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Diagnosis and management of resistant hypertension

BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-079108 on 19 June 2024. Downloaded from on 20 December 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Ernesto L Schiffrin,1 Naomi D L Fisher2
Lady Davis Institute for Medical
Resistant hypertension is defined as blood pressure that remains above the
Research and Department of therapeutic goal despite concurrent use of at least three antihypertensive agents
Medicine, Sir Mortimer B. Davis-
Jewish General Hospital, McGill of different classes, including a diuretic, with all agents administered at maximum
University, Montréal, QC, Canada
Department of Medicine,
or maximally tolerated doses. Resistant hypertension is also diagnosed if blood
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, pressure control requires four or more antihypertensive drugs. Assessment requires
Harvard University, Boston,
MA, USA the exclusion of apparent treatment resistant hypertension, which is most often
Correspondence to: E L Schiffrin
the result of non-adherence to treatment. Resistant hypertension is associated
Cite this as: BMJ 2024;385:e079108 with major cardiovascular events in the short and long term, including heart
bmj‑2023‑079108 failure, ischemic heart disease, stroke, and renal failure. Guidelines from several
Series explanation: State of the professional organizations recommend lifestyle modification and antihypertensive
Art Reviews are commissioned
on the basis of their relevance
drugs. Medications typically include an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
to academics and specialists
in the US and internationally.
or angiotensin receptor blocker, a calcium channel blocker, and a long acting
For this reason they are written thiazide-type/like diuretic; if a fourth drug is needed, evidence supports addition of
predominantly by US authors.
a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist. After a long pause since 2007 when the
last antihypertensive class was approved, several novel agents are now under active
development. Some of these may provide potent blood pressure lowering in broad
groups of patients, such as aldosterone synthase inhibitors and dual endothelin
receptor antagonists, whereas others may provide benefit by allowing treatment of
resistant hypertension in special populations, such as non-steroidal mineralocorticoid
receptor antagonists in patients with chronic kidney disease. Several device based
approaches have been tested, with renal denervation being the best supported and
only approved interventional device treatment for resistant hypertension.

Introduction the highest risk of cardiovascular complications.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the world’s The five year retrospective cohort Kaiser Permanente
leading risk factor for morbidity and mortality,1 and Study compared 60 327 patients with resistant
resistant hypertension represents an extreme facet of hypertension and 410 059 patients with non-
the syndrome. Patients with resistant hypertension resistant hypertension.5 Patients with resistant
have uncontrolled blood pressure despite treatment hypertension had a 46% higher risk of heart failure,
with optimal or maximally tolerated doses of three a 32% higher risk of end stage renal disease, a
different antihypertensive drug classes, including a 24% higher risk of an ischemic cardiac event, and
diuretic.2 3 Resistant hypertension is also diagnosed a 6% higher risk of death. In another retrospective
if blood pressure control requires four or more study of more than 200 000 patients with incident
antihypertensive drugs. Diagnosis of resistant hypertension, those with resistant hypertension
hypertension requires exclusion of apparent were 47% more likely to have combined outcomes
treatment resistant hypertension, the main causes of death, myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke,
of which are medication non-adherence, white coat or chronic kidney disease (CKD) over the median 3.8
effect, and improper blood pressure measurement years of follow-up.6 Patients with CKD have a much
technique (fig 1). higher prevalence of resistant hypertension than
Blood pressure is continuously related to risk of does the general hypertensive population, and those
fatal stroke, ischemic heart disease, and non-cardiac with resistant hypertension also have a markedly
vascular disease throughout the normal range down higher incidence of cardiovascular disease and end
to 115/75 mm Hg, and each increase of 20 mm Hg stage renal disease than those without resistant
systolic pressure or 10 mm Hg diastolic pressure hypertension.7 A high prevalence of resistant
above this doubles the risk of a fatal cardiovascular hypertension also occurs in Black patients and in
event.4 Patients with resistant hypertension have patients with diabetes.8

the bmj | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 1


BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-079108 on 19 June 2024. Downloaded from on 20 December 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
GUXJV 5$6L&&%'  An accurate determination of the prevalence of
0D[LPDORUPD[LPDOO\WROHUDWHGGRVHV resistant hypertension is difficult to obtain because
 the diagnosis is often made incorrectly. Reported
prevalence has varied by population studied, ranging
([FOXGHDSSDUHQWUHVLVWDQWK\SHUWHQVLRQ from 12% to 18% of all patients with hypertension
&RQ̰UPDGKHUHQFHWRPHGLFLQHV in a meta-analysis of 24 studies and reported in
(QVXUHSURSHU%3PHDVXUHPHQWWHFKQLTXH a scientific statement prepared by the American
5XOHRXWZKLWHFRDWH̯HFWZLWKKRPH%3V Heart Association (AHA).2 9 Importantly, almost all
 published reports likely overestimated the prevalence
of the condition. Most studies on prevalence did not
,PSURYHDGKHUHQFHE\SUHVFULELQJJHQHULFDJHQWVGRVHG incorporate the critical elements to exclude apparent
RQFHGDLO\ treatment resistant hypertension: out-of-office
8VH̰[HGGRVHVLQJOHSLOOFRPELQDWLRQV blood pressure measurements to exclude white coat
hypertension, rigorous methods for measuring blood
%3VWLOODERYHJRDO" pressure,10 and systematic testing for adherence to
medication. A systematic review and meta-analysis
7UXHUHVLVWDQWK\SHUWHQVLRQ of 91 studies parsed these details and found a 10%
prevalence of true resistant hypertension, reaching
22.9% in patients with CKD.11
,QYHVWLJDWHIRUVHFRQGDU\FDXVHVRIK\SHUWHQVLRQ A more extreme phenotype has been described and
3ULPDU\DOGRVWHURQLVP labeled refractory hypertension.12 Medical treatment
&KURQLFNLGQH\GLVHDVH for hypertension in these patients typically fails
5HQDODUWHU\VWHQRVLV despite the use of five or more agents; this variant is
2EVWUXFWLYHVOHHSDSQHD rare.13 The initial single center retrospective analysis
,IFOLQLFDOO\DSSURSULDWHVFUHHQIRU defined these patients by blood pressure remaining
SKHRFKURPRF\WRPDSDUDJDQJOLRPD&XVKLQJȃV uncontrolled after at least three visits to a specialty
V\QGURPHFRDUFWDWLRQRIWKHDRUWD clinic and showed both higher blood pressure and
higher heart rate, suggesting persistent activation
Fig 1 | Diagnosis and evaluation of resistant hypertension. BP=blood pressure; of the sympathetic nervous system as causal.12
CCB=calcium channel blocker; D=diuretic; RASi=renin-angiotensin system inhibitor Examination of a large population based cohort
found no difference in heart rate between patients
defined as having refractory hypertension and those
with resistant hypertension.13 Importantly, rigorous
This review aims to present an overview of resistant
testing for adherence to medication was not done in
hypertension, including a review of its diagnosis,
either study.
evaluation, and management. We summarize
the latest treatments for resistant hypertension,
including new and emerging drugs as well as devices. Diagnosis and evaluation
The review is aimed at both general practitioners Evaluation of resistant hypertension begins with
who provide primary care for patients with this accurate blood pressure measurements, as improper
frequent presentation of high blood pressure and techniques (for example, improper cuff size, incorrect
specialists (typically nephrologists, cardiologists, and arm positioning) can result in falsely high readings
endocrinologists) to whom many of these patients are (fig 1). Exclusion of the white coat effect with
referred for investigation and management. ambulatory blood pressure or home blood pressure
monitoring done according to guidelines is also
Sources and selection criteria important.14 Automated office blood pressure (AOBP)
We searched PubMed by using the following measurement done with a specialized oscillometric
terms: “resistant hypertension”, “true resistant device allows for repeated blood pressure measures,
hypertension”, “adherence to treatment”, one to two minutes apart, with the patient seated
“management of resistant hypertension”, “renal alone in a quiet room (unattended). In a meta-
denervation”, and “devices for treatment of resistant analysis of comparative studies, AOBP measurements
hypertension”. Search dates were between 1 January did not differ significantly from home blood pressure
2010 and 19 February 2024. We selected papers measurements,15 thus offering value in reducing the
published in English in peer reviewed scientific white coat effect. AOBP is the recommended method
journals of impact factor >3 in the past five years. of office measurement in Hypertension Canada
We included guidelines and systematic reviews with guidelines.16 17 Finally, the diagnosis of true resistant
meta-analysis and randomized controlled trials hypertension can be made only if patients are taking
(RCTs), as well as observational studies detailing their medications as prescribed.
the epidemiology and pathophysiology of resistant
hypertension. We also included animal and human Assessing non-adherence
pathophysiology studies from the 1990s to the Non-adherence accounts for 25-50% of apparent
present. We excluded case reports. treatment resistant hypertension.18 Polypharmacy

2 doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | the bmj


BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-079108 on 19 June 2024. Downloaded from on 20 December 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
is an important contributor. In a multicenter study resistance, deoxycorticosterone producing tumor),
testing urine and serum in 1348 patients, the rates hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, primary
of non-adherence increased with each increase hyperparathyroidism, and acromegaly.2
in the number of medications.19 Twenty four
studies measuring adherence among patients with Primary aldosteronism
uncontrolled hypertension despite at least three Primary aldosteronism is a group of disorders
antihypertensive drugs of different classes being marked by inappropriate, non-suppressible
prescribed were included in a meta-analysis that aldosterone production independent of renin,
showed a pooled prevalence of non-adherence of suppressed baseline renin secretion, and inability to
31.2% (95% confidence interval 20.0% to 44.7%).20 stimulate renin secretion normally.30 Hypertension
The highest pooled estimates of non-adherence were in primary aldosteronism is primarily due to
for therapeutic drug monitoring and directly observed extracellular fluid volume expansion, resulting in
therapy (47.9%); the lowest were for indirect decreased renin. Several histopathologic changes
methods, such as self-reporting (3.3%). Studies of have been identified in adrenal glands of patients
non-adherence using objective measures of drugs with primary aldosteronism, on the basis of
or metabolites in blood or urine have consistently expression of CYP11B2 (aldosterone synthase). A
shown a very high rate of non-adherence (around recent international consensus for nomenclature
50%) in patients with resistant hypertension.21-24 endorsed by the World Health Organization proposed
This number is similar to adherence rates in a large the following correlates for primary aldosteronism:
series of patients in clinical trials with electronic diffuse adrenal cortical hyperplasia, adrenal cortical
monitoring of medications.25 On the other hand, the nodular disease, adrenal cortical adenomas, and
prevalence of true resistant hypertension is likely in the rare adrenal cortical carcinomas.32 Multiple
single digits when patients with non-adherence are adenomas can co-occur in one or both adrenal
excluded.26 Evidence supporting protocols to improve glands. Genetics underlying unusual familial forms
adherence in patients with resistant hypertension of hyperaldosteronism are recognized, including
is sparse, but practices shown to be successful in glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism (familial
general populations of patients with hypertension hyperaldosteronism type 1) (~1%), due to a
are advised (table 1): prescribe agents that are dosed chimeric CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene,33 and familial
once daily; use fixed dose, single pill combinations hyperaldosteronism type II, the most common
when possible; use low cost and generic agents; and form of familial hyperaldosteronism (~6%), due
consolidate refills (fig 1).27 28 to CLCN2 chloride channel mutations.34 Familial
hyperaldosteronism type III is very rare (caused
Screening for secondary causes of hypertension by germline mutations in KCNJ5), often associated
All patients with resistant hypertension warrant an with massive adrenal gland enlargement and
evaluation for secondary causes (fig 1). A common severe hypertension from childhood that may
and often overlooked cause is primary aldosteronism, require early bilateral adrenalectomy.35 Familial
with a prevalence of at least 10% among all hyperaldosteronism type IV (germline CACNA1H
hypertensive patients and 25% in those with resistant variants) is also rare.36
hypertension.29 30 Renal vascular hypertension is a The importance of diagnosing and treating
rarer cause that can result from either fibromuscular primary aldosteronism derives in part from the
dysplasia (usually but not always in younger people31) pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic effects, as
or atherosclerotic vascular disease. Atherosclerotic well as endothelial dysfunction associated with
vascular disease and CKD are increasingly important aldosterone.37 Primary aldosteronism leads to
contributors to resistant hypertension with a striking increase in the relative risk of atrial
advancing age. Rare causes of resistant hypertension fibrillation, stroke, myocardial infarction, increased
include coarctation of the aorta and the endocrine left ventricular hypertrophy, and diastolic
diseases of pheochromocytoma, Cushing’s dysfunction, stiffening of large arteries, widespread
syndrome, apparent mineralocorticoid excess/11β- tissue fibrosis, and remodeling of resistance
hydroxylase deficiency, hyperdeoxycorticosteronism vessels.38-40 A systematic meta-analysis comparing
(congenital adrenal hyperplasia, primary cortisol 3838 patients with primary aldosteronism and 9284

Table 1 | Drug classes to treat resistant hypertension

Class Notes
First three medications: angiotensin receptor blocker/ACE inhibitor, calcium channel Choose long acting drugs, once daily dosing
blocker, diuretic Substitute thiazide-like diuretic, chlorthalidone, or indapamide
Fourth line: add mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (spironolactone or eplerenone) Spironolactone once daily, more potent; eplerenone in males, dosed twice daily
Additional approved classes to consider: β blockers, central α agonist (clonidine) Follow heart rate; consider combined α-β blockade; weekly patch aids adherence
Hydralazine Best for temporary blood pressure control
Minoxidil Side effects often limiting, including volume retention and tachycardia
ACE=angiotensin converting enzyme.

the bmj | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 3


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patients with primary hypertension reported that until renin becomes unsuppressed. Eplerenone is
patients with primary aldosteronism had a 2.58- often prescribed for men to avoid the anti-androgenic
fold higher risk of stroke, 1.77-fold higher risk of effects of spironolactone; it generally must be
coronary artery disease, 3.52-fold higher risk of administered twice daily to obtain an adequate blood
atrial fibrillation, and twice as much heart failure pressure response. Thiazide diuretics and/or calcium
at 8.8 years from the diagnosis of hypertension.40 channel blockers (CCBs) may be needed to achieve
Primary aldosteronism also increases the risk of goal blood pressure. Future medical therapy for
diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and left ventricular primary aldosteronism may look very different with
hypertrophy.40 41 Accordingly, primary aldosteronism the advent of aldosterone synthase inhibitors (ASIs),
through prolonged exposure to excess aldosterone as described below.
results in increased risk of cerebral-cardiovascular
events and target organ damage.42 Renal vascular hypertension
Renal vascular hypertension is another important
Who should be screened for primary aldosteronism? contributor to resistant hypertension, with most
The classic presentation of primary aldosteronism cases being caused by atherosclerotic disease.
was hypertension with hypokalemia and an adrenal Fibromuscular dysplasia is a less common but
adenoma, but normokalemic hypertension is now often curable cause, found more often but not only
its most common presentation, with hypokalemia in younger patients. Evaluation and treatment of
present only in the more severe cases.43 Therefore, this condition have shifted greatly after several
recommendations have expanded beyond the prospective randomized trials failed to show that
original criteria, which included true resistant renal vascularization is more effective than medical
hypertension, spontaneous or diuretic induced treatment for most patients with atherosclerotic
hypokalemia, and adrenal adenoma. The British and renovascular hypertension.51 52 Guidance from the
Irish Hypertension Society guidelines recommend AHA reinforces that optimizing medical therapy is
that all adults with hypertension under the age of generally considered primary treatment.53 Following
40 should also be screened.44 Expert US guidance intensive control of blood pressure and lipids and
advises screening also in patients with severe smoking cessation, clinical judgment is needed
hypertension, hypertension with obstructive sleep to assess whether the clinical scenario suggests a
apnea, family history of early onset hypertension potential benefit of imaging and intervention with
or cerebrovascular accident before 40 years of stenting or balloon angioplasty. Imaging approaches
age, and hypertension with atrial fibrillation, as include renal artery duplex ultrasonography, often
well as all hypertensive first degree relatives of as first line, or computed tomographic or magnetic
patients with primary aldosteronism.30 45 46 Many resonance angiography.53 Observational data and
experts consider screening all patients with stage a post hoc analysis of the CORAL trial have shown
2 hypertension for primary aldosteronism to be that blood pressure can be controlled and mortality
valuable. Screening involves the simultaneous improved after revascularization in some patients.54 55
measurement of aldosterone and renin (activity or Percutaneous revascularization is advised by the
mass). The aldosterone/renin ratio is falling out American College of Cardiology/AHA guideline for
of favor; a suppressed renin with inappropriate hemodynamically significant renal artery stenosis
aldosterone secretion represents a positive in most patients with fibromuscular dysplasia of a
screen.41 47 Screening rates are dismally low, in renal artery or any one of the following conditions
low single digits even among patients with high in atherosclerotic renovascular hypertension:
prevalence of primary aldosteronism such as those accelerated, resistant, or malignant hypertension
with resistant hypertension and those with classic unresponsive to full dose antihypertensive treatment;
hypertension plus hypokalemia.48 49 Especially given progressive deterioration in renal function; recurrent
the high prevalence of the disease and evidence congestive heart failure or sudden unexplained
that it carries increased risk of cardiovascular “flash” pulmonary edema; and unstable angina.56
disease, screening, confirmation, imaging, and
diagnostic recommendations are rapidly changing, Management of resistant hypertension
and guidelines are in the midst of necessary The risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced
updates.44 46 50 with effective antihypertensive therapy.57 Control
of blood pressure results in greater reduction of
How should primary aldosteronism be treated? mortality in populations than does treatment of
Surgical removal is considered the best treatment other chronic conditions.58 Risk is reduced at the
for unilateral adenoma after lateralization of population level with as little as a 2 mm Hg reduction
aldosterone secretion has been confirmed, which in blood pressure, and continuous reduction in
is often challenging and best carried out in cardiovascular disease is seen as lower levels of
specialized centers with experience in adrenal vein systolic blood pressure are achieved. A 10 mm Hg
sampling. Antihypertensive medication is indicated lower systolic or 5 mm Hg lower diastolic blood
for bilateral disease and for patients who are not pressure predicts a 40% reduction in risk of stroke
surgical candidates. Medical treatment requires and a 30% reduction in risk of ischemic heart
increasing doses of spironolactone or eplerenone disease, and a 5 mm Hg reduction in systolic blood

4 doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | the bmj


BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-079108 on 19 June 2024. Downloaded from on 20 December 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
pressure decreased the risk of major cardiovascular –10.2) mm Hg versus –7.1 (–10.4 to –3.7) mm Hg;
events by 10%.59 60 Similar reductions have been P=0.005), as well as a significant fall in ambulatory
detected for stroke, coronary heart disease, and all systolic blood pressure (–7.0 (–8.5 to –4.0) mm Hg
cause mortality.61 Specifically applied to patients versus –0.3 (–4.0 to 3.4) mm Hg; P=0.001).
with resistant hypertension, as shown by a secondary
analysis of SPRINT, intensive blood pressure Discontinue or minimize interfering substances
lowering is superior to standard treatment in terms Drugs can contribute to true resistant hypertension by
of cardiovascular disease outcomes irrespective of direct pressor action or by interfering with the action of
the drugs used.62 antihypertensive drugs. Common examples are non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs through inhibition
Identify and reverse contributing lifestyle factors of vasodilator prostacyclin synthesis, combined oral
Lifestyle factors contributing to true resistant contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy
hypertension include obesity, high dietary sodium through enhanced angiotensinogen in the circulation,
intake, alcohol intake, physical inactivity, and poor cocaine and amphetamines, sympathomimetic
dietary pattern (fig 2). A recent meta-analysis found amines in decongestants and antitussives via their
that weight loss diets lower blood pressure among vasoconstrictor effects, and antidepressants (table
patients with hypertension by 4.5/3.2 mm Hg 2).69 Other agents that can raise blood pressure
compared with controls.63 Salt restriction is critical, include immunosuppressive drugs, tyrosine kinase
as recommended in AHA guidelines for a daily inhibitors such as sunitinib used in oncologic therapy
sodium intake of <1500 mg/day and demonstrated that may act by inducing vascular rarefaction, and
in two studies showing efficacy in small numbers of recombinant erythropoietin, which may exert its
patients with resistant hypertension.64 65 Reduction effects on blood pressure in part through enhanced
of alcohol intake is recommended for patients activity of the endothelin system.70
with resistant hypertension, as in all patients with
hypertension.14 66 67 Drug treatment of resistant hypertension
In the TRIUMPH (Treating Resistant Hypertension Non-adherence should always be investigated
Using Lifestyle Modification to Promote Health) thoroughly and intensive directed efforts made to
RCT,68 140 patients with resistant hypertension optimize patients’ ability to take their prescribed
(including 31% with diabetes and 21% with CKD) medications. Multiple management strategies to
were randomized to a four month program of improve adherence include prescribing generic,
lifestyle modification including dietary counseling, once daily medications covered by the patient’s
behavioral weight management, and exercise or a insurance plan and fixed dose, single pill
single counseling session providing standardized combination dosing when possible (fig 1). Education
education. The structured diet and exercise program strategies and tracking and medication reminders
was associated with a greater reduction in clinic are complementary.71 Adherence related to single
systolic blood pressure compared with physician’s versus multiple pills has been shown to result in
advice (–12.5 (95% confidence interval –14.9 to improved cardiovascular outcomes,72 and improved






Fig 2 | Management of resistant hypertension, including intensification of treatment and referral for management. CCB=calcium channel blocker;
D=diuretic; ETA=endothelin type A receptor; ETB=endothelin type B receptor; MRA=mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; RASi=renin-angiotensin
system inhibitor; SGLT2i=sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitor

the bmj | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 5


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Table 2 | Interfering substances that raise blood pressure
Substance Mechanism
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Inhibition of vasodilator prostacyclin synthesis
Combined oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy Increased angiotensinogen production; RAS activation
Recreational drugs: cocaine, amphetamines and derivatives Vasoconstriction and tachycardia
Anorectic agents: phentermine Vasoconstriction and tachycardia
ADHD stimulants: methylphenidate Vasoconstriction and tachycardia
Sympathomimetic amines in decongestants and antitussives: pseudoephedrine, Vasoconstriction
Antidepressants: MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, SNRIs, bupropion Adrenergic activation; some have effects on serotoninergic, cholinergic, and histaminergic
pathways; some can cause orthostatic hypotension
Biologic therapies: tyrosine kinase inhibitors (eg, sunitinib, sorafenib) Vascular rarefaction
VEGF inhibitors: bevacizumab Vascular rarefaction
Immunosuppressive drugs: cyclosporine, tacrolimus Enhanced activity of endothelin system with cyclosporine and tacrolimus, and also reduced anti-
inflammatory T regulatory lymphocytes with tacrolimus, inducing a pro-inflammatory phenotype
Recombinant erythropoietin Enhanced activity of endothelin system
Exogenous steroids: glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids Volume expansion, increased cardiac output and vascular tone
Herbs/supplements: ginseng, natural licorice, yohimbine Licorice through inhibition of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 resulting in apparent
mineralocorticoid excess
Yohimbine via α2 adrenergic receptor antagonism and increased sympathetic activity
ADHD=attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; MAO=monoamine oxidase; RAS=renin-angiotensin system; SNRI=serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; VEGF=vascular endothelial growth

persistence with single pill combinations was to −7.69) mm Hg; P<0.001), doxazosin (–4.03
associated with reduced all cause mortality in the (–5.04 to −3.02) mm Hg; P<0.001), or bisoprolol
START study.73 (–4.48 (–5.50 to −3.46) mm Hg; P<0.001). As
The recommended first three drugs for the spironolactone has anti-androgenic actions, the
treatment of resistant hypertension are an more selective but less potent MRA eplerenone is
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor often preferred in male patients, as it is associated
or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), a calcium with lower rates of impotence and gynecomastia.
channel antagonist, and a long acting thiazide or Patients with advanced CKD were excluded from the
thiazide-like diuretic. Guidelines have recommended PATHWAY-2 study. In patients with reduced renal
chlorthalidone and indapamide because of greater function, the risk of hyperkalemia may favor the use
efficacy than hydrochlorothiazide,74-76 although of non-steroidal MRAs (nsMRAs), although they are
hydrochlorothiazide is prescribed more widely. A weaker antihypertensives. Alternately, the AMBER
large pragmatic trial that randomized more than trial showed that the potassium binding agent
13 000 patients in the Department of Veterans patiromer can allow use of spironolactone in patients
Affairs health system failed to show a lower with resistant hypertension and impaired renal
occurrence of major cardiovascular outcomes in function.81 The AMBER trial included 295 patients
patients taking chlorthalidone compared with those randomly assigned to spironolactone in addition to
taking hydrochlorothiazide.77 Similar negative double blind treatment with either placebo (n=148)
results were seen in a cohort study of 12 700 adults or patiromer (n=147). After 12 weeks, 98 of 148
and in the LEGEND observational comparative patients in the placebo group and 126 of 147 patients
cohort study of more than 730 000 people.78 79 In in the patiromer group remained on spironolactone
the US, hydrochlorothiazide is widely available in (between group difference 19.5%, 95% confidence
combination with multiple ACE inhibitors and ARBs, interval 10.0 to 29.0; P<0.001). Adverse events in
but chlorthalidone is not. The decision to change 79 of 148 patients in the placebo group and 82 of
hydrochlorothiazide to chlorthalidone must be 147 patients in the patiromer group were mild or
weighed against the potential burden of adding an moderate in severity. Whereas US guidelines advise
extra pill. spironolactone as fourth line agent, the 2023
If blood pressure remains above goal, evidence European Society of Hypertension (ESH) guidelines
supports adding the mineralocorticoid receptor recommend that the fourth drug should be chosen
antagonist (MRA) spironolactone as the fourth on the basis of estimated glomerular filtration rate
drug. The PATHWAY-2 RCT was a double blind, (eGFR): spironolactone in patients with eGFR >30
placebo controlled, crossover trial that compared mL/min and chlorthalidone in those with eGFR <30
spironolactone with placebo, doxazosin, or mL/min.67 Overall adoption of recommendations
bisoprolol as the fourth drug in 285 patients with has been poor in the management of patients
resistant hypertension already treated with an ACE presenting with resistant hypertension.2 Only 3.2%
inhibitor/ARB, a CCB, and a diuretic.80 Reduction of US adults (NHANES 2009-14) with apparent
in home measured systolic blood pressure was resistant hypertension were taking chlorthalidone or
greater with spironolactone (12.8 mm Hg) than indapamide, and only 9% were taking spironolactone
with placebo (–8.70 (95% confidence interval −9.72 or eplerenone.18

6 doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | the bmj


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If blood pressure remains uncontrolled despite of adverse effects (elevations in liver enzymes).
the use of four drugs, an agent from an additional The ETA receptor selective antagonist darusentan
class may be added, including a β blocker, α did not significantly lower office measured blood
blocker, α agonist such as clonidine, vasodilator pressure in a small study,87 despite a significant
such as hydralazine (combined with a β blocker), or reduction in ambulatory blood pressure,88 and
minoxidil, the last of these particularly in patients clinical development was abandoned. With the
with CKD (also combined with a β blocker and a loop arrival of aprocitentan, a second dual ETA receptor/
diuretic or chlorthalidone as shown to be effective in ETB receptor antagonist with few adverse side effects
patients with CKD82). The ESH/European Society of and a positive phase II trial showing significant
Cardiology (ESC) guidelines no longer recommend blood pressure reduction in hypertensive volunteers,
minoxidil owing to its side effects of heart rate endothelin antagonism became a potential contender
elevation and fluid retention.67 The addition of for the treatment of hypertension.89
β blockade counters the tachycardic response The PRECISION trial in resistant hypertension
to vasodilators that could trigger myocardial assessed the ability of aprocitentan to reduce blood
ischemia in these patients. However, no trial data pressure in 730 patients with resistant hypertension,
guide management at this point, and referral all taking maximally tolerated doses of three first line
of these patients to a hypertension specialist is antihypertensive agents including a diuretic.90 This
recommended. Figure 2 depicts the intensification multicenter, randomized, parallel group, phase III
of treatment and referral for management of study included a double blind, placebo controlled
resistant hypertension. four week segment during which all patients
placed on the same fixed dose triple combination
Newer treatments for resistant hypertension pill were randomized to aprocitentan or placebo. A
In recent years, new drugs have been developed single (patient) blind period followed during which
that may have a role in the treatment of resistant everyone was treated with 25 mg aprocitentan
hypertension (table 3). These include endothelin to test for efficacy and sustained response at 40
antagonists, aldosterone synthase inhibitors, weeks. Automated office measured systolic blood
novel nsMRAs, and inhibitors of angiotensinogen pressure, the primary endpoint at four weeks, was
production by the liver with small interfering RNA reduced significantly by a mean 15.3 mm Hg with
(siRNA), as well as atrial natriuretic peptides and aprocitentan12.5 mg, 15.2 mm Hg with 25 mg, and
aminopeptidase A inhibitors. 11.5 mm Hg with placebo, resulting in a difference
versus placebo of –3.8 (standard deviation 1.3;
Endothelin receptor antagonists 97.5% CI –6.8 to –0.8) mm Hg; P=0.004) and –3.7
Endothelin antagonists are approved for the (1.3; –6.7 to –0.8) mm Hg; P=0.005), respectively.
treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension, Twenty four hour ambulatory systolic blood pressure
but theoretical reasoning suggests that agents showed similar reductions relative to placebo. A 12
blocking this system would be effective in week, double blind, randomized, placebo controlled
systemic hypertension. Endothelin is a powerful withdrawal segment was included, in which patients
vasoconstrictor 21 amino acid peptide present in were re-randomized to continue aprocitentan
many tissues.83 84 The endothelin system is activated 25 mg or change to placebo. After four weeks of
in the vasculature of patients with difficult-to-control aprocitentan withdrawal, office systolic blood
hypertension,85 suggesting value for its blockade in pressure was significantly higher in patients taking
resistant hypertension. Figure 3 depicts the vascular placebo compared with aprocitentan (5.8 (95% CI
endothelin system and the effect of endothelin 3.7 to 7.9) mm Hg; P<0.001). The most frequent side
receptor antagonists. effect was mild-to-moderate edema in 9% of patients
The dual ETA receptor/ETB receptor antagonist at 12.5 mg and 18% at 25 mg. The adverse side effect
bosentan reduced blood pressure in a clinical trial of edema may limit use of these agents. Combining
of 293 patients with hypertension.86 This drug this drug with a diuretic may be optimal to counteract
was abandoned for primary hypertension because fluid retention.

Table 3 | Novel/emerging drug classes

Drugs Notes
Dual ETA/ETB receptor antagonist Aprocitentan approved by FDA March 2024 in combination with other antihypertensives; volume retention may limit use
Aldosterone synthase inhibitors For RH and perhaps especially for primary aldosteronism: baxdrostat, lorundrostat, dexfadrostat in development
Non-steroidal MRA Finerenone approved in US and Canada for diabetic kidney disease; esaxerenone approved in Japan for primary hypertension; ocedurenone,
aparenone under investigation especially for hypertension in patients with CKD/diabetic kidney disease
Angiotensinogen synthesis inhibitors Zilebesiran, IONIS-AGT-LRx under investigation
ARB + neprilysin inhibitor Entresto approved in some countries for hypertension + heart failure
M-atrial natriuretic peptide To date, only one small open label, single dose small trial showing lowering of BP with increase in urinary sodium excretion
Firibastat Aminopeptidase A inhibitor lowered BP in multicenter, open label, phase IIb study, but failed against placebo in FRESH study in RH
AGT=angiotensinogen; ARB=angiotensin receptor blocker; BP=blood pressure; CKD=chronic kidney disease; ET=endothelin; FDA=Food and Drug Administration; MRA=mineralocorticoid antagonist;
RH=resistant hypertension.

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(7% SUR(7 SUR(7




Fig 3 | The vascular endothelin (ET) system. ET-1 formed from proET-1 is released by endothelium and acts on smooth
muscle cell ETA and ETB receptors to induce contraction, growth, and inflammation. In an autocrine fashion, it acts on
ETB endothelial receptors to stimulate generation of nitric oxide (NO) and prostacyclin (PGI2). Aprocitentan, the ETA/
ETB dual endothelin receptor antagonist, lowers blood pressure by blocking vasoconstriction, stiffening of vessels,
and inflammation mediated by smooth muscle ETA and ETB receptors. Blockade of endothelial ETB receptors reduces
clearance function of these and results in increased plasma concentration of ET-1

Other drugs in the endothelin receptor antagonist inverse agonists, inhibiting co-regulator recruitment
group are under development, but to date even in the absence of aldosterone, whereas the
aprocitentan stands alone with proven safety and steroidal MRAs spironolactone and eplerenone may
efficacy in resistant hypertension. In contrast to serve as partial agonists, resulting in some level of
MRAs, aprocitentan does not induce hyperkalemia, co-regulator recruitment at high concentrations.
thereby allowing use in patients with advanced CKD. Finerenone is the best studied nsMRA. It was shown
In PRECISION, patients with CKD showed a greater to inhibit fibrosis more effectively than steroidal
response to the drug. In addition, its long half life MRAs,92 93 and it distributes more evenly between
of 44 hours provides benefit in maintaining blood the heart and kidneys in experimental animals.94
pressure lowering throughout the 24 hour day. However, although its organ protective effects are
However, given its modest efficacy, risk of edema, pronounced, finerenone is a weak antihypertensive.93
and potential cost, this agent may be best reserved Mineralocorticoid receptor overactivation
for patients with hyperkalemia, CKD, or both. promotes inflammation and fibrosis and determines
Aprocitentan has been approved by the US Food and renal disease progression in type 2 diabetes,
Drug Administration (FDA) for use in combination so treatment with nsMRAs was logical in this
with other antihypertensive agents in adults with population. Phase III RCTs in patients with diabetic
treatment resistant hypertension. kidney disease have shown that finerenone reduces
major renal (FIDELIO-DKD) and cardiovascular
Novel non-steroidal mineralocorticoid antagonists (FIGARO-DKD) events when added to maximally
Despite the proven efficacy of spironolactone in tolerated renin-angiotensin system inhibition.92 95 96
resistant hypertension, which justifies its choice as Esaxerenone, which is approved for the treatment
the fourth agent for resistant hypertension in US of primary hypertension in Japan, was shown to be
guidelines,14 its anti-androgenic effects and potential more effective at controlling blood pressure (5 mg
for hyperkalemia in the setting of compromised renal dose) than eplerenone (50 mg) in the ESAX-HTN
function are drawbacks. Although eplerenone is a phase III trial of 1001 Japanese patients.97 In a
selective MRA, it is a weaker antihypertensive and placebo controlled trial in patients with diabetes,
can also induce hyperkalemia in patients with CKD. esaxerenone added to existing renin-angiotensin
Non-steroidal MRAs are members of a new class of system inhibitor therapy reduced progression of
selective agents with high affinity and specificity for albuminuria.98 The urinary albumin-to-creatinine
the mineralocorticoid receptor.91 nsMRAs act as bulky ratio percentage change from baseline to the end of

8 doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | the bmj


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treatment was higher with esaxerenone than with non-genomic effects of aldosterone,102 in contrast
placebo (−58% v 8%; geometric least squares mean to MRAs. Figure 4 shows the different effects of
ratio to placebo 0.38, 95% CI 0.33 to 0.44). Significant ASIs compared with MRAs. The CYP11B2 gene,
improvement was seen with esaxerenone compared which encodes aldosterone synthase in the adrenal
with placebo in time to first remission (hazard ratio glomerulosa, shares 93% sequence similarity with
5.13, 95% CI 3.27 to 8.04) and time to first transition CYP11B1 that encodes for 11β-hydroxylase in the
to urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio ≥300 mg/g adrenal fasciculata, involved in synthesis of cortisol.
creatinine (hazard ratio 0.23, 0.11 to 0.48). Other Accordingly, a critical element in the development
nsMRAs under investigation include apararenone of ASIs has been to avoid inhibiting the synthesis of
and ocedurenone.99-101 In the phase II BLOCK-CKD cortisol. Baxdrostat, lorundrostat, and dexfadrostat
study of ocedurenone in 162 patients with stage are all highly selective inhibitors of aldosterone
3B/4 CKD, 89% of whom had resistant hypertension, synthase, with baxdrostat being the best studied.
the low 0.5 mg dose reduced office blood pressure by BrigHTN was a phase II multicenter, placebo
10.6 mm Hg (placebo subtracted). These agents may controlled trial which showed that baxdrostat
find their greatest benefit in providing more effective lowered blood pressure in 248 patients with resistant
treatment of resistant hypertension in patients with hypertension.103 All patients were on stable doses of
diabetic kidney disease. at least three antihypertensive agents, including a
diuretic, and were randomized to receive baxdrostat
Aldosterone synthase inhibitors once daily for 12 weeks or placebo. Systolic blood
The role of aldosterone in resistant hypertension and pressure decreased by 20.3, 17.5, and 12.1 mm Hg
the frequency with which primary aldosteronism with 2 mg, 1 mg, 0.5 mg of baxdrostat, respectively,
causes resistant hypertension led to optimism compared with a fall of 9.4 mm Hg in the placebo
about the value of ASIs in management of resistant group. Of note, only office blood pressures were
hypertension. Interest in ASIs is augmented by the measured. Potassium concentrations increased
fact that this class blocks both the genomic and to ≥6.0 mmol/L in two patients taking baxdrostat.




K\GUR[\ODVH &<3%
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Fig 4 | Inhibition of aldosterone synthase by aldosterone synthase inhibitors (ASIs) reduces production of
aldosterone, which results in less stimulation of mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs). How different its effects are from
those of MR antagonists (MRAs) remains to be established. ASIs seem to be quite selective for CYP11B2 (aldosterone
synthase) present in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland and do not seem to inhibit CYP11B1 present in the
zona fasciculata and involved in cortisol synthesis. Cortisol can stimulate the MRs, but is inactivated to cortisone by
11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11βHSD2) associated with MR except in cardiomyocytes, where cortisol
can stimulate MRs because of absence of 11βHSD2

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No serious adverse events were reported, and no the 800 mg dose, and systolic and diastolic blood
evidence of hypocortisolemia was seen. Following pressure decreased for more than 24 weeks in
this positive study, a phase III, multicenter, correlation with dose. Dose dependent reductions in
randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled serum angiotensinogen following a single injection
trial is under way to evaluate once daily 1 mg or 2 mg of zilebesiran were sustained for up to 24 weeks.107
baxdrostat versus placebo, to reduce systolic blood Most adverse events were mild or moderate in
pressure in ~720 participants with hypertension severity, with no hypotension, hyperkalemia,
despite taking two or three antihypertensive agents or worsening of renal function. Following these
at baseline ( NCT06034743). encouraging results, the phase II KARDIA-1 study
Other aldosterone synthesis inhibitors may enrolled 394 patients. Patients were randomized
be useful in the future treatment of resistant to placebo or four different zilebesiran doses after
hypertension. Dexfadrostat phosphate has been antihypertensive medication washout. Sustained
shown to suppress the aldosterone/renin ratio, dose dependent reductions in angiotensinogen
an indicator of sodium retention, in healthy were again seen, together with substantial blood
volunteers, also without reduction of cortisol pressure lowering in adults with mild-to-moderate
concentrations.104 Lorundrostat lowered blood hypertension for up to six months.108 A sustained
pressure effectively in a small RCT in patients ~90% suppression of angiotensinogen correlated
with uncontrolled hypertension.105 Systolic blood with durable reduction in blood pressure.
pressure fell by 10.1 mm Hg and 13.8 mm Hg with The antisense oligonucleotide targeting
lorundrostat twice daily doses of 12.5 mg and 2 mg, angiotensinogen (IONIS-AGT-LRx) has been studied
respectively. The mean difference in systolic blood in two small studies.109 A third study is ongoing
pressure between placebo and treatment was –9.6 (ASTRAAS) with 136 participants with uncontrolled
(90% CI −15.8 to −3.4) mm Hg) (P=0.01) with a 50 blood pressure taking at least three antihypertensive
mg once daily dose and −7.8 (−14.1 to −1.5) mm drugs (NCT04714320).
Hg (P=0.04) with 100 mg daily. Six participants had An antihypertensive delivered by injection with
increases in serum potassium above 6.0 mmol/L effects enduring to three or six months could
that required dose reduction or discontinuation represent a significant response to the challenge
of the drug. No reduction in cortisol was reported. of apparent resistant hypertension and a major
Whether reducing aldosterone synthesis could be advance in our ability to control blood pressure
superior to mineralocorticoid receptor blockade in and improve adherence to treatment.110 Selective
patients with resistant hypertension, and equivalent studies in patients with resistant hypertension are
to adrenalectomy in patients with aldosterone needed. Given the dramatic and sustained reduction
producing adenoma, remains to be proven. in angiotensinogen, long term safety data in large
numbers of patients will be critical.
Angiotensinogen synthesis inhibitors
Pharmacologic blockade of the renin-angiotensin Angiotensin receptor blocker associated with a
system is available at multiple levels, with neprilysin inhibitor
suppression of angiotensinogen being the newest The coadministration of the ARB valsartan with
promising target. Angiotensinogen is the sole the neutral endopeptidase (neprilysin) inhibitor
precursor of angiotensin peptides and sits at the sacubitril was a powerful antihypertensive in
first and rate limiting step of the renin-angiotensin preclinical studies and protected the heart from
system. Lowering angiotensinogen concentrations fibrosis in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.111
will reduce the concentration of angiotensins in The combination was later developed as the heart
blood and tissues, and consequently blood pressure. failure agent Entresto. It has also been approved
Blood pressure has been shown to be proportional in some countries for the treatment of difficult-to-
to concentrations of angiotensinogen in the control hypertension, and it lowered blood pressure
circulation.106 in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection
Two main approaches to the molecular fraction with resistant hypertension who participated
modification of angiotensinogen are antisense in the PARAGON-HF trial.112 In this RCT, 731 (15.2%)
oligonucleotides that inhibit RNA translation and patients had apparent resistant hypertension and 135
siRNAs. Both result in degradation of target mRNA (2.8%) had apparent MRA resistant hypertension.
and reduce hepatic angiotensinogen synthesis.107 Patients with apparent resistant hypertension had a
A decrease in liver derived angiotensinogen may higher rate of primary outcome (17.3 (95% CI 15.6
result in lowering of blood pressure for several to 19.1) per 100 person years) than did those with
months, which allows for drug administration every a controlled systolic blood pressure (13.4 (12.7
three to six months. In a phase I study, 107 patients to 14.3) per 100 person years). The reduction in
with hypertension were randomly assigned in a systolic blood pressure at weeks 4 and 16 was greater
two-to-one ratio to receive either a single ascending with sacubitril-valsartan than with valsartan in the
subcutaneous dose of zilebesiran (10-800 mg) or patients with apparent resistant hypertension (−4.8
placebo and followed for 24 weeks. Circulating (−7.0 to −2.5) and 3.9 (−6.6 to −1.3) mm Hg) and
angiotensinogen decreased proportionally to the apparent MRA resistant hypertension (−8.8 (−14.0
dose of zilebesiran, with 90% suppression after to −3.5) and −6.3 (−12.5 to −0.1) mm Hg). In 47.9%

10 doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | the bmj


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of patients with apparent resistant hypertension Hg.116 As a result, renal denervation was added to
in the sacubitril-valsartan group and 34.3% of the some society guidelines for the treatment of resistant
valsartan group, controlled systolic blood pressure hypertension. However, the field drew to a dramatic
was achieved by week 16 (adjusted odds ratio 1.78, halt with the publication of Symplicity HTN-3, a
95% CI 1.30 to 2.43). prospective single blind trial that included a sham
procedure arm but showed no significant difference
Devices for treatment of resistant hypertension in blood pressure lowering between groups.117 A
Interest in procedural interventions to manage moratorium was effectively placed on the procedure,
resistant hypertension is resurging, spurred on by and the research field underwent a reset.
disappointing global rates of blood pressure control Changes in study design and methods have
despite the longstanding availability of multiple been guided by a set of position papers on clinical
classes of effective drugs. From their beginnings, trial design and conduct.118-125 A second wave of
these devices were tested specifically to treat randomized, sham controlled, blinded studies of
patients with resistant hypertension. Devices with renal denervation followed, which cumulatively
several modalities of action have been explored, have shown safety and efficacy in controlling
but the intervention supported by the most efficacy hypertension.
and safety data is catheter based renal denervation, The radiofrequency program continued with the
an intervention to interrupt sympathetic tone via advanced Spyral multielectrode catheter treating
ablation of the renal nerves. the main renal artery as well as branches and
accessories. The multicenter SPYRAL HTN-OFF
Renal denervation MED randomized pivotal trial enrolled 331 patients
After decades of research, two different systems to off antihypertensive medication and showed 3.9
denervate the kidney by catheter based ablation of (bayesian 95% CI –6.2 to –1.6) mm Hg greater 24
the renal nerves were approved by the FDA in 2023 hour reduction in systolic blood pressure with renal
(table 4). The idea emerged from data supporting denervation compared with sham at three months.126
the importance of renal sympathetic nervous system In the SPYRAL HTN-ON MED Extension trial, 337
activation in the pathogenesis of hypertension. patients with moderate to severe hypertension
Efferent renal nerve stimulation increases blood taking one to three antihypertensive drugs were
pressure by increasing sodium reabsorption and randomized, and no significant difference was seen
renin secretion; afferent outflow is involved in central in 24 hour ABPM reduction with renal denervation
sympathetic drive contributing to hypertension. Both compared with the sham group (−6.5 v −4.5 mm Hg).
limbs are targeted with renal denervation. In the However, a greater increase in medication use was
1940s and 1950s, surgical lumbar sympathectomy seen in the sham group with greater falls in office
was done in thousands of patients with resistant blood pressure.127
hypertension. This surgical procedure lowered blood An alternative technology, ultrasound based
pressure significantly in about half of patients, but renal denervation, has been used with the
serious side effects including severe orthostatic PARADISE system, which achieves a circumferential
hypotension often resulted. ring of ablation outside the vessel lumen and
Novel technologies using percutaneous which centers the transducer inside a water
sympathetic denervation of the renal arteries began to filled protective cooling balloon. Unlike with
show benefit before the turn of the millennium.113 114 radiofrequency, the distal branches do not need
In 2009 a small, open label, proof-of-concept to be treated with the PARADISE system. All three
study tested radiofrequency renal denervation to of the multicenter, randomized, sham controlled
treat patients with resistant hypertension. Patients trials met their primary endpoint: a greater fall
treated with renal nerve radiofrequency ablation in daytime ambulatory systolic blood pressure at
with a unipolar electrode catheter showed a two months compared with sham. These included
remarkable 22/11 mm Hg drop in blood pressure at patients with mild hypertension treated in the
six months.115 The randomized Symplicity HTN-2 absence of all medicines in RADIANCE-HTN SOLO
trial compared renal denervation with standard care (146 patients randomized),128 with a reduction
and similarly showed a marked difference in blood in daytime ambulatory systolic blood pressure
pressure between groups at six months of 33/11 mm greater with renal denervation (–8.5 (SD 9.3) mm

Table 4 | Devices
Technology Device name Status
Radiofrequency RDN SPYRAL FDA approval Nov 2023
Ultrasound based RDN PARADISE FDA approval Nov 2023
Alcohol ablation RDN Peregrine Pivotal trial published April 2024
Cardiac neuromodulation BackBeat CNT Global pivotal trial under way
Carotid baroreceptor modulation MobiusHD Program cancelled; no longer recommended in guidelines
FDA=Food and Drug Administration; RDN=renal denervation.

the bmj | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 11


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Hg) than with the sham procedure (–2.2 (10.0) mm pressure, although hemodynamic variables such
Hg; baseline adjusted difference between groups as heart rate and orthostatic hypertension, both
–6.3 (95% CI -9.4 to -3.1) mm Hg; P=0.001). considered indicators of sympathetic activity, were
RADIANCE-HTN II (150 patients), an independently associated in some analyses.131 140 Arterial stiffness
powered study of patients with mild-to-moderate has also been associated with the blood pressure
hypertension treated off medications, also showed response.141 142 Evidence for the predictive value of
reduction in daytime ambulatory systolic blood an overactive renin-angiotensin system on blood
pressure to be greater with ultrasound based renal pressure response has been mixed.143 144
denervation (mean −7.9 (SD 11.6) mm Hg) than A third catheter renal denervation system uses
with sham procedure (−1.8 (9.5) mm Hg; baseline dehydrated alcohol as a neurolytic agent.145 In
adjusted between group difference −6.3 (95% CI the TARGET BP-OFF-MED study of 106 patients
–9.3 to –3.2) mm Hg; P<0.001).129 Finally, patients not taking or withdrawn from antihypertensive
with true resistant hypertension were studied in drugs, no significant difference was seen between
RADIANCE-HTN TRIO (136 patients),130 which treatment and sham groups (2.9 v 1.4 mm Hg).146
showed that renal denervation reduced daytime The pivotal TARGET BP I blinded sham procedure
ambulatory systolic blood pressure more than trial evaluated the Peregrine system in 301 patients
the sham procedure (–8.0 v -3.0 mm Hg; median with uncontrolled hypertension despite being
between group difference –4.5 (95% CI –8.5 to treated with two to five antihypertensive drugs. It met
–0.3) mm Hg; adjusted P=0.022). The median its primary endpoint for efficacy, with a significant
between group difference was –5.8 (-9.7 to –1.6) although modest reduction in 24 hour ambulatory
mm Hg (adjusted P=0.005) among participants systolic blood pressure at three months compared
with complete ambulatory blood pressure data. with sham (mean -10.0 (SD 14.2) v -6.8 (12.1) mm
In a pooled analysis of more than 500 patients Hg; treatment difference –3.2 (95% CI –6.3 to 0.0)
treated in these three RADIANCE ultrasound trials, mm Hg; P=0.048).147
daytime ambulatory systolic blood pressure fell European, Asian, and American expert consensus
by 8.5 mm Hg versus 2.9 mm Hg for sham, with a statements are in general agreement in support of
mean difference of 5.9 mm Hg (P<0.001) in favor of renal denervation as a potential adjunct treatment
ultrasound based renal denervation.131 in patients with uncontrolled hypertension
Head-to-head comparison of the two devices despite best efforts at lifestyle and medication
in small groups of patients found that blood interventions.123 124 148 These statements offer advice
pressure was reduced to a greater degree in the about patient selection, as renal denervation is not
ultrasound based renal denervation group than with appropriate for everyone with hypertension. The
radiofrequency of the main renal artery only (−13.2 most obvious patients for whom this procedure
(standard deviation 13.7) versus −6.5 (10.3) mm Hg), should be considered are those with true resistant
but not statistically greater than radiofrequency of hypertension. But expert recommendations are
the main and side branch ablation (mean difference broader, as is the FDA indication: to reduce blood
−4.9 mm Hg).132 The difference may be caused by pressure as an adjunctive treatment in patients with
deeper penetration of energy and more complete hypertension in whom lifestyle modifications and
sympathetic nerve ablation with ultrasound based antihypertensive medications do not adequately
renal denervation. These results need to be replicated control blood pressure. Many patients have
in a larger cohort with longer follow-up. uncontrolled hypertension because they cannot
Both devices have shown a remarkable safety manage to take sufficient drug therapy for a host
profile over three years in controlled trials, and of reasons. This provides a reason to discuss renal
longer in observed cohorts.133-135 The FDA expert denervation with some patients who do not have
Circulatory System Devices Panel voted unanimously true resistant hypertension. Several studies have
in favor of safety. Theoretical concerns about renal shown that many patients would prefer renal
artery stenosis existed, but the incidence has been denervation to taking additional medicine for their
extremely low, with no major procedure related safety high blood pressure.149-152 Shared decision making is
events. Similarly, no evidence that renal denervation a necessary component of patient evaluation for this
causes progression of decline in GFR has been found, procedure.
with some evidence suggesting that it may offer renal
protection.136 Durability of effect has been shown Carotid baroreceptor modulation
over three years in clinical trials.137 138 Promising A device based method targeting carotid baroreflex
longer term results have emerged from the Global activation was first tested with implantable electric
Symplicity Registry 10 year follow-up study.139 stimulators (Rheos System), which lowered blood
Unresolved questions remain. The main one is pressure effectively in patients with resistant
identification and predictors of who will respond, hypertension.153-155 The MobiusHD endovascular
as about two thirds of patients respond to the baroreceptor amplification device was a less invasive
procedures with a fall in systolic blood pressure therapy. Mobius was first tested in 30 patients with
greater than 5 mm Hg compared with sham. The resistant hypertension in the CALM-FIM EUR open
only universal predictor of a larger blood pressure label study, in which blood pressure reduction was
response to date has been higher baseline blood dramatic; a three year follow-up in 47 patients

12 doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | the bmj


BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-079108 on 19 June 2024. Downloaded from on 20 December 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
showed a sustained fall in blood pressure,156 but Guidelines
serious adverse events raised concern. The CALM-2 The AHA’s 2017 hypertension guidance was
study was cancelled and no study of endovascular followed by a statement dedicated to the detection,
baroreceptor amplification in hypertension is evaluation, and management of resistant
ongoing. ESH/ESC guidelines no longer recommend hypertension in 2018.14 The ESH guidelines were
baroreflex stimulation.67 renewed in 2023.67 Both agencies agree on several
important factors, emphasizing the importance of
Cardiac neuromodulation therapy discriminating between apparent and true resistant
Cardiac neuromodulation therapy involves hypertension by confirming hypertensive out-of-
programming a sequence of variably timed office blood pressure and excluding non-adherence
short and longer atrioventricular intervals to to antihypertensive medication. The definitions of
reduce blood pressure; hence, it is also known as true resistant hypertension are similar, with both
atrioventricular interval modulation therapy. This guidelines including uncontrolled blood pressure
treatment is compatible with standard pacemakers. despite taking an ACE inhibitor or ARB, a CCB,
A double blind pilot study (Moderato II, BackBeat and a diuretic at maximum or maximally tolerated
Medical) randomized 47 patients with uncontrolled doses. The diagnostic threshold is ≥130/80 mm Hg
hypertension despite taking at least one in the US, whereas the ESH incorporates an office
antihypertensive drug who already had an indication blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg, confirmed by
for a dual chamber pacemaker. After six months, out-of-office blood pressure measurement showing
ambulatory systolic blood pressure was reduced by uncontrolled 24 hour blood pressure ≥130 or ≥80
8.1 mm Hg compared with the control group, with no mm Hg. Both focus on optimizing lifestyle changes
device related adverse events.157 BackBeat cardiac and medical therapy, including combination
neuromodulation therapy will be tested in a global therapies. US guidelines advise spironolactone as
pivotal trial randomizing about 500 patients who fourth line, whereas the ESH guidelines recommend
have an indication for, and have recently received, a that the fourth drug should be chosen on the basis
cardiac pacemaker implant. The target population for of eGFR: spironolactone in patients with eGFR >30
this treatment is the majority of ~1.1 million people mL/min and chlorthalidone in those with eGFR <30
globally who are implanted with cardiac pacemakers mL/min. In a novel step, the 2023 ESH hypertension
each year who also have hypertension. guidelines include renal denervation as an additional
treatment to be considered in patients with resistant
Emerging drug treatments hypertension (class of recommendation II).67 A
Atrial natriuretic peptides were discovered more 2020 consensus document from Asia and a 2023
than 40 years ago but have not found a clinical resistant hypertension consensus document from the
indication to date, apart from diagnostic value in Korean Society of Hypertension support most of the
heart failure. M-atrial natriuretic peptide represents approaches that have been summarized here.148 163
the first of its class to be developed for the treatment
of hypertension. To date, only one small open label, Conclusion
single dose trial has been reported, which showed Resistant hypertension remains a highly
lowering of blood pressure accompanied by a dose prevalent, impactful clinical dilemma. The
dependent increase in urinary sodium excretion.158 percentage of hypertensive patients with resistant
Another new target for antihypertensive therapy
is aminopeptidase A, which converts angiotensin
II to the pressor angiotensin III. Preclinical testing GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS
identified an inhibitory molecule, EC33,159
• ABPM—ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
which reduced systemic vasopressin, decreased
• ACE—angiotensin converting enzyme
sympathetic tone, and stimulated the baroreflex.160
• AHA—American Heart Association
Firibastat is a prodrug that is metabolized to release
• AOBP—Automated office blood pressure
EC33. It lowered blood pressure in an eight week,
multicenter, open label, phase IIb study of 256
• ARB—angiotensin receptor blocker
patients with stage 2 primary hypertension.161 The
• ASI—aldosterone synthase inhibitor
phase III double blind FRESH trial failed to show a
• CCB—calcium channel blocker
decrease in unattended automated office systolic
• CKD—chronic kidney disease
blood pressure in a population of patients with
• eGFR—estimated glomerular filtration rate
difficult-to-treat and resistant hypertension.162
• ESC—European Society of Cardiology
A developing plan is to combine antihypertensive
• ESH—European Society of Hypertension
drugs that retain volume with sodium-glucose
• FDA—Food and Drug Administration
cotransporter type 2 inhibitors, to combat sodium
• MRA—mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist
retention and enhance blood pressure lowering
• nsMRA—non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor
effects. Whether this approach will become effective
in improving the treatment of resistant hypertension,
• RCT—randomized controlled trial
particularly in the presence of impairment of renal
• siRNA—small interfering RNA
function, remains to be demonstrated.

the bmj | BMJ 2024;385:e079108 | doi: 10.1136/bmj‑2023-079108 13


BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-079108 on 19 June 2024. Downloaded from on 20 December 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
5 Sim JJ, Bhandari SK, Shi J, et al. Comparative risk of renal,
QUESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH cardiovascular, and mortality outcomes in controlled, uncontrolled
resistant, and nonresistant hypertension. Kidney Int 2015;88:622-
• As non-adherence to antihypertensive drugs underlies much of resistant 32. doi:10.1038/ki.2015.142
hypertension, how can we best assess adherence and how best maximize it? 6 Daugherty SL, Powers JD, Magid DJ, et al. Incidence and
• Will the availability of a durable treatment taken monthly or even yearly, instead of prognosis of resistant hypertension in hypertensive
patients. Circulation 2012;125:1635-42. doi:10.1161/
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