X, P.T-2 Date Sheet and Syllabus
X, P.T-2 Date Sheet and Syllabus
X, P.T-2 Date Sheet and Syllabus
Date Class X
09.09.24 Hindi पाठ- बड़े भाई साहब, डायरी का एक पन्ना, तताँरा वामीरो
पतझड़ में टूटी पत्तियाँ
पद्य - साखी, मीरा के पद, पर्वत प्रदेश में पावस, तोप
संचयन - हरिहर काका
व्याकरण - समास, वाक्य रूपांतरण, मुहावरे, पदबंध
रचनात्मक लेखन - अनुच्छेद, औपचारिक पत्र, सूचना लेखन,
लेखन, ईमेल लेखन , अपठित गद्यांश
13.09.24 Science Physics: Light - Reflection and Refraction, Human Eye and Colourful
World, Electricity till Ohm’s Law
Chemistry: Chemical reactions and equations, Acids Bases and Salts,
Metals and Non-Metals till chemical reactions.
Biology: Life processes, Control and coordination
21.09.24 Social Science Civics: Power Sharing, Federalism, Gender (till Pg 45)
History: Nationalism in India, Making of the Global World
Nationalism in Europe (till Pg 7)
Geography: Ch-1 Resources and Development, Ch-2 Forest and
Wildlife Resources, Ch-3 Water Resources, Ch-4 Agriculture
Economics: Ch-1 Development, Ch-2 Sectors of the Indian Economy,
Ch3 Money and Credit
24.09.24 English Comprehension Passages, Formal Letters, Analytical Paragraph,
Integrated Grammar, First Flight Book: Ch- 1 –4 (including poems),
Ch-7 (only chapter), Ch-8 and Ch-9 (including poems), Footprints
Without Feet: Ch 1 to 7 and 9
Total Marks: 80
Duration: 3 hrs
*Kindly not that 12th Sept and Non-Exam days after that are preparatory off for students.