Work English 10th Nauman Sadaf

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Workbooks 2022 by Sir Nauman Sadaf GMHS 343 GB



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Compiled By: Nauman Sadaf

 Lesson No. 01 to 05 + Review – I

 Paragraph Writing 01 to 05 (According to PCTB Grammar)
 Essay Writing 01 to 05 (According to PCTB Grammar)
 Translation from Urdu into English Paragraphs 01 to 10
(According to PCTB Grammar)

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‫‪ ‬امنز‪،‬التوتاوردرودرشفییکاپدنبیرکںی۔‬
‫‪ ‬وادلنییکدختماوررھگےکاکمںیمیھباُنیکدمدرکںی۔‬
‫‪ ‬رحترییاکموکاھبنسےنلںیماایتحطےیجیکاوردقمساافلظ‪/‬اوراقاکایخ لرںیھ۔‬
‫‪ ‬اکمروزا ہ رگڑوھااڑوھاا ںیھکاوردود ںیھک۔‬
‫‪ ‬ےتھکلوتق ‪ Hand Writing‬اکوصخیصایخ لرںیھ۔‬
‫‪ ‬ےنھکلںیمیطلغاور‪Cutting‬ےسےنچبیکوپریوکششرکںی۔‬
‫‪ ‬ےنھکلےکےئلیلینروانشیئاامعتس لرکںی۔اب لوپاٹنئےس ہ ںیھک۔‬
‫وپائاامعتس لرکںی۔‬
‫‪ ‬ڈیہگنےکےیلامررکای ر‬
‫‪ ‬وسا لاکوجابدییئگہگج‪/‬الزنئےکاطمقب ںیھک۔‬
‫‪ ‬وجاکمانھکلےہاُےسایدیھبرکںی۔(ےلہپایدرکےکدعبںیمزاب ییھب ھک ےتکںی)‬
‫‪ ‬دلجیاوردنچدونںںیمیہاسرااکممتخرکےنیکوکشش ہرکںی۔‬
‫‪ ‬ےتھکلوتقرطسوںاوراسڈیئامرنجالزنئاکایخ لیھبرںیھ۔‬
‫‪ ‬اینپتحصاورآراماکیھبایخ لرںیھ۔‬
‫‪ ‬داعؤںاکاامتہمرضوررکںی۔اپاتسکنیکالسیتمےکےیلیھبداعایکرکںی۔‬
‫‪ ‬آپبسےکےیلداینوآرختیکاکایمیبےکےیلتہباسریداعںیئ۔‬



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Objective Type Questions

In this part 50 objective type questions are given. Each question has four possible answers
as A, B, C, D. The option which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that questions
NOTE: number on the bubble sheet given at the end. Do not fill more than one circle for one
question. Cutting, Over-writing, Using ink-remover or filling more than one circle will
result in zero marks in that question. Only use blue ink.

➠ Choose the correct form of verb from the columns A, B, C and D:

Sr.# Questions A B C D
have been
1 I _______ here for two hours. wait was waiting waits
They ______ their meals
2 taken had taken has taken takes
before the guests arrived.
do not does not do no have
3 You _______ it.
understand understand understand understand
The earth ______ around the will
4 revolve revolves revolved
sun. revolve
5 She ______ French at present. learn learnt learning is learning
6 I already ______ the letter. post posts will post have posted
7 He _____ to school every day. go will go had gone goes
8 Are they _______ idle? sit sat sitting sits
The packet has ______ there
9 laid ly lying been lying
since morning.
10 It _______ at present. is raining was raining rain rained

➠ Choose the word with correct spellings from the columns A, B, C and D:
Sr.# A B C D
11 Embodiment Embodement Imbodiment Embodiement
12 Peity Pitey Piety Pittey

13 Destitude Destitute Distitute Distute

14 Asociate Assocciate Associate Assosiate

15 Customary Customery Custumery Costumary

16 Believe Beleive Beleieve Beleve

17 Conqeer Conqier Conqure Conquer

18 Presevier Presevere Persevere Persevre

19 Temprary Temporary Temporery Temporare

20 Ointment Ointmentt Ointtment Oentment

21 Benieth Beneth Beneath Bineath
22 Leisur Liesure Leisure Lesure

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➠ Choose the correct option from the columns A, B, C and D:

Sr.# Questions A B C D
23 The synonym of ‘foe’ is: Relative Enemy Friend Fast Friend
None of
24 The synonym of ‘glorious’ is: Lustrous Splendid Fabulous
25 ‘Equitable’ means: Fair Just Equal Powerful
26 The synonym of ‘holiday’ is: Festival Observe Start End
27 ‘Customary’ means: Usual Completely Welcome Luck
The synonym of ‘decorate’
28 Ugly Liked Signpost Beautify
29 ‘Conquer’ means: Win Give in to Example Word
30 Synonym of ‘strive’ is: Shame Loose Example Try hard
31 ‘Prevail’ means: Fail Succeed Miss Humiliation
32 Synonym of ‘critical’ is: Stable Steady Constant Dangerous
33 ‘Dislodge’ means: Remove Wedge Lodge Hold
34 Synonym of ‘beneath’ is: Above Under Beyond Exceeding
35 The antonym of ‘bright’ is: Dark Brilliant Night Dim

➠ Choose the correct option according to grammar from the columns A, B, C and D:
Sr.# Questions A B C D
36 Ruthlessness is a noun: Collective Concrete Abstract Proper
Present Past
37 “To spend” is: Gerund Infinitive
Participle Participle
They rested at sunset. The Noun Adjective Gerund Adverb
underlined phrase is: Phrase Phrase Phrase Phrase
If you come, we shall dine First Second Third
39 Compound
together. It is a _____ sentence. Conditional Conditional Conditional
She is not ignorant _____ her short
40 with of on in

Where to Find Solution??

 MCQs 01 to 10: From PCTB Grammar
 MCQs 11 to 13: Lesson 01
 MCQs 14 to 16: Lesson 02
 MCQs 17 to 18: Lesson 03
 MCQs 19 to 20: Lesson 04
 MCQs 21 to 22: Lesson 05
 MCQs 23 to 25: Lesson 01
 MCQs 26 to 28: Lesson 02
 MCQs 29 to 31: Lesson 03
 MCQs 32 to 33: Lesson 04
 MCQs 34 to 35: Lesson 05
 MCQs 36 to 40: From PCTB Grammar
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01.     15.     29.    

02.     16.     30.    
03.     17.     31.    
04.     18.     32.    
05.     19.     33.    
06.     20.     34.    
07.     21.     35.    
08.     22.     36.    
09.     23.     37.    
10.     24.     38.    
11.     25.     39.    
12.     26.     40.    
13.     27.        
14.     28.        
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Questions / Answers

Read the questions carefully and give short answers. Write your answers on the given lines.
Do not write anything else on any part of the workbook. Use blue ink.

Q#1. How were people of Makkah convinced of the Rasool’s ‫ ﷺ‬justice even before his
Nabuwat? (Lesson 01)

Q#2. How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life? (L#1)


Q#3. What made the non-Muslims bring their suits to the Rasool ‫( ?ﷺ‬Lesson 01)


Q#4. How does the Holy Quran describe the personality of the Rasool ‫?ﷺ‬ (Lesson 01)


Q#5. Why did the non-Muslims trust the Rasool ‫?ﷺ‬ (Lesson 01)


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Q#6. What do the little red envelops filled with money symbolize? (Lesson 02)


Q#7. What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize? (Lesson 02)


Q#8. When does Chinese New Year Start? (Lesson 02)


Q#9. Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese New Year and
Why? (Lesson 02)


Q#10. Why does Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner consist of eight or nine dishes? (Lesson 02)


Q#11. How is failure not a disgrace? (Lesson 03)


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Q#12. What does the word ‘persevere’ mean? (Lesson 03)


Q#13. What can we learn from failure? (Lesson 03)


Q#14. What should we do if we find our task hard? (Lesson 03)


Q#15. Why is the poet repeating the sentence ‘try again’? (Lesson 03)


Q#16. Why is it necessary to keep away soap from the wound? (Lesson 04)


Q#17. How is an antibiotic cream or ointment good in healing the wound? (Lesson 04)


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Q#18. You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped. Why? (Lesson 04)


Q#19. When do you need to see a doctor? (Lesson 04)


Q#20. What should your first aid kit consist of? (Lesson 04)


Q#21. What will be the effect of sunshine over rain drops? (Lesson 05)


Q#22. What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for? (Lesson 05)


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Q#23. What will happen after the rain stops? (Lesson 05)


Q#24. What makes the scene lovely? (Lesson 05)


Q#25. How does the sun come out after the rain? (Lesson 05)



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Read the following paragraphs carefully and translate into Urdu. Write on the lines given
at the end of each paragraph. Use blue ink.

Paragraph#01: As head of the state of Madinah, he decided all cases on merit with justice and
equity, irrespective of colour, creed, or race. Once a Quraish woman was found guilty of stealing.
Some people wanted to save her from punishment in order to protect the honour of the family of the
Quraish. (Lesson 01)


Paragraph#02: While Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was on his death bed, he proclaimed, “If I owed
something to anyone; or if I wronged any person, or damaged anyone’s property or honour, my
person, my honour and my property are here; he may take revenge on me in this world.” There was
complete silence. Only one person demanded a few dirhams which were paid to him. (Lesson 01)


Paragraph#03: Hazrat Muhammad’s ‫ ﷺ‬life is a perfect model and example for the people who
want to attain goodness, piety and success in their individual as well as social life. People can seek
light from the message and guidance from his life to achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and
social areas of life. (Lesson 01)


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Paragraph#04: Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬practically proved that no one could be more just and
equitable than the Rasool of Allah Almighty. As a young trader, he earned the good reputation of
being an honest, fair and just businessman. He always had fair and just dealings with all people. When
the Ka’bah’ was being constructed, there arose a dispute among the people regarding the Black Stone.
(Lesson 01)


Paragraph#05: During the sermon, an Ansari seeing some men from the tribe of Banu Tha’lba
sitting there, stood up and pointed toward them and said, “Oh Messenger of Allah! Their ancestors
killed a member of our family. We appeal to you to get one of them hanged in exchange for that.”
The Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬replied, “The revenge of the father cannot be taken on his son.” (Lesson 01)


Paragraph#06: It is a traditional practice for adults to give children little red envelopes filled
with money in order to symbolize wealth and prosperity for the coming year. It is also common for
elders to present red packets to unmarried members of the family. Envelopes are not to be opened
until the recipient has left the home of the giver. (Lesson 02)


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Paragraph#07: On the eve of the Chinese New Year it is customary to visit relatives and
partake in a large dinner where a number of specific foods are served. It is typical for a Chinese family
to make eight to nine dishes for the New Year’s Eve Dinner because in Chinese language the word
“eight” means “prosperity” and the word “nine” means “long-lasting”. (Lesson 02)


Paragraph#08: Prior to the first day of the New Year it is customary for families to thoroughly
clean their houses. Doing this is said to clear out any bad luck from the previous year and to make
the house ready to accept good luck for the coming year. All cleaning must be finished before the
New Year’s Day so there is no chance of accidentally throwing out the good fortune of the New Year.
(Lesson 02)


Paragraph#09: Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows
with the Chinese word fu written on them, which means luck and happiness. Buying flowers for the
home is also commonplace since they symbolize the coming of spring and a new beginning.
(Lesson 02)


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Paragraph#10: Every year is associated with one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac.
These animals are often represented in decorations. Some people believe that those born during the
year of a particular animal may have the character traits of that animal. (Lesson 02)


Paragraph#11: We all need help at times in our lives. Sometimes we may have accidents and
we may get hurt. When we are injured or suddenly become unwell, we need someone to help us –
someone who knows what to do. It is the temporary and immediate help. This timely assistance,
comprising simple medical techniques, is most critical to the victims and is, often, lifesaving.
(Lesson 04)

Paragraph#12: Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop bleeding on their own. If they don’t, apply
gentle pressure with a clean cloth or bandage. Hold the pressure continuously for 20 to 30 seconds
and if possible elevate the wound. Don’t keep checking to see if the bleeding has stopped because
this may damage or dislodge the clot that is forming and cause bleeding to resume. (Lesson 04)

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Paragraph#13: Handling minor accidents at home or on the road develops a sense of crisis
management. This may prepare people to tackle with unexpected emergencies with great confidence.
Minor cuts and scrapes usually do not need to go to the emergency room. Yet proper care is essential
to avoid infection or other complications. (Lesson 04)


Paragraph#14: After you clean the wound, apply a thin layer of an antibiotic cream or
ointment to help keep the surface moist. The products don’t make the wound heal faster, but they can
help your body’s natural healing process work fast. (Lesson 04)

Paragraph#15: If you are allergic to the adhesive used in most bandages, switch to adhesive-
free dressings or sterile gauze held in place with paper tape, gauze roll or a loosely applied elastic
bandage. These supplies generally are available at pharmacies. (Lesson 04)

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1. Write down the summary of the poem “Try Again” also write the name of the poet.


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2. Write down the summary of the poem “The Rain” also write the name of the poet.


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1. Write an essay of 150-200 words on “My Last Day at School”.

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2. Write an essay of 150-200 words on “Sports and Games”.

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3. Write an essay of 150-200 words on “My House”.

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4. Write an essay of 150-200 words on “Courtesy”.

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5. Write an essay of 150-200 words on “Libraries”.

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1. Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on “My School”.

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2. Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on “Girl Guides”.

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3. Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on “A Visit to a Museum”.

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4. Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on “A Visit to a Hospital”.

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5. Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on “Fashion”.

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‫‪TRANSLATION – Translate into English‬‬

‫ریمے رھگ ےک اسےنم اکی ابغ ےہ۔ اس ںیم تہب ےس وپدے اور درتخ ںی۔ اہبرےک وممس ںیم یئک رگن ےک وھپ ل ےتلھکںی۔ ان یک دووبش ارد رگد لیھپ تا ی ےہ۔ مام وک ابغ‬
‫آدویمں‪ ،‬وعروتں اور وچبں ےس رھب تاات ےہ ولگ اِدرھ اُدرھ رھپےت ںی اور فطل ااھٹےت ںی۔ ےچب ابغ ںیم دواےت ںی۔ اب وہ اہیں ںی اور دورسے ےحملوہ ابغ ےک دورسے‬
‫وکےنںیمںی۔رہمامںیمیھبریسےکےئلتااتوہں۔تہبےسامیلابغیکدھکیاھب لرکےتںی۔‬


‫زدنیگےکبیشنورفازںیماےسیاحملتیھبآےتںیبجااسننابلکلانادیموہتااتےہ۔اےسرہرطفادنریھایہادنریھارظنآاتےہاوراسیکاقمےلبیکتکسمتخوہتا یےہ۔ہی‬
‫ابتااسننیکتمظع ےکالخفےہ۔داینںیمینتجیھبرتیق وہیئےہوہاسزعموتمہاک ہجیتےہوج ہا ہللاع ٰیےنااسننوکاطرفامیئےہ۔ااسننوکیہک ے ہہ یھتمہ ہےررے‬
‫ہکلبرمدا ہواراناکویمںاکاقمہلبرکے۔ا ہللاع ٰیاکیدنرضوراکایمیباطرکےاگ۔‬


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‫اکیدہعفاکذرکےہ ہاکیدیگااکیدرایےکانکرےراتہاھت۔درایےکدورسےانکرےرپرخوبزےےکتہبےستیھکےھت۔درایرہگا اوروچاااھت۔دیگایجرھبرکاھکانیہاتہاھت۔‬
‫وہدرایوبعرںیہن رکاتکس اھت ۔ اکی دن اس ےن ا ےن دو ت او ٹ ےس اہ اارگ م ےھج درایےک دورسےانکرے ے ول وت ںیم تہب گرکازاروہں اگ۔ا او ٹ راضدنموہایگ۔ دیگا‬
‫او ٹیکھٹیپرپالھچگن اگلرکڑچھایگ۔او ٹدرایںیمےساتلچوہادورسےانکرےرپچنہپایگ۔دیگارخوبزوںےکتیھکںیمسھگایگاورزمےےسرخوبزےاھکےناگل۔‬


‫ڈر ےہ ہ دنچ اس ل دعب داین اک لیت متخ وہتاےئ اگ۔ رہ کلم ہی وکشش رک رےر ےہ ہ لیت ےک زمدیذریخےدرایتف رکے۔ ولعمم ںیہن ہ ہی وکشش دح کت اک اکایمب وہیگ۔‬
‫رضورت اسابتیکےہ ہمہاینپلیتیکرضورایت وکمکرکںی۔تعنصوزراتعںیملیتیکتپھک وکمکںیہنایکتااتکس۔ا ہتب یجرضوروتںوکمکایکتااتکسےہ۔ ںیمیہک ے ہ‬
‫ابرہےساکروںیکہگجںیسبدرآدمرکںی۔ات ہاطبلوملعںےکےئلوسبںیکوہستل وکرتہبانبایتاےکس۔‬


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‫ںیمدوسںیامجتع ںیم ڑپاتھوہں۔ سج وکس ل ںیم ںیمڑپاتھ وہںوہرہش اک اکی وہشمروکس ل ےہ۔ریمیامجتع وک یہر ااتسدڑپاھےتںی۔وہ بس ےک بستہب اقلبںی۔نکیل‬
‫ ےھج بس ےس زایدہ رٹسم زدی دنسپ ںی۔ وہ ںیم ارگنزیی اور اسحب ڑپاھےت ںی۔ انےک ڑپاھےن اک رطہقی اانت ااھچ ےہ ہ وجھچکوہ ڑپاھےت ںی رورا اید وہتاات ےہ۔ ا ی ےیل انیک‬
‫امجتعاک ہجیتوسیفدصوہاتےہ۔‬


‫اکیسوجنساھت۔اکیدہعف اساکوٹبامگ وہایگ۔وٹبےںیماکیوسروےپےھت۔اسےناالعنایک۔اوجریماوٹباڈوھڈنرکالےئاگںیماےسدسروےپدوںاگ۔ااکیدناکیاسکن‬
‫اساکوٹبا ےرکآای۔سوجنسےنوٹباداھکی۔اسںیموپرےوسروےپےھت۔بجاسکنےناانپااعنم اماگنوتسوجنسےن اہاریمےوٹبےںیماکیوسدسروےپےھت۔ابرصفوس‬
‫ںی۔ مےلہپیہدسروےپ ےےکچوہ۔ا‬


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‫اانریلکالوہراکرصموفرتنی ابزارےہ۔ہیہشیمہولوگںےسرھباراتہےہ۔دواکںینراتےئگاکیلھکریتہںی۔آپاہیںرقتًابیرہمسق یکیزیںیرخدی ےتکںی۔ھچکولگاہیںےس‬
‫اایشء رخدیےن آےت ںی نکیل تہب ےس ولگ رصف ریسو رفتحی ےک ےئل آےت ںی۔ اانر یلک ںیم تہب ےس ریھپیوا ےیھب وہےتںی۔ وہ نٹب‪ ،‬ےتیف‪ ،‬وسایئں‪ ،‬پلک اور اس مسقیک‬
‫دورسیاایشءےتچیبںی۔ھچکبیجرتاش یھباانریلکںیمآےتںی۔ارگآپاانریلکتاںیئوتانبیجرتاوشںےسوہایشررںی۔‬


‫وادلنی یک زعت رکان امہرا االخیق رفض ےہ۔ وہ امہرا تہب ایخ ل رےتھک ںی۔ وہ ںیم دوراک دےتی ںی۔ وہ ںیم ابلس دےتیںی۔ وہ ںیم امتم یزیںی رکایرکےت ںی نج یک ںیم‬
‫رضورتوہ یےہ۔وہ ںیموکس لےتجیھبںی۔ات ہمہ میلعصا لرکےنےکدعبانیکدختمرکںی۔اسےس ںیمرا ت ےلیگ۔‬


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‫اکیدہعفدودو ترفسرپروا ہ وہےئ۔اوہنںےناکیدورسےےسودعہایک ہوہاکیدورسےیکتبیصمںیمدمدرکںیےگ۔وہاکیلگنجںیم ےچنہپ۔اوہنںےن‬
‫اکیرھچی وکاینپرطفآےتداھکی۔انںیمےساکیاھباگاوردرتخرپڑچھایگ۔اساکدو تدرتخرپ ہڑچھاکس۔وہٹیلایگاوردماسدھ ایل۔‬


‫رہشآےن ےسےلہپمہاگؤں ںیمرےتہ ےھت۔اگؤں ںیممہولگ تہب دوشےھت۔مہحبصوسریے اےتھٹ ےھت۔ ہنم ےرھتدوھ رکامنزڑپےتھرھپ رسزبس وتیھکں ںیمریسےکےئل تاےت۔‬
‫دورہپوکدروتخںیکاھچؤںںیموسےتےھت۔اگؤںےکاپساکیدنی یتہبیھتاساکاپ یاصفاورڈنھٹااھت۔‬


‫‪--------------(To be filled by the student)--------------‬‬ ‫زعزی ابلطءو اطابلت ! اُدیم ےہ ہ آپےن وکس ل اک اسرا‬
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‫‪Student’s Signature:‬‬ ‫یک اپدنبی اور وادلنی یک دختم یک یھب آپ ےس اُدیم‬

‫ےہ۔ داع ےہ ہ لاقِ اکتانت آپ بس ےک ےیل داین و‬
‫‪Father’s/Guardian’s Sign. :‬‬
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‫‪Signature:‬‬ ‫رئیچنیم‬
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