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Grades 1 to 12 School CAMILING SCHOOL FOR HOME Grade Level 12

Teaching Dates and Time JULY 9-13, 2018 Quarter 1st

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5


The learner demonstrates understanding of dance in optimizing one’s health; as requisite for PA performance, and as a career
A. Content Standards opportunity.
The learner leads dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing others positively
B. Performance
C. Learning PEH11FH-Ib-c-2 PEH11FH-Ib-c-2 PEH11FH-IId-3 Relates PEH11FH-II-e4
Competencies/ Explains how to Explains how to health behaviors Differentiates types of
PEH12FH-Ia-19 Discusses the
Objectives optimize the energy optimize the energy (eating eating (fueling for
nature of the different dances
Write the LC code for systems for safe and systems for safe and habits, sleep and stress performance,
each improved performance improved performance management) to emotional eating, social
health risks factors and eating, eating while
Engages in moderate to
PEH11FH-IIa-t-8 PEH11FH-IIa-t-8 physical activity watching tv or
vigorous physical activities
Engages in moderate to Engages in moderate to assessment sports events)
(MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes
most days of the week in a vigorous physical vigorous physical performance
activities (MVPAs) for activities (MVPAs) for at PEH11FH-IIa-t-8
variety of settings in – and out –
at least 60 minutes least 60 minutes most PEH11FH-IIa-t-8 Engages in moderate to
of school.
most days of the week days of the week in a Engages in moderate to vigorous physical
in a variety of settings variety of settings vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at
in- and out-of school in- and out-of school activities (MVPAs) for least 60 minutes most
Demonstrates proper etiquette
at least 60 minutes days of the week in a
and safety in the use of facilities
PEH11FH-IIa-t-12 PEH11FH-IIa-t-12 most days of the week variety of settings
and equipment.
Demonstrates proper Demonstrates proper in a variety of settings in- and out-of school
etiquette and safety in etiquette and safety in in- and out-of school

the use of facilities and the use of facilities and PEH11FH-IIa-t-12

equipment equipment PEH11FH-IIa-t-12 Demonstrates proper
Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in
etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and
the use of facilities and equipment
PEH11FH-IId-t-14 Recognizes the value of
Recognizes the value of optimizing one’s health
optimizing one’s health through participation in
through participation in physical activity
physical activity assessments
Introduction of
II. CONTENT Healthoptimizing P.E. (H.O.P.E.
3) Modern and
DANCE Contemporary Dance Modern and
(eating Types of eating (fueling
Discusses the nature of the How to optimize the habits, sleep and stress for performance,
How to optimize the
different dances energy systems for safe management) to health emotional eating,
energy systems for
and improved risks factors and social eating, eating
safe and improved
(Traditional (Folk & Ethnic); performance physical activity while watching tv or
Modern and Contemporary; assessment dance events)
Festival Dance; Ballroom performance
(Recreational and Competitive);
Hiphop/street Dance, Cheer
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages HOPE 3 HOPE 3 HOPE 3 HOPE 3 HOPE 3

2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Carlos, M.C. et al. PHYSICAL Carlos, M.C. et al. Carlos, M.C. et al. Carlos, M.C. et al. Carlos, M.C. et al.
4. Additional Materials Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide Curriculum Guide
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Internet research of Video Internet research of Internet research of Internet research of Internet research of
Resources Lesson or pictures Video Lesson or Video Lesson or Video Lesson or Video Lesson or
( Note: Please specify the URL pictures pictures pictures pictures
of the website/s and ( Note: Please specify ( Note: Please specify ( Note: Please specify ( Note: Please specify
acknowledge the author/s) the URL of the the URL of the the URL of the the URL of the
website/s and website/s and website/s and website/s and
acknowledge the acknowledge the acknowledge the acknowledge the
author/s) author/s) author/s) author/s)


A. Reviewing previous Activity 1: Let Me Act Activity 1: Dance A Pic! Activity 1: Activity 1: Activity 1 :
lesson or Mechanics: Mechanics: Step In, Step Out! Play & Stop Pick & I-play MO, Sasabayan
presenting the new Divide the class into four Divide the class into Mechanics: Dance KO!
lesson groups. Choose two four groups. The Divide the class into
representatives from each teacher will flash a four groups. Each will The teacher will Mechanics:
group. The teacher will ask each picture on the board. wait for the signal of prepare a strips written The teacher will play a
group “What are the physical Each group will the teacher. Each the modern songs that 3-minute video then,
activities you have engaged create/or replay one (1) member will try to step is known because of its the students will mirror
when you were a kid?” The first basic dance step pattern in or step out on hi dance step to be put the entire
representative will answer the based on the picture comembers foot. (Step inside the box and this contemporary/modern
question and write as many with in 2minutes. Group In- each member will box will be pass around dance steps shown on
answers as he can. The second Presentation. step on the toe of his the class as a music is the video.
representative will act all the comembers) (Step-Out playing when the music
answers in one minute. – each member can stop the one who holds

The most correct number of trick/or fake a step in the box will be going to
guessed will win. to his co-members). pick a strip of paper
and he will be going to
do the dance step of
that song.
B. Establishing a purpose Guided question/s: Guided question/s: Guided question/s: Guide Question/s: Guide Question/s:
for the lesson Based on the activity can you Which among the group What skill is related to 1. How do you feel right
identify and classify the showed similar dance the activity is being Base from our activity, after the activity?
different locomotor and non step pattern based on executed in the activity? what do you think is 2. What do you think
locomotor movements used in the activity ( Activity3: What do you think is the our topic for today? are the reasons why
the activity? Tik Tap Toe) that we connection of our do you feel that way?
had last meeting. activity today from our 3. Do you think eating
previous lesson? (Note: The teacher is habits have a great
(Note: The teacher is expected (Expected response of expected to deliver the impact on what you
to deliver the process questions the learners :repetition process questions and are feeling right
and leaner/s reponses to of movements) (Note: The teacher is leaner/s reponses to now?
deepen learning based on the expected to deliver the deepen learning based
activity/or motivation) (Note: The teacher is process questions and on the activity/or (Note: The teacher is
expected to deliver the leaner/s reponses to motivation) expected to deliver the
process questions and deepen learning based process questions and
leaner/s reponses to on the activity/or leaner/s reponses to
deepen learning based motivation) deepen learning based
on the activity/or on the activity/or
motivation) motivation)
C. Presenting Activity 2. Activity 2. Activity 2: Activity 2: Activity 2: E-MODE
examples/instance RHYTHMIC EXERT-CISE STATION AT STAKE Show It All! Move On Move On! Mechanics:
s of the new lesson Mechanics: Mechanics: Mechanics: Mechanics: The group Divide the class into 4
Each group will create 5 Each group will read Each group will show will be divided into 4 groups.
locomotor and non-locomotor and interpret each on their performance groups each group will
movements combination station of “Tinikling” the importance of be going to create a 2 Each group will
accompanied of 2/4 Time Dance within 20 rhythm, counting and minute dance simulate “How do
Signature. The teacher will minutes. (5 minutes posture during their presentation in 5 you eat when you
choose the music. Use a garter each station) Station 1: general practice in minutes showing the are…”
as an equipment in doing your Figure I; Station 2: dancing “Tinikling”. daily household
combination movements. Figure II; Station 3: chores. Group 1: preparing
Figure III; Station 4: for a battle? Group 2:
Figure IV; (Let the students broken hearted?
(The teacher will give perform the basic steps Group 3: with close
15 minutes to recall the in friends?
Figure I to IV of modern/contemporary Group 4: watching
“Tinikling” Dance using from the Activity 1.) T.V (Contemporary
a Bamboo Poles) Dance Competition)?

D. Discussing new Guided Question: Guided Question: Guided Question: Guide Question:
concepts and What kind of dance do you What are the difficulties How to improve your
practicing new skills think is most likely similar to the group had health through Based on the activity,
#1 your performance? encountered during the physical performance How do you classify
activity? using the presented
Can you give the different repeated actions or concepts?
examples of dances in Region (Expected response of movement When do you eat?
3? the learners :proper What are the proper How do you eat?
Based on your answers what etiquette, social skills, etiquettes and safety in
are the classifictions of dances? emotional skills) using bamboo poles in (Each group is expected
Tinikling Dance? to participate in class
What is the essence of discussion)
optimizing your energy
in improving your
E. Discussing new Guided Question: What
concepts and is the essence of
practicing new skills optimizing your energy
#2 in improving your
F. Developing mastery Activity 3: TIK TAP TOE VIDEO ACTIVITY 3. ACTIVITY 2: Activity 3:
Assessment 3) Mechanics: (Figure I to IV) Mechanics: Mechanics: The Group 1 will
Each group will view the video Mechanics: Each group, all a. Each group will present their
and immitate the movement of Each group will together, will execute be given presentation then the
Tinikling using garter as combine all Figures the different figures of assigned Group 2 will guess its
modification of bamboo from the different tinikling dance using the concept to concept. Then proceed
stations to perform the bamboo poles focus on. Group to presentation of
Tinikling Dance using a depending on the 1: fueling for Group 2, and then
Garter as an alternative duration of time alloted performance Group 3 will be the one
of bamboo poles by the teacher. There Group 2: to guess and so on.
accompany by 2/4 Time will be a set of levels in emotional
Signature Music. a given time. eating,
Group 3: social eating,
(The teacher will (The teacher will Group 4: eating while
present the present the watching tv or dance
rubrics before the rubrics prior to the events
presentation) presentation) b. With the
concept, each
group will come
up with 2-3
Dance Drama

c. Present it to the

G. Finding practical Guided Question/s: Guided Question/s: Guided Question/s: Guided Question/s: Guide Question/s:
applications of What are the essence of What do you think is What is the difference 1. How do you feel Why do we eat?
concepts and skills improving one’s health through the sense of improving of performing after dancing? 2. Can it affect/ influence
in daily living physical performance using your health in everyday “Tinikling” Dance using What is the our physical
repeated actions or life? garter and bamboo importance of performance? How?
movement? poles? dancing in managing
Do we use the different stress?
energy system in our What do you think is
daily physical the sense of improving
movements/ activities? your health in everyday
Name some PA. life?

How can we optimize Do you think you can

these energy systems? use dancing to your
daily life?
H. Making The students will write their The students will write The students will write The students will write The students will write
generalizations reflections about understaning their reflections about their reflections about their reflections about their reflections about
and abstractions the nature of diffferent dances benefits of ways on optimizing understaning on how understaning the
about the lesson through dancing in their PA understaning your your energy through to relates health affects of eating
Journal. energy through dancing dancing in their PA behaviors (eating (fueling for
in their PA Journal. Journal. habits, sleep and stress performance,
management) to emotional eating, social
health risks factors and eating, eating while
physical activity watching tv or dance
assessment events) in dancing and
performance in your in our everyday life?
daily life?

I. Evaluating learning The Activity 3: TIK TAP TOE will ACTIVITY 3. COMBINE ACTIVITY 2: TINIKLING ACTIVITY 3: ACTIVITY 3 will be
be graded according to IT ALL! (Figure I to IV) CHALLENGE! will be CREATE AND DO IT!
following criteria: 4 pts- will be graded graded according to will be graded 43 2 1
participation according to following following criteria: 4 according to Displays
4 pts – gracefullness criteria: pts-participation following criteria: 4 the
4pts-proper etiqutte/safety 4 pts-participation 4 pts – gracefullness pts-participation assigned
4 pts- proper uniform 4 pts – gracefullness 4 pts-proper 4 pts – gracefullness concept
4 pts-proper etiqutte/safety 4 pts- 4 pts-proper (type of
etiqutte/safety 4 pts- proper uniform etiqutte/safety 4 pts- eating)
proper uniform proper uniform Shows
dance steps
es proper
engaging in
value of
one’s health
graded according to

following criteria:

J. Additional activities for

or Ask the students to make a scrapbook that details Ask the students to Activity 4:
application Ask the students to fill-up PARQ ways on how they can optimize their energy make a documentation Concept Mapping:
remediation Form honestly. systems whether in dancing or daily life of their eating habit by Mechanics: Each group
experiences. taking selfies every will do this activity.
time they eat and
upload it in an album The importance of
on FB account which is eating prior engaging
pre- created by teacher ourselves to dance
for this given content. moves.


A. No. of learners who 100 100 100 100 100
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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