Sph 100 Lecture 8 by Leon Abonyo
Sph 100 Lecture 8 by Leon Abonyo
Sph 100 Lecture 8 by Leon Abonyo
By the end of this lecture you should be able to:
i. Define angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular
acceleration in uniform circular motion
ii. Relate centripetal acceleration and centripetal force in uniform
circular motion
8.0 Introduction
When a particle moves along a circular path, its instantaneous linear velocity v changes in
direction and may also change in magnitude. However if the magnitude does not change, the
particle is said to move in uniform circular motion (UCM). Physical quantities of interest in
UCM include angular displacement, angular velocity, tangential velocity, centripetal
acceleration, and centripetal force.
Suppose a particle moves in UCM from point A to B, the angle traversed is called the
angular displacement.
r A x axis
The angular displacement is measured in radians (not degrees), in the anticlockwise direction,
and with respect to the x-axis. The radian is defined such that
The distance s traversed along the circular path is called the arc length and is related to the
angular displacement by
s r (2)
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Consequently, when the particle completes a cycle, the angular displacement is 2 radians
and the arc length is s 2 r , which is the circumference of the circular path.
t t t
av (3)
d t t t
lim (5)
dt t 0 t
That is, the instantaneous angular velocity is the derivative of the angular displacement with
respect to time. If the instantaneous angular velocity is constant, then it is equal to the
average angular velocity. Thus
av (7)
Example I
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1 revolution = 1 cycle = 2 radians
2 1 4
2 1
t t2 t1
4 rad
25.13 rad s
0.5 s
A particle in UCM possesses a linear velocity which is perpendicular to the radius of its
circular path. This velocity is called the tangential velocity v. Its magnitude does not change
in UCM but its direction changes constantly with time as shown
v r (8)
Example II
Two students move in a merry-go-round at constant angular velocity 2 rad/s. The first student
is seated 0.75m from the centre and the second student is at 3m from the centre. Calculate the
tangential velocity of each of the students.
v1 r11
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v2 r22
1 2 2 rad s
v2 3 m 2 rad s 6 m s
For a particle moving in UCM, according to Newton’s first law of motion, a force exists that
prevents the particle from moving at a tangent to the circular path. This force which acts
towards the centre of the circle is known as the centripetal (i.e. centre-seeking) force Fc . The
associated acceleration is called the centripetal acceleration ac and is related to the tangential
velocity v by
ac (9)
r 2 (10)
From Newton’s second law, the centripetal force required to keep the particle in UCM is
given in terms of ac by
Fc mac (11)
where m is the mass of the particle. Using equations (9) and (10) in equation (11) we have
mv 2
Fc mr 2 (12)
Example III
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T Fc
mv 2
T mr 2
m 0.06Kg
r 0.25m
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