Course Objective
2. Represent data in binary form, convert numeric data between different number
systemsand perform arithmetic operations in binary.
3. Explain instruction cycle, pipelining and interrupts.
4. Explain data communication between CPU, memory and I/O devices.
5. Simulate the design of a basic computer using a software tool.
Unit 1 Digital Logic Circuits: Logic Gates, Truth Tables, Boolean Algebra, Digital
Circuits, Combinational Circuits, Introduction to Sequential Circuits, Circuit
Simplification using Karnaugh Map, Don’t Care Conditions, Flip-Flops, Characteristic
Tables, Excitation Table.
Unit 3 Data Representation and Basic Computer Arithmetic: Number System, r and
(r-1)’s Complements, data representation and arithmetic operations.
Additional References
(ii) Null, L., & Lobur, J. The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture.