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Lecture 2 - Precast Concrete

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Centre of Studies for Construction,

Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying

Sustainable and Large-Scale Construction


Type 1 – Precast Concrete Framing System

Lecture 2
• Introduction to Precast
• Precast Components
• Production of Precast Components
• Structural System of Precast
• Jointing Systems of Precast Components
• Installation of Precast Components
• Economic Consideration of Precast Concrete Building
• Practical Limitation of Precast Concrete Application

Page 2

• Precast concrete units are cast under a controlled condition and moved to the job

• The precasting process can be done:-

1) On site (Prefabrication Yard) 2) Off-site (Factory)

Page 3
• According to A.S.G. Bruggeling & G.F .HuYghe,

“Prefabrication does not mean to 'cut' an already designed concrete structure into
manageble 'pieces'. Prefabrication starts with the first drawings of a project. From
the start specialists are needed who are acquainted with all the details of
prefabrication, from manufacturing to finishing of the project.“

• Structural systems in precast concrete structure consisted of two; which

1) Wall Panel System 2) Frame System

Page 4
Precast Components

• There are numerous components of precast


1) Column
2) Beam
3) Slab
4) Wall
5) Volumetric units
6) Others (Staircase, balconies etc.)

Page 5
Precast Column

• The main function of precast column is to transfer the

vertical loads of the structural system of a building.

• Precast column also is being designed to withstand

the horizontal forces especially to the ‘unbraced’
design of the structural system.

• Normally, precast column is produced as a:-

• Single-tier
• Double-tier
• Triple-tier

Page 6
Precast Beam

• The main element of precast beam

is to transfer the load horizontally.

• Precast beam can be designed as a

‘’simply-supported’’ or
‘’continuous’’ beam.

Page 7
Precast Slab
• Among the types of precast slab are:
• Hollowcore Slab
• Precast RC / Prestressed Plank
• Precast Half Slab
• Precast Single / Double Tee Slab
• Bubble Deck Slab
Double Tee Slab
• Precast Toilet Slab

• Standard size produced by the manufacturer are normally

1.2m and 1.4m, depends on the types of precast slab

• There are several advantages of precast slab including:- Hollowcore Slab

• Better quality
• Suitable to be used in a long span structure
• Suitable to be used as a ‘permanent concrete formwork’
• Reduce the numbers of temporary prop during the
• Faster installation process
Solid Precast Concrete Planks
Page 8
Precast Wall
• Precast wall can be classified into two (2), which are:-
a) Load-bearing Wall
• Plain Wall
• Shear Wall
• Lift Shaft
• Sandwich Wall
b) Non-load bearing Wall
• Brace Wall
• Parapet Wall
• Façade Wall
• Lightweight Concrete Wall

• Precast wall can be designed based on the building structural

requirements such as:-
• Plain Wall
• Shear Wall
• Liftshaft Wall

• The standard thickness of the precast wall is between 100mm to

300mm; based on the design requirement. Page 9
Volumetric Unit

• The casting of the whole room modules (pods) or individually cast

panels joined together in the factory to make rooms is termed
volumetric construction and is becoming more prevalent in housing
and other markets that use multi-cell structure.

• Volumetric units (frequently referred to as modular construction)

involves the production of three-dimensional units in controlled
factory conditions prior to transportation to site.

• Modules can be brought to site with all internal and external

finishes, services and even furnishings installed, ready for assembly.

• Volumetric units can be manufactured in two(2) forms:-

1) A volumetric/box/modular – a complete box system
2) Semi volumetric/hybrid – combination with panel system

Page 10

Bathroom Unit

Household Shelter
Page 11
Others Precast Components

Staircase Balcony

Chambers Bay Window

Page 12
Production Process
• Production flow (1st Stage) • Production flow (2nd Stage)

Page 13
1 2 3

Mould Set Up Reinforcement Bar,

– Steel Bed and Window Frame & Quality
Side Mould Conduit Installation (if inspection

4 5


Page 14
6 7

Quality check on finished

products Storage

8 9

Dispatch to site Site stacking

Page 15
Structural Systems

• The structural systems of precast concrete can be categorised into two(2):-

a) Panel Unit b) Framing Unit

Page 16
Introduction – Panel Unit

• The structural framework of the building is composed of precast concrete slabs and load-bearing

• The slab and wall components are manufactured in factories or fabrication yards on site and then
transported to building site.

• Consequently, the number of wet trades involved on-site can be reduced significantly.

• With careful design, thoughtful planning and good coordination between designers and erectors.;
the erection process can be very fast.

• Panel unit can be applied on:-

 This system is preferred for the construction of uncomplicated buildings like hotels, hostels and
government apartments such as teachers’ quarters.

 These buildings normally offer less degree of flexibility in which major modifications, such removal of
load-bearing walls, are restricted during their service life.

Page 17
Structural System – Panel Unit
• The system is simple and basically comprises of
precast/cast in-situ slabs supported by load-bearing

• The span between the load-bearing walls creates a

free open space. For internal layout, light wall
partitions are used.

• The stability of the wall buildings depend on the wall

and slab panels.

• The precast concrete slabs must be ensured to act as a

stiff diaphragm and capable of transmitting lateral
forces to the shear walls.

• In the precast wall system, the two essential

connections to be considered are the vertical and
horizontal connections.
Page 18
Introduction – Framing Unit

• The framed buildings consist of beam, columns and slabs

components that are fabricated or “manufactured” off-site
using machines and formworks.

• This building system offers quality materials, fast-track

erection, robustness, durability and stability.

• The system is normally chosen for any type of building

because of its common requirements, such as:
 Requirement with respect to comfort such as spacious area.
 Flexibility for future modifications.
 Ample floor-to floor clearance height.

• This system is suitable for buildings that need a high degree of

flexibility in terms of larger clear distances between columns
such as office buildings, school buildings, hospitals, university
buildings, commercial buildings and car parks

Page 19
Structural System – Framing Unit

Non-structural or load-bearing walls can also be incorporated in the frame.

For car parks, office buildings and shopping complexes, the most common floor
layout is such that precast beams are arranged in the longitudinal and transverse
directions of the building respectively.

Flat or wide rectangular precast concrete beams are generally more commonly
chosen to support long-span hollow core slabs.

The reason for this is that wide beams can provide enough bearing length for the

Page 20
Jointing Systems
Vertical load

• Structural connections are required to join all the structural

components of the beams and columns.

• The most important connections are beam-to-column,

column-to column and column to base connections.

• Structurally, the connections between components can be

pinned or rigid connections.

• Consequently, the complete concrete frames must be Lateral

designed to satisfy the performance required in terms of load
strength, stiffness, ductility, integrity and robustness.

Page 21
Aspects to be considered:-

1) Type of Structure 2) Frames Stability

To stabilize the frame, a suitable connection method
need to be applied and as such, it is advisable to:-
• Use a rigid connection between column and
Wall System Frame System • Use a rigid or pinned connection between
column and base.

Unbraced Frames Braced Frames

Page 22
Rigid beam-to-column

Unstable frame
Pinned base
Rigid base

Page 23
Frame can be stabilized using bracing systems such as shear wall, lift shaft etc.


Rigid core
Unstable frame

Page 24
1) Pinned Connection 2) Rigid Connection

Rigid beam to column

connection is formed by
overlapping steel bars
and in-situ concrete

Steel Conceal Connector

Haunched Column

Page 25
Frame System

1. Column to Base
Rigid connections between column-to-base can be of three types:

1) Pocket foundation 2) Base plate connection 3) Grouted sleeve

Page 26
1 Bars
2 3
Centre Point of

Mark alignment of column Lifting of precast

and the center point of concrete column using Leveling shim
foundation for each crane plate

4 Dowel Tubes Checking the verticality

of the column

Projecting starter /dowel

bars are inserted into the
tubes provided in the P.C. 5

Page 27
6 Props 7

Holes provided -
for pouring of non
shrink grout
Propping of column using push
pull props Mixing of non shrink grout

8 9

Grouting the sides of the Non shrink grout is

base of the column poured by gravity into
the column
Page 28
Beam to Column

Two category:
a) Hidden connection
 Billet beam to column
 Welded plate beam to column
 Cleat beam to column
 Sliding plate beam to column
 Half beam joint

b) Visible connection
 Shallow corbel beam to column
 Deep corbel beam to column
 Nib beam to column (or wall)

Page 29
Hidden Connection

Cleat beam to column

Hole for the insertion of steel blade

Sliding plate beam to column

Page 30
Visible Connection

Dowel Bar


Deep corbel beam to column


Nib beam to column (or wall)

Page 31
Page 32
Column to Column

Beam to Beam

Page 33
Panel System

Precast Concrete Connections Components in precast concrete wall building

for Panel Systems Precast concrete
• Horizontal & Vertical Connection
1. Dry connection
2. Wet connection Horizontal

• Connections play important role in

maintaining overall stability of the
Precast concrete
wall building. wall

Vertical connection

Page 34
Horizontal Connection Vertical Connection

Vertical wet

Dry connections: Utilize mechanical anchor such as

bolt & nut or welded steel plate to transfer load.

Page 35
Installation Process

• Precast Framing System

Page 36
Page 37
Installation of ‘PRECAST COLUMN’
1) Wood or steel plates are used to ensure the starter bar is precisely and
accurately located.

2) Before the installation, make sure the starter bar is placed correctly or the
stump is in a right position.

Wood/Steel Plate
(300mm to 500mm
From ‘stump/column’)

Page 38
3) ‘Levelling Pad’ should be placed as a temporary support to align the
correct position of the column.
Precast Column

Page 39
4) Make sure the type of column that need to be installed is correct as shown
in the drawing plan/specification.

Page 40
5) Install the column according to the position stated in the drawing plan.
(Refer to the stencil stated on the surface of column)

Example of stencil on column

Page 41
6) Crane will be used to lift the column and then install it in the correct

Installation of column on site

Page 42
7) The installed column is then must be at least supported with a temporary
prop at two sides.

of Prop

Location of props at column

Page 43
8) Then, grouting works are performed by injecting 'non-shrink grout' to reinforce the
installed columns.

‘Injection point’

‘Non Shrink Grout (NSG)’ is used with appropriate strength

Page 44
9) The temporary prop can be removed after the beam is installed or 24
hours after the grouting process.

The completed column installation on site

Page 45
Installation of ‘PRECAST BEAM’

1) Similar with the column installation, the stencil in beam must be checked
before installation.

Example of stencil on beam

Page 46
2) Check the arrangement and location of the beam by referring to the drawing

Example of beams’
location in the drawing

Page 47
3) Beam will be lifted by crane, and then being installed either on top of the column
or others beam.

Crane is used to lift the beam

Page 48
5) Examples of the connection methods between ‘column to beam’ and ‘beam to

Column to beam Beam to beam

Page 50
Installation of ‘PRECAST SLAB’

1) Hollow core slab (HCS) is installed after the beam installation is finished.

2) ‘Nominal bearing’ for HCS is depending on the design, normally between

75mm to 100mm.

Page 51
3) HCS panel will be installed based on the arrangement provided in the
drawing plan.

Page 52
4) ‘HCS’ is lifted and installed using crane.

Page 53
5) No ‘Propping’ is needed for ‘HCS’

Page 54
6) Next, the installation works of M&E services and ‘BRC’ will be carried out.

Page 55
7) Concrete topping is carried out.

Page 56
Installation of ‘PRECAST WALL’




Page 57
Economic Consideration

Generally, the cost of in-situ reinforced concrete structural components tends

to be lower than precast concrete components.

However, precast concrete offers shorter construction period and other

reduced site expenses such as storage, wastages etc which make it
reasonably competitive, especially for the construction of large building

For contractors, the benefits of reduced overhead of precast concrete

construction include: saving in bank interests, fewer site workers, cheaper
house keeping etc.

Other benefits of precast concrete construction include: better quality end-

products, more durable structures, lower maintenance costs.

Page 58
For the developer, shorter construction period means lower interest paid on
loans, early occupancy and quicker investment return.

Various preliminaries cost can be significantly reduced; for example:-

• Scaffolding and staging

• Periodical cleaning and rubbish removal
• Cleaning on completion
• Pollution, mosquito control and site hygiene
• Plant and equipment.

Page 59
The cost of precast concrete construction consists of the following three
major components namely, production, transportation and installation
(erection) costs.

1) Production cost depends on the type, size and quantity of the components.

2) Type, size also affect the transportation costs. If components are produced on-
site, transportation is avoided, but there would be additional costs for setting
up temporary site facilities,

3) Installation cost depends on jointing details as well as the size and weight of
the components as these factors govern the crane capacity.

Page 60
Practical Limitations

Several limitations including:-

• Favour bigger projects

• Very large in size
• Heavy plant and equipments are needed on site
• Weight and size of the components
• Finalization of the design
• Changes in design
• Larger design period
• Emphasized on repetitive design
• High capital investment
• Inflexibility of design
• Workmanship

Page 61

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