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mÙkj izns'k iqfyl HkrhZ ,oa izksUUkfr cksMZ (UPPRPB)


mÙkj izns'k iqfyl

iqfyl dkaLVscy HkrhZ&2023
Re–Exam va fre VOL.
le; % 2 ?kaVs
la xe iw.kkZad % 300
viuk vuqdz ekad ckWDl esa fy[ksa (vadksa esa@'kCnksa esa)
vuqØekad ua0@Roll Number
Write your roll number in the Box (in number/in words) MOCK
iz'uksa ds mÙkj ds fy, dsoy dkys ckWy isu dk iz;ksx djsaA with
To mark answer use black ball point pen only.
vH;FkhZ mRRkj i=kd ij mÙkj nsus ls igys lHkh funsZ'kksa dks lko/kuh iwoZd i<+saA OMR SHEET
Condidate must read all the instructions before writing the answers.
vkidks vius lHkh mÙkj dsoy mÙkj&i=kd ij gh nsus gSaA
You are mark your answer on answer sheet only.
cqdysV vkbZ-Mh-@Booklet I.D.
izR;sd iz'u ds fy, 02 vad fu/kZfjr gS vH;FkhZ }kjk fn, x, izR;sd xyr mÙkj ds fy,
(-0.5) vad n.MkRed jQi esa dkVk tk,xkA

dsoy vH;kl gsrq iz'u&i=k

ijh{k.k funsZ'k
1- lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'ukas ds vad leku gSA 1. Answer all the questions. All questions have equal marks.
2- mÙkj&i=kd ij vH;FkhZ viuk vuqdzekad o iz'u&i=k dk lgh dksM 2. Candidates should mention their roll number and the
,oa lhjht vafdr djsaA correct code and series of the question paper on the
3- bl iz'u&iqfLRkdk esa 150 iz'u gSA izR;sd iz'u ds pkj oSdfYid mÙkj answer sheet.
3. There are 150 questions in this question booklet. Four
fn, x, gSaA vH;FkhZ lgh mÙkj fufnZ"V djrs gq, muesa ls dsoy ,d
alternative answers are given to each question.
xksys vFkok ckWDl dks mÙkj&i=kd ij dkys ckWy ikWbaV isu ls
Candidates should fill only one of the circles or boxes on
iwjk xgjk dj nsaA ,d ls vf/d mÙkj nsus dh n'kk eas iz'u ds mÙkj the answer sheet with black ball point pen, indicating
dks xyr ekuk tk,xkA the correct answer. In case of giving more than one answer,
4. iz'u&iqfLrdk ds doj ist ij vFkok vUnj dgha Hkh dqN Hkh u fy[ksaA the answer to the question will be considered wrong.
;fn vki jiQ dk;Z djuk pkgrsa gSa] rks vki blsa vyx ofdZax 'khV ij 4. Do not write anything on the cover page of the question
djsaA booklet or anywhere inside. If you want to do rough work,
5. iz'u&iqfLrdk [kksyusa ds rqjaRk ckn tk¡p dj ds ns[k ysa fd iz'u&iqfLrdk then do it on a separate working sheet.
5. Immediately after opening the question booklet, check that
ds lHkh ist Hkyh Hkkafr Nis gq, gSaA
all the pages of the question booklet are printed properly.
6. xyr mÙkjksa ds fy, n.M%& (i) izR;sd iz'u ds fy, pkj oSdfYid mÙkj 6. Penalty for wrong answers:- (i) Four options for each
gSA izR;sd lgh mÙkj ds fy, 02 vad fu/kZfjr gSA vH;FkhZ }kjk izR;sd question the answer is. For one wrong answer given by the
iz'u ds fy, fn, x, ,d xyr mÙkj ds fy, iz'u gsrq fu;r fd, x, candidate for each question Half marks (0.5) will be
vadksa ls vk/s vad (-0.5) vad n.MkRed #i esa dkVk tk,xkA (ii) ;fn deducted from the marks allotted for the question. Will go.
(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be
dksbZ vH;FkhZ ,d ls vf/d mÙkj nsrk gS] rks mls xyr mÙkj ekuk tk,xk]
considered as a wrong answer, even if one of the given
;|fi fn, x, mÙkjksa eas ls ,d mÙkj lgh gksrk gS] fiQj Hkh ml iz'u ds
answers is correct, he will be given the same penalty as
fy, mi;qZDr vuqlkj gh mldk n.M fn;k tk,xkA (iii) ;fn vH;FkhZ above for that question. (iii) If a question is not attempted by
}kjk dksbZ iz'u gy ugh fd;k tkrk gS vFkkZr ;fn dksbZ vH;FkhZ }kjk mRrj a candidate i.e. if the answer is not given by a candidate,
ugh fn;k tkrk gS] rks ml iz'u ds fy, dksbZ n.M ugha fn;k tk,xkA then no penalty will be given for that question.
mÙkj izns'k
mÙkj izns'k iqfyl HkrhZ ,oa izksUUkfr cksMZ (UPPRPB)

iqfyl dkaLVscy HkrhZ&2023 Sample OMR Sheet

Name of the Candidate (As it Appears in Your 10th Class Certificate) ROLL NUMBER DATE

A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 4 4 4 4 4 4
E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 5 5 5 5 5 5
E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 6 6 6 6 6 6

F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9
K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 1. This sheet should not be bent or crushed.
L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 2. Use only black ball point pen to fill
the circles.
3. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited.
4. The balls should be blackened completely
and properly.
P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5. Cutting and erasing are not allowed on
Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q this sheet.
R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 6. Do not use any stray marks on the sheet.
S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 7. Do not use markers or white liquids to hide
T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T marks.
xksyksa ij dSls Hkjsa@How To Fill Circle
Wrong Method Correct Method


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Student Signature Invigilator’s Signature

1. ekuokf/dkjksa dh lkoZHkkSfed ?kks"k.kk (UDHR) ds fdl vuqPNsn 6. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl laxBu dk eq[;ky; gSnjkckn] rsyaxkuk
esa dgk x;k gS fd ¶çR;sd O;fÙkQ dks thou] Lora=krk vkSj esa fLFkr gS\
O;fDrzxr lqj{kk dk vf/dkj gS¸\ Which of the following organization's headquarters is located
Which article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Hyderabad, Telangana?
(UDHR) states that "everyone has the right to life, liberty (a) bafM;u Ldwy vkWiQ fctusl (ISB) /Indian School of
and security of person"? Business (ISB)
(a) vuqPNsn 1/Article 1 (b) vuqPNsn 2/Article 2 (b) Hkkjrh; çkS|ksfxdh laLFkku (IIT)/Indian Institute of
(c) vuqPNsn 3/Article 3 (d) vuqPNsn 5/Article 5 Technology (IIT)
(c) jk"Vªh; çkS|ksfxdh laLFkku (NIT)/National Institute of
2. fuEufyf[kr esa ls Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; dkaxzsl ds rhljs vf/os'ku dh Technology (NIT)
vè;{krk fdlus dh Fkh\ (d) j{kk vuql/
a ku ,oa fodkl laxBu (DRDO)/Defence Research
Who among the following presided over the third session of and Development Organisation (DRDO)
the Indian National Congress?
(a) cn#n~nhu rSÕ;c/Badruddin Tayyab 7. mÙkj çns'k iqfyl dk çeq• dkSu gksrk gS\
Who is the head of the Uttar Pradesh Police?
(b) nknk HkkbZ ukSjksth/Dadabhai Naoroji
(a) iqfyl egkfuns'kd (DGP)/Director General of Police
(c) oh-lh- cuthZ/V.C. Banerjee (DGP)
(d) gjerqYYkk l;kuh/Harmatullah Sayani (b) ifq ylegkfujh{kd (IGP)/Inspector General of Police (IGP)
3. fljds dk eq[; ?kVd D;k gS\ (c) vfrfjÙkQ iqfyl egkfuns'kd (ADGP)/Additional Director
What is the main component of vinegar? General of Police (ADGP)
(a) ,flfVd ,flM/Acetic acid (d) iqfyl v/h{kd (SP)/Superintendent of Police (SP)
(b) lkbfVªd ,flM/Citric acid 8. Hkxoku Ñ".k ds tUe ds miy{; esa dkSu&lk R;ksgkj euk;k tkrk gS\
(c) VkVZfjd ,flM/Tartaric acid Which festival is celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Krishna?
(d) ySfDVd ,flM/Lactic acid (a) tUek"Veh/Janmashtami (b) gksyh/Holi
4. fuEufyf[kr esa ls ys•d johaæukFk VSxksj us dkSu lh iqLrd (c) fnokyh/Diwali (d) uojkf=k/Navratri

fy•h gS\ 9. fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu jkT; ljdkjksa ds jktLo dk lzksr ugha gS\
Which book is written by the author Rabindranath Tagore? Which of the following is not a source of revenue for the
(a) xhrkatfy/Gitanjali State Governments?

(b) n gkse ,aM n oYMZ/The Home and the World (a) fcØh dj/Sales Tax
(c) n xkMZuj/The Gardener (b) ewY; of/Zr dj (oSV)/Value Added Tax (VAT)

(d) n iksLV vkWfiQl/The Post Office (c) pqaxh dj/Octroi

(d) vk;dj/Income Tax
5. fdlh fuf'pr le; vof/ esa fdlh ns'k dh lhekvksa ds Hkhrj
mRikfnr lHkh vafre oLrqvksa vkSj lsokvksa ds dqy ewY;ksa ds fy, 10. xkSre cq¼ dh f'k{kkvksa dk o.kZu fdleas gS\
In which are the teachings of Gautam Buddha described?
D;k 'kCn gS\
What is the term for the total value of all final goods and (a) vkxe/Agamas (b) fudk;/Nikayas
services produced within a country's borders in a given time (c) lw=k /Sutras (d) f=kfiVd/Tripitaka
11. egkjk"Vª] eè; çns'k vkSj xqtjkr jkT;ksa ls gksdj dkSu lh unh cgrh gS\
(a) ldy ?kjsyw mRikn (GDP)/Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Which river flows through the states of Maharashtra Madhya
(b) 'kq¼ ?kjsyw mRikn (NDP)/Net Domestic Product (NDP) Pradesh, and Gujarat?
(c) ldy jk"Vªh; mRikn (GNP)/Gross National Product (GNP) (a) ueZnk/Narmada (b) rkih/Tapi
(d) 'kq¼ jk"Vªh; mRikn (NNP)/Net National Product (NNP) (c) xksnkojh/Godavari (d) Ñ".kk/Krishna
12. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl iQly ekSle dks ¶jch¸ ekSle ds :i esa (c) 2019 ls 2028/2019 to 2028
Hkh tkuk tkrk gS\ (d) 2018 ls 2028/2018 to 2028
Which crop season is also known as the "Rabi" season?
19. fuEufyf[kr eas ls ^ekulwu* iqLrd ds ys•d dkSu gS\
(a) xzh"edkyhu iQly ekSle/Summer crop season Who is the author of the book Monsoon?
(b) 'khrdkyhu iQly ekSle/Winter crop season (a) vHk; dqekj/Abhay kumar
(c) ekulwu iQly ekSle/Monsoon crop season (b) 'kkaruq xqIrk/Shantanu Gupta
(d) 'kjn ½rq dh iQly dk ekSle/Autumn crop season (c) es?kukn nslkbZ/Meghnad Desai
13. U;w MsoyiesaV cSad tks fczDl ns'k ds lnL;ksa }kjk LFkkfir fd;k (d) ve`r ekFkqj/Amrit Mathur
x;k gSA bldh LFkkiuk fdl o"kZ dh xbZ Fkh\ 20. T-20 oYMZ di& 2024 ds czkaM ,acslMj fdls fu;qDr fd;k x;k\
New Development Bank which is established by the BRICS Who has been appointed as the brand ambassador of T-20
country members. In which year was it established? World Cup- 2024?
(a) 15 tqykbZ] 2014@15 July, 2014 (a) mlSu cksYV vkSj ;qojkt flag/Usain Bolt and Yuvraj Singh
(b) 20 twu] 2014/20 June, 2014 (b) fØl Mksy/Chris Dole
(c) 15 twu] 2015/15 June, 2015 (c) 'kkfgn viQjhnh/Shahid Afridi
(d) 20 tqykbZ] 2015/20 July, 2015 (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha/None of these

14. o"kZ 2016 esa uksVcanh dk vkbfM;k nsus dk Js; fdl O;fDr dks 21. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl eqxy 'kkld us izFke ckj 'kkgh fp=k
tkrk gS\ dk;Z'kkyk dh LFkkiuk dh Fkh\
Who is credited with giving the idea of demonetisation
​​ in Which of the following Mughal rulers first established the
the year 2016? royal painting workshop?
(a) vfuy cksfdy/Anil Bokil (a) 'kkgtgk¡/ Shahjahan (b) tgk¡xhj/Jahangir
(b) v#.k tsVyh/Arun Jaitley (c) vdcj/Akbar (d) ckcj/Babur
(c) lqcze.;e Lokeh/Subramanian Swamy 22. uhfr vk;ksx buesa ls dkSu&lh laLFkk gS\
(d) mftZr iVsy/Urjit Patel Niti Aayog is which of the following institutions?

15. lkbcj vihyh; vf/dj.k ds vkns'k ds f[kykiQ mPp U;k;ky; (a) xSj laaoS/kfud/unconstitutional
(b) dkuwuh/Legal
eas vihy nk;j djus dh lhek---------gS\
The limit for filing an appeal in the High Court against the (c) dk;Zdkjh/Executive
order of the Cyber Appellate
​​ Tribunal is........? (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha/None of the above
(a) 45 fnu/45 Days (b) 90 fnu/90 Days 23. Hkkjr esa eujsxk dh 'kq#vkr fdl o"kZ dh xbZ\
(c) 60 fnu/60 Days (d) 30 fnu/30 Days In which year was MNREGA started in India?
16. oLrq ,oa lsok dj (GST) fdl rjg dk dj gS \ (a) 2 vDVwcj 2009/2 oct 2009
What kind of tax is Goods and Services Tax (GST)? (b) 2 vDVwcj 2008/2 oct 2008
(a) ewY; of"kZr dj/Value Added Tax (c) 2 vDVwcj 2010/2 oct 2010
(b) vçR;{k dj/Indirect Tax (d) 2 vDVwcj 2011/20 oct 2011
(c) çR;{k dj/Direct Tax 24. tkiku vius varfj{k ;ku dks pUnzek dh lrg ij mrkjus okyk
(d) vk;dj/Income Tax fo'o dk dkSu&lk ns'k gS\
17. eSfDldks dh eqæk gS& Japan is the first country in the world to land its spacecraft
The currency of Mexico is– on the surface of the Moon?

(a) MkWyj/Dollar (b) fjey/Rimal (a) pkSFkk/Fourth (b) ikapoka/Fifth

(c) islks/Mexican (d) iQSad/Franc (c) NBk/Sixth (d) rhljk/Third
18. la;Dq r jk"Vª us Lons'kh Hkk"kkvksa dk vUÙkjkZ"Vªh; n'kd fdl o"kZ ls 25. HkkjrusV ifj;kstuk dh eq[; ,tsalh dkSu lh gS\
Which is the nodal agency of BharatNet project?
fdl o"kZ rd ukfer fd;k x;k gS\
From which year to which year has the United Nations
(a) ch-ch-,u-,y@BBNL
designated the International Decade of Indigenous Languages? (b) thvks@JIO
(a) 2021 ls 2030/2021 to 2030 (c) ch-,l-,u-,y@BSNL
(b) 2022 ls 2032/2022 to 2032 (d) Hkkjrh ,;jVsy/Bharti Airtel
26. fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lh unh vksfM'kk esa viuk MsYVk cukrh gS\ (c) deyk dkark oekZ/Kamla Kanta Verma
Which of the following rivers forms its delta in Odisha? (d) 'kkg eqgEen lqyseku/Shah Muhammad Suleimani
(a) rkIrh@Tapti (b) ueZnk@Narmada
34. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl ns'k esa ,Llkj ,uthZ Vªkaft'ku }kjk ;wjksi
(c) egkunhs@Mahanadi (d) xksnkojh@Godavari
dk igyk gkbMªkstu&rS;kj fctyh la;a=k LFkkfir fd;k tk;sxk\
27. o"kZ 1947 esas Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; dkaxzsl ds fnYyh vf/os'ku dh In which country will Essar Energy Transition set up Europe's
vè;{krk fdlus dh Fkh \ first hydrogen&ready power plant?
Who presided over the Delhi session of the Indian National (a) teZuh/Germany
Congress in 1947? (b) Úkal/France
(a) jktsaæ çlkn/Rajendra Prasad (c) ;wukbVsM fdaxMe/United Kingdom
(b) vcqy dyke vktkn/Abul Kalam Azad (d) uhnjySaM/Nedarlands
(c) tokgjyky usg:/Jawaharlal Nehru
35. Hkkjr vkSj eaxksfy;k dh lsukvksa ds eè; la;qDr lSU; vH;kl
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha/None of these
^ukseSfMd ,yhiQsaV* dk 12oka laLdj.k fdl jkT; esa vk;ksftr
28. la;qDr jk"Vª 'kSf{kd oSKkfud rFkk lkaLÑfrd laxBu (;wusLdks) fd;k x;k \
dk eq[;ky; fdl LFkku ij fLFkr gS\ In which state was the 12th edition of the joint military
Where is the headquarters of the United Nations Educational exercise 'Nomadic Elephant' held between the armies of India
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) located? and Mongolia?
(a) jkse esa/Rome (b) yUnu esa/London (a) es?kky;/Meghalaya (b) ef.kiqj/Manipur
(c) fiQyhihal esa/Philippines (d) isfjl esa/Paris (c) ukxkySaM/Nagaland (d) fcgkj/Bihar
29. mÙkj çns'k ds fdl ftys esa vuqlwfpr tkfr dh tula[;k 36. fuEufyf•r esa ls egkRek xka/h eujsxk ;kstuk ds vUrxZr o"kZ
lokZf/d gS\ 2024&25 esa etnwjh nj c<+kdj vkSlr fdruh dj nh xbZ gS\
Which district of Uttar Pradesh has the highest population Out of the following, how much has the wage rate been
of Scheduled Castes? increased in the year 2024-25 under the Mahatma Gandhi
(a) y•heiqj/Lakhimpur (b) lhrkiqj/Sitapur MNREGA scheme?
(c) xksaMk/Gonda (d) lgkjuiqj/Saharanpur (a) 289 #i,/Rs 289 (b) 261 #i,/Rs 261
(c) 250 #i,/Rs 250 (d) 210 #i,/Rs 210
30. eksrhyky usg: cky laxzgky;] y•uÅ dh LFkkiuk fdl o"kZ
dh xbZ Fkh\ 37. foÙkh; o"kZ 2024&25 esa vkn'kZ LVs'ku ;kstuk ds varxZr fdrus
In which year was Motilal Nehru Bal Sangrahalaya] Lucknow LVs'kuksa dks mUu;u djus ds fy, igpku fd;k x;k gS\
established? How many stations have been identified for upgradation
(a) 1920 esa/In 1920 (b) 1925 esa/In 1925 under the Adarsh Station Scheme in the financial year 2024-
(c) 1947 esa/In 1947 (d) 1957 esa/In 1957
(a) 1151 (b) 1251 (c) 1351 (d) 1451
31. gky gh esa fdls çFke mÙkj çns'k xkSjo lEeku 2023&24 çnku
fd;k x;k\ 38. gky gh esa {ks=kh; lqj{kk lewg dksyacks flD;ksfjVh dkWUDyso dk
Who was recently awarded the first Uttar Pradesh Gaurav u;k lnL; cuk gS&
Samman 2023-24? Recently, a new member of the regional security group
(a) vt; frokjh/Ajay Tiwari Colombo Security Conclave has been made-
(b) uohu frokjh/Naveen Tiwari (a) usiky/Nepal (b) ckaXykns'k/Bangladesh
(c) fodk'k flag/Vikash Singh (c) viQxkfuLrku/Afghanistan (d) bjkd/Iraq
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha/None of these 39. ^eq>s* fdl çdkj dk loZuke gS\
32. fo'o esa çFke ckj fo'o cky Je fu"ks/ fnol fdl o"kZ euk;k (a) mÙke iq#"k (b) eè;e iq#"k
x;k\ (c) vU; iq#"k (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
In which year was World Child Labor Prohibition Day 40. ^mYya?ku* esa dkSu&lk milxZ gS\
celebrated for the first time in the world?
(a) mu (b) m (c) mRk~ (d) u
(a) o"kZ 1999/Year 1999 (b) o"kZ 2002/Year 2002
(c) o"kZ 2012/Year 2012 (d) o"kZ 2022/Year 2022 41. fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk o.kZ v?kks"k gS\
(a) d (b) x (c) ?k (d) t
33. bykgkckn mPp U;k;ky; ds izFke Hkkjrh; eq[; U;k;k/h'k Fks&
The first Indian Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court was- 42. dkSu&lk foykse ;qXe lqesfyr ugha gS\
(a) bdcky vgenh/Iqbal Ahmadi (a) vaxhdkj&Lohdkj (b) v/e&mÙke
(b) fc/w Hkw"k.k efyd/Bidhu Bhushan Malik (c) vdke&ldke (d) vour&mUur
43. ^i=k* 'kCn dk vusdkFkZd 'kCn lewg fuEu gS& 57. fduds uke vf/drj L=khfyax gksrs gSa\
(a) ikuh] i=k] lw;Z (b) ifo=k] iUuk] lk¡i (a) cksfy;ksa ds (b) iQyksa ds (c) o`{kksa ds (d) lkxjksa ds
(c) iÙkk] fpêòh] ia• (d) iUuk] ia•] eksrh
58. jkew tks cM+k f•ykM+h gS dy mldh Vkax VwV xbZ bl okD; esa
44. fuEufyf•r 'kCnksa esa ls dkSu&lk 'kq¼ gS\ mfpr fojke fpÉ dkSu&lk gksxk\
(a) dfof;=kh (b) dof;=kh (a) v¼Z fojke (b) vYi fojke
(c) dohf;=kh (d) do;h=kh (c) fooj.k fpÉ (d) yk?ko fpÉ
45. ^drj&C;ksar* esa dkSu&lk lekl gS\ 59. ^jl&lkexzh* fdl fodYi esa nh xbZ gS\
(a) }U} (b) f}xq (c) rRiq#"k (d) cgqozhfg (a) NUn] vyadkj] xq.k] jhfr
46. ^ikuh cg jgk FkkA*& bl okD; esa fØ;k fdl dky dk cks/ (b) foHkko] vuqHkko] lapkjh] LFkk;h Hkko
djk jgh gS\ (c) vfHk/k] y{k.kk] mRçs{kk] çrhd]jl
(a) lafnX/Hkwr (b) gsrqgsrqen~ Hkfo";Rk~ (d) fcEc] o`fÙk] jlkHkko] dkO;&nks"k
(c) gsrqgsrqen~ Hkwr (d) viw.kZ Hkwr
60. ^Hkqtk* dks cgqopu D;k gS\
47. ^eq>ls •M+k Hkh gqvk ugha tkrkA* bl okD; dk okP; gksxk& (a) Hkqtkvksa (b) cgqHkqt (c) Hkqtk&Hkqtk (d) Hkqtk,¡
(a) HkkookP; (b) deZokP;
61. fuEufyf•r esa rn~Hko 'kCn dk p;u dhft,&
(c) drZ`okP; (d) bueas ls dksbZ ugha
(a) gLr (b) gLrh (c) ghax (d) ghjd
48. fn, x, 'kCn&;qXe ds lgh vFkZ&Hksn dk p;u dhft,A
62. ^xcu miU;kl dkiQh yksdfç; jgkA*&bl okD; esa fdl çdkj
ds fØ;kfo'ks"k.k dk ç;ksx gqvk gS\
(a) iafÙkQ&xUnk (b) fudV&ç;Ru
(a) LFkkuokpd fØ;kfo'ks"k.k (b) dkyokpd fØ;kfo'ks"k.k
(c) lUrku&vfgrdj (d) lqanj L=kh & taxy
(c) ifjek.kokpd fØ;kfo'ks"k.k (d) jhfrokpd fØ;kfo'ks"k.k
49. ^nq'pfj=k* O;fÙkQ ls lEcU/ ugha j•uk pkfg,A bl okD; esa
ç;qÙkQ ^nq'pfj=k* 'kCn O;kdj.k dh n`f"V ls fdl laoxZ esa gS\ 63. ¶ftu <w¡<+k fru ikb;k¡ xgjs ikuh iSB¸ yksdksfÙkQ dk vFkZ gS&
(a) ifjJe dk iQy vo'; feyrk gS
(a) laKk (b) loZuke
(c) fo'ks"k.k (d) fØ;kfo'ks"k.k (b) ty&lekf/ ys ysuk
(c) ifjJe djrs jguk
50. fuEufyf•r okD; esa js•kafdr 'kCn ds LFkku ij mi;qÙkQ i;kZ;okph
(d) ikuh esa <wa<uk
'kCn dkSu&lk gksxk\
jke dq'ky dkjhxj gSA 64. vè;kid dks iqjLdkj nhft,A bl okD; esa dkSu&lk dkjd gS\
(a) Hkqou (b) vyd (c) papy (d) fuiq.k (a) lacks/u dkjd (b) vf/dj.k dkjd
(c) deZ dkjd (d) laca/ dkjd
51. ^xqM+&xkscj dj nsuk* eqgkojs dk mfpr vFkZ crkb,A
(a) dksbZ c•sM+k •M+k djuk 65. buesa ls ^yqVsjk* esa ç;qÙkQ çR;; dkSu&lk gS\
(b) xk;c dj nsuk (a) ,sjk (b) yw (c) ,jk (d) jk
(c) cuk cuk;k dke fcxkM+ nsuk 66. iwohZ fganh {ks=k esa dkSu&lh cksyh ugha cksyh tkrh\
(d) viuh gkfu djds HkkSt mM+kuk (a) vo/h (b) NÙkhlx<+h (c) t;iqjh (d) c?ksyh
52. ^iihrk* 'kCn buesa ls D;k gS\ 67. ^KkuihB iqjLdkj* fdl Hkk"kk ls lacaf/r gS\
(a) tkikuh (b) vjch (c) iQkjlh (d) iqrZxkyh (a) fganh ls
53. fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lk NUn&çdkj ugha gS\ (b) laLÑr ls
(a) n`"VkUr (b) pkSikbZ (c) nksgk (d) lksjBk (c) rfey ls
54. ^rsjh cjNh us cj Nhus gS]a •yu dsA* iafÙkQ esa dkSu& lk vyadkj gS\ (d) lafo/ku dh vkBoha vuqlwph dh lHkh Hkk"kkvksa ls
(a) :id (b) vuqçkl (c) 'ys"k (d) ;ed 68. ^egk'k;* 'kCn esa dkSu ;h Loj lfU/ gSA
55. ^tks {kek djus ;ksX; ugha gS* okD;ka'k ds fy, ,d 'kCn gS& (a) Loj lfU/ (b) nh?kZ Loj lfU/
(a) vnE; (b) v{kE; (c) fuxZq.k (d) l{ke (c) ;.k Loj lfU/ (d) mi;ZqÙkQ esa ls dksbZ ugha

56. ^pyuk] fiQjuk] nkSM+uk* dSlh fØ;k gS\ 69. fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lh jpuk ukxktZqu dh ugha gS\
(a) eq[; fØ;k (b) lgk;d fØ;k (a) jfrukFk dh pkph (b) ckck cVsljukFk
(c) vdeZd fØ.k (d) ldeZd (c) bejfr;k (d) nknk dkejsM
70. fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu lk ukVd eksgu jkds'k }kjk jfpr gS\ What will be the sum of first 16 terms of the arithmatic
(a) vk/s&v/wjs (b) xhr gal progression whose 12th and 8th terms are 19.75 and 15.75
(c) Hkkjr nqnZ'kk (d) vtkr'k=kq
(a) 280 (b) 260 (c) 290 (d) 270
funZs'k& uhps fn, x, x|ka'k dks i<+dj iwNs x, ç'uksa ds
lcls mi;qÙkQ mÙkj okys fodYi dks pqfu,% 77. gy djsa%
tc ls lalkj esa lk{kjrk dk fodkl gqvk gS rc ls iqLrdky; Solve it:
dk çpkj vkSj fodkl gqvk gSA Hkkjr esa lk{kjrk&fodkl ds lkFk 90 + [65 + {40 ÷ 8 – (55 – 115 ÷ 5)}]
gh iqLrdky;ksa dk Hkh fodkl gqvk gSA iqLrdky; Ldwyksa rFkk (a) 128 (b) 159 (c) 172 (d) 195
dkWystksa esa gksrs gSa vkSj fo|kFkhZ mu iqLrdky;ksa dk leqfpr ç;ksx 4
djrs gSaA buds vfrfjÙkQ dqN ljdkjh iqLrdky; gksrs gSa tks futh 78. ,d fo|ky; esa] Nk=kksa dh dqy la[;k dk yM+fd;k¡ vkSj ckdh
laLFkkvksa }kjk •ksys tkrs gSaA vktdy ljdkj us pyrs&fiQjrs 3
yM+ds gSaA yM+dksa dh dqy la[;k dk ] 12 lky ls de gS]
iqLrdky; Hkh •ksy fn, gSa tks 'kgjksa o xkaoksa esa nwj&nwj ds LFkkuksa 5
ij turk ds ikl igq¡p tkrs gSaA vk/qfud iqLrdky; esa iqLrdksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k dk ] 12 lky ;k mlls vf/d gSA
ds çfr vkd"kZ.k iSnk djus ds fy,] fofHkUu xfrfof/;ksa dk Hkh
;fn 12 lky ls de vk;q ds Nk=kksa dh la[;k 480 gS] rks Ldwy
vk;kstu fd;k tkrk gSA tSls u, ys•dksa ls eqykdkr djokuk]
dgkuh lqukuk vkfn bruk gh ugha] tc iqLrdsa iqjkuh gks tkrh gSa] esa Nk=kksa dh dqy la[;k dk fuEu esa ls fdlds cjkcj gS\
;kuh turk ds ç;ksx ds dkj.k iQVus yxrh gSa] rc mUgsa lLrs 4
In the school of the number of students are girls and the
nkeksa esa iqLrd çsfe;ksa dks csp Hkh fn;k tkrk gSA 9
71. ^lkoZtfud iqLrdky;* ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ 3
rest are boys of the number of boys are below 12 years
(a) dkWyst ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, iqLrdky;A 5
(b) dk;kZy; fo'ks"k ds yksxksa ds fy, iqLrdky;A of age and
of the number of girls are 12 years or above
(c) ljdkjh fo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, iqLrdky;A 12
(d) lHkh yksxksa ds fy, iqLrdky;A 12 years of age. If the number of students below 12 years
72. ^pyrs&fiQjrs iqLrdky;* dk mís'; gSA of age is 480, then of the total number of students in
18 to:
the school will be equal
(a) dsoy xzkeh.k {ks=kksa ds fy, iqLrdky; miyC/ djkukA
(b) dsoy 'kgjh {ks=kksa ds fy, iqLrdky; miyC/ djkukA (a) 225 (b) 315 (c) 270 (d) 240
(c) ljdkj }kjk nh xbZ iqLrdky; dh lqfo/k dk çn'kZu djukA 79. ,d iw.kZ oxZ izkIr djus ds fy, lcls NksVh la[;k ftls 8212
(d) nwj&njkt ds {ks=kksa rd iqLrdky; dh lqfo/k miyC/ djkukA esa tksM+k tkuk pkfg,A
73. fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu lh xfrfof/ iqLrdky; ds çpkj esa The smallest number that should be added to 8212 to obtain
a perfect square is:
çHkkoh ugha gS\
(a) ys•dksa ls eqykdkr djokukA (a) 123 (b) 69 (c) 54 (d) 112
(b) dgkuh lqukuk A 80. nks la[;kvksa dk e-l- (HCF) vkSj y-l- (LCM) Øe'k% 8 vkSj
(c) iqjkuh iqLrdsa cspukA 48 gSaA ;fn nks la[;kvksa dk vuqikr 2 : 3 gSa] rks nks la[;kvksa
(d) iqLrdky; vè;{k dh fu;qfÙkQ djukA esa ls cM+h la[;k dkSu lh gS\
74. iqLrdky; dh iQVh&iqjkuh iqLrdksa dk lnqi;ksx dSls fd;k tk The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 8 and 48 respectively.
If the ratio of the two numbers is 2:3 , then the larger of
ldrk gS\ the two numbers is:
(a) jíh esa cspdj ]
(a) 18 (b) 48 (c) 16 (d) 24
(b) de nkeksa esa iqLrd çsfe;ksa dks cspdj
(c) vyekfj;ksa esa laxzghr djdsA 81. tc ,d ?kM+h dh dher esa 20» dh deh dh tkrh gS] rks
(d) muds dkxt dks jhlkbfdy djdsA csph xbZ ?kfM+;ksa dh la[;k esa 40» dh o`f¼ gksrh gSA izfr'kr
75. ^iqLrdky;* dk laf/ foPNsn D;k gS\ esa fcØh ij D;k izHkko iM+k\
When the price of a watch was reduced by 20%, the number
(a) iqLrdk $ y; (b) iqLrd $ y;
of watches sold is increased by 40%. What was the effect
(c) iqLrd $ vky; (d) iqLrd $ vy; on the sales in percentage?
76. ftl lekarj Js.kh dk 12oka vkSj 8oka in Øe'k% 19-75 vkSj 15- (a) 12% Increase (o`f¼) (b) 30% Decrease (deh)
75 gS] ml lekarj Js.kh ds igys 16 inksa dk ;ksx fdruk gksxk\ (c) 12% Decrease (deh) (d) 30 Increase (o`f¼)
82. ;fn ,d vk;r dh yackbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ esa Øe'k% 15» vkSj 20» Gopal travels from A to B at the speed of 5km/h, from B to
dh o`f¼ dh tkrh gS] rks vk;r ds {ks=kiQy esa fdrus izfr'kr C at 10 km/h, and from C to D at 15 km/h. If AB = BC =
CD, then find Gopal's average speed.
dh o`f¼ gksxh\
In the length and the breadth of a rectangle are increased 2 2
(a) 8 km/h (b) km/h
by 15% and 20%, respectively, then by how much percent 11 11
the area of the rectangle will increase?
2 2
(a) 32% (b) 38% (c) 36% (d) 48% (c) 60 km/h (d) 9 km/h
11 11
83. lqys[kk] `1040 esa 36 fdxzk phuh [kjhnrh gSA ;g phuh dks
10 fdxzk phuh ds foØ; ewY; ds cjkcj ykHk ij csprh gSA 5 1 1
89. ;fn x + =3 gS] rks x 2 + cjkcj gS%
fdxzk phuh dk foØ; ewY; (` esa) Kkr djsaA x x2
Sulekha bought 36 kg of sugar for `1040. She sold it at a 1 1
If x + = 3 , then x 2 + 2 is equal to :
profit equal to the selling price of 10 kg of it. What is the x x
selling price (in `) for 5 kg of sugar. (a) 18 (b) 6 (c) 24 (d) 7
(a) 235 (b) 215 (c) 220 (d) 200
90. DABC esa] MN || BC] prqHkqZt MBCN dk {ks=kiQy = 130
84. lk/kj.k C;kt dh ,d fuf'pr nj ij 3 o"kks± esa `95 dh jkf'k sq. lseh- gSA ;fn AN : NC = 4 : 5 gS rks DMAN dk {ks=kiQy
`105 gks tkrh gSA 5 o"kks± esa] leku C;kt nj ij] `171 dh
fdruk gS\
jkf'k fdruh gksxh\ In DABC, MN is parallel to BC, the area of quadrilateral
A sum of `95 amounts to `105 in 3 years at a certain rate MBCN = 130 sq.cm. If AN : NC = 4 : 5, then the area of
of simple interest. In 5 years, at the same rate of interest, DMAN is
what will a sum of `171 amount to:
(a) `201 (b) `189 (c) `215 (d) `175
85. ;fn A, C dk gS] B, A dk nksxquk gS vkSj A, B vkSj C dk M N
vkSlr 30 gS] rks A vkSj C ds chp varj Kkr djsaA
1 B C
If A is of C, and B is twice of A. and the average of A, B
and C is6 30. then the difference between A and C is: (a) 45 cm2 (b) 65 cm2 (c) 32 cm2 (d) 40 cm2
(a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 80 (d) 40 91. 8 lseh Åaps Bksl yac o`Ùkh; csyu dk vk;ru 392π lseh-3 gSA
86. ,d chdj esa nks rjy inkFkZ X vkSj Y dk feJ.k 5 : 3 ds vuqikr bldk oØ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy (lseh-2 esa) Kkr dhft,A
esa gSA tc 6 yhVj feJ.k fudkyk tkrk gS vkSj blds LFkku ij The volume of a solid right circular cylinder of height 8 cm
is 392π cm3. Its curved surface area (in cm2) is:
Y feyk fn;k tkrk gS] rks X vkSj Y dk vuqikr 5 : 7 gks tkrk
gSA chdj esa izkjaHk esa fdrus yhVj rjy X Fkk\ (a) 96π (b) 210π (c) 112π (d) 161π
A beaker contains a mixture of two liquids X and Y in the funsZ'k (92 & 96)% uhps nh xbZ rkfydk] 2020 ds fnlacj
ratio of 5 : 3. When 6 litres of the mixture is drawn off and eghus ds nkSjku fdlh daiuh ds pkj deZpkfj;ksa }kjk izkIr vk;
replaced with Y, the ratio of X and Y becomes 5 : 7. How
many litres of liquid X was contained in the beaker initially? (` esa) vkSj mudh vk; ds lzksrksa dks n'kkZrh gSA
(a) 18.25 (b) 22.5 (c) 11.25 (d) 15.5 Direction (92-96) : Table shows income (in `) received by
4 employees of a company during the month of December
87. A, B vkSj C dh n{krkvksa dk vuqikr 7 : 5 : 8 gSA ,d lkFk 2020 and all their income sources.
feydj os fdlh dke dks 42 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs gSaA B Source Amit Suresh Nitin Varun
vkSj C us 21 fnuksa rd ,d lkFk dke fd;k vkSj 'ks"k dk;Z A lzksr vfer lqjs'k fufru o#.k
us vdsys iwjk fd;kA dke dks iwjk gksus esa fdruk le; yxk\ Salary/ osru 35000 38000 29000 42000
The ratio of the efficiencies of A, B and C is 7 : 5 : 8. Working
together they can complete a piece of work in 42 days. B and
C worked together for 21 days and the remaining work was Arrears/ ,fj;j 6000 6300 5000 7500
completed by A alone. The whole work was completed in:
(a) 96 days (b) 99 days (c) 102 days (d) 93 days
Bonus/cksul 1000 1100 1000 1240
88. xksiky A ls B rd 5 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls B ls] C rd 10
fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls vkSj C ls D rd 15 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky
Overtime/ 1800 1950 1400 1500
ls pyrk gSA ;fn AB = BC = CD gS] rks xksiky dh vkSlr
pky Kkr dhft,A
92. vfer vkSj lqjs'k nksuksa dk dqy ,fj;j] fufru vkSj o#.k nksuksa (a) (30, 40, 156) (b) (18, 12, 56)
ds dqy ,fj;j ls fdrus izfr'kr de gS\ (c) (17, 20, 65) (d) (20, 24, 120)
By what percent are the Arrears of Amit and Suresh taken
together less than the Arrears of Nitin and Varun taken 99. fuEufyf[kr tkudkjh dks i<+as vkSj mlds vk/kj ij iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsAa
together? Read the following information and answer the questions
based on it.
(a) 1.2% (b) 1.5% (c) 1.6% (d) 1.4%
1. ‘F – D’ dk eryc ^F, D dk firk gS*
93. o#.k dk cksul] vfer vkSj fufru nksuksa ds dqy cksul ls fdrus 2. ‘F + D’ dk eryc ^F, D dh csVh gS*
izfr'kr de gS\ 3. ‘F ÷ D’ dk eryc ^F, D dk csVk gS*
By what percent is the bonus of Varun less than the bonus
4. ‘F × D’ dk eryc ^F, D dh iRuh gS*
of Amit and Nitin taken together?
(a) 38 (b) 40.9 (c) 45 (d) 48
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdldk eryc gksxk fd Z, Y dk firk gS\
1. ‘F – D’ means 'F is the father of D'
94. osru ds vykok lHkh lzksrksa ls fdldh@fdudh vk;] mlds@muds 2. ‘F + D’ means 'F is the daughter of D'
osru ds 25» ls vf/d gS\ 3. ‘F ÷ D’ means 'F is the son of D'
Whose income from all sources except salary is more than 4. ‘F × D’ means 'F is the wife of D'
25% of his salary Which of the following will mean that Z is the father of Y?
(a) vfer vkSj fufru@Amit and Nitin (a) Y – E × Z (b) Y + E ÷ Z
(b) o#.k@Varun (c) Y + E – Z (d) Y + E × Z
(c) vfer@Amit 100. fdlh fuf'pr dwVHkk"kk esa ‘kemp lamp tems’ dk eryc ‘Speak
(d) dksbZ ugha@None the truth’ gS] ‘bis tim nak’ dk eryc ‘Always seek knowledge’
95. o#.k ds osru dk] osru ds vykok mldh vk; ls vuqikr Kkr djsAa gS] ‘tim tems sik’ dk eryc ‘Knowledge is truth’ vkSj ‘lik
What is the ratio of salary of Varun to his income other bis zap’ dk eryc ‘Nevel seek violence’ gSA mlh dwVHkk"kk esa
than salary?
fdl 'kCn dk eryc ‘always’ gksxk\
(a) 525 : 128 (b) 653 : 128 (c) 128 : 653(d) 128 : 525 In a certain code language ‘kemp lamp tems’ means ‘Speak
96. vfer] lqjs'k] fufru o o#.k dk feykdj dqy cksul dk vkSlr the truth’, ‘bis tim nak’ means ‘Always seek knowledge’, ‘tim
tems sik’ means ‘Knowledge is truth’ and ‘lik bis zap’ means
fufru ds cksul ls fdrus izfr'kr vf/d gksxk\ ‘Nevel seek violence’. Which word will mean "always" in the
The average of total bonus of Amit, Suresh, Nitin and Varun same code language?
together will be what percent more than Nitin's bonus?
(a) nak (b) tim (c) bis (d) zap
(a) 10% (b) 7.5% (c) 8.5% (d) 12.5%
101. uhps fn, pkj fodYiksa esa ls rhu fdlh fo'ks"k rjhds ls lacaf/r
97. izFke nks 'kCnksa ds chp lac/a ds vk/kj ij fn;k x;k 'kCn Kkr djsAa gSaA ml fodYi dk p;u djsa tks nwljksa ls fHkUu ;k csesy gSA
Find the given word based on the relationship between the
Three of the following four options are related in a particular
first two words.
way. Select the option that is different or mismatched from
FISHES : AQUARIUM :: BIRDS : _______ the others.
(a) AVIARY (b) APIARY (c) BYRE (d) DREY (a) jkoh@Ravi (b) lryt@Sutlej
98. ml leqPp; dk p;u dhft,] ftlesa ekStwn la[;kvksa ds chp (c) fpukc@Chenab (d) ;equk@Yamuna
ogh laca/ gS] tks fuEufyf[kr leqPp;ksa dh la[;kvksa ds chp gSA 102. X, Y dk HkkbZ gS] V, Y dh ek¡ gS] M, V ds ifr dh cgu gS] N,
(uksV lafØ;k,a la[;kvksa dks muds la?kVd vadksa esa foHkDr fd;s V dk HkkbZ gS] U, V dk ifr gS] U ds firk X ds ------- gSaµ
fcuk] laiw.kZ la[;kvksa ij dh tkuh pkfg,A mnkgj.kkFkZ& 13 ij dh X is the brother of Y, V is the mother of Y, M is the sister of
tkus okyh lafØ;k,a] tSls& tksM+uk@?kVkuk] xq.kk djuk bR;kfn 13 V's husband, N is the brother V, U is the husband of V, U's
father is ------- of X.
ij gh dh tkuh pkfg,A 13 dks 1 vkSj 3 esa foHkDr djuk vkSj
(a) lkyk@Brother in Law (b) pkpk@Uncle
fiQj 1 vkSj 3 ij xf.krh; lafØ;k,a djus dh vuqefr ugha gSA)
Select the set in which the numbers contain the same
(c) nknk@Grand Father (d) HkkbZ@Brother
relationship as the numbers in the following sets. 103. ml vkÑfr dk p;u djsa tks lewg ls lacaf/r ugha gS%
(Note: Operations should be performed on whole numbers Select the figure that does not belong to the group:
without splitting them into their constituent digits. For
example, operations on 13, such as addition/subtraction,
multiplication, etc., should be performed on 13 only. Splitting
13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations
on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)
(24, 12, 72) A B C D

(15, 16, 60) (a) C (b) D (c) A (d) B

104. ml fodYi dk p;u dhft,] ftlesa fn, x, v{kjksa dks leku 109. ;fn nf{k.k&iwoZ] mÙkj cu tkrk gS vkSj mÙkj&iwoZ] if'pe cu
Øe esa ck,a ls nk,a dh vksj uhps nh xbZ v{kj Ük`a[kyk ds fjDr tkrk gS] rks blh Øe esa] mÙkj&if'pe D;k gksxk\
LFkkuksa esa Hkjus ij Ük`a[kyk iw.kZ gks tk,xhA If South-East becomes North and North-East becomes West,
then in the same order, what will be North-West?
Select the option in which the given letters when filled in
the blanks of the letter series given below in the same order (a) mÙkj&if'pe@North-West (b) mÙkj@North
from left to right will complete the series. (c) nf{k.k@South (d) nf{k.k&if'pe@South-West
110. egs'k ,d fcUnq ls if'pe dh vksj eq[k djds pyuk 'kq: djrk
gSA og ck,a eqM+rk gS] vkSj ‘X’ eh- pyrk gS fiQj nk,a eqM+rk gS]
105. ml in dk p;u dhft,] tks nh xbZ Ük`a[kyk esa iz'u fpUg (\) vkSj 22 eh- pyrk gS] fiQj ck,a eqM+rk gS] vkSj 11 eh- pyrk gS]
ds LFkku ij vkdj Ük`a[kyk dks rkfdZd :i ls iw.kZ djsxk\ vkSj fiQj iqu% ck,a eqM+rk gS] vkSj 22 eh- pyrk gSA og vkjaHk
Select the term which will come in place of question mark fcUnq ls Bhd 21 eh- nwj gSA muds }kjk ;k=kk ds igys pj.k esa
(?) in the given series and complete the series logically? r; dh xbZ nwjh X dk eku Kkr dhft,A
GRM-2, EPK - 6, CNI-14, ALG-30, ?
(lHkh eksM+ dsoy 90 fMxzh okys eksM+ gSaA)
(a) YJE-62 (b) XJE-60 (c) YKE-62 (d) YJF-64 Mahesh starts walking from a point facing west. He turns
left, and walks ‘X’ m. then turns right, and walks 22 m. then
106. mi;qZDr Øe esa vuqifLFkr vkÑfr Kkr djsaµ turns left, and walks 11 m. and then again turns left, and
Find the missing figure in the above sequence walks 22 m.. He is exactly 21 m. away from the starting
point. Find the value of distance X covered by him in the

first step of the journey.
(All the turns are 90 degree turns only.)
(a) 10 m. (b) 12 m. (c) 21 m. (d) 11 m.

mÙkj vkÑfr;k¡@Answer Figures 111. ;fn P dk vFkZ ‘÷’] Q dk vFkZ ‘+’] R dk vFkZ ‘–’ rFkk S dk
vFkZ ‘×’ gS] rc 10 R 192 P 48 S 48 P 96 Q 1 dk eku gSµ
If P means ‘÷’, Q means ‘+’, R means ‘–’ and S means ‘×’,
then the value of 10 R 192 P 48 S 48 P 96 Q 1.
(a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 8 (d) 7
112. la[;kvksa ds fn, x, lacaf/r tksM+ksa ds vk/kj ij vuqifLFkr
(a) A (b) D (c) B (d) C
la[;k dk p;u djsaA
107. fuEufyf[kr fodYiksa esa ls iz'ufpUg ‘?’ ds LFkku ij vkus okyh Select the missing number based on the given related pairs
of numbers.
la[;k pqusA 27 : 65 : : 64 : ______
Choose the number that will come in place of question mark
‘?’ from the following alternatives. (a) 125 (b) 127 (c) 124 (d) 126

5 6 7 113. fn, x, lehdj.k esa fdu nks la[;kvksa ds LFkku ijLij cny
3 4 5 nsus ij lehdj.k larqfyr gks tk,xk\
Which two numbers in the given equation should be
9 10 11 interchanged to make the equation balanced?
345 460 ? 7 × 8 + 9 – 6 ÷ 3 = 59
(a) 535 (b) 577 (c) 755 (d) 775 (a) 8 vkSj 9 (b) 3 vkSj 6 (c) 6 vkSj 9 (d) 7 vkSj 3
108. fn, x, fodYiksa esa ls og vkÑfr pqusa] tks uhps fn, x, iSVuZ 114. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lk osu vkjs[k fuEufyf[kr oxks± ds chp
dks iwjk djrh gksA laca/ dks lgh <ax ls n'kkZrk gS\
Choose the figure from the given options that completes the Which of the following Venn diagrams correctly represents
pattern given below. the relationship between the following classes?
A. xksYM B. IySfVue C. /krq
A. Gold B. Platinum C. Metals
(a) (b) B C A

(a) (b) (c) (d) (c) A B (d) A B C

115. fn, x, vkjs[k dk è;kuiwoZd vè;;u dhft,] vkSj iwNs x, Conclusions:
iz'u dk mÙkj nhft,A fofHkUu Hkkxksa esa nh xbZ la[;k,a oLrqvksa (I) Some bricks are watches.
(II) Some wall-clocks are bricks.
dh la[;k dks n'kkZrh gSA
Study the given diagram carefully and answer the question (a) dsoy fu"d"kZ (I) ikyu djrk gSA@Only conclusion (I) follows.
asked. The numbers given in different parts represent the (b) nksuksa fu"d"kZ (I) vkSj (II) ikyu djrs gSaA@Both conclusion
number of objects. (I) and (II) follow.
(c) u rks fu"d"kZ(I) vkSj u gh fu"d"kZ (II) ikyu djrk gSA@
barrels Neither conclusion (I) nor conclusion (III) follows.
11 bottles
3 (d) dsoy fu"d"kZ (I) ikyu djrk gSA@Only conclusion (I) follows.
4 5 8
118. ml fodYi dk p;u djsa tks fn, x, dFkuksa ds lanHkZ esa lR; gSA
7 9 3
Select the option which is true in the context of the given
Jugs Glasses dFku %
,sls fdrus cSjy
(barrels) gSa] tks dsoy tx (jugs) gSa\ 1- lSfudksa us viuh canwdksa esa xksfy;k Hkjha vkSj ;q¼ ds eSnku
How many barrels are there which are only jugs? dh vksj py iM+sA
(a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 2- lSfudksa ds ifjokj mu lSfudksa dh lykerh dh nqvk ekax jgs
116. ik¡p lnL;ksa A, B, C, D rFkk E dh yEckb;k¡ fHkUu&fHkUu gSaA gSa] tks ;q¼ ds eSnku esa ekStwn gSaA
muesa ls izR;sd fØdsV] iQqVckWy] 'krjat] Vsful rFkk ckWyhoky esa 1. The soldiers loaded their guns and headed towards the
ls dksbZ ,d [ksy [ksyrk gSA dksbZ Hkh nks lnL; leku [ksy ugha battlefield.
[ksyrs gSaA A dsoy nks lnL;ksa ls NksVk gS vkSj iQqVckWy [ksyrk 2. The families of the soldiers are praying for the safety of
the soldiers who are present in the battlefield.
gSA muesa ls lcls yack lnL; 'krjat [ksyrk gSA B, E ls yack
(a) dFku 1 çHkko gS vkSj dFku 2 bldk rkRdkfyd ,oa çeq•
gS ysfdu D ls NksVk gSA E Vsful [ksyrk gS vkSj og lcls NksVk
dkj.k gSA@Statement 1 is the effect and statement 2 is its
ugha gSA muesa ls dkSu 'krjat [ksyrk gS\ immediate and main cause.
Five members A, B, C, D and E have different heights. Each
of them plays one of the games among cricket, football,
(b) dFku 2 çHkko gS vkSj dFku 1 bldk rkRdkfyd ,oa çeq•
chess, tennis and volleyball. Never two members play the dkj.k gSA@Statement 2 is the effect and statement 1 is its
same game. A is shorter than only two members and plays immediate and main cause.
football. The tallest member among them plays chess. B is (c) nksuksa dFku ,d nwljs ls Lora=k gSaA@Both the statements are
taller than E but shorter than D. E plays tennis and is not independent of each other.
the shortest. Who among them plays chess?
(d) nksuksa dFku dqN Lora=k dkj.kksa ds çHkko gSaA@Both the
(a) B (b) C (c) D (d) E statements are effects of some independent causes.
117. rhu dFku vkSj muds ckn nks fu"d"kZ I vkSj II fn, x, gSaA dFkuksa 119. fn, x;s dFku (A) vkSj dkj.k (R) dks è;ku ls i<+sa vkSj nksuksa
esa nh xbZ tkudkjh dks lR; ekurs gq, fopkj djsa] Hkys gh og ds chp lgh laca/ LFkkfir djus okys fodYi dk p;u djsaA
lkekU;r% Kkr rF;ksa ls fHkUu izrhr gksrh gks vkSj crk,a fd fn, Read the given Statement (I) and Reason (R) carefully and
choose the option that best establishes the relationship
x, dkSu&ls fu"d"kZ] dFkuksa dk rkfdZd :i ls ikyu between the two.
Three statements are given followed by two conclusions I
and II. Consider the information given in the statements as dFku
true even if it seems to be at variance with commonly known A % Hkkjr esa T;knkrj jkbZV gSaM Mªkbo dkjsa gksrh gSa] mnkgj.k ds
facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically
follow from the statements.djrs gSaA rkSj ij pkyd lhV dkj dh nkfguh vksj gksrh gSA
dFku% dqN ?kfM+;k¡] nhokj&?kfM+;ka gSaA I: Most of the cars in India are right hand drive, for
example the driver seat is on the right side of the car.
lHkh nhokj&?kfM+;k¡] Vkoj gSA
lHkh Vkoj] b±Vs gSaA dkj.k %
R % Hkkjrh; dkj daifu;ksa ds ikl ySÝV gSaM Mªkbo dkjsa cukus
dk Kku ;k {kerk ugha gSA
(I) dqN b±Vs] ?kfM+;k¡ gSaA Reason:
(II) dqN nhokj&?kfM+;k¡] b±Vs gSaA I: Indian car companies do not have the knowledge or
Statements: capability to make left hand drive cars.
Some watches are wall-clocks. (a) A vkSj R nksuksa lR; gS vkSj R, A dh lgh O;k[;k gSA@Both
All wall-clocks are towers. I and R are true and R is the correct explanation of R.
All towers are bricks. (b) A lR; gS ysfdu R vlR; gSA@I is true but T is false.
(c) A vkSj R nksuksa lR; gS ysfdu R, A dh lgh O;k[;k ugha gSA@ Statements:
Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation 1. Headache is caused due to excessive stimulation of
of R. pituitary gland.
2. Due to use of mobile phone, tension is created in the
(d) A vkSj R nksuksa vlR; gSA@Both A and R are false.
eyes, due to which pituitary gland gets stimulated.
120. ,d dFku vkSj mlds ckn nks laHkkfor varfuZfgr /kj.kk,a I vkSj (a) ;k rks vdsyk dFku 1 ;k vdsyk 2 i;kZIr gSA@Either
II nh xbZ gSaA lHkh tkudkfj;ksa dks è;ku ls i<+sa] vkSj fu.kZ; ysa statement 1 alone or 2 alone is sufficient
fd fn, x, dFku }kjk dkSu&lh /kj.kkvksa dk vuqeku yxk;k (b) dsoy 1 gh i;kZIr gS tcfd nwljk vdsyk i;kZIr ugha gSA@
tk ldrk gS\ Only 1 alone is sufficient while IInd alone is not sufficient
A statement is given followed by two possible underlying (c) dsoy 2 gh i;kZIr gS tcfd igyk vdsyk i;kZIr ugha gS@
assumptions P and Q. Read all the information carefully, Only 2 alone is sufficient while Ist alone is not sufficient
and decide which of the assumptions can be inferred by (d) 1 vkSj 2 nksuksa ,d lkFk i;kZIr gSaA@Both 1 and 2 together
the given statement. are sufficient
dFku% 122. fdlh fo'ks"k dwVHkk"kk esa TEACHER dks TFCFLJX fy•k tkrk
¶;fn ge bl lIrkg ds var ls igys lHkh LFkkuh; lekpkj i=kksa esa gS] rks mlh dwVHkk"kk esa 'kCn CATCHER dks fdl çdkj fy•k
vius ukVd dk çpkj djrs gS]a rks ge bl lIrkgkar gksus okys vius tk,xk\
ukVd ds fy, vf/d fVdV cspxas As ¸µ'kgj D esa ,d ukVd funZ's kd In a particular code language TEACHER is written as
Statement: TFCFLJX, then how will the word CATCHER be written in
the same code language?
“If we advertise our play in all the local newspapers before
the end of this week, we will sell more tickets for our play to (a) BCVFLXJ (b) CBVFLJX (c) CBVFJLX (d) BCVFLJY
be held this weekend.”— A drama director in city D
123. 67 Nk=kksa okyh ,d d{kk esa] Vhuk dk LFkku 'kh"kZ ls 12ok¡ gS
/kj.kk,a% vkSj mlds nksLr ½"kHk dk LFkku uhps ls 26ok¡ gSA fdrus Nk=kksa
I. 'kgj D esa lekpkj i=k daifu;ka foKkiuksa dks vafre :i nsus] ds LFkku Vhuk vkSj ½"kHk ds chp gSa\
vkSj mUgsa çdkf'kr djus esa ,d lIrkg ls de le; ysrh gSaA In a class of 67 students, Tina ranks 12th from the top and
II. 'kgj D esa T;knk yksx ukVd ns•uk ilan ugha djrs gSaA her friend Rishabh ranks 26th from the bottom. How many
Assumptions: students rank between Tina and Rishabh?
I. Newspaper companies in city D take less than a week to (a) 33 (b) 27 (c) 29 (d) 28
finalise advertisements and publish them.
II. Not many people in city D like to attend plays. 124. ;fn uhps nh xbZ Ük`a[kyk ds vafre vk/s Hkkx dks mYVk iyVus
(a) I vkSj II nksuksa dk vuqeku yxk;k tk ldrk gSA@Both I and ds ckn nk,a ls vkBoka in D;k gksxk\
II can be inferred. What will be the 8th term from the right if the last half of
the below given series is reversed?
(b) u rks I vkSj u gh II dk vuqeku yxk;k tk ldrk gSA@ 9$YX8N6OLBUJZT@1QFD%
Neither I nor II can be inferred.
(a) F (b) 1 (c) D (d) Q
(c) dsoy II dk vuqeku yxk;k tk ldrk gSA@Only II can be
inferred. 125. 4 cts vkSj 5 cts ds chp fdl le; ?kM+h dh nks lqbZ igyh
(d) dsoy I dk vuqeku yxk;k tk ldrk gSA@Only I can be ckj ,d nwljs ds fy, ledks.k cuk,xh\
inferred. At what time between 4 o'clock and 5 o'clock will the two
hands of a clock form a right angle to each other for the
121. vkidks ,d ç'u vkSj nks dFku fn;s x;s gSAa fu.kZ; dhft, fd dkSu first time?
lk@ls dFku fn;s x;s ç'u dk mÙkj nsus ds fy, vko';d@i;kZIr gSAa (a) 4 ctdj 60@11 feuV@4 o'clock 60/11 minutes
You are given a question and two statements. Decide which
of the statements is/are necessary/sufficient to answer the (b) 4 ctdj 420@11 feuV@4 o'clock 420/11 minutes
given question. (c) 4 ctdj 58@11 feuV@4 o'clock 58/11 minutes
ç'u % (d) 4 ctdj 422@11 feuV@4 o'clock 422/11 minutes
D;k eksckby cgqr vf/d ns•us ls fljnnZ gksrk gS\ 126. leL;k vkÑfr esa fn, x, vkdkjksa ls dkSu lh mÙkj vkÑfÙk
Question: curh gS\
Does excessive use of mobile phone cause headache? Which answer figure is formed from the shapes given in
dFku % the problem figure?

1- ih;w"k xzfUFk ds vR;f/d mÙkstu ls fljnnZ gksrk gSA

2- eksckby dks ns•us ls vk¡•ksa esa ruko mRiUu gksrk gS] ftlls
ih;w"k xzfUFk mÙksftr gks tkrh gSA
mÙkj vkÑfr@Answer Figure 130. fuEufyf[kr isij dfVax dks ykbuksa ds vuqlkj eksM+dj ,d ?kukdkj
ckWDl cuk;k tkrk gSA fodYiksa esa ls ifj.kkeh ckWDl dh lgh
Nfo dk p;u djsaA
The following paper cuttings are folded along the lines to
form a cubic box. Select the correct image of the resulting
box from the options.
(a) D (b) B (c) A (d) C
127. mÙkj vkÑfr;ksa esa ls dksbZ ,d nh xbZ iz'u vkÑfr esa lfUufgr
gSA bl vkÑfr dh igpku djsaµ ?
One of the answer figures is embedded in the given question
figure. Identify this figure.
iz'u vkÑfr@Question Figure
(a) (b) (c) (d)

131. fcanqjs[kk ls eksM+s tkus ij ikjn'khZ 'khV fdl iSVuZ ds leku gksxh\
Which pattern will the transparent sheet resemble when
folded along the dotted line?
mÙkj vkÑfr@Answer Figure iz'u vkÑfr@Question Figure

mÙkj vkÑfr@Answer Figure

(a) D (b) C (c) B (d) A

128. nh xbZ vkÑfr esa fdrus f=kHkqt gSa\

How many triangles are there in the given figure?
(a) C (b) A (c) D (d) B

132. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj ,d cktkj esa ,d lewg ,d

O;kikjh ij /ks•k/M+h dk vkjksi yxkdj mlds lkFk ekjihV dj
jgk gSA vkidks%
You are a police officer and a group of people in a market is
beating up a trader accusing him of cheating. You should:
(a) 23 (b) 20 (c) 27 (d) 18 (a) O;kikjh dks fxjÝrkj dj ysuk pkfg,A@arrest the trader.
(b) lewg dks O;kikjh dks nafMr djus nsuk pkfg,A@allow the
129. group to punish the trader.
(c) O;kikjh dks lqjf{kr LFkku ij ys tkuk pkfg, vkSj lewg dks
frrj&fcrj djuk pkfg,A@take the trader to a safe place
and disperse the group.
ykbu AB ds laca/ esa mijksDr fp=k dk lgh niZ.k izfrfcac D;k gS\ (d) lewg dks le>kdj O;kikjh dks tqeZ dcwy djokuk pkfg,A@
make the group understand and make the trader confess
What is the correct mirror image of the above figure with
to the crime.
respect to line AB?
133. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks irk pyrk gS fd ,d
(a) (b)
izHkko'kkyh O;fDr ,d xaHkhj vijk/ esa fyIr gSA og vkidks bl
ekeys dks nckus ds fy, /edh vkSj fj'or nksuksa dh is'kd'k
dj jgk gSA vkidks%
You are a police officer and you come to know that an
(c) (d) influential person is involved in a serious crime. He is
offering you both threats and bribes to suppress the case.
You should:
(a) viuh lqj{kk ds fy, fj'or Lohdkj dj ysuh pkfg,A@accept 137. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks [kcj feyrh gS fd
the bribe to protect yourself. ,d Ldwy ds ckgj dqN lafnX/ yksx cPpksa dks rax dj jgs
(b) /edh ls Mjdj pqi jguk pkfg,A@remain silent out of fear gSaA vkidks%
of the threat. You are a police officer and you get a report that some
(c) izHkko'kkyh O;fDr ds f[kykiQ lcwr ,d=k djds mls fxjÝrkj suspicious people are harassing children outside a school.
djuk pkfg,A@collect evidence against the influential You should:
person and arrest him. (a) lafnX/ yksxksa dks rqjar fxjÝrkj djuk pkfg,A@immediately
(d) ekeys dks mPp vf/dkfj;ksa dks lkSi
a nsuk pkfg, vkSj [kqn dks arrest the suspicious people.
bl ekeys ls vyx dj ysuk pkfg,A@hand over the case to (b) Ldwy iz'kklu dks bl ckjs esa tkudkjh nsuh pkfg,A@inform
higher authorities and distance yourself from the case. the school administration about this.
134. vki ,d izf'kf{kr [kksth vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks ,d leqnkf;d (c) lafnX/ yksxksa dh xfrfof/;ksa dh fuxjkuh djuh pkfg,
vkmVjhp dk;ZØe esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, dgk tkrk gSA vkidks yxrk vkSj fLFkfr ds vuqlkj dkjZokbZ djuh pkfg,A@monitor
the activities of the suspicious people and take action
gS fd ;g vkidh fo'ks"k {kerk dk lgh mi;ksx ugha gSA vkidks% according to the situation.
You are a trained investigative officer and are asked to
(d) cPpksa dks ?kj ij gh jgus dh lykg nsuh pkfg,A@advise the
participate in a community outreach programme. You feel
children to stay at home.
that this is not the right use of your special skills. You should:
(a) dk;ZØe esa Hkkx ysus ls badkj djuk pkfg,A@refuse to
138. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj ,d efgyk us vius iM+kslh
participate in the programme. ds }kjk yxkrkj mRihM+u dh f'kdk;r dh gSA vkidks%
You are a police officer and a woman has complained of
(b) dk;ZØe esa Hkkx ysuk pkfg, ysfdu lfØ; :i ls 'kkfey u constant harassment by her neighbour. You should:
gksuk pkfg,A@attend the programme but not get actively (a) iM+kslh dks rqjar fxjÝrkj djuk pkfg,A@arrest the neighbour
involved. immediately.
(c) dk;ZØe esa mRlkgiwoZd Hkkx ysuk pkfg, vkSj leqnk; ds (b) efgyk dks le>kuk pkfg, fd ;g mudk futh ekeyk gSA@
lkFk vPNs laca/ LFkkfir djus dk iz;kl djuk pkfg,A@ explain to the woman that this is her personal matter.
participate in the programme enthusiastically and try to (c) efgyk dh f'kdk;r dh tkap djuh pkfg, vkSj dkuwuh
establish good relations with the community.
(d) dk;ZØe esa Hkkx ysus ds nkSjku vU; dkeksa ij è;ku dsafnzr dkjZokbZ djuh pkfg,A@investigate the woman's complaint
and take legal action.
djuk pkfg,A@concentrate on other things while attending (d) iM+kslh dks psrkouh nsdj NksM+ nsuk pkfg,A@warn the
the programme. neighbour and let him go.
135. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks ,d cM+s O;kikfjd ?kksVkys 139. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks ,d vKkr osclkbV
dh tkap lkSia h xbZ gS ftlesa dbZ izHkko'kkyh yksx 'kkfey gSAa vkidks% ds ekè;e ls gks jgh vkWuykbu /ks[kk/M+h dh f'kdk;r feyrh
You are a police officer and you have been assigned to
investigate a big business scam in which many influential gSA vkidks%
people are involved. You should: You are a police officer and you receive a complaint of online
fraud being committed through an unknown website. You
(a) izHkko'kkyh yksxksa ds ncko esa vkdj tk¡p dks /hek djuk should:
pkfg,A@slow down the investigation under pressure from (a) osclkbV dks rqjar CykWd dj nsuk pkfg,A@block the website
influential people. immediately.
(b) izHkko'kkyh yksxksa ls cprs gq, tkap dks fuiVkuk pkfg,A@ (b) osclkbV dh tkap djuh pkfg, vkSj blds lapkydksa dk
complete the investigation by avoiding influential people.
irk yxkuk pkfg,A@investigate the website and find out
(c) izHkko'kkyh yksxksa ds ncko ds ckotwn fu"i{k vkSj rsth ls its operators.
tkap djuh pkfg,A@conduct a fair and speedy investigation (c) yksxksa dks osclkbV ls nwj jgus dh lykg nsuh pkfg,A@advise
despite pressure from influential people. people to stay away from the website.
(d) bl ekeys dks fdlh vU; vf/dkjh dks lkSai nsuk pkfg,A@ (d) osclkbV dks utjvankt djuk pkfg,A@ignore the website.
hand over the case to some other officer.
140. vki ,d tkap vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks irk pyrk gS fd ,d
136. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj ,d cM+h HkhM+ /kfeZd LFky ij usrk us ljdkjh /u dk nq#i;ksx fd;k gSA vkidks%
bdV~Bk gks jgh gS ftlls dkuwu O;oLFkk fcxM+us dk [krjk gSA vkidks% You are an investigating officer and you find out that a
You are a police officer and a large crowd is gathering at politician has misused government money. You should:
a religious place which threatens to disturb law and order. (a) usrk dks psrkouh nsdj NksM+ nsuk pkfg,A@warn the politician
You should: and let him go.
(a) HkhM+ dks bdV~Bk gksus nsuk pkfg, vkSj fLFkfr dks utjvankt (b) usrk ds f[kykiQ l[r dkuwuh dkjZokbZ djuh pkfg,A@take
djuk pkfg,A@Allow the crowd to gather and ignore the strict legal action against the politician.
situation. (c) usrk ls le>kSrk djus dh dksf'k'k djuh pkfg,A@try to
(b) /kfeZd usrkvksa ds lkFk feydj HkhM+ dks 'kkfUriw.kZ rjhds ls compromise with the politician.
frrj&fcrj djus dh dksf'k'k djuh pkfg,A@Try to disperse (d) bl ekeys dks ehfM;k esa mtkxj djuk pkfg,A@highlight
the crowd peacefully in consultation with religious the matter in the media.
leaders. 141. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks ,d cM+s Hkz"Vkpkj
(c) HkhM+ dks fu;af=kr djus ds fy, cy dk iz;ksx djuk pkfg,A@ ekeys dh tkap lkSaih xbZ gSA bl ekeys esa dbZ mPp inLFk vf/
Use force to control the crowd.
dkjh 'kkfey gSaA vkidks%
(d) mPp vf/dkfj;ksa ls vuqefr ysdj /kfeZd LFky dks can You are a police officer and you have been assigned to
dj nsuk pkfg,A@Close the religious place after taking investigate a major corruption case. Many high ranking
permission from higher authorities. officials are involved in this case. You should:
(a) mPp inLFk vf/dkfj;ksa ds ncko esa vkdj tkap dks Direction (145-149): Consider the given statement and
/hek djuk pkfg,A@slow down the investigation without the following assumptions to be true and decide which of
succumbing to pressure from high ranking officials. the assumptions/assumptions is implicit in the statement.
(b) fu"i{k vkSj l[rh ls tkap djuh pkfg, Hkys gh mPp inLFk Cyw LVkj VsDuksykWtht ,d vxz.kh vkbZVh daiuh gSA os izkt
s Ds V eSut
s j
vf/dkjh 'kkfey gksaA@investigate impartially and strictly dh HkrhZ dj jgs gSAa mEehnokjksa dk p;u djus dh 'krs± fuEukuqlkj gSa
even if high ranking officials are involved. Blue Star Technologies is a leading IT company. They are
recruiting Project Manager. The criteria for selecting the
(c) ekeys dks vius ofj"B vf/dkfj;ksa dks lkSai nsuk pkfg,A@ candidates are as follows
hand over the case to your senior officers.
(d) ekeys dks nckus dk iz;kl djuk pkfg,A@try to suppress mEehnokj dks ds@dh%
the case. A. daI;wVj lkbal ;k vkbZVh esa Lukrd gksuk pkfg,A
142. vki ,d iqfyl vf/dkjh gSa vkSj vkidks ,d vkradoknh geys B. XIIoha dh cksMZ ijh{kk esa U;wure 75» vad vkSj Lukrd Lrj
dh vk'kadk ds ckjs esa tkudkjh feyrh gS] tcfd vkidk cPpk ij U;wure 70» vad gksus pkfg,A
xaHkhj :i ls chekj gS vkSj vLirky esa HkrhZ gSA vkidks% C. mez 1 tuojh] 2022 dks U;wure 30 o"kZ gksuh pkfg,A
You are a police officer and you receive information about a D. lkWÝVos;j izkstsDV eSustesaV esa U;wure 8 o"kks± dk vuqHko gksuk
possible terrorist attack while your child is seriously ill and
hospitalised. You should: pkfg,A
(a) cPps dh ns[kHkky ds fy, vodk'k ysuk pkfg, vkSj vius E. vaxzsth vkSj fgUnh cksyus ds lkFk&lkFk vPNh laizs"k.k {kerk
drZO;ksa dks lg;ksxh dks lkSai nsuk pkfg,A@take leave to take gksuh pkfg,A
care of the child and hand over your duties to a colleague. The candidate must:
(b) cPps dh fLFkfr dks utjvankt djrs gq, rqjar vkradoknh A. Should be a graduate in Computer Science or IT.
B. Should have minimum 75% marks in XII board exam and
geys dh tkap djuh pkfg,A@immediately investigate the minimum 70% marks in graduation.
terrorist attack without paying any attention to the child's
condition. C. Should be at least 30 years of age as on 1st January,
(c) cPps dh ns[kHkky ds lkFk&lkFk geys dh tkap ds fy, D. Should have minimum 8 years of experience in software
lg;ksxh dks ekxZn'kZu nsuk pkfg,A@guide the colleague to project management.
investigate the attack while taking care of the child. E. Should have good communication skills along with
(d) cPps dh fLFkfr ds ckjs esa vius ofj"B vf/dkfj;ksa dks lwfpr speaking English and Hindi.
djds muls ekxZn'kZu ysuk pkfg,A@inform your superiors fo'ks"k NwV%
about the child's condition and seek their guidance. 1- mi;qZDr (A) ds] ysfdu ;fn U;wure 65» vadksa ds lkFk
143. ,d Ldwy ds iz/kukpk;Z ds :i esa] vki Nk=kksa ds chp c<+rs gq, ,elh, ikl dj fy;k gS] rks fiQj mls pquk tk ldrk gSA
lkbcj cqfyax ds ekeyksa dk lkeuk dj jgs gSaA vkidks% 2- mi;qDZ r (C) ds] rks mls ekuo lalk/u foHkkx ds ikl Hkstk
As the principal of a school, you are facing increasing cases
of cyber bullying among students. You should: tkuk pkfg,A
(a) lHkh Nk=kksa ds lks'ky ehfM;k mi;ksx ij izfrca/ yxkuk 3- mi;qDZ r (D) ds] rks mls egkizcU/d ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A
pkfg,A@ban social media use by all students. Special relaxations:
1. (A) above, but if he has passed MCA with minimum 65%
(b) lkbcj cqfyax ds f[kykiQ ,d dM+h uhfr ykxw djuh pkfg,A@ marks, then he can be selected.
implement a strict policy against cyber bullying. 2. (C) above, then he should be referred to HR department.
(c) lkbcj cqfyax ds ekeyksa dh tkap ds fy, ,d lfefr dk 3. (D) above, then he should be referred to General Manager.
xBu djuk pkfg,A@form a committee to investigate cases 145. veu us 70» vadksa ds lkFk ,elh, fd;k gS rFkk XIIoha dh
of cyber bullying. cksMZ ijh{kk esa 80» vad izkIr fd;s FksA og fiNys 10 o"kks± ls
(d) lkbcj lqj{kk vkSj ftEesnkj baVjusV mi;ksx ij dk;Z'kkykvksa
lkWÝVos;j izkstsDV eSustesaV esa dk;Zjr gS vkSj vaxzsth vkSj fgUnh
dk vk;kstu djuk pkfg,A@organise workshops on cyber esa izoh.k gSA mldh tUefrfFk 5 twu] 1991 gSA
safety and responsible internet use.
Aman has done his MCA with 70% marks and scored 80%
144. ,d daiuh ds HR izca/d ds :i esa] vkidks fdlh deZpkjh ls marks in his XI board exams. He has been working in
fjiksVZ feyrh gS fd mUgsa muds lgdehZ }kjk ;kSu mRihM+u dk software project management for the last 10 years and is
lkeuk djuk iM+k gSA vkidh rRdky izfrfØ;k D;k gksuh pkfg,\ fluent in English and Hindi. His date of birth is 5 June 1991.
As a manager of a company, you receive a report from an (a) fu.kZ; ysus ds fy, MsVk vi;kZIr gSA@Data is insufficient
employee that they have been sexually harassed by their to make a decision.
colleague. What should be your immediate response?
(b) mEehnokj dks ekuo lalk/u foHkkx ds ikl Hkstk tkuk
(a) vkjksih dks rqjar ukSdjh ls fudky nsaA@Immediately fire the
accused. pkfg,A@The candidate should be referred to the HR
(b) ?kVuk dh tkap ds fy, ,d vkarfjd lfefr xfBr djsaA@
Form an internal committee to investigate the incident. (c) mEehnokj dk p;u ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,A@The candidate
should not be selected.
(c) deZpkjh dks iqfyl esa fjiksVZ ntZ djus ds fy, dgsaA@Ask
the employee to file a report with the police. (d) mEehnokj dk p;u fd;k tkuk pkfg,A@The candidate
should be selected.
(d) lHkh deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, ,d cSBd vk;ksftr djsaA@Hold a
meeting for all employees. 146. jhuk us 12oha d{kk esa 85» vad izkIr fd;s Fks rFkk mlus 75»
funs'Z k (145&149)% fn, x, dFku vkSj fuEufyf•r vadksa ds lkFk chVsd (vkbZVh) fd;k gSA og fiNys 9 o"kks± ls
voèkkj.kkvksa dks lgh le>uk vkSj fu.kZ; ysa fd dFku esa dkSu&lh /kj.kA lkWÝVos;j izkstsDV eSustesaV esa dk;Zjr gS vkSj vaxzsth vkSj fgUnh
vo/kj.kk¡ vÙkfufgr gSA cksy ldrh gSA mldh tUefrfFk 12 iQjojh 1993 gSA
Reena had secured 85% marks in class 12th and has done (b) mEehnokj dks ekuo lalk/u foHkkx ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A@
B.Tech (IT) with 75% marks. She has been working in software The candidate should be referred to HR department.
project management for the last 9 years and can speak English
and Hindi. Her date of birth is 12th February 1993.
(c) mEehnokj dk p;u ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,A@The candidate
should not be selected.
(a) mEehnokj dks egkizca/d ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A@The
candidate should be referred to the General Manager. (d) mEehnokj dk p;u fd;k tkuk pkfg,A@The candidate
should be selected.
(b) mEehnokj dks ekuo lalk/u foHkkx ds ikl Hkstk tkuk
149. jkgqy us 80» vadksa ds lkFk chVsd (vkbZVh) fd;k gS rFkk mlus
pkfg,A@The candidate should be referred to the Human 12oha cksMZ ijh{kk esa 90» vad izkIr fd;s Fks og fiNys 9 o"kks±
Resources Department.
(c) mEehnokj dk p;u ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,A@The candidate ls lkWÝVos;j izkstsDV eSustesaV esa dk;Zjr gS vkSj vaxzsth vkSj
should not be selected. flU/h Hkk"kk esa izoh.k gSA mldh tUefrfFk 30 tqykbZ] 1990 gSA
(d) mEehnokj dk p;u fd;k tkuk pkfg,A@The candidate Rahul has done B.Tech. (IT) with 80% marks and he had
should be selected. scored 90% marks in 12th board examination. He has been
working in software project management for the last 9 years
147. lat; us 80» vadksa ds lkFk 12oha dh gS vkSj 70» vadksa ds and is proficient in English and Sindhi language. His date
lkFk ,elh, fd;k gSA og fiNys 7 o"kks± ls lkWÝVos;j izkstsDV of birth is 30th July, 1990.
eSustesaV esa dk;Zjr gS vkSj vaxzsth vkSj fgUnh esa izoh.k gSA mldh (a) fu.kZ; ysus ds fy, MsVk vi;kZIr gSA@Data is insufficient
tUefrfFk 25 vxLr 1990 gSA for decision making.
Sanjay has passed 12th with 80% marks and MCA with 70% (b) mEehnokj dks ekuo lalk/u foHkkx ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A@
marks. He has been working in software project management The candidate should be referred to HR department.
for the last 7 years and is fluent in English and Hindi. His
date of birth is 25 August 1990. (c) mEehnokj dk p;u ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,A@The candidate
should not be selected.
(a) mEehnokj dks egkizca/d ds ikl Hkstk tkuk pkfg,A@The
candidate should be referred to the General Manager. (d) mEehnokj dk p;u fd;k tkuk pkfg,A@The candidate
should be selected.
(b) mEehnokj dks ekuo lalk/u foHkkx ds ikl Hkstk tkuk
150. dqN fe=k vkil esa ,d dwV la[;k fudkyus dh dksf'k'k dj jgs gSAa
pkfg,A@The candidate should be referred to the Human Some friends are trying to find a code number among
Resources Department. themselves.
(c) mEehnokj dk p;u ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,A@The candidate 1- igyk fe=k dgrk gS fd la[;k 3 ls izkjEHk gksrh gSA/The
should not be selected. first friend says that the number starts with 3.
(d) mEehnokj dk p;u fd;k tkuk pkfg,A@The candidate 2- nwljk fe=k dgrk gS fd la[;k ds vafre 2 LFkku ij 7B
should be selected.
148. usgk us 78» vadksa ds lkFk ch,llh (daI;wVj lkbal) fd;k gS gSA/The second friend says that 7B is in the last 2 places
of the number.
vkSj 65» vadksa ds lkFk ,elh, fd;k gS og fiNys 8 o"kks± ls 3- rhljk fe=k dgrk gS fd nwljs LFkku ij K gS vkSj rhljs LFkku
lkWÝVos;j izkstsDV eSustesaV esa dk;Zjr gS vkSj vaxzsth vkSj fgUnh ij 9 gSA/The third friend says that 0 is in the second
esa dq'ky gSA mldh tUefrfFk 1 vizSy 1992 gSA place and 9 is in the third place.
Neha has done B.Sc. (Computer Science) with 78% marks
and MCA with 65% marks. She has been working in software 4- pkSFkk fe=k dgrk gS fd pkSFks LFkku ij 5 gksuk pkfg,A/The
project management for the last 8 years and is proficient in fourth friend says that 5 should be in the fourth place.
English and Hindi. Her date of birth is 1st April, 1992. lgh la[;k dkSu lh gks ldrh gS\
(a) fu.kZ; ysus ds fy, MsVk vi;kZIr gSA@Data is insufficient for Which can be the correct number?
decision making. (a) 3K957B (b) 3K937B (c) 3K975B (d) 3K995B

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (d)
31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (c)
41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (a) 46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (d)
51. (c) 52. (d) 53. (a) 54. (d) 55. (b) 56. (c) 57. (a) 58. (b) 59. (b) 60. (d)
61. (c) 62. (c) 63. (a) 64. (c) 65. (c) 66. (c) 67. (d) 68. (b) 69. (d) 70. (a)
71. (d) 72. (d) 73. (d) 74. (b) 75. (c) 76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (a) 79. (b) 80. (d)
81. (a) 82. (b) 83. (d) 84. (a) 85. (a) 86. (c) 87. (c) 88. (a) 89. (d) 90. (c)
91. (c) 92. (c) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (a) 96. (c) 97. (a) 98. (d) 99. (d) 100. (a)
101. (d) 102. (c) 103. (b) 104. (b) 105. (a) 106. (d) 107. (b) 108. (d) 109. (c) 110. (a)
111. (b) 112. (d) 113. (c) 114. (c) 115. (b) 116. (c) 117. (b) 118. (b) 119. (b) 120. (d)
121. (d) 122. (b) 123. (c) 124. (a) 125. (a) 126. (d) 127. (a) 128. (c) 129. (d) 130. (c)
131. (d) 132. (c) 133. (c) 134. (c) 135. (c) 136. (b) 137. (c) 138. (c) 139. (b) 140. (b)
141. (b) 142. (c) 143. (b) 144. (b) 145. (d) 146. (b) 147. (a) 148. (a) 149. (a) 150. (a)

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