Z4 Rules Final copy
Z4 Rules Final copy
Z4 Rules Final copy
Wow! It has been a long, strange trip, and there are lots of things I want to say. Unfortunately, time
and space dictate that I keep this brief so I will just take this opportunity to say THANK YOU!
Oh, and don’t worry about that scratching at the door...it’s just the puppy...
What we have always said since day one applies to this set as well, use the rules you like and
disregard the ones you don’t.
If you have any questions, comments, criticism or just want to say hi, feel free to visit our website
at www.twilightcreationsinc.com and drop us a line. Until then remember, you don’t have to run
fast, you just have to run faster than the slowest player...
30 Map Tiles
50 Card Event Deck
100 Plastic Zombie Dogs
6 Plastic Shotgun Guys (pawns)
Red Heart Tokens
Black Bullet Tokens
2 Dice
Game Setup:
• Each player takes a pawn.
• Each player gets 3 bullet tokens, 2 heart tokens, 2 half heart tokens and 3 event cards.
• Place the remainder of the bullet and heart tokens to the side.
• Shuffled the remaining event cards and put them on the table within easy reach of all
• Remove the “Bridge” tile from the tile deck and place it in the middle of the table. All
players place their pawns on the first square of the “Bridge” tile (Fig. 1 “Z”). The first
tile will be played off the opposite end of the “Bridge” tile.
• Shuffle the rest of the tile deck and place it face down on the table.
• Randomly choose a player to go first.
Turn Sequence Overview
During a turn, you must perform the following steps in exact order:
1. Draw a tile from the map deck pile.
2. Attach the map tile to any legal space on the current map.
3. Combat any zombies on your current space.
4. Draw back up to 3 event cards, if you have less than 3.
5. Roll a six-sided die, the result is your movement roll.
6. Move up to the number of spaces indicated by the movement roll.
7. Roll a six-sided die and move a number of zombies equal to that number.
8. You may discard one event card from your hand.
After deciding to discard an event card or not, the turn is over and play proceeds
clockwise around the table.
Combat Rules
• Any time you begin your turn on the same space as a zombie or land on a space with a
zombie, combat takes place.
• Combat is resolved by rolling a six-sided die. You need a 5 or 6 to kill a zombie dog.
(You need a 4, 5 or 6 to kill a human zombie.)
• If your roll is unsuccessful (lower than 5), you may add bullet tokens to raise it to the
target number at a 1 to 1 ratio.
• If you do not have enough bullet tokens to raise your roll or you choose not to, you
must discard 1/2 heart token. (For a human zombie you would discard a whole heart.)
• Combat must continue until you defeat the zombie or run out of heart tokens. You may
never leave combat with a zombie without a card effect.
• When you run out of heart tokens, movement stops and your pawn is removed from
the board. It will be placed on the first square of the “bridge” tile at the beginning of
your next turn. Discard half of your zombies (rounding up) and all weapon/item/page
cards played in front of you. The rest of your turn continues on as normal.
• Whenever you die, start your next turn with 3 bullet, 2 heart and 2 half heart tokens.
Player Movement Rules
• Movement amount is determined by rolling one six-sided die.
• You do not have to use the whole amount of your roll and may stop at anytime during
your movement phase.
• You may never move diagonally.
• Any zombie encountered during your movement must be fought before movement
• If you move on to a space with a heart or bullet token and no zombie, you immediately
add it to your collection. If there is a zombie on the space, you must fight it before you
can take the token.
• Players and zombies may only move in and out of “named” buildings/locations through
the entrance/exit or doors.
• All squares on the tiles in this set are legal except for the water squares on
the “Boathouse” tile and the six squares on the “Bridge” tile which are not
part of the bridge.
Special thanks to Bonky! You always believed! Even when everything and everyone looked like it they
were dead!...I LOVE YOU!!!