/2021/05/eviden women: A community-based cross-sectional
ce-based-physical-activity-guidelines-for-pregnan study. Reprod Health 2021;18(1):158. doi:
-women.pdf) [Accessed 14 March 2024]. 10.1186/s12978-021-01210-y. [Accessed 21 July
. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Exercise 1 . St Martin B, Spiegel A, Sie L, et al. Homelessness
during pregnancy. RANZCOG, 2020 (https://ranzc in pregnancy: perinatal outcomes. J Perinatol 2021;41(12):2742–48. doi: 10.1038/
-during-pregnancy.pdf) [Accessed 13 March s41372-021-01187-3. [Accessed 21 July 2023].
2024]. 1 . Haylett F, Murray S, Watson J, Theobald J. The
9. Stillbirth Centre of Research Excellence. The extent, nature and impact of homelessness on
Safer Baby Bundle. South Brisbane: CRE, 2023 (ht pregnant women and their babies. Parity 2022;
tps:// 35(5):10–11 (
afer-baby-bundle/) t-nature-and-impact-of-homelessness-on-pregnan
t-women-and-their-babies) [Accessed 13 March
During pregnancy
0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 ≥80
Given the potential risk of adverse outcomes in both the mother and child, interpregnancy interval is a
modiBable risk factor.2 Interconception care is particularly important given the increasing rates of
chronic disease in people of childbearing age.2 GPs can prepare for interconception care during
pregnancy by developing a postpartum plan that includes the patient’s wishes for future pregnancies.1
The following recommendations should be considered alongside those provided in Preconception care
delines/preventive-activities-in-general-practice/reproductive-and-womens-health/preconception) .
Table of recommendations
Case Anding
Contraception Practice point N/A
Additional contraceptive precaution is not
required if contraception is initiated
immediately or within 21 days after childbirth.
Interpregnancy intervals Conditionally N/A
Advise women to avoid interpregnancy recommended
intervals shorter than 6 months. See Further
information for risks of short interpregnancy
Further information
Research has shown that many women are unaware of the risks of short interpregnancy intervals, and
this should be discussed with the woman as part of reproductive planning and/or postpartum care.2
• placental abruption
• placenta praevia
• uterine rupture (for women who previously had a caesarean section)
• gestational diabetes.
GPs should be aware that contraceptive implant soon after childbirth or the insertion of IUC at the time
of either vaginal or caesarean delivery is convenient and highly acceptable to women. This has been
associated with high continuation rates and a reduced risk of unintended pregnancy.3 An intrauterine
device (IUD) can be safely inserted at time of delivery, or within 10 minutes of delivery of the placenta,
or within the Brst 48 hours after uncomplicated caesarean section or vaginal birth. After 48 hours,
insertion should be delayed until 28 days after childbirth.3
1. Louis JM, Bryant A, Ramos D, et al. 4. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College
Interpregnancy care. Am J Obstet Gynecol of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG).
2019;220(1):B2–18. doi: (http://10.1016/j.ajog.20 Birth after previous caesarean section (C-Obs
18.11.1098.) 38). RANZCOG, 2019 (
2. Dorney E, Mazza D, Black KI. Interconception content/uploads/2022/05/Birth-after-previous-ca
care. Aust J Gen Pract 2020;49(6):317–22. doi: esarean-section.pdf) [Accessed 5 March 2024].
10.31128/AJGP-02-20-5242. 5. Royal College of Obstetricians and
3. Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Gynaecologists (RCOG). The investigation and
(FSRH). FSRH guideline: Contraception after management of the small-for-gestational-age
pregnancy. FSRH, 2020 ( fetus: Green-top guideline no. 31. RCOG, 2014 (htt
wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Contraception-Afte ps://
-Pregnancy.pdf) [Accessed 5 March 2024]. f) [Accessed 5 March 2024].
Perinatal mental health
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
Table of recommendations
Assess psychosocial risk factors as early as Recommended As early
practical in pregnancy and again after the birth using (strong) as
the Antenatal Risk Questionnaire (ANRQ) (https://w practical in
ealth-professionals/) . pregnancy,
after birth.
Perinatal mental health
anxiety disorder using the Edinburgh Postnatal (strong) for the Brst
Depression Scale (EPDS) ( depression postnatal
health-professionals/clinical-tools-health-profession screening
als/) is recommended. 6–12
Practice point
for anxiety
after birth
and repeat
at least
once in
the Brst
Explain to all women that asking about family (strong) more than
violence is routine part of postnatal care. Ask about once.
family violence only when alone with the woman,
using validated screening tools (https://www.racg
violence/resources-1/useful-tools) .
Further information
Perinatal depression
Common symptoms of perinatal depression:5
Depression in the perinatal period is identiBed by the presence of a number of symptoms experienced
over a period of time, typically two weeks or more. Moderate to severe perinatal depression can also
affect a parent’s ability to care for their baby and/or other children in their care.5 Any discussion of
suicide should be taken seriously, with treatment from a mental health professional or other appropriate
person immediately sought.6
Perinatal mental health
Perinatal anxiety
Although pregnancy and the arrival of a new baby can be very exciting, most women experience some
worries about things like having a healthy pregnancy, delivering the baby, keeping their baby safe and
potential impacts on their relationship, career or Bnances. For some people, those worries can become
overwhelming and unmanageable.6
• Anxiety or fear that interrupts thoughts and interferes with daily tasks
• Panic attacks: outbursts of extreme fear and panic that are overwhelming and feel diacult to
bring under control
• Anxiety and worries that keep coming into the woman’s mind and are diacult to stop or control
• Constantly feeling irritable, restless or ‘on edge’
• Having tense muscles, a ‘tight’ chest and heart palpitations
• Finding it diacult to relax and/or taking a long time to fall asleep at night
• Anxiety or fear that stops the woman going out with her baby
• Anxiety or fear that leads the woman to check on her baby constantly
Be aware that anxiety disorders are very common in the perinatal period and should be considered in
the broader clinical assessment.
Non-birthing partners
Information on assessing perinatal mental health in non-birthing partners (
alth-professionals/health-professionals-3/review-of-new-perinatal-mental-health-guidelines/) is
available in Part B – Screening and psychosocial assessment of the Centre of Perinatal Excellence’s
(COPE) Mental health care in the perinatal period Australian clinical practice guideline.
Perinatal mental health
The Kimberley Mum’s Mood Scale (KMMS) ( has been developed for use in
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations; however, it has only been validated for use in the
Kimberley region and may not be applicable for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in other
Where possible, seek guidance/support from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander worker or
professional worker or professional when screening Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander woman for
depression and anxiety.1
SpeciAc populations
Perinatal depression and anxiety are more commonly reported among the following population
For screening in women from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background, use
appropriately translated versions of the EPDS with culturally relevant cut-off scores. Consider language
and the cultural appropriateness of the tool.1
Further information on the identiBcation and management of abuse and violence: Abuse and violence –
working with our patients in general practice (
nes/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/abuse-and-violence/preamble) | RACGP Guideline
for the early identiBcation of mental health conditions in the perinatal period for women and/or their
partners Mental health care in the perinatal period: Australian clinical practice guideline (https://www.cop |
COPE Guidelines on all aspects of pregnancy care, including social and emotional screening:
Pregnancy care guidelines ( |
Department of Health and Aged Care A broad collection of resources for GPs to help patients with
mental health illness: Resources for GPs (
c-4c90-821f-5a9be3a42d20) | GPMHSC
Perinatal mental health
1. Highet NJ; Expert Working Group and Expert 4. Department of Health and Aged Care. Clinical
Subcommittees. Mental health care in the practice guidelines: Pregnancy care. Australian
perinatal period: Australian clinical practice Government, 2020 (
guideline. COPE, 2023 ( sources/pregnancy-care-guidelines) [Accessed
wp-content/uploads/2023/06/COPE_2023_Perina 22 February 2024].
5. Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE).
[Accessed 22 February 2024].
Perinatal depression: A guide for health
2. PwC Consulting Australia. The cost of perinatal professionals. COPE, 2023 (https://www.cope.or
depression and anxiety in Australia. Gidget
Foundation Australia, 2019 ( al-Depression_Health-Prof-Fact-Sheet-2023.pdf)
u/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/250811/sub75 [Accessed 22 February 2024].
2-mental-health-attachment.pdf) [Accessed 22
6. Black Dog Institute. Anxiety and depression
February 2024]. during pregnancy and the postnatal period (http
3. The Royal Australian College of General s://
Practitioners (RACGP). Abuse and violence – oads/2022/06/Depression-during-pregnancy.pd
working with our patients in general practice (The f) [Accessed 22 February 2024].
White Book). 5th edn. RACGP, 2021 (https://ww
7. Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE). Perinatal anxiety: A guide for health
professionals. COPE, 2023 (https://www.cope.or
s/abuse-and-violence/preamble) [Accessed 22
February 2024].
[Accessed 22 February 2024].
Table of recommendations
Preventive activities and advice
Recommendation Grade References
Using menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), combined Generally not N/A
estrogen and progestin or estrogen alone for the recommended
primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) or
other chronic conditions* is generally not
recommended. Refer to further information.
*Coronary heart disease, breast cancer, fractures,
diabetes, colorectal cancer, thromboembolic events,
stroke, dementia, gallbladder disease, urinary
incontinence all-cause mortality.
Further information
Blood tests for diagnosis of menopause are typically not required; however, if early or premature
menopause is suspected, blood tests to exclude other causes of oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea are
In addition to an increased risk of CVD6, women with premature menopause may also be at higher risk
of developing anxiety and or depressive disorders during menopause.1
For osteoporosis screening, case Nnding and prevention recommendations, please refer to the
Osteoporosis chapter or the RACGP and Osteoporosis Australia’s Osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis
and management in postmenopausal women and men over 50 years of age (
nical-resources/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/osteoporosis) .
Guideline for the prevention, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of osteoporosis in
Osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis and management in postmenopausal women and men over 50 years
of age (
p-guidelines/osteoporosis) | RACGP (
y-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/osteoporosis) and Osteoporosis Australia
1. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of 5. Hemachandra C, Taylor S, Islam RM, Fooladi E,
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Managing Davis SR. A systematic review and critical
menopausal symptoms. RANZCOG, 2020. appraisal of menopause guidelines. BMJ Sex
Available at: ( Reprod Health 2024:bmjsrh-2023-202099. doi:
uploads/2022/05/Managing-menopausal-sympto 10.1136/bmjsrh-2023-202099. Epub ahead of
ms.pdf) [Accessed 13 April 2024]. print. PMID: 38336466. [Accessed 13 April 2024].
2. Magraith K, Stuckey B. Making choices at 6. Department of Health and Aged Care. Australian
menopause. Aust J Gen Pract guideline for assessing and managing
2019;48(7):457–62. doi: 10.31128/ cardiovascular disease risk. Department of
AJGP-02-19-4851. [Accessed 13 April 2024]. Health and Aged Care, 2023 (https://www.cvdche
3. Dalal PK, Agarwal M. Postmenopausal syndrome. [Accessed 7 April 2024].
Indian J Psychiatry 2015;57(Suppl 2):S222–32. 7. The Royal Australian College of General
doi: 10.4103/0019-5545.161483. Practitioners and Osteoporosis Australia.
[Accessed 13 April 2024]. Osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis and
4. Gartlehner G, Patel SV, Reddy S, Rains C, management in postmenopausal women and
Schwimmer M, Kahwati L. Hormone therapy for men over 50 years of age. 2nd edn. RACGP, 2017.
the primary prevention of chronic conditions in [Accessed 7 April 2024].
postmenopausal persons: Updated evidence
report and systematic review for the US
Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA
2022;328(17):1747–65. doi: 10.1001/
jama.2022.18324. [Accessed 13 April 2024].
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
0–9 10–14 15–19 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44* 45–49* 50–54 55–59 60–64 65-69 70–74 75–79 ≥80
*Case Nnding
An assessment should be undertaken to understand a patient’s individual degree of risk (see Table 1) in
order to provide evidence-based guidance for preventive activities. Breast cancer risk is not normally
distributed: most women have a low (<4%) lifetime risk.2
Risk in Approximately 1.5 Approximately 1.5–3 More than threefold times the
relation to times the times the population population average
the population average average Individual risk may be higher or
population lower if genetic test results are
average known
Lifetime Between 9% and Between 12% and 25% Between 25% and 50%
prevalence 12.5%
of breast
cancer up
to age 75
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
of the
There are multiple risk factors for breast cancer (genetic, hormonal, lifestyle and environmental).3
However, BreastScreen, Australia’s national breast cancer screening program, focuses on age, inviting
all Australian women aged between 50 and 74 years for biennial mammographic screening. Women are
able to self-refer for biennial mammographic screening in BreastScreen from the age of 40 years.
Clinicians have an important role in identifying people with a strong family history of breast cancer, as
well as other cancers, associated with high-risk genetic variants (eg in BRCA1 and BRCA2) and offering
referral to a familial cancer service. The Genetics (
tics/genetic-screening) chapter provides further information on family history and the use of the family
history questionnaire.
Table of recommendations
Women at average risk or slightly higher than average Conditionally Every 2
risk of breast cancer should participate in recommended years
mammographic screening from ages 50 to 74 years
as part of the national BreastScreen program.
Screening by mammography is not recommended in Generally not N/A
women aged ≥75 years due to insuscient evidence to recommended
assess the balance of beneNts and harms.
Clinical breast examination for breast cancer Generally not N/A
screening of average risk women in general practice is recommended
not recommended.
Do not use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a Not N/A
stand-alone screening test for women at average risk recommended
of breast cancer. (strong)
Breast cancer
Case Ending
Counsel all women that the following are associated Practice point N/A
with lower breast cancer risk:
• physical activity
• maintaining a normal body mass index (for
postmenopausal breast cancer)
• minimising alcohol consumption
• having children
• breastfeeding
It is recommended that all women, whether or not they Practice point N/A
undergo mammographic screening, are aware of how
their breasts normally look and feel, and promptly
report any new or unusual changes (such as a lump,
nipple changes, nipple discharge, change in skin
colour, skin texture, pain in a breast) to their GP. No
one method for women to use when checking their
breasts is recommended over another.
Breast cancer
Further information
For asymptomatic, average-risk women, BreastScreen Australia recommends screening mammograms
every two years for women aged 50–74 years and actively recalls women in this age bracket.2 However
women at average risk may choose to commence mammography through BreastScreen from the age
of 40 years.
For women at moderate risk, annual mammograms from age 40 years may be recommended. Annual
mammograms are not recommended for women with a single relative diagnosed at age >50 years,
because there is no clear evidence of beneNt.10
Ongoing surveillance strategies for women at high risk of breast cancer may include imaging with MRI.
There is controversy on how to screen women with dense breasts. The current evidence is insuscient
to assess the balance of beneNts and harms of supplemental screening for breast cancer using breast
ultrasound or MRI in women identiNed to have dense breasts on an otherwise negative screening
Thermography is associated with high false-positive and false-negative rates and is not recommended
as a screening modality. Polygenic risk scores to determine breast cancer risk may have a role in the
future, but are not currently recommended in general practice.
A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based breast cancer risk assessment test should only be
undertaken after an in‐depth discussion led by a clinical professional familiar with the implications of
genetic risk assessment and testing, including the potential insurance implications. Genetic testing
should be offered only with pre- and post-test counselling to discuss the limitations, potential beneNts
and possible consequences.14
Estimated risks for factors for which there is susciently strong evidence of an association with risk of
breast cancer (ie factors for which the body of evidence was classiNed as either ‘Convincing’ or
‘Probable’, are summarised in table 5.2 of the 2018 Cancer Australia publication Risk factors for breast
cancer: A review of the evidence.15
Breast cancer
SpeciEc populations
For women at potentially high risk or carrying a mutation, offer referral to a familial cancer clinic for
risk assessment, possible genetic testing and a risk reduction management plan.
Individualised surveillance and risk reduction plan, including consideration of associated risks for other
cancers (eg ovarian), may include:
• regular clinical breast examination and annual breast imaging with mammography, MRI or
• chemoprevention with selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs; eg tamoxifen or
raloxifene) or aromatase inhibitors (eg exemestane and anastrozole)16
• mastectomy and/or salpingo-oophorectomy.
iPrevent ( is a validated tool to help in the assessment of breast
cancer risk.
1. Cancer Australia. Breast cancer –in Australia 4. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).
statistics. Australian Government, 2024 (http://w Breast cancer: Screening. USPSTF, 2023 (http://w
ancer/statistics#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20it%2 ft-recommendation/breast-cancer-screening-adul
0is%20estimated,or%2013%25%20for%20female ts#fullrecommendationstart) [Accessed 19 May
[Accessed 21 February 2024]. 2023].
2. Department of Health and Aged Care. 5. Cancer Australia. Early detection of breast
BreastScreen Australia program. Australian cancer. (
Government, 2024 ( rces/position-statements/early-detection-breast-
our-work/breastscreen-australia-program) cancer) [Position statement] Australian
21 February 2024]. Government, 2015 [Accessed 16 May 2023].
3. Cancer Australia. Breast cancer: The risk factors.
Australian Government, 2024 (http://ww [Accessed
February 2024].
Breast cancer
6. Cancer Council. Magnetic resonance imaging 12. Henderson JT, Webber, EM, Weyrich M, Miller M,
screening in high-risk women. In: Screening: Melnikow J. Screening for breast cancer: A
Breast cancer prevention policy. Cancer Council, comparative effectiveness review for the U.S.
2014 ( Preventive Services Task Force. Evidence
and-advocacy/prevention-policy/national-cancer- synthesis no. 231. Agency for Healthcare
prevention-policy/breast-cancer/screening#magn Research and Quality, 2023. [Accessed 16 May
etic) [Accessed 16 May 2023]. 2023].
. Cancer Council. Thermography. In: Screening 13. Trentham-Dietz A, Chapman CH, Jinani J, et al.
breast cancer prevention policy. Cancer Council, Breast cancer screening with mammography: An
2014 ( updated decision analysis for the U.S. Preventive
and-advocacy/prevention-policy/national-cancer- Services Task Force. Agency for Healthcare
prevention-policy/breast-cancer/screening#therm Research and Quality, 2023.
ography) [Accessed 16 May 2023]. [Accessed 16 May 2023].
. Cancer Australia. Statement on use of 14. The Royal Australian College of General
thermography to detect breast cancer. Australian Practitioners (RACGP). Genomics in general
Government, 2010 (http://www.canceraustralia.g practice. RACGP, 2022 ( u/getattachment/a7b97d5a-5b5f-4d4b-ab3b-efa9
use-thermography-detect-breast-cancer) c08b1d6d/Genomics-in-general-practice.aspx)
[Accessed 16 May 2023]. [Accessed 22 February 2024].
. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of 15. Cancer Australia. Risk factors for breast
Radiologists (RANZCR). Policy on use of cancer: A review of the evidence 2018. Australian
thermography to detect breast cancer. RANZCR, Government, 2018 (http://www.canceraustralia.g
2018 (
ibrary/policy-on-the-use-of-thermography-to-detec a-publications/risk-factors-breast-cancer-review-e
breast-cancer?searchword=thermography) vidence-2018) [Accessed 16 May 2023].
[Accessed 16 May 2023].
16. Cancer Australia. Risk-reducing medication
1 . Cancer Australia. Advice about familial aspects of for women at increased risk of breast cancer due
breast cancer and epithelial ovarian cancer. to family history. Australian Government, 2018 (ht
Australian Government, 2015 (http://ww tp:// d-resources/cancer-australia-publications/risk-re
ces/cancer-australia-publications/advice-about-f ducing-medication-women-increased-risk-breast-
amilial-aspects-breast-cancer-and-epithelial-ovari cancer-due-family-history) [Accessed 16 May
an-cancer) [Accessed 12 December 2023]. 2023].
11. Cancer Australia. MRI for high risk women.
Australian Government, n.d (http://www.cancerau
men) [Accessed 16 May 2023].
Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer
0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 ≥80
Under-screened women remain the most likely to develop cervical cancer. The main burden of cervical
cancer is in developing countries without screening programs or human papillomavirus (HPV)
The introduction of HPV vaccination in Australia has been instrumental in reducing HPV infection and
has placed Australia on track to reach the elimination of cervical cancer targets of 90:70:90
(vaccination: 90% of girls fully vaccinated with the HPV vaccine by age 15 years; screening: 70% of
women screened using a high-performance test by age 35 years, and again by age 45 years; treatment:
90% of women identiNed with cervical disease receive treatment) by 2030.2 GPs play an important role
in achieving these targets by providing vaccination and encouraging participation in the cervical cancer
screening program to ensure early detection. Population level targets are beyond the scope of the Red
Book, which focuses on recommendations that can be implemented in practice.
Table of recommendations
Cervical screening is not recommended in women Screening not N/A
under the age of 25 years. recommended
Cervical cancer
Evidence does not support screening for women aged Practice point N/A 3
Women and people with a cervix who have ever had Recommended Every 3
sexual contact aged between 25-74 years of age and (strong) Nve
are eligible for screening should have a HPV years.
screening test for cervical cancer. This can be on a
self-collected vaginal sample or on a clinician-
collected sample.
Women who are 75 years or older who have never had Practice point N/A
a cervical screening test or have not had one in the
previous Nve years, may request a test and can be
screened. The sample can be clinician-collected or
self-collected, according to the woman’s choice.
Administer one dose of the 9vHPV vaccine in Recommended From
immunocompetent adolescents and young adults (strong) age 9 to
from nine years of age and ensure catch up 26 years
vaccination up to 26 years. For more information,
refer to the Australian immunisation handbook (http
Cervical cancer
Administering the HPV vaccine in adults aged ≥26 Generally not N/A 4
Further information
• A short course of topical oestrogen therapy could be considered in postmenopausal women,
people experiencing vaginal dryness, or trans men, prior to collecting the sample – for
example, daily for at least 2 weeks, ceasing 1–2 days prior to the appointment. The reason for
this should be explained (to reduce discomfort from the speculum and to improve the
diagnostic accuracy of any associated liquid-based cytology [LBC]).3
• When deciding whether to choose self-collection or clinician collection, people must be given
clear information by the supervising healthcare professional about the likelihood that HPV may
be detected and, if so, what follow-up will be required. If a person chooses self-collection, the
healthcare professional should provide information about how to collect the sample and how
they will receive the test results.3
• Cervical screening on a self-collected vaginal sample needs to be ordered and overseen by a
healthcare professional.* For details of self-collection, refer to the section on self-collected
vaginal samples in the National Cervical Screening Program: Guidelines for the management of
screen-detected abnormalities, screening in speciNc populations and investigation of abnormal
vaginal bleeding (
screening/management-of-oncogenic-hpv-test-results/self-collected-vaginal-samples) .3
• When follow-up HPV testing is required after an initial positive oncogenic HPV test result, the
sample may be self-collected or collected by a clinician. The woman’s healthcare professional
should advise the woman of the follow-up that will be recommended if HPV is detected and
explain that a clinician-collected sample allows for reaex LBC to be performed on the same
sample. This potentially avoids the need for an additional visit to collect a cervical sample for
LBC. HPV testing is not repeated on the clinician-collected sample in this circumstance.3
• Among those attending for a routine screening test, approximately 2% have HPV16/18
detected and approximately 6% have HPV (not 16/18) detected, although the latter varies by
*Only doctors and nurse practitioners can sign the pathology request for tests under current Medicare
BeneNts Schedule (MBS) rules.
Cervical cancer
SpeciEc populations
Screening in pregnancy5
• Routine antenatal and postpartum care should include a review of the woman’s cervical
screening history. Women who are due or overdue for screening should be screened.
• A woman can be safely screened at any time during pregnancy, provided that the correct
sampling equipment is used. An endocervical brush should not be inserted into the cervical
canal because of the risk of associated bleeding, which may distress women.
• All women who are due for cervical screening during pregnancy may be offered the option of
self-collection of a vaginal swab for HPV testing, after counselling by a healthcare professional
about the small risk of bleeding. Women testing positive for HPV (not 16/18) on a self-
collected sample should be advised to return so that a cervical sample for LBC can be
collected by the healthcare provider.
• For other speciNc populations, refer to the National Cervical Screening Program: Guidelines for
the management of screen-detected abnormalities, screening in speciNc populations and
investigation of abnormal vaginal bleeding (
cal-cancer/cervical-cancer-screening) .
National Cervical Screening Program: Guidelines for the management of screen-detected abnormalities,
screening in speciNc populations and investigation of abnormal vaginal bleeding (https://www.cancer.or .
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Cancer 3. Cancer Council Australia. National Cervical
data in Australia. Cat. no. CAN 122. AIHW, 2023 Screening Program: Guidelines for the
( management of screen-detected abnormalities,
ancer-data-in-australia) [Accessed 16 May 2022]. screening in speciNc populations and
2. Australian Centre for the Prevention of Cervical investigation of abnormal vaginal bleeding.
Cancer. National strategy for the elimination of Cancer Council Australia, 2022 (https://www.canc
cervical cancer in Australia: A pathway to achieve
equitable elimination of cervical cancer as a cal-cancer-screening) [Accessed 8 April 2024].
public health problem by 2035. Department of
Health and Aged Care, 2023 (https://www.healt
tralia.pdf) [Accessed 8 April 2024].
Cervical cancer
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer
Table of recommendations
Further information
In 2019, Cancer Australia found that there is currently no evidence available that screening for ovarian
cancer results in reduced mortality for women.2
1. Cancer Council. Ovarian cancer. Australia: Cancer 2. Cancer Australia. Testing for ovarian cancer in
Council, 2023 ( asymptomatic women. Australia: Cancer
information/types-of-cancer/ovarian-cancer) Australia, 2019 (https://www.canceraustralia.go
[Accessed 3 November 2023].
n) [Accessed 3 November 2023].
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer
Frailty (
iscellaneous/frailty) Hearing (
s-in-general-practice/miscellaneous/hearing) Sleep and sleep-related disorders
neous/sleep-and-sleep-related-disorders) Oral health (
nes/preventive-activities-in-general-practice/miscellaneous/oral-health) Urinary
incontinence (
tice/miscellaneous/urinary-incontinence) Vision (
Miscellaneous | Frailty
Screening and case-Ending age bar
0-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 ≥80
Frailty can also occur in younger adults, particularly vulnerable people with disability or onset of illness;5
however, more research is needed in this area.6
Table of recommendations
Recommendation Grade References
Consider screening for frailty as part of an assessment of Practice Every 12
elderly patients (aged ≥75 years) using a validated rapid point months.
frailty instrument suitable to the speciNc setting or context
(refer to Further information).
Case Ending
Recommendation Grade References
patients (aged 65–74 and who have factors associated point years.
with frailty) using a validated rapid frailty instrument
suitable to the speciNc setting or context (refer to Further
Further information
• older age
• current smoker
• lower educational level
• current use of postmenopausal therapy
• not being married
• depression
• intellectual disability
• being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent
• sedentary lifestyle
• undernutrition
• chronic disease
• multimorbidity
• polypharmacy
• obesity.
Screening for frailty helps to identify functional decline. Commonly used frailty scoring tools include the
Frailty = ≥3 of the above; pre-frailty = 1–2 of the above; not frail = none of the above.7
Pathophysiology of frailty
For information on the pathophysiology of frailty, including further detail about the immune, endocrine,
stress and energy response systems changes that contribute to the development of frailty, please refer
to the ‘Frailty’ chapter (
nes/view-all-racgp-guidelines/silver-book/part-a/frailty) in the RACGP aged care clinical guide (Silver
Book) – Part A.
Further information about frailty in an aged care setting: Frailty (
rces/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/silver-book/part-a/frailty) |
RACGP aged care clinical guide (Silver book) – Part A | RACGP
1. Thompson, M, Theou O, Karnon J, et al. Frailty 6. Loecker C, Schmaderer M, Zimmerman L. Frailty
prevalence in Australia: Findings from four pooled in young and middle-aged adults: An integrative
Australian cohort studies. Australas J Ageing review. J Frailty Aging
2018;37: 155–58. doi: 10.1111/ajag.12483. 2021;10(4):327–33. doi: 10.14283/jfa.2021.14.
2. Dent E, Morley JE, Cruz-Jentoft AJ, et al. Physical PMID: 34549246.
frailty: ICFSR international clinical practice . Fried LP, Tangen CM, Walston J, et al. Frailty in
guidelines for identification and management. J older adults: Evidence for a phenotype. J Gerontol
Nutr Health Aging A Biol Sci Med Sci 2001;56(3):M146–56. doi:
2019;23(9):771–87. doi: 10.1007/ 10.1093/Gerona/56.3.m146.
s12603-019-1273-z. . Rockwood K, Mitnitski A. Frailty in relation to the
3. Clegg A, Young J, Iliffe S, Rikkert MO, Rockwood accumulation of deficits. J Gerontol A Biol Sci
K. Frailty in older people. Lancet Med Sci 2007;62(7):722–27.
2013;381(9868):752–62. doi: (
. Wryko Z. Frailty at the front door. Clin Med
(Lond) 2015;15(4):377–81.
4. The Royal Australian College of General
1 . Turner G, Clegg A; British Geriatrics Society; Age
Practitioners. RACGP aged care clinical guide UK; Royal College of General Practitioners. Best
(Silver Book). 5th edn. RACGP, 2019. practice guidelines for the management of frailty:
5. Spiers GF, Kunonga TP, Hall A, et al. Measuring A British Geriatrics Society, Age UK and Royal
frailty in younger populations: A rapid review of College of General Practitioners report. Age
evidence. BMJ Open 2021;11:e047051. doi: Ageing 2014;43(6):744–47.
Miscellaneous | Hearing
Prevalence and context of the condition
It is estimated that 3.6 million Australians have some level of hearing loss (somewhat higher in men
than women1), with 1.3 million Australians living with a hearing condition that could have been
prevented.2 Although the prevalence of hearing loss tends to increase with age, it can affect people of
all ages, with signiNcant consequences on the physical, functional and mental health of the individual.
GPs are well placed to detect, diagnose and provide advice to help prevent hearing loss.
Table of recommendations
Screening for hearing loss is not Generally not N/A
recommended in asymptomatic adults aged recommended
≥50 years.
Case Ending
Assess hearing in patients who present with Practice point Opportunistically. 5,6
• avoid loud or sustained excessive
• use hearing protection in high-noise
• use volume controls for personal
devices as necessary
• avoid exposure to cigarette smoke in
The following vaccinations may reduce Practice point N/A
incidence of acute otitis media and/or
acquired hearing loss:
• annual inauenza vaccination
(inactivated virus) is recommended in
any person aged ≥6 months,
• rubella, measles, Haemophilus
inauenzae type b, meningococcus in
children younger than 15 years,
• pneumococcal conjugate vaccination
(13vPCV) during infancy.
Preventive activities for pregnant women Practice point N/A
Offer testing for rubella immunity and syphilis
serology to prevent infections that may lead to
congenital hearing loss.
Further information
Newborn screening
Each Australian state has an infant hearing screening program, which includes a test that is typically
completed in hospital after the baby is born.
Ensure parents of newborn infants are aware of the universal neonatal hearing screening program in
their relevant state and territory and have had their newborn screened for congenital hearing
impairment.8 For further information, please refer to the chapter Developmental delay and autism (http
tism) .
Hearing assessment
It is important to assess hearing in patients who present with conditions that may be associated with
hearing loss, such as speech or behavioural concerns in children, or perceived hearing loss in adults.6
Audiometry is best practice for a thorough assessment. However, hearing loss can also be assessed
• single-question screening, asking ‘Do you have disculty with your hearing?’
• longer patient questionnaires, for example the Hearing handicap inventory – screening (HHIE-
S) (
bLdrEU) questionnaire for the elderly.
Hearing assessments such as whispered voice and Nnger rub are no longer recommended. This is
because the results can be variable, as they are user-dependent.5
For speciNc recommendations for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, please refer to Hearing
loss (
p-guidelines/national-guide/chapter-7-hearing-loss) in the National guide to a preventive health
assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
SpeciEc populations
People at greater risk of hearing loss include:2,5,8-13
Guidelines on the prevention, diagnosis and management of all forms of otitis media for Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander children (RACGP-endorsed clinical guideline): Otitis media guidelines (https://otitis (app) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children | Menzies Health
Screening questionnaire for the elderly: Hearing handicap inventory – screening (HHIE-S) (https://ww questionnaire
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 6. The Royal Australian College of General
(AIHW). Australia’s health 2016. Catalogue no. Practitioners (RACGP). 2022 RACGP curriculum
AUS 199. AIHW, 2016 ( and syllabus for Australian general practice.
eports/australias-health/australias-health-2016/c RACGP, 2022 (
ontents/summary) [Accessed 31 January 2024]. n/education-providers/curriculum/curriculum-an
2. Department of Health and Aged Care. About ear d-syllabus/home) [Accessed 31 January 2024].
health. Australian Government, 2022 (http s:// 7. World Health Organization (WHO). Make listening safe. WHO, n.d (
[Accessed 28 March 2023]. ivities/making-listening-safe) [Accessed 28
3. World Health Organization (WHO). Deafness and March 2023].
hearing loss. WHO, n.d - tab=tab_1 (https://w 8. National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation; The Royal Australian College
[Accessed 29 March 2023]. of General Practitioners (RACGP). National guide
4. Cunningham LL, Tucci DL. Hearing loss in adults. to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal
N Engl J Med 2017;377(25):2465–73. doi: and Torres Strait Islander people. 3rd edn. RACGP,
10.1056/NEJMra1616601. [Accessed 29 March 2018 (
2023]. s/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-al
5. US Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for
ng-loss) [Accessed 31 January 2024].
hearing loss in older adults: US Preventive
Services Task Force recommendation statement.
JAMA. 2021;325(12):1196–201. doi: 10.1001/
jama.2021.2566. [Accessed 29 March 2023].
. Hearing Health Sector Committee. Roadmap for 11. Foundation House. Hearing, vision and oral
hearing health. Hearing Health Sector Committee, health. Australian refugee health practice guide.
2019 ( s/default/ Foundation House, 2024 (https://refugeehealthgu
hearing-health.pdf) [Accessed 29 March 2023]. [Accessed 30 March 2023].
1 . Dehankar SS, Gaurkar SS. Impact on hearing due 12. The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne
to prolonged use of audio devices: A literature (RCH). Education assessment. RCH, 2021 (http
review. Cureus 2022;14(11):e31425. doi: 10.7759/ s://
cureus.31425. [Accessed 29 March 2023]. cation_assessment/) [Accessed 30 March 2023].
13. Benson J, Mwanri L. Chronic suppurative
otitis media and cholesteatoma in Australia’s
refugee population. Aust Fam Physician
2012;41(12):978–80. [Accessed 30 March 2023].
Sleep and sleep-related disorders
Table of recommendations
Screening for OSA in the general population is Generally not N/A
not recommended because of insuscient recommended
evidence to assess the balance of beneNts
and harms.
Case Ending
Sleep and sleep-related disorders
Sleep and sleep-related disorders
Sleep and sleep-related disorders
Sleep and sleep-related disorders
Further information
• excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue or falling asleep during the day, despite length of sleep
• snoring (which may be loud or irregular)
• choking or gasping during sleep
• witnessed breathing cessation
• sleep disruption and frequent awakenings
• nocturia
• disculty with concentration, memory and other executive functions
• depressed mood
• decreased work performance.
• cardiovascular morbidity and mortality (including hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke,
atrial Nbrillation, congestive heart failure)
• increased risk of motor vehicle accidents
• increased risk of occupational accidents
• cognitive impairment
• diabetes
• lost work days
• decreased quality of life
• mortality.
• male sex
• age >50 years
• modiNable risk factors such as smoking, overweight and obesity and alcohol use
• postmenopause (women).
There is currently insuscient evidence to screen the asymptomatic general population for OSA. Instead,
initial assessment for symptomatic patients should encompass patient history, questionnaires and
physical examination.
Sleep and sleep-related disorders
Insomnia causes problems falling or staying asleep, and can be categorised as acute (less than three
months in duration) or chronic (more than three months duration). There are several predisposing,
precipitating and perpetuating factors (
mary) that may contribute to the development of insomnia disorder.2 Insomnia can greatly impact a
person’s quality of life and overall health.
Acute insomnia generally occurs due to a psychological or physiological stressor, and typically resolves
once the stressor has been removed or the patient has adapted to the stressor.2 It is important to
reassure the patient that acute insomnia does not develop into chronic insomnia most of the time, and
to manage the stressor that is causing the sleep disculties.2
Chronic insomnia is present for at least three nights per week for three or more months, occurs despite
adequate opportunity for sleep and causes signiNcant distress or impairment in daytime functioning.2
Please see the Resources tab for more information on behavioural therapies for insomnia.
SpeciEc populations
The prevalence of OSA is increased in patients:2
Case Nnding for OSA may be beneNcial in commercial vehicle drivers and pilots.2
In addition to factors that may increase the risk of insomnia, a report to the Sleep Health Foundation
found several factors associated with the highest prevalence rates of insomnia in the Australian
population,13 including:
• lower income
• Nnancial stress
Sleep and sleep-related disorders
• unemployment
• retirement
• being unable to work due to disability.
The Sleep Primary Care Resources include a comprehensive list of risk factors that contribute to the
development of:
Evidence-based resources and information to assess and manage adult patients with OSA and
insomnia: Sleep Health Primary Care Resources ( |
Australasian Sleep Association
Non-drug behavioural interventions for patients experiencing insomnia and sleep problems: Cognitive
behavioural therapy for chronic insomnia (
onic-insomnia) in Handbook of non-drug interventions (HANDI) | RACGP Brief behavioural therapy:
Insomnia in adults (
ntions/cogntive-and-behavioural-therapies/brief-behavioural-therapy-insomnia-in-adults) in Handbook of
non-drug interventions (HANDI) | RACGP Behavioural intervention: Infant sleep problems and maternal
mood (
ive-and-behavioural-therapies/behavioural-intervention-infant-sleep-problems-and) in Handbook of non-
drug interventions (HANDI) | RACGP
Guidance on sleep hygiene, stimulus control, sleep restriction therapy, relaxation and cognitive
therapies: GP guide to behavioural therapy for insomnia (
s/resource-g-gp-guide-to-behavioural-therapy-for-ins) | RACGP
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2. Zwar N, Soenen S. Sleep health primary care
Sleep problems as a risk factor for chronic resources. Australasian Sleep Association, 2023
conditions. Australian Government, 2021 (http (
s:// u/) [Accessed 30 March 2023].
roblems-as-a-risk-factor/summary) [Accessed 30
March 2023].
Sleep and sleep-related disorders
3. Zhang Y, Jiang X, Liu J, Lang Y, Liu Y. The 10. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
association between insomnia and the risk of Sleep-related breathing disorders with a focus on
metabolic syndrome: A systematic review and obstructive sleep apnoea. Australian Government,
meta-analysis. J Clin Neurosci 2021;89:430–36. 2021 (
doi: (http://10.1016/j.jocn.2021.05.039.) espiratory-conditions/sleep-related-breathing-dis
4. Dean Y, Shebl M, Rouzan S, et al. Association orders/summary) [Accessed 30 March 2023].
between insomnia and the incidence of 11. Patil S, Ayappa I, Caples S, Kimoff RJ, Patel SR,
myocardial infarction: A systematic review and Harrod CG. Treatment of adult obstructive sleep
meta-analysis. Clin Cardiol 2023;46(4):376–85. apnea with positive airway pressure: An American
doi: 10.1002/clc.23984. Academy of Sleep Medicine systematic review,
5. Jin J. Screening for obstructive sleep apnea in meta-analysis, and GRADE assessment. J Clin
adults. JAMA 2017;317(4):450. doi: 10.1001/ Sleep Med 2019;15(2):301–34. doi: 10.5664/
jama.2016.20362. jcsm.7638. [Accessed 30 March 2023].
6. Qaseem A Holty J, Owens D, et al. Management 12. McNamara S, Nichols T, Dash S, de Courten M,
of obstructive sleep apnea in adults: A clinical Calder RV. Sleep: A core pillar of health and
practice guideline from the American College of wellbeing. Improving population sleep health to
Physicians. Ann Intern Med 2013;159:471. doi: reduce preventable illness and injury. A policy
10.7326/ evidence brief. Mitchell Institute and Victoria
0003-4819-159-7-201310010-00704. University, 2023 - a core pillar of health and
wellbeing Policy Evidence Brief Oct 2023.pdf (htt
. Randerath WJ, Verbraecken J, Andreas S. Non-
CPAP therapies in obstructive sleep apnoea. Eur
Respir J 2011;37:1000. doi: 10.1183/
. The Royal Australian College of General e%20Brief%20Oct%202023.pdf) [Accessed 22
Practitioners (RACGP). Prescribing drugs of February 2024].
dependence in general practice. Part B –
13. Reynolds A, Appleton S, Gill T, et al. Chronic
benzodiazepines. RACGP, 2015 (https://
insomnia disorder in Australia: A report to the
Sleep Health Foundation. Sleep Health
y-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/drug Foundation, 2019 (https://www.sleephealthfound
ations) [Accessed 30 March 2023]. nia-disorder-in-australia) [Accessed 22 February
9. Sletten TL, Weaver MD, Foster RG, et al. The 2024].
importance of sleep regularity: a consensus
statement of the National Sleep Foundation sleep
timing and variability panel. Sleep Health
2023;9(6):801–20. doi: (http://10.1016/j.sleh.202
Oral health
Oral health
Table of recommendations
Screening for oral cancer in the general Generally not N/A
population is not recommended, because of recommended
insuscient evidence. Please refer to the Oral
cancer (
chapter for further information.
Oral health
Case Ending
Encourage patients to undertake the following Practice point N/A
preventive activities to avoid tooth decay and
periodontal disease:
• have a good oral hygiene routine
(brushing teeth twice a day with a
auoridated toothpaste, with daily
• limit sugary food in diet
• limit soft drinks, sports drinks and
alcoholic drinks
• quit smoking
• undertake regular dental check-ups
• use mouth guards for any contact
Oral health
Avoid putting babies and children to bed with Practice point N/A 9
a bottle.
Further information
Conditions that may require extra preventive care include3:
• medications and conditions that are known to cause xerostomia (or dry mouth)
• human immunodeNciency virus (HIV) infection
• patient belonging to other special populations (listed below).
For guidance on the use of auoridated toothpaste and auoridated products for children, please refer to
the Guidelines for the use of auorides in Australia: Update 2019 (
10.1111/adj.12742) .
SpeciEc populations
Advise pregnant women to visit a dentist for treatment of all active dental decay and periodontal
disease. For recommendations, refer to the During pregnancy (
actice/reproductive-and-womens-health/during-pregnancy) chapter.
Oral health
Some populations experience signiNcant Nnancial and access barriers to preventive dental care and
treatment in Australia. GPs have the opportunity to identify people who may require extra preventive
care, support and education
Guidelines on the self-use of auoride products in Australia: Guidelines for the use of auorides in
Australia: Update 2019 ( | LG Do, Australian
Research Centre for Population Oral Health (
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Oral health and dental care in Australia. Cat. no. DEN
231. AIHW, 2023. Available at
and-dental-care-in-australia (
d-dental-care-in-australia) [Accessed 27 March 2023].
2. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. 2022 RACGP curriculum and syllabus for
Australian general practice. RACGP, 2022.
3. National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and The Royal Australian
College of General Practitioners. National guide to a preventive health assessment for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 3rd edn. RACGP, 2018.
4. Chou R, Pappas M, Dana T, et al. Screening and interventions to prevent dental caries in
children younger than age Nve years: A systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task
Force. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), 2021. Available at: (
5915/) [accessed 27 March 2023].
5. Olson C, Burda B, Beil T, et al. Screening for oral cancer: A targeted evidence update for the U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), 2013.
Available at (
ooks/NBK132472/) [accessed 27 March 2023].
6. US Preventive Services Task Force. Oral health in adults: Screening and preventive
interventions. Final recommendation statement. USPSTF, 2023. Available at
screening-preventive-interventions (
ommendation/oral-health-adults-screening-preventive-interventions) [Accessed 27 October
7. Do LG, Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health. Guidelines for use of auorides in
Australia: Update 2019. Aust Dent J 2020; 65(1):30–38. doi: 10.1111/adj.12742.
8. The Australian Dental Association. Guidelines for the fabrication, use and maintenance of
sports mouthguards. 5th edn. ADA, 2022. Available at
Oral health
595ad4e4-9889-4e66-9be6-d433140f4d71/ADA_Guidelines_Mouthguard-Fabrication.pdf (http
uthguard-Fabrication.pdf) [Accessed 13 April 2024].
9. Welti R, Chinotti M, Walsh O, et al. Oral health messages for Australia: A national consensus
statement. Aust Dent J 2023;68(4):247–54. doi: 10.1111/adj.12973.
Urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence
Although bedwetting (enuresis) is common in children, the prevalence and severity of urinary
incontinence tends to increase with age. It is estimated that severe urinary incontinence affects
approximately 5% of people aged 65–84 years, and this increases by more than Nvefold for those aged
≥85 years (28%).3,4 However, these numbers are likely to be underestimated, because urinary
incontinence tends to be under-reported and undertreated.3
Table of recommendations
Routine urinary incontinence screening in the general population has insuscient Practice point N/A
Case Ending
Urinary incontinence
Ask about the occurrence of urinary incontinence in women and people who are at Conditionally Oppo
higher risk (see SpeciNc populations). recommended
1. During the last three months, have you leaked urine (even a small amount)?
☐ Yes
☐ No – questionnaire completed
2. During the last three months, did you leak urine (check all that apply):
☐ a. When you were performing some physical activity, such as coughing, sneezing,
lifting, or exercise?
☐ b. When you had the urge or feeling that you needed to empty your bladder, but you
could not get the toilet fast enough?
☐ c. Without physical activity and without a sense of urgency?
3. During the last three months, did you leak urine most often (check only one):
☐ a. When you are performing some physical activities, such as coughing, sneezing,
lifting, or exercise?
☐ b. When you had the urge or feeling that you needed to empty your bladder, but you
could not get to the toilet fast enough?
☐ c. Without physical activity or a sense of urgency?
☐ d. About as equally as often with physical activities as with a sense of urgency?
b. Most often with the urge to empty Urge only or urge predominant.
the bladder.
Urinary incontinence
Further information
• Stress incontinence is the leaking of urine that may occur during exercise, coughing, sneezing,
laughing, walking, lifting or playing sport. This is more common in women, although it also
occurs in men, especially after prostate surgery. Pregnancy, childbirth and menopause are the
main contributors to stress incontinence.
• Urge incontinence is a sudden and strong need to urinate. It is often associated with frequency
and nocturia, and is often due to having an overactive or unstable bladder, neurological
condition, constipation, enlarged prostate or a history of poor bladder habits.
• Mixed incontinence is a combination of stress and urge incontinence and is most common in
older women.
• OverUow incontinence results from bladder outaow obstruction or injury. Its symptoms may be
confused with those of stress incontinence.
Case Ending
Although there is no evidence to screen for urinary incontinence in the general, asymptomatic
population, GPs should take a proactive approach by asking about urinary symptoms in at-risk groups
during routine appointments. This is because many patients can be embarrassed by urinary
incontinence and not raise the issue with their GP.1 Some patients may also see it as a ‘normal part of
ageing’ and not realise that treatments are available.1
A list of people who may be at risk of urinary incontinence is given in SpeciNc populations.
It is important to approach the topic with sensitivity. Consider probing statements, such as ‘Other
people with [state conditions of higher risk here] have had problems with their waterworks [bladder
• losing weight
• quitting smoking
• reducing caffeine and alcohol intake
• addressing constipation by eating plenty of Nbre, fruits and vegetables
• exercising for 30 minutes most days
• practising good toilet habits.
Urinary incontinence
It is important that people at risk drink plenty of water, because reducing water intake can worsen
bladder control issues.
There is some evidence to suggest that pelvic aoor exercises may reduce the prevalence of urinary
incontinence in antenatal women in late pregnancy and postpartum.10 However, the evidence is
insuscient to determine whether pelvic aoor exercises are an effective preventive activity to prevent
urinary incontinence more than one year after birth.9 People with urinary incontinence can be at risk of
falls,3,10 mental health3,4 and skin conditions.11
SpeciEc populations
People at higher risk of urinary incontinence include:3,4,6
Evidence is limited about the prevalence of incontinence among culturally and linguistically diverse and
sex and gender diverse communities.4
Guidance about urinary incontinence in the setting of supported accommodation: Urinary incontinence
delines/silver-book/part-a/urinary-incontinence) , RACGP aged care clinical guide (Silver Book) – Part A
GP resource about pelvic aoor muscle training for women with stress, urge or mixed urinary
incontinence: Pelvic aoor muscle training: urinary incontinence (
ence) , Handbook of non-drug interventions (HANDI) | RACGP
Urinary incontinence
1. Pizzol D, Demurtas J, Celotto S, et al. Urinary 7. National Institute for Health and Care
incontinence and quality of life: A systematic Excellence (NICE). Urinary incontinence and
review and meta-analysis. Aging Clin Exp Res. pelvic organ prolapse in women: Management.
2021;33(1):25-35. doi: 10.1007/ NICE guideline (
s40520-020-01712-y. e/ng123) [NG123]. NICE, 2019 [Accessed 2
2. Deloitte Access Economics. The economic February 2024].
impact of incontinence in Australia. Continence 8. Continence Foundation of Australia. About
Foundation of Australia; 2011 (https://www.conti continence: Prevention. Continence Foundation of Australia, 2021 (
report-economic-impact-incontinence-australi u/about-continence/prevention) [Accessed 27
a?v=7396) [Accessed 2 February 2024]. April 2023].
3. The Royal Australian College of General . Woodley SJ, Boyle R, Cody JD, Mørkved S, Hay‐
Practitioners (RACGP). RACGP aged care clinical Smith EJC. Pelvic floor muscle training for
guide (Silver Book). 5th edn. RACGP, 2019 (http prevention and treatment of urinary and faecal
s:// [Accessed 2 incontinence in antenatal and postnatal women.
February 2024]. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2017;12(12):CD007471. doi: 10.1002/
4. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
14651858.CD007471.pub3. [Accessed 27 April
(AIHW). Incontinence in Australia. AIHW; 2013 (ht
ence-in-australia/summary) [Accessed 2 1 . Moon S, Chung HS, Kim YJ, et al. The impact of
February 2024]. urinary incontinence on falls: A systematic review
and meta-analysis. PLoS One
5. Nelson HD, Cantor A, Pappas M, Miller L.
2021;16(5):e0251711. doi: 10.1371/0251711.
Screening for urinary incontinence in women: A
[Accessed 27 April 2023].
systematic review for the Women's Preventive
Services Initiative. Ann Intern Med 11. Bliss DZ, Mathiason MA, Gurvich O, et al.
2018;169(5):311–19. doi: 10.7326/M18-0225. Incidence and predictors of incontinence-
[Accessed 2 February 2024]. associated skin damage in nursing home
residents with new-onset incontinence. J Wound
6. Brown JS, Bradley CS, Subak LL, et al. The
Ostomy Continence Nurs 2017;44(2):165–71. doi:
sensitivity and specificity of a simple test to
10.1097/WON.0000000000000313. [Accessed 27
distinguish between urge and stress urinary
April 2023].
incontinence. Ann Intern Med. 2006 May
16;144(10):715–23. doi: 10.7326/
0003-4819-144-10-200605160-00005. [Accessed
2 February 2024].
Miscellaneous | Vision
Screening age bar
0-9* 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 ≥80
*Between 3 and 5 years.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged >40 years have nearly three times the rate of vision
loss of other Australians.4,5
Table of recommendations
Visual acuity screening in the general population is Generally not N/A
not recommended, because of insuscient recommended
Glaucoma screening in the general population Generally not N/A
(without increased risk factors) is not recommended
recommended, because of insuscient evidence.
Vision screening in children aged <3 years is not Generally not N/A
recommended, because of insuscient evidence. recommended
Screening for primary open-angle glaucoma in the Generally not N/A
general population aged ≥40 years is not recommended
recommended, because of insuscient evidence.
Case Ending
Identify people aged >50 years at high risk of Conditionally Frequency 9,10
Advise good eye care to help prevent eye strain Practice point N/A
and vision problems:
• reduce ocular exposure to ultraviolet B
light to reduce risk of cataracts (e.g.,
wearing a hat and sunglasses when
• wear any prescribed glasses or contact
• wearing eye protection (particularly for
people with occupations or hobbies who
may be at risk of getting objects or
chemicals in their eyes),
• rest eyes if using screens for long periods
of time to reduce eye strain,
• quit smoking,
• eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Further information
Glaucomas are a group of relatively common optic neuropathies in which there is pathological loss of
retinal ganglion cells, progressive loss of sight and associated alteration in the retinal nerve Nbre layer
and optic nerve head. While there is no evidence for population screening for primary open-angle
glaucoma,9 GPs have an important role in identifying those at increased risk for glaucoma and advising
them to attend regular, fully comprehensive eye examinations with an optometrist. Open-angle
glaucoma can be identiNed with optimal coherence tonography (high sensitivity), automated visual Neld
testing (high sensitivity), tonometry (lower sensitivity) and visualisation of the optic disc (lower
sensitivity). Management to reduce intraoccular pressure slows progression of glaucoma. However,
there are currently no tools available that can identify patients’ individual risk, or for whom screening
may be more beneNcial.9
on driving, assessment and management guidelines, and medical standards for licensing.
SpeciEc populations
People at greater risk of visual impairment and loss include:8
• older people
• people with diabetes
• people with family history of vision impairment
• smokers (current or previous).
Older people
It should be determined whether the patient is wearing up-to-date prescription spectacles. Also assess
whether there is a possibility of falls, or if the patient is no longer capable of managing a bifocal, trifocal
or multifocal prescription.
Guidelines for screening and preventive care in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people:
Visual acuity (
w-all-racgp-guidelines/national-guide/chapter-6-eye-health/visual-acuity) , National guide to a preventive
health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (
alth/visual-acuity) | RACGP
Trachoma and trichiasis (
delines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/national-guide/chapter-6-eye-health/trachoma-and-trichiasis) ,
National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (http
s/national-guide/chapter-6-eye-health/trachoma-and-trichiasis) | RACGP
Screening guidelines for diabetes-related eye disease, such as diabetic retinopathy: Microvascular
complications: Diabetes-related eye disease (
tions-diabetes-related-eye-d) , Management of type 2 diabetes: A handbook for general practice (http
c/chronic-disease/diabetes/microvascular-complications-diabetes-related-eye-d) | RACGP Guidelines
for assessing Ntness to drive: Assessing Ntness to drive (
sing-Ntness-to-drive/ap-g56/about-this-publication) | Austroads (
s/assessing-Ntness-to-drive/ap-g56/about-this-publication) The Royal Australian and New Zealand
College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) referral pathways for age-related macular degeneration,
diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma management: Collaborative care (
rofessionals/collaborative-care-2/) | RANZCO (
1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Eye . Clarke EL, Evans JR, Smeeth L. Community
health. Cat. no. PHE 260. Canberra: AIHW, 2021. screening for visual impairment in older people.
Available at: ( Cochrane Database Syst Rev
health/eye-health) [Accessed 27 April 2023]. 2018;2(2):CD001054. doi: 10.1002/
14651858.CD001054.pub3. [Accessed 27 April
2. Purola P, Koskinen S, Uusitalo H. Impact of vision
on generic health-related quality of life – A 2023].
systematic review. Acta Ophthalmol . Chou R, Bougatsos C, Jungbauer R, et al.
2023;101(7):717–28. doi: 10.1111/aos.15676. Screening for impaired visual acuity in older
[Accessed 27 April 2023]. adults: A systematic review for the US Preventive
3. National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Task Force. Evidence Synthesis, No.
Organisation; The Royal Australian College of 213. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
General Practitioners. National guide to a (US), 2022 (
preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and NBK580929) [Accessed 8 April 2024].
Torres Strait Islander people. 3rd edn. RACGP, . US Preventive Services Task Force; Mangione C,
2018. [Accessed 27 April 2023]. Barry M, et al. Screening for primary open-angle
4. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Eye glaucoma: US Preventive Services Task Force
health measures for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Recommendation Statement. JAMA
Islander people 2022: Interactive data. AIHW, 2022;327(20):1992–97. doi: 10.1001/
2023 ( jama.2022.7013. [Accessed 8 April 2024].
us-australians/indigenous-eye-health-measures-2 1 . Patient. Primary open-angle glaucoma:
22 data/contents/about) [Accessed 27 April Symptoms, assessment and management.
2023]. Patient, 2022 (
5. Foreman J, Xie J, Keel S, et al. The prevalence y-open-angle-glaucoma) [Accessed 8 April 2024].
and causes of vision loss in Indigenous and non- 11. Vision Australia. Maintaining eye health.
Indigenous Australians: The National Eye Health Vision Australia, 2023 (https://www.visionaustrali
Survey. Ophthalmology 2017;124(12):1743–52.
doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2017.06.001. [Accessed 27 [Accessed 27 April 2023].
April 2023].
12. Optometry Australia. Clinical practice guide:
6. Jonas DE, Amick HR, Wallace IF, et al. Vision Paediatric eye health and vision care. Optometry
screening in children ages 6 months to 5 years: A Australia, 2016 (
systematic review for the US Preventive Services p-content/uploads/Professional_support/Guideli
Task Force. JAMA 2017;318(9):845–58. doi: nes/optometry_australia_paediatric_eye_health_a
10.1001/jama.2017.9900. PMID: 28873167. nd_vision_care_guidelines_-_august_2016.pdf)
[Accessed 27 April 2023]. [Accessed 27 April 2023].
Supplementary material
ConRict of interests
This publication has been produced in accordance with the rules and processes outlined in the RACGP
Conaict of Interest and Related Party Transactions Policy.
The RACGP gratefully acknowledges the generous contribution of the following authors, contributors
and experts in the development of this guideline.
Professor Danielle Mazza AM Chair, Red Book Executive Committee Red Book co-clinical lead –
Women’s health, breast cancer, cervical cancer Head, Department of General Practice, School of Public
Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University
Professor Mark Morgan Member, Red Book Executive Committee Red Book clinical lead –
Miscellaneous Chair, RACGP Expert Committee – Quality Care Professor of General Practice and Head
of MD program, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University Professor Nicholas Zwar
Member, Red Book Executive Committee Executive Dean, Health Sciences and Medicine, Faculty of
Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University Professor Paul Glasziou AO Member, Red Book
Executive Committee Institute Director, Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare Research Professor,
Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University
Professor Jon Emery Red Book clinical lead – Cancer and genetics Herman Professor of Professor of
Primary Care Cancer Research, University of Melbourne Professor Nigel Stocks Red Book clinical lead
– Cardiovascular Head of the Discipline of General Practice, University of Adelaide Dr James Best Red
Book clinical lead – Development and behaviour General Practitioner Chair, Child and Young Person's
Health – RACGP SpeciNc Interest Group Dr George Forgan-Smith Red Book clinical lead – Infectious
diseases General Practitioner Professor Kelsey Hegarty Red Book clinical lead – Injury prevention
Professor, Family Violence Prevention, Royal Women’s Hospital and University of Melbourne Director,
Safer Families Centre of Research Excellence Associate Professor Caroline Johnson Red Book clinical
lead – Mental health and substance abuse Academic Specialist – Primary Care (Medical Education),
General Practice and Primary Care, University of Melbourne Professor Mark Harris AO Red Book
clinical lead – Metabolic Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, University of New South Wales Dr
Dan Ewald Red Book clinical lead – Musculoskeletal disorders General Practitioner and Public Health
Physician Adjunct Associate Professor, Medical School, University of Sydney Member, RACGP Expert
Committee – Quality Care Associate Professor Magdalena Simonis Red Book co-Clinical lead –
Women’s health Senior Honorary Clinical Research Fellow and Medical Student Teaching, Department
of General Practice, University of Melbourne Member, RACGP Expert Committee – Quality Care
Chapter contributors
Professor Anne Cust Contributor Red Book – Skin cancer Cancer Epidemiologist Deputy Director of the
Daffodil Centre Professor Dimity Pond Contributor Red Book – Falls; Dementia General Practitioner
Chair, RACGP Expert Committee – Research Dr Michael Tam Contributor Red Book – Alcohol;
Depression Director, Primary and Integrated Care Unit, South Western Sydney Local Health District
Conjoint Senior Lecturer, School of Population Health, University of New South Wales Member, RACGP
Expert Committee – Quality Care Associate Professor Rowena Ivers Contributor Red Book – Alcohol;
and Smoking and nicotine vaping Academic Leader Community Based Health Education and Chair of
Phase 3 Graduate School of Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health,
University of Wollongong Member, RACGP Expert Committee – Quality Care Dr Gary Deed Contributor
Red Book – Diabetes General Practitioner Chair, Diabetes – RACGP SpeciNc Interest Group Member,
RACGP Expert Committee – Quality Care Dr Monica Taylor Contributor Red Book – Hip dysplasia
General Practitioner Dr Karen Spielman Contributor Red Book – Eating disorders General Practitioner
Primary Care Mental Health Advisor, Inside Out Institute for Eating Disorders
Methodology expert
Mr Stephan Groombridge National Manager, Practice Management, Standards and Quality Care Ms Su
San Mok Program Manager, Quality Care Ms Lynelle Cogan Senior Project Oscer, Quality Care Ms
Sue Gedeon Senior Project Oscer, Quality Care
The RACGP gratefully acknowledges the expert reviewers and representatives from the organisations
who contributed scholarly feedback. Members of the RACGP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Health faculty Marie Hobden Foundation for Alcohol, Research and Education Dr Marguerite Tracy
General Practitioner, University of Sydney and member, RACGP Expert Committee – Quality Care Ania
Mazurkiewicz Emerging Minds, National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health Dannii Dougherty
National Heart Foundation of Australia Dr Brett Montgomery General Practitioner Joanna McGlone
Cancer Council Australia Dr Lucie Monet General Practitioner, HealthPathways SA Dr Sandy Minck
General Practitioner Dr Kenneth McCroary General Practitioner and member, RACGP Expert Committee
– Quality Care Jennie Haarsager Queensland Health Dr Claire Nightingale University of Melbourne
and Cancer Australia Associate Professor Vivienne Milch Cancer Australia Sophia Avery WA Cervical
Cancer Prevention Program Associate Professor Christopher D Hogan Coeliac Australia – Medical
Advisory Committee Professor Barbara Leggett Gastroenterological Society of Australia Meike
Fruechtl Gastroenterological Society of Australia Associate Professor Joel Rhee General Practitioner,
University of New South Wales, member, RACGP Expert Committee – Research, and Chair, Cancer and
Palliative Care – RACGP SpeciNc Interest Group Breonny Robson Kidney Health Australia Julia
Schindlmayr Dieticians Australia Julie Krieger Australasian Society of Developmental Paediatricians
Dr Georgia Rigas General Practitioner, St George Private Hospital, Kogarah, Sydney Joanna Munro
Health and Wellbeing Queensland Dr Cathryn Hester General Practitioner and Chair, RACGP
Queensland faculty council Professor Claire Jackson Centre For Health System Reform and
Integration, University of Queensland and Mater Research Institute Dr Jenny Job University of
Queensland and Mater Research Institute Dr Sue Page General Practitioner and Strategic Adviser for
NDIS Dr Leela Arthur General Practitioner, Brisbane South HealthPathways Adrienne Hoare (Project
Manager) on behalf of the Hepatitis B Program Manager (Sami Stewart), HBV National Advisory Group
and key sector partners Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine Brett
Stevens (Project Manager) on behalf of the Hepatitis C Program Manager (Phoebe Schroder), HCV
National Advisory Group and key sector partners Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual
Health Medicine Courtney Gibbs (Sexual Health Program Manager) on behalf of the Sexual Health
National Advisory Group Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine Dr
Nathan Ryder NSW Health, NSW STI Programs Unit Professor Dorothy Keefe Cancer Australia Lauren
Dalton National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance Australia Royal Australian and
New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Paige Preston Lung Foundation Australia
Adjunct Professor Peter Heathcote Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and Co-chair, PSA
Guidelines Review Anne Savage CEO, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia Professor Jeff Dunn
AO Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia Yixin Tan Editor, Therapeutic Guidelines Jane O’Connor
Senior Editor, Therapeutic Guidelines Associate Professor Weranja Ranasinghe Urological Society of
Australia and New Zealand Associate Professor David Smith Daffodil Centre, Cancer Council NSW and
University of Sydney Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor Moira Junge CEO, Sleep Health Foundation
Professor Jane Hocking Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne
Professor Jenny Doust Australian Women and Girls’ Health Research Centre, University of Queensland
Dr Loren Rose Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists Dr Audrey Murugesan
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists Dr Caroline Catt Royal Australian and
New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists and Chair, Australian and New Zealand Paediatric
Ophthalmology Society Dr Helene Cass Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Ophthalmologists Healthy Male Australia
Guideline disclaimer
The information set out in this publication is current at the date of Nrst publication and is intended for
use as a guide of a general nature only and may or may not be relevant to particular patients or
circumstances. Nor is this publication exhaustive of the subject matter. Persons implementing any
recommendations contained in this publication must exercise their own independent skill or judgement
or seek appropriate professional advice relevant to their own particular circumstances when so doing.
Compliance with any recommendations cannot of itself guarantee discharge of the duty of care owed
to patients and others coming into contact with the health professional and the premises from which
the health professional operates. Whilst the text is directed to health professionals possessing
appropriate qualiNcations and skills in ascertaining and discharging their professional (including legal)
duties, it is not to be regarded as clinical advice and, in particular, is no substitute for a full examination
and consideration of medical history in reaching a diagnosis and treatment based on accepted clinical
practices. Accordingly, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Ltd (RACGP) and its
employees and agents shall have no liability (including without limitation liability by reason of
negligence) to any users of the information contained in this publication for any loss or damage
(consequential or otherwise), cost or expense incurred or arising by reason of any person using or
relying on the information contained in this publication and whether caused by reason of any error,
negligent act, omission or misrepresentation in the information.
Recommended citation
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Guidelines for preventive activities in general
practice. 9th edn, updated. East Melbourne, Vic: RACGP, 2018.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Ltd 100 Wellington Parade East Melbourne,
Victoria 3002 Australia Tel 03 8699 0414 Fax 03 8699 0400 (https://www.racgp.or
Provided under licence
In summary, you must not edit or adapt it or use it for any commercial purposes.
Provided under licence
Provided under licence
Appendix 1 - Methods report (
Appendix 1 - Methods report
GRADE methods
GRADE is an internationally recognised systematic and transparent approach for developing and
presenting summaries of evidence and deriving evidence-based recommendations. GRADE methods
are used by many international organisations, including the World Health Organization and the
Cochrane Collaboration. The NHMRC also recommends GRADE for the development of Australian
GRADE methods were developed with the aim of standardising summaries of evidence, and the
development and presentation of clinical practice guidelines around the world. The approach leads to
the generation of evidence-based recommendations that are graded in terms of strength (strong or
conditional) and direction (for or against).
Appendix 1 - Methods report
Where no source recommendations were available, advice was sought from chapter leads about
possible landmark studies, or whether any trials were underway, and targeted literature searches may
have been undertaken where necessary. Where evidence was identiNed, it was assessed and de novo
recommendations were developed if appropriate.
Appendix 1 - Methods report
using reliable processes and tailored to the Australian setting. Australian and international evidence-
based guideline repositories were systematically searched. These repositories included websites of the
following organisations:
• Australian NHMRC
• Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
• UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
• New Zealand Guidance Group (NZGG)
• Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
• Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC)
The criteria for assessing the suitability and quality of source guidelines following their identiNcation
are detailed in the table below.
Publication type (i.e., a clinical practice guideline developed using a recognised, evidence-based
approach such as GRADE, NICE methods, NHMRC FORM etc.)
Appendix 1 - Methods report
existing recommendation, and were mapped to a GRADE-like recommendation for the Red Book 10th
edition. For topics where no source guideline was identiNed, targeted searches of systematic reviews of
evidence were conducted and consensus guidance (ie practice points) was developed where
In situations where inconsistencies across possible source recommendations could be resolved by the
chapter lead and topic working group, the matter was raised with the Red Book Executive Committee
for discussion and resolution. In making the Nnal selection of source recommendations for the chapter,
the chapter lead and the Red Book Executive Committee actively considered whether any apparent
changes in the direction of guidance since the Red Book 9th edition was reasonable. Changes were
highlighted and documented; for example, the publication of new primary studies may have changed a
recommendation from being neutral to being in favour of the use of an intervention. Another example of
changes to recommendations may have been related to changes to public funding of preventative or
screening activities since the publication of the Red Book 9th edition.
Appendix 1 - Methods report
Appendix 1 - Methods report
where a conditional recommendation for an intervention is made, clinicians are encouraged to engage
in shared decision making to recognise that different choices will be appropriate for individual patients
and to help each person arrive at a management decision consistent with their values and preferences.
Practice points have been provided to address important aspects of care that are not addressed by
relevant source guidelines, or where evidence was lacking.
Appendix 1 - Methods report
Appendix 1 - Methods report
was required to gain a sense of the underlying evidence base and the intention of the authors with their
choice of wording. The following table details the transition of ungraded recommendations to Red Book
10th edition GRADE-like conventions:
Appendix 1 - Methods report
The CTFPHC previously used the term ‘weak recommendation’, but has replaced this with the term
‘conditional recommendation’ to improve understanding and facilitate implementation of guidance,
based on feedback from clinician knowledge users. One reason for this change was the value that the
CTFPHC places on shared decision making, together with a need to better clarify when implementation
of a recommendation depends on circumstances such as patient values, resource availability or other
contextual considerations. Conditional recommendations based on patient values and preferences
require clinicians to recognise that different choices will be appropriate for different patients and that
those decisions must be consistent with each patient’s values and preferences.
When mapping the CTFPHC recommendations to the Red Book 10th edition grading convention,
consideration was given to the directness/applicability of the source recommendation to Australian
general practice. The following table details the transition of grading of CTFPHC GRADE
recommendations to Red Book 10th edition GRADE-like conventions:
Appendix 1 - Methods report
Accept Recommended
A Recommended (Strong)
Appendix 1 - Methods report
B Conditionally recommended
C Conditionally recommended
1. GRADE. Welcome to the GRADE working group. 3. Schünemann H. Criteria for applying or using
GRADE, 2023 (https://www.gradeworkinggroup.or GRADE. GRADE working group, 2016 (https://ww
g/) [Accessed 16 October 2023].
2. National Health and Medical Research Council g_GRADE_2016-04-05.pdf) [Accessed 16 October
(NHMRC). Guideline development. NHMRC, n.d (h 2023].
ttps:// 4. Klarenbach S, Sims-Jones N, Lewin G, et al.
ne-development) [Accessed 16 October 2023]. Recommendations on screening for breast
cancer in women aged 40–74 years who are not
at increased risk for breast cancer. CMAJ
2018;190:E1441–51. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.180463.
[Accessed 16 October 2023].