Jafar Terminal
Jafar Terminal
Jafar Terminal
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Jafar, not his real name, was the only son of his family. When he was born into this
beautiful world, his parents and others felt like they were on cloud nine. They dreamt big. The
son would grow up, one day he would take the helm of the family and thus unburden the
parents in the later years of their life. But things did not happen the way it was expected.
5 When the son was in his early teens, he started mixing with other boys in his locality. Soon he
started smoking. At one stage he turned into1 a heavy smoker. Then from smoking he turned
to drugs. The family noticed he was often behaving strangely. When the family got to know
about his drug addition, it was too late. It went beyond their control. The son grew up and
started living a reckless2 life. He was often demanding money from the family for his drugs.
10 If refused, he never hesitated to even beat up the family members. Such violence in the family
became a common incident. The family could no more bear the agony and mental pressure.
One morning the family found to their utter shock that the son was lying dead in his living
room. That was the end of the story of a troubled child the family could not protect. If the son
did not turn to drugs, it could be a different story. He could be a doctor or an engineer or
15 whatever else he chose to be. That could brighten not only the image of the family or society
but also the image of the country. Like him, many people in this country are addicted to
drugs. According to sources, there are seven or eight million drug abusers in the country.
They are ruining their own lives. Not only that; they are also ruining their families (at least
seven-eight million families). They are also doing harm to society they live in and doing
20 disservice to the country.
Alongside the administration, the guardians also need to be cautious. They should
keep an eye on whether their children are learning anything bad like smoking which is
deemed the first step toward addiction to drugs. Actually children in their early teens are most
prone3 to drug abuse, as they like adventurism. We often come across reports on crimes
25 committed by teenage gangs in the capital city. Children from broken families often drift into
the crime world. So the upbringing of a child is very important. The parents should never lose
sight of their children until they attain 18. After 18, they start developing the sense of
proportion, the sense of responsibility. That is how we can win the battle against drug abuse.
2 Over 2pts
- Tick the best answers (0.5 ×4) = 2pts
1. This text is taken from :
a text book a leaflet a × a magazine X a website
2. This text is :
a poem a song a news X an online article
3. The phenomenon the writer deals with is :
Over 6pts
1. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Tick the right
box answer by quotingfrom the text. Mention the line(s)
(T/F = 0.25 pt ; justification = 0.5 pt ; L = 0.25 pt] × 4 = 4 pts
Statements T F Lines
a- Jafar was the boy’s real name X Jafar, not his real name, 1
b- He started smoking when he was a baby X When the son was in his early teens, 4,5
he started mixing with other boys in
his locality. Soon he started smoking.
c- Jafar wasn’t violent with his family X He never hesitated to even beat up 9,10,11
the family members. Such violence in
the family became a common
d- Parents should take care of their X The parents should never lose sight 25,26
children till they attain 18 years old of their children until they attain 18.
Words Synonyms
a) Became Turned into
b) Take care of Protect or never lose
sight of or keep an eye on
c) Adolescent Teen or teenage
d) Poor broken
Topic: Drug and Alcohol abuse among young people. Discuss (150 -200 words)