Characteristically fire spreads from one building compartment to another by the collapse of a
barrier, or by openings through which flames or hot gases may pass, or by transfer of sufficient heat
to ignite combustibles beyond the barrier. Test Methods E119 describe the method to be used to
measure the fire-resistive performance of these barriers.
However, various techniques of providing for the distribution of services within a structure
sometimes require that openings be made in fire-resistive walls and floors to allow the passage of such
penetrating items as cables, conduits, pipes, trays, and ducts through to the adjacent compartment.
Fire-stop material is installed into these openings to resist the spread of fire.
The performance of through-penetration firestops should be measured and specified according to a
common standard that describes the method of fire exposure and rating criteria.
1. Scope
iTeh Standards
1.1 This test method is applicable to firestop systems of as
1.7 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
various materials and construction. Firestop systems are in-
tended for use in openings in fire-resistive walls and floors that
are not
to SI units that are provided for information only
standard is
used to measure and describe the
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are evaluated in accordance with Test Methods E119.
1.2 Tests conducted in conformance with this test method response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and
record firestop system performance during the test exposure; flame under controlled conditions, but does not by itself
but such tests shall not be construed to determine suitability of incorporate all factors required for fire-hazard or fire-risk
the firestop system for use after test exposure. ASTM E814-10 assessment of materials, products, or assemblies under actual
1.3 This test method also measures the resistance of firestop fire conditions.
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the
systems to an external force stimulated by a hose stream.
However, this test method shall not be construed as determin- safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
ing the performance of the firestop system during actual fire responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
conditions when subjected to forces such as failure of cable priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
support systems and falling debris. bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.4 The intent of this test method is to develop data to assist 1.10 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes
others in determining the suitability of the firestops for use which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes
where fire resistance is required. (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered
1.5 This test method does not apply to membrane penetra- requirements of the standard.
tions of a floor-ceiling assembly or roof-ceiling assembly that 2. Referenced Documents
are tested as part of the assembly in accordance with Test
Methods E119. 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
1.6 This test method does not apply to membrane penetra- E119 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction
tions of load-bearing walls. and Materials
E176 Terminology of Fire Standards
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E05 on Fire
Standards and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.11 on Fire
Resistance. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved May 1, 2010. Published June 2010. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as E814 – 09. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/E0814-10. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E814 – 10
E2226 Practice for Application of Hose Stream assembly of materials tested including the number, type, and
2.2 Other Documents: size of penetrations and the floors or walls in which it is
ANSI/UL 1479 Standard for Fire Tests of Through- installed.
Penetration Firestops 5.2 Two ratings are established for each firestop system. An
F rating is based upon flame occurrence on the unexposed
3. Terminology surface, while the T rating is based upon the temperature rise as
well as flame occurrence on the unexposed side of the firestop
3.1 Definitions:
system. These ratings, together with detailed performance data
3.1.1 For definitions of terms used in this test method refer such as the location of through-openings and temperatures of
to Terminology E176. penetrating items are intended to be one factor in assessing
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: performance of firestop systems.
3.2.1 firestop system, n—a specific combination of penetrat-
ing item or items, the specific construction that is penetrated, 6. Control of Fire Tests
and the materials or devices, or both, that seal the opening 6.1 Time-Temperature Curve—The fire environment within
provided to accommodate one or more items that penetrate into the furnace shall be in accordance with the standard time-
or through a fire-resistance rated assembly. temperature curve shown in Fig. 1. The points on the curve that Discussion—The materials and devices used to seal determine its character are:
the opening around penetrating items are sometimes referred to
Ambient at 0 min
as “firestops.” Note that it is not “firestops” that are tested by 1000°F (538°C) at 5 min
this standard, but rather “firestop systems.” Due to the complex 1300°F (704°C) at 10 min
interaction during a fire between the penetrant, the penetrated 1550°F (843°C) at 30 min
assembly, the materials and/or devices used to seal the pen- 1700°F (927°C) at 60 min
etration, and the specific size and shape of the opening, it is not 1850°F (1010°C) at 120 min
possible to simply test the “firestop” to develop fire resistance 2000°F (1093°C) at 240 min
2300°F (1260°C) at 480 min or over
iTeh Standards
3.2.2 membrane-penetration firestop system, n—a firestop
system that seals the opening provided to accommodate one or
6.2 Furnace Temperatures:
6.2.1 The temperature fixed by the curve shall be the
average temperature obtained from the readings of thermo-
more items that penetrate the membrane on only one side of a
fire-resistance rated assembly. couples symmetrically disposed and distributed within the test Discussion—Examples of penetrating items include furnace to show the temperature near all parts of the assembly.
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cables, conduits, ducts, pipes, and electrical boxes.
3.2.3 test assembly—the wall or floor that is part of the
Use a minimum of three thermocouples, with not fewer than
five thermocouples per 100 ft2 (9.29 m2) of floor surface, and
firestop system being tested into which the test specimen(s) is not fewer than nine thermocouples per 100 ft2 of wall specimen
(are) mounted or installed. surface.
ASTM E814-10 6.2.2 Enclose the thermocouples in sealed protection tubes
3.2.4 test specimen—the penetrating item or items and the
materials or devices, or both, that seal the opening in the of such materials and dimensions that the time constant of the
firestop system being tested. protected thermocouple assembly lies within the range (see
3.2.5 through-penetration firestop system, n—a firestop sys-
tem that seals the opening around penetrating items that pass
through the entire fire-resistance rated assembly. Discussion—Examples of penetrating items include
cables, cable trays, conduits, ducts, and pipes.
E814 – 10
Note 1) from 300 to 400 s. The exposed length of the standard temperature-time curve shown in Fig. 1 for fire tests
pyrometer tube and thermocouple in the furnace chamber shall of 60 min or less duration; within 7.5 % for those over 60 min
be not less than 12 in. (300 mm). Use of other types of and not more than 120 min; and within 5 % for tests exceeding
protection tubes or pyrometers is acceptable provided that 120 min in duration.
temperature measurements obtained in accordance with Fig. 1 6.3 Unexposed Surface Temperatures:
are within the limit of accuracy that applies for furnace 6.3.1 Measure temperatures on the surface of the materials,
temperature measurements. devices, or both, that are used to seal the opening in the test
NOTE 1—A typical thermocouple meeting these time-constant require- assembly.
ments may be fabricated by fusion-welding the twisted ends of No. 18 B 6.3.2 Measure the temperature of the test assembly.
and S gage (0.040 in.) (1.02 mm) Chromel-Alumel wires, mounting the
leads in porcelain insulators and inserting the assembly so the thermo- 6.3.3 Measure temperature at each of the locations on the
couple bead is 0.50 in. (13 mm) from the sealed end of a standard weight, unexposed surface of the penetrating item and floor or wall
nominal 1⁄2-in. iron, steel, or Inconel pipe. (Inconel is a trademark of Inco assembly as shown in Fig. 2.
Alloys, Inc., 3800 Riverside Dr., P.O. Box 1958, Huntington, WV 25720.) 6.3.4 For tests of membrane penetration firestop systems, in
The time constant for this and for several other thermocouple assemblies
was measured in 1976. The time constant may also be calculated from
addition to the requirements of 6.3.3, measure temperature at
knowledge of its physical and thermal properties. See Research Report each of the locations on the non-fire side of the test assembly
RR:E05-1001, available from ASTM Headquarters. as shown in Fig. 3 for test assemblies that include membrane
6.2.3 For floors, place the junction of the thermocouples 12 penetrations on only one face of the test assembly, or as shown
in. (300 mm) away from the exposed face of the assembly. In in Fig. 4 for test assemblies that include conditions represen-
the case of walls, place the thermocouples 6.0 in. (150 mm) tative of both sides of the membrane penetration on one surface
away from the exposed face. of the wall.
6.2.4 Read the temperature at intervals not exceeding 5 min Discussion—The area in which thermocouples “G”
during the first 120 min. Thereafter, the intervals shall not are located, as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, is the perpendicular
exceed 10 min. projections of the test assemlby opening area on the non-fire
side of the un-penetrated membrane.
iTeh Standards
6.2.5 The accuracy of the furnace control shall be such that
the area under the temperature-time curve, obtained by aver- 6.3.5 Additional temperature measurements are made at the
aging the results from the pyrometer or thermoelectric device discretion of the testing agency to obtain representative infor-
readings, is within 10 % of the corresponding area under the mation on the performance of the firestop systems.
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ASTM E814-10
A—At a point on the surface of the materials or devices, or both, that seal the opening 1 in. (25 mm) from one through-penetrating item for each type of penetrating item
employed in the field of the materials or devices, or both, that seal the opening. If the grouping of penetrating items through the test sample prohibits placement of the
thermocouple pad, the thermocouple shall not be required.
B—At a point at the periphery on the surface of the materials or devices, or both, that seal the opening.
C—At a minimum of three points on the surface of the materials that seal the opening, approximately equidistant from a penetrating item or group of penetrating items
in the field of the materials that seal the opening and the periphery.
D—At one point on any frame that is installed about the perimeter of the opening.
E—At one point on the unexposed surface of the wall or floor that is a minimum of 12 in. (305 mm) from any opening.
F—At one point on each type of through-penetrating item. If the through-penetrating item is insulated or coated on the unexposed side, the thermocouple shall be located
on the exterior surface of the insulation or coating. If the coating or insulation does not extend the full length of the penetrating item on the unexposed side, an additional
thermocouple shall be installed on the penetrating item 1.0 in. (25.4 mm) beyond the termination of the insulation or coating.
FIG. 2 Temperature Measurement Locations
E814 – 10
Legend: Legend:
G—At a minimum of two points on the non-fire side surface, within the area that G—At a minimum of two points on the non-fire side surface, within the area that
is a parallel projection onto the non-fire side of the hole made in the floor or wall is a parallel projection onto the non-fire side of the hole made in the floor or wall
assembly to accommodate the membrane penetration. When the area of the assembly to accommodate the membrane penetration. When the area of the
projection on the non-fire side is too small to permit the placement of two projection on the non-fire side is too small to permit the placement of two
thermocouples, one thermocouple shall be used, located at the center of the thermocouples, one thermocouple shall be used, located at the center of the
iTeh Standards
projected area. projected area.
H—At two points on the non-fire side surface, located less than 3 in. (76 mm) H—At two points on the non-fire side surface, located less than 3 in. (76 mm)
vertically from the inside top of the horizontal surface through which the penetrat- vertically from the inside top of the wall cavity, and each located less than 3 in.
ing item exits the wall cavity, and each located less than 3 in. horizontally from the horizontally from the penetration centerline.
penetration centerline. FIG. 4 Membrane Penetration Firestop System Temperature
FIG. 3 Membrane Penetration Firestop System Temperature Measurement Locations for Test Assemblies that Include
Measurement Locations for Test Assemblies that Include
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Conditions Representative of Both Sides of the Membrane
Membrane Penetrations on Only One Face of the Test Assembly Penetration on One Surface of the Assembly
E814 – 10 Walls—At two points along the vertical center line. unexposed side. In such cases, a pressure relief hole shall be
The two points shall be separated by a vertical distance that is provided through the cap or seal on the unexposed side.
equal to or greater than one-half of the height of the test Otherwise, through-penetrating items shall not be capped or
assembly. sealed on the unexposed side. Floors—Two points along the longitudinal center 7.1.3 The periphery of the materials or devices, or both, that
line at a distance of L⁄4 6 L⁄8 from the center of the floor where seal the opening in the test assembly shall not be closer than
L equals the length of the floor. 11⁄2 times the thickness of the test assembly or a minimum of
6.4.2 The pressure-measuring probes shall be a Tee-shaped 12 in. (300 mm) to the furnace edge, whichever is greater (see
probe or a tube probe and shall be manufactured from stainless Note 3).
steel or other suitable material. NOTE 3—The distance between the periphery of the materials or
6.4.3 Measure the pressure by means of a manometer or devices, or both, that seal the opening in the test assembly and the furnace
equivalent transducer. The manometer or transducer shall be edge may be reduced if the testing agency demonstrates and reports that
capable of reading 0.01-in. H2O (2.5-Pa) increments with a the edge effects do not affect the results.
measurement precision of 0.005 in. H2O (1.25 Pa).
7.2 For wall membrane penetration tests, any linear pen-
6.4.4 The furnace shall be controlled such that the differen-
etrating item shall be routed vertically up from the membrane
tial pressure between the exposed and the unexposed surfaces
penetration. The linear penetrating item shall exit the wall
of the test assembly complies with either or
cavity 9 6 0.5 in. (229 6 13 mm) below the top-most element Standard Pressure Condition—Except for the first
of the test assembly frame through a hole in the wall surface
10 min. of the test, the furnace pressure shall be at least 0.01 in.
having an annular space of 0.5 in. (13 mm) or less. The annular
wg (2.5 Pa) greater than the pressure on the unexposed side of
space of that hole shall be sealed with tightly packed ceramic
the test assembly at the following locations:
fiber. Capping of the penetrating item on both the fire side and
(1) Walls—At the lowest elevation of the test specimen
non-fire side shall be as specified in 7.1.2. Length of the
(see Note 2).
penetrant exposed to furnace conditions on the fire side shall be
(2) Floors—At the location of the pressure-measuring
a minimum of 12 in. (305 mm).
iTeh Standards
NOTE 2—A supplementary pressure probe, in addition to the two probes
specified in, may be used to determine compliance with this
NOTE 4—Although details are provided here to describe how mem-
brane penetrations by linear penetrating items (for example, cables, pipes,
conduit) shall be installed in the test assembly, most membrane penetra-
( Unique Pressure Condition—The differential pres-
tions of interest in the built environment will be discrete items. Examples
of such discrete items include recessed boxes for electrical, water or gas
E814 – 10
electric sensing elements can be used to determine the relative humidity TABLE 1 Pressure and Duration—Hose Stream TestA
within fire test assemblies and within other materials used as part of the Duration of
firestop system. Water Pressure at
Resistance Period Base of Nozzle,
s/ft2(m2) of
8.2 Protect the testing equipment, specimen, and assembly psi (kPa)
Exposed Area
undergoing the fire test from any condition of wind or weather 240 min and over if less than 480 min 45 (310) 3.0 (32)
that is capable of leading to abnormal results. The ambient air 120 min and over if less than 240 min 30 (210) 1.5 (16)
temperature at the beginning of the test shall be within the 90 min and over if less than 120 min 30 (210) 0.90 (10)
60 min and over if less than 90 min 30 (210) 0.60 (6)
range from 50 to 90°F (10 to 32°C). The velocity of air across Less than 60 min if desired 30 (210) 0.60 (6)
the unexposed surface measured just before the test begins A
It is possible that when a single firestop system is tested, calculation of the
shall not exceed 4.4 ft/s (1.3 m/s) as determined by an area to be exposed to the hose stream will include more than the outside
anemometer placed at right angles to the unexposed surface. If dimensions of the firestop system if the hose stream uniformly traverses that area.
Where multiple firestop systems are tested using the same wall or floor assembly,
mechanical ventilation is employed during the test, do not the rectangular area encompassing all of the firestop systems shall be considered
direct an air stream across the surface of the specimen. as the exposed area since the hose stream must traverse this calculated area
during its application.
9. Conduct of Tests
10. Rating Criteria
9.1 Time of Testing—Do not test the test specimen until the
10.1 F Rating:
test assembly has developed sufficient strength to retain se-
10.1.1 A firestop system shall have met the requirements for
curely in position the materials or devices, or both, that are
the F rating when the materials or devices, or both, that seal the
used to seal the opening.
opening remain in the opening during the fire test and hose
9.2 Wall Assemblies with Membrane Penetrations: stream test and the following conditions are met.
9.2.1 For wall assemblies that include membrane penetra- 10.1.2 The firestop system shall have withstood the fire test
tions on only one face of the test assembly, conduct a complete for the rating period by preventing the passage of flame
fire test and hose stream test as specified in this standard on two through openings, or the occurrence of flaming on any element
duplicate assemblies, with one fire and hose test for each side of the unexposed side of the firestop system.
of the assembly.
iTeh Standards
NOTE 6—An example of such a test assembly is shown in Fig. 3.
10.1.3 During the hose stream test, the materials or devices,
both, that seal the opening shall not develop any gap that
( When the test orientation that will produce the
lowest fire resistance rating can be established and agreed upon
allows a projection of water from the stream beyond the
unexposed side.
10.2 T Rating:
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by the testing laboratory and test sponsor, the fire test and hose
stream test shall be permitted to be conucted using only that
10.2.1 A firestop system shall have met the requirements for
the T rating when the materials or devices, or both, that seal the
one orientation. opening remain in the opening during the fire test and hose
9.2.2 When a test assembly is built to include ASTM conditions E814-10
stream test and the following conditions are met.
representative of both sides of the membrane penetration on The transmission of heat through the firestop sys-
surface of the wall, a single fire test and hose stream test tem during the rating period shall not have been such as to raise
shall be permitted to be conducted. the temperature of any thermocouple on the unexposed surface
of any penetrating item or on the materials or devices, or both,
NOTE 7—This type of arrangement would allow both sides of the
that seal the opening, more than 325°F (181°C) above the
membrane penetration firestop system to be evaluated for fire resistance
using only one test. This can be accomplished by installing the membrane initial temperature. Also, the firestop system shall have with-
penetration two times in the same wall assembly, at the same height, each stood the fire test during the rating period by preventing the
on a different side of the assembly, and each in a different wall cavity. An passage of flame through openings, or the occurrence of
example of such an arrangement is shown in Fig. 4. flaming on any element of the unexposed side of the firestop
9.3 Fire Test—Continue the test until the evaluation period system.
being sought is reached or until the rating criteria of Section 10 (1) The transmission of heat through the membrane pen-
are satisfied. etration firestop system during the rating period shall not have
been such as to raise the temperature measured at locations G
9.4 Hose Stream Test:
and H on Fig. 3 or Fig. 4 (as applicable) more than 325°F
9.4.1 Subject a duplicate specimen to a fire-exposure test for (181°C) above the initial temperature.
a period equal to one half of that indicated as the resistance During the hose stream test, the materials or
period in the fire test, but not more than 60 min, immediately devices, or both, that seal the opening shall not develop any
after which subject the specimen to the impact, erosion, and gap that allows a projection of water from the stream beyond
cooling effects of a hose stream as described in Practice E2226, the unexposed side.
and in accordance with the pressures and durations specified in
Table 1. 11. Report
9.4.2 When requested by the test sponsor, and with the 11.1 Report results in accordance with the performance in
advice and consent of the testing body, the hose stream test the tests prescribed in this test method. Express the results in
shall be made on the specimen subjected to the fire test time periods of resistance to passage of flame to the nearest
immediately following the fire test. integral minute. Reports shall include the following: