jr single answers
jr single answers
jr single answers
Edgar Albert Guest
I. Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.
a. ‘Keep Going’ is a classic inspirational poem, claim many critics. Substantiate
b. Life is queer with its twists and turns.... List a few twists as mentioned in the poem.
c. “It may be near when it seems afar” what seems afar and why? .
d. ‘An easy-to-read poem, “Keep Going” is rich both in its content and form. Explain the
statement with examples.
Edgar Albert Guest is a very popular as a people’s poet. His poem, Keep Going, is undoubtedly
an inspirational poem of immeasurable value.
This twenty-four lines poem keeps advising the reader never to quit. With the help of convincing
images and comparisons, the poem encourages the reader to keep on the struggle till the goal is
This poem openly admits that life may be a mixture of more pains and less pleasures. Yet, one
must continue with one’s effort, though with intervals of rest, till success greets one with smiles.
The poem announces that the faint see goals afar and the weak give up in the middle. It asserts
that winners never quit. Life is like a roller coaster with its twists and turns. One can never say
what will happen next. Many people quit when they face a failure. Sometimes goals are around
the corner. But we think the goal to be so far. One more blow turns failure into success.
Critical Comment: Thus, the simple sounding poem speaks volumes about the need to keep
going, despite difficulties in scores. This is the plain but invaluable message of the poem.
“Winners never quit; quitters never win.”
Carl Sandburg
a) Explain the narrator’s experience in finding out what happiness is.
b) Seeing helps one better in understanding than listening to. Justify the statement with
reference to the poem ‘Happiness’
The poem, ‘Happiness’ is written by Carl Sandburg(1878-1967). He is a famous American poet
and biographer. He won three Pulitzer Prizes. He became very popular for his Biography of
Abraham Lincoln.
The poem is extracted from his collection of poems, “Chicago Songs”. It depicts the narrator’s
experience. He wants to know what happiness is .It gives the message that happiness is not about
being rich or successful but about having passion in life.
The poet has been in search to seek the real meaning of happiness. He consults professors and
top executives to help him in this regard. The professors symbolize the intelligence and the
executives stand for wealth and prosperity. However, they could not answer the question. The
narrator feels deeply disappointed that they have not answered his question. He continues his
search for the answer. Feeling dejected he wanders out along the Desplaines River on a Sunday
afternoon. He sees group of Hungarians with their women and children. They are sipping a keg
of beer and playing music. They are the symbol of real happiness. He then realizes what Happiness
is. Happiness is living in the present. Happiness is not wealth or success or fame.
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Junior Inter English Single Answers
Thus, seeing helps the narrator better in understanding than listening. The poem establishes that
experience matters more than education. Wisdom lives in lives but not in libraries!
Critical Comment: Carl Sandburg uses lots of symbols to describe his findings about real
meaning of happiness. Composed in free verse, the poem reads like an anecdote.
“ Wisdom lives in lives but not in libraries! ”
Dr Ammangi Venugopal
I. Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.
a) “Dr Ammangi Venugopal’s creativity is rooted deeply in the complexities and
contradictions of modern life,” say observers. Explain the statement, taking The Beggar
as a reference point.
b) How does the poem, ‘The Beggar’ describe the farmer’s pathetic physical condition?
c) List the abilities a farmer is endowed with, according to the poem.
d) The poet addresses the reader as you and talks about the farmer as my farmer. Explain
the significance in a paragraph.
The poem “The Beggar” penned by Dr.Ammangi Venugopal, a popular Telugu poet. He was
born on 20th January, 1948 in a tiny village, Alampalli, near Hyderabad. He is the first recipient
of the award instituted by the Government of Telangana in honour of Kaloji Narayana Rao in
The present poem was penned by Dr.Ammangi in Telugu as “Bichchagadu” and rendered into
English by Elanaaga (Dr. N.Surendra) as “The Beggar”. It portrays the pathetic plight of farmers.
The pitiable physical position of farmers forms an important part of the poem. Farmer’s dusky
eyes are dark with shadows of their struggles and sufferings. Their backs are bent with burden.
Their hands are soiled and severed and their feet bleed. Yet their ability to produce food
and satisfy others hunger remains fully active. They meet the hunger of even skies. They work
hard. They help others. They are capable of feeding millions. And those millions don’t include
in them, those farmers. Yet the irony is they don’t find food for themselves even a morsel! The
expression “my farmer” compels everyone to examine the issue and to work towards a solution.
This is the touching finale of the moving poem!
Critical Comment: Imagery and repetitions are used effectively to highlight the struggles and
sufferings of the farmer. The complexity of the contemporary culture, contaminated by
commercialization, is illustrated in the poem in a captivating way.
“Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and the most noble employment of man.”
- G.washington.
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The poem “The Noble Nature” was Written by Ben Jonson (1572 – 1637). He was a famous
seventeenth century playwright and is regarded as the second most popular of English dramatists,
after Shakespeare. He is very well known for his comedy of humors like “Everyman in His
The present poem discusses a noble thought in simple style.
The poem seeks to explain what makes Man noble. The poet employs analogies from nature.
The oak stands tall and lives long (for 300 years) but it ends up as a dry, bald log.Whereas, the
lily flowers in May, bloom for a day and shine for a short while. Yet, they please many. Beauty
even in little measures – fills hearts with thrills. It is not the Quantity but the quality lends
nobility to life.
Critical Comment: The profound message is expressed clearly with the help of examples and
images from nature. It highlights the point that quality counts more than quantity. Rhyme and
rhythm add to its lyrical beauty.
Smartness, even in small measures, impresses and impacts everyone. As the famous poet John
‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’.
John Keats
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Critical Comment : This lesson is a thought provoking commentary on the education system
prevailing now. It highlights the defects in the mind sets of parents, learners, teachers and the
government bodies. It sets all to a new wave of thinking.
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire” - W.B. Yeats.
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Junior Inter English Single Answers
The lesson “The first four minutes” was written by Roger Bannister. He was an English
athlete as well as medical professional. He was the first man to run the race of one mile in 3
minutes 59.4 seconds.
The present lesson is a revelation of the stress and strain Dr. Bannister underwent in achieving
the record.
Bannister was of the opinion that the spectators don’t understand the mental agony that a
sportsperson passes through before he enters the field. He said that there was no persuasion
from anyone. During the first lap of the race, Bannister felt that he had made a false start. He
was angry. In the second bend, when he was three hundred yards away from the finish, Bannister
took the lead. In the final spurt, he was exhausted but went on running. Later, he realized that he
had created history. This was the glorious moment of his life. This moment of joy over shadowed
all other feelings.
Critical Comment: The description of the race is remarkable for its vividness, economy and
accuracy of expression. The narration is very gripping and at once endearing.
“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will”
– Mahatma Gandhi
John Maddison Morton
a) ‘Box and Cox’ is regarded as the best farce of the nineteenth century. Support the
statement with illustrations from the play.
b) Sketch, in a paragraph, the character of Mrs. Bouncer.
c) “......so that I’m getting double rent for my room, and neither of my lodgers is any wiser
for it,” says Mrs Bouncer.
d) Box and Cox fulfils all the characteristics of a one-act play. Explain.
Box and Cox, crafted by John Maddison Morton, is a one-act play. It is hilarious. It drives
readers into one continuous roar of laughter. Hence, critics labelled Box and Cox as the best
farce of the nineteenth century. And they are right. A farce is a play with a style of humour
marked by improbabilities.
Mrs. Bouncer, a greedy landlady, rents out her room to two persons at the same time, without
letting one know of the other person. They are Mr. Box, the printer who works all night and lives
here only during the day. The other man, Mr. Cox is employed in a hat shop where he spends all
day. Mrs. Bouncer, thus manages to ensure that they do not meet each other in the room.
However, her plan of keeping the two tenants in the same room has had a boomerang effect.
Things have gone wrong. She is accused of stealing by both her tenants but she turns a deaf ear
to their insulting remarks. She miserably fails in her estimate of her lodgers. In the end, her
treachery is unearthed and she is put to shame and disrespect.
Critical Comment : The lesson serves a social purpose by exposing certain follies we suffer
from. The play ensures a hilarious situation.
“Greed begets grief ”
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Junior Inter English Single Answers
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Junior Inter English Single Answers
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